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Upon completion and review of this chapter, you
should be able to:
Define the two circuits of the automotive
starting system.
Identify the basic starting systems parts and
explain their function in the system.
Define the different designs of starting
systems used by the different automotive

Starting Identify the internal components of an

automotive starter motor and explain their
System Define the term magnetic repulsion and
explain how a DC starter motor operates.
Operation Define the terms series, shunt (parallel),
and compound (series-parallel) as they
apply to starter motor internal circuitry.
Explain the operation of the armature and
Define starter motor drives and explain their
Define the different designs of starting
motors used by the different automotive
Explain the operation of the overrunning

Clutch Start Switch
Compound Motor
Ignition Switch
Lap Winding
Magnetic Repulsion
Magnetic Switch
Overrunning Clutch
Pinion Gear
Series Motor
Shunt Motor
Solenoid-Actuated Starter
Starter Drive
Starting Safety Switch

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184 Chapter Nine

Starter Circuit
INTRODUCTION The starter circuit, or motor circuit, (shown as the
The engine must be rotated before it will start and solid lines of Figure 9-1) consists of the following:
run under its own power. The starting system is a
combination of mechanical and electrical compo- Battery
nents that work together to start the engine. The Magnetic switch
starting system is designed to change electrical Starter motor
energy that is being stored in the battery into Heavy-gauge cables
mechanical energy. To accomplish this conver- The circuit between the battery and the starter
sion, a starter motor is used. This chapter will motor is controlled by a magnetic switch (a relay
explain how the starting system and it compo- or solenoid). Switch design and function vary
nents operate. from system to system. A gear on the starter motor
armature engages with gear teeth on the engine
flywheel. When current reaches the starter motor,
it begins to turn. This turns the cars engine, which
STARTING SYSTEM can quickly fire and run by itself. If the starter
motor remained engaged to the engine flywheel,
CIRCUITS the starter motor would be spun by the engine at a
The starting system draws a large amount of very high speed. This would damage the starter
current from the battery to power the starter motor. To avoid this, there must be a mechanism
motor. To handle this current safely and with a to disengage the starter motor from the engine.
minimum voltage loss from resistance, the There are several different designs that will do
cables must be the correct size, and all connec- this, as we will see in this chapter.
tions must be clean and tight. The driver
through the ignition switch controls the starting
system. If the heavy cables that carry current to Control Circuit
the starter were routed to the instrument panel
and the switch, they would be so long that the The control circuit is shown by the dashed lines in
starter would not get enough current to operate Figure 9-1. It allows the driver to use a small
properly. To avoid such a voltage drop, the start- amount of battery current, about three to five
ing system has the following two circuits, as amperes, to control the flow of a large amount of
shown in Figure 9-1: battery current to the starter motor. Control cir-
cuits usually consist of an ignition switch con-
Starter circuit nected through normal-gauge wiring to the battery
Control circuit and the magnetic switch. When the ignition switch
is in the start position, a small amount of current
flows through the coil of the magnetic switch.
This closes a set of large contact points within the
magnetic switch and allows battery current to
flow directly to the starter motor. For more infor-
mation about control circuits, see the Starter
Control Circuit Devices section in Chapter 9 of
the Shop Manual.

We have already studied the battery, which is an
important part of the starting system. The other
Figure 9-1. In this diagram of the starting system, the circuit parts are as follows:
starter circuit is shown as a solid line and the control
circuit is shown as a dashed line. (Delphi Automotive Ignition switch
Systems) Starting safety switch (on some systems)
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Figure 9-2. This ignition switch acts directly on the con-

tact points. (Reprinted by permission of Robert Bosch GmbH)

Relays or solenoids (magnetic switches)

Starter motor

Ignition Switch
The ignition switch has jobs other than controlling
the starting system. The ignition switch normally
has at least four positions:
OFF Figure 9-3. Column-mounted switches act directly
on the contact points.
Switches on late-model cars also have a LOCK the engine with the transmission in gear. This
position to lock the steering wheel. All positions makes the car lurch forward or backward, which
except START are detented. That is, the switch could be dangerous. Safety switches or interlock
will remain in that position until moved by the devices are now required by law with all auto-
driver. When the ignition key is turned to START matic and manual transmissions.
and released, it will return to the ON (RUN) posi- Starting safety switches can be connected in two
tion. The START position is the actual starter places within the starting system control circuit.
switch part of the ignition switch. It applies bat- The safety switch can be placed between the igni-
tery voltage to the magnetic switch. tion switch and the magnetic switch, as shown in
There are two types of ignition switches in use. Figure 9-4, so that the safety switch must be closed
On older cars, the switch is mounted on the instru- before current can flow to the magnetic switch. The
ment panel and contains the contact points (Figure safety switch also can be connected between the
9-2). The newer type, used on cars with locking magnetic switch and ground (Figure 9-5), so that
steering columns, is usually mounted on the steer- the switch must be closed before current can flow
ing column. Many column-mounted switches oper- from the magnetic switch to ground. Where the
ate remotely mounted contact points through a rod. starting safety switch is installed depends upon the
Other column-mounted switches operate directly type of transmission used and whether the gearshift
on contact points (Figure 9-3). Older domestic and lever is column-mounted or floor-mounted.
imported cars sometimes used separate push-button
switches or cable-operated switches that controlled
the starting system separately from the ignition Automatic Transmissions/
switch. Transaxles
The safety switch used with an automatic trans-
mission or transaxle can be either an electrical
Starting Safety Switch switch or a mechanical device. Electrical/elec-
The starting safety switch is also called a neutral tronic switches have contact points that are closed
start switch. It is a normally open switch that only when the gear lever is in PARK or NEUTRAL,
prevents the starting system from operating when as shown in Figure 9-4. The switch can be mounted
the automobiles transmission is in gear. If the car near the gearshift lever, as in Figures 9-6 and 9-7, or
has no starting safety switch, it is possible to spin on the transmission-housing, as in Figure 9-8. The
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186 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-4. This starting safety switch must be closed before battery current can reach the magnetic switch.
(GM Service and Parts Operations)

