CO2 Capture Costs

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The paper assesses the current costs of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) for new fossil fuel power plants and compares them to costs reported in 2005. It discusses post-combustion capture at coal and gas plants, pre-combustion capture at coal plants, and oxy-combustion capture at coal plants.

The main CCS technologies discussed are post-combustion capture at supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) and natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) power plants, pre-combustion capture at coal-based integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants, and oxy-combustion capture at SCPC plants.

Current CCS cost estimates are generally higher than those reported a decade ago when adjusted for inflation, with capital costs and levelized costs of electricity increased the most for plants with CCS compared to conventional plants.

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The cost of CO2 capture and storage

Edward S. Rubin a, , John E. Davison b , Howard J. Herzog c
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas Programme, Cheltenham, England, UK
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of this paper is to assess the current costs of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) for new fossil fuel
Received 5 March 2015 power plants and to compare those results to the costs reported a decade ago in the IPCC Special Report
Received in revised form 8 May 2015 on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (SRCCS). Toward that end, we employed a similar methodology
Accepted 11 May 2015
based on review and analysis of recent cost studies for the major CCS options identied in the SRCCS,
Available online xxx
namely, post-combustion CO2 capture at supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) and natural gas combined
cycle (NGCC) power plants, plus pre-combustion capture at coal-based integrated gasication combined
cycle (IGCC) power plants. We also report current costs for SCPC plants employing oxy-combustion for
Carbon capture and storage
Carbon sequestration
CO2 capturean option that was still in the early stages of development at the time of the SRCCS. To
Power plant costs compare current CCS cost estimates to those in the SRCCS, we adjust all costs to constant 2013 US dollars
CCS costs using cost indices for power plant capital costs, fuel costs and other O&M costs. On this basis, we report
Economic analysis changes in capital cost, levelized cost of electricity, and mitigation costs for each power plant system
with and without CCS. We also discuss the outlook for future CCS costs.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction cost of CCS systems, encompassing its full value chain (i.e., capture,
transport, and storage, including any utilization of CO2 that results
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been widely recognized in its long-term storage). The focus of this paper is on CCS costs
as a key technology for mitigating global climate change, but the applicable to electric power plants, which are the primary source of
relatively high cost of current CCS systems remains a major barrier CO2 emissions globally (IPCC, 2014). Readers unfamiliar with com-
to its widespread deployment at power plants and other indus- mon measures of cost such as the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE),
trial facilities (IPCC, 2014). While efforts are underway worldwide the cost of CO2 avoided, and the cost of CO2 captured can nd dis-
to develop improved, lower-cost technologies (NCC, 2015), policy- cussions and denitions of these terms in a variety of sources (e.g.,
makers continue to weigh the role of CCS in future energy systems. IPCC, 2005; Rubin, 2012). For convenience, the equations dening
In this environment, information on CCS costs is widely sought by these three terms are also included in Appendix A.
individuals and organizations involved in climate change policy
analysis, CCS investments, R&D activities, technology assessments, 1.2. Audiences and uses for CCS cost estimates
and energy-related decision-making at various levels.
For background and context, we rst briey discuss the
1.1. Purpose and scope of this paper audiences for and general purposes of CCS cost estimates.
Audiences include a wide variety of industry, government and non-
This paper presents an update to the CCS costs reported in the governmental organizations (NGOs), as depicted in Table 1. Many
2005 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special of these organizations are also sources of CCS cost estimates.
Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage (SRCCS), for which In general, CCS cost information is used for two broad purposes:
the authors of this paper served as lead authors. In this update, we (1) technology assessments (to support decisions on technology
highlight important changes over the past ten years that affect the selection, capital investments, marketing strategies, R&D priori-
ties, and related activities), and (2) policy assessments (to support a
variety of regulatory, legislative, and advocacy activities) (Herzog,
Corresponding author at: Department of Engineering & Public Policy, Carnegie 2011).
Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA. Each of these categories can be further subdivided. For exam-
E-mail address: [email protected] (E.S. Rubin). ple, technology assessments often seek to compare the expected
1750-5836/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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2 E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx

Table 1 by well-known engineering rms in the power industries of North

Audiences for CCS cost estimates (Herzog, 2011).
America and Europe.
Government Industry NGOs We focus rst on the baseline case of plants with approximately
-Policymakers -Operators -Environmental 90% CO2 capture using technology that is offered commercially, or
-Analysts -Vendors -Media expected to be available commercially in the next few years. Thus,
-Regulators -A&E rms -Academia the major capture technologies and power plant types of interest
-R&D agencies -Venture capital -Foundations are: (1) amine-based systems for post-combustion capture at pul-
-Tech developers
verized coal (PC) and natural gas combined cycle (NGCC) plants;
-R&D organizations
(2) physical sorbent-based systems for pre-combustion capture at
integrated coal gasication combined cycle (IGCC) plants; and (3)
costs of alternative CO2 capture options for a particular appli- capture at PC plants equipped for oxy-combustion. The latter tech-
cation as part of a feasibility or screening process. In this type nology (often called oxyfuel capture) was not prominently featured
of study it is much more important that the differences in costs in the SRCSS, but is included here as a result of its continued devel-
for different capture technologies be accurately assessed, rather opment over the past decade.
than the absolute value of an expected project cost. In such stud- In a similar fashion we review and summarize the results of
ies, technology-levelling assumptions are sometimes applied to recent studies on the costs of CO2 transport and storage, with a
maintain uniformity of basic power plant assumptions (such as focus on pipeline transport, geological storage, and CO2 utilization
plant size, fuel type, capacity factor, cost of capital and other for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in conjunction with geological stor-
variables) in order to highlight differences due only to the CCS age. For symmetry with the SRCCS, we rst separately report the
subsystem conguration (e.g., MIT, 2007; Rubin et al., 2007; costs for capture, transport and storage in constant 2013 US dol-
Finkenrath, 2011; GCCSI, 2011). As a result, such studies are lars (USD). Then we aggregate the results to show total costs for a
unlikely to be good predictors of the cost of actual projects because variety of power plants and CCS systems.
they do not accurately account for the variations in site and owner As in the SRCCS, we report ranges rather than single values for
specications that are included in specic projects. Such studies all costs to reect the different assumptions and perspectives found
also commonly report costs in constant (or real) currency terms in different studies. For capture technologies we also report a rep-
(most commonly in US dollars), which excludes the effects of gen- resentative value across the range of studies reviewed. In order
eral ination. to compare current cost estimates to those of the 2005 study, we
In contrast, cost estimates for specic projects are typically rst escalate all SRCCS costs to 2013 USD to account for effects
reported in current (or nominal) dollars, including the effects of of ination and real cost escalations over the past eleven years
ination. Numerically, this yields cost values that are systemati- (the sections below explain how this was done). Any differences
cally higher than equivalent constant-dollar values. The aim is to between these escalated costs and those from the current literature
provide as accurate an estimate as possible of all the actual project review are attributed to new developments such as changes in tech-
costs that must be nanced by an owner. In this case the tech- nology design (either of the CCS system, the power plant, or both)
nology already has been selected, and the focus is on the many and/or changes in key parameter values that directly affect sys-
site-specic elements that affect a projects cost. For example, the tem costs (including fuel costs and other technical, economic and
fuel type and availability of resources for a specic project may nancial factors involved in power plant and CCS cost estimates).
require engineering, equipment and operational costs that differ
from those typically assumed for technology screening studies. 1.4. Organization of this paper
For both new plants and retrot projects, the site-specic labor,
materials and commodity costs also must be evaluated in the con- Section 2 of this paper next highlights a number of develop-
text of a particular project. So too must the owners preferences ments that have affected CCS costs over the past decade. Sections
be reected in factors such as contracting arrangements and risk 37 then summarize current cost estimates for CO2 capture pro-
management approachesfactors often not explicitly considered cesses (post-, pre- and oxy-combustion), transport costs, and
in generic screening studies. storage costs based on our review of recent studies. In Section 8,
In summary, the diverse set of audiences and purposes for CCS these component costs are combined to show the range of total
cost estimates means that different audiences use, provide, and current costs of power plants with CCS. These results are compared
evaluate information from different perspectives and with different to the adjusted 2005 SRCCS costs to assess changes over the past
objectives and metrics. Because of such differences, cost estimates decade. The outlook for future costs is then discussed in Section 9,
for CCS must be examined and interpreted with care. While a followed in Section 10 by a brief review of other CCS application
common language and methodology for costing, together with and in Chapter 11 by a summary of key conclusions.
transparency of methods and assumptions, are critical to the proper
assessment of CCS costs, such standardization is often lacking in 2. Important changes since 2005
CCS cost studies (Rubin, 2012). Awareness of such factors is critical
to understanding (and correcting for) differences in reported CCS Here we discuss a number of changes over the past decade in
costs. key factors affecting CCS costs. These include escalations in materi-
als and construction costs, process design changes stemming from
1.3. Study approach and methodology continued R&D and experience at pilot plants, plus changes in cost-
ing methods and assumptions for CCS cost estimates.
For this paper we have adopted the same general approach to
CCS cost reporting as in the 2005 SRCSS. Based on a survey of recent 2.1. Escalation of capital costs
literature since 2011, we rst compile cost results across a vari-
ety of studies of power plants with and without a particular type As noted earlier, the SRCCS reported capture costs in constant
of CCS system. Again, we selected detailed studies in the public 2002 USD, whereas this paper reports costs in constant 2013 USD.
domain published by major governmental and industrial organi- In those eleven years, there have been signicant increases in the
zations involved in the development and assessment of CCS and cost of commodities and industrial equipment, with the biggest
power plant technologies. Typically, such studies were conducted increases occurring from 2003 to 2008 (see Fig. 1, showing the trend

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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IJGGC-1521; No. of Pages 23 ARTICLE IN PRESS
E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx 3

values of LCOEwhich combines capital costs, fuel costs, and non-

fuel operating and maintenance (O&M) costswe apply the value
of each component cost index to the fraction of total LCOE for plants
with and without CO2 capture in each of the studies reviewed.
Specically, we use the PCCI to escalate both capital and nonfuel
O&M costs, and the region-specic fuel cost indices for coal and nat-
ural gas to escalate fuel costs. For European studies of CCS costs we
further apply a mid-year currency exchange rate for the cost year of
the study (Oanda, 2014). Values of all cost escalation and currency
exchange factors used in this paper are provided in Appendix A,
Table A1.

Fig. 1. Costs indices normalized to 100 in year 2002. CPI = Consumer Price 2.3. Experience from pilot plants and demonstration projects
Index (BLS, 2014); CEPCI = Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEM, 2014);
PCCI = Power Capital Costs Index (excluding nuclear) (IHS CERA, 2014).
Over the past decade, there has been signicant activity in devel-
oping CCS pilot plants and demonstration projects (Rubin et al.,
in three major cost indices). These increases are widely attributed 2012; GCCSI, 2014). Even though only a fraction of the proposed
mainly to the high economic growth rates in Asia, especially China, demonstration projects have been built, some of the cancelled
whose large demand for commodities like steel, concrete, and oil projects left behind detailed Front-End Engineering and Design
drove up prices worldwide. These same commodities also impact (FEED) studies that include information on project costs (for exam-
the cost of power plants and other large industrial facilities where ple, TTP, 2012; Scottish Power, 2012). One message from these FEED
CCS technologies would be implemented. As seen in Fig. 1, from studies is very clear: the rst-of-a-kind (FOAK) costs associated
2002 to 2013 the Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI) with the above projects are signicantly greater than the cost esti-
rose more than the US general ination index, CPI (44% vs. 29%, mates for a mature Nth-of-a-kind (NOAK) plant reported in most
respectively), indicating real cost escalations over this period. The CCS cost studies (Raveendran, 2013). This is a well-known phe-
Power Capital Cost Index (PCCI, an index specic to the capital cost nomenon for which there are many qualitative explanations, such
of non-nuclear power plants) increased even more, at 64%. as the inclusion of additional cost items in FOAK designs that are
Since this paper concerns the cost of power plants with and not included in NOAK studies (such as spare or redundant equip-
without CCS, we use the PCCI to escalate the capital cost of power ment to ensure reliability and operation at design output levels),
plants from 2002 to 2013 dollars. To adjust transport and storage and the increased difculty and cost of doing design and engineer-
costs we use the CEPCI since these services are typically provided ing with little or no prior experience. These higher costs for FOAK
to power plants by separate organizations drawn heavily from the CCS projects are consistent with earlier studies that found initial
oil and gas industry. cost estimates for other types of large-scale facilities are systemat-
ically optimistic compared to the actual nal cost of FOAK projects
2.2. Escalation of fuel costs (Merrow et al., 1981). Quantitatively, however, the magnitude of
cost differences between FOAK and NOAK installations is very dif-
Fuel costs for power generation also have changed considerably cult to predict for a particular project or technology (Al-Juaied
over the past decade, which directly affects the cost of electricity and Whitmore, 2009). For the most part, however, the recent liter-
generation and the cost of CO2 capture (Rubin, 2012). Fuel cost ature on CCS costs continues to assume NOAK plant designs, with
is reected in the levelized cost of electricity, which accounts for only a small number of studies adjusting certain parameter val-
escalations in real fuel cost over the life of the plant (Rubin et al., ues to represent FOAK costs, as discussed below. Later sections of
2013). this paper discuss other cost-related developments stemming from
Fig. 2 shows the change in coal and natural gas prices delivered recent experience in the context of specic CO2 capture options.
to US and European power plants from 2002 to 2013 (USEIA, 2014;
IEA, 2014). Nominal coal prices in both the US and Europe roughly 2.4. Changes in costing assumptions and methods
doubled over this period. In contrast, natural gas prices at US plants
fell back to roughly 2002 levels after rising sharply in the 2004-2008 As was the case a decade ago, CCS cost estimates are based on
period, while European gas prices continued to rise. design studies of full-scale power plants with and without CCS.
To adjust the fuel cost assumed in past studies to 2013 dollars, Our literature review indicates that while many of the basic design
we use a time series index based on Fig. 2. To then adjust reported parameters of the power plant and CCS systems (such as the net
plant efciency and CO2 emission rates and capture rate) have not
changed appreciably since the SRCCS, other assumptions regarding
technical, economic and nancial parameters that are affecting CCS
costs show systematic changes worth noting.
Three such parameters are the power plant size, capacity fac-
tor, and xed charge factor. Recent studies assume values for these
parameters that systematically lower the levelized cost of electric-
ity. For example, the average net capacity of the assumed reference
plants without CCS is about 1025% larger in the recent studies
reviewed than in studies used for the SRCCS, offering some addi-
tional economies of scale. Average annual capacity factors in recent
studies are ten percentage points higher for PC plants, two points
higher for IGCC plants, and eight points higher for NGCC plants com-
pared to values in the SRCCS. LCOE values are thus lowered since the
Fig. 2. Fuel cost indices for coal and natural gas used by power plants in the US and capital charges are inversely proportional to the assumed capacity
Europe, normalized to 100 in year 2002 (based on data from USEIA, 2014; IEA, 2014). factor. Similarly, reductions in the assumed xed charge factor (of

