Scattering Matrix in Conformal Geometry: The Erwin SCHR Odinger International Institute For Mathematical Physics
Scattering Matrix in Conformal Geometry: The Erwin SCHR Odinger International Institute For Mathematical Physics
Scattering Matrix in Conformal Geometry: The Erwin SCHR Odinger International Institute For Mathematical Physics
C. Robin Graham
Maciej Zworski
Here R denotes the scalar curvature, J = R/(2(n 1)), Pij = n2 (Rij Jhij )
where Rij is the Ricci curvature, T = (n 2)Jh 4P acting as an endomorphism
on 1-forms, |P |2 = Pij P ij , and is the adjoint of d (the divergence operator).
Another important notion of conformal geometry is Bransons Q-curvature in
even dimensions. It is a scalar function on M constructed from the curvature
tensor and its covariant derivatives, with an invariance property generalizing that
of scalar curvature in dimension two: if once again h = e2 h, then
(1.5) b = Q + Pn/2 .
en Q
There has been great progress recently in understanding the Q-curvature and its
geometric meaning in low dimensions and on conformally flat manifolds see [4]
for an example of recent work. However, in general it remains a rather mysterious
quantity its definition (given in [2] and reviewed in 4 below) in the general
case is via analytic continuation in the dimension. In dimension two it is given by
Q = R/2, and in dimension four by 6Q = R + R 2 3|Ric|2 .
If n is even, then the operator Pn/2 has no constant term, i.e. Pn/2 1 = 0. It
therefore follows from Theorem 1 that S(s)1 extends holomorphically across s = n,
so S(n)1 = limsn S(s)1 is a well-defined function on M .
Theorem 2. With the notation of Theorem 1, for n even, we have
for n odd,
volg ({x > }) = c0 n + c2 n+2 + + cn2 2 + L log(1/) + V + o(1)
for n even.
It turns out that for asymptotically Einstein metrics g, V is independent of the
conformal representative h on the boundary at infinity when n is odd, and L is
independent of the conformal representative when n is even. The dependence of
V on the choice of h for n even is the so-called holographic anomaly see [12],[7].
Anderson [1] has recently identified V when n = 3. In an appendix to [23], Epstein
shows that for conformally compact hyperbolic manifolds, the invariants L for n
even and V for n odd are each multiples of the Euler characteristic (X).
Using the connection with the scattering matrix, we are able to identify L in
terms of the Q-curvature:
Theorem 3. Let n be even and let L be defined by (1.8). Then
(1.9) L = 2cn/2 Q,
where cn/2 is defined in (1.4).
We should stress that despite the fact that the scattering matrix is a global
object, in some sense our results are all formal Taylor series statements at the
boundary of X. In fact, in [6] it will be shown that, using a variant of the ideas
introduced here, a direct definition of Q and proofs of Theorem 3 and the self-
adjointness of the Pk s can be given based purely on formal asymptotics, avoiding
the analytic continuation via the scattering matrix. It is nevertheless worthwhile
to proceed with the full scattering theory: as a byproduct, this allows us to clarify
certain confusing issues about the infinite rank poles of the scattering matrix at
s = n/2 + l/2, l N.
The paper is organized as follows. In 2 we present a simple one dimensional
introduction to the relevant aspects of scattering theory. The more involved theory
for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds is then discussed in 3: using results of
Mazzeo-Melrose [19] we give direct arguments for the existence and properties of
the Poisson operator and the scattering matrix, focussing particularly on their
behaviour for s near n/2 + N/2. Although it is not relevant for our main results, at
the end of 3 we outline a method for the study of the structure of the scattering
matrix complementing the treatment in [14]. In 4 we show how the invariant
2. A simple example
As a simple-minded introduction to scattering and as an illustration of the con-
nection between residues of the scattering matrix and asymptotic expansions we
present a one-dimensional example.
Thus we consider scattering on a half line, X = [0, ) with a compactly sup-
ported real valued potential V Lcomp (X; R). The quantum Hamiltonian is given
by H = y2 +V (y) and we impose, say, the Dirichlet boundary condition at y = 0.