Figure 9-5. The clutch switch must be closed before

battery current can flow from the magnetic switch to
ground. (DaimlerChrysler Corporation)

contacts are in series with the control circuit, so that

no current can flow through the magnetic switch
Figure 9-6. An electrical safety switch installed near
unless the transmission is out of gear. the floor-mounted gearshift lever. (GM Service and Parts
Mechanical interlock devices physically Operations)
block the movement of the ignition key when the
transmission is in gear, as shown in Figures 9-9 when the transmission is placed in REVERSE
and 9-10. The key can be turned only when (Figures 9-7 and 9-8).
the gearshift lever is in PARK or NEUTRAL. Ford vehicles equipped with an electronic
Some manufacturers use an additional circuit in automatic transmission or transaxle use an addi-
the neutral start switch to light the backup lamps tional circuit in the neutral safety switch to inform
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Figure 9-7. Column-mounted neutral safety switch near gearshift tube. (GM Service and Parts Operations)

Figure 9-8. Transmission-mounted safety switch.

(DaimlerChrysler Corporation) Figure 9-9. A mechanical device within the steering
column blocks the movement of the ignition switch.

the microprocessor of the position of the manual the necessary calculations to control clutch apply
lever shaft. This signal is used to determine the and release feel.
desired gear and electronic pressure control. The
switch is now called a manual lever position
switch (MLPS). Manual Transmissions/
General Motors has done essentially the same
as Ford, renaming the PARK/NEUTRAL switch
used on its 4T65E and 4T80E transaxles. It The starting safety switch used with a manual
now is called either a PRNDL switch or a transmission on older vehicles is usually an elec-
PARK/NEUTRAL position switch and provides trical switch similar to those shown in Figures 9-7
input to the PCM regarding torque converter and 9-8. A clutch start switch (also called an
clutch slip. This input allows the PCM to make interlock switch) is commonly used with manual
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188 Chapter Nine

A solenoid, which uses the electromagnetic

field of a coil to pull a plunger into the coil
and close the contact points
In addition to closing the contact points, solenoid-
equipped circuits often use the movement of the sole-
noid to engage the starter motor with the engine
flywheel. We will explain this in Chapter 10. The ter-
minology used with relays and solenoids is often
confusing. Technically, a relay operates with a
hinged armature and does only an electrical job; a
solenoid operates with a movable plunger and usu-
ally does a mechanical job. Sometimes, a solenoid
is used only to open and close an electric circuit;
the movement of the plunger is not used for any
Figure 9-10. A lever on the steering wheel blocks the mechanical work. Manufacturers sometimes call
movement of the ignition key when the transmission is
in gear.
these solenoids starter relays. Figure 9-12 shows a
commonly used Ford starter relay. We will continue
to use the general term magnetic switch, and will tell
you if the manufacturer uses a different name for the
For more information about magnetic switches,
see the following sections in Chapter 9 of the Shop
Manual: Inspection and Diagnosis, Starter
Control Circuit Devices, and Unit Removal.

The starter motor circuit uses heavy-gauge wiring
to carry current to the starter motor. The control
circuit carries less current and thus uses lighter-
gauge wires.

Figure 9-11. The clutch pedal must be fully depressed

to close the clutch switch and complete the control SPECIFIC STARTING
transmissions and transaxles on late-model vehi- Various manufacturers use different starting sys-
cles. This is an electric switch mounted on the tem components. The following paragraphs briefly
floor or firewall near the clutch pedal. Its contacts describe the circuits used by major manufacturers.
are normally open and close only when the clutch
pedal is fully depressed (Figure 9-11).
Delco-Remy (Delphi)
Relays and Solenoids and Bosch
Delco-Remy and Bosch starter motors are used
A magnetic switch in the starting system allows
by General Motors. The most commonly used
the control circuit to open and close the starter
Delco-Remy and Bosch automotive starter motor
circuit. The switch can be either of the following:
depends upon the movement of a solenoid both to
A relay, which uses the electromagnetic field control current flow in the starter circuit and to
of a coil to attract an armature and close the engage the starter motor with the engine flywheel.
contact points This is called a solenoid-actuated starter. The
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Figure 9-12. The Ford starter relay or magnetic switch.

(FWD) cars with automatic transmissions, the

PARK/NEUTRAL or PRNDL switch is an electri-
cal switch mounted on the transaxle case manual
lever shaft (Figure 9-14). GM cars with floor-shift
manual transmissions use a clutch pedal-operated
safety switch. With column-shift manual transmis-
sions, an electric switch is mounted on the column.

