Cadore 2008

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Exercise Research Laboratory, Physical Education School, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil;
Department of Clinical Analysis, Catholic Pontific University, Porto Alegre, Brazil

ABSTRACT trained subjects demonstrating lower responsiveness in the

Cadore, EL, Lhullier, FLR, Brentano, MA, Silva, EM, Ambrosini, hormone values. Long-term trained men seem to require a
MB, Spinelli, R, Silva, RF, and Kruel, LFM. Hormonal responses higher volume of training, at least similar to their daily workout,
to resistance exercise in long-term trained and untrained to stimulate greater hormone responses.
middle-aged men. J Strength Cond Res 22(5): 16171624, KEY WORDS strength training, testosterone, cortisol, superset,
2008This cross-sectional study compared hormonal re- endocrine adaptations
sponses to resistance exercise between trained and untrained
men to investigate the adaptations of the endocrine system to
long-term strength training in middle-aged men. Twenty-one INTRODUCTION
middle-aged men were recruited for this study and matched into

trength training causes several acute physiological
a strength-trained group (SG) (n = 10) and an untrained group responses and chronic adaptations that are very
(UG) (n = 11). In the SG, the individuals had practiced strength important for increasing muscular strength and
training for hypertrophy for at least 3 years. Upper- and lower- hypertrophy. Some anabolic hormones, such as
body muscle strength was measured with a 1 repetition testosterone, have a critical role in the responses and
maximum (1RM) test. Blood samples were collected at rest and adaptations to training (37). In fact, high-intensity and
after multiple sets of a superset strength training protocol high-volume strength exercise is a powerful stimulus for an
(SSTP), with an intensity of 75% of 1RM values. With these acute increase in the concentration of testosterone immedi-
blood samples, the levels of total testosterone (TT), free ately after exercise (2,3,14,32). This response pattern has been
testosterone (FT), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), cortisol, associated with the increase in the synthesis of proteins
during the rest period after the training session due to its
and sex hormonebinding globulin (SHBG) were determined.
influence on the increase in androgenic receptors in the
In addition, the TT-to-cortisol ratio and TT-to-SHBG ratio were
muscle cell (5,29,50).
calculated. There was no difference at rest between groups in
Some variables linked to the training session, such as
hormonal values for TT, FT, DHEA, cortisol, the TT-to-SHBG intensity and volume (14,47), resting time (35), and involved
ratio, and the TT-to-cortisol ratio. There were increases after muscle mass (20), influence the hormonal response to
SSTP in the levels of TT, FT, DHEA, and cortisol and the TT-to- resistance exercise. In addition, studies have demonstrated
SHBG ratio in the UG, but only FT increased in the SG. The SG that the level of training interferes in this response pattern
demonstrated lower values in the TT-to-SHBG ratio after the (2,31,32), while others indicate there is no difference between
training session. These results suggest the presence of altera- trained and untrained individuals (1). At the same time, in
tions in anabolic and catabolic hormonal responses to resis- relation to the pituitaryadrenocortical axis, some findings
tance exercise in long-term trained middle-aged men, with the suggest that the increases of cortisol after resistance exercise
may be lower in trained individuals (32), but no studies have
investigated the influence of training on the dehydroepian-
Address correspondence to Eduardo Lusa Cadore, edcadore@yahoo. drosterone (DHEA) responses to this type of exercise. Although the concentrations of total testosterone (TT) and
22(5)/16171624 free testosterone (FT) are seen to increase immediately after
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research a strength training session (1,9,20,22,33), there is some
2008 National Strength and Conditioning Association controversy regarding alterations in their concentrations at

