Pablo Picasso 1881-1973 (Taschen Art Ebook)

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Pablo Picasso

Carsten-Peter Warncke

Pablo Picasso

Illustration Page 2:

Pablo Picasso with bread fingers

Photograph by Robert Doisneau
Vallauris, Villa La Galloise, 1952


Hohenzollemring $j. D-50672 Koln
Succession Picasso / VG Bild-Kunst. Bonn 1997
Edited by Ingo F. Walthcr, Ailing
Produced by Julianc Steinbrecher. Cologne
English translation b) Michael Hulse, Cologne
< OVCl design b\ Angchk.i List hen. Cologne

Printed in South Kore.i

ISBN 5-8228-7221-0

6 Picasso the Legend

10 The Early Years 1890 - 1901

30 The Blue and Rose Periods 1901 - 1906

60 Cubism 1906 - 1915

94 Classicism and Surrealism 1916 - 1936

144 War, Art and Politics 1937 - 1953

192 The Man and the Myth 1954 - 1973

232 Pablo Picasso: A Chronology

1 Picasso the Legend

Picasso is not just a man and his work. Picasso is always a legend, indeed al-

most a myth. In the public view he has long since been the personification
of genius in modern art. Picasso is an idol, one of those rare creatures who
act as crucibles in which the diverse and often chaotic phenomena of culture
are focussed, who seem to body forth the artistic life of their age in one per-
son.The same thing happens in politics, science, sport. And it happens in art.
Even idols, of course, are subject to change. They come and go. Some,
however, remain untouched by time and become classics; and one such is
Picasso. Just as it now seems inconceivable that a Michelangelo or Rem-
brandt, a Caesar or Napoleon, an Einstein or Galileo should ever be forgot-
ten, so too it seems impossible that the name of Picasso should ever vanish
from sight.

Indeed, even in his own lifetime Picasso was already the most famous liv-

ing artist. Now, twenty years after his death, his artistic achievement has
gone down in history, his fame is as secure as ever, and his work and person
still possess all their charismatic fascination for succeeding generations.
Like all classics, Picasso is reviewed by the judgement of following periods.
But unlike some of the greats of earlier eras, it is impossible to pass easy ver- Self-Portrait at the Age of 36, 1917
Autoportrait a I age de trente-six ans
dicts on him. For that, he is still too close to us. Much that needs accounting Pencil on paper, 34 x 26.8 cm
for still remains subject to speculation. Those who become idols, in art as in Maya Ruiz-Picasso Collection
any other field of endeavour, do not do so purely on the strength of their
achievements. Idols are social phenomena, and at least as much projections
of society's wishes and ideas as the embodiment of their own personal con-
cerns. Picasso the classic merits sociological scrutiny: one imagines that he
himself would be a marginal figure in the resulting study. It would also be
good to know more about how Picasso's pioneering innovations, and the
details of his works, have affected and influenced other artists, in order to
assess the Picasso phenomenon fully. A great deal has been written on this
subject, but there is no remotely comprehensive overview. And what is true
of these ancillary matters is most assuredly true of the heart of the matter,
Picasso's art.

There is no doubt that the reason for the massive global pull of Picasso,
the reason why crowds flock to exhibitions of his work year in year out, the
reason why millions buy books about him, the reason why is impact is so
widely felt, is quite simply the sheer exceptional diversity of his work. Pi-
Self-portrait with a Palette, 1906
casso was pre-eminent as painter and graphic artist, as sculptor, many-
Autoportrait a la palette
talented craftsman and stage set designer. The mere scope of his output Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm
makes it next to impossible to engage with
it all, and his tens of thousands Philadelphia (PA), Philadelphia Museum
of works have not yet all been catalogued, described, analysed, or indeed of Art, A. E. Gallatin Collection
even made accessible, in every case, to critical scrutiny or to the public eye.
Whatever we say about Picasso must remain provisional for the time being.
For that reason it seems wise, if one is to convey even a hint of Picasso's
growth and accomplishment as an artist, his significance and stature, to re-
strict one's view to the essentials: to a generous selection of works, to be
sure, but a rigorously chosen selection that affords a concentrated overview
and thus a well-informed point of access to his oeuvre. In the present vol-

ume, therefore, the stages in his development are documented and illustrated

with the works that most illuminate Picasso's artistic qualities at that point
in his career. The range covers his very earliest childhood efforts and the last

work of the aged Picasso, and includes a compressed but nonetheless fully
representative choice of his paintings, ceramics, sculptures, graphics and
drawings. Preliminary studies and sketches make it possible to follow the
creation of famous works from the first idea to the mature execution. Picas-
so's distinctive technique of variation, as he repeatedly rethought and re-

shaped subjects and forms, is clearly evidenced. And Picasso's art is placed
in the context of the age. This book attempts to explain what Picasso was
and what he still is for the art public of today, both as individual and as so-
cial phenomenon.

The Reservoir (Horta de Ebro). 1 909

Le Reservoir (Horta de Ebro)
Oil on canvas. 60.3 x 50.1 cm
New York. Mr. and Mrs. David Rockefeller

Seated Old Man, P)70

\ /V// Homme assis
Oil on canvas, 144.5 \ 1 14 cm
Paris. Muscc Picasso
2 The Early Years 1890-1901

Youth is the period in life that leaves a permanent imprint, and artists are of
course no exception. But there are few artists about whose early years we
know much at all in sufficient detail. Their early attempts to express them-
selves artistically are very rarely preserved. Not so in Picasso's case. In this,

too. he was an exception. There can be no other artist in history whom we

can so closely observe developing an artistic personality on the twin basis of
training and a natural gift, and establishing the foundation upon which his
future brilliance in so many areas of art would be based.
Evidently Picasso's family recognised his extraordinary talent when he
was very young, and not only supported him but also saved documentary
evidence that now shows us how he approached the terrain before him as a
youngster. No fewer than 2.200 works dating from his childhood and early
youth have survived, more than have come down to us in the case of any
other major artist. These are now the core of the Barcelona Museu Picasso's
holdings. Notable for its extent alone, this material is also impressive in its

accomplishment. There are sketches and painted studies of the kind that
were routinely prepared in the course of academic tuition, but also doodles
in school exercise books. There are works done in practically every tech-
nique of painting and drawing. They are instructive, revealing both the play-
ful adventuresomeness of the child and his early endeavour to meet the de-
Hercules with His Club. 1890
mands of professional training. Hercule avec sa massue
It is striking, and comes as something of a surprise, that the essential traits Pencil on paper. 49.6 x 32 cm
of Picasso the artist are already present in these early works, in all their Barcelona. Museu Picasso

diversity, and can indeed be detected in the pencil drawing Hercules with
His Club (p. 1 1 ) done in 1890 by the nine-year-old Pablo. Assuredly it is an
awkward study, and unoriginal, being copied from a painting in the parental

home. But what is staggering, given that it was drawn by a child, is the un-
childish manner of the portrayal, and the clearly apparent effort to achieve

the copy in the spirit of the professional rules. Wherever we look in the

works of Picasso's youth, they have the same quality.

But it would be wrong to take this as infallible proof of above-average ma-

turity or even genius. Picasso the artist was moulded by the educational and
academic ideas that then prevailed, as we can clearly see from his juvenilia.

The education he was given was the making of a genius. Picasso started
school in Malaga in 886. aged five. None of his drawings of that time sur-

vive. But we have a reliable witness to what they were like: Picasso himself
Self-portrait: "Yo Picasso". 190
recalled drawing spirals at school in those days. This suggests that art in-
Autoportrait "Yo Picasso"
struction at that Malaga primary school was designed along lines adopted Oil on cam as. 73.5 \ 60.5 cm
and adapted by teachers throughout the world. Linear drawing was the in- Private collection

variable point of departure: children were encouraged to think and create in

geometrical terms. Then they were taught to abstract forms from the world
about them. And only then did they move on to the representation of actual

Children in the 19th century learnt to perceive a repertoire of stock shapes
in all things, and to reduce individual forms to variations on geometrical
themes. The drawbacks of this method are plain: individual characteristics
are subordinated to unbending principles of representation. But we must not
overlook a salient advantage. Anyone who had been schooled in this way,
and (of course) possessed a certain amount of native talent, would thereby
gain the lifelong ability to register and reproduce objects and motifs quickly
and precisely. Picasso benefitted from the training of his boyhood till he was
an old man. It was that early training that gave him his astounding assurance
in his craft.

It is small wonder that his school training remained so emphatically with

Picasso, since professional tuition followed the same principles. After his
family had moved to La Corufia when his father took up a new position, the
boy first attended general secondary school but then in September 1 892
moved to La Guarda art school (where his father was teaching) at the begin-
Self-portrait with Close-Cropped Hair, 1896
ning of the new school year. By 895 he had
1 taken courses in ornamental Autoportrait aux cheveux courts
drawing, figure, copying plaster objects, copying plaster figures, and co- Oil on canvas. 46.5 x 31.5 cm
pying and painting from Nature. It was a strict academic education accord- Barcelona. Museu Picasso

ing to the Madrid Royal Academy of Art's guidelines. This meant that he
Head of a Man in the Style of El Greco. 1 899
once again studied drawing and painting in terms of copying models. And Tete d 'homme a la Greco
the constant repetition of the same task did provide the art student with an Oil on canvas. 34.7 x 3 1 .2 cm
available repertoire of representational methods. Barcelona. Museu Picasso

What was more, students were also taught the essentials of art history; the Portrait of the Artist's Father, 1 896
Portrait (In pere de I' artiste
models they followed in their exercises were the masterpieces of ages past.
Oil on canvas on cardboard. 42.3 x 30.8 cm
So it was that in his early youth Picasso was familiar with the sculptures of
Barcelona. Museu Picasso
antiquity. He had to copy them over and over. His lifelong engagement with
the art of antiquity was thus as firmly rooted in his early training as his as- Portrait of the Artist's Mother. 1 896
sured technique and his idiosyncratic manner of approaching a subject. For Portrait de la mere de I 'artiste

Picasso, drawing always came first, irrespective of whether he was working Pastel on paper. 49.8 x 39 cm
Barcelona. Museu Picasso
in oil, printed graphics, sculpture or ceramics.
He was exposed to his schooling not only in extreme youth, but also re-

peatedly. The tuition he received at art college in Barcelona (1895 to 1897)

was essentially the same again. His oils of that period treated relatively few
subjects over and over, in a fairly uniform style. There are a striking number
of human heads, of every age and walk of life and of both sexes. These PAGE 14:

First Communion 1896

studies are done in broad, expansive pastose, using monochrome earthy

La Premiere Communion
browns or ochre yellows and sparing local colour to model the light and Oil on canvas. 166 x 118 cm
shadow on faces. The use of brush and paint followed preliminary training Barcelona, Museu Picasso

in drawing and priming. As with drawing, training proceeded in stages: first

PAGH 15:
copying from existing designs, then from genuine objects, and finally the
The Barefoot Girl, 895 1

rendering of living models. This training was rigorously formal and de-
La Fillette aux pieds mis
signed to drive out the spontaneity in an artist, and inevitably had consider- Oil on canvas. 74.5 x 49.5 cm
able disadvantages. Pans. Musee Picasso

v- Si*
Science and Charily. I Sn 7

Science el chariti
Oil on canvas. I
)7 \ 249.5 cm
Barcelona, Museu Picasso

Autonomous values of colour, so important to new movements such as
Impressionism, were played down. Colour established form, confirming the
contour established by the drawn line. This sense of colour stayed with Pi-
casso till the end of his career: colour was intimately connected with form,
and could be used to intensify or defamiliarize it. Still, Picasso's academic
training alone could never have made him what he became, much as he
owed it in later life.

Picasso's father was unremitting in moulding his son along his own lines.
He wanted him to be the academic painter par excellence. He himself
painted animal scenes and genre paintings, the kind of work traditionally
considered of secondary value; and he wanted his son to paint figure and his-
tory paintings, which were then valued above all else. This culminated in
two paintings the father prompted the son to do in 1896 and 1897. First
Communion (p. 14) and Science and Charity (p. 16/17). Picasso's father sat
for the doctor whose skill and knowledge will determine the patient's fate.
And his father also influenced the reception of the pictures by using his con-
tacts with newspaper critics. He was omnipresent young Picasso's life.
in the
The boy's whole education took place in schools and colleges where his
father was on the staff.
Deliberately though Picasso's training was steered by his father, however,
and intelligent though it was, it was also outdated. Elsewhere in Europe, this
academic method had been superseded. So a crisis was inevitable in Picas-
so's life. In 1897, when his father sent the sixteen-year-old to the Royal
Academy in Madrid, it was a great mistake. The legend-makers have tended
to claim that Picasso attended none of his courses at all - but he did in fact
go to those of Moreno Carbonero. Still, he was profoundly disappointed by
studies at the Academy, and concentrated on copying the old masters in the
Prado. In June 898 he gave up his Madrid studies for good.

A letter he wrote to a friend on 3 November 897 shows how much he 1

craved good instruction in Madrid. In it he complains bitterly of the back-

wardness and incompetence of his teachers and says he would rather go to
Paris or Munich, where the art tuition was the best in Europe. Munich would
even be best, he said - although he was going to go to Paris - because in
Munich people didn't bother with fashionable stuff such as pointillism! In
other words, Picassowas longing for the kind of academic training given by
von Stuck (in Germany); but he was not interested in the
the likes of Franz
methods and ideas that were currently considered avant-garde.
Though it may seem astonishing or paradoxical, the fact is that Picasso
did not become Picasso under the influence of progressive ideas but because
an old-fashioned milieu was imposing superannuated notions on him. He
found it impossible to make do with routine and mediocrity. Fully aware that
the decision to quit the Academy would seriously damage relations with his
father, for whom Madrid still represented the gateway to desired success, Pi-
casso made a radical break - despite the total uncertainty of his new future.

Not yet seventeen, he set about achieving his independence in every respect.
And from now on he went his own way.

Portrait of Pedro Manach. 1 901 But first the upheaval of having to leave everything behind produced an
Portrait de Pedro Manach immediate and visible result: he fell ill. In spring 1898 in Madrid he came
Oil on canvas. 100.5 x 67.5 cm down with scarlet fever, and was quarantined for forty days. After recover-
Washington (DC). National Gallery of Art
ing he returned to Barcelona and embarked on his independent career in art.
The Catalan metropolis was his base till his definitive final move to France
in 1904. Those were restless years. In 1898, through its colony Cuba, Spain

became involved in a war with the USA. Defeat spelt the end of what re-
mained of Spain's colonial empire and claims to be a world power. It was a
turning point, and brought profound political, social and cultural insecurity
with it.

In such a period, the seventeen-year-old Picasso had considerable capi-

tal, albeit not of a financial kind. He was confident, talented and young.
He had contacts. And he had unlimited energy. In 1896 First Communion
(p. 14) was exhibited in Barcelona. This was the third arts and crafts exhibi-
tion to be held there (after 1891 and 1894), a major event intended to

showcase contemporary Catalan culture. To be exhibited in that show was

a triumph for a fifteen-year-old, even if his father's contacts had helped. A
year later he painted the grand Science and Charity (p. 16/17), a work well
in line with the anecdotal realism which was then a popular variety of his-
torical painting. Picasso submitted it Madrid General Art Exhibition,
to the

and was taken by a jury that

it included the painter Antonio Munoz De-
grain, a friend and colleague of his father's to whom the youth had already
given a portrait study. Science and Charity received an honourable mention
at the exhibition, and subsequently a gold medal in Malaga.

Frenzy. 1900
Pastel. 47.5 x 38.5 cm
Private collection

The Embrace in the Street. 1 900

Les Amants de la rue
Pastel on paper. 59 x 35 cm
Barcelona. Museu Picasso

Le Moulin de la Galette. 1900 So Picasso was known to those who followed contemporary art when he
Oil on canvas, 90.2 x 1 17 cm set out on his own way. And Barcelona was a good place for it. a pro-
New York. The Solomon R. Guggenheim
gressive city where Spanish art nouveau was based, in the form of a group
Justin K. Thannhauser Foundation
of artists known as the modernists; and in Barcelona too were their succes-

sors and antagonists, the post-modernists. In June 1897 the Barcelona cafe
"Els Quatre Gats" (The Four Cats) opened its doors. Itwas an artists* cafe
and hosted changing exhibitions; in its short life it was the hub of Catalo-
nian artistic life. Leading "Modernistas" helped establish it. It cannot have
been too difficult for Picasso to join these circles, since they would ha\ e
heard his name; and belonging to them was a good start for his career. In the

art world as in any other, talent and energy need personal contacts to help

them on their way.

Andwas contacts that helped decide Picasso for Paris. Though he w as

impressed by what he had heard about Munich, it was to Paris that he made
his move. The French capital had an established Catalan community, includ-

ing a number of artists temporarily living and working in the city. Through
them he was introduced to the industrialist and art dealer Pedro Manach.
who afforded him a first secure foothold. Manach signed a contract with Pi-
casso guaranteeing to take his pictures for two years and to pa\ 150 francs

per month by way of fixed income. He also floated the idea of a first Paris
Picasso exhibition at the Galerie Vollard in 1901
To Picasso, this was no more than an entree into the art market. For the
moment, Spain seemed the better territory for his ambitions. In early 1901
he went to Madrid and started an art magazine together with a young writer,
Francesc de Asis Soler. Contributions were squarely in line with the "Mod-
ernista'* spirit. When failure became inevitable, Picasso returned to Bar-
celona, and subsequently devoted his attention to Paris.
The line-based art of art nouveau presented no problem to him. The menu
he designed for Els Quatre Gats (p. 28) in 1899 is a good example. Every
shape is rendered in clear line. Figures and background details work in plain

zones of monochrome colour, or else are offset from each other by minor,
stylized details. The illustration shows the speed and assurance with which
Picasso had adopted a "Modernista" approach. He did not confine himself to
The Blue Dancer. 1900
the repertoire of art nouveau, however. He was omnivorous in his taste for
Pierrot el danseuse
new aesthetic trends. Some of his drawings and paintings (cf. p. 12) show Oil on canvas. 38 x 46 cm
him reworking the formal idiom of El Greco. Private collection

The Two Saltimbanques (Harlequin and His Companion). 1901
/ es Deux Saltimbanques (Arlequin el sa compagne)

60 cm
Oil on canvas. 73 \
Moscow. Pushkin Museum

Harlequin Leaning on His Elbow. 1 90
Arlequin accoude
Oil on canvas, 82.8 x 61 .3 cm
New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art

Lady in Blue. 1901

Femme en bleu
Oil on canvas. 133.5 \ 101 cm
Madrid. Museo Espanol de Arte

But it was Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec who made the most powerful im-
pression on the youthful Picasso. His posters and paintings, draughtsman-
like in manner, economical, precise, often on the verge of being caricatures,
held a particular appeal for Picasso. In 1900, Picasso's interest in Toulouse-
Lautrec peaked in his painting Le Moulin de la Galette (p. 22). Inside, there
is a crowd; further on. beyond a diagonally cropped group of women seated
at a table to the left, we see dancing couples as in a frieze. The subject and
the treatment are reminiscent of a Toulouse-Lautrec done in 1889. which in
turn was a reworking of Pierre-Auguste Renoir's 1876 painting of the merri-
ment at the famous Moulin, transposing the colourful fun from the garden
to the interior and to night. Picasso follows Toulouse-Lautrec, and inten-
sifies the effect by using the gas lighting to establish an atmosphere of half-
light, a uniform duskiness in which the figures appear as patches of colour
against a dark background. Correspondingly, the style of brushwork is more

Child Holding a Dove, 1 901
L 'Enfant au pigeon
Oil on canvas, 73 x 54 cm
London. National Gallery)

summary, working in large blocks and pinpointing only a few characteris-

tics of the people shown. The people have in fact been stripped of their indi-
viduality and are merely props to illustrate social amusement.
Picasso was not merely imitating. He also tried to reconceive the orig-
inals he copied. Very soon he was trying to rework diverse influences in a

single work. A good example painted on cardboard in 1901 is Pierreuse

(p. 29). A young woman wearing a red top and a decorative hat is seated at

a blue table, leaning on both elbows, her right arm crooked to clasp her left

shoulder. Her attitude is one of protective barring and signals that she

withdrawn within herself. Dreamily she gazes away into an undefined and
indistinct distance. A sense of transported absence is conveyed not only by

the woman's pose but also by Picasso's compositional subtlety. The woman
is leaning across to the left side of the picture, establishing a falling diag-
onal and thus introducing a quality of movement into the work. But it is

movement that is meticulously counterbalanced and neutralized by the com-
position as a whole. The use of spatial areas is richly ambivalent. Inclining

across the table, the woman seems to be coming nearer to us, and with her
hat cropped more than once by the picture edge it is as if she were on the
point of stepping out towards us. At the same time, though, her position on
the other side of the table emphasizes inaccessibility. It is a painting of
mood, and the contrastive use of colour, with the dichotomy of flat areas
and broken-up form, serve mood. Picasso was using tech-
to underline its

niques borrowed from the pointillists, Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin and
the Nabis all in one, to make a style of his own. The same applies to his
portrait of Pedro Mahach (p. 18).

Of course contemporary critics were quick to notice Picasso's adoption of

current avant-garde artistic styles. Reviewing the work shown in 1901 at the

Galerie Vollard, Felicien Fagus wrote that Picasso had plainly been in-
fluenced by "Delacroix, Manet, Monet, van Gogh, Pissarro. Toulouse-Lau-
trec, Degas, Forain, perhaps even Rops". The only thing wrong with this as-
* sessment is that it name or two, such as that of Gau-
misses out an important
guin. But the sheer number of influences on Picasso at that time need not
Menu of "Els Quatre Gats". 1899
only be seen in a negative light. It is normal for young artists to be in-
Menu ties"Quatre Gats"
Pencil and India ink. coloured, 22 x 16.5 cm fluenced as they try to find their own style. And Picasso was not merely co-
Whereabouts unknown pying; he was quickly able to harmonize various influences into new
wholes. If this had not been so, it would be hard to understand his early suc-
cess on the art market. He had an excellent memory for formal qualities, one
which stored them so deeply that they became part of his own way of think-
ing. He was imitating, yes - but he did so in order to find a style entirely his


Pierreuse, 1901
Pierreuse, la main mr I'ipaule
Oil on cardboard, 69.5 \ 57 cm
Barcelona, Museu Picasso

3 The Blue and Rose Periods

In the year 1901 Picasso was already in a position to create something new
of his own - the long series of works known as his Blue Period. These
works constitute no less than a resume of European artistic progress since
the mid- 19th century - though Picasso did forgo the newly-discovered
potential of colour. In this respect he was diametrically at odds with Fauv-
ism. which flourished at the same time. Though the fundamentals of the
Blue Period were evolved in Paris, Barcelona remained the centre of Picas-
so's actual labours till he finally moved to the French capital in April 1904.
In fact his work in Catalonia was interrupted only by a brief (and commer-
cially dismal) stay in Paris from October 1902 to January 1903. His pictures,
not merely melancholy but profoundly depressed and cheerless, inspired no
affection in the public or in buyers. It was not poverty that led him to paint
the impoverished outsiders of society, but rather the fact that he painted
them made him poor himself.
All Picasso invented was his treatment; otherwise he was squarely in the
avant-garde line of development since the mid- 19th century. Gustave Courb-
et's realism had located subjects in everyday village life. Courbet liked to

give plain physical work the full monumental treatment, knowing the sub-
ject had hitherto not been taken seriously. In Honore Daumier's drawings,
society's weaknesses were lampooned, but Daumier also took the lives of Study for "The Visit". 1902
Etude pour "L 'Entrevue
smiths, butchers or washerwomen seriously in paintings and graphic art that
Pencil on paper 45.9 x 32.8 cm
owed no slavish debt to any classical norm. And Impressionism, of course, Paris. Musee Picasso
would be radically misunderstood if we saw it purely as formal virtuosity,
games played with colour, and atmospherics. The Impressionists also dis-
covered the modern city as a source of subjects. If they recognised no hierar-
chy of formal values, they also knew no precedence of subjects. There were
no taboos in their approach to the new reality, no refusal to face subjects that
were beneath their dignity. Smoke-filled railway stations and cathedrals,
boulevard life in Paris and night clubs and the gloom of drinkers and
whores, all appeared in their work. Picasso's Blue Period portrayals of beg-
gars and prostitutes, workers and drinkers in bars, took up this line. His ab-
sinthe drinkers had antecedents in Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec; his arresting

Woman Ironing (p. 44) was also a product of a recent tradition, with af-

finities to works by Daumier and Degas.

We should also remember that the Paris milieu was not the sole influence
on Picasso's Blue Period. Spanish culture played a considerable part too.
Self-portrait with Cloak. 1901/02
Of the various ideas that were imported into the country at the time, anarch-
ism was particularly influential: the Barcelona literary and artistic circles Oil on canvas, 81 x 60 cm
Picasso moved in were very interested in the tenets of anarchism, albeit in Paris. Musee Picasso

conjunction with other ideas too. A self-portrait Picasso painted in the winter
of 1901/1902 (p. 30) captures the mood. It is as if Fyodor Dostoievsky's
novels, Friedrich Nietzsche's ideas and the theories of Mikhail Bakunin had
stood godfather to the painting.
The influence of anarchist literature and of Isidre Nonell's socio-critical

art is apparent in many of Picasso's works of 1899 and 1900. But his new
style of the Blue Period neither simply continued this line nor conformed
with his sources. His formal approach was different for a start. Whereas Non-
ell (and Picasso himself in his '"Arte Joven" days) had done compositions in-
volving several figures and having a narrative character, the Blue Period
works established just a handful of emphatic motifs. In Nonell's panoramic
works, human misery was seen as a slice of real life in its real environment
and implied comment on larger societal conditions. But in Picasso's case
The Visit (Two Sisters). 1902
L'Entrevue (Les Deux Soeurs)
fate was an individual thing, endured in isolation.

Oil on canvas on panel. 152 x 100 cm The Absinthe Drinker (p. 33). an emotionally arresting painting, draws its

St. Petersburg. Hermitage power from this. Everything seems stony: the glass, the bottle, the woman
A sense of volume is conveyed by juxtaposing variant tones of the
Crouching Beggar. 1902
same colour within purely linear spaces. Spatial values are produced less by
Misireuse accroupie
Oil on canvas. 1 1 .2 x 66 cm perspective than by the overlapping of forms. It is a meticulous, clear, bal-
Toronto. Art Gallerv of Ontario anced composition, with lighter and darker echoes of the skin tonalities uni-

The Absinthe Drinker. 1 90 1

La Buveuse d' absinthe

Oil on canvas. 73 x 54 cm
St. Petersburg. Hermitase

The tonal differences are so slight that the impression bor-

fying the effect.
ders on the monochrome, serving solely to intensify the atmospheric charge.
The draughtsman's forms make a more powerful impact than the painter's
colouring. The long, talon-like hands gripping the angular face and upper
arm, with the overall elongation of proportions, serve to emphasize the isola-
tion and introspectiveness of the sitter.