Ford Motorcraft
Ford has used three types of starter motors, and
therefore has several different starting system
circuits. The Motorcraft positive engagement
starter has a movable-pole shoe that uses electro-
magnetism to engage the starter motor with the
Figure 9-13. GM Starter circuit. (Delphi Automotive engine. This motor does not use a solenoid to move
Systems) anything, but it uses a solenoid to open and close the
starter circuit as a magnetic switch (Figure 9-15).
solenoid is mounted on, or enclosed with, the Ford calls this solenoid a starter relay.
motor housing (Figure 9-13). The Motorcraft solenoid-actuated starter is very
The type and location of starting safety switches similar to the Delco-Remy unit and depends upon
vary within the GM vehicle platforms. Larger-size the movement of a solenoid to engage the starter
GM cars use a mechanical blocking device in the motor with the engine. The solenoid is mounted
steering column (Figure 9-9). The intermediate and within the motor housing and receives battery cur-
smaller cars with automatic transmissions have elec- rent through the same type of starter relay used in
trical switches mounted near the shift lever. These the positive engagement system. Although the
are either on the column, as shown in Figure 9-7, or motor-mounted solenoid could do the job of this
on the floor (Figure 9-6). On front-wheel-drive additional starter relay, the second relay is installed
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190 Chapter Nine

switch. Front-wheel-drive (FWD) models with

manual transaxles have a clutch interlock switch.
If a Ford car with an automatic transmission has a
column-mounted shift lever, a blocking interlock
device prevents the ignition key from turning
when the transmission is in gear. If the automatic
transmission shift lever is mounted on the floor,
an electrical switch prevents current from flowing
to the starter relay when the transmission is in
gear. The switch may be mounted on the trans-
mission case or near the gearshift lever.

Chrysler uses a solenoid-actuated starter motor.
The solenoid is mounted inside the motor hous-
ing and receives battery current through a
starter relay, as shown in Figure 9-16. Chrysler
starter relays used prior to 1977 have four
terminals, as shown in Figure 9-17A. In 1977, a
second set of contacts and two terminals were
added (Figure 9-17B). The extra contacts and
terminals allow more current to flow through
Figure 9-14. GM PRNDL/Park-neutral switch on a GM
the relay to the ignition system and to the
Transaxle. (GM Service and Parts Operations) exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) timer. This has
no effect on the operation of the relay within the
starting system. These starter relays generally
were mounted on the firewall.
Current Chrysler starting systems use a standard
five-terminal Bosch relay (Figure 9-18) but only
four terminals are used in the circuit (Figure 9-19).
The relay is located at the front of the drivers-side
strut tower in a power distribution center or cluster.
Chrysler automobiles with manual transmis-
sions have a clutch interlock switch, as shown
in Figure 9-20. Current from the starter
relay can flow to ground only when the clutch
pedal is fully depressed. Cars with automatic
transmissions have an electrical neutral start
switch mounted on the transmission housing
Figure 9-15. The Ford starting system circuit with the (Figure 9-21). When the transmission is out of
positive engagement starter. gear, the switch provides a ground connection
for the starter control circuit.
on many Ford automobiles to make the cars easier
to build. Motorcraft solenoid-actuated starters
were used on Ford cars and trucks with large V8
engines. The Motorcraft permanent magnet gear-
Toyota and Nissan
reduction (PMGR) starter is a solenoid-actuated Toyota and Nissan use a variety of solenoid-
design that operates much like the Motorcraft actuated direct drive and reduction-gear starter
solenoid-actuated starter previously described. designs manufactured primarily by Hitachi and
However, the starter circuit may or may not use a Nippondenso, as shown in Figures 9-22 and 9-23.
starter relay, depending on the car model. The neutral start switch (called an inhibitor
Rear-wheel-drive (RWD) Ford automobiles switch by the Japanese automakers) incorporates
with manual transmissions have no starting safety a relay in its circuit.
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Figure 9-16. Typical DaimlerChrysler starting system. (DaimlerChrysler Corporation)

Figure 9-17. Comparison of the terminals on a pre-

1977 starter relay (A) and a 1977 or later relay (B). Figure 9-18. DaimlerChrysler starting system with a
(DaimlerChrysler Corporation) five-terminal relay. (DaimlerChrysler Corporation)

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Figure 9-22. Typical Nissan starting system used on

gasoline engines. (Courtesy of Nissan North America, Inc.)

Figure 9-19. Only four of the five relay terminals are

used when the Bosch relay is installed. (DaimlerChrysler

Figure 9-23. A typical Nissan diesel starting system.

(Courtesy of Nissan North America, Inc.)

Starter Motor Purpose
Figure 9-20. DaimlerChrysler clutch switch. The starter motor converts the electrical energy
(DaimlerChrysler Corporation) from the battery into mechanical energy for
cranking the engine. The starter is an electric
motor designed to operate under great electrical
loads and to produce very high horsepower. The
starter consists of housing, field coils, an arma-
ture, a commutator and brushes, end frames, and
a solenoid-operated shift mechanism.


The frame, or housing, of a starter motor
(Figure 9-24) encloses all of the moving motor
parts. It supports the parts and protects them
from dirt, oil, and other contamination. The part
of the frame that encloses the pole shoes and
field windings is made of iron to provide a path
Figure 9-21. When the automatic transmission is in
PARK or NEUTRAL, a transmission lever touches the for magnetic flux lines (Figure 9-25). To reduce
contact and completes the control circuit to ground. weight, other parts of the frame may be made of
(DaimlerChrysler Corporation) cast aluminum.
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Figure 9-26. Brush end and end housing.