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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4 E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx

about 10% for NGCC, 20% for IGCC and 30% for SCPC)reecting in the U.S.), all are selling, or plan to sell, the captured CO2 for
a general reduction in interest and borrowing rates over the past use in EOR. These demonstration projects are expensive (costs in
decadealso reduce the annualized capital cost component of the the billions of dollars) and extremely difcult to nance without
LCOE. In some cases, the justication for current assumptions may any signicant climate policy driver. EOR markets, along with sig-
be questionableespecially the capacity factor assumption, which nicant government support, are required to make these projects
represent a levelized value over the life of a plant that is typi- viable today (Monea, 2014). In this paper, as in the SRCCS, we there-
cally much lower than the current annual values assumed in many fore evaluate overall project economics with two storage options:
studies (Rubin, 2012). conventional geological storage (e.g., in deep saline aquifers) and
Methodologically, there is greater consistency in recent CCS cost EOR (with assumed long-term storage).
studies than a decade ago, when studies often omitted major ele-
ments of capital cost as well as CO2 transport and storage costs 3. Post-combustion capture costs
(IPCC, 2005), which made it difcult (often impossible) to compare
or understand differences in study results. While there is still a need Here we summarize the results of our review of recent cost
for improvements in CCS costing methods (Rubin et al., 2013), in studies for new combustion-based power plants with and with-
general there is greater transparency and uniformity today than in out post-combustion capture systems. We separately discuss plants
the past. using coal and natural gas as an energy source, and exclude the costs
One important exception, which has made cost results less of CO2 transport and storage, which are discussed in Sections 6 and
transparent than before, is the adoption by a number of organi- 7, respectively.
zations of current-dollar rather than constant-dollar reporting of
power plant and CCS costs. Several years ago, for example, USDOE 3.1. Highlights of recent/new developments
began including a general ination rate in its CCS cost estimates
The overwhelming majority of fossil fuel based power genera-
(USDOE, 2011a), which increased reported LCOE values by over 30%
tion is currently from pulverized coal combustion and natural gas
relative to equivalent constant-dollar values (Rubin, 2012). Differ-
combined cycle plants. Both of these technologies are amenable to
ent ination rate assumptions in different reports further obscured
post-combustion capture, either in newly built plants or retrots
real changes in technology costs across different studies. Since most
to existing plants. This section concentrates on the costs of post-
studies still fail to label cost results as being either in constant or
combustion capture at newly built plants because more data are
current dollars, users of cost information must be especially careful
available and costs from different references are more comparable
to understand the basis for numerical results.
since they do not depend on site-specic factors related to the need
One nal change related to study assumptions concerns the
for modications and renovations of an existing power plant.
treatment of plants with and without capture. While assumptions
At the time of the SRCCS in 2005 most of the cost data in
vary across studies, individual studies reviewed for the SRCCS com-
the public domain for post-combustion capture were based on
monly assumed identical values of parameters such as capacity
the use of MEA solvent. Since that time there has been contin-
factor for plants with and without CCS. In contrast, more recent
uing development and commercialization of alternative solvents
studies, including those of the USDOE, often assume different
and improvements in process owsheets and energy optimiza-
parameter values for plants with and without CCStypically, a
tion, which are being used in large capture demonstration plants.
lower capacity factor and higher cost of capital for plants with CCS.
This experience has fed through to some extent into published
These differences are intended to reect different levels of maturity
techno-economic studies on post-combustion capture plants. The
and reliability for plants with and without CO2 capture. A number
engineering design of large capture plants and equipment has also
of recent studies more explicitly label these (and related) assump-
developed since the time of the SRCCS, for example, the demon-
tions as representing either rst-of-a-kind (FOAK) or Nth-of-a-kind
stration of equipment such as large rectangular concrete absorber
(NOAK) plant characteristics. These assumptions, however, system-
towers. Overall condence in building larger single train capture
atically increase the cost of CCS relative to earlier studies.
units has improved, which is reected in larger unit sizes in some
capture cost studies.
2.5. Increased emphasis on CO2 utilization
Post-combustion capture processes based on novel systems
such as phase change solvents, adsorption and membranes con-
Another recent development affecting CCS costs has been an
tinue to be developed. These processes offer the prospect of future
increased focus on the potential for CO2 utilization to improve
reductions in post-combustion capture costs, but none are yet at
overall process economics. Since about 2011, a number of gov-
the large pilot plant stage of development, so cost estimates are
ernmental programs, technical conferences and research programs
uncertain and not reported in this paper.
have adopted the acronym CCUS (for carbon capture, utilization,
and storage) rather than CCS, in efforts to promote the business case 3.2. Capture costs for PC power plants
for CCS technology in the absence of policy and regulatory drivers
for its adoption. The potential for CO2 utilization also was exten- Performance and cost data from recent studies of new pulver-
sively studied in the 2005 SRCCS, which concluded that utilization ized coal power plants with and without post-combustion capture
of CO2 as a raw material for other products held little potential form the basis for our current cost estimates (EPRI, 2013a; GCCSI,
as a climate change mitigation measure, and could actually aggra- 2011; IEAGHG, 2014; Landri et al., 2011; USDOE, 2011b; USDOE,
vate the problem by increasing life-cycle carbon emissions (IPCC, 2011c; ZEP, 2011a). Results of these studies are then compared with
2005). A recent study by the Electric Power Research Institute also SRCCS results to assess changes in cost over the past decade. Both
afrmed that CO2 utilization for chemicals and other products held datasets focus on supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) plant designs.
little potential for long-term CO2 storage (EPRI, 2013b). The data for current costs are from studies published between 2011
As most commonly used, the term utilization means the use and 2014. These data, as well as all SRCCS data, have been adjusted
of CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Implicit is the assumption to a common cost year and currency (constant 2013 USD) in the
that CO2 injected into depleted oil reservoirs will remain in the geo- following way:
logic formation over the long term. Of the three CCS demonstration
projects at power plants that are currently operating (Boundary As noted earlier, escalation factors are applied to update capital
Dam in Canada) or under construction (Kemper and Petra Nova costs and LCOEs from their reported reference years to 2013. In

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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Table 2
Summary of current and past performance and cost estimates for post-combustion capture at SCPC power plants using bituminous coals (all values in constant 2013 US

Performance and Cost Measures for New SCPC Current values Adjusted SRCCS values Change in Rep. value
Plants w/Bituminous Coal (CurrentAdjusted

Range Rep. value Range Rep. value

Low High Low High  value %

Plant performance measures

SCPC reference plant net power output (MW) 550 1030 742 462 758 587 155 26
Emission rate w/o capture (t CO2 /MWh) 0.746 0.840 0.788 0.736 0.811 0.762 0.03 3
Emission rate with capture (t CO2 /MWh) 0.092 0.120 0.104 0.092 0.145 0.112 0.01 7
Percent CO2 reduction per MWh (%) 86 88 87 81 88 85 2
Total CO2 captured or stored (Mt/yr) 3.8 5.6 4.6 1.8 4.2 2.9 1.7 57
Plant efciency w/o capture, HHV basis (%) 39.0 44.4 41.4 39.3 43.0 41.6 0.2 1
Plant efciency w/capture, HHV basis (%) 27.2 36.5 31.6 28.9 34.0 31.8 0.2 1
Capture energy reqmt. (% more input/MWh) 21 44 32 24 40 31 1.1 3

Plant cost measures

Total capital reqmt. w/o capture (USD/kW) 2313 2990 2618 1862 2441 2040 578 28
Total capital reqmt. with capture (USD/kW) 4091 5252 4580 2788 4236 3333 1247 37
Percent increase in capital cost w/capture (%) 58 91 75 44 73 63 13
LCOE w/o capture (USD/MWh) 61 79 70 64 87 76 6 8
LCOE with capture only (USD/MWh) 94 130 113 93 144 119 6 5
Increase in LCOE, capture only (USD/MWh) 30 51 43 28 57 43 0 1
Percent increase in LCOE w/capture only (%) 46 69 62 42 65 56 5
Cost of CO2 captured (USD/t CO2 ) 36 53 46 33 58 48 3 6
Cost of CO2 avoided, excl. T&S (USD/t CO2 ) 45 70 63 44 86 67 4 6

cases where recent studies did not report values for Total Capital same fuel feed rate or net power output), fuel analysis, operating
Requirement (TCR, the measure used in the SRCCS), other factors capacity factor, fuel cost, non-CO2 emission performance stan-
are applied to adjust reported capital costs to this common basis dards, CO2 delivery pressure to the transport and storage system,
(see Table 2 for coal-red plants and Table 3 for gas-red plants). annual xed charge factor (dependent on nancial rates of return
Costs reported in euros are converted to US dollars using mid-year and project/plant life), and other miscellaneous site-specic costs.
exchange rates in the study reference year. As in the SRCCS, no attempt has been made to apply a common set
Any CO2 transport and storage (T&S) costs included in the of assumptions for these parameters since their variability reects
reported costs of recent studies are subtracted to assess the costs real differences in power plant designs and operationall of which
of capture only. Later, in Section 8, T&S costs are added to obtain inuence the cost of CO2 capture.
total CCS costs.
3.2.1. Results for PC power plants using bituminous coals
In addition to these factors, there are other signicant input Summary data for bituminous coal-red plants are shown in
assumptions which differ among the studies reviewed. These Table 2, with full details reported in Appendix A Table A2. For bitu-
include plant location, ambient conditions, plant size (including minous coal-red plants, the post-combustion capture efciency in
whether plants with and without capture are assumed to have the recent studies is assumed to be 90%, as in the SRCCS. This increases

Table 3
Summary of current and past performance and cost estimates for post-combustion capture at new NGCC power plants(all values in constant 2013 US dollars).

Performance and Cost Measures for New Current values Adjusted SRCCS values Change in Rep.
Natural Gas Combined Cycle Plants (NGCC) value (Current
Adjusted SRCCS)

Range Rep. value Range Rep. value

Low High Low High  value %

Plant performance measures

NGCC reference plant net power output (MW) 512 910 661 379 776 549 111 20
Emission rate w/o capture (t CO2 /MWh) 0.348 0.370 0.36 0.344 0.379 0.37 0.01 -2
Emission rate with capture (t CO2 /MWh) 0.040 0.043 0.04 0.040 0.066 0.05 0.01 20
Percent CO2 reduction per MWh (%) 88 89 88 83 88 86 2.5
Total CO2 captured or stored (Mt/yr) 1.1 2.3 1.6 0.7 1.8 1.2 0.4 32
Plant efciency w/o capture, HHV basis (%) 48.7 53.2 51 45 52 50 1.1 2
Plant efciency w/ capture, HHV basis (%) 42.4 47.0 44 43 45 43 0.7 2
Capture energy reqmt. (% more input/MWh) 13 18 16 6 22 15 1.4 9

Plant cost measures

Total capital reqmt. w/o capture (USD/kW) 808 1378 1049 793 1066 889 160 18
Total capital reqmt. with capture (USD/kW) 1422 2626 2061 1381 1856 1562 499 32
Percent increase in capital cost for capture (%) 76 121 96 64 100 76 20
LCOE w/o capture (USD/MWh) 42 83 64 37 72 55 9 17
LCOE with capture (USD/MWh) 63 115 92 56 102 81 10 13
Increase in LCOE with capture (USD/MWh) 19 40 28 19 36 26 1 5
Percent increase in LCOE for capture (%) 27 61 45 29 92 52 7
Cost of CO2 captured (USD/t CO2 ) 48 111 74 53 87 68 6 9
Cost of CO2 avoided, excl. T&S (USD/t CO2 ) 58 121 87 63 113 83 3 4