VOLUME 22 | NUMBER 5 | SEPTEMBER 2008 | 1617

Hormone Responses to Resistance Exercise

rest after a period of training. Studies have evaluated young obtained to determine hormonal concentrations and sex
individuals and have demonstrated an increase in testoster- hormonebinding globulin (SHBG).
one levels at rest after strength training (1,13,32,41,48).
Nevertheless, other studies, including investigations involv- Subjects
ing middle-aged and elderly individuals, have found no Twenty-one healthy, strength-trained and untrained middle-
differences in circulatory testosterone levels at rest after aged men (mean age, 40.6 6 4 years) volunteered to
a period of training (3,19,20,27,46). Indeed, studies have participate in this study. Subjects were matched according
investigated endocrine responses and adaptations to strength to training status into 2 different groups: a strength-trained
training (1,3,27,32) and comparisons of these responses group (SG) (n = 10) and an untrained group (UG) (n = 11).
between strength athletes and nonathletes (2). However, the All subjects were carefully informed about the potential risks
literature contains very little information about possible and discomforts of the project and signed a written consent
endocrine adaptations to training in recreationally long-term form before their participation in the study. This investigation
strength-trained men. In a study by Ahtiainen et al. (1), no was approved by the Ethics Committee of Federal University
differences were observed between strength-trained athletes of Rio Grande do Sul. Table 1 shows the subjects physical
and untrained men in acute hormonal response to strength characteristics and maximal strength. There were no
training. However, other studies have demonstrated a higher significant differences between the groups in age, body mass,
acute hormonal response to resistance exercise in strength- or height. The SG had significantly higher values in
trained athletes compared to untrained subjects (2) and in percentage of lean body mass and lower values in percentage
subjects after a strength training period (32). Thus, in- of fat mass (p , 0.05). Indeed, the SG had significantly higher
formation about the effects of strength training on acute values in all strength variables (p , 0.01).
hormonal response to exercise remains inconsistent. More- The training history and characteristics of the SG are
over, no study has investigated the effects of many years of presented in Table 2. For the SG, individuals were recruited
strength training on hormonal responses to resistance who had practiced noncompetitive resistance training for
exercise in middle-aged men. hypertrophy for at least 3 years (mean, 11.77 6 7.4 years)
In the search for information on the possible role of the with no interruptions longer than 20 days and for at least
endocrine system in the adaptations to strength training in men, 2 years before the study. Indeed, the SG subjects could back
this study aims to investigate hormone concentrations at rest squat at least 130% of their body mass (BM) (1 repetition
and induced by a training session for hypertrophy in middle- maximum [1RM] squat/BM = 1.86 6 0.5) and could bench
aged long-term trained and untrained men of the same age. Due press at least 100% of their body mass (1RM bench
to the higher testosterone values at rest (1,13,32,41) and induced press/BM = 1.15 6 0.15) (5). Although the SG did not
by resistance exercise (2,32) observed in strength-trained possess exactly the same volume of training, all trained with
subjects in other studies, the hypothesis was that the values 2 to 4 training split (i.e., 2 or 3 muscle groups per day) and
of the measured anabolic parameters will be higher in long- with the objective of hypertrophy. In the UG, subjects were
term strength-trained individuals than in untrained individuals. sedentary for at least 2 years before the study. Criteria for
exclusion were a history of renal, hepatic, cardiovascular,

Experimental Approach to the TABLE 1. Physical characteristics and muscle strength.
Problem Strength-trained Untrained
The individuals visited the test group (n = 10) group (n = 11)
center on 2 days. First, the indi-
viduals were interviewed regard- Age (y) 40.5 6 4.3 40.8 6 3.8
Height (cm) 175.1 6 3.9 172.5 6 7.7
ing their medical history and
Body mass (kg) 80.4 6 8.6 79.1 6 10.02
physical activity. Their anthro- Fat mass (%) 17.6 6 4.7 26.5 6 3.9
pomorphic characteristics were Lean mass (%) 82.3 6 4.7 73.4 6 3.8
measured, and maximum dy- Absolute UBS (kg) 182.4 6 31.3 115.5 6 21.7
namic strength tests were per- Absolute LBS (kg) 546.2 6 140.5 321.9 6 48.6
Relative UBS 2.26 6 0.28 1.45 6 0.2
formed in 4 exercises. Twenty
Relative LBS 6.78 6 1.46 4.1 6 0.66
days later, the subjects were Absolute total load 24,331.6 6 5867 13,954.5 6 2012
required to perform a resistance
exercise session (i.e., a superset Values are mean 6 SD.
UBS = upper body strength; LBS = lower body strength.
strength training protocol * Significant (p , 0.01) difference between groups.
[SSTP]). Before (i.e., at rest)
and after SSTP, blood was
the TM