Figure 9-24. Starter motor housing.

Figure 9-27. Pole shoes and field windings in housing.

armature shaft turns. It also encloses the gear

that meshes with the engine flywheel. This is
called the drive end housing. The drive end
housing often provides the engine-to-motor
Figure 9-25. The motor frame is a path for flux lines. mounting points. These end pieces may be made
of aluminum because they do not have to con-
duct magnetic flux.
One end of the housing holds one of the two The magnetic field of the starter motor is
bearings or bushings in which the armature shaft provided by two or more pole shoes and field
turns. On most motors, it also contains the windings. The pole shoes are made of iron and
brushes that conduct current to the armature are attached to the frame with large screws
(Figure 9-26). This is called the brush, or com- (Figure 9-27). Figure 9-28 shows the paths of
mutator, end housing. The other end housing magnetic flux lines within a four-pole motor.
holds the second bearing or bushing in which the The field windings are usually made of a heavy
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194 Chapter Nine

are related. As speed increases in most automotive

starter motors, torque and current draw decrease.
These motors develop maximum torque just before
the engine begins to turn. Once the engine begins
to turn, the motor speed increases and torque
decreases. The maximum amount of torque pro-
duced by a motor depends upon the strength of its
magnetic fields. As field strength increases, torque

DC starter motors (Figure 9-30) work on the
principle of magnetic repulsion. This principle
states that magnetic repulsion occurs when a
straight rod conductor composed of the armature,
commutator, and brushes is located in a magnetic
Figure 9-28. Flux path in a four-pole motor. field (field windings) and current is flowing
through the rod. This situation creates two sepa-
rate magnetic fields: one produced by the magnet
(pole shoes of the magnetic field winding) and
another produced by the current flowing through
the conductor (armature/commutator/brushes).
Figure 9-30 shows the magnets magnetic field
moving from the N pole to the S pole and the con-
ductors magnetic field flowing around the con-
ductor. The magnetic lines of force have a
rubber-band characteristic. That is, they stretch
and also try to shorten to minimum length.
Figure 9-30 shows a stronger magnetic field
on one side of the rod conductor (armature/
commutator/brushes) and a weak magnetic field
on the other side. Under these conditions, the
Figure 9-29. Pole shoe and field winding removed
conductor (armature) will tend to be repulsed by
from housing. the strong magnetic field (pole shoes and field
winding) and move toward the weak magnetic
field. As current in the conductor (armature) and
the strength of the magnet (field windings)
copper ribbon (Figure 9-29) to increase their increases, the following happens:
current-carrying capacity and electromagnetic
field strength. Automotive starter motors usually More lines of magnetism are created on the
have four-pole shoes and two to four field wind- strong side.
ings to provide a strong magnetic field within More repulsive force is applied to the con-
the motor. Pole shoes that do not have field ductor (armature).
windings are magnetized by flux lines from the The conductor tries harder to move toward the
wound poles. weak side in an attempt to reach a balanced
Torque is the force of a starter motor, a force neutral state.
applied in a rotary, or circular direction. The A greater amount of electrical heat is
torque, speed, and current draw of a motor generated.
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NOTE: The combination of the U-shaped conductor loop and the split copper ring are called
the commutator because they rotate together. Together they become the armature.

Current flows from the positive (  ) battery

terminal through the brush and copper ring
nearer the N pole, through the conductor (arma-
ture) to the copper ring and brush nearer the
S pole and back to the negative () battery ter-
minal. This electrical flow causes the portion of
the loop near the S pole to push downward and
the N pole to push upward. With a strong field
on one side of the conductor and a weak field on
the other side, the conductor will move from the
strong to the weak. Put another way, the weaker
magnetic field between the S and N poles on
one side of the conductor is repulsed by the
stronger magnetic field on the other side of the
conductor. The commutator then rotates. As it
turns, the two sides of the conductor loop
reverse positions and the two halves of the
split copper ring alternately make contact with
the opposite stationary brushes. This causes the
flow direction of electrical current to reverse
(alternating current) through the commutator
and the commutator to continue to rotate in the
same direction.
In order to provide smooth rotation and to
make the starter powerful enough to start the
engine, many armature commutator segments are
used. As one segment rotates past the stationary
magnetic field pole, another segment immedi-
ately takes its place.
When the starter operates, the current passing
through the armature produces a magnetic field in
each of its conductors. The reaction between the
magnetic field of the armature and the magnetic
fields produced by the field coils causes the arma-
ture to rotate.

Motor Internal Circuitry

Because field current and armature current flow
to the motor through one terminal on the housing,
the field and armature windings must be con-
nected in a single complete circuit. The internal
circuitry of the motor (the way in which the field
and armature windings are connected) gives the
Figure 9-30. Motor principle. motor some general operating characteristics.
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Figure 9-32. Torque output characteristics of series,

shunt, and compound motors.

Figure 9-31. Basic motor circuitry.