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the overall plant energy consumption per MWh of net electricity by and the two largest plants under construction, namely the Kem-
2144%, with a mean increase of 32%. As a result, the net reduction per IGCC plant (pre-combustion capture) and the Petra Nova plant
in CO2 emissions is 8688% per net MWh (an average of two per- (post-combustion capture) all use low-rank coals.
centage points higher than in the SRCCS). We note, however, that As the focus of this paper is on updating the costs in the SRCCS,
a number of recent studies continue to assume the use of MEA- the emphasis of the paper is also on bituminous coal red power
based solvents, whose energy requirements are higher than that plants. However, as more information is now available on low-rank
of many of the newer proprietary solvents now coming into use coal plants with CCS, performance and cost data from those studies
for post-combustion capture (Rochelle, 2014). Several of the recent were also analyzed for this paper. The technologies for CO2 capture
studies also assume supercritical boilers rather than more efcient in low-rank coal plants are essentially the same as those used in
ultrasupercritical units for power generation. Both of these factors bituminous coal red plants, so many of the conclusions drawn for
account for the observation in Table 2 that the energy penalty for bituminous coal red plants are expected to also apply to low-rank
CO2 capture has not changed appreciably since the SRCCS. In this coal red plants.
regard, however, the recent studies available for this review do not In the studies analyzed for this paper the low-rank coal red
fully reect the lower energy penalties achieved by the more ef- plants have lower average thermal efciencies and 23% higher
cient capture and power generation systems now emerging and quantities of CO2 captured per net MWh of electricity than the
available for post-combustion CO2 control. bituminous coal red plants. The mean CCS energy requirement
The capital costs of reference power plants with and without for low-rank coal-red plants is 37%, which is higher than for bitu-
capture have increased since the SRCCS due to general ination and minous coal-red plants, due mainly to the larger quantity of CO2
market factors. Although the SRCCS capital costs have been esca- that has to be captured per net MWh of electricity. Capital costs per
lated to 2013 dollars using a power plant cost index, as described net MW of electricity with CO2 capture are on average 14% higher
earlier, the costs of the reference plants without capture in the than for the bituminous coal plants. However, the average LCOE of
new studies are nevertheless 28% higher than the adjusted SRCCS the low-rank coal plants with capture is only 3% higher than that
costs. The increase for plants with capture is higher at 37%. These of the bituminous coal plants due to the offsetting effect of much
increases suggest real cost changes over and above those reected lower fuel prices. The average increase in LCOE due to the addi-
in the plant cost index, and may in part be due to a greater under- tion of capture is 21% higher for low-rank coal plants. However, the
standing of the requirements and design of modern reference average costs per ton of CO2 captured and avoided are essentially
plants and large-scale capture plants. As a result the mean percent- the same as for bituminous coal plants because the higher costs are
age increase in capital cost due to the addition of post-combustion offset by the higher quantities of CO2 captured and avoided per net
capture to a pulverized coal red power plant has increased from MWh of electricity.
63% in the updated SRCCS studies to 75% in the new studies. How-
ever, the greater cost increases for IGCC, discussed later, have meant 3.3. Capture costs for NGCC power plants
that the competitiveness of post-combustion capture versus pre-
combustion capture has improved since the time of the SRCCS. Recent studies also have reported the cost of post-combustion
Despite the signicant increase in capital costs, the mean cost CCS for NGCC plants. Interest in CCS at NGCC power plants has
of electricity without and with CO2 capture in the new studies is increased in countries like the US, where low natural gas prices
8% and 5% lower respectively than in the updated SRCCS studies. have led to NGCC power plants displacing PC power plants. Table 3
The main reason for this is that the average annual capital charge summarizes the capture cost results from several studies of new
factors are lower in the new studies, reecting the reductions in power plants in the US and Europe (USDOE, 2011d; Rubin and Zhai,
real interest rates and expected rates of return of capital projects 2012; IEAGHG, 2012; USDOE 2013a; EPRI, 2013a). Full details are
in recent years. Another contributory reason is that the average reported in Appendix A Table A3. Again, these gures exclude the
capacity factor for coal-red power plants is assumed to be higher costs of CO2 transport and storage, which are added in Section 8 to
in the recent studies than in the SRCCS. give total CCS costs.
The costs of CO2 capture and emission avoidance (excluding CO2 The last two columns of Table 3 show that the basic performance
transport and storage) are 46 and 63 USD/t CO2 , respectively. These characteristics of NGCC plants with and without capture have not
values are 6% lower than the adjusted SRCCS costs. changed appreciably since the SRCCS. The biggest differences are
an increase of about 100 MW in the average plant size (due to the
3.2.2. Results for PC power plants using low-rank coals use of larger gas turbines) and an increase of about 30% in the total
As noted earlier, the SRCCS contained few cost results for post- annual quantity of CO2 captured and stored (reecting both the
combustion capture at new power plants using low-rank coals larger plant size plus a 10% higher capacity factor).
(subbituminous and lignite). In contrast, more recent studies have In terms of cost, recent studies show a nearly 20% increase in the
analyzed such plants more extensively. Here, we summarize key capital cost of NGCC plants without capture relative to the index-
differences in reported performance and cost parameters between adjusted SRCCS values. This suggests that there could be additional
new plants using bituminous and low-rank coals. market premiums for NGCC systems during periods of limited sup-
Coals can be divided into bituminous coal and low-rank coal ply and/or high demand for this technology. Table 3 also shows
(sub-bituminous coal and lignite). Most coal-red power plants a 20% increase in the added cost for CO2 capture relative to the
currently use bituminous coals. For this reason most of the stud- adjusted SRCCS values. As with coal-red plants, this suggests that
ies on the application of CCS to coal red power plants have been recent studies have incorporated design changes relative to ear-
based on the use of bituminous coal, and this was reected in the lier studies that add to the cost of CO2 capture technology and also
SRCCS. However, there is increasing interest in the use of low-rank contribute to higher costs per ton of CO2 captured.
coals for power generation, for example because of their typically Table 3 also shows small (510%) increases in the average LCOE
low sulfur contents, low mining costs and high reserves. On a mass values and cost per ton of CO2 avoided in recent analyses compared
basis over half of global coal reserves are low-rank coal (BP, 2014), to adjusted SRCCS values. In both cases, these averages reect a
although on an energy basis the proportion is lower due to the composite of US and European studies, for which fuel prices and
higher moisture content and lower specic energy contents of low- price trends are very different (see Fig. 2). For the US studies alone,
rank coals. The largest power plant with CCS currently in operation, a more detailed examination of the data shows no net increase in
namely the Boundary Dam plant (with post-combustion capture) LCOE. This is because the LCOE for NGCC plants is dominated by the

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Table 4
Summary of current and past performance and cost estimates for pre-combustion capture at IGCC power plants using bituminous coals (all values in constant 2013 US

Performance and Cost Measures for New IGCC Current values Adjusted SRCCS values Change in Rep. value
Plants w/ Bituminous Coal (Current Adjusted

Range Rep. value Range Rep. value

Low High Low High  Value %

Plant performance measures

IGCC reference plant net power output (MW) 600 748 645 401 827 581 63 11
Emission rate w/o capture (t CO2 /MWh) 0.723 0.850 0.777 0.682 0.846 0.773 0.00 1
Emission rate with capture (t CO2 /MWh) 0.093 0.150 0.107 0.073 0.151 0.109 0.00 1
Percent CO2 reduction per MWh (%) 82 88 86 81 90 86 0
Total CO2 captured or stored (Mt/yr) 3.1 3.3 3.2 1.7 4.7 2.9 0.3 11
Plant efciency w/o capture, HHV basis (%) 38.3 42.1 40 36.5 45.5 40 0 1
Plant efciency w/ capture, HHV basis (%) 29.9 32.6 31 30.0 38.5 34 3 8
Capture energy reqmt. (% more input/MWh) 20 35 28 14 25 19 9 49

Plant cost measures

Total capital reqmt. w/o capture (USD/kW) 2687 3900 3181 1921 2441 2139 1042 49
Total capital reqmt. with capture (USD/kW) 3808 5148 4366 2323 3730 2940 1426 49
Percent increase in capital cost w/ capture (%) 30 47 38 19 66 37 1
LCOE w/o capture (USD/MWh) 82 99 90 69 103 80 10 12
LCOE with capture only (USD/MWh) 111 130 120 92 133 106 14 13
Increase in LCOE, capture only (USD/MWh) 24 36 30 16 37 26 4 17
Percent increase in LCOE w/ capture only (%) 26 41 34 20 54 33 1
Cost of CO2 captured (USD/t CO2 ) 28 41 34 20 51 32 2 6
Cost of CO2 avoided, excl. T&S (USD/t CO2 ) 37 58 46 24 62 39 6 16

cost of fuel, so the current low gas price in the US offsets the increase chemical solvents used in post-combustion capture), as was the
in capital costs. In contrast, for European studies, the higher gas case in the SRCCS. Alternative capture technologies, most of which
prices in recent studies lead to higher LCOEs relative to the SRCCS. are described in the SRCCS, are continuing to be developed but they
have not yet been demonstrated in large plants. Although they offer
the prospect of cost reductions, cost data for advanced capture tech-
4. Pre-combustion capture costs
nologies are still subject to high levels of uncertainty. Thus, as with
advanced post-combustion systems, they have not been included
Here we summarize the results of recent cost studies for new
in this paper.
IGCC power plants with and without pre-combustion capture sys-
tems. We report the plant-level cost of capture systems excluding
the costs of CO2 transport and storage, which are discussed in sec- 4.2. Capture costs for IGCC power plants
tions 6 and 7, respectively. In Section 4.3 we also report the cost
of CO2 capture for cases where an IGCC plant with capture is com- Summary data from recent studies of new IGCC plants using
pared to a reference PC plant rather than an IGCC plant without bituminous coal with and without CO2 capture (EPRI, 2013a; GCCSI,
capture. 2011; IEAGHG, 2014; USDOE, 2011b; USDOE, 2011c; ZEP, 2011a)
are shown in Table 4 together with the SRCCS data, both adjusted
to constant 2013 dollars. Full details for the recent studies reviewed
4.1. Highlights of recent/new technology developments
appear in Appendix A Table A4.
In common with the SRCCS, pre-combustion capture contin-
ues to be focused on coal-based integrated gasication combined 4.2.1. Results for IGCC power plants using bituminous coals
cycles. Prior to the SRCCS, many thought that IGCC power plants As seen in Table 4, the net efciencies and emissions of IGCC
would be the preferred pathway for CCS at coal-red power plants. plants with and without capture are broadly similar to those of
That view has changed considerably as the construction of new SCPC plants (Table 2), as they were in the SRCCS. The average ef-
coal-based IGCC plants without capture has stalled, apart from a ciency of IGCC plants without capture is unchanged since the SRCCS
few exceptions, mainly because of higher costs, and concerns about but the average efciency with capture is three percentage points
the availability and use of less proven technology compared to lower in the more recent studies. This appears to be due in large
pulverized coal plants. A notable exception is the 524 MW Kem- part to the different mix of gasier types in the SRCCS references
per lignite-fuelled IGCC plant being built in the US, which includes compared to the gasiers used in the recent studies. Differences
around 65% capture of CO2 (MIT, 2015). in the syngas composition of different gasiers can, in turn, result
In addition to IGCC plants, large numbers of coal gasication in different capture energy requirements. Changes to the design of
plants for chemicals production have been built, particularly in the shift conversion and CO2 separation units, and a more rigorous
China (GTC, 2015). In many cases these plants involve the separa- assessment of the impacts of hydrogen fuel on the performance of
tion of CO2 from synthesis gas, which helps to further demonstrate the gas turbine, are some other possible causes of the increase in
the gasication and gas treating aspects of IGCC plants. CO2 cap- capture energy requirement. However, it is not possible to draw
ture in IGCC also has now been tested using side stream pilot denitive conclusions due to the limited information in the SRCCS
plants of around 5 MWe equivalent at the Buggenum plant in the References.
Netherlands (now closed) (Damen et al., 2014) and the Puertollano Capital costs of plants with and without capture have increased
plant in Spain (Cabezn, 2011). by about 50% compared to the updated SRCCS data. This is higher
The currently preferred technology for CO2 capture in IGCC than the 28% increase for SCPC plants without capture and the
plants is solvent scrubbing (using physical solvents instead of the 37% increase for SCPC plants with capture. As with PC and NGCC

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Table 5
Summary of current performance and cost estimates for pre-combustion capture at IGCC power plants based on supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) reference plants using
bituminous coals (all values in constant 2013 US dollars).

Performance and Cost Measures for New IGCC Current Study values Change in Rep. value
Plants w/ Bituminous Coal (Relative to an SCPC (SCPC Ref. IGCC Ref.)
Plant without CCS)

Range Rep. value

Low High  Value %

Plant performance measures

SCPC reference plant net power output (MW) 550 1030 753 108 17
Emission rate w/o capture (t CO2 /MWh) 0.746 0.840 0.786 0.01 1
Emission rate with capture (t CO2 /MWh) 0.093 0.150 0.104 0.00 -3
Percent CO2 reduction per MWh (%) 82 88 87 1
Total CO2 captured or stored (Mt/yr) 3 6 4 1 39
Plant efciency w/o capture, HHV basis (%) 39.0 44.2 41 1 2
Plant efciency w/ capture, HHV basis (%) 29.9 36.5 33 1 4
Capture energy reqmt. (% more input/MWh) 21 30 25 -3 -10

Plant cost measures

Total capital reqmt. w/o capture (USD/kW) 2313 2990 2513 668 21
Total capital reqmt. with capture (USD/kW) 3808 5659 4838 473 11
Percent increase in capital cost w/ capture (%) 65 131 93 55
LCOE w/o capture (USD/MWh) 64 79 69 -21 23
LCOE with capture only (USD/MWh) 100 141 124 4 3
Increase in LCOE, capture only (USD/MWh) 36 73 55 25 81
Percent increase in LCOE w/ capture only (%) 49 108 80 46
Cost of CO2 captured (USD/t CO2 ) 42 87 63 28 83
Cost of CO2 avoided, excl. T&S (USD/t CO2 ) 52 112 81 36 78

plants, this suggests real cost increases associated with changes in for an IGCC plant with capture. The data in Table 4 are derived from
the design or scope of current IGCC projects relative to those of a studies that assume an IGCC plant without capture as the reference
decade ago. plant. In contrast, Table 5 shows IGCC performance and cost results
The average LCOE of IGCC plants with capture in Table 4 is about for studies that assume a SCPC reference plant (which was the case
6% higher than for SCPC plants with capture (Table 2). In contrast, for roughly half the studies on IGCC costs). Some of these are the
in the SRCCS the average LCOE of IGCC plants with capture was same studies used in Table 4 where such studies also included a
11% lower than that of SCPC plants with capture. This indicates SCPC reference plant for assessment of post-combustion capture.
a potentially important shift in the relative economic attractive- In those cases we compare the reported data for IGCC plants with
ness of these two technologies. Furthermore, unlike SCPC plants capture to the SCPC reference plant, even though such a comparison
with capture, which have experienced a small reduction in LCOE was not made in the published study. Details appear in Appendix
compared to the updated SRCCS data, there has been an average A Table A5. In the last two columns of Table 5, the results for IGCC
increase of 1213% for IGCC plants with capture. There has also plants with SCPC reference plants are compared to the studies in
been an increase of 16% in the cost of CO2 avoided for IGCC plants, Table 4 that assume an IGCC reference plant.
in contrast to SCPC plants which have seen a 6% reduction. For the studies reviewed, the LCOE of PC reference plants was
about 20 USD/MWh lower than IGCC reference plants, due primar-
4.2.2. Results for IGCC power plants using low-rank coals ily to lower capital costs. As a result, the incremental LCOE for an
As with PC plants, the SRCCS contained few cost results for IGCC plant with capture increases from 30 to 55 USD/MWh when
pre-combustion capture using low-rank coals (subbituminous and the reference plant is changed from IGCC to SCPC. In turn, the aver-
lignite). In contrast, more recent studies have analysed such plants age cost of CO2 avoided rises from 46 to 81 USD/t CO2 . The effects of
more extensively. Here, we summarize key differences in recently alternative reference plants on overall IGCC costs are shown more
reported results for new IGCC plants using low-rank coals com- broadly in Section 8, Tables 16 and 17.
pared to plants using bituminous coals.
Low-rank coal IGCC plants have similar efciencies to bitumi- 5. Oxy-combustion capture costs
nous coal IGCC plants but higher CO2 emission rates, quantities of
CO2 captured, capital costs and LCOEs. However, the average incre- CO2 capture using oxy-combustion (or oxyfuel) is an alternative
mental capital cost for capture, incremental LCOE and cost of CO2 to pre- or post-combustion capture that has undergone signicant
avoided are lower than for SCPC plants with low-rank coal. development over the past decade. In the SRCCS, however, the cost
of oxy-combustion systems is not included in the summary cost
4.3. Change in reference plant assumption for IGCC costs reports as the technology was still in the early stages of devel-
opment and there were few detailed cost studies available. The
One notable difference between recent IGCC studies and those literature reviewed at that time focused mainly on oxyfuel retrots
of a decade ago is the choice of the reference plant without cap- to subcritical PC boilers with only one study of a new supercritical
ture. In the studies reported in the SRCCS the assumed reference unit (IPCC, 2005).
plant for assessment of IGCC plants with capture was always a sim- In contrast, recent studies of oxy-combustion capture focus
ilar IGCC plant without capture. In many recent studies, however, mainly on new supercritical or ultrasupercritical (USC) power
the reference plant is a supercritical pulverized coal (SCPC) plant plants (as opposed to retrots) and primarily on low-rank coals
without capture, because that would be the lower-cost technol- (sub-bituminous and lignite). The plant and process designs today
ogy of choice for new coal-red power plants without capture. This are generally more complex than a decade ago, often including mul-
directly affects the reported cost of capture since a lower-cost refer- tiple ue gas recycle streams, heat integration, and different types
ence plant (in this case, a PC plant) yields a higher incremental cost of criteria pollutant clean-up units. Recent studies also explore a

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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Table 6
Summary of current performance and cost estimates for oxy-combustion capture at new SCPC/USC plants using sub-bituminous or bituminous coals (all values in constant
2013 US dollars).