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large muscle groups. A protocol was used with 2 supersets,

each consisting of 2 exercises, and each superset was repeated
TABLE 2. Training characteristics of the strength- 4 times to total 16 sets. Before the performance of the
trained group (n = 10). exercises, the individuals performed a general warm-up on an
Variable Mean 6 SD Range ergometric cycle and a specific warm-up for each exercise.
After these warm-ups, the first superset was the agonist
Training period (y) 11.77 6 7 425 antagonist type composed of the bench press and supported
Sessions per week 5 6 0.7 46
barbell row. The intensity of the exercises in the first superset
Sets per muscle group 11.1 6 2 616
Volume versus intensity was 75% of the 1RM, and subjects executed 8 repetitions in
(repetition maximum) 612 each set. The range of movement of both the bench press and
Resting time (s) 60120 the barbell row was from full extension to 90 of the elbow. In
the second superset, squats and the leg press were performed
at intensities of 75% and 65% of 1RM, with the execution of
8 and 15 repetitions, respectively. The range of movement of
both the squats and the leg press were from full extension to
90 of the knee. The rest between each 2 sets ranged from
pituitary, or metabolic disease; use of anabolic steroids or any
90 seconds in the first superset (i.e., bench press and barbell
other medication that could affect the musculoskeletal or
row) to 2 minutes in the second superset (i.e., squats and leg
endocrine metabolism; smoking; adherence to a reduced-
press). The rest between the supersets was 3 minutes. The
calorie or low-fat diet, ketogenic diet, or over-the-counter
exercises, volume, and intensity of the SSTP protocol were
ergogenic aids within the past 2 months, which could affect
chosen due to the influence of the use of large muscle groups
hormonal levels (49).
and of the hypertrophic nature of the training in stimulating
Body Composition anabolic and catabolic hormones (47).
Body mass and height were measured with an Asimed analog
Blood Collection and Analysis
scale (resolution of 0.1 kg) and stadiometer (resolution of
Blood was obtained between 8 and 9 AM, after 2 days with no
1 mm), respectively. Body composition was assessed by using
training session. The time of blood collection was chosen due
the skinfold technique. A 7-site skinfold equation was used to
to its use in many studies conducted with these procedures
estimate body density (28), and percentage of body fat was
for the control of the circadian hormonal range (1,19,27).
subsequently calculated with the Siri equation (21). Skinfold
Subjects sat in a slightly reclined position for 15 minutes
thickness was measured from the chest, midaxillary area,
before 10 mL of blood were drawn from an antecubital vein.
subscapular area, suprailiac abdomen, triceps, and thigh.
After the collection, subjects performed the SSTP and, after
Strength Testing 10 minutes, had another 10 mL of blood drawn with a similar
Maximal strength was assessed by using the 1RM test in the technique.
following free-weight exercises: bench press, supported After collection, the blood was maintained in ambient tem-
barbell row, squat, and 45 leg press. Upper-body strength perature for 45 minutes and then centrifuged for 10 minutes
was considered the sum of the load lifted in the bench press at 2,000 rpm, and serum was removed and frozen at 20 C for
and supported barbell row, and lower-body strength was later analysis. With this blood sample, the resting and SSTP-
considered the sum of the load lifted in the squat and leg press. induced concentrations of TT, FT, DHEA, and cortisol were
Muscle strength relative to body mass was calculated, too. determined in duplicate by using radioimmunoassay kits
Before the tests, subjects were familiarized with all proce- (ICN Biomedicals, Irvine, Calif.). In addition, the SHBG
dures. They warmed up for 5 minutes on a cycle ergometer, concentration was determined by using a chemiluminescence
stretched all major muscle groups, and performed movements kit (Diagnostic Products Corp., Hawthorne, Calif.). From
specific to the exercise tests. Each subjects maximal load was these values, it was possible to calculate both the TT-to-
determined in a maximum of 5 trials. After each trial, the load cortisol ratio and the TT-to-SHBG ratio (i.e., free androgen
was adjusted in accordance with coefficients specific to the index [FAI]) (15). To eliminate the interassay variance, all
number of repetitions realized (39). A 4-minute rest was samples were analyzed within the same assay batch, and all
allowed between trials, and the performance time for each intra-assay variances were #6.3%. Antibody sensitivities were
contraction (i.e., concentric and eccentric) was 2 seconds, 0.02 ngmL1 for TT, 0.02 ngdL1 for FT, 0.09 ngmL1 for
controlled by an electronic metronome. DHEA, 0.05 mgdL1 for cortisol, and 0.5 mmolmL1 for SHBG.
Superset Strength Training Protocol Statistical Analyses
To assess the acute hormonal response to strength training, The data are shown with mean and SD. The ShapiroWilk
a session of training similar to that normally used for test was used for normality, and the Levene test was used for
achieving muscular hypertrophy was organized. The session homogeneity. An analysis of covariance was used to adjust
consisted of the performance of exercises with free weights to pretesting values to compare data among groups. Data