Figure 9-31 shows the three general types of

motor internal circuitry, as follows:
Shunt (parallel)
Compound (series-parallel)
All automotive starter motors in use today are
the series type or the compound type. The series
motor (Figure 9-31A) has only one path for
current. As the armature rotates, its conductors
cut magnetic flux lines. A counter-voltage is
induced in the armature windings, opposing the
original current through them. The counter-
voltage decreases the total current through both
the field and the armature windings, because
they are connected in series. This reduction of
current also reduces the magnetic field strength
and motor torque. Series motors produce a
great amount of torque when they first begin to
operate, but torque decreases as the engine Figure 9-33. Actual relationships of field and arma-
begins to turn (Figure 9-32). Series motors work ture windings in different types of motors.
well as automotive starters because cranking an
engine requires a great amount of torque at first,
and less torque as cranking continues. initial torque (Figure 9-32), but are used to
The shunt motor (Figure 9-31B) does not power other automotive accessories.
follow the increasing-speed/decreasing-torque The compound motor, shown in Figure 9-31C,
relationship just described. The counter-voltage has both series and shunt field windings. It com-
within the armature does not affect field current, bines both the good starting torque of the series-
because field current travels through a separate type and the relatively constant operating speed of
circuit path. A shunt motor, in effect, adjusts its the shunt-type motor (Figure 9-32). A compound
torque output to the imposed load and operates motor is often used as an automotive starter.
at a constant speed. Shunt motors are not used Figure 9-33 shows the actual relationships of field
as automotive starters because of their low and armature windings in different types of motors.
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Figure 9-34. Motor armature.

The motor armature (Figure 9-32) has a lami-
nated core. Insulation between the laminations
helps to reduce eddy currents in the core. For
reduced resistance, the armature conductors are
made of a thick copper wire. Motor armatures are
connected to the commutator in one of two ways.
In a lap winding, the two ends of each conductor
are attached to two adjacent commutator bars
(Figure 9-35). In a wave winding, the two ends of
a conductor are attached to commutator bars that
are 180 degrees apart (on opposite sides of the
commutator), as shown in Figure 9-36. A lap-
wound armature is more commonly used because
Figure 9-35. Armature lap winding. (Delphi Automotive
it offers less resistance. Systems)
The commutator is made of copper bars insulated
from each other by mica or some other insulating
material. The armature core, windings, and commu-
tator are assembled on a long armature shaft. This PERMANENT-
shaft also carries the pinion gear that meshes with
the engine flywheel ring gear (Figure 9-37). The
shaft is supported by bearings or bushings in the end The permanent magnet, planetary-drive starter
housings. To supply the proper current to the arma- motor is the first significant advance in starter
ture, a four-pole motor must have four brushes rid- design in decades. It was first introduced on some
ing on the commutator (Figure 9-38). Most 1986 Chrysler and GM models, and in 1989 by
automotive starters have two grounded and two Ford on Continental and some Thunderbird models.
insulated brushes. The brushes are held against the Permanent magnets are used in place of the electro-
commutator by spring force. magnetic field coils and pole shoes. This eliminates
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Figure 9-36. Armature wave winding.

Figure 9-38. A four-brush motor. (Delphi Automotive


The magnetic field of the starter motor is pro-

vided by four or six small permanent magnets.
These magnets are made from an alloy of iron and
rare-earth materials that produces a magnetic field
strong enough to operate the motor without relying
on traditional current-carrying field coil windings
around iron pole pieces. Removing the field circuit
not only minimizes potential electrical problems,
the use of permanent-magnet fields allows engi-
neers to design a gear-reduction motor half the size
and weight of a conventional wound-field motor
without compromising cranking performance.
See Chapter 9 of the Shop Manual for service
and testing.
Figure 9-37. The pinion gear meshes with the fly-
wheel ring gear.

the motor field circuit, which in turn eliminates the STARTER MOTOR
potential for field wire-to-frame shorts, field coil
welding, and other electrical problems. The motor
has only an armature circuit. Because the smaller Starter motors, as shown in Figure 9-39 are
armature in permanent magnet starters uses rein- direct-current (DC) motors that use a great
forcement bands, it has a longer life than the arma- amount of current for a short time. The starter
ture in wound-field starter motors. motor circuit is a simple one containing just the
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Figure 9-39. Starter motor cutaway.

starter motor and a solenoid or relay. This circuit

is a direct path for delivering the momentary
high current required by the starter motor from
the battery.
The starter motor cranks the engine through a
pinion gear that engages a ring gear on the
engine flywheel. The pinion gear is driven
directly off the starter armature (Figure 9-39) or
through a set of reduction gears (Figure 9-40)
that provides greater starting torque, although at
a lower rpm.
For the starter motor to be able to turn the
engine quickly enough, the number of teeth on the
flywheel ring gear, relative to the number of teeth
on the motor pinion gear, must be between 15 and Figure 9-40. The Chrysler reduction-gear starter
20 to 1 (Figure 9-41). motor. (DaimlerChrysler Corporation)
When the engine starts and runs, its speed
increases. If the starter motor were permanently Four general kinds of starter motors are used in
engaged to the engine, the motor would be spun late-model automobiles:
at a very high speed. This would throw armature
windings off the core. Thus, the motor must be Solenoid-actuated, direct drive
disengaged from the engine as soon as the engine Solenoid-actuated, reduction drive
turns more rapidly than the starter motor has Movable-pole shoe
cranked it. This job is done by the starter drive. Permanent-magnet, planetary drive
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Figure 9-41. The ring-gear-to-pinion-gear ratio is