Performance and Cost Measures for New Oxy-Combustion Plants with Subbituminous or Bituminous Coals Current study values

Range Rep. value

Low High

Plant performance measures

SCPC/USC reference plant net power output (MW) 550 1030 684
Emission rate w/o capture (t CO2 /MWh) 0.75 0.861 0.83
Emission rate with capture (t CO2 /MWh) 0.017 0.11 0.08
Percent CO2 reduction per MWh (%) 90 98 92
Total CO2 captured or stored (Mt/yr) 3.1 5.5 3.9
Plant efciency w/o capture, HHV basis (%) 38.7 42 39
Plant efciency w/capture, HHV basis (%) 30.1 34.1 32
Capture energy reqmt. (% more input/MWh) 24 29 25

Plant cost measures

Total capital reqmt. w/o capture (USD/kW) 2455 2681 2589
Total capital reqmt. with capture (USD/kW) 4278 5372 4939
Percent increase in capital cost w/capture (%) 67 106 91
LCOE w/o capture (USD/MWh) 56 68 64
LCOE with capture only (USD/MWh) 91 121 110
Increase in LCOE, capture only (USD/MWh) 35 56 46
Percent increase in LCOE w/capture only (%) 60 84 72
Cost of CO2 captured (USD/t CO2 ) 36 67 52
Cost of CO2 avoided, excl. T&S (USD/t CO2 ) 45 73 62

range of net CO2 removal efciencies and different levels of CO2 Table 7
Transport costs from SRCCS in 2002 USD/tCO2 /250 km.
product purity as well as advanced processes for oxygen produc-
tion. Capacity Onshore Offshore
Table 6 shows the range of performance and cost results from
Low High Low High
several recent studies of oxy-combustion for new plants burning
3 MtCO2 /yr 3.0 5.0 5.0 6.2
either sub-bituminous or (in one case) bituminous coal (USDOE,
10 MtCO2 /yr 1.5 2.6 2.4 3.0
2010; EPRI, 2011; IEAGHG, 2014). Because of the lower-quality 30 MtCO2 /yr .9 1.5 1.3 1.7
coals, the efciency of the baseline plants without CCS is slightly
lower than the value in Table 2 for plants using bituminous
coals. For the oxy-combustion cases, all plants use conventional
studies are far less common than power plant capture cost stud-
cryogenic air separation for oxygen production and produce high-
ies, several recent transportation cost studies provide important
purity (>99%) CO2 comparable to the product from pre- and
updates to the earlier literature.
post-combustion capture processes. In most cases the overall CO2
capture efciency is also comparable at 90%, with one case of a
98% capture rate. The resulting energy penalty for CO2 capture and 6.1. Highlights of recent/new developments
compression requires approximately 25% more coal input per net
MWh of electricity producedcomparable to the best current post- CO2 pipelines were a mature technology in 2005, with over 3000
combustion capture systems discussed earlier. Further details for miles of installed capacity in the US. Since then, there have been
the studies reviewed appear in Appendix A Table A6. modest additions to this network (Suresh, 2010), but no techno-
In terms of cost, Table 6 shows that oxy-combustion systems logical developments that signicantly impacted costs.
incur average cost increases of 91% for total capital requirement While other modes of CO2 transport, such as ships, are still
and 72% for levelized cost of electricity relative to the same type of discussed in the literature, all current and proposed large-scale
PC plant without CO2 capture. Both of these percentage increases transport of CO2 remains with pipelines. There is no indication that
are slightly higher than the corresponding values in Table 2 for this will change anytime in the foreseeable future. Therefore, this
post-combustion capture with bituminous coals. section of the paper focuses exclusively on costs for CO2 transport
Note too that on an absolute basis the average LCOE for the via pipelines.
reference SCPC plants without capture is 7 USD/MWh (roughly
10%) lower for the oxy-combustion studies in Table 6 than for
6.2. Cost results from current literature
the post-combustion studies in Table 2. The principal reason for
this difference is that the oxy-combustion results are based mainly
The costs for CO2 pipeline transport reported in the SRCCS
on sub-bituminous coals whose cost is substantially lower than
showed high and low estimates for both onshore and offshore
the bituminous coals used in the post-combustion capture studies.
pipelines (IPCC, 2005). It should be noted that pipeline costs are
Thus, the absolute values of LCOE for reference plants and capture
highly variable, due in large part to the type of terrain they are going
plants in Tables 2 and 6 should not be directly compared since they
through and the nature of existing land use (e.g., urban areas vs.
reect different premises for coal type and price.
rural areas). The SRCCS results were presented for normal terrain,
so costs of pipelines in difcult terrain could be much higher.
6. CO2 transport costs The SRCCS reported costs in 2002 USD/tCO2 /250 km. There are
strong economies of scale based on pipeline capacity, with costs
Here we review recent studies that have examined the cost of decreasing signicantly with rising CO2 capacity up until about 10
CO2 transport in some detail, in contrast to the generic estimates MtCO2 /yr. Beyond this, much more modest economies of scale are
that are commonly assumed in CCS cost studies. Although such realized. The costs are summarized in Table 7 as originally reported.

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10 E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx

Table 8 Table 12
Transport costs from ZEP (2011b) in 2009 EUR/tCO2 /length shown. Storage costs from ZEP (2011c) in 2009 EUR/tCO2 .

Capacity Onshore (180 km) Offshore (500 km) Reservoir type On/Off Shore Low Medium High

2.5 MtCO2 /yr 5.4 20.4 Depleted O&G Field reusing wells Onshore 1 3 7
10 MtCO2 /yr 1.5 6.0 Depleted O&G Field no reusing wells Onshore 1 4 10
Saline Formations Onshore 2 5 12
Depleted O&G Field reusing wells Offshore 2 6 9
Table 9 Depleted O&G Field no reusing wells Offshore 3 10 14
Transport costs from USDOE (Morgan & Grant, 2014) in 2011 USD/tCO2 /100 mi. Saline Formations Offshore 6 14 20

Capacity Onshore

3.2 MtCO2 /yr 3.1 7.1. Highlights of recent/new developments

30 MtCO2 /yr 1.1
The SRCCS had two major chapters on CO2 storagegeologic
storage and ocean storage. The biggest change since then is that
Table 10
Transport costs on a common basis (2013 USD/tCO2 /250 km) for onshore pipelines ocean storage of CO2 is no longer an active option being pursued
at three different capacities. by the international research community or project developers.
As such, this section focuses solely on storage of CO2 in geologic
Study 3 MtCO2 /yr 10 MtCO2 /yr 30 MtCO2 /yr
IPCC (2005) 4.37.2 2.23.7 1.32.2
Much research on geologic storage has occurred in the past
ZEP (2011b) 10.9 3.3
USDOE (2014a) 4.9 1.7
decade, which has allowed a more detailed breakdown of costs
associated with geologic storage. However, much uncertainty still
remains. This includes the impact of regulations on costs, especially
Table 11 related to requirements for monitoring, long-term stewardship and
Transport costs on a common basis (2013 USD/tCO2 /250 km) for offshore pipelines
liability. Another area of uncertainty relates to public acceptance
at three different capacities.
and how it may impact project economics. An analogous example
Study 3 MtCO2 /yr 10 MtCO2 /yr 30 MtCO2 /yr of this can be seen with the growth of hydraulic fracturing for nat-
IPCC (2005) 7.28.9 3.44.3 1.92.4 ural gas production, where increasing public concerns have led to
ZEP (2011b) 14.8 4.8 modications in operating procedures that have increased costs for
gas producers (Wolff and Herzog, 2014).
A major milestone in regulating geologic storage occurred in
ZEP (2011b) reported costs for both onshore and offshore the US with the nalization in 2010 of rules for geologic storage
pipelines at capacities of 2.5 MtCO2 /yr and 10 MtCO2 /yr. They also projects issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Two
reported costs as a function of pipeline length. The pipeline costs projects have now received permits under this new rule (Gollakota
exhibit signicant economies of scale with total length for offshore and McDonald, 2014; Gilmore et al., 2014)
pipelines, but only very modest economies for onshore pipelines.
In Table 8, we report their data for 180 km onshore pipelines and 7.2. Cost results from current literature
500 km offshore pipelines.
The USDOE also recently developed a CO2 transport cost model Costs for geologic storage are highly variable because of the het-
(USDOE, 2014a). Morgan and Grant (2014) presented example erogeneity of storage reservoirs. This includes reservoir type (e.g.,
results for onshore pipelines. They reported results for several onshore vs. offshore, depleted eld vs. deep saline formation) and
pipeline lengths, but the impact on costs per unit distance was very reservoir geology (e.g., porosity, permeability, depth). Therefore the
small. We report their data for pipelines of 100 miles in length (see literature presents the cost of storage as a range. This range is based
Table 9). on the judgment of study authors rather than a detailed statistical
analysis, in part because data on a large percentage of potential stor-
6.3. Adjustments to a common basis age reservoirs is quite sparse. Poor candidates for storage reservoirs
could have storage costs well above the high value of the reported
The above costs are put on a common basis of 2013 ranges.
USD/tCO2/250 km using the CEPCI escalation factors shown in In the SRCCS the reported costs for CO2 storage in geologic for-
Figure 1. The results are presented in Table 10 for onshore pipelines mations ranged from 0.5 to 8.0 2002 USD/tCO2 with an additional
and Table 11 for offshore pipelines. cost for monitoring of 0.10.3 2002 USD/tCO2 . More recently, ZEP
For onshore pipelines, the recent studies are consistent with (2011c) reported costs as shown in Table 12 in 2010 EUR/tCO2 . They
the costs presented in the SRCCS, except for the ZEP cost for a 3 broke down costs into onshore and offshore storage and separated
Mt CO2 /yr pipeline, which is signicantly higher than other esti- saline formations from depleted oil and gas elds. Furthermore, for
mates. For offshore pipelines, the ZEP costs are larger than the costs depleted elds, they looked at cases where existing infrastructure
presented in the SRCCS. This is consistent with having extensive could or could not be reused.
experience with onshore pipelines, but essentially no prior experi- The USDOE also recently developed a CO2 Saline Storage Cost
ence with offshore CO2 pipelines. Model (USDOE, 2014b). Using the model, they generated a cost-
supply curve for the US. The graph has two inection points, with
7. CO2 storage costs over 70% of the storage capacity contained between these two
points. Using these points as high/low estimates, the cost range
As with CO2 transport costs, most studies of total CCS costs is 713 2011 USD/tCO2 .
assume a generic cost for CO2 storage in dollars per ton, or a com- The GCCSI (2011) reported storage costs for poor and good reser-
bined cost for transport and storage. While detailed studies of CO2 voir properties. Using these as low and high estimates, the range is
storage costs are less prevalent than studies of capture costs, a 613 2010 USD/tCO2 .
number of important contributions in recent years are discussed For EOR credits, the SRCCS reported a range of 1016
below. 2002 USD/tCO2 . With sustained higher oil prices over the past

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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IJGGC-1521; No. of Pages 23 ARTICLE IN PRESS
E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx 11

