Andritz Pellet Dies PDF
Andritz Pellet Dies PDF
Andritz Pellet Dies PDF
World-leading manufacturer
of pellet mill dies
Gun drilling
ANDRITZ profits from decades of practical will have as many as 10,000 holes. Add to and pattern of the required die holes. We
experience and has invested heavily in per- that a countersink and a counter-bore, and meticulously follow these instructions and
fecting the process of manufacturing highly the result will be 30,000 machining opera- manufacture the dies with accuracy and
specialized products. tions, each one conforming to the accuracy repeatability on the basis of an automated
of the pattern. After drilling and tapping bolt production process.
As well as producing key components for holes, milling keyways, turning up the ba-
our own range of pellet mills, ANDRITZ also sic shape of the die blank, cleaning, drying, Heat treatment
produces pellet dies for other pellet mill vacuum hardening, tempering and finally Our experienced operators establish heat
makes and models, thus setting the stan- finishing to the fitting sizes, the entire pro- treatment programs for dies going into va-
dard in the industry for products. duction of the die has gone through nearly cuum hardening ovens. The heat treatment
40,000 separate machining, processing, process is of utmost importance as it gua-
Manufacturing process and handling operations. rantees the product uniformity. ANDRITZ
Every tiny part of the die has, at some stage, has invested substantially in the most mod-
been produced with a single machining op- Materials ern hardening technology to produce a
eration. A mid-sized die with 4 mm holes ANDRITZ offers a variety of chrome steel al- long-life and high-performance die.
loys. By varying the content of vanadium,
chromium, manganese nickel, and carbon,
we can select a material that suits every
individual requirement for a wide range of
operating environments.
Precision machining
With our technical support, customers
take great care in specifying size, shape,
of our quality-assured product range
Raw materials Machining
Selected high-quality steels with fine grain CNC machining centers programmed with
structures give high strength and durability. die dimensions for all pellet mill makes and
models machine the basic shape of the die
Automated countersink with precision accuracy.
Carefully following the drill pattern, the
countersink is machined into the die track. Vacuum hardening
Countersink sizes are selected to increase A hard-wearing surface in the holes will
the pelleting performance. maximize the life of the die. Air is removed
to create an inert environment. The die is
Gun drilling heated in stages controlled by a micropro-
A fast and accurate process for producing cessor up to a temperature of 1,010 C,
highly polished extrusion holes. ANDRITZ and the steel becomes a hard molecular
pioneered this technique in the early 1980s structure as a result of this process.
and now produces the finest pelleting dies
in the world by optimizing drilling speed Finishing Grinding die surface
Original spare parts and service support
Roll shells from the die face through the bearings to pled and fluted. ANDRITZ will help the cus-
Roll shells operate under extremely harsh the roll support shaft. It is vital that dimen- tomer to select the correct design for the
conditions. Massive forces are transferred sions are accurate and that the hardening application.
process is of a high standard. ANDRITZ
has developed roll shells to match the ex- Beaters
cellent performance of its dies. Roll shells Profiled and hardened on our premises,
are available in several patterns, e.g. dim- the beaters have established an excellent,
worth-the-money reputation. Now in the
third generation of steels, beaters com-
Roll repaire
bine good wear resistance properties with
strength and durability. ANDRITZ manufac-
tures beaters of any size or shape to fit all
hammer mill models.
Where to find us
Global supplier local presence
ANDRITZ is truly a global organization
but also with local presence. We are
represented all over the world. The global
market for feed technologies is served from
five main locations:
Esbjerg, Denmark
Sanshui, Guangdong Province, China
Geldrop, Netherlands
Muncy, PA, USA
Humenn, Slovakia
All data, information, statements, photographs, and graphic illustrations in this leaflet are without any obligation and raise no liabilities to or form part of any sales contracts of
ANDRITZ AG or any affiliates for equipment and/or systems referred to herein. ANDRITZ AG 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this copyrighted work may be reproduced, modified or
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distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in any database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of ANDRITZ AG or its affiliates. Any such unauthorized use for
any purpose is a violation of the relevant copyright laws. ANDRITZ AG, Stattegger Strasse 18, 8045 Graz, Austria. 262 GB