VOLUME 22 | NUMBER 5 | SEPTEMBER 2008 | 1619

Hormone Responses to Resistance Exercise

analysis was performed with a repeated-measures analysis of

variance for the comparison of the variables before and after
exercise and a one-way analysis of variance for the compari-
son between groups. Also, the Pearson product moment
correlation test was used to verify the associations between
the variables analyzed. All the tests were carried out with the
SPSS statistical program, version 11.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago,
Ill.). The level of statistical significance was set at p # 0.05.

Resting Hormonal Concentrations
Figures 17 show resting hormonal concentrations. There
was no difference between groups in the resting concen-
trations of TT, FT, DHEA, cortisol, or SHBG or in the
Figure 2. Free testosterone concentrations (mean 6 SD) (ngdL1) at
TT-to-cortisol ratio. Although there was no difference in the rest and induced by a superset strength training protocol (SSTP). SG =
TT-to-SHBG ratio between the groups at rest, the UG strength-trained group (n = 10); UG = untrained group (n = 11).
*Significantly (p , 0.05) different from resting.
tended to be greater in this variable (p = 0.053). There was
a significant correlation between squat strength and resting
DHEA in the UG (r = 0.55; p = 0.04). Indeed, in the SG, there
were significant correlations between bench press strength
and the resting TT-to-SHBG ratio (r = 0.71; P = 0.02) and after SSTP in the serum level of TT, FT, DHEA, or cortisol
squat strength and the resting DHEA concentration (r = or in the TT-to-cortisol ratio. The UG had significantly
0.65; p = 0.04). higher values than the SG in the TT-to-SHBG ratio after
SSTP (p , 0.05). The SG tended to have a higher SHBG
Hormonal Response to Superset Strength Training Protocol concentration than the UG (i.e., 35.3 6 17.2 ngmL1versus
Figures 17 show the acute hormonal responses to SSTP. In 24.3 6 11.9 ngmL1; p = 0.07). There was a significant
the SG, there was a significant increase (p , 0.05) in response correlation between squat strength and SSTP-induced
to exercise only in the serum FT level; however, postexercise DHEA concentration in the UG (r = 0.73; p = 0.04).
changes were not observed in the concentrations of TT, In addition, in the SG, there were significant correlations
DHEA, cortisol or SHBG or in the TT-to-cortisol ratio or between bench press strength and SSTP-induced DHEA
TT-to-SHBG ratio. In the UG, there was a significant concentration (r = 0.70; p = 0.02) and TT-to-SHBG ratio
increase in response to SSTP in the serum levels of TT, FT, (r = 0.76; p = 0.016) and between SSTP-induced DHEA
DHEA, and cortisol and in the TT-to-SHBG ratio (p , 0.05). concentration and leg press strength (r = 0.78; p = 0.013) and
There were no changes in the concentration of SHBG or the squat strength (r = 0.82; p = 0.007).
TT-to-cortisol ratio. There was no difference between groups

Figure 3. Total testosterone-to-sex hormonebinding globulin ratio

Figure 1. Total testosterone concentrations (mean 6 SD) (ngmL1) at (mean 6 SD) at rest and after a superset strength training protocol
rest and induced by a superset strength training protocol (SSTP). SG = (SSTP). SG = strength-trained group (n = 10); UG = untrained group
strength-trained group (n = 10); UG = untrained group (n = 11). (n = 11). *Significantly (p , 0.05) different from resting. Significantly
*Significantly (p , 0.05) different from resting. different (p , 0.05) between groups.