Table 13 for oxy-combustion power plants (see Table 6), though these stud-
Typical ranges of onshore storage costs on a common basis (2013 USD/tCO2 ).
ies are based mainly on lower-cost subbituminous coals. For each
Study Low High power plant system we calculate the increase in levelized cost of
IPCC (2005) 1 12 electricity generation, as well as the mitigation (i.e., CO2 avoidance)
ZEP (2011c) 2 18 cost for a specied reference plant without CCS.
USDOE (2014a) 7 13 The total system cost is calculated for each of the individual stud-
GCCSI (2011) 6 13 ies reviewed using each studys data on LCOE with and without CCS,
CO2 emission rates (tCO2 /MWh) with and without CCS, the capture
energy requirement, and the CO2 removal efciency. For transport
decadeon the order of $100/bblthe demand for CO2 has
costs we use 07 USD/tCO2 . For geologic storage costs we use 112
increased signicantly for EOR (Suresh, 2010). This has led to poten-
USD/tCO2 , and for storage with EOR we use a credit (negative cost)
tially higher selling prices for CO2 . Although the details of such
of 1540 USD/tCO2 . Note that the transport and storage cost range
transactions remain proprietary and are not publicly available,
for geologic storage is similar to the SRCCS after indexing to 2013
conventional wisdom suggests that the price that EOR projects
USD. The wider range for EOR credits was discussed in Section 7.2.
can afford to pay for CO2 (in $/mcf, thousand standard cubic feet) is
2% of the oil price in $/bbl. Therefore, oil at $100/bbl translates into
a CO2 price of $36/tCO2 (Carbon Management Workshop, 2011). 8.1. Results for overall plant cost
Given the more recent drop in oil prices in 2014, as well as its his-
toric volatility, we suggest a range of $1540/tCO2 as the net credit We combine all the above parameters to calculate the total lev-
(negative storage cost on a levelized basis) for CO2 sold for EOR. elized cost of electricity for each type of power plant, including the
This is the range we use to calculate total system costs in the next full CCS chain. We report those results in Table 14 for the recent
section. Implicit in this range is the assumption that CO2 -EOR will studies reviewed, along with the CCS energy requirements and
comply with future regulatory requirements for geological stor- rates of CO2 captured and avoided.
age of CO2, which are still under development. To the extent that One sees in Tables 14 that the LCOE ranges based on recent stud-
meeting future requirements incurs signicant additional costs, the ies overlap considerably for all CCS pathways. Natural gas has by
range suggested above may have to be modied. far the widest range due to the large range of natural gas prices in
recent US and European studies (with the lower end corresponding
7.3. Adjustments to a common basis to US gas prices, where NGCC shows a distinct advantage in LCOE
compared to coal-based technologies).
The above costs are put on a common basis of constant 2013 We also note that while oxy-combustion and SCPC with post-
USD/tCO2 using the CEPCI escalation factors shown earlier in Fig. 1. combustion have very similar ranges of LCOEs, these cases should
The results for onshore reservoirs are presented below in Table 13. not be compared directly because the SCPC costs are based on
Note that the ZEP study has a wider range than the other two bituminous coals, whereas the oxy-combustion costs are based
recent studies. Those two studies also indicate that the low end of on lower-cost subbituminous coals. In Table 14 this difference is
the range has signicantly larger costs than those reported in the reected in the lower LCOE for the SCPC reference plant for the
SRCCS, although the high end of the range remains about the same. oxyfuel studies compared to the SCPC reference plant for the SCPC-
CCS studies. The discussion of Table 6 elaborated further on this
8. Total system costs issue.
Table 14 also shows that the LCOE of the IGCC reference plant is
Here we combine the transport and storage costs above with the signicantly higher than the SCPC reference plant. With CCS, how-
capture cost estimates shown earlier in Tables 24 to obtain a total ever, the LCOE range for all three coal plant options is roughly the
cost of CCS for the three major plant types highlighted in the SRCCS, same. This is because the added cost of CCS (in USD/MWh) is lower
namely, new SCPC and NGCC plants with post-combustion capture for an IGCC plant compared to a SCPC plant with either oxyfuel
and new IGCC plants with pre-combustion capture, with PC and or post-combustion capture. For NGCC, the added cost of CCS is
IGCC costs based on bituminous coals. We also include cost results similar to that for an IGCC plant since its post-combustion system

Table 14
Range of total costs for CO2 capture, transport and geological storage based on recent studies of current technology for new power plants (all costs in constant 2013 USD).

Cost and Performance NGCC with SCPC with SCPC with IGCC with
Parameters post-combustion post-combustion oxy-combustion pre-combustion
capture capture capture capture

Reference plant without CCS: Levelized cost of electricity (USD/MWh) 4283 6179 5668a 8299

Power plants with CCS

Increased fuel requirement per net MWh (%) 1318 2144 2429 2035
CO2 captured (kg/MWh) 360390 8301080 8301040 840940
CO2 avoided (kg/MWh) 310330 650720 760830 630700
% CO2 avoided 8889 8688 8897 8288

Power plant with capture, transport and geological storage

Levelized cost of electricity (USD/MWh) 63122 95150 92141 112148
Electricity cost increase for CCS (USD/MWh) 1947 3171 3675 2553
% increase 2872 4898 61114 2662

Power plant with capture, transport and geological storage with enhanced oil recovery credits
Levelized cost of electricity (USD/MWh) 48112 61121 52113 83123
Electricity cost increase for CCS (USD/MWh) 337 (3)42 (4)47 (11)29
% increase 756 (5)57 (8)72 (11)33
Note that oxy-combustion cases are based primarily on subbituminous coals whose cost is much lower than the bituminous coals assumed for SCPC and IGCC plants,
resulting in roughly a 10% lower LCOE. Thus, LCOE values for oxy-combustion should not be compared directly to those for SCPC and IGCC plants.

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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12 E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx

Table 15
Range of total plant costs reported in the SRCCS adjusted to constant 2013 USD.

Cost and Performance Parameters NGCC with SCPC with IGCC with
post-combustion post-combustion pre-combustion
capture capture capture

Reference Plant without CCS: Levelized cost of electricity (USD/MWh) 3772 6487 69103

Power plant with capture, transport and geological storage

Levelized cost of electricity (USD/MWh) 56110 94163 92150
Electricity cost increase for CCS (USD/MWh) 1943 2876 1751
% increase 30110 4387 2174

Power plant with capture, transport and geological storage with enhanced oil recovery credits
Levelized cost of electricity (USD/MWh) 48100 76139 77128
Electricity cost increase for CCS (USD/MWh) 1234 1051 (1)33
% increase 1986 1659 (1)48

treats only about half the amount of CO2 as a coal plant. For the two 8.2. Results for CO2 mitigation cost
geological storage options, Table 14 shows that EOR credits can sig-
nicantly reduce both the overall plant cost and the added cost of Mitigation costs for current studies are reported in Table 16 for
CCS. The magnitude of cost reduction is roughly 2540 USD/MWh cases with geologic storage, and in Table 17 for cases with EOR
across all coal plant cases and roughly 1015 USD/MWh for the credits. Note that in all cases the reference plant with no capture
NGCC plants (which process and sell much less CO2 per MWh gen- is assumed to be the same plant type as the plant with capture,
erated). Note that the negative cost increases at the low end of the except for IGCC, where we also calculate the mitigation cost based
cost ranges for coal plants with EOR implies that the selling price on a SCPC reference plant.
of CO2 for EOR more than covers all capture and transport costs. For the cases with geologic storage (Table 16), the ranges of mit-
Those results stem from applying the maximum EOR credit of 40 igation costs in recent studies are very similar to the adjusted costs
USD/tCO2 to the lowest LCOE value in the recent studies reviewed from the SRCCS. The principal difference is a 50% increase in the
for each technology. Those are not likely to be realistic cases since lower range for IGCC plants stemming largely from the increase in
most studies project much higher LCOE values; nor are the level of reference plant costs discussed above. There is also a 13% decrease
EOR credits based on $100/bbl oil likely to be sustainable in view in the upper range for SCPC plants. This appears to be driven mainly
of the historical volatility in oil price, as discussed earlier in Sec- by the increase in assumed plant capacity factors noted earlier in
tion 7.2. Finally, in Table 15 we summarize the ranges of overall the paper, which reduces high LCOE values associated with low
costs from the SRCCS report after adjusting for fuel and capital cost capacity factors.
escalations, as described earlier in the paper. Compared to Table 14 For the cases with EOR credits (Table 17), the low end of the mit-
results, the LCOE range for NGCC reference plants without CCS is igation cost ranges are systematically lower than the SRCCS costs
roughly 1015% lower in recent studies, for reasons discussed ear- owing to the higher CO2 selling price for EOR associated with higher
lier. For SCPC, the low end of the reference plant LCOE range is about oil prices in recent years. For SCPC plants we again also see a con-
the same as before, but the high end of the range is now roughly 10% traction in the high end of the range for the likely reason given
higher than the SRCCS. For the IGCC reference plant the opposite above.
is true: the low end of the range has increased by about 20% while Tables 16 and 17 also report two mitigation costs not included
the high end of the range is roughly unchanged. Thus, while IGCC in the SRCCS. One is for oxy-combustion costs, which are compa-
plants without CCS remain more costly than SCPC plants without rable to those for SCPC post-combustion capture (although based
CCS, that cost differential is much larger now than it was ten years on a different fuel type, as noted earlier). The other is the mit-
ago. igation cost for an IGCC plant relative to a SCPC reference plant
Comparing Tables 14 and 15, we also nd that on an absolute (rather than an IGCC reference plant). This substantially increases
basis the added cost for CCS (in USD/MWh) is approximately the the IGCC mitigation cost, especially at the high end of the range,
same now as in earlier studies for post-combustion capture at both because of the lower reference plant cost, as discussed earlier in
NGCC and SCPC plants. For IGCC, however, the added cost for CCS Section 4.3.
has increased by about 8 USD/MWh (38%) at the low end of the Recall that mitigation costs in USD/tCO2 avoided are directly
range while the high end of the range is just slightly lower than comparable to a market price or tax on CO2 emissions. For CCS
before. using geologic storage, Table 16 suggests that carbon prices in the
Table 15 also shows smaller cost savings from EOR credits in range of $50100/tCO2 are required to create commercial markets
the SRCCS relative to the current study. Because of the differ- for a variety of power plants. In contrast, Table 17 suggests that
ences in assumed credits, the reduction in LCOE is about 1015 if CCS can be combined with EOR, smaller carbon prices would be
USD/MWh greater in this study than in the SRCCS for coal-based needed to incentivize CCS projects. However, as in the discussion
plants, and about 07 USD/MWh greater for NGCC plants with of Table 14 results, the negative mitigation costs at the low end of
CCS. the ranges in Table 17 are a result of bounding assumptions that are

Table 16
Mitigation costs in $/tCO2 avoided (constant 2013 USD) for new power plants with capture and geologic storage. The no capture reference plant is assumed to be the same
type plant as the capture plant, except where indicated.

Capture Plant This study Adjusted SRCCS Difference, low end Difference, high end

NGCC 59143 64136 5 7

SCPC 4699 45114 1 15
IGCC 3884 2585 13 1
IGCC w/SCPC reference plant 53137 Not available
OXY 4797 Not available

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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Table 17
Mitigation costs in $/tCO2 avoided (constant 2013 USD) for new power plants with capture and EOR. The no capture reference plant is assumed to be the same type plant as
the capture plant, except where indicated.

Capture Plant This study Adjusted SRCCS Difference, low end Difference, high end

NGCC 10112 38107 28 5

SCPC (5)58 1777 22 19
IGCC (16)46 (1)55 15 9
IGCC w/SCPC reference plant 3102 Not available
OXY (6)63 Not available

Fig. 3. Projected cost reductions for (a) SCPC plants with post-combustion capture, and (b) IGCC plants with pre-combustion capture (Gerdes et al., 2014).

unlikely to be realistic or sustainable in the foreseeable future. The power plants, USDOE/NETL projects cost reductions relative to cur-
following section elaborates on the outlook for future CCS costs for rent technology of about 14% for future plants without CCS and
power plants. about 20% for advanced gas turbines with CCS (USDOE, 2013a).
Using similar methods, EPRI also estimated potential near-term
9. Outlook for future CCS costs cost reductions from R&D-driven improvements in PC, IGCC, and
NGCC power plants with CCS in the 2025 time frame (EPRI, 2013b).
Over the past decade, research and development (R&D) pro- Their results are similar to those of USDOE. Compared to current
grams throughout the world have continued to pursue new or designs, they foresee reductions of roughly 20% in both the overall
improved processes that reduce the cost of CCS (Rubin et al., 2012). plant heat rate and unit capital cost of PC and IGCC plants, plus
For power plants, the pathway to lower costs involves a combi- reductions of about 10% in heat rate and about 20% in unit capital
nation of advances in power generation technology (to increase cost for NGCC plants with CCS. Assuming no change in fuel prices,
their overall efciency without large increases in cost), coupled corresponding reductions in LCOE would be roughly 20% for coal-
with advances in CO2 capture technologiesespecially a reduction red plants and 13% for gas-red plants (for which fuel cost is the
in their energy requirements, which currently account for a major dominant contributor to LCOE).
portion of overall capture costs. Engineering-economic studies also have been used to esti-
Potential cost reductions from advanced power generation sys- mate the future cost of new CO2 capture concepts employing
tems with CCS have been reported in several recent studies by membranes, novel sorbents and solvents (such as ionic liquids
government and industry organizations. Such studies typically and metal organic frameworks), sorbent-enhanced water gas shift
employ a bottom-up engineering analysis of a proposed ow- reactors, chemical looping combustion, and various hybrid con-
sheet or process design whose cost is then estimated. On that cepts (e.g., USDOE, 2013b). Typically, such estimates assume cost
basis, for example, the USDOE/NETL estimates cost reductions of parameter values appropriate for a mature Nth-of-a-kind pro-
approximately 20%, 17%, and 27% in the LCOE of advanced coal- cess, together with performance parameters that are often based
based power plants with post-combustion, oxy-combustion, and on R&D goals rather than actual current values. While on this basis
IGCC/pre-combustion capture, respectively (Gerdes et al., 2014). many advanced process concepts appear promising, the credibility
Fig. 3 illustrates the series of advances that produce these reduc- of such cost estimates remains questionable since most such pro-
tions for PC and IGCC plants. Even larger cost reductions are cesses are still in the early stages of development and performance
projected by USDOE for integrated gasication fuel cell (IGFC) tech- goals have yet to be realized (Rubin, 2014).
nology (48% relative to current IGFC, or 40% relative to current An alternative method of estimating the future cost of power
post-combustion systems), though that technology is still in the plants with CCS is a top down approach based on the use of experi-
early stages of development. In a separate study of advanced NGCC ence (learning) curves. Here, cost reductions are related to increases