But the Blue Period Picasso did not merely pursue one-sided variations of
an expressive approach. He produced very varied work, monumental,
smoothly-constructed pieces alternating with detailed work the brushwork
of which is nervy and dabbed. It is not only an art of considerable artifice, it

is also an art which portrays an artificial world. For Picasso, confrontation

with social reality was only a motivation; it was not an end in itself. For him .

it was more important to experiment, to try and test new visual approaches.
In The Absinthe Drinker the subject is not only the melancholy pub atmos-

PAGE 35:

Evocation (The Burial of Casagemas). 1901

Evocation ( Enterrement de Casagemas)

Oil on canvas, 150.5 x 90.5 cm

Paris, Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville

de Paris

The Death of Casagemas (Casagemas in

His Coffin), 1901

La Mort de Casagemas (Casagemas dans
son cercueil)
Oil on cardboard. 72.5 x 57.8 cm
Estate of the artist

phere and the dreariness of alcohol. The painting's meaning also lies in the

autonomy of formal means. The erosion of defined spatiality, the abandon-

ing of perspective construction, is only the most striking of several interes-
ting features. It must be taken together with the accentuation of composi-
tional fundamentals such as plenitude and emptiness, density and weight,
emphasis and its lack.

Ex-centricity and centralization were constants in this period. The Blind

Man Meal's (p. 40) has a blind man up against the right of the composition,
reaching across the table with unnaturally elongated arms, so that the rest of
the picture seems somehow to be in his embrace or province. The radically
monochromatic blue is married to a kind of formal crisscross procedure: the
composition uses striking echo techniques, the pallor in the blind man's
neck answered by parts of the table, the paler blue patches on his clothing
corresponding to the pale blues on the rear wall. Though there is no clear
line of evolution, certain Blue Period motifs and formal groupings do recur.
In essence, Picasso was working within a limited range: men and women
seated at tables, alone or in twos, meals being eaten, figures crouching or
hugging themselves as they stand or sit, people with head in hand or arms
crossed - this modest repertoire, in variations, accounts for the Blue Period
Of course, if there were no more to it, those with no prior interest would
no longer have any particular reason to be interested in these pictures. In fact

Picasso was a master of intensifying contrast and evocative effects. His mas-
tery came from his assured grasp of certain formal and thematic antecedents,
and of the various media (such as drawing, graphics or paint). One of his ear-
liest etchings was The Frugal Repast (p. 42). done in 1904 and one of the
masterpieces of 20th-century printed graphic art. In it. Picasso's approach to
The Death oj Casagemas. l
line etching resembles his handling of colour tones in the paintings. Velvety
Iai Mort </< Casagemas
black /.ones fade to grey and to bright clarity. As in The Blind Man's Meal Oil on panel. 27 X 35 cm
Picasso plays with formal correspondences; but the cylindrical thinness of Paris. Musee Picasso

the arms, the elongated spread fingers, and the bony angularity of the figures
with their dark and light areas, all recall El Greco. Not that the conspicuous
influence of El Greco was the only presence in the Blue Period. Other artists

also influenced Picasso's monochrome style. Indeed, it was a widely fol-

lowed approach at the turn of the century, used by Symbolists, Impression-

ists and even Classicists.
The colour blue was important in these experiments. Its melancholy mood
was often discussed in theoretical writings on art and in literature at the
time. Blue not only denotes melancholy; it also carries erotic charges. And it

has a long tradition in Christian iconography, in which it stands for the di-
vine. German Romanticism gave blue the task of representing the transcend-
ent, albeit in secular fashion. Ever since the first third of the 19th century
there had been a regular mania for blue, as it were, which peaked in 1826 in
the tourist discovery of the Blue Grotto on Capri. As early as 1810, Johann

Angel Fernandez de Solo with a Woman.

c. 1902/03
Angel Fernandez de Soto avec unefemme
Watercolour and India ink on paper.
21 \ 15.2 cm
Barcelona. Museu Picasso

Wolfgang von Goethe had advocated the use of dominant colours to set Two Figures and a Cat. c. 1902/03

moods: blue light could be used for mourning, and one could look at one"s Deux Nus et un chat
Watercolour and pencil on paper. 1 8 x 26.5 cm
surroundings through tinted glass in order to marshal divergent colours in
Barcelona. Museu Picasso
a single tonality. In 1887 the French Symbolist painter Louis Anquetin
actually adopted this method. The Mackerel (Allegorical Composition).
Picasso's The Visit (p. 32) shows how consciously he was gathering these c. 1902/03
Le Maquereau Composition allegorique)
traditional values into a new synthesis. The attitudes and gestures of the I

Coloured India ink on cardboard. 13.9 x 9 cm

figures are straight from Christian iconography. The visitation of Mary was Barceona. Museu Picasso
portrayed in this way: and blue is the colour symbolically associated with
the Virgin, the Queen of Heaven. But Picasso was also at work on personal
material in the painting. The women's heads are covered, as they are in
many of his paintings of that period - and as they were at the women's
prison of St. Lazare in Paris, to which Picasso had access in 1901 through a
doctor he knew It was a dismal place, full of women whose fates were deso-
late: and it made a profound impression on the young Spanish artist.

The Blue Period peaked in La Vie (p. 39). a major composition which
Picasso completed in May 1903. In many respects it is not only the major
work of this phase but also the very sum of Picasso's art. At first the struc-
ture seems straightforward, but in fact the history and message of the paint-
ing are complex. There are two groups of people, an almost naked couple
and a mother with a sleeping babe, separated by half the picture's breadth.
Between them we can see two pictures leaning against the wall, the lower
showing a crouching person with head on knee, the upper - a kind of variant PAGE 38:

on the other - a man and woman crouching and holding each other. The Poor People on the Seashore. 1903
Les Pauvres cut bord de la mer
overall impression is of an artist's studio, so that we are tempted to see it as
Oil on panel. 105.4 x 69 cm
a representation of the life of the artist. But neither the subject nor the im- Washington (DC). National Gallery of Art.
port of the work is easy to interpret. It is too fractured: nothing is what it Chester Dale Collection
seems. The location itself remains undefined, uncertain. The perspective
PAGE 39:
angles are at odds with one another, the architectonic details ambiguous. Pi-
La Vie (Life). 1903
casso has used Blue Period compositional techniques we can see in various
Oil on canvas. 196.5 x 128.5 cm
pictures in one single, intense piece: and the same is true of his subjects. La Cleveland (OH). The Cleveland Museum
Vie is a kind of pastiche of Picasso's Blue Period. of Art

The Blind Man
s Meal. 1 903
Le Repas d'aveugle
Oil on canvas, 95.3 x 94.6 cm
New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art

The male figure in La Vie was his sometime friend Carlos Casagemas,
who committed suicide in Paris in the year 1901 while Picasso was back in

Spain. When Picasso heard the news in Spain, he was deeply affected. That
same year he started to paint works that dealt with the dead man and his

own relations with (pp. him They were fictive, heavily symbolic
34 and 35).
paintings. The fact that Picasso returned to Casagemas in the great 1903
composition suggests that the existential impact on him was profound. The
painting was also in line with an artistic preoccupation of the times; the sub-
jects of early death, despair of one's vocation, and suicide were frequently
addressed and much discussed in Barcelona's artistic circles. Casagemas
evidently stood for Picasso himself. X-ray examination has revealed that
Picasso used a canvas on which something had already been painted - and
not just any canvas, but in fact his painting Last Moments, seen at the Paris
World Fair in 1900 and in other words a thematically and biographically
extremely significant picture.
It is idle to want to read an exact message into La Vie. Yet Picasso's
meaning is clear enough. All that mattered in biographical, artistic, creative
and thematic terms in those years is present in this one picture. The melan-
choly and existential symbolism of that period in Picasso's life are richly ex-
pressed in this ambitious work. Picasso's technique of veiling the paintings
meaning is in fact one of its signal qualities. He has managed to sidestep the
Celestina or Woman with a Cast. 1 904
vapidness of one-sided allegory: we are involved in this painting, drawn into
it and - meditatively - into ourselves. The process opens up entirely new Oil on cam as. SI \ 60 cm
dimensions to historical painting. Paris. Miiscc Picasso

Looking back, we can see the Blue Period works as a progression towards
this goal, even though they were not specific preliminary studies, of course.
For the first time we see in Picasso's art something that will strike us re-
peatedly in the sequel, a notable tension between the autonomy of the single
work and the endeavour to gather the fruits of a line of development into
one sum. La Vie is the first of a number of Picassos that stand out from the

The Frugal Repast. 1904

Le Repas frugal
Etching, 46.5 x 37.6 cm

ceuvre by virtue of unusual formal and thematic complexity and an extraord-

inary genesis. The
was both an end and a beginning: it was a pre-
lude to paintings even more strictly monochromatic in their use of atmos-
pheric blue and even more concerned with existential depths.
After three years of portraying the poor and needy and lonely, Picasso
struck out in new directions. Woman with a Crow (p. 45) shows him doing
so. It is made entirely of polarities. The dynamic contour, the contrasting
Mother and Child. 1905
black and red and blue, the large and small, open and closed forms, the em-
Mire el enfant (Baladins)
phasis on the centre plus the lateral displacement, light juxtaposed with dark
Gouache on cam as. M) \ 71 cm

and the white paper gleaming through, the deep black o\' the crow 's plumage Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

against the woman's chalk-white face - all of these features are extraordinar- The Actor. 1904
ily evocative. The figures seem almost engraved. The delicacy of the heads
Oil on canvas, 194 \ 1 12 cm
and the long, slender fingers of the woman emphasize the intimacy of ges-
New York. The Metropolitan Museum of Art
ture. It is a decorative picture, a work of arresting grace and beauty. Painted
in 1904, it also records Picasso's new approach: in the period ahead, he Woman Ironing. 1 904

chose subjects to match his newly aestheticized sense of form. Connoisseurs La Repasseuse
Oil on canvas. 1 16.2 \ 73 cm
and friends dubbed his new phase the "'Harlequin Period". Harlequins are
New York. The Solomon R. Guggenheim
outsiders too. But they have something to compensate for their low social Museum
rank - their artistry. Picasso avails himself of their colourful costumes and
graceful, decorative lines to create what can only be created by art: beauty.
He had made his final move to France in April 1904, taking a Montmartre
studio on the Place Ravignan in May. It was one of a number in a barrack-
like wooden building nicknamed the "bateau [avoir" from its similarity to
the washboats on the Seine. Of course Picasso did not move solely among Woman with a Crow. 1904
Femme a la comeille
the artists of Montmartre and his old Spanish colony friends. He also knew
Charcoal, pastel and w alcrcolour on paper.
the literal) avant-garde in Paris. And he was increasingly establishing re-
64.6 \ 4 l ).5 cm
warding contacts with art dealers and collectors. Toledo (OH). The Toledo Museum of An

The Acrobat's Family with a Monkey. 1905
Famille d' acrobats avec singe
Gouache, watercolour, pastel and India ink
on cardboard, 104 x 75 cm PAGE 4" BOTTOM

Gdteborg, Goteborgs Konstmuseum The Death of Harlequin. 1906

/,(/ Mori d'arlequin

Gouache on cardboard, 68.5 x 96 cm

Pmatc collection

Clown and Young Acrobat. 1905 Seated Harlequin. 1905 Harlequin on Horseback. 1 905
Banffon etjeune acrobat Arlequin as sis Arlequin a cheval
Charcoal, pastel and watercolour on paper. Watercolour and India ink: Oil on cardboard. 100 x 69.2 cm
60 \ 47 cm dimensions unknov\n Upperville (VA). Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon
Baltimore (MD). The Baltimore Museum of Art. Private collection Collection
Cone Collection

Circus Family (The Tumblers). 1905
Famille de bateleurs
Watercolour and India ink on paper.
24.3 \ 30.5 cm
Baltimore (MD). The Baltimore Museum of
Art. Cone Collection

The Acrobats (Study), 1905

l.a Famille </< saltimbanques (Funic)
Gouache and charcoal on cardboard,
51.2 x 61.2 cm
Moscow. Pushkin Museum

The. Acrobats. 1905
La Famille de saltimbanques (Les Bateleurs)
Oil on canvas. 212.8 x 229.6 cm
Washington (DC). National Gallery of Art.
Chester Dale Collection

At the "Lapin agile". 1905
,4;/ "Lapin agile" (Arlequin an verre)
99 x 100.5 cm
Oil on canvas,
Rancho Mirage (CA). Mr. and Mrs. Walther
H. Annenbera Collection

Even so. the Rose Period pictures are not merely records of a pleasant
time in the artist's life. Nor are they straight representations of everyday
reality. At the "Lapin agile" (p. 50) is a variation on an approach he had
already used in his Blue Period for works such as The Absinthe Drinker
(p. 33), with people gazing listlessly into vacancy, their bearing expressive
of wearied lack of contact. The harlequin costume suggests that it is all a
masquerade set up by an intellectual process. His Woman with a Crow
(p. 45) is not so much a portrait as a type study, stylized beyond individ-
uality. The harlequins, street entertainers and other artistes of the Rose
Period all enact the process of grasping the role of the artist. They were the
product of complex reflection inspired not least by Picasso's relations with
the literary world in Paris; he was now a regular at the "Closerie des Lilas",
a Montparnasse cafe where the Parisian literary bohemia liked to meet.
Under poet Paul Fort they met on Tuesdays for discussions, which were of
particular interest to up-and-coming artists.

Picasso's friend Guillaume Apollinaire was a prominent member of this

group. His consistent aesthetic radicalism strengthened Picasso's position.
The poet repeatedly drew the public's attention to the Spaniard's work and
so played an important part in Picasso's early recognition. And one of Apolli-
naire's interests was directly related to Picasso's work: he liked to collect
and edit erotica and pornographic literature. Apollinaire and Picasso shared
this taste to an extent. Picasso's early work often included erotic or down-
right pornographic scenes (pp. 36 and 37). In old age he returned to these

themes, though not till then. It is not so much a reflection of Picasso's own

life in a promiscuous milieu (though it is that too) as an extension of basi-
cally political convictions. Taboos set up by mindless social convention are
breached by the freedom of art.

Anarchist ideas prompted the rejection of traditional social structures and

put unbridled individualism in their place. This individualism was expressed
in a stylized role as outsider and artist. The Blue and Rose Period pictures of
beggars, isolated people, harlequins, artistes and actors were a way of keep-
ing "official'* artistic values at arm's length, both thematically and formally.
The choice of an artistic milieu for the Rose Period works was a deliberate
rejection of conventional subject matter. Moreover, the fool or clown tradi-
tionally has a licence to utter the unvarnished truth and so hold up a mirror
to the mighty. During the Enlightenment the fool's fortunes were at their

nadir; but, as the age of the middle classes took a firmer grip, the harlequin,

pierrot or clown acquired a new and higher value. In France in particular he

Two Acrobats with a Dog, 905 1

was seen as the epitome of the rootless proletarian, the People in person.
Deux Saltimbanques avec tut chien
After the 1848 revolutions, the new symbolic figure of the sad clown be- Gouache on cardboard, 105.5 x 75 cm
came familiar. New York, The Museum of Modern Art
Just as in the Blue Period a number of sketches, studies and paintings cul-
Acrobat and Young Equilibrist, 1905
minated in a major work, La Vie (p. 39), so too the harlequin phase produced
Acrobate a la boule (Filiate a la bottle)
the huge canvas The Acrobats (p. 49). It was Picasso's definitive statement Oil on canvas. 147 x cm
on the artistic life. And, tellingly, it was another artist, the Austrian poet Moscow, Pushkin Museum

Woman Wearing a Chemise. 1905
Femme a la chemise
oil on canvas, 73 \ 59.5 cm

I ondon, Tate Gallery

Rainer Maria Rilke (who in 1916 spent some months in the home of the then Three Dutch Girls. 1905

owner of who found Les Trois Hollandaises

the painting), the aptest words to convey an impression
Gouache and India ink on paper on
of the work, in the fifth of his Duino Elegies: "But tell me. who are they,
cardboard. 77 x 67 cm
these w anderers. even more / transient than we ourselves . .
Paris. Musee National d'Art Moderne.
X-ray examination has shown that the final picture was the fruit of long, Centre Georges Pompidou

painstaking labours, of frequent new starts and changes. It was begun at the

start of the Rose Period in 1904. That composition, later painted over, was Dutch Girl (La Belle Hollandaise). 1905
Hollandaise a la coiffe (La Belle Hollandaise)
like a study now in the Baltimore Museum of Art (p. 48). All of the charac-
Oil. gouache and blue chalk on cardboard
ters, even specific gestures and poses, appear in other Rose Period pictures, on panel. 77 x 66 cm
most famously Acrobat and Young Equilibrist (p. 5 1 ). But Picasso was dissat- Brisbane. Queensland Art Gallen

isfied w ith the result, turned the canvas round, and painted over it. Through
a set of preliminary studies he hit on a strategy that combined all three of the
approaches he had been toying w ith. as we can see from a gouache now in

the Pushkin Museum in Moscow (p. 48). Four male acrobats, standing, now
provide the focus - among them Tio Pepe and. from the first version, the
young girl. In due course Picasso painted over the canvas for a fourth time,
at long last arriving at the version we now have. He put the man on the left
in harlequin costume, replaced the boy's dog with a flower basket for the
girl, and dressed the boy in a blue and red suit rather than a leotard. At bot-
tom right he added a young seated woman. She too derived from a pre-
viously used motif (cf. p. 58). In other words, much as The Acrobats (p. 49)

may make a unified impression, as if it had been achieved in one go. it in

fact constitutes a synthesis of the motifs Picasso liked to paint during his

Rose Period.
There are now six people: the background is not exactly defined. There
are two blocks: the left-hand group, accounting for some two-thirds of the
picture's breadth, consists of five people, while at right the young woman is

Head of a Woman (Fernande), 1906 sitting on her own. The contrast is heightened by subtle compositional
Tetc defemme (Fernande)
means. The positioning of three of the figures at left very close together con-
Bronze. 35 x 24 x 25 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso veys a sense of weight and unity, and the Mallorcan woman at right scarcely

provides an effective counterbalance.

The Jester. 1905 Picasso's palette consists basically of the three primary colours, plus shad-
/.c Fou
ings in black and white to enrich the detail.The reds and blues are graded in
Bronze (after a wax original),
different degrees of brightness, but yellow only appears mixed with blues
41.5 x37 \ 22.8 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso and browns, in unrestful presences that lack much formal definition. Thus
various degrees of sandy yellow account for the unreal, spatially undefinable
landscape. The other colours are caught up in similar spatial vagaries; de-
pending on how bright or aggressive or foregrounded they are. they are
coupled with darker, heavier shades that fade into the background. Onl\ at

first glance does this make an evenly balanced impression. As soon as we

look more closely, things start to perplex us.
Take Tio Pepe. for instance, in whom Picasso's strategy of contrastive de-
is most assertively seen. The massive red-clad man is con-
The Toilette. 1906
la Toilette
spicuous - and conspicuously lacks the lower half of his right leg! A defect
Oil on canvas, 151 x 99 cm in a figure of such thematic and formal importance serves to destabilize the
HuILiI.hM i. \lbrighl Knox ArtGallerj entire compositional logic, and. once alerted, we see that it is unreal through



Naked Youth. 1906 Boy Leading a Horse, 1906
Gargon mi Meneur de cheval nu
Tempera on cardboard. 67.5 x 52 cm Oil on canvas, 220.3 x 130.6 cm
St. Petersburg. Hermitage New York. The Museum of Modern Art

The Two Brothers. 1906

/ >Deux Freres

Gouache Oil cardboard. SO \ 59 cm

Paris. Muscc Picasso

and through. The picture lacks a single point of view: the figures are spa-
tially placed in a curiously all-round way, as if each zone of the picture were
subject to its own perspective. Picasso is in fact once again telling us that
artistic viewpoints are relative. And he is doing it in a narrative mode that
would well suit a historical picture. His de-clarified world is precisely the
one these melancholy, uncommunicative characters would inhabit. And Pi-

casso's departure from the laws of Nature is apt since it matches the manner
in which acrobats earn their living by defying the law of gravity. The harle-
quin theme offered not only a visual means of approaching the life of the
artist but also a pretext to review formal fundamentals.
The tendency to experiment formally grew upon Picasso throughout the
Rose Period. In summer 1905, at the invitation of writer Tom Schilperoort.
he made a journey. The writer had inherited some money, and asked Picasso

to join him on the homeward trip to Holland. For Picasso it was an en-
counter with an entirely new landscape and way of life. The few drawings
and paintings he did on the
tures. They drew on
trip were markedly different from the acrobat
classical sources and ancient forms. Three Dutch Girls

(p. 53) was the most important fruit of his journey. It readily betrays its
Spanish Woman from Majorca. 1905
model: even if the young women are wearing Dutch national costume, they
(Study for The Acrobats)
Espagnole de I'tle de Majorque are still grouped as the Three Graces traditionally were. Picasso was casting
Gouache and watercolour on cardboard. about for new numerous new studies and paintings, the colour-
bearings. In
67 x 5 1 cm ful palette of the acrobat pictures was replaced by a monochrome red. Not
Moscow. Pushkin Museum
only the male nudes in other paintings but even portraits done at the time
make a three-dimensional impression, abstracted and simplified, like sculp-
tures transferred to canvas. At this time Pablo Picasso began to give greater
attention to other media such as printed graphics or sculpture.
He had made an early attempt at sculpture in 1902, and The Frugal Re-
past (p. 42) in 1904 had shown him a master etcher at a date when he had
only recently been taught the technique by the Spanish painter Ricardo Ca-
nals. Just as printed graphics had helped the pictures of acrobats on their

way, so too three-dimensional work in wax or clay (cf. p. 54) informed the
formal vocabulary of the pictures that concluded the Rose Period. Picasso
was developing in a new direction again.

Boy with a Dog, 1905

Garcon au hien i

Gouache and pastel on cardboard,

4 1.2 cm
St. Petersburg, Hermitage

4 Cubism 1906-1915

From the winter of 1905 on. Picasso did nothing but experiment. Increas-
ingly he was seeing human form in terms of its plastic volume. He sim-
plified it. stripped it down to essentials, to a very few blocks, stylizing it into
something that was less and less naturalistic. Any infringement of natural
proportion he accepted with a shrug, even accentuating it in order to high-
light the independence of art. Picasso deliberately abandoned professional
technique, and placed his outlines and areas of colour rawly and inchoately
before us. making no attempt to flesh out an appearance of a living person.
There were no illusions in these lines and this paint. They were simply there
on the canvas to do the job of establishing a form.
Picasso pursued this path in a lengthy series of studies. In summer 1907
they culminated (at least for the time being) in the famous Demoiselles
d Avignon (p. 67). It has long been recognised as a key work in modern art.

It took Picasso a full three-quarters of a year to complete it. And the intens-
ity of his labour can be proven by statistics: no fewer than 809 preliminary
studies! Not only scrawls in sketchbooks but also large-scale drawings and
even one or two paintings. This degree of preparatory toil is unparalleled in

the history of art. Thanks to this material, we can follow Picasso's method
clearly enough. There were two strands of evolution, one formal, one the-
matic. In Picasso's mind they were distinct, as we can see from the fact that
Headofa Woman (Fernande), 1909
most of the sketches only ever tackle one formal or one thematic problem.
Tete defemme {Fernande)
At irregular intervals he would then sketch combinations of distinct lines of
Bronze. 40.5 x 23 x 26 cm
development: they record solutions to problems: the yokings become ever Paris. Musee Picasso
more radical till at last the goal is in sight. The final stage involves work at

the canvas itself.

As we can now see. in most of the individual sketches Picasso was striv-

ing for clear insight into the nature of artistic mimesis. The value of the en-
deavour lay in recognising the tw in poles of mimesis: on the one hand the
ideal coincidence of object and representation, and on the other hand the
complete absence of any representational value. Every mimetic drawing con-
tains elements of both extremes. Picasso's conclusion, like all things of
genius, was in essence very simple, but it has been of revolutionary import-
ance for 20th-century art: the mimetic image is a compound of elements that

do not intrinsically belong together. Their yoking is dictated by chance. So it

must be possible to mix them quite differently and thus create forms that can
still, it is true, be understood as representational in some sense, but which
Self-portrait. 1 907
are pure art rather than a mimetic imitation of Nature.
The images we have of things already constitute an abstraction; so it takes Oil on canvas. 50 \ 46 cm
little to draw a generalized representation of an object. In sketches done dur- Prague. Narodni Galeri

Two Nudes, 1906 ing the winter of 1906, the method Picasso used to draw a face was a
Deux Femmes nues simple, indeed conventional one. Two irregular lines indicated the breadth
Oil on canvas, 151.3 x 93 cm
and shape of a nose, and parallel hatched lines on one side conveyed its size
New York, The Museum of Modern Art
by means of shadow. The same procedure was then applied to other parts of
Two Nude Women Arm in Arm, 1906 the face (p. 65). Now all that was required was to stylize all the principal and
Deux Fannies nues se tenant secondary lines, in a mechanistic fashion, and a far more artificial impres-
Oil on canvas, 151 x 100 cm
sion would be conveyed.
Switzerland, Private collection
In May and June of 1907 he resumed this quest, to see how relatively

minor alterations could change a faithful copy of Nature into something

remote from it. He drew the bridge of the nose in strictly parallel lines,
which devolved the hatched areas into a graphic autonomy. Then he angled
the elliptical eyes and constructed a head out of unnatural straight lines and
arcs. Picasso also used this same method of free combination of formal fun-
damentals in his use of colour in his oil studies. In the process, he travelled a
great distance along the road of combining the colourist's and the draughts-
man's evolutionary techniques (pp. 64 and 65).
Seated Nude with Crossed Legs, 1906
The final oil version of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (p. 67) brought
Femme nue assise, lesjambes croisies
Oil on canvas, 151 \ 100 cm together the results of Picasso's experimentation in such a wa\ that we can
ue, Narodni Galeri trace the entire spectrum of his options from the central figures out to the
Female Nude. 1907
Study for Les Demoiselles a"Avignon
Femme nue
Oil on canvas. 81 x 60 cm
Private collection

sides. It is the programmatic statement of a new formal vocabulary, created

from the systematic scrutiny of conventional representational approaches
and the development of a new synthesis out of them. The colour scheme is a

synthesis of the monochromatic and the contrastive. The figures are painted
in colours ranging from whitish yellow to brown, as are areas of the back-
ground; this contrasts with the blue that divides the right group from the left.