about 20 to 1.
Figure 9-43. The solenoid has a heavy-gauge pull-in
winding and a lighter-gauge hold-in winding. (Delphi
Automotive Systems)

winding consists of many turns of a fine wire and

is grounded through the solenoid case.
When the ignition switch is turned to the start
position, current flows through both windings.
The solenoid plunger is pulled in, and the contacts
are closed. This applies battery voltage to both
ends of the pull-in winding, and current through it
stops. The magnetic field of the hold-in winding is
enough to keep the plunger in place. This circuitry
reduces the solenoid current draw during crank-
ing, when both the starter motor and the ignition
system are drawing current from the battery.
The solenoid plunger action, transferred
through the shift lever, pushes the pinion gear into
mesh with the flywheel ring gear (Figure 9-44).
When the starter motor receives current, its
Figure 9-42. A typical solenoid-actuated drive.
armature begins to turn. This motion is trans-
ferred through the overrunning clutch and pinion
gear to the engine flywheel.
Solenoid-Actuated, The teeth on the pinion gear may not immedi-
ately mesh with the flywheel ring gear. If this hap-
Direct Drive pens, a spring behind the pinion compresses so that
The main parts of a solenoid-actuated, direct- the solenoid plunger can complete its stroke. When
drive starter (Figure 9-42), are the solenoid, the the motor armature begins to turn, the pinion teeth
shift lever, the overrunning clutch, and the starter line up with the flywheel, and spring force pushes
pinion gear. The solenoid used to actuate a starter the pinion to mesh.
drive has two coils: the pull-in winding and the The Delco-Remy MT series, as shown in
hold-in, or holding, winding (Figure 9-43). The Figure 9-45, is the most common example of this
pull-in winding consists of few turns of a heavy type of starter motor and has been used for
wire. The winding is grounded through the motor decades on almost all GM cars and light trucks.
armature and grounded brushes. The hold-in While this motor is manufactured in different sizes
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Starting System Operation 201

Figure 9-44. The movement of the solenoid plunger

meshes the pinion gear and the flywheel ring gear.




Figure 9-46. Delco-Remy provides differently con-
nected starter motors for use with various engines.
Figure 9-45. The Delco-Remy solenoid-actuated drive (GM Service and Parts Operations)
motor. (Delphi Automotive Systems)

tinues to move into the solenoid, pushing the

for different engines (Figure 9-46), the most com- second plunger against the contact points.
mon application is a four-pole, four-brush design. A similar starter design has been used by Ford
The solenoid plunger action, in addition to on diesel engines and older large-displacement
engaging the pinion gear, closes contact points V8 gasoline engines. It operates in the same way
to complete the starter circuit. To avoid closing as the starter just described. The solenoid action
the contacts before the pinion gear is fully closes a set of contact points.
engaged, the solenoid plunger is in two pieces Because Ford installs a remotely mounted
(Figure 9-47). When the solenoid windings are magnetic switch in all of its starting circuits, the
magnetized, the first plunger moves the shift solenoid contact points are not required to con-
lever. When the pinion gear reaches the fly- trol the circuit. The solenoid contact points are
wheel, the first plunger has moved far enough to physically linked, so that they are always
touch the second plunger. The first plunger con- closed.
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202 Chapter Nine

Figure 9-48. Circuit diagram of a system using a

movable-pole-shoe starter.

most Ford automobiles (Figure 9-48). One of the

motor-pole shoes pivots at the drive end housing.
Figure 9-47. The Delco-Remy solenoid plunger is in The field winding of this shoe also contains a
two pieces. (Delphi Automotive Systems) holding coil, wired in parallel and independently
grounded. When the starter relay is closed, battery
In the early 1970s, Chrysler also manufactured current flows through the field windings and the
fully enclosed direct-drive starter motor. It works in holding coil of the pole shoe to ground. This cre-
the same way as the solenoid-actuated starters pre- ates a strong magnetic field, and the pole shoe is
viously described. The solenoid plunger closes con- pulled down into operating position. The motion is
tact points to complete the motor circuitry, but the transferred through a shift lever, or drive yoke, to
system also has a remotely mounted starter relay. mesh the pinion gear with the ring gear.
Reduction-drive starters are usually compound When the pole shoe is in position, it opens a set
motors. Most Bosch and all Japanese starter motors of contacts. These contacts break the ground con-
operate on the same principles. nection of the field windings. Battery current is
allowed to flow through the motors internal cir-
cuitry, and the engine is cranked. During crank-
ing, a small amount of current flows through the
Solenoid-Actuated, holding coil directly to ground to keep the shoe
Reduction Drive and lever assembly engaged.
The Chrysler solenoid-actuated, reduction-drive An overrunning clutch prevents the starter
starter uses a solenoid to engage the pinion with the motor from being turned by the engine. When the
flywheel and close the motor circuit. The motor ignition switch moves out of the start position,
armature does not drive the pinion directly, how- current no longer flows through the windings of
ever; it drives a small gear that is permanently the movable pole shoe or the rest of the motor.
meshed with a larger gear. The armature-gear- Spring force pulls the shoe up, and the shift lever
to-reduction-gear ratio is between 2 and 3.5 to 1, disengages the pinion from the flywheel.
depending upon the engine application. This allows
a small, high-speed motor to deliver increased
torque at a satisfactory cranking rpm. Solenoid and Permanent-Magnet
starter drive operation is basically the same as a Planetary Drive
solenoid-actuated, direct-drive starter.
The high-speed, low-torque permanent-magnet
planetary-drive motor operates the drive mecha-
nism through gear reduction provided by a simple
Movable-Pole-Shoe Drive planetary gearset. Figure 9-49 shows the Bosch
Manufactured by the Motorcraft Division of Ford, gear reduction design, which is similar to that
the movable-pole-shoe starter motor is used on used in Chrysler starters. Figure 9-50 shows the
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Starting System Operation 203