We are interested in the properties of generalized eigenfunctions at energies s 2 :
(H + s2 )u(y) = 0 , u(0) = 0 ,
which for large values of y and for s 6= 0 satisfy
(2.1) u(y) = A(s)esy + B(s)esy .
For s iR \ {0}, consideration of the Wronskian of u and u shows that |A(s)| 2 =
|B(s)|2 . Normalizing, we define the scattering matrix, S(s) (which in this case is
a one-by-one matrix!) by
S(s) = .
This defines a meromorphic function of s C, regular for s iR. The definition
shows that S(s) = S(s)1 and that for s iR, S(s) = S(s)1 . Hence for all s
we have
(2.2) S(s) = S(s)1 , S(s) = S(s) ,
so that, in particular, S(s) is self-adjoint for s real. When V is compactly supported
then L2 -eigenvalues of H, E 0, correspond to the poles of S(s), E = s 2 ,
Re s > 0. This follows easily from (2.1) and self-adjointness of H. The poles of S
for Re s < 0 correspond to resonances see [27].
When V is not compactly supported, then under relatively mild assumptions
we still have the scattering matrix for s iR but its meromorphic continuation
becomes very sensitive to the behaviour of V at infinity. The first physical case in
which these difficulties1 occurred was that of Yukawa potential, V (y) = ey .
We can study the Yukawa potential scattering using simple regular singular point
analysis, not unlike what one encounters in the study of the free hyperbolic space.
We start by making a change of variables:
x = ey , H + s2 = (xx )2 + x + s2 , X = (0, 1] .
Note that the definition of the scattering matrix in the new variables is
(H + s2 )u(x) = 0 , u(1) = 0 , s iR \ {0} ,
u(x) = xs + S(s)xs + O(x) , x 0 .
We obtain u(x) from the two solutions of (H + s2 )G = 0:
(2.4) G (x, s) = x b j
j (s)x , bj (s) = [j!(2s + j + 1)]
and dividing by s b
0 (l/2) gives us a solution with the prescribed leading part, as
in (2.3):
(2.5) ul/2 (x) = xl/2 + 2pl xl/2 log x + O(xl/2 ) ,
where pl = b
l (l/2)/s b0 (l/2). Comparison of the definition of the scattering ma-
trix with the expansions gives
(2.6) pl = Res s=l/2 S(s) .
Comparison of this elementary discussion with the way in which the invariant
operators Pk are formulated in 4 provides motivation for Theorem 1.
1Thisis potentially rather confusing. The false poles of the scattering matrix discussed
below almost led Heisenberg to abandoning his S-matrix formalism, until a clear explanation
was provided by Jost see [22].
the Poisson operator and the scattering matrix. Our project originated from an
attempt to understand that discussion in the general setting.
Proof. With g in the form (1.7), Greens identity gives
[hdu1 , du2 i s(n s)u1 u2 ]dvg = u1 x u2 dvh .
x> x=
Proof. The existence (of a possibly nonlinear operator) comes from the properties
of (s) and Proposition 3.1:
for s as in Proposition 3.4. We have (s)f xns C (X) and R(s)(g s(n
s)))(s)f xs C (X). It is evident from the construction of (s) that (s)f may
have poles for s n/2 + N/2. We shall see that the contributions from these poles
in the two terms cancel one another, so that P(s)f will extend holomorphically
across s n/2 + N/2 so long as s(n s) / pp (g ).
To analyze P(s) for s near n/2 + N/2 we need to modify the formal solution
operator (s). Observe that (n s) satisfies:
(n s) : C (X) xs C (X) ,
(n s) is holomorphic in Re s > n/2,
(g s(n s))(n s)g C (X) ,
(n s)g = xs g + O(xs+1 ) .
We certainly have that l (s) is holomorphic for s near n/2 + l/2, s 6= n/2 + l/2,
l (s) : C (X) xns C (X) + xs C (X) ,
(g s(n s))l (s)f C (X) ,
l (s)f = xns f + o(xns ) .