Compositionally. the placing of the subjects breaches conventional ideas o\

clarity and order. We can identify three zones, increasing in si/e from left to

right: first the woman at far left, then the two frontally positioned women
against the whitish-grey background, and then, seeming!) split off b) a
harsh colour contrast, the two at the right. But this irregular tripartite scheme
is at odds with a more orderly spatial division marked b\ the still life at the


Head of a Woman. 1906 Head of a Woman. 1906 Head of a Woman. 1906

Stuck forLes Demoiselles a"Avignon Stud) for Lei Demoiselles d'Avignon Studs for Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
Tete defemme Tete de femme Tete de femme
Pencil on paper. 31 \ 24 cm Pencil on paper. 32 \ 24 cm Pencil on paper. 14.7 x 10.6 cm
Private collection Estate of the artist Paris. Musee Picasso

Bust of a Woman. 1907

Stud\ for Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
Buste de femme
Oil on can\as. 65 \ 58 cm
Paris.Musee National d'Art Moderne.
Centre Georges Pompidou

PAGE 66 TOP: PAGE 66 BOTTOM: Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. 1907
Study for "I^es Demoiselles d'Avignon", 1907 Study for "I^es Demoiselles d'Avignon". 1907 Oil on canvas. 243.9 x 233.7 cm
Etude pour "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" Etude pour "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" New York. The Museum of Modern Art
Pencil and pastel on paper. 47.7 x 63.5 cm Watercolour on paper. 17.5 x 22.5 cm
(sheet size) Philadelphia (PA). Philadelphia Museum
Basel. Offentliche Kunstsammlung Basel. of Art

foot of the canvas: the table, seen as a triangular shape pointing upwards,
coincides precisely with the centre axis. Logically, that axis is occupied by
the middle one of the five women.
We also need to register the different ways of presentation within individ-
ual figures and objects. The bodies are seen at once from the front and the
side, in a way not naturally possible. Lines, hatchings and blocks of colour
are used to make random changes and de-formations in parts of the women's
bodies, and Picasso's over-layering makes for entire areas of abstraction.
Even so, Picasso has not completely abandoned mimetic representation. The
lines and colours still plainly show naked women in various positions. It is

because this is still apparent that the deviations from a conventional aes-

Three Women. 1907/08

Trois Femmes
Oil on canvas, 200 \ 17S cm
St. Petersburg, Hermitage

thetic shock us. And the shock was only heightened, for Picasso's contempo-
raries, by the ostentatious and provocative nakedness of the women.
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon is a meticulously considered, scrupulously cal-
culated visual experience without equal. The formal idiom and utterly new
style were h\ no means a mere relinquishing of prevailing norms in the vis-
Woman with Pears Fernando.
< 1909
ual arts but rather a subth elaborated marriage of relinquishing and preserva-
Femme aux poires (Femande)
tion. The same is true of the subject matter. The first complete compositional Oil on canvas, 2 \ 73 cm

plan, done in March 1907 (p. 66), showed a brothel in Barcelona's Carrer New York, Private collection
Queen Isabella. 1908/09
La Reine Isabeau
Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm
Moscow, Pushkin Museum

Landscape. 1908
Watercolour and gouache on paper.
64 x 49.5 cm
Bern. Kunstmuseum Bern. Hermann and
Margrit Rupf Foundation

House in a Garden (House and Trees).

Maisonnette dans unjardin (Maisonnette
et arbres)

Oil on canvas. 92 x 73 cm
Moscow. Pushkin Museum

cTAvinyo, according to Picasso himself: in other words, it had nothing in par-

ticular to do with the French town of Avignon. It was not till 1916 that the
writer Andre Salmon put about the innocuous and simply wrong title by
which the picture is now known. After he did the Basle drawing he changed

the composition fundamentally, dropping everything that could unambigu-

ously suggest a brothel interior. What is more, by citing the Venus de Milo
in the two frontal figures, he also parodied the aesthetic canon of many eras.

Picasso re-conceived the entirety of the European art tradition from the roots
up, and used its constituents to create a new visual language. This painting,
more than any other work of European Modernism, is a wholly achieved
Landscape. 1908
analysis of the art of painting and of the nature of beauty in art.
Oil on canvas, 73 x 60 cm Picasso marked the end of a historical process that had begun in the mid-
Private collection 1 8th century. The absolute aesthetic impact of painting and the autonomous
status of draughtsmanship and colour were established. This was a fun-
House in the Garden. 1908
damental change. Where once content and form, message and image had
Maisonnette dans un jardin
Oil on canvas, 73 x 61 cm needed to harmonize, now form became dominant, and indeed became the
St. Petersburg, Hermitage content. If ways of seeing, conceptualization, and cognition were to be con-


Study for "Carnival at the Bistro". 1908/09 sidered inseparable, then the cognitive content of painting must logically
Etude pour "Carnaval au bistrot"
enough be purely a matter of how the observer looked at it. Inevitably, once
Gouache on paper. 32 x 49.5 cm
this view gained ground, painting would tend to lose its mimetic character
Estate of the artist
and become detached from the things which it claimed to represent. French
Study for "Carnival at the Bistro". 1908/09 1 9th-century art and the art of post-Romantic northern Europe underwent a
Etude pour "Carnaval au hist rot"
parallel move towards greater abstraction, and greater autonomy of image.
Pencil on paper. 3 1 .3 x, 23.8 cm
That evolution peaked in Picasso's Demoiselles d 'Avignon.
Paris. Musee Picasso
And this marked the arrival of Cubism, slowly but surely: the first major
Study for "Carnival at the Bistro". 1 908/09 peak that it reached is generally known as Analytical Cubism. Picasso's fa-
Etude pour "Carnaval au bistrot" mous portrait of art dealer Ambroise Vollard is an arresting example (p. 77).
Watercolour and pencil on paper.
It fulfils the main requirements of a portrait: it represents the outer appear-
24.2 x 27.5 cm
ance of a certain individual in a recognisable way. But the artist is also dis-
Estate of the artist
playing his skill at playing with the natural image. The lines are continued at

random, no longer restricted to defining an available form. They have a life

of their own. So do the colours: lighter and darker shades, with little regard
for the subject, obey the curious rules of the composition instead. The sub-
ject is dissected, as it were, or analyzed. And hence this kind of Cubism has
become known as Analytical Cubism.
Though the laws of the random afford common ground, the portrait of Vol-
lard remains a distinctly different work from Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. In
the 1907 painting the aim was closed form: in the 1910 work it is open figu-
ration. The dissolution of the subject establishes a kind of grid in which over-

laps and correspondences can constantly be read anew. The essential charac-
teristics of the subject are preserved purely because Picasso is out to demon-

strate that the autonomy of line and colour is on a par with straightforward

representation, and just as convincing aesthetically. His new approach put an

end scheme of foreground, middleground and background,
to the traditional

and the demarcation of subject and setting, which were still present in the
Loaves and Howl of Fruit on a Table, Demoiselles. Between the two extremes lay a three-year transitional period.
It began in 1908 and can be seen as the phase in which Cubism was estab-
I'auis el compotiei am. fruits surune table
Oil on canvas, 164 \ 132.5 cm
Basel, Offentliche Kunstsammlung Basel. In midsummer 1908 Picasso made a breakthrough with his landscapes.
Kunstmuseum House in a Garden (House and Trees) and the simph -titled Landscape

Houses on the Hill (Horta de Ebro). 1909

Maisons sur la colline

Oil on canvas, 65 x 8 cm

New York. The Museum of Modern Art

1 ~*m

Brick Factory in Tortosa (Factory at Horta

deEbro), 1909
Briqueterie a Tortosa (L'Usine)
Oil on canvas, 50.7 \ 60.2 cm
St. Petersburg, Hermitage
(p. 70) take the principle of autonomous spatial values and evolve forms that Friendship. 1907/08

make L'Amitie
a stereometrically stylized impression. At the same time, the young
Oil on canvas. 152 x 101 cm
French painter Georges Braque had arrived at a similar position in paintings
St. Petersburg. Hermitage
of the landscape near UEstaque. At first glance, the motifs look like cubes -
which is why the term Cubism was coined in the first place. In autumn The Dryad (\ude in a Forest). 1908

1908. Braque unsuccessfully submitted his new work for the Paris autumn Lei Dryade (Nu chins uneforet)

who was Oil on canvas. 185 x 108 cm

Salon. Henri Matisse, a member of the jury, observed to the critic
St. Petersburg. Hermitage
Louis Vauxcelles that the pictures consisted of lots of little cubes. Vauxcelles
adopted the phrase in a review he wrote in the magazine Gil Bias when
Braque showed the paintings at the Kahnweiler gallery in November. And
thus (as is so often the case) a misunderstanding produced a label: and by
1911 even, one was using the term Cubism.
In the winter of 1908, following Braque's exhibition. Picasso and Braque
developed a give-and-take that often verged on collaboration. Both artists -
and this is unique in the history of art - were developing a new style

together. was emphatically a mutual process: both artists have the same

standing in the history of Cubism. The painstaking Braque, a slow worker,

painted extraordinarily subtle works incomparable in their aesthetic effect.

By contrast, Picasso was more restless and abrupt, jumping
to and fro
amongst various formal options. Both were experimenting in their own way,
and both, independently, hit upon significant innovations. For Picasso, draw-
ing and the investigation of form were always the focus of his interest.
One of the finest and most instructive of his games played with form is

the Loaves and Bowl of Fruit on a Table (p. 73), painted in winter
still life

1908/09, showing a drop-leaf table with loaves of bread, a cloth, a bowl of

fruit and a lemon on it. The informing principle is not one of Cubist transfor-

mation, though, so much as a genuine metamorphosis - for the picture be-

gan by showing not objects in a still life but carnival merry-makers in a bistro!

Picasso pursued his idea through a number of studies (p. 72).

It is characteristic of Picasso (and a contrast to Braque) that he never saw

Cubism purely in terms of painting. He tackled spatial values and planes in
various media, using various motifs. As in 1906, he explored questions of
volume in sculpture, to see if they too had autonomous values. In preparing
the near-lifesize Head of a Woman (Fernande), a portrait of Fernande Oli-
vier (p. 61 ), Picasso made his experiment using plaster; a small edition was
later cast in bronze for Vollard. In this sculpture, three-dimensional volume
appears to be made of particles roughly The ruling structural
equal in size.

principle is an equilibrium of volume and emptiness. The most important

points - the eye sockets, nose, lips - are done in accordance with their natu-
ral appearance. But in the forehead, cheeks and neck the natural lie of the
features has been inverted - most noticeably in the neck and nape - so that a

new rhythmic sense arises that introduces dynamics to the work. In the paint-
ings, this analytic deconstruction of form inevitably led to the presence of
non-representational elements.
In 1910, Picasso and Braque took their strategy to the borders of pure ab-
straction, producing paintings of great artistic charm which clearly demon-
strate that beauty in art need not be pinned down to illusionist representa-

tion. Cubism now entered a somewhat different phase, one that was heralded
in new visual forms different in structure
1911 and led the following year to
and principle. Braque. who had already used single letters of the alphabet in
Cubist paintings of 1909. now took to using entire words.
Man with a Moustache and a Clarinet. 1911
Another innovation also originated with Braque. As a youngster he had
Homme moustachu a la clarinette
Ink, India ink and black chalk. 30.8 x 19.5 cm been an apprentice house painter, and was familiar with a number of trade
Paris. Musee Picasso techniques, such as the "comb" - a template for mechanically establishing a
whole area of parallel lines. Braque used it to imitate the graining of wood,
and achieved a higher level of illusionism, conveying not only the appear-
ance but also the material consistency of an object - a technical trick daz-

zlingly and absurdly used! Picasso borrowed the method for a number of
still lifes, sometimes in combination with letters. Cubism had changed con-
siderably. A "simple" deconstruction of the mimetic, representational func-
tion of a picture had become an art which used the picture, itself a system o\

random contingency of signs.

signs, to prove the

To understand how radical an innovation Synthetic Cubism in fact was.

we need only consider the work of other artists at the time. In 1911 and
1912, there were two major exhibitions by a group of artists who called
themselves Cubists. This group was led by Albert Glei/es and Jean Met-
zinger and among the most important members were Pernand I.eger and Ro-
Portrait of imbroise Vollard, I
> I f

bert Delaunay. The pictures they exhibited, however, were meiel\ pleasing

cm variants of Braque's idiom of 1908; and their true point o( reference was
Vluseum Ce/anne. not the revolutionarj work of Picasso and Braque. Though the)
/ S/^r
Violin VolieEva", 1912 attracted attention and indeed provoked violent controversy, their work was
Vwlon "Jolie Eva
neither radical nor new. The distorted perception of their status was essen-
Oil on canvas. 60 x 81 cm
Stuttgart, Staatscalerie Stuttgart
tially a product of the new environment in which artists worked and ex-
hibited, a 20th-century environment in which the machinery of the art trade

had become more dominant than ever before.

Till the decisive Cubist breakthrough. Picasso's career was one that

depended on dealers' speculation. His early exhibition at Vollard's in 1901

represented an investment In his future productivity. Everyone who knew
what was what realized, after all, that Salon art was being superseded by
something new. Thus in early 1907 Vollard bought up everything of Picas-
so's, including all his sketches, for 2500 francs. Both Picasso and Braque
had contracts with the young German dealer Daniel Henry Kahnw eiler. who
paid a fixed price for their startling new work. An arrangement of this kind
gave the artists a degree of security and also enabled them to ignore the pro-
cesses of official recognition. Picasso, in fact, never exhibited at a Paris

Salon; instead. Kahnweiler sold his work to collectors, and introduced it to

The Aficionado (The Torero). 1912
other galleries and dealers via his contacts. In 1911. both Picasso and
L'Afii Torero)
Braque had exhibitions abroad -

in the Galerie Thannhauser in Munich, for

Oil on >
Basel, Kunstsammlung Basel. instance. These shows familiarized experts with their work but were largely

Kunstmui ignored by the broader public.

The official Cubist shows of 191 1. at which Picasso and Braque were not Still Life with Chair Caning. 1912
Suture morte a la chaise cannee
represented, inevitably changed things. The public debate forced their work
Oil on oilcloth on canvas framed with
into the open and made it imperative to establish their significance in the
cord. 29 x 37 cm
evolution of Cubism. In 1912 Metzinger and Gleizes published Du cubisme, Paris. Musee Picasso
a theoretical, popularizing view of Cubism that took Cezanne as the great
exemplar. But numerous writers in Picasso's circle published other views.
That same year. Andre Salmon published two books which are seen to this

day as vital sources in the history of Modernist art: his Histoire anecdotique
du cubisme. and La jeune peinture frangaise. He was the first to stress Picas-
so's key position and the seminal importance of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
in the founding of Cubism. Then in 1913 Apollinaire's book Les peintres
cubistes appeared, and made an attempt to distinguish and characterize
groupings within the movement. Braque and Picasso were labelled "scien-
tific" Cubists.
All of this produced a fundamental revaluation of Cubism and the individ- Bottle on a Table. 1912
Bouteille sur une table
ual painters. Now Picasso stood centre-stage, vilified and acclaimed as the
Papiers colles and charcoal on
innovator par excellence. Though it does not fit the facts. Braque has been newspaper. 62 \ 44 cm
viewed ever since as Picasso's junior partner. This too can be accounted for Paris. Musee Picasso

if we look scene of the time. Before Cubism. Picasso already had a
at the art

name, while Braque was merely the young man among the Fauves. Though
Picasso was the elder by a mere half year, he retained his advantage. From
the start it was a financial advantage too: though both artists were under con-
tract to Kahnweiler. the dealer paid Picasso four times what he paid Braque
for his Cubist work. This appears to have had no effect on the two artists'

personal relations, though, and Picasso certainly seems to have considered

Braque his equal. The letters they wrote each other - even if they were
partly playing to the gallery, so to speak - record real friendship and mutual
Their exchange entered a new phase in 1912. The tactile sense could be
appealed to in more ways than paint and a drawing pencil. Braque tested ma-
terials and methods familiar to the house decorator but new to art. Along
with templates and other illusionist tricks, he mixed his paint with sand or
plaster to create a rough, textured surface like that of a relief. In place of two-
dimensional, surface mimesis on canvas or panel, Braque now used material
textures of various kinds as an expressive value in itself. The next step, logi-

cally (as we can now see), was to redefine the visual function of technique
and of the material(s) used.
Bottle of Bass, Glass and Newspaper. 1914
In early 1912. following a stay at Sorgues, Braque showed Picasso his
Bouteille de Bass, verre et journal
new work. It was three-dimensional. He had been cutting sculptural objects Tinplate. sand, wire and paper,
together, using paper or cardboard, and then painting or drawing over them. 20.7 x 14x8.5 cm
The spatial experiment was designed as a way of assessing illusionist tech- Paris. Musee Picasso

niques. He then applied the same ideas to two-dimensional work, retaining

paper and cardboard as materials; and a new kind of work, the papiers
colles. was born (cf. pp.80, 86 and 87). Subsequently he varied the textural
effects and tried out further ways of developing them. In particular, he used
pre-formed, printed, coloured and structured pieces of paper. And for Pi-
casso. Braque's latest innovations provided the occasion to extend Cubism's
visual system.
The graphic structure of printed paper produced a quality that was fig-
uratively random in terms of a picture's import. In 1913 Picasso produced a
number of masterly works of striking economy of means, one of the finest
of them being the Violin (p. 87). Two scraps of newspaper, a few lines and
charcoal hatchings - and the picture is finished. It is one of the loveliest and
most intelligent Cubist pictures. First, Picasso clipped an irregular piece of
Violin, 1915
newspaper and stuck it on cardboard. Then he drew a stylized violin's neck Viol on
with the characteristic curled head. Following the precept of Analytical Cub- Cut metal, painted, with iron wire.
ism, he added formally deconstructed lines to suggest the parts of a violin. 100.1 x63.7x 18 cm
The newspaper text is still decipherable, but its original function and Paris. Musee Picasso

meaning have vanished. Though identifiably from a paper, it is seen purely

as a graphic design, an image. The yellowing adds an extra interest, echoing
the brownish colour of the violin. But Picasso did not merely defamiliarize PAGE 84:

his found material: the part of the newspaper from which he had clipped the Violin. 1912

Violon accroche au mar

first was reversed and placed at top right, where it acts as a background, this
Oil and sand on canvas. 65 x 46 cm
function being at odds with its identity as a newspaper fragment. We are of- Bern. Kunstmuseum Bern. Hermann and
fered an object and spatial dimensions - but. even as Picasso establishes Margrit Rupt" Foundation
them, he destroys them once again. The newspaper scraps are placed to
PAGE 85:
mark an irregular vertical diagonal, a visual instability which the artist has
Violin at a Cafe (Violin, Glass, Bottle). 1913
echoed in the charcoal hatching. The tonal polarity creates a balance of the
Violon au cafe' (Violon, verre, bouteille)
white card, the printed and yellowed paper, and the economical lines of the Oil on canvas. 81 x 54 cm
drawing. Lucerne. Galerie Rosengart

\ iulin and Sheet Music. 1412
Violon etfeuille de musique
Papiers colles on cardboard. 78 x 65 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

The form and content of the picture are at variance, but they are necessar-
ily combined; and thus a subtle tension of great aesthetic and intellectual

presence is created. This defamiliarization still works entirely within the

parameters of mimetic iconography. Picasso went about his work quite dif-

ferently in the collage technique he devised at the time. In collage - unlike

papier colle - an object is introduced into a context in such a way as to alter
not only the medium but also the style and meaning of the motif. Still Life
with Chair Caning (p. 81 ), done in May 1912, work of
is the cornerstone
this new method. A composition in the manner of Analytical Cubism has

been joined to a slant rectangular area showing the weave of a cane chair.
This naturalistic component is at odds with the style of the rest. In fact it is
not a representational piece of work by the artist, but a printed scrap of oil-
cloth The semblance of reality is deployed as an illusion, identified as such, Violin, 1913/14

and exploited iconographically. During this phase of Cubism, using new ma- Violon
Papiers col Ices and charcoal on paper.
terials and techniques. Picasso was exploring the problem of spatial values
62 \ 47 cm
in the illusion established by pictures. Many of his works therefore started Pans. Musee National d'ail Modeme,
from three-dimensional work. Centre Georges Pompidou

Guitar. 1912
Cardboard, paper, canvas, string and
pencil, 22.8 x 14.5 x 7 cm
Paris, Musee Picasso

Guitar and Bottle of Bass. 1913
Gititare et boitteille de Buss
Pieces of wood, paper, charcoal and nails
on wooden board. 89.5 x 80 x 14 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Alongside the papiers colles he began to make guitars out of cardboard The Glass of Absinthe, 1914
(cf. p. 88). The instrument is crudely but recognisably made: the brown Le Verre d 'absinthe
Painted bronze after a wax maquette with
colours of the cardboard, reminiscent of the wood of guitars, doubtless help
silver absinthe spoon, 21.5 x 16.5 x 8.5 cm
us in the recognition. But inappropriate materials are used too, and spatial New York. The Museum of Modern Art
values subverted. The lid, bottom and side walls of the cardboard boxes are
flattened to equal status. The basic Cubist rule of combining the representa- The Glass of Absinthe 1914 .

Le Verre a" absinthe

tional and the random applies to these works too. But in contrast to Analyt-
Painted bronze after a wax maquette with
ical Cubism, which dissected objects, here they are re-assembled. And for silver absinthe spoon. 21.5 x 16.5 x 8.5 cm .

this reason a different term is used: Synthetic Cubism. Private collection

Following this line, Picasso devised another new form, the assemblage.
Basically it transposed the methods and effects of collage into three dimen- The Glass of Absinthe. 1914
Le Verre a" absinthe
sions. As well as wood, Picasso used metal here; but it was painted over, and
Painted bronze after a wax maquette with
its original textural properties were no longer recognisable. Picasso also silver absinthe spoon. 21.5 x 16.5 x 8.5 cm
combined multi-level semantic defamiliarizations with tandem aesthetic and Philadelphia (PA). Philadelphia Museum of
intellectual appeals in his only regular sculpture from this period, a famous Art, A. E. Gallatin Collection

serial work of which six copies were made: The Glass of Absinthe (p. 91).

He made a wax and plasticine mould and variously painted the bronze casts.
Absinthe (a vermouth brandy now banned because it is a health risk) was
drunk from a glass goblet of the kind the sculpture shows. Picasso dissolved
its transparent volume, with various highlights occasioned by the light, into
isolated zones which he then juxtaposed, adding a genuine little spoon with
a wax model of a sugar lump. The distinction between reality and simple rep-
resentation inevitably vanished, because the spoon too now became only a
representation of itself; but what matters, in terms of the principles of Syn-
thetic Cubism, is the contrast between conventionally faithful representation

(the spoon and sugar) and Cubist methods. In all six copies this contrast is

observed. The various painting merely served purposes of accentuation.

Thus Dove with Green Peas. 1912
the processes of deception underlying the art of illusion are excel-
Le Pigeon au.x petits pois
lently displayed in the assemblages and sculptures of Synthetic Cubism. Pi-
Oil on canvas, 65 x 54 cm
casso arguably took this line of thinking to the logical extreme in his metal Paris, Musee d'Art Moderne de la

Violin (p. 82), done in 1915 and a full metre high. It is made of cut sheet Ville de Paris

metal, but the parts are wired in and colourfully overpainted so that the na-
ture of the materialonce again not immediately apparent. The volume of

the metal components and the spatial values implied by the painting are at
variance. The impact is further blurred because Picasso has interchanged spa-
tial values. Parts that should occupy a foreground position in the object sup-
posedly represented, and others that would be further from us in a conven-
tional three-dimensional treatment, have exchanged places. The two holes in

the soundboard are not depressions or holes in the metal but added compo-
nents. Reversing their state in the real world, they have here become small
rectangular boxes lying on the board. Then there are the colours, white,
black and blue areas alongside the brown ones suggesting the actual colour
of a violin. Black areas seem suggestive of shadow, just as white ones imply
bright light; yet this contrasts with the way things appear in reality. Graphic
and spatial approaches, and the art of the painter, have all been combined in

a sophisticated synthesis in this sculptural construction.

This playful approach to form can hardly be taken any further without ex-
ceeding the bounds of meaning - and evolving an altogether new artistic

idiom. Constructions such as these thus took Cubism to the furthest limit of
its options. And ever since, from Dada to the present day, artists of every
stylistic persuasion have used and developed the methods evolved by Cub-
ism. Small wonder, then, that as Cubism gained ground it also founded inter-
national recognition of Picasso's special status in 20th-century art. In the sec-
ond decade of the century he was already being seen as the artist who in-

itiated the great Modernist breakthrough. Whenever new movements were

started, was Picasso and his work
it that served as a rallying cry. In a word:
he became the hero of 20th-century art.

Harlequin, 1915

( )il on 105.1 cm
York, I he Museum of Modem \n
5 Classicism and Surrealism

The work Picasso did from 1916 to 1924 was among the most baffling in his
entire output. The public, his critics, and fellow artists were now familiar
with him as the founder of Cubism and indeed of modern art. But now the
great iconoclast bewildered the experts and general public alike by returning
to a representational art of a monumental, statuesque kind, painting classicist
nudes, portraits, scenes, and works in the spirit of Synthetic Cubism - at

first sight quite incompatible - all in the same period. And yet Picasso's
work matched the mood of the age, and pursued his own intentions as an

Now an established artist, Picasso moved in theatre and ballet circles, and
thus had an entree into high society. He saw Naples and Pompeii; he saw the
most important works of classical art; and changes in the art
originals of the
world accompanied those in his personal life. France saw itself as the direct
descendant of antiquity, the guardian of human values; and a return to the
values of the ancient world was common in all the Mediterranean countries.
It is certain that these years of Modernism were by no means of a piece,
though. There was a strong tendency to render the formal features of avant-
garde art purely decorative.
Remarkably enough, Picasso was very interested in the applied arts at that Olga Picasso in the Studio

time, primarily in art design for the theatre.From 9 6 to 924 he was in- 1 1 1
Photograph, c. 1917

volved in no fewer than eight drama productions. The first of these

ballet or
- designs for the curtain (pp. 98/99). set and costumes of the ballet Parade -
was also the most important. Together with Jean Cocteau, Eric Satie and
choreographer Leonide Massine he evolved an overall concept that adapted
Cocteau's original idea somewhat, marrying Cubist style and figural rep-
resentation in a novel way. This is particularly striking in the figures of the
French and American managers (p. 97). Both figures are about three metres
high, formed from various surfaces of painted papier mache, wood, cloth
and even metal, slotted and notched into each other. The motifs - skyscrapers,
Parisian boulevard trees - suggest the countries the managers come from, and
underpin the Futurist principle of simultaneity. The managers are the formal
idiom of Cubism in motion as they stomp their robotic way across the stage,
personifying the mechanization and inhumanity of modern life.