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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IJGGC-1521; No. of Pages 23 ARTICLE IN PRESS
14 E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx

in the cumulative installed capacity or cumulative production of The operating lifetime of a retrotted capture plant may be lower
a technology (a surrogate for all factors that affect cost reduc- than that at a new build power plant if it is constrained by the
tions) (Yeh and Rubin, 2012). Based on historical learning rates residual life of the existing plant.
for various power plant components, Rubin et al. (2007) estimated Power plants retrotted with capture tend to have lower efcien-
LCOE reductions relative to current technology of roughly 15% for cies than new-build plants, which means that more CO2 has to be
combustion-based plants with CCS and 20% for gasication-based captured per net MWh of electricity.
plants with CCS after 100 GW of increased capacity worldwide. The energy consumption per ton of CO2 captured at retrots tends
Using similar methods, but coupling capacity expansion with sce- to be higher than at new-build plants because of lower plant
narios of global growth and climate policy measures, van den Broek efciencies and reduced opportunities for optimization.
et al. (2009) projected somewhat larger cost reductions by 2050
with a modest but increasing tax on carbon emissions. In the studies reviewed for the SRCCS, the costs of CO2 cap-
Broadly speaking, then, the outlook for CCS cost reductions from ture and avoidance were shown on average to be higher than for
top-down models is similar to projections from bottom-up stud- new-build power plants. However, if the capital cost of the exist-
ies for current commercial or near-commercial technologies. A key ing power plant is assumed to be written off and the amount of
difference in the two methods, however, is the importance of expe- refurbishment necessary to extend the life of the existing plant is
rience at the commercial level. Thus, as noted by Rubin et al. (2012): not excessive, retrotting CCS can result in a lower LCOE than the
alternative of closing the existing plant and building a new power
Achieving signicant cost reductions will require not only a
plant with CCS. These general conclusions regarding the economics
vigorous and sustained level of R&D . . . but also a substantial
of capture retrot compared to new build power plants with CCS
level of commercial deployment. That, in turn, will require a
are expected to be unchanged compared to the SRCCS, as afrmed
signicant market for CO2 capture technologies that can only
in a recent study of CCS costing methods (Rubin et al., 2013).
be established by government actions. At present such a mar-
ket does not exist. While various types of incentive programs
10.2. CCS for industrial processes
can accelerate the development and deployment of CO2 capture
technology, actions that signicantly limit emissions of CO2 to
While studies of CCS have focused mainly on power plants (as
the atmosphere ultimately are needed to realize substantial and
the largest source of CO2 emissions globally), applications to other
sustained reductions in the future cost of CO2 capture.
industrial processes are of increasing interest as emissions from
such sources continue to grow. At the time the SRCCS was written,
10. Other CCS applications global CO2 emissions from large industrial processes were roughly
one-fourth the emissions from power plants (IPCC, 2005). Accord-
This paper concentrates on CCS costs for new power plants. ingly, little detailed work on CCS costs for industrial processes other
Other potentially signicant applications are retrots of CCS to than power generation had been reported, except for hydrogen
existing power plants and non-power industrial processes. While and synthetic fuels production plants. Consequently, although the
these topics are outside the scope of this paper, we offer some brief SRCCS included some cost data for other industrial processes, the
comments on developments since publication of the SRCCS. level of detail for most industries was substantially less than for
power plants.
10.1. Retrots of CCS to power plants More recently, non-utility industrial processes have become
more prominent as potential candidates for CCS as global CO2 emis-
Post-combustion capture is well suited for retrots to existing sions from this sector grew to half as great as emissions from
power plants where factors such as plant size, age, efciency and electricity sector (including combined heat and power systems)
access to suitable storage sites make CCS technically and econom- (IEA, 2013a). For example, a CO2 stabilization scenario of the IEAs
ically viable. The technologies that would be used for CO2 capture recent CCS Technology Roadmap (IEA, 2013b), projects that around
retrot are the same as those used in new power plants. The rst half of the CO2 abated by CCS in 2050 will come from industries
commercial-scale CCS unit at a power plant (Boundary Dam) was a other than power generation, particularly the biofuels, iron and
retrot installation (Monea, 2014). steel, cement, chemicals production, natural gas processing and oil
Capital costs of retrotting capture to existing power plants are rening industries.
generally expected to be higher than costs at new-build plants, as As was noted in the SRCCS, industrial processes such as natu-
was conrmed by the studies reviewed in the SRCCS. Reasons for ral gas purication, bioethanol production, production of synthetic
this include: liquids and gas from coal, as well as certain chemical production
processes, produce a concentrated CO2 stream which is usually
Space to install and connect the capture plant may not be readily vented to the atmosphere. In these cases the cost of CO2 capture
for CCS would be just the additional cost of CO2 compression and
available, resulting in more difcult construction work, longer
drying. Because these costs are relatively low, such plants account
pipes and ducts, and other site-specic difculties.
Integration between the power plant and the capture plant may for a large proportion of the anthropogenic CO2 currently provided
for EOR (GCCSI, 2014). CO2 also can be captured in other indus-
not be so easily optimized.
Additional ue gas cleaning equipment may need to be installed trial processes, either by using the same basic techniques available
for power plants or by using alternative industrial processes that
upstream of the capture plant, for example if there is no existing
include inherent capture of CO2 .
or adequate ue gas desulfurization (FGD) unit.
Existing power plants tend to be smaller than new build plants, Despite the increased attention now being given to industrial
CCS there is still relatively little cost information in the public
resulting in lower economies of scale.
domain. Estimating CCS costs for large industrial plants such as
iron and steel mills or oil reneries is more difcult than for power
The SRCCS also showed that retrots would have a larger incre- plants because such facilities tend to have unique designs and mul-
mental LCOE for CCS than new build plants. Reasons for this include: tiple emission sources with different gas compositions and ow
rates. Energy integration between capture units and industrial pro-
The higher specic capital costs for retrots. cesses involves additional complexities. A further complication,

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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IJGGC-1521; No. of Pages 23 ARTICLE IN PRESS
E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx 15

particularly in developed countries, is that few wholly new large due to lower annual capital charge factors and higher assumed
industrial plants such as steel mills and oil reneries are expected capacity factors offsetting the higher capital costs. For IGCC plants,
to be built. Thus, CCS would have to be retrotted, resulting in there has been a roughly 15% increase in LCOE, due mainly to higher
additional site-specic complexity and costs. The costs of CCS at capital costs. For NGCC plants, whose LCOE is dominated by the cost
industrial plants other than power generation is therefore outside of natural gas, recent reductions in gas prices have brought the
the scope of this paper, although readers can nd other recent lit- LCOEs for US plants down to roughly the same level as the adjusted
erature on this topic (e.g., IEAGHG, 2008; de Mello et al., 2012; SRCCS values. In contrast, European gas prices continued to esca-
IEAGHG, 2013; Domenichini, 2013). late until the base year for this paper (2013), resulting in net LCOE
increases for NGCC and CCS relative to SRCCS estimates.
10.3. Comparisons with other low-carbon technologies
11.3. The costs of CO2 avoidance (mitigation cost) for CCS,
In the broader context of greenhouse gas mitigation options, including pipeline transport and geologic storage, are essentially
the question often arises as to how the cost of CCS compares to that the same as in the SRCCS, after taking into account the real
of other low-carbon technologies such as wind, solar and nuclear escalations in plant and fuel costs reected in the indices used for
power. The SRCCS did not directly compare the costs of CCS to other cost adjustments
lower carbon technologies, although it did include some scenar-
ios from the literature showing projected contributions of different This is a direct result of, (1) the small changes in LCOE dis-
low-carbon technologies to global CO2 emission reductions in the cussed in the previous paragraph, and (2) the fairly stable costs
future. Direct comparison between the cost of power plants with projected for CO2 pipeline transport and geological storage costs
CCS and other low-carbon technologies is not a straightforward after adjusting for recent cost escalations.
matter, however, since the economic value and costs of different
technologies must take into account a variety of factors, such as 11.4. The overall cost of CCS can be reduced signicantly if CO2
the ability of an electric power system to provide a reliable electric- can be sold for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in conjunction with
ity supply and respond to the substantial variability of electricity geological storage over the life of the project
demands. Such issues were beyond the scope of the SRCCS and are
beyond the scope of this paper as well. The range of total CCS costs presented in this paper indicates
larger potential cost savings from EOR credits than in the SRCCS.
11. Conclusions This is a result of the much higher oil pricesand associated value
of CO2 for EORseen over the past decade. Nonetheless, the recent
Here we summarize the key ndings from our comparison of (20132014) collapse of world oil prices is a reminder of the his-
current CCS cost studies to those presented in the 2005 Special torical volatility of oil prices, and the associated uncertainty in the
Report on Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (SRCCS). value of CO2 -EOR credits in CCS cost projections.

11.1. Since the SRCCS, there have been signicant increases in the 11.5. For coal plants, the pre-combustion pathway (IGCC) has lost
capital cost of power plants and CCS technologies ground to the post-combustion pathway (SCPC) since the SRCCS

We nd that the capital cost of the three major plant types In the SRCCS, the total levelized cost of SCPC and IGCC plants
(NGCC, SCPC, and IGCC) with and without CCS have all increased with CCS (geologic storage) were very similar: 94163 USD/MWh
substantially since the SRCCS, despite the fact that basic plant and 92150 USD/MWh, respectively, based on adjusted costs for
parameters such as their thermodynamic efciency and CO2 cap- 2013. However, current studies show an advantage for SCPC at
ture efciency are essentially the same in recent studies as in the the low end of the LCOE range: 95150 USD/MWh vs. 112148
SRCCS. Using the Power Capital Cost Index to adjust SRCCS capital USD/MWh for IGCC. Mitigation costs based on current studies with
costs to 2013 dollars resulted in an increase of about 60% in capi- a common SCPC reference plant show a range of 4699 USD/tCO2
tal costs. Current studies, however, showed even greater increases. avoided for SCPC, compared to 53137 USD/tCO2 avoided for IGCC.
Compared to the adjusted SRCCS costs, reference plant costs for
NGCC, SCPC, and IGCC without CCS were 18%, 28%, and 49% higher, 11.6. Oxy-combustion shows potential to be competitive with
respectively. For plants with CCS the corresponding increases were post-combustion capture for SCPC plants
32%, 37%, and 49% higher than adjusted SRCCS costs. We attribute
these additional increases to changes in the power plant and/or CCS The SRCCS did not highlight cost estimates for oxy-combustion
system designs, and to market factors that affect technology costs at systems since they were still in the early stages of development
any point in time. Differences in current SCPC and NGCC plant costs at the time. R&D over the past decade, however, has signicantly
with and without CCS also indicate real increases in the incremen- advanced this pathway, with recent studies suggesting that oxy-
tal capital cost for post-combustion capture systems. In contrast, combustion capture at plants using low-rank coals has similar
the incremental capital cost for pre-combustion capture at IGCC LCOEs and mitigation costs as SCPC plants with post-combustion
plants is essentially unchanged relative to the adjusted SRCCS cost. capture using bituminous coals. It should be noted, however, that
However, the total capital cost of IGCC reference plants (without SCPC with post-combustion capture is signicantly more mature
CCS) has increased signicantly more than the capital cost of SCPC than with oxy-combustion capture, so further work is needed to
reference plants. better understand their relative costs.

11.2. The constant dollar levelized costs of electricity for power 11.7. Based on current cost estimates for the four CCS pathways
plants with and without CCS in recent studies show only small analyzed, there are no obvious winners or losers
changes compared to the SRCCS costs adjusted for power plant
capital and fuel cost escalations The range of mitigation costs for NGCC, SCPC, IGCC, and oxyfuel
show considerable overlap. Overall, therefore, the results of this
SCPC plants with and without CCS in recent studies show slightly study support the general conclusion of the 2005 SRCCS report and
lower LCOEs compared to the adjusted SRCCS values. This is mainly other subsequent studies (e.g., MIT, 2007) that there is still no single

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16 E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx

technological winner that is best suited for low-carbon power Cost of CO2 avoided
generation using carbon capture and storage.

$ (LCOE)ccs (LCOE)ref
Cost of CO2 avoided =   
tCO2 tCO2 /MWh tCO2 /MWh
Common measures of cost used in this paper are dened as ref ccs
follows (Rubin, 2012):

Levelized cost of electricity where LCOE = levelized cost of electricity generation ($/MWh),
tCO2 /MWh = CO2 mass emission rate to the atmosphere in tons per
(TCC) (FCF) + (FOM) MWh (based on the net capacity of each power plant), and the
LCOE = + VOM + (HR) (FC) (1)
(CF) (8766) (MW) subscripts ccs and ref refer to plants with and without CCS,
where LCOE = levelized cost of electricity generation ($/MWh),
TCC = total capital cost ($), FCF = xed charge factor (fraction/yr),
FOM = xed operating and maintenance (O&M) costs ($/yr), Cost of CO2 captured
VOM = variable non-fuel O&M costs ($/MWh), HR = net power plant
heat rate (MJ/MWh), FC = unit fuel cost ($/MJ), CF = plant capac-
$ (LCOE)cc (LCOE)ref
ity factor (fraction), 8766 = total hours in an average year, and Cost of CO2 captured =   (3)
tCO2 tCO2 /MWh
MW = net plant capacity (MW). captured
All of the parameters in Eq. (1) represent their levelized values
over the life of power plant. These are numerically the same as rst- where (tCO2 /MWh)captured = total mass of CO2 captured per net
year COE for the special case where costs are expressed in constant MWh for the plant with capture (equal to CO2 produced minus
dollars and all parameter values remain constant over the life of emitted), and LCOE is again the levelized cost of electricity. Here,
the plant. In all other cases, a series of levelization factors can the reference plant is the same type as the capture plant, and the
be applied to rst-year values to obtain levelized values. See Rubin LCOE with capture, (LCOE)cc, excludes the costs of CO2 transport
et al. (2013), Appendix C, for details. and storage.See Tables A1A6.

Table A1
Multipliers and currency exchange rates used to escalate prior year capital and fuel costs to constant 2013 USD. Mutipliers are the reciprocal of the cost index values shown
in Figs. 1 and 2 of the main text.

Cost year reported Capex + O&M T&S cost US coal cost Europe coal US gas cost Europe gas cost USD/EUR
cost multipliera multiplierb multiplierc cost multiplierc multiplierc multiplierc exchange rated

2002 1.643 1.434 1.880 2.274 1.216 3.768 0.992

2003 1.573 1.412 1.836 2.138 0.803 3.052 1.150
2004 1.472 1.277 1.728 1.580 0.727 2.635 1.219
2005 1.353 1.212 1.526 1.411 0.527 2.134 1.210
2006 1.172 1.136 1.391 1.386 0.624 1.629 1.272
2007 1.064 1.080 1.328 1.188 0.609 1.535 1.354
2008 1.011 0.986 1.135 0.752 0.481 1.175 1.578
2009 1.040 1.087 1.063 1.052 0.914 1.457 1.409
2010 1.051 1.030 1.035 0.958 0.851 1.390 1.225
2011 1.040 0.969 0.983 0.728 0.917 1.080 1.449
2012 1.022 0.970 0.987 0.886 1.266 1.009 1.266
2013 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.301
Based on the Power Capital Cost Index (IHS CERA, 2014).
Based on the Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEM, 2014).
Based on the cost of delivered fuels to power plants in the US (EIA, 2014) and Europe (IEA, 2014). European coal prices were based on the average for the UK and Germany;
European gas prices were based on the average for the UK and Finland (consistent with available data).
Mid-year exchange rate for the reported cost year (Oanda, 2014).