We claim that l (s) extends holomorphically across s = n/2 + l/2 as a map into
C (X). Each of (s) and pl,s has at worst a simple pole, so
lim (2s n l)l (s)f
for Re s n/2, s 6= n/2, which is meromorphic in {Re s > n/2} with poles only
for s such that s(n s) pp (g ), and continuous up to {Re s = n/2} \ {n/2},
such that
(g s(n s))P(s) = 0,
with expansions
P(s)f = xns F + xs G / n/2 + N0 /2
if s
P(s)f = x n/2l/2
F + Gx n/2+l/2
log x if s = n/2 + l/2, l N ,
for F, G C (X) such that F |X = f .
If s = n/2 + l/2, then G|X = 2pl f , where
pl = Ress=n/2+l/2 pl,s ,
with the differential operator pl,s defined in (3.10). For l = 2k,
2k (p2k ) = ck 2k (kh ) ,
with ck as in (1.4).
The principal symbol of p2k is easily calculated from the inductive construction
of the operators pj,s ; this will be described in more detail in the proof of Proposi-
tion 4.2.
Remark. A more precise notion of a meromorphic family of asymptotic expan-
sions can be given using a Mellin transform in x. This gives a holomorphic family
of meromorphic functions with poles corresponding to the exponents in the ex-
pansions and logarithmic terms to double poles. We do not need this precise
description here as we will work with the explicit formula for P(s).
Next we define the scattering matrix
S(s) : C (X, |N X|ns ) C (X, |N X|s )
for Re s n/2, 2s n / N0 , s(n s)
/ pp (g ). According to Proposition 3.5,
for such s and for f C (X, |N X| ) we have P(s)f = xns F + xs G, so we
S(s)f = G|X .
The construction of P(s) in Proposition 3.4 gives an explicit realization of the
scattering matrix:
(3.13) S(s)f = xs R(s)(g s(n s))(s)f |X , 2s n / N0 .
Using (3.8) and Proposition 3.1, it follows that S(s) is defined for s as indicated
above and is meromorphic in {Re s > n/2}.
Applying complex conjugation to (3.2) shows that for Re s = n/2, s 6= n/2, we
have the functional equation
S(s) = S(n s)1 .
An application of the pairing formula (3.3) with uj = P(s)fj shows the unitarity
S(s)f1 S(s)f2 f1 f2 = 0 dvh , Re s = , s 6= n/2 .
X 2
By using the Schwartz reflection principle and then unitarity to establish regu-
larity at s = n/2, we find a meromorphic extension of S(s) to the entire complex
plane, regular for s iR, and we have the following symmetries:
S(n s) = S(s)1 , S(n s) = S(s)1 .
For s R, the functional equation and unitarity show that
S(s) = S(s) ,
which also follows directly from Proposition 3.3 since S(s) is a real operator for s
The construction of the Poisson kernels and Proposition 3.5 give the following:
Proposition 3.6. The scattering matrix is meromorphic in Re s > n/2 and at a
pole s0 we have
s0 / n/2 + N/2
Res s=s0 S(s) =
n/2+l/2 pl s0 = n/2 + l/2 ,
where pl is as in Proposition 3.5 and
Z !
s0 = (2s0 n) xs0 R(s)ds xs0
2i XX
Using this and (3.14) in (3.13) shows that the residue of S(s) at s 0 is the operator
with kernel K k=1 (x
k )|X (xs0 k )|X , which by (3.14) is s0 .
If s0 is a pole of the resolvent and s0 = n/2 + l/2 then we replace (3.11) by
(3.12) and find the residue of P(s) by the same method as above:
Res s=n/2+l/2 P(s)f = k (xs0 k )|X f dvh .
k=1 X
Now using this instead of holomorphy of P(s) in the argument of the first paragraph
of this proof gives the desired formula for Res s=n/2+l/2 S(s).
This shows that the scattering matrix always has poles of infinite rank at n/2+k,
k N, and possibly at n/2+k1/2, k N, with the residues given by the operators
appearing as the log term coefficients in the expansions of the Poisson operators.
Uniqueness of P(s) shows that P(n)1 = 1. It then follows from Proposition 3.5
that pn 1 = 0 so that pn,s 1 extends holomorphically across s = n. Since we always
have 0
/ pp (g ), Proposition 3.6 shows that S(s)1 extends holomorphically across
s = n. Set S(n)1 = limsn S(s)1. Then we have:
Proposition 3.7. If pn,s are defined in (3.10), then
S(n)1 = lim pn,s 1 .