In the eyes of fellow artists, Picasso's Parade provided exemplary solu-

tions to questions that were then interesting many artists throughout Europe,
Portrait ofOlga in an Armchair. 1917
questions of how to create a new unity out of performance, choreography,
(alter the photograph above)
music, set design and costumes. But it would be wrong to see his interest in
Port rail d'Olga clans nn fauteuil
the applied arts and the influence of a classicizing mood in the arts in France Oil on canvas. [30 x 88.8 cm
as the main cause of Picasso's own classicism. The inadequacy of any one- Paris. Musee Picasso

sided view can be readily seen if we grasp the irreconcilability of his own "Parade": Costume of the French Manager.

works with the European classical ideal in art. The human image 1917
is central
"Parade": Costume de managerfrangais
to his work as it is to classicism, and the tendency to monumentalize it un-
Cardboard and cloth, painted.
mistakable. But in contrast to classical tradition his treatment ignores prin- approx. 200 x 100 x80 cm
ciples of balance and goes for monstrous and disproportioned physical mass. Original destroyed (photo dated 1917)

Picasso was exchanging the two poles of formal visual definition, the
"Parade": Costume of the American
mimetic and the Cubist. This exchange was a return to first principles. A re-
Manager, 1917
turnseems logical since Cubism could go no further. To attempt to go on "Parade Costume de manager americain

would have meant adopting total abstraction - a step that other artists did Cardboard and cloth, painted.

take at the time. approx. 200 x 100x80cm

Anew visual medium prompted Picasso's return: photography. Hitherto, Original destroyed (photo dated 1917)

this is a consideration that has been too little taken into account by Picasso's
critics. Yet Picasso was an enthusiastic photographer as far back as Cubist
days, and Picasso will inevitably have noticed the distinctive features of the
photographic image. The unfinished Portrait ofOlga in an Armchair (p. 94)

painted in 1917, the 1923 Paul, the Artist's Son, on a Donkey (p. 10), his

The Peasants Repast (after I^e Nain). 1917


studies of dancers (Olga among them) and of Sergei Diaghilev and Alfred
Le Retou r du baptime (d'apres Le Nain)
Seligsberg or Igor Stravinsky (p. 100), were all painted or drawn from photo- Oil on canvas. 162 x 118 cm
graphs. Nor must we forget his many copies and variations of works of art Paris, Musee Picasso

Curtain for "Parade".
I , Rideau de "Parade"
Tempera on cloth,

10.6 x 17.25 m
Paris Musle National
lodeme, Centre

seen in photographic reproduction. Line studies predominate among these

works, reduced to essentials and almost completely disregarding shades of
Sisley and His Wife. 1919 colours or indications of volume.
(after a painting by Renoir) Linear austerity, a predilection for a purely linear style, was a feature of
Le Menage Sisley late 18th-century classicist art. People therefore assumed a link between that
Pencil on paper. 3 1 x 23.8 cm
period and Picasso. But the similarity is only superficial. Rather. Picasso
Paris. Musee Picasso
was trying to apply the stylistic resources of photography to painting and
drawing. Black and white photography translates natural colours into a tonal
scale from white through grey to black, and renders subjects in varying de-
grees of clarity or unclarity according to the depth of field. An impression of
documentary precision is conveyed; in reality, the recorded scene is defamil-
iarized. Photography either radically polarizes available contrasts or blurs
them if the focus or light are not right. The distance from the photographed
subject can reinforce or distort the sense of perspective. At all events, the pic-
ture that results has a character all its own. It may be more precise than hand-
drawn likenesses, but it is not faithful. And itwas these peculiar features of
photography that attracted Picasso to the medium.
The nature of his concerns can readily be deduced from the study after a
photo of Diaghilev and Seligsberg (p. 100), drawn in outline, with only occa-
sional charcoal accentuation to suggest volume. Picasso has accentuated the
very features a photograph highlights: eyes. nose, mouth, folds in clothing.

The seated man seems rather too bulky below the waist compared with his

build above it. an impression caused by the slightly distorted perspective of

the angle from which the original picture was taken.

Portrait of Sergei Diaghilev and Alfred
Seligsberg. 1919
(altera photograph)
Portrait de Serge Diaghilev et d Alfred
Charcoal and pencil on paper. 63.5 x 49.6 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso


Portrait of Igor Stravinsky. 1920
(after a photograph)
Portrait d Igor Stravinsky
Pencil on paper. 61.5 x 48.5 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Landscape near Juan-les-Pins. 1920

Paysage de Juan-les-Pins
Oil on canvas. 48 x 68 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Studies. 1920
Oil on canvas. 100 x 81 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Sleeping Peasants, 1919 Picasso approached the unfinished portrait of his wife Olga (p. 94) in sim-
La Sieste
ilar fashion. The figure is cropped at the knee and placed vertically in the
Tempera, watercolour and pencil,
right-hand two-thirds of the composition. In her left hand, resting lightly on
31.1 x 48.9 cm
New York, The Museum of Modern Art, her crossed left leg, she is holding a half-open fan. Her right arm, crooked at

Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Bequest the elbow, is out-stretched across the back of the armchair. Her wide-open
eyes are gazing dreamily into nowhere, or within her own inner depths. The
lustreless dark brown dress contrasts with her light flesh, the colour of
which is also the colour of the canvas ground. The armchair is covered in a
striking fabric of red and yellow flowers, purple grapes and green leaves - a
floral pattern which makes the loudest visual impact but somewhat muted

by the patterning of the dress and fan. These agitated areas of the picture do
not distract from the true subject, the portrait, but in fact lend emphasis to it.

This highlighting is further assisted by Picasso's indifference to the textural.

material qualities of the fabrics: Olga's face, by contrast, is painted with

great sensitivity. And that was what Picasso was out to do in this painting.

The canvas, however, was not yet filled.

Picasso clearly intended to finish the picture. But doing so posed a prob-
lem: he would have had to complete the composition - and the photo af-
forded him no help in his quest for the right counterbalance in what re-

mained to be painted. Everything in the photo was of roughly equal clarity,

and thus of roughly equal status. A photograph is like a sampler of forms, all
of equal value; it is only the response in the beholder's eye that introduces
The Bathers. 1) IX
A painting,

differentiation. however, unlike a photo, is built on a hierarchical

/ es am; neuses

16.3 \ 21.7 cm sense of forms - otherwise it cannot easily be grasped. The camera is impar-
Picasso tial towards its subjects and therefore able to open up surprising perspectives
Family on the Seashore. 1922
Famille au borcl de la mer
Oil on panel, 17.6 x 20.2 cm
Paris, Musee Picasso

Woman and Child on the Seashore. 1921

Femme et enfant au bord de la mer
Oil on canvas, 143 x 162 cm
Chicago (IL). The Art Institute of Chicago

Seated Nude Drying Her Foot. 1921

Femme nue assise s'essuyanl le pied
Pastel on paper. 66 \ 50.8 cm
Private collection
or even, in extreme cases, convey almost Cubist visual experiences using Women Running on the Beach. 1922
(Curtain for the ballet Le Train bleu. 1924)
purely representational means. So Picasso abandoned work on the painting
Deux Femmes courant sur la plage
at this point. It is all the more attractive for being unfinished: the neutral
(La Course)
canvas counteracts the tension between the woman's figure and the colour- Gouache on plywood. 32.5 x 42.1 cm
ful, rather loud pattern of the armchair. Had he continued painting. Picasso Paris. Musee Picasso
would probably have become entangled in a formal jungle.
Picasso viewed the photograph as a thoroughly artificial original, the for-
mal principle of which resided in a curiously dialectical relationship of po-
larities to levelled-out uniformities. Every recognisable detail was distinct
from every other; yet the sheer number of details defied the eye. Polarity
and uniformity were inseparable. Thus, the formal constituents of the image
- line, surface, depth modelling - were themselves distinct. And what was
true of photographs in general was also true of reproductions of artworks,
images constituting a twofold defamiliarization. as it were. When Picasso,
working with photography, returned to the mimetic image, it was by no
The Pipes of Pan. 1923
means a step back. His work from 1916 to 1924 was every bit as avant-
La Flute de Pan
garde as his Cubist work. He was altogether progressive in his approach. He Oil on canvas. 205 x 174.5 cm
was simply trying something different. Paris. Musee Picasso

The levers. 1923
Les Amoureux
Oil on canvas, 130.2 x 97.2 cm
Washington (DC), National Gallery of Art.
Chester Dale Collection

Woman with Blue Veil. 1923

La Feinnie au voile bleu

Oil on canvas. 100.3 x 81.3 cm

Los Angeles (CA), Los Angeles County
Museum of Art

Portrait ofOlga (Olga in Pensive Mood).

Portrait d'Olga (Olga pensive)
The Reading of the Letter. 1 42 Pastel and pencil on paper. 104 x 71 cm
La Lecture de la lettre Paris. Musee Picasso
Oil on canvas, 184 x 105 cm
Pans. Musee Picasso Portrait of Olga. 1923
Portrait d'Olga
Pastel and pencil on paper. 100 \ SI cm
Washington (DC). National Callers o\ Art.

Chester Dale Collection

At that time, a great deal of thought was going into the nature and
potential of photography, and it had achieved recognition as an art from
which other visual artists could in fact learn. From about 1920 on. Da-
daists. Surrealists, Soviet Constructivists and artists at the Bauhaus were
all trying to bring new ideas to visual art with the help of experimental
And Picasso was trying to do the same. All of his figure drawings after
1916 were constructed according to the basic principles of photography -
and for that reason they lack something we usually find in an art drawing:
variability of line. Lines can be thick or thin, deep black or pale grey, and
the gradations chosen can make the visual rhythm of a picture by emphasiz-
ing certain portions and not others. Not so in Picasso. From his portraits of
composers Satie and Stravinsky (p. 100) to his copy of Renoir's portrait of
Sisley and His Wife (p. 100), the lines are almost mechanically even. It is an
astonishing effect, at once cold and utterly stylized.

Picasso was not only adopting the photographic contour. His paintings
Paul, the Artist's Son, on a Donkey. 1923 and drawings also borrowed the characteristic overemphasis of light-dark
Paul, fils de I' anisic, a deux cms contrasts in defining volume, the juxtaposition of the linear and the spatial,
Oil on canvas. 100 x 81 cm even the distortions of perspective. He still used the visual artist's conven-
Paris. Bernard Ruiz-Picasso Collection
tional methods, thus often mixing forms. In the Stravinsky portrait, for

example, the composer's limbs are outsize, combining photographic distor-

tion with the cartoonist's technique. In such works as The Reading of the
Letter (p. 108) or the great nudes of 1921-22, photographic harshness in the
contrast of light and shadow is combined with a sculpturally modelled three-
dimensionality, adding a slight distortion of perspective. These massive
figures with dark eye sockets and seemingly machine-made bodies are the

Other pictures present linear figures seen against neutral, non-representa-

tional areas of colour. In these, Picasso blended the techniques of Synthetic
Cubism with the kind of mimesis he was borrowing from photography. He
was using motifs drawn from his stock repertoire: harlequins, mothers with
children, nudes, still lifes, studies of bullfights, portraits. New motifs were
the beach scenes and bathers. These gave Picasso the chance to test his

nudes in contexts of action. And he was also looking back to art history. His
arresting motion study, Women Running on the Beach (p. 107), uses motif
from Raphael's Vatican frescoes and from an ancient Medean sarco-
Paul Drawing. 1923
Paul dessinant
phagus in the National Museum in Rome, both works Picasso saw in 1917.
Oil on canvas, 130 x 97.5 cm The range of different techniques Picasso was using all shared a concern
Paris. Musee Picasso with identity of craftsmanship and form. As well as painting in oil on
canvas, he painted on wooden panels as in centuries gone by. He even trans-

ferred pastel to canvas and combined it with oils:The Reading of the Letter
PAGE 112: (p. 108) is a fine example. The textural effect of pastel chalk on a rough
Paul as Harlequin. 1924 canvas ground curiously reinforces tonal contrasts.
Paul en arlequin As in earlier periods, the experiments were all subsumed into one major
Oil on canvas. 130 x 97.5 cm
work recapitulating his experience throughout this period: The Pipes of Pan
Paris. Musee Picasso
of the year 1923 (p. 106). Over fifty studies in sketchbooks and on single
113: sheets have survived, but the number of preliminary studies for the painting
Seated Harlequin (The Painter Jacinto must have been far greater, for Picasso also used his 1920-1921 pencil and
Salvado), 1923
pastel drawings of bathers on the beach for his new purpose. He settled on
\rlequin assis (Le Peintre Jacinto Salvado)
the idea of tightly ordered groups of standing and seated figures. He re-
Oil on cam as. I 30 \ l
)7 cm
Paris, Musce National d'Art Moderne, turned to this idea in 1923. linking it to bacchanalian motifs from antiquity.
s Pompidou The result was the final big painting completed in summer 1923.

Rough brown, beige and sandy areas provide a backdrop to the youths, Three Musicians. 1 92
Musiciens aux masques
foregrounding them through the contrast, accentuating the spatiality. and
Oil on cam as. 203 \ 1 SS cm
rounding out the centripetal composition. The two figures illustrate Picasso's
New York. The Museum of Modern Art.
methods of three-dimensional modelling: darker and lighter shades, vari- Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Fund
ously contrasting, to indicate a range of volume qualities from flat to round.
together with the natural proportions of the bodies, heighten the picture's
evocativeness. Like Picasso's entire output from 1916 to 1924, this picture
was a variation on others, uniting in one place subject-matter with shades of
antiquity, classical models, a classicist mode of composition, and a style
derived from photography and blended with Synthetic Cubism.
In the year 1928, in the Paris studio of the Spanish sculptor Julio Gonzales,
The Dance. 1925
Picasso made lour constructions using iron wire and sheet metal, three o(
In Danse
which have survived (p. 1 18). They are fairly small, from 38 to 60 centi- Oil on canvas, 215 x 142 em
metres high, and economical in their use of iron wire of various thicknesses. London, tale Gallen

I I -I
Studio with Plaster Head, 1925 At first glance these constructions look complicated and confusing. But on
Tete et bras de pldtre
closer inspection we see two fundamental features. On the one hand, they
Oil on canvas. 98. 1 x 1 3 1 .2 cm
present a juxtaposition of geometrical shapes, rectangles, triangles and el-
New York. The Museum of Modem Art
lipses grouped spatially into irregular stereometric configurations - extended
pyramids, squashed cubes. On the other hand, at points there are details
- small spheres, discs, irregular tricorn ends - recalling, however remotely,
the human figure. This encourages us to read the works entirely differently:
what looked totally abstract at first now seems to be a stylized representa-
tional figure.

The works are like picture puzzles. Picasso's remarkable and noteworthy
handling of the fundamentals of sculpture is striking. The use of wire trans-
lates form into an issue of linear definition. This is a principle of the draught-
sman, not the sculptor. Strictly speaking, these works are three-dimensional
transfers of two-dimensional graphics. They were given the label "spatial
drawings" by Kahnweiler. The ambiguity of formal meaning, the open ex-
pressive significance of an art object, the fundamental doubts concerning
images conveyed by draughtsmanship - all these basic issues entered into
Picasso's picture puzzles, on page and plinth alike. In 1932. this process cul-
The Sculptor, 1931
minated in the oil Bather with Bench Ball (p. 126). The visual opulence o\
l.c Sculpteur
Oil on plywood, I 28.5 x
)d cm this work at once proves it a peak achievement, a final point along a develop-
Paris, Mus6e Picasso ment, the sum of a long series of studies, experiments and insights.

Figure (Maquette for a Memorial to
ApoUinaire). 1928
Figure (Maquette pour un monument
a"ApoUinaire) PAGE 1 19 TOP:
Iron wire and sheet metal. Guitar. 1926
50.5 x 18.5x40.8 cm Guitare
Paris. Musee Picasso String, newspaper, sackcloth and nails on
painted canvas, 96 x 130 cm
Figure (Maquette for a Memorial to Paris. Musee Picasso
ApoUinaire). 1928
Figure (Maquette pour un monument PAGE 119 BOTTOM LEFT:
d'ApoUinaire) Guitar. 1926
Iron wire and sheet metal, 60.5 \ 15 x 34 cm Guitare
Paris. Musee Picasso Cardboard with India ink. string, tulle

and pencil on cardboard. 13.S \ 12.6 cm

Paris. Musee Picasso


Guitar. 1926
Cardboard, tulle, string and pencil
on cardboard, 12.5 \ 10.4 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

The Studio, 1927/28
L' Atelier
Oil on canvas, 149.9 x 231.2 cm
New York, The Museum of Moderrn Art

The composition, seemingly simple and yet subtle, is typical of Picasso in

its use of correspondences and contrasts. Angular forms are juxtaposed with
rounded ones; naturalistic features appear alongside abstract. Spheres and
shapes like clubs, thick, sweeping, dense, form a figure that has a distantly
human appearance. Legs apart, arms crossed as she leaps, the bather has just
caught a ball that makes a distinctly tiny impression beside her bulky body.
The figure almost completely fills the canvas, this, with Picasso's use of a
vertical diagonal, making the sense of movement all the more dynamic.
Taken with the clumsiness of this body, the crass pattern of the bathing suit,

the beach cabin and the blue sea, Picasso's view of life at the seaside is dis-
tinctly humorous. But for Picasso form was devoid of content; so he
in itself

considered himself at liberty to interchange forms and substitute other con-

tents. His juggling with form found support at that period in another new
movement that had emerged from Dada: Surrealism.
In the summer of 1923 Picasso met the leader of the movement, the writer
Andre Breton, and did an etching of him. In 1924 Breton published the first

Surrealist Manifesto. In it he proposed that the subconscious was a more

valid mode of perceiving reality than rational thought and sense. He advo-
cated dreams and the visions of madness as an alternative to reason. He was Figure, 1927
inspired by Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic writings, and by the poetry of Figure

Arthur Rimbaud, Stephane Mallarme, Comte de Lautreamont and Apolli- Oil on canvas, 128 x 98 cm
Estate of Jacqueline Picasso
naire, from whose work the label of the new movement was indirectly

derived. Surrealism's aim was to reveal the subconscious realm of dreams

by exploring avenues opened up by psychoanalysis. It disregarded the cau-
sal order of the perceptible world and set out to counter it with an unlimited PAGE 122:

The Kiss, 1925

use of the irrational. In this way, individual life would undergo a revolution-
Le Baiser
ary transformation: feeling and expressive potential would be infinitely en- Oil on canvas, 130.5 x 97,7 cm
hanced and extended. Paris, Musee Picasso
The Surrealists were opposed to all artistic procedures based on conscious
PAGE 123:
reason. In its place they put chance, trivia, and a revaluation of plain every-
Large Nude in a Red Armchair, 1929
day sensation. Originally a movement, it quickly embraced the vis-
Grand nu aufauteuil rouge
ual arts too, and a number of new techniques were developed. The most Oil on canvas, 195 x 129 cm
important of them were frottage, which (like brass rubbing) calls for the Paris, Musee Picasso

production of visual, textural effects by rubbing, and grattage, a kind of The Swimmer. 1 929
reverse frottage, in which paint is thickly applied and then scraped off reveal- La Nageuse
Oil on canvas, 130 x 162 cm
ing the layer underneath. Nor should we forget "Ecriture automatique", the
Paris, Musee Picasso
Surrealists' rediscovery of automatic writing and equivalent procedures in

painting and drawing whereby what mattered was to suspend rational con-
trol and allow the subconscious to express itself directly via the text or
image produced.
In 1925 Picasso exhibited at the first joint Surrealist show in the Galerie
Pierre in Paris. He did portraits of Surrealist writers for their books, and in
1933 one of his collages was taken for the title page of the new magazine,
Minotaure (p. 1 39;. Like the Surrealists, Picasso too explored the visual
potential of tactile qualities. There are a number of affinities in technical

methods, the use of montage, and the further development of collage and
The Blue Acrobat, 1929
Yet still the tensions that existed between Picasso and the Surrealists were
L'Acrobate bleu
the product of deep-seated differences. It is no exaggeration to say that their
Charcoal and oil on canvas,
respective aims and intentions were in fact diametrically opposed. For that 162 x 130 cm
very reason there were superficial overlaps in the approach to artistic experi- Pans. Musee Picasso

Bather with Beach Ball. 1932
Baigneuse cm bord de la mer
Oil on canvas, 146.2 x 1 14.6 cm
Now York. The Museum of Modem Art
ment and the transformation of conventional techniques and modes of ex- Figures at the Seashore. 1931

pression.The assemblages Picasso did in spring 1926. which were published Figures au bord de la mer
Oil on canvas. 130 x 195 cm
that summer in La Revolution surrealiste, point up the differences of cre-
Paris. Musee Picasso
ative method nicely. The assemblages consist of just a few, simple, everyday
things. Scraps of linen and tulle, nails, string, buttons and newspaper are put
together to make almost abstract images.
In Guitar (p. 119 top), for instance. Picasso has arranged a piece of sack-
cloth, a scrap of newspaper, two long nails and some string in such a way
that what looks like a random collection of objects takes on the appearance
of a "picture". By referring to the title we can perceive this work as being
representational. The cut-out circle in the middle of the cloth echoes the
hole in a guitar's soundboard, and the two nails loosely suggest the strings.
The yellowed newspaper denotes the side and bottom of the instrument,
and the string must presumably represent the (oddly angled) neck. The
image as such is wholly non-naturalistic, and the form contrasts with that

of an actual guitar. But in its details there are enough similarities to estab-

lish the concept of a guitar. Picasso is continuing the line of Synthetic Cub-
ism here, seeing the picture as a system of signs, the arbitrary nature of
which leaves the imagination leeway for untrammelled invention. The
possibility of recognition is anchored in concepts and definitions, and hap-
pens entirely in the intellect. Surrealism does exactly the opposite. It too
primarily operates with a conceptual system, but its techniques and aims
alike depend on the irrational.

The Red Armchair. 1931
Femme assise clans unfauteuil rouge
Oil and enamel paint on plywood, 130.8 x 99 cm
Chicago (EL), The Art Institute of Chicago

Bust of a Woman with Self-portrait. 1929
Buste de femme el autoportrait
Oil on canvas. 71 x 60.5 cm
Private collection

Reclining Nude. 1932
Femme nue couchee
Oil on canvas, 24 x 35 cm
Rome, Private collection

Reclining Nude. 1932

Femme nue couchee
Oil oh canvas, 38 x 46 cm
Paris,Musee National d*Art Moderne.
Centre Georges Pompidou

Woman with a Flower. 1932

Femme d lafleur
Oil on canvas, lo2 \ 130 cm
New York, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan CummingS
The Crucifixion (after Griinewald). 1932
La Crucifixion (d'apres Griinewald)
Ink and India ink on paper. 34.5 x 51.5 cm
Paris, Musee Picasso

The Crucifixion, 1930

La Crucifixion
Oil on plywood, 5 1 .5 x 66.5 cm
Paris, Musee Picasso
Woman in a Red Armchair. 1932
Femme aufauteuil rouge
Oil on canvas. 30.2 x 97 cm

Paris. Musee Picasso


Bullfight (Corrida), 1934 Scarcely controlled creative acts may produce random results, or logical
Course de taureaux (Corrida)
and meticulous labour may produce images beyond rational interpretation:
Oil on canvas, 97 x 1 30 cm
that is not the point. In the former case, form expresses the artist's subcon-
Private collection
scious and appeals to the beholder's emotions. In the latter, the beholder's
subconscious is activated via feeling even though he has no rational access
to the work. In terms of form and the meaning of form, however, emotion
plays no part at all in Picasso's work. He appeals to the emotions to prompt
conflict or even shock, starting an intellectual process in the course of
which we reflect not on ourselves but on art. This was also the aim of his
wire sculptures of autumn 1928 (p. 1 18).

Picasso made his maquettes in response to a commission. The Association

of Friends of Apollinaire planned to erect a memorial to the poet on the
tenth anniversary of his death, and approached Picasso, who aptly tackled
the project in the spirit of a phrase Apollinaire had written: "the statue made
of nothing, of vacancy". Apollinaire was thinking of a monument to a pool:

so it seemed doubly appropriate to Picasso to borrow this thought from his

friend. The evident relation to the human figure derives its meaning from
this consideration too: Picasso evolved his idea in order to put the l )th cen-
tury's outmoded notions of memorials aside, for good. The representational,
figural echo alludes to the tradition of monuments, but in a radical form that Bullfight:Death of the Toreador. 1933
Course de taureaux: la mort du torero
departs conspicuously from the tradition. Unfortunately Picasso's idea was
Oil on panel, 3 .2 x 40.3
1 cm
too daring and progressive for his contemporaries. The committee turned it Paris. Musee Picasso
down. Not till much later did the artist have the chance to realize his ideas,
at least in part. In 1962 he himself had two large-scale versions of the four
maquettes made, one 115 centimetres high, the other 200, intended as inter-

mediate stages towards a finished version on a monumental scale. In 1973.

shortly before his death, one version over four metres high was put up in the

Museum of Modern Art, New York.

At that point in the Twenties, Picasso was particularly interested in the ap-
plied art of book illustration. He employed a variety of etching processes
(cold needle, line etching and aquatint) for this work, which covered the same
familiar repertoire of subjects: painter and model, bullfight, bathers, nudes,
acrobats. The works have titles such as Sculptor Resting with Model in his
Arms or Sculptor with Model at a Window. Sculptors or painters with models
account for the greatest part of these works. Painters and sculptors, them-
selves drawn naturalistically, can make abstract figures from real originals,

Picasso is saying - or naturalistic images from abstract models. These sequen-

ces of graphics, deconstructed twofold, bring home the work of the artist.