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Table A2
Current studies: supercritical pulverized coal power plants with current post-combustion capture technology and bituminous coals.

Study Assumptions and Results USDOE EPRI Alstom IEAGHG GCCSI ZEP Range

2013c 2013a 2011 2014 2011 2011 min max Mean

Source reference currency US$ US$ Euro Euro US$ Euro

Reference Plant design
Boiler type (pressure, SH/RH temp) 24.2/593/593 high cost 30/600/620 27/600/620 24.1/599/621 28/600/620
Coal type and%S bit, 2.5% S (current) bit, 1% S bit, 0.9% S bit, Ill#6 bit
Reference plant net output (MW) 550 750 837 1030 550 736 550 1030 742
Plant capacity factor (%) 85 80 85 90 90 85.6 80 90 86
Net plant efciency, HHV (%) 39.3 39.0 44.4 42.3 39.1 44.2 39.0 44.4 41
Coal cost, HHV (US$/GJ) 2.06 2.33 2.84 3.12 2.70 3.42 2.06 3.42 2.74
Reference plant emission rate (t CO2 /MWh) 0.802 0.840 0.776 0.746 0.804 0.759 0.746 0.840 0.788
Capture plant design
CO2 capture technology Econ FG+ Adv.amine Cansolv Amine Adv. Amine
Net plant output with capture (MW) 550 525 837 822 546 616 525 837 649
Net plant efciency, HHV (%) 28.4 27.4 36.1 33.8 27.2 36.5 27.2 36.5 32
CO2 capture system efciency (%) 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
CO2 emission rate after capture (t/MWh) 0.111 0.120 0.095 0.093 0.116 0.092 0.092 0.120 0.104
CO2 captured (Mt/yr) 4.09 3.96 5.34 5.59 3.82 3.82 5.59 4.56
CO2 product pressure (MPa) 15.3 11.0 20.2 11.0 11 20 14
CCS energy reqmt. (% more input/MWh) 38 42 23 25 44 21 21 44 32
CO2 reduction per kWh (%) 86 86 88 88 88 88 86 88 87
Cost results (adjusted to 2013$)
Cost year basis (constant dollars) 2007 2011 2010 2013 2010 2009
Ination factor to 2013 (Fuel costs) 1.328 0.983 0.958 1 1.035 1.052
Ination factor to 2013 (CERA, for capex/O&M) 1.064 1.04 1.051 1.00 1.051 1.04
Fixed charge factor (%) 0.109 0.093 0.096 0.093 0.109 0.099
Reference plant TPC (US$/kW) 1752 2496 2104 1883 2017 2290 1752 2496 2090
Capture plant TPC (US$/kW) 3099 4368 3597 3605 3641 3608 3099 4368 3653
Reference plant TOC (US$/kW) 2154 2092 2319 2506 2092 2506 2268
Capture plant TOC (US$/kW) 3798 3994 4187 3949 3798 4187 3982
Reference plant TCR (US$/kW) 2313 2990 2630 2455 2501 2820 2313 2990 2618
Capture plant TCR (US$/kW) 4091 5252 4497 4684 4514 4443 4091 5252 4580
Incremental TCR for capture (US$/kW) 1778 2262 1867 2229 2014 1623 1623 2262 1962
Reference plant COE (US$/MWh) 66.4 78.8 61.5 67.7 79.5 64.2 61 79 69.7
Capture plant COE (US$/MWh) 112.4 129.5 100.4 112.3 127.7 94.0 94 130 112.7
Incremental COE for capture (US$/MWh) 46.0 50.7 38.9 44.6 48.2 29.8 30 51 43.0
% increase in TCR (over ref. plant) 77 76 71 91 81 58 58 91 75
% increase in COE (over ref. plant) 69 64 63 66 61 46 46 69 62
Cost of CO2 captured (US$/t CO2 ) 46 47 45 53 46 36 36 53 46
Cost of CO2 avoided (US$/t CO2 ) 67 70 57 68 70 45 45 70 63

CO2 stored t/MWh 0.999 1.076 0.857 0.841 1.040 0.827 0.827 1.076 0.940
CO2 stored t/t CO2 avoided 1.445 1.493 1.259 1.289 1.511 1.240 1.240 1.511 1.373

Source data, uninated costs

T&S cost, per t CO2 stored 10 13.01 0
T&S cost, $/MWh 5.7 10.76 6.0 10.94 7.0 0.00
Coal cost, HHV (US$/GJ) 1.55 2.37 2.96 3.12 2.61 3.25
Reference plant COE (US$/MWh) 58.9 77.0 60.6 67.7 76.0 61.4
Ref plant fuel contribution to COE ($/MWh) 14.2 21.9 24.1 26.6 24.0 26.5
Ref plant non-fuel contribution to COE ($/MWh) 44.7 55.1 36.6 41.1 52.0 35.0
Capture plant COE (US$/MWh) 100.8 126.2 98.1 112.3 122.0 90.0
Capture plant fuel contribution to COE ($/MWh) 19.6 31.1 29.5 33.3 34.5 32.0
Capture plant non-fuel cont. to COE ($/MWh) 81.2 95.1 68.6 79.0 87.5 58.0

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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18 E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx

Table A3
Current studies: NGCC power plants with current post-combustion capture technology.

Study Assumptions and Results USDOE IEA GHG IEA GHG Rubin and Zhai USDOE EPRI Range

2011 2012 2012 2012 2013c 2013a min max Mean

Case or Descriptor High altitude Solvent 1 Solvent 2 Base case Baseline case Current tech
Reference plant design
Gas turbine type GE7FB GE9FB GE9FB GE7FB GE7FB n/a
Net power output (MW) 512 910 910 526.6 555.1 550 512 910 661
Plant capacity factor (%) 85 92 93 75 85 80 75 93 85
Net plant efciency, HHV (%) 50.5 53.2 53.2 50.0 50.2 48.7 48.7 53.2 51.0
CO2 emission rate (t CO2 /MWh) 0.364 0.348 0.348 0.362 0.359 0.37 0.348 0.370 0.359
Capture plant design
CO2 capture technology Econamine FG+ MEA advanced amine Econamine FG+ Econamine FG+ amine
Net power output (MW) 435 789 804 448.9 473.6 485 435 804 573
Net plant efciency, HHV (%) 42.9 46.1 47.0 42.6 42.8 42.4 42.4 47.0 44.0
Plant capacity factor (%) 85 90 90 75 85 80 75 90 84
CO2 capture efciency (%) 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
CO2 emission rate after capture (t/MWh) 0.043 0.040 0.039 0.043 0.042 0.042 0.039 0.043 0.042
CO2 captured (Mt/yr) 1.251 2.250 2.249 1.130 1.337 1.301 1.130 2.250 1.586
CO2 product pressure (MPa) 15.2 11.0 11.0 13.7 15.2 n/a 11 15 13
CCS energy reqmt. (% more input/MWh) 18 15 13 17 17 15 13 18 16
CO2 reduction per kWh (%) 88 88 89 88 88 89 88 89 88
Cost results (adjusted to 2013$)
Cost year and currency to be adjusted to 2013$ 2007 USD 2011 EUR 2011 EUR 2007 USD 2007 USD 2011 USD
Fuel cost, HHV ($/GJ) 4.12 8.48 8.48 3.78 3.78 5.22 3.78 8.48 5.64
Reference plant TCR, (US$/kW) 935 1177 1177 808 820 1378 808 1378 1049
Capture plant TCR, (US$/kW) 1843 2599 2160 1422 1717 2626 1422 2626 2061
Added TCR for capture (US$/kW) 908 1422 983 613 897 1248 613 1422 1012
% increase in capital cost (over ref. plant) 97 121 84 76 109 91 76 121 96
Fixed charge factors (Ref/Capture) 0.105/ 0.111 8%/25yrs 8%/25yrs 0.113 0.105/ 0.111 n/a
Reference plant LCOE (US$/MWh) 65.0 83.4 83.4 44.4 42.4 65 42 83 64
Capture plant LCOE w/o T&S (US$/MWh) 95.9 115.1 106.2 62.9 64.2 104.6 63 115 91
Added LCOE for capture (US$/MWh) 30.9 31.8 22.9 18.5 21.8 39.6 19 40 28
% increase in LCOE (over ref. plant) 48 38 27 42 51 61 27 61 45
Cost of CO2 captured ($/t CO2 ) 80 88 65 48 58 104 48 104 74
Cost of CO2 avoided, w/o T&S ($/t CO2 ) 96 103 74 58 69 121 58 121 87

CO2 stored t/MWh 0.386 0.365 0.359 0.383 0.379 0.382 0.36 0.39 0.38
t CO2 stored /t CO2 avoided 1.201 1.186 1.163 1.197 1.196 1.168 1.16 1.20 1.19

Fuel cost, HHV ($/GJ) 6.76 7.85 7.85 6.21 6.21 5.69 5.7 7.9 6.8
Reference plant LCOE (US$/MWh) 81.7 78.1 78.1 60.8 58.9 65 59 82 70
Ref plant fuel component of COE ($/MWh) 48.2 53.2 53.2 44.7 44.5 42.0 42 53 48
Ref plant nonfuel component of COE ($/MWh) 33.5 24.9 24.9 16.1 14.4 23.0 14 34 23
Capture plant total LCOE ($/MWh) 117.8 111.0 102.4 84.2 85.9 112 84 118 102
Capture plant T&S cost ($/t stored) 7.25 7.25 7 10 7 10 8
Capture plant T&S component of COE ($/MWh) 3.4 2.6 2.6 2.7 3.2 3.8 3 4 3
Capture plant fuel component of COE ($/MWh) 56.7 61.3 60.2 52.5 52.2 64.3 52 64 58
Capture plant nonfuel part of COE ($/MWh) 57.7 47.0 39.7 29.1 30.5 43.8 29 58 41

Fuel costs, %COE, reference plant 59.0 68.1 68.1 73.5 75.6 64.6 59 76 68
Fuel costs, %COE, capture plant w/o T&S 49.6 56.6 60.2 64.4 63.1 59.5 50 64 59
Fuel costs, %COE, reference plant 45.2 68.9 68.9 61.4 63.9 59.3 45 69 61
Fuel costs, %COE, capture plant w/o T&S 36.0 57.5 61.1 50.8 49.5 56.4 36 61 52


Ination factor to 2013 (capex+O&M costs) 1.064 1.040 1.040 1.064 1.064 1.040
Ination factor to 2013 (fuel costs) 0.609 1.080 1.080 0.609 0.609 0.917
Escalate TPC to TCR = 1.25
Escalate TOC to TCR = 1.125 1.125 1.125
Currency exchange rate to USD 1.449 1.449

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),
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Table A4
Current studies: IGCC power plants with pre-combustion capture technology: IGCC reference plants.

Study Assumptions and Results USDOE USDOE USDOE EPRI GCCSI Range

2013c 2013c 2013c 2013a 2011 min max Mean

Plants with bituminous coal feedstock

Source reference currency USD USD USD USD USD
Reference plant design
Gasier name or type GE radiant CoP, O2 Shell IGCC high Shell, O2 blown, CGCU
quench, O2 blown, quench, O2 (current
blown CGUC blown tech)
Fuel type (bit, subbit, lig; other) Illinois #6 Illinois #6 Illinois #6 bitum. Illinois #6
Referenence plant type IGGC IGCC IGGC IGCC IGCC
Reference plant size (MW) 622 625 629 600 748 600 748 645
Plant capacity factor (%) 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Net plant efciency, HHV (%) 39.0 39.7 42.1 38.3 41.1 38.3 42.1 40
Fuel cost, HHV (US$/GJ) 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.33 2.70 2.06 2.70 2.24
Reference plant emission rate 0.782 0.776 0.723 0.850 0.753 0.723 0.850 0.777
(tCO2 /MWh)
Capture plant design
CO2 capture technology Selexol Selexol Selexol Selexol NS
Net plant size, with capture (MW) 543 514 497 500 694 497 694 550
Net plant efciency, HHV (%) 32.6 31.0 31.2 29.9 32.0 29.9 32.6 31
CO2 capture system efciency (%) 90 90 90 86 90 86 90 89
CO2 emission rate after capture 0.093 0.099 0.098 0.150 0.097 0.093 0.150 0.107
CO2 captured (Mt/yr) 3.21 3.22 3.06 3.29 3.06 3.29 3.20
CO2 product pressure (MPa) 15.3 15.3 15.3 20.2 15 20 17
CCS energy reqmt. (% more 20 28 35 28 28 20 35 28
CO2 reduction per kWh (%) 88 87 87 82 87 82 88 86
Cost results (adjusted to 2013$)
Cost year basis (constant dollars) 2007 2007 2007 2011 2010
Ination factor to 2013 (Fuel costs) 1.328 1.328 1.328 0.983 1.035
Ination factor to 2013 (CERA, for 1.064 1.064 1.064 1.04 1.051
Fixed charge factor (%) 0.109 0.109 0.109 0.096 0.096 0.109 0.106
Reference plant TPC (US$/kW) 2114 2035 2359 3224 2752 2035 3224 2497
Capture plant TPC (US$/kW) 2885 2997 3385 4264 3587 2885 4264 3423
Reference plant TOC (US$/kW) 2604 2501 2890 3164 2501 3164 2790
Capture plant TOC (US$/kW) 3547 3688 4154 4125 3547 4154 3879
Reference plant TCR (US$/kW) 2791 2687 3114 3900 3412 2687 3900 3181
Capture plant TCR (US$/kW) 3808 3956 4468 5148 4448 3808 5148 4366
Incremental TCR for capture 1017 1270 1354 1248 1036 1017 1354 1185
Reference plant COE (US$/MWh) 85.0 82.4 90.0 98.6 94.2 82.4 98.6 90.0
Capture plant COE (US$/MWh) 111.2 116.5 126.1 130.0 118.3 111.2 130.0 120.4
Incremental COE for capture 26.3 34.0 36.1 31.5 24.1 24.1 36.1 30.4
% increase in TCR (over ref. plant) 36 47 43 32 30 30 47 38
% increase in COE (over ref. plant) 31 41 40 32 26 26 41 34
Cost of CO2 captured (US$/t CO2 ) 31 38 41 34 28 28 41 34
Cost of CO2 avoided (US$/t CO2 ) 38 50 58 45 37 37 58 46

CO2 stored t/MWh 0.841 0.894 0.879 0.939 0.870

CO2 stored t/t CO2 avoided 1.223 1.322 1.404 1.341 1.326

Source data, uninated costs

T&S cost, per t CO2 stored 10 10
T&S cost, $/MWh 5.3 5.3 5.3 9.39 8.70
Coal cost, HHV (US$/GJ) 1.55 1.55 1.55 2.37 2.61
Reference plant COE (US$/MWh) 76.3 74.0 81.3 96.0 90.0
Ref plant fuel contribution to COE 14.3 14.1 13.3 22.3 22.9
Ref plant non-fuel contribution to 62.0 59.9 68.0 73.8 67.1
COE ($/MWh)
Capture plant COE (US$/MWh) 100.3 105.0 114.1 126.6 113.0
Capture plant fuel contribution to 17.1 18.0 17.9 28.5 29.4
COE ($/MWh)
Capture plant non-fuel cont. to COE 83.2 87.0 96.2 98.1 83.6

TCR/TPC factor 1.32 1.32 1.32

TCR/TOC factor

Fuel costs, %COE, reference plant 19 19 16 23 25 16 25 21

Fuel costs, %COE, capture plant 17 17 16 23 26 16 26 20
(excl T&S)

Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),

IJGGC-1521; No. of Pages 23

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Table A5
Current studies: IGCC power plants with pre-combustion capture technology: SCPC Reference Plants, bituminous coal feedstock.