We next discuss the distributional kernels of the operators R(s), P(s), and S(s).
The structure of the kernel of R(s) is best understood on a resolved product space.
Since it is not central to our discussion, we will only sketch the construction. We
first recall the blow-down map of [19, Sect.3]:
: X 0 X X X ,
where X 0 X is the blow-up of X X along the boundary diagonal, illustrated
in Fig.1. The restriction to the boundary gives us a blow-up of the diagonal in
X X with the corresponding blow-down map:
: T B X X ,
where T and B are the top and bottom faces in the blow-up, as shown in Fig.1.
Let , 0 be the defining functions of the top and bottom faces respectively. Then
we have
Proposition 3.8. (Mazzeo-Melrose [19, Proposition 6.2, Theorem 7.1]) The kernel
of the resolvent on the resolved space X 0 X, R(s), and away from its poles,
can be written as
R(s) = R0 (s) + R00 (s) ,
where R0 (s) is supported away from T B, and
T = { = 0} Ox
O x
B = { = 0}
Figure 1. The boundary faces of the blown-up space X 0 X. The
variable Y stands for the defining function of the diagonal in X
X, Y = y y 0 , in local coordinates.
The pairing formula (3.3) gives an expression for the kernel of P(s) in terms of
that of the resolvent, much in the same spirit as in the classical derivation of the
Poisson kernel from the Green function:
Proposition 3.9. For f C (X) and Re s n/2, s 6= n/2, we have a formal
where the right hand side is understood as the restriction to the boundary of the
distributional kernel of R(s)xs paired with f .
Proof. First let Re s = n/2. For any g C (X) and f C (X) apply (3.3) with
u1 = P(s)f and u2 = R(n s)g. We also note that for Re s = n/2 we have
R(n s) = R(s) .
That gives
P(s)f g = (2s n) (xn+s R(n s)g)|X f
= (2s n) (R(s)xs )(f 0 (x)) g ,
proving the claim. That the restriction of R(s)xs is well defined as a distribution
on the boundary follows from Proposition 3.8. The result extends to Re s > n/2
by analytic continuation.
We now continue P(s) meromorphically to C so that (3.15) holds for Re s < n/2
as well.
Using the structure of the resolvent described in Proposition 3.8 we can give
a precise description of the kernel of S(s) as a pseudodifferential operator: away
from its poles, we have
S(s) 2 Re sn (X; |N X|ns , |N X|s ) ,
(3.16) (n/2 s) sn/2
(S(s)) = 2n2s (h ).
(s n/2)
To see this we follow [11] and obtain the following formula for the distributional
kernel of the scattering matrix in terms of the resolvent on the resolved product
s 0 s
(3.17) S(s) = (2s n)( ) x x R(s) T B ,
(see also [14, Proposition 4.4]). This is derived using (3.11), (3.13) and Proposition
3.9, which give
S(s)f = (xs P(s)f xs (s)f )|X
= (2s n)xs (R(s)xs )(f 0 (x)) xs (s)f |X .
For Re s < n/2 and s away from poles of R(s) we see that
S(s)f = (2s n)xs (R(s)xs )(f 0 (x)) |X .
Proposition 3.8 shows that for Re s 0, and s not a pole, we have
x ( R0 (s)xs )(f 0 (x)) |X 0 ,
xs ( R00 (s)xs )(f 0 (x)) |X = xs R(s)xs )(f 0 (x)) |X ,
and this gives (3.17) for Re s 0. Strictly speaking we need more information
about the R0 (s) term than stated in Proposition 3.8 but those properties are stated
in [19, Theorem 7.1]. We shall see below that (3.17) continues meromorphically in
4. Conformal Geometry
In this section we show how the conformally invariant powers of the Lapla-
cian may be derived from the formal Poincare metric associated to the conformal
structure, review the definition and basic properties of Bransons Q-curvature, and
remark on the interpretation of the scattering matrix for a Poincare metric as a
family of conformally invariant pseudo-differential operators.