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Figure 4. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) concentrations (mean 6 SD)

(ngmL1) at rest and induced by a superset strength training protocol Figure 6. Total testosterone-to-cortisol ratio values (mean 6 SD) at rest
(SSTP). SG = strength-trained group (n = 10); UG = untrained group and induced by a superset strength training protocol (SSTP). SG =
(n = 11). *Significantly (p , 0.05) different from resting. strength-trained group (n = 10); UG = untrained group (n = 11). There
were no significant differences.

(1,13,33,41,48), the current findings support the longitudinal
The main findings of this study are that only the UG showed results of Hakkinen and Pakarinen (16), Nicklas et al. (43),
an increase in TT, DHEA, and cortisol levels and in the TT- Hakkinen et al. (18), and Izquierdo et al. (27), who showed
to-SHBG ratio. Moreover, the UG demonstrated a higher that there was no chronic adaptation to strength training in
TT-to-SHBG ratio than the SG after SSTP. In trained the levels of TT or FT at rest in middle-aged individuals.
subjects, only the FT concentration increased in response to In fact, changes in resting anabolic hormone levels during
resistance exercise. For hormone concentrations at rest, no resistance training have been inconsistent and appear to
differences between groups were found in the TT, FT, reflect the transitory state of the behavior of these hormones
DHEA, or cortisol levels or in the TT-to-cortisol and TT-to- and can be related to increases in the volume and intensity of
SHBG ratios. training (37). Ahtiainen et al. (1) suggested that there may be
It was hypothesized that in the current study, long-term a relationship between volume and intensity of training and
strength-trained middle-aged individuals would have higher the basal concentration of anabolic hormones. The same
concentrations of testosterone than untrained individuals authors suggested that higher testosterone levels at rest are
would have, which was not found to be the case. Although a determinant factor in the development of strength only in
studies evaluating young individuals have shown increases in high-performance strength athletes. If this is the case,
concentrations of testosterone at rest after a period of training

Figure 5. Cortisol concentrations (mean 6 SD) (ngdL1) at rest and Figure 7. Sex hormonebinding globulin (SHBG) values (mean 6 SD)
induced by a superset strength training protocol (SSTP). SG = strength- (ngmL1) at rest and induced by a superset strength training protocol
trained group (n = 10); UG = untrained group (n = 11). *Significantly (p , (SSTP). SG = strength-trained group (n = 10); UG = untrained group
0.05) different from resting. (n = 11). There were no significant differences.

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Hormone Responses to Resistance Exercise