Silenus Dancing in Company, 1933
Silene en compagnie dansante
Gouache and India ink on paper, 34 x 45 cm
Private collection

The Sculptor and His Statue. 1933

Le Sculpteur et sa statue
Ink, India ink, watercolour and gouache
on paper, 39 x 49.5 cm
Private collection


Study for the Curtain for "14 juillet"
by Roman Rolland. 1 936
Etude pour le rideoM de scene du
" 14 juillet" de Ronuiin Rolland
Gouache and India ink. 44.5 \ 54.5 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso


Minotaur and Dead Mare Outside a Cave,
with Young Veiled Girl. 1936
Minotaure etjumenl morte devant une
grotteface a une jeune fille cut voile

Gouache and India ink on paper. 50 \ 65.5 cm

Pans. Musee Picasso
Bull and Horse. 1936
Femme a la bougie, combat entre taureau
et cheval
Ink. India ink and pencil on canvas on panel.
3 1 .5 x 40.5 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Minotauromachy 1935 .

La Minotauromachie
Etching and grattoir. 49.8 x 69.3 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso
Minotaur and Horse. 1 935
Minotaure et cheval
Pencil on paper. 17.5 x 25.5 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Design for the Cover of "Minotaure". 933 1

Maquette pour la com erture de "Minotaure
Collage: Pencil on paper, corrugated
cardboard. sil\er foil, silk ribbon, wallpaper
o\erpainted with gold and gouache, doilies,
brow ned can\ as lea\ es. draw ing pins and
charcoal on wooden board. 48.5 x 41 cm
New York. The Museum of Modern Art

Interior with a Girl Drawing. 1 935 A large number of Picasso's etchings are responses to Rembrandt. Picasso
Deux Femmes
was placing himself on a par with Rembrandt - a high ambition indeed, for
Oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm
New York. The Museum of Modern Art.
Rembrandt is widely seen as the master of etching, and in Picasso's time
Nelson A. Rockefeller Bequest was considered the greatest artist of all time. Picasso was asserting that he
himself was Rembrandt's legitimate successor, that he himself was the most
important 20th-century artist.

In 1925, Picasso created a masterpiece of formal metamorphosis. The

Kiss (p. 122), a truly awful picture - but wonderful too! A manifesto of new
ways of expression, it presents the aggressive, violent and primitive aspects
of the act of love with a brutality scarcely ever attempted before. It makes
demands on us. We have to disentangle what we see. gradually discovering

at the top, amidst the seeming chaos of loud colours and contrasts, mouths
locked in a devouring kiss; a figure at left, holding another in an embrace:
an exploded backbone atop straddled legs. But what looks like a mouth or
eye, soulfully intimate, is in fact a vagina about to be "eaten", and at the bot-

tom of the picture we are provocatively confronted with an anus - balancing

the composition in ribald parody of classical laws of composition. Not until

late work done in the 1960s did Picasso again treat sexuality thus.

A picture as aggressive as The Kiss was of course not merely the articula-

tion of an artistic programme. It came out of personal experience. Picasso's

Woman Reading. 1935
marriage to Olga was not a happy one. They shared few interests, neither
Femme lisant
Oil on canvas, 161.5 x 129.5 cm communicating nor enriching each other's lives. Art here mirrors reality, ex-

Picasso presses it vividly. In other works of the period, distress and violent feeling
are apparent in the visible tension. From 1930 on, we frequently find the
Christian motif of the crucifixion (p. 132J> Above all, he dealt with relations
between the sexes, in numerous variations on his artist-and-model subject
but also in a new version of his bullfight pictures: the motif of the Minotaur.
The various states of the Minotauromachy etching, and the India-ink and
gouache studies of 1936 (p. 137). allude both to the ancient tradition and to
the modern. The Minotaur invades the sculptor's studio. He is also seen
dragging the dead mare, a symbol of female sexuality, from his lair. He is

plagued by demons, and is vanquished by Theseus. But the creature can al-

ways be identified with the dual nature of the artist. This owes something to
Nietzsche's The Birth of Tragedy, in which Nietzsche saw art as essentially a
duality, possessing Apollonian and Dionysian features.
Of course we must remember that the violence in many of these works
also reflected contemporary politics. France and indeed all of Europe was
radically unstable at the time, and Fascism was on the rise. Spain had been
in the hands of a military dictatorship since 1923, and it was not till 1931
that an elected government replaced it. Since 1930. the Surrealists had been
increasingly committed to the Communist Party, but Picasso refused to be di-
rectly involved in politics. This does not mean that he took no interest in pol-
itical events or was ignorant of social conditions.
The key picture in political terms is the composition showing the Mino-
taur in the clutches of a gryphon figure (p. 137 top). Picasso's variation on
a famous ancient model, the Hellenistic Pasquino group, showing the dead
Patroclus in the arms of Menelaus. It was done as a study for the curtain for
Girl Before a Mirror. I )32
Romain Rolland's play 14 j nil let. performed in Paris in summer 1936 in
Jeune Fillc devant un miroir
honour of the election victory of the French People's Front. Like the bull-
Oil on canvas. 162.3 x 130.2 cm
New York, The Museum of Modern Art.
fight, the use of the Minotaur motif shows the subject's symbolic value in
Gift of Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Picasso's eyes, as an expression of social concern.
6 War, Art and Politics 1937-1953

Guernica, filling an entire wall, is surely the best-known 20th-century work

of art (pp. 148/149). It relates to a specific historical event, and expresses
Picasso's political commitment. For this reason, art and politics, the creative

hallmarks of the work and its historical circumstances, must be treated as

By 1936 at the latest, Picasso's lack of interest in current political events
was at an end. On 17 July 1936, civil war began with the rebellion of the
army (under Franco) in Spanish Morocco, a rebellion which spread to Spain
itself on 18 July. The Republican government found itself facing an alliance

of Nationalists, Falangists and anti-Republicans, led by the forces of Franco,

who, helped by Italy and Nazi Germany, transferred his troops from the
North African colony to Spain. The war was to last till 28 March 1939 and
cost one and a half million lives. The Falangist side was aided by Italian and
German troops, particularly the notorious Condor Legion, a German air
force unit. The Republican government was supported by the Soviet Union
and by numerous volunteers from many countries; the official government
policies of France and Great Britain, however, dictated non-intervention. Head of a Woman Crying, 24 May 1937
From was on the side of the legitimate
the outbreak of civil war, Picasso Study for Guernica (32

Republican government, which appointed him director of the Prado in Ma- Tete de Femme en pleurs
Pencil and gouache on paper. 29.2 x 23.1 cm
drid, Spain's most important art gallery, in July 1936. In January 1937 the
Madrid. Museo Nacional Centra de Arte
government commissioned him to paint a mural for the Spanish pavilion at Reina Sofia
the Paris World Fair, due to open in July. At first Picasso intended to meet
the commission with a representation of the freedom of art, using a studio
scene with painter and model. But when the news of the bombing of the
holy Basque town of Guernica reached him, he changed his mind. On 26
April 1937 the town was totally destroyed in just three and a half hours by
Falangist forces, Spanish, Italian and German troops, under German com-
mand. The town was of no military importance; its destruction was an act of
pure terrorism. But it rapidly acquired political significance as reports of the
atrocity appeared in the world press. Guernica was transformed by those re-

ports into a symbol of modern total warfare.

With these new impressions of war vivid in his mind, Picasso abandoned
his original idea for the mural and began sketch work on a new idea on 1

May 1937. By mid-June work was being mounted on the wall

the finished Mother with Dead Child on a Ladder.
of the Spanish pavilion at the and the building was officially op-
World Fair, 10 May 1937
Study for Guernica (21
ened on 12 July. The pavilion showcased Republican Spain in mortal jeo-
Mere et enfant mart
pardy; and Picasso's painting fitted perfectly, though he made his statements
Pencil and crayon on paper, 45.7 x 24.4 cm
exclusively in symbolic form. There was no specific depiction of warfare in Madrid. Museo Nacional Centra de Arte
the work, nor was there any emphasis on political events. Reina Sofia


<I) I

Study for "Guernica" (1). I May 1937 Study for "Guernica" (2). 1 May 1937 Study for "Guernica" (3). 1 May 1937
Etude pour "Guernica" (I) Etude pour "Guernica" (2) Etude pour "Guernica" (3)

Pencil on blue paper, 21 x 26.9 cm Pencil on blue paper. 2 1 x 26.9 cm Pencil on blue paper. 21 x 26.8 cm
Madrid. Museo National Centra Madrid. Museo Nacional Centra Madrid. Museo Nacional Centra
de Arte Reina Sofia de Arte Reina Sofia de Arte Reina Sofia

Horse. I May 1937 Horse, 1 May 1937 Study for "Guernica" (6). 1 May 1937
Study for Guernica (4). Cheval Study for Guernica (5). Cheval Etude pour "Guernica" (6)

Pencil on paper, 21 x 26.9 cm Pencil on blue paper, 21 x 26.8 cm Pencil and oil on plywood. 53.7 x 64.7 cm
Madrid, Museo Nacional Centra Madrid. Museo Nacional Centra Madrid. Museo Nacional Centra
de Arte Reina Sofia de Arte Reina Sofia de Arte Reina Sofia

Study for "Guernica" (10). 2 May 1937 Study for "Guernica" (15). 9 May 1937 Mother with Dead Child. 2$ Ma> 1937
Etude pour "Guernica" (10) Etude pour "Guernica" (15) Stud) for Guernica (37)
Pencil and oil on plywood, 60 \ 73 cm Pencil on paper. 24 \ 45.3 cm Mere avec enfant mort
Madrid, Museo Nacional Centra Madrid. Museo Nacional Centra Pencil crayon, gouache and collage on paper.
de Arte Reina Sofia ile Arte Reina Sofia 23.9 \ 45.5 cm
Madrid. Museo Nacional Centra
de Arte Reina Sofia
Guernica (1st state). 1 1 May 1937
Guernica ler
< etat)

Oil on canvas. 349.3 x 776.6 cm

Guernica (3rd state). May 1937

Guernica (Seme etat)

Oil on canvas. 349.3 x 776.6 cm

Guernica (6th state). May 1937

Guernica (6eme etat)

Oil on canvas. 349.3 x 776.6 cm

Guernica ( final state). 4 June 1937

Guernica (etat definitif)

Oil on canvas. 349.3 x 776.6 cm


In fact Guernica, the great symbol of the terror of war, had prompted an
allegorical composition. The painting is monumental in effect but not op-
pressive. The horizontal-format composition uses seven figures, or figure
groups; it is clearly yet subtly divided up. Two presentations occupy the left

and right sides, with a flat triangle between. In the middle, unnaturally
posed, stands a wounded horse, its neck wrenched to the left, its mouth w ide
open in pain. To the right, from a square space, are a styli/ed human head in
profile and an arm holding a lighted oil lamp over the scene. Above the
horse's head is an ambivalent motif: a large eye of God. surrounded by a circ-
let of irregular jags, with a lightbulb for a pupil - standing for sunlight as well
as electric light. To the right of the horse a woman is hurrying, her pose

plainly conceived to fit the falling diagonal: this is where the central group Guernica. 1937

is completed, in compositional terms. A counterpart to this figure is a war- Oil on canvas. 349.3 x 776.6 cm
Madrid. Museo Nacional Centra de Arte
rior statue on the ground to the left below the horse, its arms outstretched, a
Reina Sofia
broken sword in one hand. The statue has been smashed into hollow pieces.
Picasso avoids the involuntary rigidity of precision composition. The sun
and lamp are to the left, the equally striking white house wall to the right of
the painting's central vertical axis. Above the smashed statue stands a uni-
fied group. A mother is kneeling before a bull, screaming, holding her dead
child in her arms. A corresponding figure at the right edge of the canvas has
its head flung back, mouth open to cry out, and arms stretched heavenwards
in a gesture of profound emotion.

Weeping Woman. 1937
/(nunc en pleurs
Oil on canvas, W) \ 49 cm
ondon, Tate Gallery
Woman Crying. 1937
La Suppliante
Gouache and India ink on panel. 24 x 18.5 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

The use of dark and light areas and irregular jags suggests that we see this Great Bather with Book. 1 937

house The Grande Baigneuse au livre

as a falling, burning figure against a in flames. spatial situation of
Oil. pastel and charcoal on canvas.
the composition has been systematically unsettled by various lines leading
130x97.5 cm
into the depths and by irregular perspectival foreshortening. The distribution Paris. Musee Picasso

of dark and light heightens this unsettling effect of destabilization, since no

definite source of light can be made out. The scene is happening neither in-

side nor out: it is. so to speak, everywhere.

Picasso reconciled primal forms of expression, his own formal idiom, and
motifs and images that were readily understandable, familiar through a long
tradition. Therein lies the attraction and greatness of Guernica. It is far more
than agitprop art. The preliminary studies, by a Picasso who was already
fully aware of his significance in the history of art. enable us to follow the

evolution of the work exactly. Forty-five dated studies and a number of

photographs showing the different states of the work in progress (pp. 144
147) provide unparalleled documentation. The labours they bear witness to

were carried out with the utmost concentration. From its inception on 1 May
to its completion on 4 June, Picasso took just five weeks. For a work on so
monumental a scale, and of such formal and thematic complexity, this is

staggeringly fast. But the explanation lies in Picasso's characteristic way of

working, manoeuvring motifs from his own repertoire and from the stock of
European art through the ages.
Familiar sources in the European compo-
art tradition have influenced this

sition: Peter Paul Rubens' great allegorical painting The Horrors of War (in

Florence. 1638). Raphael's Vatican fresco of the Borgo fire, the traditional
pieta image of the Virgin holding the dead Christ, light as a symbol of En-
lightenment, and the Minotaur and bullfight complex which Picasso had
been using since the mid- 1930s, not least to convey political statements. The
work Picasso did on the studies and on the final canvas of Guernica shows
how he altered what were at first unambiguously political symbols in order
to endow them with universal validity. The work as completed on 4 June

was a composition uniquely unified in modern art, and of unparalleled con-

viction. Its impact derives not only from the subtle complexity of the compo-

sition and content but also from the stylized, schematic manner in which the
figures are presented, at once timelessly ancient and universally accessible.
Any direct evocation of an identifiable contemporary reality or even a politi-

cal grouping has been carefully avoided. The symbolic idiom is deliberately
generalized. The bull and horse, through their association with bullfighting,
stand for Spain: the horse is the people suffering, the bull the people trium-
phant, but both are victims of aggression and destructive violence. All the
figures in Guernica are victims. The meaning of the painting, deliberately
stated in general terms borrowed from Rubens' great painting, lies in its rep-

resentation of the destruction of human civilization by war. PAGE 154:

The form of the work matches its fundamental simplicity of statement per- Seated Woman in a Garden. 1938
fectly. There is neither caricature nor propaganda in it. Picasso's allegory is Femme assise dans unjardin
Oil on canvas, 131 x 97 cm
rigorously done. The blacks, greys and whites echo the old use of grisaille in
New York. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Saidenberg
altarpieces. Nothing work is specific to the medium of paint: it is a
in the
draughtsman's creation. The simultaneity of perspective and figures, the jux-
taposition of linear and volumed representation, and varying frontal and PAGE 155:

Seated Woman. 1938

profiled angles of vision, are all stylistic devices Picasso had already de-
Femme assise
veloped in earlier work. Nevertheless, the simple primaeval power of the pic-
Gouache, crayon and ink on paper,
ture, so seemingly archaic in tone yet so sophisticated in composition, did 76.5 x 55 cm
mark a new departure. Basel. Beyeler Collection

Xude Dressing Her Hair. 1 940
Femme se coiffant
Oil on canvas. 130 \ 97 cm
New York. Mrs. Bertram Smith Collection

Once again, Picasso's stylistic quest had been catalysed by examination of Night Fishing at Antibes, 1939
Peche de unit a Antibes
source material. In this case, the key is the fourth sketch of May, the first

Oil on canvas. 205.7 x 345.4 cm

detail study for Guernica (preceded by three compositional drafts). The
New York, The Museum of Modern Art,
study shows a horse (p. 146, No. 4). It is drawn as a child would draw a
horse, its physical proportions purely symbolic, all four legs and both eyes
equally visible. In the third sheet (p. 146, No. 3) there are seemingly infantile

uses of line as well. These, however, are a response to surrealist figural

work. Both strands - children's drawings and Surrealism - were interwoven
and important influences. In Guernica Picasso combined his linear style,

widely termed classical, with surreal recordings of the subconscious; and the
foundation on which the combination was established was the basic idiom
of children's drawings. Children's principles determined his contouring, the
use of detail motifs, and the perspective.
For Picasso, the idiom of children's drawings was evidently a completely
new discovery. His early professional training had given him no oppor-
tunity to draw in a childlike way himself, nor had his own children
prompted him an awareness of the child's way of seeing the world. This

the more remarkable when one considers that Picasso had actually
is all PAGE 158:

Maya with a Boat, 1938

portrayed his little son Paul drawing and painting (p. ). It was not till the1 1 1
Maya an bateau
Thirties that Picasso, under the influence of Surrealism, occasionally ad-
Oil on canvas, 61 x 46 cm
mitted the child's manner to his work, as he did in The Crucifixion (1930; Luzern, Private collection
p. 132). Taking a detour through another style in art, Picasso came to value
the expressive power of The Surrealists, looking for modes of PAGE 159:
children's art.
Portrait of Maya with Her Doll 1938
expression that were untainted by existing mental and cultural pressures,
Portrait de Maya avec sa poupee
had discovered children's creative powers for themselves. And that dis- Oil on canvas, 73.5 x 60 cm
covery in turn helped Picasso. Paris. Musee Picasso

The Sailor, 1938
Le Marin
Oil on canvas, 58.5 x 48 cm
Private collection

Thus Guernica, for Picasso, became a great synthesis of the very various
artistic approaches he had been taking since his period of so-called classi-
cism. In Guernica he had arrived at the formal idiom with which we auto-
matically associate his name. Since the great experiment of Les Demoiselles
d'Avignon, the subsequent further development of Cubism, and the years of
so-called classicism, two mutually contradictory principles of depiction had
coexisted in Picasso's art. They may be labelled dissociation and figuration.

Figuration is mimetic, representational art, handed down by tradition; disso-

ciation is autonomous art. non-representationally departing from its subjects
in the given world. In Picasso's work they alternate and exert a mutual in-

Within the overall system of depiction, figuration and dissociation repre-
it polar opposites. The former reproduces the subjective viewpoint, shows
the subject as the beholder sees it. The laws of perspective apply: a subject
irom the front cannot reveal its rear. That aspect of its appearance is
The Yellow Sweater (Dora Maar). 1939
Le Chandail jaune {Dora Mann
left to the imagination, figuration relying upon the associative cooperation
Oil on cam as. SI \ 65 cm
of the beholder. Dissociation, by contrast, includes the whole subject, shows
London. National Gallon, on loan o\
veil as the frontal view if it so wishes. In this respect it is more the Hem/ Berggnien Collection
Women at Their Toilette. I
(Cartoon for a tapestr) >

Femmes a leur toilette

Pasted wallpapei and gouache
on papei > cm
Pai is Musee Picasso
War. 1952 objective. But the gain in terms of dissociative images is countered by a
La Guerre
loss: the various elements can no longer be accommodated within a defined
Oil on hardboard. 4.5 x 10.5 m
area, and the principle of a containing outline has to be abandoned. That
Val lauds. Temple de la Paix
principle belongs to figurative art: it includes everything in unified outlines,
ensures that every subject is distinct from every other. The basic task for any
depictive art seeking a synthesis of the two approaches is obvious. It has to
introduce the gains of dissociative art into the realm of figuration, and vice
versa. Picasso's new style did just that, using contoured, linear, figurative
outlines without feeling compelled to represent the exact specifics of the
given subject; and his options had been extended to include the figurative
symbolism characteristic of children's art.

The portrait of his daughter Maya, done on 16 January 1938 (p. 159).

clearly reveals how capriciously Picasso handled this new system. The little

girl is sitting on the floor, a doll in her arm. Her legs and skirt are rendered
as geometrical blocks, unnaturally crossed; the legacy of Cubist dissociation
is unmistakable. Her face shows the familiar combination of profile and fron-
tal angles, the two angles not additively juxtaposed in Cubist manner but
simultaneously present, as in a superimposed photograph. Picasso more or
less retains the natural proportions. There is just one striking exception: the
girl's right arm was painted as a child might have painted it. a short stump
ending in sketchy shapes that stand for five spread fingers.
The Temple of Peace at Vallauris
Photograph. 1952 Cubist dissociation, figuration and childlike symbolism are the three foun-
dations on which the formal idiom of the "Picasso style" was built. They
made possible a vast potential of variation. Every one of these formal sys-
tems consists of a number of characteristic features which only define a sys-
tem once they appear together. But these features can be used separately, or
combined with others. This fact is illustrated by a study of a Seated Woman
done on 27 April 1938 in India ink. gouache and crayon (p. 155). It is a
study in both the autonomy and the functionality of the line. The woman's
head is done in the familiar combination of frontal and profile; and. in the
process, the line as an instrument for conveying form has taken on an inde-
pendent life of its own. Admittedly an identifiable image of a bod) has been

produced, and thus a certain representational value; but the picture is a fab- Peace. 1952

ric of webs and meshes. This use of lines totally alters the character of the La Pai.x

Oil on hardboard. 4.5 x 10.5 cm

image. The line is no longer subordinated to representation of the sitter;
Vallauris, Temple de la Paix
rather, the seated figure is an excuse to play with lines. Naturally enough,
most of the forms are angular. In the December 1938 Seated Woman in a
Garden (p. 154) Picasso went on to combine autonomy of block with auton-
omy of line. Since Guernica, Picasso had essentially been ringing the same
changes on the fundamentals of visual presentation as he had been doing in

the Cubist phase.

did make a considerable difference was the fact that his free vari-
ationwas now always contained within a defined outline, a figural shape.
An important work that used the new method of depiction grew out of the
work on Guernica. After he had completed that enormous canvas, Picasso
did a number of studies on the time-honoured subject of grief, showing a
woman weeping into a handkerchief. Using his combined dissociative and
figurative method, he dissected the faces into lines and experimented with
various colour bases applied in different ways. When he had tried out combi-
nations to his satisfaction, he produced an oil of moderate size which he
completed on 26 October 1937 (p. 150). Again the composition combines a
frontal and profile view of the face. Furthermore, the face has also been
splintered into shards contoured with thick lines, and these shards, painted
in shades of varying degrees of aggressiveness, serve to heighten an overall
impression of shattered nervousness. The handkerchief, hand and face inter-
connect (and in this respect extend the method used in Les Demoiselles d'A-
vignon): the treatment defies the natural definition of the individual motifs.
This is the most fractured portion of the picture, and the rest of the head, and
the background, are juxtaposed in relative tranquillity and clarity of defini-
tion. The composition perfectly conveys the act of crying; it catches the ex-
pression of profound emotional crisis exactly.
Picasso can well afford to dispense with conventional attention to detail.
Only the one or two rounded shapes suggest tears; the anecdotal flavour of
big round sobbed tears has been carefully avoided. Here, it is the shattered

The Chamel House. 1944-1945 form that conveys the shattered feelings. Given the associative relation of
Le Charnier
Picasso's forms to the emotional content, he succeeds in presenting things
Oil and charcoal on canvas.
which are fundamentally open to analogy - the aim of figurative painting.
199.8x250.1 cm
New York, The Museum of Modern Art But the Picasso style is actually far richer in technical scope, and in a posi-
tion to reformulate the traditional aims of visual presentation - without b\
any means dropping historical work, genre scenes or other conventional
types of painting.
Picasso was able to deploy his formal means to achieve very different re-

sults. His work from 1937 to 1943 saw him continually testing those dif-

ferences. One of the most important pictures of the period was the Nude
Dressing Her Hair (p. 156), painted in May and June 1940 in his studio at

Royan. In the bottom quarter of the canvas Picasso has placed a violet trape-
zoid, with two dark green vertical trapezoids at the sides, a thin, almost
black triangle at the top. and a large, not quite regular rectangular area o(
olive green between the two dark green sides. This suggests a space or

room: the illusion is almost of a view through a peephole, framing the sub-
ject, a seated woman reaching behind her head to pull her hair back. She
occupies almost the entire canvas, so that she not only has a monumental
quality but also makes the space seem cramped.
Study for "Man with Sheep". 1942
Etude pour "L'Homme au mouton "
India ink wash drawing on paper. 68 x 44.5 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Man with Sheep. 1943

L'Homme au mouton
Bronze. 222.5 x 78 x 78 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Head of a Bull. 1942
Tete de taureau
Bicycle saddle and handlebars.
33.5 x 43.5 x 19 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Death's Head. 1943

Tete de mort
Bronze, 25 x 21 x 31 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Still Life with Steer's Skull. 1942

Nature morte avec crane de band
Oil on canvas, 130 \ 97 cm
Diisseldorf, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-

The Bull. 1946
Le Taureau
Lithograph. 28.9 x 41 cm

The Hull. 1945

/.< Taureau
Lithograph. 28.9 \ 41 cm

The use of this tight compositional grid introduced a note of disquiet: the La Joie de vivre (Pastorale). 1946
Oil on hardboard. 120 x 250 cm
figure's attitude calls for elbow room, but space is precisely what this paint-
Antibes. Musee Picasso
ing, in a direct appeal to our emotions, denies her. Picasso has emphasized
this disquiet. The figure's bodily proportions are unnatural. The feet still fol-

low nature, albeit in crudely simplified form; but thighs, knees and calves
are harshly juxtaposed, angular areas of light beige and dark brown. The
figure is rendered with extreme foreshortening, a capricious use of perspec-
tive, and a playful rethinking of the elements of visual presentation. Whole
parts of the body (such as the left thigh) are simply left out. The face is no
longer an overlapping yoking of frontal and profile views; rather, the sil-

houette and full-face are crudely juxtaposed at different heights. There is a

curious duality in the way the figure has been done. It might be described as
mechanization of the organic, and stylizing of the mechanical, both prin-
ciples so interwoven that it is difficult to make out what is happening in the

picture. Though Picasso was plainly performing a variation on stylistic ap-

proaches he had already tested. Nude Dressing Her Hair was not sponta-
neously done. In fact a large number of sketches and studies preceded it. In
all. Picasso worked on Nude Dressing Her Hair for a full six months.