Figure 9-49. Bosch permanent-magnet gear-

reduction starter components. (Reprinted by permission
of Robert Bosch GmbH)

Figure 9-51. Field coils and permanent-magnet

starters use the same electrical wiring.

drive pinion. An internal ring gear is keyed to the

field frame and held stationary in the motor. The
armature shaft drives the sun gear for the plane-
tary gearset. The sun gear meshes with three plan-
etary pinions, which drive the pinion carrier in
reduction as they rotate around the ring gear. The
starter driveshaft is mounted on the carrier and
driven at reduced speed and increased torque.
This application of internal gear reduction
through planetary gears delivers armature speeds
in the 7,000-rpm range. The armature and drive-
shaft ride on roller or ball bearings rather than
Permanent-magnet, planetary-drive starters
differ mechanically in how they do their job, but
their electrical wiring is the same as that used in
the field-coil designs (Figure 9-51).
Although PMGR motors are lighter in weight
and simpler to service than traditional designs,
they do require special handling precautions. The
Figure 9-50. Delco-Remy permanent-magnet, gear-
material used for the permanent magnet fields is
reduction starter components. (Delphi Automotive quite brittle. A sharp impact caused by hitting or
Systems) dropping the starter can destroy the fields.

gear reduction design used in the Delco-Remy

permanent-magnet, gear-reduction (PMGR)
starter. All PMGR starter designs use a solenoid OVERRUNNING
to operate the starter drive and close the motor
armature circuit. The drive mechanism is identi-
cal to that used on other solenoid-actuated starters Regardless of the type of starter motor used, when
already described. Some models, however, use the engine starts and runs, its speed increases. The
lightweight plastic shift levers. motor must be disengaged from the engine as
The planetary gearset between the motor arma- soon as the engine is turning more rapidly than
ture and the starter drive reduces the speed and the starter motor that has cranked it. With a
increases the torque at the drive pinion. The com- movable-pole-shoe or solenoid-actuated drive,
pact gearset is only 1/2 to 3/4 inch (13 to 19 mm) however, the pinion remains engaged until power
deep and is mounted inline with the armature and stops flowing to the starter. In these applications,
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204 Chapter Nine

the starter is protected by an over-running clutch Once the engine starts, the ignition switch is to
(Figure 9-52). be released from the start position. The solenoid
The overrunning clutch consists of rollers hold-in winding is demagnetized, and a return
that ride between a collar on the pinion gear and spring moves the plunger out of the solenoid. This
an outer shell. The outer shell has tapered slots moves the shift lever back so that the overrunning
for the rollers so that the rollers either ride freely clutch and pinion gear slide away from the fly-
or wedge tightly between the collar and the shell. wheel. For more information about overrunning
Figure 9-53 shows the operation of an overrun- clutches, see the following sections of Chapter 9
ning clutch. In Figure 9-53A, the armature is in the Shop Manual, Bench Tests and Starter
turning, cranking the engine. The rollers are Motor Overhaul Procedure.
wedged against spring force into their slots. In
Figure 9-53B, the engine has started and is turn-
ing faster than the motor armature. Spring force
pushes the rollers so that they float freely. The
engines motion is not transferred to the motor
armature. These devices are sometimes called Electrical starting systems consist of a high-
one-way clutches because they transmit motion current starter circuit controlled by a low-current
in one direction only. control circuit. The ignition switch includes con-
tacts that conduct battery current to the magnetic
switch. The magnetic switch may be a relay or a
solenoid and may have other jobs besides con-
trolling the starter circuit current flow. The
starter motor and connecting wires are also
included in the system. Variations are common
among the starting systems used by the various
manufacturers. Magnetic repulsion occurs when
a straight-rod conductor composed of the arma-
ture, commutator, and brushes is located in a
magnetic field (field windings) and current is
flowing through the rod.
When the starter operates, the current passing
through the armature produces a magnetic field in
each of its conductors. The reaction between the
magnetic field of the armature and the magnetic
fields produced by the field coils causes the arma-
ture to rotate.
Traditional starter motors have pole pieces
wound with heavy copper field windings attached
to the housing. A new design, the permanent-
Figure 9-52. Cutaway view of an overrunning clutch. magnet planetary drive, uses small permanent
magnets to create a magnetic field instead of pole
pieces and field windings.
One end housing holds the brushes; the other
end housing shields the pinion gear. The motor
armature windings are installed on a laminated
core and mounted on a shaft. The commutator
bars are mounted on, but insulated from, the shaft.
The solenoid-actuated drive uses the move-
ment of a solenoid to engage the pinion gear with
the ring gear. Delco-Remy, Chrysler, Motorcraft,
and many foreign manufacturers use this type of
starter drive. The movable-pole-shoe drive, used
by Ford, has a pivoting pole piece that is moved
Figure 9-53. The operation of an overrunning clutch. by electromagnetism to engage the pinion gear
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Starting System Operation 205

with the ring gear. In the planetary-gear drive driveshaft is mounted on the carrier and driven at
used by Chrysler, Ford, and GM, an armature- reduced speed and increased torque. An overrun-
shaft sun gear meshes with the planetary pinions, ning clutch is used with all starter designs to pre-
which drive the pinion carrier in reduction as vent the engine from spinning the motor and
they rotate around the ring gear. The starter damaging it.
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206 Chapter Nine