although the individuals in the SG had a long experience increases the number and sensitivity of androgenic receptors
with training for muscular hypertrophy, they may not have in muscle cells (6,25,26,29,50), and this process can be an
trained at the volume and intensity characteristic of athletes, important mechanism in adaptation to strength training (1).
that is, sufficiently enough to produce hormonal modifica- Thus, it is possible to speculate that the lack of a higher
tions at rest. However, due to the lack of different hormonal concentration of testosterone in the SG might have been due
concentrations between the groups in the current study, to a greater testosterone receptor interaction after the
other physiological factors may be more directly involved in workout. In fact, Willoughby and Taylor (50) demonstrated
the adaptations seen with strength training. These factors a positive correlation between testosterone in an acute
may be the greater number and sensitivity of the androgenic response and an increased number of cellular androgenic
receptors in muscle cells (6,29,50). receptors (r = 0.89; p , 0.05). However, that hypothesis
In the current study, the endocrine system responded in must be carefully researched and remains speculative.
different ways to SSTP in the groups evaluated, with the On the other hand, it has been shown that the increase in
trained subjects demonstrating no increases in the total testosterone induced by exercise may occur due to the
testosterone, DHEA, or cortisol levels or in the TT-to-SHBG production of lactate influencing the gonadal release (40),
ratio. Although there is a consensus that resistance exercise is vasodilatory mechanisms in the testicles (42), and an increase
a powerful stimulant for the increase in testosterone levels in the sympathetic activity during exercise (10). Thus, it can
(1,3,16,17,22,30,33,34), there are some discrepancies in the be suggested that the different testosterone responses
influence of the level of training in this respect, with some between groups could be due to adaptations in these
studies showing a greater response in trained individuals (2) or mechanisms resulting from strength training. Some studies
after a period of training (32), a greater response in individuals have demonstrated that after physical training, the production
with a longer time in strength training (31), similar responses of lactate for the same relative intensity is lower (11,32,44).
in trained and untrained individuals (1), and lower responses Other studies have demonstrated that the increase in
to the same stimulus after a training period (3). Furthermore, sympathetic activity induced by exercise may be attenuated
other studies have shown no significant acute increase in TT after physical training (24). Thus, although the SG performed
levels after exercise (43,47). It is likely that the discrepancies a higher absolute workout, the relative intensity was the same
among all these studies are due to different strength exercise in both groups, and the SSTP load could represent a stronger
protocols or the ages or training experience of the subjects (37). metabolic stressor (37,40) in the UG, probably inducing
Surprisingly, even with a higher absolute total load than greater stimulation not only to catabolic hormones, as
untrained subjects (Table 1), the SG had an increased level of observed in the current study, but also to testosterone.
FT only, whereas the UG had increased levels of both FTand The increased TT-to-SHBG ratio found only in the UG
TT, demonstrating greater responsiveness of testosterone for and the higher values of this variable in the UG after exercise
the same training session. In addition, the UG demonstrated probably occurred due to the increase in the level of TT in this
a higher TT-to-SHBG ratio than the SG after SSTP. A group. Additionally, the SG tended to have a higher
possible explanation may be the workout volume performed concentration of SHBG than the UG (i.e., 35.3 ngmL1
by the subjects. The trained individuals in the current study versus 24.2 ngmL1; p = 0.07).
trained, on average, 11 sets per muscle group and 2 or 3 Regarding the pituitaryadrenocortical axis, many studies
muscle groups per day; in the SSTP test, the subjects have shown an increase in the concentrations of DHEA and
performed 16 sets. Thus, to achieve a greater testosterone cortisol in response to the stress of training (1,30,45,47),
response to resistance exercise, it may be necessary to which, in the current study, occurred only in the UG. It is
perform, at least, the same stimulus that the SG subjects used possible that in the UG there was a higher metabolic stress in
to train in their daily workout. Although there may be no response to high-volume strength exercise, which caused
clear explanation for these results, a question that arises is these responses. Kraemer et al. (32) demonstrated, in
whether the individuals in the SG might have had an younger and older subjects, lower cortisol responses to
adaptation to the long-term training in their endocrine resistance exercise after 10 weeks of training. Indeed, these
system, which leads them to have an increase only in the FT authors demonstrated that this adaptation is independent of
level after the training session. Free testosterone is a hormone adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), probably due to
that possesses effective bioactivity at a muscular level. Total a down-regulation in ACTH receptors. Although no differ-
testosterone includes the testosterone linked to the SHBG, ences were found in the TT-to-cortisol ratio, the levels of
has a greater molecular weight, and therefore is incapable of cortisol may impair the acute anabolic effect after the training
traversing the capillary endothelium and integrating with session. Cortisol is a catabolic hormone, primarily involved in
regulatory elements in the nucleus (32). the degradation of proteins in the skeletal muscles and
Another possible explanation for the different hormone known to have an inhibitory effect on gonadal secretion (7,8).
responses between trained and untrained men may be the The current results reinforce the notion that a training
number of androgenic receptors in the trained individuals. session with a large volume can lead to a greater stimulus for
Many studies have demonstrated that strength training the release of catabolic hormones for untrained individuals
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