Picasso's serial work had an unmistakable, strongly self-referential com-

ponent. His fruitful interest in the work of contemporaries had waned. This,
however, was less the fault of the artist than of the age: it was, after all, a
time of pre-war crises, the Second World War, and the occupation of France
by the Germans. The political situation forced Picasso into isolation. First,
he was cut off from his homeland by the Spanish Civil War and the victory
of Franco's Falangists. And then, after the German invasion of France, the
Paris art scene changed in a way that peculiarly affected Picasso, the great

practitioner of Modernism. A group that had previously been marginalized, a

group whose anti-modem position had rendered it unimportant for the evol-
ution of the arts, was now dominant in the official scene in France. As in

Fascist countries, so too in France, political change had brought with it the
triumph of reactionaries in the arts. Not that the Modernists did not defend

their position vigorously. Indeed, two fronts were defined. On the one side Pitcher, Candle and Enamel Saucepan. 1945
Picket, bougeoir et casserole emaillee
were the reactionary, nationalist advocates of traditional art, and those artists
Oil on canvas, 82 x 106 cm
who collaborated with the Nazis. On the other were young French artists,
Paris,Musee National d*Art Modeme.
such as Charles Lapicque and Jean Bazaine, who exhibited in a 1941 show Centre Georges Pompidou
of Modernist painting. Like other radical Modernists, such as Alfred Manes-
sier, Nicolas de Stael and Jean Dubuffet, their endeavours all tended to the
continuation of pure abstraction.
For Picasso there was no room - as a contemporary artist, that is, rather
than a mere cult figure of the Modernist movement. Thus he was doubly iso-

lated during the war. True, his studio was open to German visitors; but when
they came he would give them postcard reproductions of Guernica, and on
one famous occasion, when a German officer asked Picasso. "Did you do
that?" the artist replied, "No, you did." Moreover, when he ran out of fuel.

he declined to accept special favours as a non-French national, and ob-

served:"A Spaniard is never cold."
Though his personal situation was a melancholy one. Picasso's fame
Seated Woman in an Armchair. 194S
abroad was then growing apace. In America in particular. Picasso came to be
Femme assise dans unfauteuil
recognised as the foremost modern artist in those years. In the year 1937. cm
Oil on camas. 100.5 \ 81

the newh rounded Museum of Modern Art in New York bought Les Demoi- Private collection
Plate: Goat's Head in Profile. 1950 selles d 'Avignon, and in 1940, together with the Art Institute of Chicago,
White clay, relief painted with oxidized
mounted the major retrospective "Picasso. 40 Years of his Art", which was
paraffin, glazed
seen in no fewer than ten major American cities. In the eyes of the Ameri-
Diameter: 25.5 cm
Private collection cans, the tour established Picasso as the most important living artist of the
Plate: Goat's Head in Profile. 1950 The Allied landings and the reconquest of France, followed by the end of
White clay, relief painted with oxidized
the Second World War, marked a turning point in Picasso's life. Suddenly he
paraffin, glazed

Diameter: 25.5 cm became what he had not been (to the same extent) before: a public figure.
Private collection Ever since he had been recognised as the founder of modern art. his fame
had spread, albeit within the cultural sector only. He was international!)
known, though purely as an artist. With the entry of the Allies into Paris,
two factors enhanced his status: the growth of his overseas reputation, and
the post-war reinstatement of Modernism at the heart of the arts and political
life. Picasso, more than any other, was the artist whose studio soldiers, gal-

lery owners and reporters wanted to visit. Photographers such as Lee Miller
and Robert Capa documented his life and work in entire series of pictures:
and these photos, widely seen in the mass media, earned Picasso enormous
popularity. As the leading practitioner of an art condemned by the Fascists,
and as a man who had not yielded an inch to them. Picasso became a cult
figure. Anything he said was eagerly noted, printed and parroted.
He was of great importance for the new political and arts scene in lib-
Vase: Flute Players and Dancers. 1950
erated France. Just six weeks after the Allies entered Paris, the autumn salon
Red clay, moulded on the wheel, decoration
- the "Salon de la Liberation" - opened its doors, on 6 October 944 It was
1 .

iih can ing and engobe

Height: 70 cm the first programmatic expression of Picasso's central importance: he had no
Private collection fewer than 74 paintings and five sculptures in the exhibition.

It was in fact the first Salon he had ever shown at; his participation con- Baboon and Young. 95 1 1

stituted the first official recognition by his French fellows. His political Le Guenon et son petit
Ceramic ware, two toy cars, metal
stance and his standing as an artist went hand in hand - and provoked im-
and plaster, 56 x 34 x 7 1 cm
mediate reactions, too. Artistic and political reactionaries, the stragglers of Paris, Musee Picasso
Petain's regime, attempted to tear down his pictures from the walls, and
prompted a scandal. The French society of authors took Picasso's side. The
day before the Salon opened, there was news that only served to exacerbate
tempers: Picasso had joined the Communist Party of France.
It was a logical consequence of recent history, the expression of his

ideals: art, he believed, was not so much something to prettify the home as
a weapon in a political struggle. And indeed, many of the works that fol-
lowed in rapid succession attest to Picasso's involvement in the concerns of
the times. Not that those works were an art of direct statement. For in-

stance, in 1945 Picasso painted a number of still lifes that glance at the pri-
vations and fears of life during the occupation. Surely the most important of
these is Pitcher, Candle and Enamel Saucepan (p. 172). The picture shows
three objects only. It draws upon crucial formal insights that Picasso had
developed in his great Guernica. Here too, tried and tested stylistic modes
serve to question and undermine what appears unambiguous, but at the

same time to render it universally valid. A number of perspective view-

points - front, side and rear -jointly establish unified, clear outlines that do
not correspond with the picture's spatial values. On a brown tabletop we
see a pitcher, a burning candle and an enamel saucepan, lined up at only
slightly different degrees of visual depth. The bright yellow of the brass

candlestick is the strongest colour, strikingly contrasted by the acid blue of

the saucepan. Shades of grey, green and brown, and large patches of white,
lend stability to this restless colourfulness, so that the overall impression of
the canvas is one of subdued colour. The power of the pure colours seems
muted, despite the decidedly aggressive use of the yellow and blue. Thus
the expressive values of the colours waver between the bright and the sub-
dued. They are unstable. Similarly with the light: the candle's big flame and
black shadow convey an appearance of brightness, yet the lit sides of the
three objects are on the sides away from the light. It is not light with any
real illuminative power; it is symbolic light. The painting's symbolism is

simple, using everyday household objects to suggest the difficulty of life

under the occupation.

Symbolic form, a compacted artistic treatment of given reality, and trans-
lation of the everyday wretchedness of war into an urgent though not superfi-
cial visual idiom, are all to be found in a major Picasso done at the very end
of the war: his great composition The Charnel House (p. 166). It was in-

spired by a Spanish film about a family killed in their kitchen. When Picasso
PAGE 178:

was working on the painting was influenced

from February to May 1945, he Girl Skipping. 1950
by the first photographs of liberated German concentration camps - though Petite Fille a la corde

this dimension only entered the work at a late stage, as the composition was Plaster, ceramic ware, wicker basket, baking
tins, shoes, wood and iron, 152 x 65 x 66 cm
already fixed in formal terms before any of the photographs were published.
Paris, Musee Picasso
This only lends additional weight to the painting's statement, though, taking
as it does political terror as its subject. PAGE 1 79:

The picture shows a heap of corpses after an execution. One figure, still Nanny Goat. 1950
tied to a post, is collapsing onto the others. was only during the course of
Plaster (Wicker basket, ceramic ware, palm
Picasso's work on the painting that the location became more precisely de-
leaf, metal, wood, cardboard and plaster),
fined. Greyish blue, white and black areas denote walls, floor and posts, a set 120.5 x 72 x 144 cm
of architectonic props that suggest both exterior and interior, as in Guernica. Paris, Musee Picasso

The still life of kitchen utensils at top left of Guernica is not only a glance at
the film original; it also underlines the everyday banality and ubiquity of
terror. It can hit anyone, anywhere, any time. Even more than in Guernica
the monochrome scheme, the linearity and the use of areas of unbroken
colour serve to make a universal of the statement. First Picasso sketched in

the simple outlines of his stylized figures, heaping them so that the lines are
interwoven, creating a tangled network that defies distinction of separate
forms. Later he filled in some of the segments, so establishing an equili-
brium of figural and spatial motifs. (Only the line-drawing still life remains
different.) The heap of bodies can be seen as replicating the destruction of in-
dividual identity in the world of totalitarian terror. Human beings cannot
even preserve their individual physical identities; even their bodies are taken
from them.
But six years later things looked somewhat different when he painted
Massacre in Korea (p. 186/187). The Korean War had begun six months ear-

The painting was Picasso's protest at the American invasion. Shown at


the May Salon in Paris, it took sides in a war of ideologies. And its formal
idiom was an unambiguous, partisan one, using handed-down simple sym-
bols and only sparingly heightening the figural naturalism with cautious
HI Greco
Portrait of Jorge Manuel Theotocopulos.
touches of the dissociative. We see the good and evil sides in straightforward

c. 1600-1605 confrontation on an extremely broad format. Four naked women, rigid with

Oil on canvas. 81 x 56 cm fear, and their four similarly naked children (the nakedness symbolizing de-
Seville. Museo de Bellas Artes fencelessness), are being aimed at by six soldiers armed to the teeth (symbo-
lizing far superior power). The soldiers' postures seem at once mechanical
and archaic; they are ancient warriors transmuted into death-bringing robots.

A green, sweeping, simplified landscape featuring only a single ruined

house is the backdrop to the composition.
For his work on it, Picasso drew upon a number of cognate works, in par-

ticularEdouard Manet's famous painting The Execution of Emperor Maxi-

milian in Mexico 868), Francisco de Goya's 3rd May 1808 (1814), and
( 1

Jacques-Louis David's Rape of the Sabine Women (1799) and The Oath of
the Horatii (1784). This blatant use of other paintings is in line with the one-
dimensionality of the painting's form and content. It is very different from
other pictures of similar subject.
Plainly a naturalistic, representational image is in the foreground. What
counts for Picasso is the message. Consistently, he has presented the action
as a picture within a picture. It is worth examining this defamiliarization.

Mimetic representation was far more in line with public expectation than the
formal idiom of Modernism, and could therefore count on a more approving
response. In this we seethe predicament of political, ideological art. Since
the early days of Stalin, international Communism had been advocating real-
ism as the only acceptable mode of artistic work. The French Communist
Party toed this line too. It was an urgent dilemma for Picasso, as became
clear at the 1945 Party congress, which gave him an accolade as man and ar-

tist but nonetheless called for realism in art.

Communist ideology saw art as a weapon in a political struggle that em-

braced every area of human activity. It is true that Picasso saw matters in
exactly the same light, and considered himself a Communist artist painting
Communist art; but he preserved a distance from art whose form was dic-
Portrait of a Painter (after El Greco), 1950
Portrait d'un peintre (d'apres El Greco)
tated by the Party, and always insisted on his own independence as an artist.

Oil on plywood, 100.5 \ SI cm Massacre in Korea was a special case, an attempt to reconcile opposite
Rosengart Collection points of view.

Gustave Courbet
Young Women on the Hanks of the Seine. 1857
Les Demoiselles des bonis de la Seine
Oil on cam as. 173.5 \ 206 cm
Paris. Muscc du Pclil Palais
Young Women on the Banks of the Seine
(after Courbet). 1950
Les Demoiselles des bonis de la Seine
(d'apres Courbet)
Oil on plywood. 100.5 x 201 cm
Basel. Offentliche Kunstsammlung Basel.

Mediterranean landscape. 1952 Communist Party was using Picasso for propagandist rea-
Essentially, the
Paysage mediterraneen
sons. His commitment to the Communist cause was necessarily no more
Ripolin on shipboard. 81 x 125 cm
than an episode in the immediate post-war years. Still, Picasso persisted in
Private collection
expressing his general humanitarian and political concerns in his work. Dur-
ing the period when he was questioning Party sovereignty in the arts, he was
painting two huge murals (p. 164 f.) on the subject of war and peace for a de-
consecrated 14th-century chapel at Vallauris. They were completed that De-
cember, though they were not installed till 1954. War is symbolized by a
kind of frieze in which a horse-drawn chariot is taking the field. By contrast,
the other mural (Peace) affords a prospect of unsullied happiness. The frieze
shows mothers and playing children, around the central figure of Pegasus,
pulling a plough at the bidding of one child and so personifying the fertile
world of peace.
Politicalcommitment was only one aspect of Picasso's creative efforts at
that time. The distinctive dichotomy in his activities was not least a result of
particular artistic interests. This is clearest in the sculptures he did between
1943 and 1953. One of his most famous and characteristic, done in 1943 dur-
ing the darkest period of the occupation, when Picasso felt utterly isolated.
was the Head of a Bull (p. 168). The skeletal head and horns of a bull are
conveyed by two found objects which in themselves arc meaningless, a bi-
cycle saddle and handlebars. Picasso subsequently had this assemblage cast
in bronze, thus reassessing the original materials, eliminating the contrasts
and opening out the ambivalence o\' form. It was a continuation o\' what he
had done in The Glass ofAbsinthe (p. 91 ). that famous product of synthetic
Cubism. The absolute economy of the Head of a Bull was breathtaking, and
remains stunning to this day. And from then on Picasso retained the basic-
principle of metamorphosis of formal meaning and interpretation in all his

sculptural work.
Baboon and Young (p. 176). done in October 1951, achieved a comparable
popularity. It was immediately cast in bronze in a limited edition of six. Pi-
casso was inspired by two toy cars which the art dealer Kahnweiler gave to
his son Claude, and used them for the head of the ape, bottom to bottom so

that the gap between the two becomes the slit of the baboon's mouth, the

radiator the whiskers, the roof the receding forehead, and the two front win-
dows the eyes - to which Picasso added two plaster balls as pupils. Picasso
then used coffee cup handles as ears and an immense jug for the body. The
arms and the remainder of the baboon's body, and her young, were modelled
in plaster. Finally, the outstretched tail was another found item: a car suspen-
Smoke Clouds at Vallauris. 1951
sion spring curled at one end. Picasso proceeded similarly with his 1950
Fumee a Vallauris
Nanny Goat (p. 179) and Girl Skipping (moulded the same year but not fin- Oil on canvas. 59.5 x 73.5 cm
ished till 1954: p. 178). Paris, Musee Picasso

Massacre in Korea. 1951
Massacre en Coree
Oil on plywood, 109.5 x 209.5 cm
Paris, Musee Picasso

Goat Skull, Bottle and Candle. 1952 There are few better places than his sculptural work to see the intellectual
Crane de chevre, bouteille et bougie
vigour of Picasso's art. Every detail is sophisticated in conception. In the
Oil on canvas, 89 x 116 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso
Girl Skipping, for instance, we see a small child still unsure of how to use

the rope: her awkwardness is expressed in the instability of the sculpture,

but especially by the outsize shoes - and by the fact that she is wearing them
on the wrong feet.

As they came into existence, these works defined new areas of meaning,
playing with visual form, three-dimensionality and surface structure.
Qualities of plasticity, though not unimportant, were distinctly of secondary
significance. The best illustration of this is the large-scale sculpture Man
with Sheep (p. 167), done in early 1943. Unlike the objets trouves and the as-

semblages, the figure was wholly modelled in clay on an iron frame, in con-
ventional style, and then moulded in plaster for subsequent bronze casting. A
large number of detail and compositional document Picasso's pro-
tracted irresolution whether to use the idea as a painting or a sculpture. Even
the finished group still reveals this indeterminacy. Man with Sheep is strictl)
speaking a failure. But we must bear Picasso's attitude to sculpture in mind.
Compared with the intellectual act of evolving the concept, the work of pro-
ducing the final object was a negligible business. What counted was the art-
ist's mind and will. He saw the artist's command of the various aspects of Goat Skull, Bottle and Candle. 1952
technique his art involved as absolute. Crane de chevre, bouteille ei bougie
Oil on canvas. X9 x 116 cm
The Vallauris years from 1947/48 to 1954 marked Picasso's most intens-
London. Tate Gallery
ive work with ceramics. He acquired both the potter's and the ceramic pain-
ter's skills. His ceramic work includes painted plates and vases, but also

sculptures made by joining preformed pieces, as well as moulded objects.

Clay as a material met Picasso's aims, which centred upon types of formal
metamorphosis, very well. It was capable of being moulded into infinitely
various forms, remained pliable throughout the process, and was thus at the
constant disposal of the artist's ideas. Thus, for example, a compact vase
became a kneeling woman, and the body, stem and spout of one vessel be-
came a bird. The decorative images were complemented with careful use of
relief- added strips of clay and indentations. Picasso used paint to reinforce
and decoratively highlight the form and function of the ware, but also
deployed its illusionist effects to redefine forms: jugs became stagey scen-
arios suggestive of spatial depth, or were transformed into human or animal
Picasso's playful mastery of new techniques can also be seen in his re-

vived commitment to printed graphics, and in particular lithography. Origin-

ally lithography had been purely a reproductive art because, unlike wood-
cuts, copper engravings or etchings, it can produce an absolutely faithful
copy of an original drawing. The specific technique does not necessarily af-
fect or change colours and lines. It was this that appealed to Picasso. He
used the plates and paper, crayons and oils unconventionally, and regularly
turned lithographic orthodoxy topsy-turvy, making seemingly difficult or
senseless demands on Tuttin the printer. Broad though their thematic range
is, Picasso's lithographs ultimately have but one true subject: the artist's

own virtuosity.

his art of those years, like his life, was Janus-faced. Freedom and
commitment, expansionism and withdrawal, went hand in hand. Picasso
tended increasingly to retreat from Paris, where he had lived and worked for
half a century, and spend his personal and creative time on the Cote d' Azur.
His new-found political and artistic freedom was accompanied by a new
partnership, with a young painter, Francoise Gilot; in 1947 and 1949 their
children Claude and Paloma were born. His exploration of new artistic
media and techniques was a counterbalance to his political involvement. If
he was to be avowedly committed, adopting political positions with all the
Seated Woman. 1953
limited vision that that could often imply, then Picasso would also be abso-
Femme nue accroupie
Oil on canvas, 130.2 x 95.9 cm lute in his art, a creative human being who recognised no constraints.

Saint Louis (MO). The Saint Louis Art

Museum. Gift of Joseph Pullitzer. Jr.

Portrait of Madame H.P. (Helene Parmelin),

/ \anu II. I' surfond vert

145.5 \ 96,5 cm
-non ( ollection

7 The Man and the Myth 1954-1973

Picasso's work from the later 1950s onwards typically drew upon personal
material and also worked with constant repetition of his own motifs and
compositions. Picasso was now scarcely concerned to mirror the outside
world. Instead, he took his own work as the centre of the creative universe.
As in the Twenties and Thirties, this self-reflexive vein led him to the stu-
dio itself, and archetypal scenes of the artist at work with his model (cfl.
p. 2 17). as subjects.
In 1955 Picasso bought La Californie. a sumptuous 19th-century villa

splendidly situated on the hills above Cannes, affording sweeping views all

the way across to Golfe-Juan and Antibes. He established a studio on the

upper floor, and in the numerous studio scenes dating from 1955-1956
motifs from that studio blend with the villa's architectural features. La Cali-
fornie's opulent art nouveau decor, the garden with its palms and eucalyptus
trees, the furniture, the tools of the artist's trade, all prompted detailed, as-
sured and harmonious paintings, among the finest of Picasso's old age, com-
bining simple representation with the techniques of his Cubist period in

sophisticated ways (cf. p. 201). An overall formal unity was supplied by the
prevailing linearity of La Californie's interior. The cupboards, windows,
The Sculptor. 1964
walls, easels and paintings constituted a loose ensemble, the elements of Le Sculpteur
which lent weight to each other. In the picture done on 30 March 1956. Pi- Aquatint and gouge. 38 x 27.5 cm
casso used a simple but witty device to underline his own creative inventive-
ness, placing at the centre of the studio scene a fresh, virgin canvas awaiting
the artist. The pure, white, empty space contrasts with the rest of the picture
and is also its prime subject. The picture within a picture was one of Picas-
so's traditional motifs: through it. he grants us access to the very essence of
the creative process. Picasso is showing us his power. He can make a world
out of nothing.
But as Picasso well knew, creative power such as his had its less happy
side: freedom accompanied by a sense of compulsion, the virgin canvas
crying out to be painted on. for the artist to supply constant proof of his
power. But still his studio picture is optimistic, showing that Art can van-
quish the void: beside the blank canvas, two others in varying degrees of
completion are on the floor. Not that work already done can serve as a sub-
stitute for no more than proof of past productiveness. This
present work; it is

insight may explain the frenetic output of Picasso's late years. At times he
painted three, four, even five pictures in a single day. driven by the compell-
Seated Man (Self-portrait). 1965
Homme assis (Autoportrait)
ing urge to prove himself anew over and over again.
Oil on canvas. 99.5 x 80.5 cm
In his old age. Picasso transferred to his art the task of expressing the vi- Estate of Jacqueline Picasso

tality which was ebbing from his life. Hence, for instance, the new graphic Courtesy Galerie Louise Leiris. Paris


Portrait of Sylvette David (II), 1954

Portrait de Sylvette David
Pencil on paper, 32 x 24 cm
Paris, Musee Picasso

Portrait of Sylvette David (I), 1 954

Portrait de Sylvette David
Pencil on paper, 32 x 24 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso

Portrait of Sylvette David (III), 1 954

Portrait de Sylvette David
Pencil on paper, 32 x 24 cm
Private collection

Portrait of Sylvette David in a Green

Armchair. 1954
Portrait de Sylvette David aufauteuil vert
Oil on canvas, 81 x 65 cm
New York, Private collection

PAGE 194:

Claude Drawing, Francoise and Paloma.

Claude dessinant, Francoise et Paloma
Oil on canvas, 1 16 x 89 cm
Paris, Musee Picasso

Great Reclining Nude with Crossed Arms, works which, when successful, articulated lifelong fascinations in a succinct
and impeccably judged manner - for instance, the 1957 etching series La
Femme nue allongee
Tauromaquia. All of the etchings are precise records of carefully-observed
Oil on canvas, 80 x 190 cm
Estate of Jacqueline Picasso scenes, using just a few dabs and strokes, quickly but perfectly done
(p. 204). All but the title leaf were aquatint etchings, which enabled Picasso
Great Reclining Nude (The Voyeurs), 1955 to use solid-printed blocks. The complexity of the process is essentially at
Femme nue allongee (Les Voyeurs)
odds with spontaneity or the snapshot recording of bullfight scenes, and it
Oil on canvas, 80 x 192 cm
Estate of Jacqueline Picasso
is this incongruity that lends Picasso's series its particular genius. Using the
most economical of means he succeeds in achieving a maximum of effect.

A handful of lines mark the extent of the arena and grandstand; dabs repre-
sent the spectators; and grey and black patches add up to the precision-

placed image of a torero, say, driving his banderillas into the neck of an at-
Seated Nude, 1956
tacking bull. Picasso's stylistic approach succeeds particularly well in con-
Femme nue accroupie
Oil on canvas, 130 x 97 cm veying the physical bulk of the bull, its dynamic presence, and its nimble
Paris. Galeric Louise Leiris movements.

Jacqueline in Turkish Costume. 1955
Jacqueline en costume litre

Oil on canvas, XI \ 65 cm
acqueline Picasso,

rah rie I ouise Leiris, Paris
Women of Algiers (after Delacroix), 1955
Les Femmes a" Alger (d'apres Delacroix)
Oil on canvas, 1 14 x 146 cm
New York, Mrs. Victor W. Ganz Collection

Women of Algiers (after Delacroix), 1955

Les Femmes a" Alger (d'apres Delacroix)
Oil on canvas, 45.8 x 55.2 cm
Private collection &ha-
A -*_**.

Jacqueline in the Studio. 1956 The renderings may appear hasty, but in fact Picasso's images are the pro-
Jacqueline dans I' atelier
duct of many was an interest that united
years of interest in the subject. It
Oil on canvas. 1 14 x 146 cm
personal experience and art history. Picasso was taking his bearings from
Lucerne. Picasso Collection. Donation
Rosengart Goya, transposing the older painter's classic treatment of the bullfight theme
into modern terms and, in the process, proving himself Goya's equal. Simi-
PAGE 201:
lar proof was provided by over a hundred sheet-metal, collapsible sculptures
The Studio at"La Californie", Cannes, 1956
done between 1959 and 1963. The extent to which Picasso was drawing on
I.' Atelier de "La Californie" a Cannes
Oil on canvas. 1 14 \ 146 cm his own work in these sheet-metal sculptures can be demonstrated down to

Paris. Musee Picasso details of motif.

The 1961 Football Player (p. 21 1 ) is a perfect example of this. The
figure, seen in mid-game, has his left arm raised, his right swung down in

an arc. There is a classical contrapposto in the position of the legs. The foot-

baller is plainly about to put his full force into a kick. However, no player
would strike quite this attitude. The unstable position recalls a dancer: and
in fact the artistwas drawing on studies he had drawn of the Ballets Russes
in 1919 and which he had worked on further in the Twenties. Calling the

figure a football player is sleight of hand. The trick is made plausible

purely by the painted shirt, shorts and boots. Sculpture such as this is not in-
tended as a mimetic representation of reality; rather, it sets out to pla\ with

the basics of visual experience. And deception is the fundamental principle
of this art. At times, Picasso's habitually self-referential mode can seem her-
PAGES 2027203:
The Bathers. 1956
His self-referential habit distinguished the Picasso of old age fundamen-
Les Baigneurs
tally from earlier Picassos. He was no longer in the contemporary main- Six figures: wooden original
stream of developments in art. Be it in the USA or in France, the prevail- Stuttgart. Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

ing mode was abstract art. of one kind or another. The tragedy of late Pi-
from left:

The Diver (La Plongeuse)

casso was that these currents in art dominated, indeed smothered the scene
264 x 83.5 x 83.5 cm
till 1960. To the general public, he became a figure to be identified with. Man with Clasped Hands
almost a guardian of tradition - quite the opposite of what he intended. (L Homme aux mains jointesi
Compared with the brusque unfamiliarity of a new art that made no con- 213.5 x 73 x 36 cm
The Fountain Man
cessions. Picasso's work came to seem comprehensible and accessible, and
(L'Homme fontaine)
to afford a familiar point of orientation amidst the chaos. Tellingly, his 227 x 88 x 77.5 cm
Sylvette pictures (p. 195)were immensely popular. In 1954 he had met a The Child (L'Enfant)
young woman. Sylvette David, who sat for him. He did over forty draw- 136 x 67 x 46 cm
ings and oils of her: they were very quickly published and seen in repro- Woman with Outstretched Arms
(La Femme aux bras ecartes)
ductions all over the world. Two factors influenced the fame and impact of
198x74x46 cm
the series. One was the look of the girl herself, her hair in the pony tail The Young Man (Le Jeune Homme)
then fashionable, the hallmark of an entire generation of young women. 176 x65 46 cm

.* ..
The Bullfighters Enter the Arena ("La Tauromaquia". 3). 1957 The Banderillas Go In ('La Tauromaquia". 14), 1957
Paseo de cuadrillas. Etching. 20 x 30 cm Clavando un Par de banderillas. Etching. 20 x 30 cm

Capework (
""La Tauromaquia". 17). 1957 Aiming the Deathblow ("La Tauromaquia". 19). 1957
Suerte de muleta. Etching. 20 x 30 cm Citando a matar. Etching. 20 x 30 cm

" V W- *" - /**- y^i .