2013c 2013c 2013c 2013a 2014 2014 2014 2011 2011 min max Mean

Source reference currency US$ US$ US$ US$ Euro Euro Euro US$ Euro
Reference plant design
Gasier name or type GE radiant CoP, O2 Shell CCS high GE radiant Shell MHI air Shell, O2 full quench,
quench, O2 blown, CGUC quench, O2 cost quench, O2 syngas blown blown, O2 blown
blown blown (current blown cooler, O2 CGCU
tech) blown

E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx
Fuel type (bit, subbit, lig; Illinois #6 Illinois #6 Illinois #6 bit bit, 1% S bit bit, 1%S Illinois #6
other) and%S
Referenence plant type PC, super PC, super PC, super PC, super PC, super PC, super PC, super PC, super PC, super

Reference plant size (MW) 550 550 550 750 1030 1030 1030 550 736 550 1030 753
Plant capacity factor (%) 85 85 85 80 85 85 85 85.6 80 86 84
Net plant efciency, HHV 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.0 42.3 42.3 42.3 39.1 44.2 39.0 44.2 41
Fuel cost, HHV (US$/GJ) 2.06 2.06 2.06 2.33 3.12 3.13 3.12 2.70 3.42 2.06 3.42 2.67
Reference plant emission 0.802 0.802 0.802 0.840 0.746 0.746 0.746 0.804 0.789 0.746 0.840 0.786
rate (tCO2 /MWh)
Capture plant design
CO2 capture technology Selexol Selexol Selexol Selexol Selexol Selexol Selexol, NS Selexol
Net plant size, with capture 543 514 497 500 874 804 863 694 900 497 900 688
Net plant efciency, HHV 32.6 31.0 31.2 29.9 33.3 33.9 33.2 32.0 36.5 29.9 36.5 33
CO2 capture system 90 90 90 86 90 90 89 90 90 86 90 89
efciency (%)
CO2 emission rate after 0.097 0.102 0.101 0.150 0.095 0.093 0.105 0.098 0.096 0.093 0.150 0.104
capture (t/MWh)
CO2 captured (Mt/yr) 3.52 3.50 3.37 3.31 5.56 5.02 5.44 5.81 3.31 5.81 4.44
CO2 product pressure 15.3 15.3 15.3 11.0 11.0 11.0 20.2 11.0 11 20 14
CCS energy reqmt. (% more 21 27 26 30 27 25 28 22 21 21 30 25
CO2 reduction per kWh (%) 88 87 87 82 87 88 86 88 88 82 88 87
Cost results (adjusted to 2013$)
Cost year basis (constant 2007 2007 2007 2011 2013 2013 2013 2010 2009
Ination factor to 2013 1.328 1.328 1.328 0.983 1 1 1 1.035 1.052
(Fuel costs)
Ination factor to 2013 1.064 1.064 1.064 1.04 1 1 1 1.051 1.04
(CERA, for capex/O&M)
Fixed charge factor (%) 0.116 0.116 0.115 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.096 0.096 0.116 0.106
Reference plant TPC 1752 1752 1752 2496 1883 1883 1883 2017 2279 1752 2496 1966
Capture plant TPC 2885 2997 3385 4264 3999 4107 3963 3587 4103 2885 4264 3699
Reference plant TOC 2154 2154 2154 2092 2092 2092 2319 2506 2092 2506 2195
IJGGC-1521; No. of Pages 23
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Table A5 (Continued)


2013c 2013c 2013c 2013a 2014 2014 2014 2011 2011 min max Mean

Capture plant TOC 3547 3688 4154 4429 4545 4388 4125 4513 3547 4545 4174
Reference plant TCR 2313 2313 2313 2990 2455 2455 2455 2501 2820 2313 2990 2513
Capture plant TCR 3808 3956 4468 5148 5514 5659 5464 4448 5077 3808 5659 4838
Incremental TCR for 1494 1643 2154 2158 3059 3204 3009 1947 2258 1494 3204 2325

E.S. Rubin et al. / International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control xxx (2015) xxxxxx
capture (US$/kW)
Reference plant COE 66.4 66.4 66.4 78.8 67.7 67.9 67.7 79.5 64.2 64.2 79.5 69.4

Capture plant COE 111.2 116.5 126.1 130.0 137.7 141.2 137.9 118.3 100.4 100.4 141.2 124.4
Incremental COE for 44.8 50.1 59.7 51.2 70.1 73.3 70.3 38.8 36.2 36.2 73.3 54.9
capture (US$/MWh)
% increase in TCR (over ref. 65 71 93 72 125 131 123 78 80 65 131 93
% increase in COE (over ref. 67 75 90 65 104 108 104 49 56 49 108 80
Cost of CO2 captured (US$/t 52 55 66 54 82 87 83 44 42 42 87 63
CO2 )
Cost of CO2 avoided (US$/t 64 71 85 74 108 112 110 55 52 52 112 81
CO2 )

CO2 stored t/MWh 0.870 0.915 0.909 0.944 0.854 0.838 0.847 0.884 0.860
CO2 stored t/t CO2 avoided 1.234 1.307 1.297 1.369 1.311 1.284 1.320 1.253 1.240

Source data, uninated costs

T&S cost, per t CO2 stored 10 13.01 13.06 13.01 10 0
T&S cost, $/MWh 5.3 5.3 5.3 9.44 11.11 10.95 11.01 8.84 0.00
Coal cost, HHV (US$/GJ) 1.55 1.55 1.55 2.37 3.12 3.13 3.12 2.61 3.25
Reference plant COE 58.9 58.9 58.9 77.0 67.7 67.9 67.7 76.0 61.4
Ref plant fuel contribution 14.2 14.2 14.2 21.9 26.6 26.7 26.6 24.0 26.5
to COE ($/MWh)
Ref plant non-fuel 44.7 44.7 44.7 55.1 41.1 41.3 41.1 52.0 35.0
contribution to COE
Capture plant COE 100.3 105.0 114.1 126.6 137.7 141.2 137.9 113.0 96.2
Capture plant fuel 17.1 18.0 17.9 28.5 33.8 33.3 33.9 29.4 32.0
contribution to COE
Capture plant non-fuel 83.2 87.0 96.2 98.1 104.0 107.9 104.1 83.6 64.1
cont. to COE ($/MWh)

TCR/TPC factor 1.32 1.32 1.32

TCR/TOC factor 1.125

Note: ZEP costs adjusted to remove fuel and O&M cost ination through the plant life.

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Table A6
Current studies: SCPC Power plants with current oxy-combustion capture.

Study Assumptions and Results USDOE USDOE EPRI EPRI EPRI IEAGHG Range

2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2014 min max Mean

Case or Descriptor S12F S22F Base 1 3 3

Reference plant design
Boiler type & coal rank SCPC subbit SC CFB-subbit USC-subbit USC-subbit USC-subbit SCPC-bit
Net power output (MW) 550 550.1 657 657 657 1030 550 1030 684
Plant capacity factor (%) 85 85 85 85 85 90 85 90 86
Net plant efciency, HHV (%) 38.7 38.9 39 39 39 42.2 39 42 39
CO2 emission rate (t CO2 /MWh) 0.86 0.85 0.846 0.846 0.846 0.746 0.75 0.86 0.83
Capture plant design
CO2 capture technology cryo oxy cryo oxy cryo oxy cryo oxy cryo oxy cryo oxy
Net power output (MW) 550.1 550.2 509 510 501 836 501 836 576
Net plant efciency, HHV (%) 31 30.1 31.5 31.5 31 34.1 30 34 32
Plant capacity factor (%) 85 85 85 85 85 90 85 90 86
CO2 capture efciency (%) 90.8 90.6 90 90 98 90 90 98 92
CO2 emission rate after capture (t/MWh) 0.099 0.103 0.105 0.105 0.021 0.092 0.02 0.1 0.09
CO2 captured (Mt/yr) 4 4.06 3.57 3.58 3.89 5.48 3.57 5.48 4.1
CO2 product pressure (MPa) 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 11 11 15.3 14.6
CCS energy reqmt. (% more input/MWh) 25 29 24 24 26 24 24 29 25
CO2 reduction per kWh (%) 89 88 88 88 97 88 88 97 89
Cost Results (adjusted to 2013$)
Cost year and currency to be adjusted to 2013$ 2007 USD 2007 USD 2010 USD 2010 USD 2010 USD 2013 EUR
Fuel cost, HHV ($/GJ) 1.09 1.09 1.77 1.77 1.77 3.11 1.09 3.11 1.76
Reference plant TCR, (US$/kW) 2,560 2,681 2613 2613 2613 2455 2455 2681 2589
Capture plant TCR, (US$/kW) 4,278 4,829 5251 5242 5372 4661 4278 5372 4939
Added TCR for capture (US$/kW) 1718 2148 2638 2629 2760 2206 1718 2760 2350
% increase in capital cost (over ref. plant) 67 80 101 101 106 90 67 106 91
Fixed charge factors (Ref/Capture) 0.152 0.152 0.125 0.125 0.125 8%/25 yrs 0.125 0.152 0.136
Reference plant LCOE (US$/MWh) 56.4 61.1 65.9 65.9 65.9 67.7 56 68 64
Capture plant LCOE w/o T&S (US$/MWh) 91.1 100.8 119.8 118.7 121.4 108.4 91 121 110
Added LCOE for capture (US$/MWh) 34.6 39.8 54 52.8 55.5 40.7 35 56 46
% increase in LCOE (over ref. plant) 61 65 82 80 84 60 60 84 72
Cost of CO2 captured ($/t CO2 ) 35 40 57 56 53 49 35 57 49
Cost of CO2 avoided, w/o T&S ($/t CO2 ) 45 53 73 71 67 62 45 73 62

CO2 stored t/MWh 0.98 0.99 0.94 0.94 1.04 0.83 0.831 1.043 0.954
t CO2 stored /t CO2 avoided 1.281 1.333 1.272 1.27 1.264 1.271 1.264 1.333 1.282
CO2 product purity (mol%) 99.98 99.98 99.99 98.7 99.99 97.9 97.9 100 99.4

Fuel cost, HHV ($/GJ) 0.8208 0.8208 1.71 1.71 1.71 3.11 0.82 3.11 1.64
Reference plant LCOE (US$/MWh) 51.2 55.5 62.9 62.9 62.9 67.7 51 68 61
Ref plant fuel component of COE ($/MWh) 7.6 7.6 15.7 15.7 15.7 26.5 8 27 15
Ref plant nonfuel component of COE ($/MWh) 43.5 47.9 47.2 47.2 47.2 41.1 41 48 46
Capture plant total LCOE ($/MWh) 86.8 96.3 114.3 113.2 115.8 119.2 87 119 108
Capture plant T&S cost ($/t stored) 13
Capture plant T&S component of COE ($/MWh) 3.6 4 0 0 0 10.8 0 11 3
Capture plant fuel component of COE ($/MWh) 9.5 9.8 19.5 19.5 19.8 32.8 10 33 18
Capture plant nonfuel part of COE ($/MWh) 73.7 82.5 94.8 93.7 96 75.5 74 96 86

Fuel costs, %COE, reference plant 14.9 13.7 25 25 25 39.2 14 39 24

Fuel costs, %COE, capture plant w/o T&S 11.5 10.6 17.1 17.2 17.1 30.3 11 30 17
After adjustments:
Fuel costs, %COE, reference plant 18 16.5 24.8 24.8 24.8 39.2 17 39 25
Fuel costs, %COE, capture plant w/o T&S 13.9 12.9 16.8 17 16.9 30.3 13 30 18

Cost adjustment factors:

Ination factor to 2013 (capex+O&M costs) 1.064 1.064 1.051 1.051 1.051 1
Ination factor to 2013 (fuel costs) 1.328 1.328 1.035 1.035 1.035 1
NETL real fuel cost escalation factor 1.14 1.14
Escalate TPC to TCR (NETL ratio for SCPC) 1.3 1.3
Ratio of COE/LCOE for SCPC 0.87 0.87
NETL fraction of LCOE for T&S for SCPC 0.0414 0.0414
Currency exchange rate to USD 1.301

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Please cite this article in press as: Rubin, E.S., et al., The cost of CO2 capture and storage. Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control (2015),

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