Review Questions
1. All of these are part of the control circuit c. The starter relay
except: d. The starter motor
a. A starting switch
b. An OCP thermostat 8. The ignition switch will not remain in which
c. A starting safety switch of the following positions?
d. A magnetic switch a. ACCESSORIES
b. OFF
2. Which of the following is a component of a c. ON (RUN)
starting circuit? d. START
a. Magnetic switch
b. Ballast resistor 9. The starting safety switch is also called a:
c. Voltage regulator a. Remote-operated switch
d. Powertrain control module (PCM) b. Manual-override switch
c. Neutral-start switch
3. Two technicians are discussing the d. Single-pole, double-throw switch
operation of a DC automotive starter.
Technician A says the principle of magnetic 10. Safety switches are most commonly used
repulsion causes the motor to turn. with:
Technician B says the starter uses a a. Automatic transmissions
mechanical connection to the engine that b. Imported automobiles
turns the armature. Who is right? c. Domestic automobiles
a. A only d. Manual transmissions
b. B only 11. Starting safety switches used with manual
c. Both A and B transmissions are usually:
d. Neither A nor B a. Electrical
4. All of these are part of a starter motor b. Mechanical
except: c. Floor-mounted
a. An armature d. Column-mounted
b. A commutator
12. Which of the following is not true of
c. Field coils
d. A regulator
a. They use the electromagnetic
5. The starting system has _________ circuits field of a coil to pull a plunger into
to avoid excessive voltage drop. the coil.
a. Two b. They are generally used to engage
b. Three the starter motor with the engine
c. Four flywheel.
d. Six c. They operate with a movable
plunger and usually do a
6. The starter circuit consists of which of the
mechanical job.
d. They send electronic signals to the
a. Battery, ignition switch, starter motor,
control module and have no
large cables
moving parts.
b. Battery, ignition switch, relays or
solenoids, large cables 13. Starter motors usually have how many pole
c. Battery, magnetic switch, starter motor, shoes?
primary wiring a. Two
d. Battery, magnetic switch, starter motor, b. Four
large cables c. Six
d. Eight
7. Which of the following is not part of the
starter control circuit? 14. The rotational force of a starter motor is:
a. The ignition switch a. Polarized
b. The starting safety switch b. Rectified
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Starting System Operation 207

c. Torque c. One-half as many

d. Current d. Three times as many
15. Which of the following is true of a shunt
a. It has high initial torque.
b. It operates at variable speed.
c. It has only one path for current flow.
d. It is not often used as a starting motor.
16. Which of the following is true of a
compound motor?
a. It has low initial torque.
b. It operates at variable speeds.
c. It has only one path for current flow.
d. It is often used as a starting motor.
17. In a lap-wound motor armature, the
two ends of each conductor are
attached to commutator segments
that are: (Delphi Automotive Systems)
a. Adjacent
b. 45 degrees apart
c. 90 degrees apart
d. 180 degrees apart 22. The preceding illustration shows a:
a. Permanent-magnet planetary-gear
18. Most automotive starters have ________
grounded and ________ insulated
b. Movable-pole-shoe starter
c. Direct-drive, solenoid-actuated starter
a. 2, 2
d. Reduction-gear drive, solenoid-actuated
b. 2, 4
c. 4, 4
d. 4, 8 23. Which type of starter drive is not used on
late-model cars?
19. The ratio between the number of teeth on a. Direct drive
the flywheel and the motor pinion gear is b. Bendix drive
about: c. Reduction drive
a. 1:1 d. Planetary drive
b. 5:1
c. 20:1 24. A solenoid uses two coils. Their windings
d. 50:1 are called:
a. Push-in and pull-out
20. The overrunning clutch accomplishes which b. Pull-in and push-out
of the following? c. Push-in and hold-out
a. Separates the starter motor from the d. Pull-in and hold-in
starter solenoid
b. Brings the starter motor into contact with 25. Which of the following is true of a reduction
the ignition circuit drive?
c. Lets the starter motor rotate in either a. The motor armature drives the pinion
direction directly.
d. Protects the starter motor from spinning b. The sun gear is mounted on the
too rapidly armature shaft.
c. The overrunning clutch reduces battery
21. A starting motor must have ____________ current.
brushes as poles. d. The small gear driven by the armature
a. The same number of is permanently meshed with a larger
b. Twice as many gear.
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208 Chapter Nine

26. The planetary drive starter uses: 27. Which of the following is not required of a
a. Permanent magnets permanent magnet starter?
b. Field coils a. Brush testing
c. Both A and B b. Commutator testing
d. Neither A nor B c. Field circuit testing
d. Armature testing

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