/ /

The Torero Proclaims the Death of the Ball Bullfighting on Horseback ("La Tauromaquia". 26), 1957
i"I .a Tauromaquia". 2 957. Despues de la Estocada
1 ). 1
el torero senala Alanceando a an Torn. Etching. 20 \ 30 cm
la mucin- del tow Etching. 20 \ 30 cm


The other was that the "Picasso style" rendered the defamiliarization tac- The Fall oj Icarus, 1958
La Chute d'Icare
tics of modern painting accessible. Picasso did both naturalist representa-
Mural. 8x10 m
tions of his sitter and abstractive, schematic, anti-figural renderings of the
Paris, Palaisde TUNESCO, Delegates' Lobby
real image. Even those who disliked deformed figures had to acknowledge
and respect Picasso's He had become the great go-between, easing

relations between the shockingly new and established tradition. Everything

he did was hailed with rapture. He was now exempt from even the smallest
criticism, public comments on Picasso, paeans and panegyrics, tending to
make a demi-god of him.
Picasso's isolation from the art scene, and the cult that attached to his own
person, only served to confirm traits that were already his. His work took on

an avowedly universal character. He made engravings on celluloid, and Reclining Nude on a Blue Divan. 960 1

turned to linocuts. He also agreed to paint a work for the delegates' foyer at Femme nue couchee sur un divan bleu
Oil on canvas, 89 x 15.5 cm
UNESCO headquarters in Paris, his first commission to do a mural since
Paris. Musee National

d'art Moderne.
Guernica. What he painted, in 1958, was a seaside scene with standing and Centre Georges Pompidou, Gift of
reclining figures and one dark figure plunging with outstretched limbs into Louise and Michel Leiris

the great blue waters: The Fall of Icarus (p. 205). The central figure evolved
from a child's plaything, a swallow made of folded paper. Picasso was evi-
dently deeply indebted to the simple technique of folding paper; it also gov-
erned his work in sheet-metal sculpture. Picasso returned to this motif in a
stage set design he did in 1962 for a Paris Opera House production of a bal-
let, The Fall of Icarus.
Picasso returned not only to his own work but also to that of old masters.
Starting from a single original, he would produce entire series of variations.
From 13 December 1954 to 14 February 1955 he did fifteen oil variations

on Eugene Delacroix's The Women of Algiers from 1832 (cf. p. 199). The
exotic brightness of the Orient was handled contrastively and colourfully: Pi-
Seated Nude. 1959
casso combined subtle illusionist approaches with abstractive methods. Over
Femme nue accroupie
the next few years he extended his paraphrase series considerably. In 1957 Oil on canvas. 146 x 1 14 cm
he did over fifty variations on Diego Velazquez's Las Meninas (cf. p. 2 14). Private collection

Le Dejeuner sur Vherbe (after Manet), 9601
They were followed by over 150 sketches and drawings, and 27 paintings,
Le Dejeuner sur Vherbe (d'apres Manet)
done after Manet's Le Dejeuner sur Vherbe (cf. p. 208) from 1959 to 1962.
Oil on canvas, 129 x 195 cm
Finally, he did a number of larger works adapting Jacques-Louis David's
Paris. Musee Picasso
Rape of the Sabine Women (cf. p. 212 f).
The series of 58 very different large-scale oils related to Las Meninas.
painted by the Spanish artist Diego Velazquez in 1656-1657 and so titled
after the two maids at court included in it. dealt with Picasso's central theme

of painter and model. Velazquez's painting (p. 214) is incomparable in its

meditation upon the historical and societal preconditions of artistic activity.

The vertical-format rectangular picture shows a gloomy room lit only from
windows at the side: the artist's studio. Ten figures are in this space, making
a somewhat lost impression: a Spanish princess and her retinue, consisting
of two maids-of-honour, two court dwarfs, and a peaceful dog: the painter
himself: two servants; and at the very rear, visible through an open door, the
chamberlain of the court. Different though the postures and attitudes of these
people are, they are almost all giving their attention to the same place, to

Hdouard Mancl some vis-a-vis. The mirror at the rear reveals that this is the king and queen.

Le Dejeuner sur Vherbe, 1 863 Thus the painting unambiguously, albeit subtly, expresses the facts of every-
Oil on canvas, 20X \ 264.5 cm day life for Velazquez, painter at court. Life at court was strictl) hierar-
Paris. Muscc d'Orsay
chical. The composition preserves that hierarchy, and marginalizes the
painter. Velazquez showed himself in this work to be the "true painter o\~ re-

ality", as Picasso put it.

Picasso now set about restructuring that reality (p. 214. 215). In contrast
to his previous procedure when paraphrasing Delacroix's Women ofAlgiers
composition came first this time, and not last.
(p. 199). the largest full-scale

Itwas conceived programmatically. as an expose of the new subject. Picasso

revised the format and upgraded the status of the painter. Everything in this
new version has become unambiguous. The figures are frontally positioned
One will has borne all before it: Picasso's. He is lord of
or in clear profile.
his world, empowered to do whatsoever he chooses. The rival royal power
has ceased to matter. The paintings that followed the large-scale opening
version of 17 August either deal with parts and details or produce variations
on the horizontal format.
Picasso tried to render the chiaroscuro factor in the original Velazquez
through contrasts of darker and lighter shades of colour, but the overall re-

sult was not convincing. In the end. his variations on Las Meninas came to

nothing. It is true that he succeeded in articulating the core idea of his new
version: that the artist occupies a new, changed position in modern, liberal

society. The large composition that opened the series expressed this idea
Le Dejeuner sur Vherbe. 96
1 1

powerfully. Picasso, revising the original in terms of colour too, was aiming Oil on canvas. 60 x 73 cm

to outdo his illustrious forerunner. But to transfer his colourist concepts to Private collection

Woman with Outstretched Arms. 1961
Femme aux bras ecartes
Sheet metal and wire, cut and painted.
183 x 177x72.5 cm
Paris, Musee Picasso

Football Player. 1961

Cut and painted sheet metal. 58.3 \ 47.5 \ 14.5 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso
The Rape of the Sabine Women (after the overall composition was a more complex undertaking. And in the end
David). 1962
Picasso conceded defeat. Colour remained of secondary importance, subor-
L'Enlevement des Sabines {d'apres David)
dinated to form.
Oil on canvas, 97 x 130 cm
Paris.Musee National d'Art Moderne, The difference to earlier periods in Picasso's work is striking, to say the
Centre Georges Pompidou least. Taking his bearings from the art of the past, for Picasso, always im-
plied locating incentives and ideas - be it the odalisques of Ingres for early
Cubism or ancient sculpture and baroque paintings for the late Rose Period
and his so-called Classicism. This ongoing and extremely fruitful process
peaked in Picasso's late years in his ceramic art of the Forties and Fifties.

His ware, and the artwork with which was decorated, was no imitation

of a classical original (cf. pp. 174 and 175). It was not a copy of ancient
storage, cultic or drinking vessels, nor did the decorative style have any-
thing in common with the technique or form of black and red vase paint-
ings. Picasso varied the first principles and translated into a modern idiom
whatever was capable of analogy. His thick-bellied vases with sheer coni-
cal necks were decorated with figures organically adapted to the shapes o\
the vessels. Maenads, nymphs and fauns, generously and tellingly outlined
The Rape of the Sabine Women. 1963
and economical in detail, people the surfaces of the ware. In its modernity,
/ Enlevement des Sabines
Oil on canvas, 195.5 \ 130 cm Picasso's ceramic art was one of classical harmony, in compositions o\

Boston i M \). Museum of Fine Arts great beauty.

Picasso did other variations of old masters in the Forties. Even as the
Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velazquez fighting was raging around Paris in 1944. he was at work on an adaptation
Las Meninas. 1656-1657 of Poussin's Bacchanal ( 1630). In 1947. among other things, he modelled a
Oil on canvas, 318 x 276 cm
David and Bathsheba. In
lithographic series on Lucas Cranach's painting
Madrid. Museo Nacional del Prado
1950 he painted versions of Gustave Courbet's Young Women on the Banks
of the Seine (p. 182) and El Greco's Portrait of a Painter (p. 180). These
were followed between 1955 and 1957 by portraits of Jacqueline as Lola of
Valence (after Manet's painting), an etching copy of Rembrandt's Man in the
Golden Helmet (c. 1650), an India-ink drawing after Cranach's Venus and
Cupid ( 1 509). and a painting after portraits of El Bobo. the court dwarf, by
Velazquez and Bartolomeo Esteban Murillo. Essentially these works re-

mained within the parameters laid down in 1917 with The Peasants' Repast
(p. 96). after Le Nain's original, adapting compositions and subjects b\ con-
centrating attention on particular aspects of them. The variations arc modern
in that they bring the past works up to date, and in this Picasso was entering
a tradition stretching from Delacroix's copies of Rubens to van Gogh's paint-
ings after Gustave Dore: one early 20th-century masterpiece of this kind was
Matisse's 1915 Variation on a Still Life by Jan Davids:, de Heem.
The paraphrases do. however, have the effect of highlighting the increas-
ingly tautological and almost autistic tendency of Picasso's collage-guided
PAGE 214:

Las Meninas (after Velazquez). 1957

Lei Menines (d'apres Velazquez)

Oil on canvas, 194 x 260 cm
Barcelona. Museu Picasso

The Whole Group. 18 September 1957 33

Study for Las Meninas (31)
Oil on canvas. 129 x 161 cm
The Whole Group. 9 September 1 957


Study for Las Meninas (32)

Oil on canvas, 162 x 130 cm

The Whole Group. 2 October 1957

Study for Las Meninas (33)
Oil on canvas. 162 x 130 cm Iff) ^^""^^

The Whole Group. 3 October 1957

Study tor Las Meninas (34)
Oil on canvas. 129 x 161 cm
jaJS^ <
-vVVI *w-<f>:T?
Isabel de Velasco. 9 October 1957
Study for Las Meninas ( 35
Oil on canvas. 65 x 54 cm

Maria Augustina Sarmiento. 9 October 1957

Study for Las Meninas (36)
Oil on canvas. 65 x 54 cm

Maria Augustina Sarmiento and Infanta

Margarita Maria. 10 October 1957
Study forLrt.v Meninas (37)
Oil on canvas. 92 x 73 cm

Maria Augustina Sarmiento. 10 October 1957

Study for Las Meninas (38)
Oil on canvas. 73 x 55 cm

Maria Augustina Sarmiento . 10 October 1957

Study for Las Meninas (39)
Oil on canvas. 1 15 x 89 cm

The Piano. 17 October 1957

Stud) for Las Meninas (40)
Oil on canvas. 130 x 97 cm

Nicolasico Pertusato. 24 October 1957

Study for Las Meninas (41
Oil on canvas. 61 x 50 cm

Isabel de Velasco, Maria Bdrbola, Nicolasico

Pertusato and the Dog. 24 October 1957
Study for Las Meninas (42)
Oil on canvas. 1 30 x 96 cm

Isabel de Velasco, Maria Bdrbola, Nicolasico

Pertusato and the Dog. 24 October 1957
Study for Las Meninas (43)
BI V^a\
Oil on canvas. 1 30 x 96 cm
Isabel de Velasco, Maria Bdrbola, Nicolasico
Pertusato and the Dog. 24 October 957 1


Study for Las Meninas (44)

Oil on canvas. 130 x 96 cm

Isabel de Velasco and Maria Bdrbola.

8 November 1957
Study for Las Meninas (45)
Oil on canvas. 130 x 96 cm

art to repeat itself in the late Fifties. Simply to metamorphose a picture was Rembrandt and Saskia. 1963
Rembrandt et Saskia
not in itself invariably adequate as the informing concept behind hundreds
Oil on canvas. 130 x 162 cm
of works. The high standard Picasso had set in matching form and content
could not always be maintained. In many of the paintings and studies of the
period, he was plainly satisfied with having filled the canvas. It was a trivial
reversal of the priorities of the artist: what ought to have been the sine qua
non had become the raison d'etre.

Picasso had long become a classic of modern art, but still attempted to in-

fluence the public reception of his work. For instance, when the Museu Pi-
casso in Barcelona was opened in 1970, prominent members of the Franco
The Artist and His Model. 963 1

regime tried to use the occasion as a means of legitimation. However, their

Le Peintre et son modele
plans for a state ceremony were brought to nothing by Picasso, who vetoed Oil on canvas. 130 \ 162 cm
all such ideas, wary of affording political enemies any purchase. The art New York, Private collection
scene had meanwhile undergone a complete change. The Sixties were a
period of great upheaval and transition in the Western world, not least in the
The Artist and His Model. 1 963
he Peintre et son modele
visual arts. The new departure of the Sixtieswas dominated by Pop Art and
Oil on cam as. 130 \ 195 cm
the New Realism, while the actionist legacy of Surrealism was continued in Madrid, Museo Nacional Centre de \nc
new socially critical forms such as the happening. Reina Sofia
Le Dejeuner sur Vherbe (after Manet). 1962
Le Dejeuner sur Vherbe (d'apres Manet)
Coloured linocut. 53.3 x 64.5 cm

Picasso's attitude to contemporary art was divided. Most of its formal

repertoire had been familiarhim for to years - indeed, he had invented
some of the techniques himself. Time seemed to be coming full circle in
the oddest of ways. Thus Picasso, at the end of his life, was squeezed right
out to the periphery. On the one hand media acclaim, on the other with-
drawal from public life; old age and its physical frailty, an art scene that
made uninhibited demands on him and his art - he was facing formidable
challenges. And to capitulate would have been tantamount to throwing in
the towel for good. Instead, he riposted with an art of revolt. The art of
Picasso's old age articulates the will to survive. From 1963 on. conflicts
within and without became ever more visible in his work. He did several
hundred studies and paintings on his old subject of The Artist and His
Model (p. 217). An intense, indeed obsessive preoccupation with the sub-
ject of the artist's identity followed: this was not new in Picasso, but the

single-mindedness and energy with which he pursued his subject was un-
usual even for him. Contemporaries were staggered by the sheer bulk of
his production, and the statistics are indeed astounding. For example, from
16 March to 5 October 1968 he did 347 etchings, from January 1969 to

the end of January 1970 no fewer than 167 paintings, and from 15 Decem-
ber 1969 to 12 January 1971 194 drawings. 156 etchings followed from
January 1970 to March 1972. 172 drawings from 21 November 1971 to 18
August 1972. and a further 201 paintings from 25 September 1970 to 1

June 1972. These figures represent only the works published to date. And
all this by a man aged 87 to 91 ! If we consider the endless portrayals of
the painter and model scene, of nudes, of sex, or the portraits and so forth.

we are confronted with an art plainly at odds with aesthetic ideals of creat-
ing beauty. Overhasty painting, blotches and dribbles, mock-primitive
Bust of a Woman with Hat. 1962
figures dismembered beyond recognition, colours that can be genuinely Buste de femme au chapeau
painful to look at. all guarantee that these pictures come as a shock. Coloured linocut. 63.5 x 52.5 cm
PAGE 220:

Woman Pissing. 1965

La Pisseuse
Oil on canvas. 195 x 97 cm
Paris. Musee National d'Art Moderne.

Centre Georges Pompidou. Gift o(

Louise and Michel Leiris

PAGE 221:

Seated Nude in an Armchair. 1965

Femme iuic assise dans un faineidl
Oil on canvas, 166 \ s i cm
Courtesy Galerie Louise Leiris. Paris
The heart of Picasso's concerns in his late work was to destroy the con-
cept of the finished work. Series were no longer intended as attesting evo-
lution towards a work; they merely documented the basic options available
to creative work. Technique was pared to a minimum: caprice reigned
triumphant. We are witnessing a creative spirit free of technical constraint
and asserting that the traditional concept of art is null and void. Consist-
ently enough, Picasso does not communicate content in his pictures now.
However, the principle of metamorphosis and costume transformation is

Musketeer (Domenico Theotocopulos

van Riyn da Silra). 1967
Oil on plywood. 101 x 81.5 cm
Budapest, Ludwig Collection

illustrated, especially in paintings from 1963 and 1969. In Rembrandt and

Saskia ( 13/14 March 1963; p. 216), Picasso has done the lower part of the
male figure two-dimensionally, providing a strong block of black in the

centre of the painting. On 18 and 19 February 1969 he varied the same

pose in two paintings showing men smoking, with a small Cupid (p. 228
Musketeer with pipe. 1968
and 229). The brushwork has undergone radical change. In the 18 February
Mousquetaire a In pipe
picture, linearity of form is foregrounded, and the colour blocks are there- Oil on cam. is. 162 \ 130 cm
fore filled with broad brushstrokes. Pans. Galerie 1 ouise Leiris
In that of 1 9 February, the blocks of colour are themselves stressed once "Suite 347". Plate 6

again - though with the crucial difference that now Mougins, 24 March 1968
the act of painting, the
Etching, 42.5 x 34.5 cm
imprecise movement of the hand, is being emphasized. The two paintings
are complementary. While the motifs in that of 18 February are linear and "Suite 347". Plate 8
the colours of secondary importance, Picasso proceeds in that of 19 Feb- Mougins, 25 March 1968
ruary in exactly the contrary fashion. He fills the canvas with undefined Etching. 42.5 x 34.5 cm
bright colours, then, the good draughtsman, indicates forms that translate
the colour composition into a figural painting. The vigorous brushwork and
the seemingly expressive style are masks, to deceive us: they are there to
confuse, to subvert perception.
Things make a similar impression in the graphic work. Never before
had Picasso done as many etchings as he did in the last years of his life.

The command of Picasso the craftsman was plainly undiminished. This

may be the best place to identify Picasso's subtle intentions. Many of the
etchings betray formal inconsistencies, with carefully worked areas appear-
ing alongside negligently scrawled details, and there are visible gaps in
Picasso's handling of compositional questions. But the sheer number of
his supposed slips is enough to preclude all possibility of spontaneity in

his work.
The main subject is sexuality. It is so obsessive that Picasso seems to have
been getting a dirty old man's fantasies out of his system. But in fact the

truth of the matter is far more intractable. Picasso's explicit pictures were
part of the Sixties rebellion against taboos. In almost all Picasso's erotic pic-
Nude and Smoker. 968 1

tures, the voyeurist element is dominant. The artist and his female nude
Femme nue dehorn et homme a la pipe
model are almost invariably being observed by ugly old men in various Oil on canvas, 162 x 130 cm
kinds of costume (p. 225). The painter always remains the creator. This fact Lucerne, Galerie Rosengart

expresses Picasso's view of art as an act of (pro)creation presented to a pub-
lic itself incapable of creative endeavour. In view of the intimacy of the act
of (pro)creation, it is tantamount to shamelessness if the urge to expose is

constantly being satisfied, the private secrets revealed. Picasso rarely ex-
pressed the role of the modern artist, under constant observation by the om-
nipresent mass media, with such illuminating force. The painter under public
scrutiny (i.e. Picasso himself) is obliged constantly to play new roles. He is

the knight and the sailor, the circus artiste and the nobleman, but above all

he is the "new Rembrandt". He was returning to the time-honoured idea of

the productive, creative person as genius.
The mythologization of Picasso into a titanic Hero of Modern Art has
tended to obscure his work. Time after time, the old heroic image of Pi-
casso continues to be perpetuated. Modernist innovation is attributed to
him far beyond what is historically verifiable. He is stylized into the major
figure in a cult of genius that remains with us to this day. It is of course
true that in his long life Picasso produced a formidable quantity of work.
His thematic range, however, was slight. Again and again we encounter the Head oj'a Man. 1964
Tete d'homme
artist and his model, bullfights, bathers, figures from classical mythology,
Oil on canvas. 61 x 50 cm
was astounding, but there was a
or portraits. His ability to ring the changes Private collection
limit to variation in his work. What invariably prevailed was form: his
work always evolved from the line, from the principles of the draught-
sman. For Picasso, sculpture, painting and graphics were not primary ca-
tegories in their own right. There is no autonomy of colour in Picasso; nor
do spatial values have any real independence in his work. His sculptural
work developed from drawings, establishing spatial presence through illu-
sionist effects.

Picasso's works were links in a chain of experiments. Views of Picasso

thus depend largely on the criteria involved in the viewing. If we were to

judge him by conventional standards, the vastly ambitious scale of his pro-
ductivity and versatility would be cut down by the fact that the many thou-
sands of studies led to relatively few final works of any substantial complex-
ity. The concept of what constitutes a work of art has itself undergone

change. We no longer check to see whether prior intentions have been en-
acted according to plan. Anything can be a work of art. Yet even by these
new criteria, Picasso's unusual ouvre is unique in extent, if not in diversity.

The view of Picasso as the pre-eminent genius of the century is due not
least to his willingness to fulfil public expectations of artists. In Henri

Georges Clouzofs revealingly titled film "The Mystery of Picasso" (1956), The Family. 1970
for instance, the artist demonstrates his working methods to the camera, and La Famille

thus to millions: it is an eloquent proof of his approach to the myth. The ar-
Oil on canvas. 1 62 x 1 30 cm
Paris. Musee Picasso
tist as magus was a role Picasso quite deliberately played.
In the work of his old age in particular, Picasso presented himself to a
shamelessly voyeuristic public as a man of unfailing potency: a compul- PAGE 22S:

sively, feverishly productive artist wholly immersed in his work. This was Musketeer and Cupid. 1 969
Mousquetaire et Amor
both a mask and a vital means of self-preservation. His work, forever expan-
Oil on canvas. 195.5 x 130 cm
ding into new genres, substantiated his image as a universal genius. Of Cologne. Museum Ludwig
greater interest in relation to Picasso's status in art history is the clearly ap-
parent factor of conscious strategy. In Picasso's ouvre we plainly see a ra- PAGE 229:

Rembrandtesque Figure and Cupid. 969

method. At core he was

tional, logical, consistent an intellectual artist. In a

Personnage rembranesque et Amour
real sense, Picasso transferred ideas into art, and created unified harmonies cm
Oil on canvas. 162 x 1 30
of idea and artwork, form and content, which are fundamentally traditional Lucerne. Picasso Collection, Donation
in nature and highlight his classical character. Rosengart

Reclining Nude and Head. 1973
Fernme nue vouchee et tete

Oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm

Private collection

The painting above. Reclining Nude and In this respect he was essentially different from modern concept art, in
Head, is the last Picasso worked on. He ap-
which the concept precedes and accompanies the work, which in turn refers
plied the creamy white, to brighten the im-

pression, on the evening of 7 April 1973. The

to the concept. A verbal key or explanation is required if the whole is to be
following day. 8 April, he died shortly before grasped. Picasso's work, by contrast, shows. The statement is made visible.
midday. For this information, given to me in His work is inherently comprehensible. There is no gap between abstract
May 1973, 1 am indebted to one of the cur-
content and concrete form. Uniquely in the 20th century he was capable of
ators of the exhibition "Picasso 1970-1972" at
radical innovation on the one hand but on the other of continuing traditional
the Palais des Papes. Avignon, where the last

oils Picasso painted were shown. He received lines. Thus in Les Demoiselles d 'Avignon he vanquished the representational
the picture, not yet dry. immediately before picture, while in Guernica he revived the genre of historical painting in a
Picasso's death, to prepare it for hanging in
new form.
the exhibition, which was opened on 23 May
Picasso's true greatness and significance lie in his dual role as revolution-
1973. Picasso's widow Jacqueline later con-
firmed the information. To date, no oils from
ary and traditionalist at once. He gave a new vitality to art even as he
1973 have been exhibited or published. Prob- preserved the creative presence (outside the museums) of its history. For this
ably Picasso only drew, and perhaps did a reason he became the pre-eminent figure in 20th-century art.
little work in watercolour, in the final months
of his life. LEW.

Head. 1972

rayon on paper, 66 \ 50.5 cm

ie Rosengarl

Pablo Picasso: A Chronology

1 888/89 Helped by his father, he begins

to paint; at the age of eight he paints his
first oil.

1 89 1 Picasso's father accepts a position

as art teacher in La Coruha, where he
moves with his family. Death of Conchita.
Starts local grammar school. Helps his
father with paintings.

1 892 Admitted to the School of Fine Arts

in La Coruha and is taught by his father.

1 894 Writes and illustrates journals. His

father recognizes Pablo's extraordinary tal-

ent, hands him brush and palette and de-

clares that he will never paint again.

1 895 Moves to Barcelona and enrols in

the "La Lonja" School of Fine Arts, where

his father teaches. Skips the early classes

and passes the entry examination for ad-

vanced classes with distinction.

Pablo Picasso at the age of four. 1 885 Pablo Picasso shortly after his arrival in Barcelona in

1 896 First studio in Barcelona. His first 1896. aged 15

large "academic" oil. The First Communion

(p. 14), appears in an exhibition.
1881 Pablo Ruiz Picasso born 25 October 1 897 Paints Science and Charity (pp.

in Malaga. Spain, first son of Don Jose 16/17), his second large oil; it receives an

Ruiz Blasco (1838-1913) and Dona Maria honourable mention in the national exhibi-
Picasso's birthplace in Malaga. Plaza de la Merceded tion of fine art in Madrid and is awarded a
Picasso Lopez (1855-1939). His father, a
painter, comes from the north and teaches gold medal in a competition at Malaga. His

drawing at the local School of Fine Arts and father's brothers send money so that Pablo

Crafts, "San Telmo". His mother is Andalu- can study in Madrid. Passes entrance exam-

sian. ination for advanced courses at the Royal

Academy of San Fernando in Madrid, but

1 884 Birth of his first sister Dolores abandons it in the winter.

(1884-1958), known as Lola.

1 898 111 with scarlet fever and returns to
Barcelona. Spends a long time with his
1 887 Birth of his second sister Concep-
friend Manuel Pallares in the village of
cion (1887-1891 ). known as Conchita.
Horta de Ebro and regains his health. Sket-
ches of landscapes.

PAGE 232:
Pablo Picasso. Cannes 1956
1 899 Returns to Barcelona. Begins to fre-

Photograph: Lucien Clergue quent the cafe "Els Quatre Gats" (The Four

Paris (The Absinthe Drinker, p. 33). with
7] I

poverty, old age and loneliness as a more

and more frequent theme. Uses almost ex-
clusively blue and green. Beginning of his
Blue Period.

1 902 End of his contract with Manach.

Returns to Barcelona. Exhibition at the Ber-
the Weill gallery in Paris. Further develop-
ment of blue monochrome paintings. Re-

turns to Paris for third time in October.

Lives with poet Max Jacob. Has to confine

himself to drawing because he lacks the
money to buy canvas. Weill exhibition of
"blue" canvases.

1 903 Returns to Barcelona in January.

Paints over fifty pictures within 14 months,

among them La Vie (p. 39). Uses intensive
shades of blue to depict the misery of physi-
cal weakness and old age.
Picasso in Paris. 1904. The words on the photograph Picasso in his studio at 1 1. Boulevard de Clichy. winter
are: "A mes ehers amis Suzanne et Henri [Bloch]."
1904 Picasso's final move to Paris. Stu-
dio at 13. Rue Ravignan (until 1909), in the

"Bateaux-Lavoir". Meets Fernande Olivier

Cats) and makes friends with artists and in- who is to be his mistress for the next seven sculptures. Series of etchings called The
tellectuals, including the painters Carles Ju- years. Makes etching The Frugal Repast (p. Acrobats.
nyer-Vidal. Isidre Nonell. Joaquim Sunyer 42). Pays frequent visits to the Circus Me-
and Carlos Casagemas. the sculptor Hugue. drano (where he gets ideas for his pictures 1 906 Picasso is impressed by exhibition

the brothers Fernandez de Soto, and the of jugglers and circus artistes) and the of Iberian sculpture at the Louvre. Meets
poet Jaime Sabartes (later to be his secre- "Lapin agile". End of Blue Period. Henri Matisse. Andre Derain and the art

tary and lifelong close friend). Becomes ac- dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler. Vollard

quainted with the work of Theophile Stein-

1905 Meets Guillaume Apollinaire and buys most of his "rose" pictures, thus for
News- Leo and Gertrude Stein. Frequently paints the first time enabling Picasso to lead a life
len and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
circus themes, such as The Family ofSaltim- free of financial worries. Takes Fernande to
paper illustrations and first etchings.
banques (p. 49). Beginning of Rose Period. his parents in Barcelona, then to Gosol in

1900 Shares studio with Casagemas in Summer holiday in Schoorl. Holland. First the north of Catalonia, where he paints
Barcelona. Exhibits about 150 drawings at La Toilette (p. 55). Influence of Iberian
"Els Quatre Gats". At the beginning of Oc- sculpture on Portrait of Gertrude Stein
Picasso at the Bateau-Lavoir. 1908. with sculptures
tober Picasso and Casagemas leave for
from New Caledonia behind him (New York. The Metropolitan Museum
Paris and open a studio in Montmartre. of Art) and Self-Portrait with Palette
Visits art dealers, where he sees works by (p. 6).

Cezanne. Toulouse-Lautrec. Edgar Degas.

Emile Bonnard et al. Art dealer Pedro 1 907 Self-portrait (p. 60). With
Manach (p. 18) offers him 150 francs a numerous studies and variations, he pre-

month in exchange for pictures. Berthe pares his large canvas Les Demoiselles

Weill buys three pastels of bull-fights. d' Avignon (p. 67). which he finishes in Jul) :

Paints his first Paris picture. Le Moulin de his first cubist painting, even before the be-
la Galette (p. 22). Departs for Barcelona ginning of cubism. Sees African sculptures

and Malaga with Casagemas in December. at ethnographic museum, which impress and
influence him. Visits two Cezanne retrospec-
1901 Casagemas commits suicide in tives. Meets Georges Braque. Kahnweiler is

Paris. Picasso moves to Madrid, where he enthusiastic about his Demoiselles and be-
becomes co-editor of the magazine Arte comes his exclusive dealer.
./oven. Second move to Paris in May. Sets
up a studio at 130. Boulevard de Clichy. 1 908 Paints numerous "African" nudes.
First Oaris exhibition at Ambroise Vollard's Spends summer w ith Fernande at La Rue
gallery; sells \5 pictures before the open- des Bois. north of Paris. Paints figures and
ing. Begins to sign his pictures simply landscapes there. Braque shows his first

"Picasso", his mother's name. Paints life in cubist pictures, his L'Estaquc works, at
Kahnweiler's gallery. In November he gives Kahnweiler goes to Italy, his gallery is con-
a large banquet in his studio, honouring fiscated. Picasso's pictures become sombre.
Henri Rousseau, one of whose paintings he
has bought recently. 1915 Realistic pencil drawings of Max
Jacob and Vollard. Paints Harlequin (p. 93).
1 909 Paints Loaves and Bowl of Fruit
on a Table (p. 73). Beginning of his "ana- 1916 Jean Cocteau brings the Russian im-
lytical" cubism (i.e. gives up central per- presario Sergei Diaghilev and the composer
spective, splits up forms in fragmented, Eric Satie (cf. p. 100) to meet Picasso and

stereometric shapes). In May he takes Fer- asks him to design the decor for Parade, a

nande to see his parents and friends in Bar- ballet to be performed by the Ballet Russe
celona. Goes on to Horta de Ebro. where (cf. pp. 97-99). Moves to 22, Rue Victor
he has the most productive period of his Hugo in Montrouge.
career: landscapes and townscapes (The
Reservoir Horta de Ebro, p. 8) in analyti-
1917 Travels to Rome with Cocteau and
spends his time with Diaghilev 's ballet com-
cal cubist style. Portraits of Fernande
(Woman with Pears, p. 69). Moves to 11.
pany. Works on decor for Parade. Meets
Igor Stravinsky and the Russian dancer
Boulevard de Clichy, near Place Pigalle in
Olga Koklova. Visits Naples and Pompeii.
September, next door to Braque. Sculpture
Accompanies ballet group to Madrid and
of Fernande (p. 61); still-lifes. First exhibi-
Barcelona because of Olga. Olga stays with
tion in Germany (Galerie Thannhauser,
him. Back to Montrouge in November.
Paints "pointillist" pictures.

1910 Completes his famous cubist port-

raits of the art dealers Vollard (p. 77) and 1918 Contacts with high society through

Kahnweiler (Chicago, The Art Institute of the ballet result in a change of lifestyle.
Picasso with his son Paul in Dinard. 1922
Chicago) as well as the art critic Fritz Uhde Paul Rosenberg becomes his new agent.

(private collection). Spends summer with Marries Olga. Honeymoon in Biarritz. Apol-

Fernande in Cadaques near Barcelona, from a thief. Crisis in his relationship with linaire"s death. The Picassos occupy two
where they are joined by Derain and his Fernande; enters a liaison with Eva Gouel floors at 23, Rue La Boetie.

wife. (Marcelle Humbert), whom he calls "Ma

Jolie". Paints Mandolin Player (Paris. 1919 Meets Joan Miro and buys one of
1911 First New York exhibitions. Spends Musee Picasso). his pictures. Spends three weeks in London
summer with Fernande and Braque in Ceret with the Ballet Russe. Begins to work on

(Pyrenees). Introduces printed letters into 1912 First construction in sheet metal and decor for Le Tricorne; drawings of the
his pictures for the first time. Has to hand wire. First collage (Still Life with Chair Can- dancers. Spends summer in Saint-Raphael
two Iberian sculptures back to the Louvre, ing, p. 81 ), with a piece of oil-cloth imitat- on the Riviera with Olga. Paints Sleeping
because he has unwittingly bought them ing a cane pattern. Takes Eva to Ceret, Avig- Peasants (p. 102) and cubist still-lifes.

non and Sorgues. where they meet Braque.

Makes first "papiers colles" collages of
Picasso posing as a boxer in his studio at the Rue Picasso. 1917
newspaper headlines, labels, advertising slo-
Schoelcher. Paris, around 1916
gans with charcoal drawings on paper.
Moves from Montmartre to 242. Boulevard
Raspail. Montparnasse in September. Three-
year contract with Kahnweiler.

1913 Spends spring with Eva in Ceret,

where they meet Braque and Derain. His

father dies in Barcelona. Picasso's "papiers

colles" lead to synthetic cubism, with large.

schematic patterning, such as The Guitar

(p. 88). He and Eva fall ill. return to Paris

and move to 5. Rue Schoelcher.

1914 Family of Saltimbanques (p. 49)

sells for 1 1 .500 Francs at an auction.
Spends June with Eva in Avignon; meets
Braque and Derain. Paints "pointillist" pic-

tures. Braque and Derain are drafted into

the army on the outbreak of war.

1 925 Accompanies ballet company and old friends. Tries in vain to prevent a book
Olga and Paul to Monte Carlo in spring. of memoirs by Fernande Olivier from being
Paints The Dance (p. 115), reflecting the published, for fear of Olga's jealousy.
first signs of tension in his marriage. Sum-
mer in Juan-les-Pins, where he paints Stu- 1 934 More etchings. Sculptures at Bois-
geloup. Trip to Spain with Olga and Paul to
dio with Plaster Head (p. 1 16), a composi-
see bull-fights in San Sebastian, Madrid.
tion built around Paul's puppet theatre. Con-
Toledo and Barcelona. Numerous works on
tributes to first surrealist exhibition in No-
vember. the bull-fight theme in various media.

1 926 Series of assemblages on Guitar

1 935 Paints Interior with a Girl Drawing
theme, using objects such as a shirt, a floor-
(p. 140). No more paintings between May
1 935 and February 1 936. Etches Minotauro-
cloth, nails and string. Holidays in Juan-les-

Pins and Antibes. Takes Olga to Barcelona

machy (p. 138). his most important cycle.
Marie-Therese is pregnant; separates from
in October.
Olga and Paul; divorce has to be postponed
1 927 Meets seventeen-year-old Marie- because of problems with the distribution of
Therese Walter in the street. She becomes their property. Picasso: "The worst time of
his mistress shortly afterwards. Death of my life." 5 October: birth of Picasso's sec-
Juan Gris. Series of pen-and-ink drawings ond child. Maya. His old friend Sabartes
Picasso working on Guernica. 1937 of aggressively sexual bathing women. becomes his secretary.

1928 First sculpture since 1914. Meets 1936 Touring exhibition of his pictures
sculptor Julio Gonzalez. Summer in Dinard in Barcelona. Bilbao, Madrid. Travels se-
1 920 Begins to work on decor for Stravin- with Paul and Olga. Meeting Marie-Therese cretly to Juan-les-Pins with Marie Therese
sky's ballet Pulcinella. Kahnweiler returns secretly. Small paintings with intense and Maya. Works on the Minotaur theme.
from exile. Spends summer in Saint-Ra- colours and schematic forms. Several wire 18 July: beginning of Spanish civil war.
phael and Juan-les-Pins with Olga. constructions as studies for Apollinaire Opposes Franco: Republicans recognize
Gouaches with themes from the Commedia monument (p. 118). his support and nominate him director of
dell 'arte. the Prado. Spends August in Mougins.
1 929 Works on sculptures and wire con- near Cannes. Meets Dora Maar. Yugosla-
1 92 1 Birth of his son Paul (Paolo). Recur- structions with Gonzalez. Series of ag-
vian photographer. Makes over Boisgeloup
rent Mother and Child theme. Further sket- gressive paintings with women's heads sig-
to Olga in autumn and moves into Vol-
ches for ballet decors. Uhde's and Kahn- nals marriage crisis. Summer in Dinard. lard's house. Marie-Therese follows with
weiler "s collections, which were confiscated Maya.
by the French during the war. are sold at
1930 Metal sculptures in Gonzalez's stu-
dio. Paints Crucifixion (p. 132), after Mat- 937 Etches The Dream and Lie of
auction. Spends summer at Fontainebleau 1

thias Griinewald. Buys Chateau Boisgeloup Franco. Moves into new studio Rue
with Olga. Paints Three Musicians at 7.
near Gisors, north of Paris. Holiday in Juan-
(p. 1 14) and several compositions with
les-Pins. 30 etchings to illustrate Ovid's
monumental figures.
Picasso in his studio at the Rue des Grands Augustus,
Metamorphoses. Installs Marie-Therese in
1 922 The collector Doucet buys the De- flat at 44, Rue la Boetie.

moiselles d' Avignon (p. 67) for 25,000

1 93 1 Sculpture Head of a Woman (Paris.
Francs. Spends summer in Dinard, Brittany,
Musee Picasso) using colanders. Sculptor's
with Olga and Paul, where he paints Women
studio at Boisgeloup. Series of sculptures of
Running on the Beach (p. 107). Designs drop
large heads and busts. Holiday in Juan-les-
curtain for Cocteau's Antigone in winter.
Pins. Cycles of etchings are exhibited at

Skira's and Vollard's.

1923 Harlequin portraits in neo-classicisf

style. Summer at Cap d'Antibes. A visit 1 932 Series of seated or recumbent

from his mother Maria. Paints The Pipes of women, for which the model is Marie-
Pun (p. 106) and studies of bathers. Port-
Therese. Major retrospective in Paris (236
raits of Olga and Paul in Paris.
works) and Zurich. Christian Zervos pub-
lishes first Picasso catalogue.
)24 Several large still-lifes in the dec-
orative cubist mode, and further ballet 1 933 Etchings on the theme of the Sculp-
decor. Holiday with Olga and Paul in Juan- tor's Studio for the Suite Vollard (p. 225)
les-Pins, Portrail of Paul as Harlequin (p. and studies on the Minotaur theme. Sum-
112). Publication by Andre Breton of Mani- mer holiday in Cannes u ith Olga and Paul,
</// Surrealisme. then car trip to Barcelona, where he meets
Guernica to German officers. When asked,
"Did you do this?" he replies. "No, you

1 94 1 Writes surrealist farce, Desire

Caught by the Tail. Marie-Therese and
Maya move to Boulevard Henri IV; Picasso
visits them at weekends. He is not allowed
to leave Paris to work at Boisgeloup. Provi-
sional sculptor's studio in bathroom.

1 942 Paints 5//// Life with Steer's Skull

(p. 169). He is attacked by Vlaminck in a

magazine article. Portrait of Dora Maar
wearing a striped blouse (New York, Hahn

1 943 Assemblage Head of a Bull (p.

168). Sculptures. Meets young painter Fran-

coise Gilot who visits him frequently at his
Picasso in Toulouse. 1945; inscribed to his friend Jaime
studio. Resumes painting.

1 944 Max Jacob is arrested and dies in a

des Grands Augustins. Following the Ger- concentration camp. Large sculpture Man
Picasso at the Congress of Intellectuals for Peace in
man air raid on Guernica on 26 April he with Sheep (p. 167). Readings*are held of Wroclaw. August 1948
paints his gigantic mural for the Spanish pa- Desire Caught by the Tail, with Albert

vilion at the Paris world exhibition: Guer- Camus, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sar-

nica (pp. 148/149). In summer portrait of tre. Raymond Queneau et al. taking part. with a still life. Begins working with litho-

Dora Maar at Mougins. Meets Paul Klee in Joins Communist Party after liberation of graphy at Fernand Mourlot's Paris studio,

Berne. The Museum of Modem An in New Paris. Contributes 74 paintings to the Salon producing 200 works by 1949.

York buys Les Demoiselles d' Avignon for $ d'Automne.

1 946 Takes Francoise to Nice to see Ma-
1 945 Paints The Charnel House (p. 166) tisse. Francoise becomes his mistress and

1 938 Paints several pictures of Maya as a pendant to Guernica. Series of still- moves in with him. Makes paintings .and li-

with toys (pp. 158, 159). Makes a wallsize lifes. Spends July in Antibes with Dora. thographs of her. Takes her to Menerbes in

collage Women at Their Toilet (pp. Rents room for Francoise in the vicinity, July, where they stay at Dora's house. Fran-

162/163). Spends summer in Mougins with but she goes to Brittany. Buys Dora a house coise is pregnant. Picasso is given per-

Dora. Severe attack of sciatica in winter. in the village of Menerbes and pays for it mission to work at the museum of Antibes
and after four months donates numerous pic-
1 939 Death of Picasso's mother in Bar- tures to it. The museum is soon renamed
The master's left hand. 1947
celona. Paints Marie-Therese and Dora in Musee Picasso. First brief visit to Vallauris.
the same pose and on the same day. Spends
July in Antibes with Dora and Sabartes. 1947 Lithographs at Mourlot's workshop.
Death of Vollard. Paints Night Fishing at Gives ten pictures to the Musee National
Antibes (p. 157). then Dora with bicycle d'Art Moderne in Paris. On 15 May Fran-
and ice-cream. Takes Dora and Sabartes to coise gives birth to Claude, Picasso's third
Royan on the outbreak of the Second World child. Begins to make ceramics at the Ma-
War, where Marie-Therese and Maya join doura pottery, the workshop of the Ramies
them. Stays there, with interruptions, until and creates about 2000 pieces between
August 1940. Major retrospective at the 1947 and 1948 (pp. 174. 175).
Museum of Modern Art in New York, with
344 works, including Guernica. 1 948 Moves to La Galloise, a villa in Val-
lauris, with Francoise and Claude. Takes
1 940 Commutes between Royan and part in Congress of Intellectuals for Peace
Paris. In Royan he Nude Dressing
paints in Wroclaw, Poland, where he also visits
Her Hair (p. 156). German troops invade Cracow and Auschwitz. Ceramics exhibi-
Belgium and France, occupying Royan in tion in Paris. Portrait of
June. Returns to Paris. Gives up flat in Rue
La Boetie and moves into studio at Rue des 1 949 Dove lithograph becomes motif for

Grands Augustins. Hands out photos of poster announcing World Peace Congress in

Paris. 19 April: birth of Picasso's fourth 1 958 Completes UNESCO mural. The
child. Paloma (Spanish word for "'dove'", Fall of Icarus (p. 205). Buys Chateau Vauve-
named after the poster motif). Rents old per- nargues near Aix-en-Provence. w here he
fume factory in Vallauris as a studio and works occasionally between 1959 and 1961.
store-room for ceramics. More sculptures.
1 959 Paints at Chateau Vauvenargues.
1950 Paints Young Women on the Banks Works on variations of Edouard Manet's Le
of the Seine, after Gustave Courbet (pp. Dejeuner sur I'herbe (p. 208). First experi-
182/183). Sculptures The Nanny-Goat and ments with lino-cuts.
Woman with Baby Carriage, made from
junk and cast in bronze (p. 179). Travels to 1 960 Retrospective at Tate Gallery. Lon-

World Peace Conference in Sheffield. Re- don, with 270 works. Designs large-scale

ceives Lenin Peace Prize. Given the free- sheet-metal sculpture, constructing ma-

dom of Vallauris. quettes from cardboard.

1 95 1 Paints Massacre in Korea (pp. 1 96 1 Marries Jacqueline Roque at Val-

186/187) in protest at the American inva- lauris. Moves to Notre-Dame-de-Vie. a villa

sion. Gives up flat in Rue La Boetie and near Cannes. Celebrates 80th birthday in

moves to 9. Rue Gay-Lussac. Ceramics in Vallauris. Works w ith painted and corru-

Vallauris. Sculpture Baboon and Young (p. gated sheet-metal.

176). Retrospective in Tokyo.

1 962 Over 70 portraits of Jacqueline

1 952 Two large mural paintings called Awarded Lenin Peace Prize for second
Pablo Picasso. 1 955
War and Peace (pp. 164. 165) for the new time. Designs decor for Paris ballet.

Temple of Peace in Vallauris. Relationship Numerous lino-cuts.

with Francoise deteriorates. 1 954 Meets Sylvette- David, a twenty-

1 963 Variations of Jacqueline's portrait.
year-old girl who poses for portraits
1953 Works in Vallauris (Seated Woman. Series of pictures on the theme of The Artist
(p. 195). Portraits of Jacqueline. Spends
p. 190). Major exhibitions in Rome. Lyons. and His Model (p. 217). Opening of Museu
some time in Vallauris with Francoise and
Milan and Sao Paulo. Portrait of Stalin on Picasso in Barcelona. Death of Braque and
children, as well as with Jacqueline. Takes
the occasion of his death is received with Cocteau.
Maya and Paul to Perpignan. Separates
disapproval by Communist Party. Series of
from Francoise, and Jacqueline moves in
1 964 Publication of Francoise Gilot's
busts and heads of Francoise. Takes Maya
with him. Death of Matisse (Picasso: "All memoirs
and Paul to Perpignan. where he meets Jac- Life with Picasso leads to a rift be-
things considered, there "s only Matisse").
queline Roque. Francoise and children
Begins series of paintings based on Eugene
move to Rue Gav-Lussac. At a bull-fight in Vallauris. 1955. Picasso is sitting be-
Delacroix's Women of Algiers (p. 199).
tween Jacqueline and Jean Cocteau. Behind him his

children Maya (with guitar i. between Paloma and

Picasso with his children Paloma and Claude at Val- 1 955 Olga Picasso dies in Cannes. So- Claude.
lauris. 1953
journ with Jacqueline in Provence. Major
retrospective in Paris (then in Munich.
Cologne. Hamburg). Filming of Clouzot's
Le Mystere Picasso. Buys La Californie. a
villa in Cannes. Portraits of Jacqueline.

1 956 Series of studio pictures, including

The Studio at La Californie' .Cannes (p.

201 ) and Jacqueline in the Studio (p. 200).

Large bronze sculpture The Bathers (pp.

202/203). after wooden assemblages. Cel-
ebrates 75th birthday with potters in Val-
lauris. Letter of protest to Communist Party
about Russian intervention in Hungary.

1 957 Exhibitions in New York. Chicago

and Philadelphia. At La Californie he works
on 40 variations o\' Diego Vela/quez's Las
Meninas (pp. 214. 215). He is asked to
paint mural for new UNESCO building in

tueen him and their children Claude and Pa- 1969 Numerous paintings: faces, couples, the opening of the Museum of Modern Art.

loma. Exhibitions in Canada and Japan. still-lifes. nude figures, smokers (p. 89). New York.
Completes model for giant sculpture Head
of a Woman to appear in Chicago's new 1 970 Picasso family in Barcelona do- 1 985 Opening of the Musee Picasso at

Civic Centre in 1967. nates all paintings and sculptures in its pos- the Hotel Sale in Paris, w ith 203 paintings.

session to Museu Picasso. Barcelona (early 191 sculptures. 85 ceramics, and over 3000
1 965 Series of paintings on the theme of works from Barcelona and La Coruna). draw ings and prints.

The Artist and His Model, landscapes. Sto-

1 97 1 Celebrates his 90th birthday. 1 986 First European exhibition of Picas-
mach operation in Neuilly-sur-Seine. Last
so's sketchbooks at the Royal Academy of
trip to Paris.
1972 Draws series of self-portraits. Do- Art. London. On 15 October Picasso's
nates wire construction of 1928 (p. 1 18) to w idow Jacqueline commits suicide.
1 966 Resumes drawing and painting,
the Museum of Modern Art. New York.
then also produces prints in summer. A 1 990 From the Jacqueline Picasso estate,
major retrospective exhibition at Grand Pa- 973 Dies at Mougin on 8 April and
1 is the Musee Picasso receives a further 162
lais and Petit Palais in Paris shows over 700 buried in the grounds of Chateau Vauvenar- works, including 47 paintings, which are ex-
works, including many sculptures from the gues on 10 April. hibited in Paris. Marseilles. Bordeaux. Stras-
artist's own collection.
bourg. Calais and Amiens. Of the 20 most
1979 Picasso's heirs pay their death
expensive paintings in the world at this
1 967 Refuses French Legion of Honour. duties in the form of a large number of
date. 6 are van Goghs and 7 Picassos.
Evicted from studio in Rue des Grands Au- works from Picasso's private collection,
gustins. Exhibitions in London and New which become the property of the French
York. state. Exhibition of these works at the

Grand Palais in Paris, later to be renamed

1968 Death of Sabartes. Picasso gives Musee Picasso.
Museum in Barcelona 58 pictures from the
series Las Meninas. Makes 347 etchings 1 980 Largest-ever Picasso retrospective
w ithin seven months. on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of

Picasso in the garden of La Californie. with the 1936 sculpture Head of a Woman. Picasso holding the sun in his hand.
Photograph: Jacqueline Picasso Photograph: Jacqueline Picasso

Acknowledgement and Picture Credits

The editor anil publisher wish to express their gratitude Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt. Graz: 144. 30. 34 a. 41. 54 I. 57. 80. 81. 82. S3. S6. SS. S9. 94. 96.

to the museums, public collections, galleries and pri- 146 till. 15. 37). - Archiv Andre Held. Ecublens: 63, 101 a. 103. 104a. 108. 111. 112. 117. 119a. Il9bl.
vate collectors, the archivists and photographers, and S4. 105. 136 a. 136 b. 155. 160. 161. - Archives 119br. 122. 123. 125. 127. 132 a. 133. 135. 137 a.

all those involved in this work. The editor and pub- d'l NESCO. Paris: 205. - Artothek. Peissenberg: 137 b. 13Sb. 141. 151. 152. 159. 162 163. 16" r. 168 a.

lisher have at all times endeavoured to observe the 148/149. - Bildarchiv Alexander Koch. Munich: 29. 176. 178. 179. 185, 186/187. 1SS. 194, 208 a, 210, 211,
legal regulations on the copyright and also to obtain 189,218.- Cahiers d'Art - Zervos, Pans: 7, 11, 31. 65 226. - Museu Picasso. Barcelone: 1 1. 12 1. 12 r. 13 1.

permission to reproduce photographic winks and reim- a I. 65 a m. 65 a r. 72 1. 72 m. 72 r. 76. 97 1. 97 r. 100 I. 13 r. 14. 16/17. 20. 36. 37. 214 a. - National Gallery of

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i may ha\ e 100 r. 147 (4 ill.). 167 I. - Lucien Clergue. Aries: Art. Washington: 49. - Offentliche Kunstsammlung
resulted in ,i few oversights despite intensive research. 232. - Collection William A. M. Burden. New York: Basel. Kunstrnuseum, Basel: 66 a. 79, IS2 1S3. - Phil-

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lease make application to the publisher. and Archive Rosengarl. Lucerne: 85, I5S. 181, 200. graphic Giraudon, Paris: 1 1 HI a r. 150. 154. - Pushkin

I he Kk ations and names of Owners ot the works are 224. 229. 231. -Galerie Louise Leu is and Archives Museum. Moscow: 24. 50. 51 I. 58, "0 a 1.71.- Rapho,
.p. en in the captions to the illustrations unless other- Photographiques Louise Leu is. Paris: 120. 124. 192. Paris: 2. - Sammlung Beveler. Galerie Beveler and

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