The invariant powers of the Laplacian act on conformal densities. The metric
bundle of a conformal manifold (M, [h]) is the ray subbundle G S 2 T M of
multiples of the metric: if h is a representative metric, then the fiber of G over
p M is {t2 h(p) : t > 0}. The space of conformal densities of weight w C is
E(w) = C (M ; G 2 ) ,
where by abuse of notation we have denoted by G also the line bundle associated to
the ray bundle defined above. A choice of representative h for the conformal struc-
ture induces an identification E(w) ' C (M ); if h = e2 h then the corresponding
elements of C (M ) transform by f = ew f . If X = M as in the previous sec-
tion, a conformally compact metric on X with conformal infinity [h] determines
an isomorphism
E(w) ' C (M, |N X|w ) .
The invariance property (1.3) can be reformulated as the statement that P k is an
invariantly defined operator
Pk : E(n/2 + k) E(n/2 k).
The main result of [8] is the following existence theorem.
where Pk,s is a differential operator on M , the principal part of which agrees with
that of kh . Since the Taylor expansion of hx is determined (to the appropriate
order for n even) in terms of h, one sees by counting derivatives that if k N and
k n/2 if n is even, then Pk,s also depends only on h and is a natural differential
operator with coefficients which are polynomial in s.
If 2s n = l N, then the corresponding coefficient 2s n j vanishes for j = l
in the first equation of (4.6). For l odd, by parity considerations it follows that the
right hand side of this equation also vanishes, so fl can be chosen arbitrarily (for
example fl = 0 to preserve parity) and the induction continued to infinite order.
However, if 2s n = 2k is even, then the right hand side of the first equation
of (4.6) need not vanish for j = 2k and there is an obstruction to solving with
F smooth. This is of course reflected in the pole of ck,s at s = n/2 + k. This
obstruction can be incorporated into a log term and the formal solution continued
to higher order as follows. Observe that
Ds (gj xj log x) =j(2s n j)gj xj1 log x + (2s n 2j)gj xj1
+ O(xj log x) .
Therefore if we take
(4.9) g2k = (2k)1 (x12k Ds (F2k1 ))|x=0 ,
choose f2k arbitrarily, and set
F2k = F2k1 + g2k x2k log x + f2k x2k ,
then we have Ds F2k = O(x2k log x). Using (4.5) and (4.8), it is easily seen that the
construction can be continued to all higher orders to obtain a solution of the form
(4.2) as claimed. We have G|x=0 = g2k , which is given by a differential operator
on M of the claimed form by the same reasoning as above. In fact, one sees easily
that (4.3) holds with Pk = Pk,n/2+k and
ck = Ress=n/2+k ck,s = (1)k [22k k!(k 1)!]1 .
Suppose now we change the conformal representative h. We obtain a differ-
ent defining function x, a different product identification for X, and a different
representation (1.7). However, g and u remain unchanged, so by uniqueness we
deduce that G|x=0 must transform as a density, proving the conformal invariance
of Pk .
Remark. Equation (4.4) holds also for general asymptotically hyperbolic metrics
in the form (1.7) and can be used to explicitly compute the operators p j,s of 3.
Of course in general it no longer need be the case that hx is even in x. Therefore
log terms may also occur for 2s n odd, and the scattering matrix may have poles
for such s according to Proposition 3.6.
Note that if n is even, then Pn/2 is invariantly defined from E(0) to E(n),
that is, from C (M ) to the space of volume densities. Since the constant function
1 E(0) has a smooth extension annihilated by g , we have Pn/2 1 = 0. Therefore
Pn/2 has zero constant term.
We next recall from [8] the original construction of the invariant operators via
the ambient metric. Denote by : G M the natural projection of the metric
bundle, and by g the tautological symmetric 2-tensor on G defined for (p, h) G
and X, Y T(p,h) G by g(X, Y ) = h( X, Y ). There are dilations s : G G
for s > 0 given by s (p, h) = (p, s2 h), and we have s g = s2 g. Denote by T
the infinitesimal dilation vector field T = ds s |s=1 . Define the ambient space
G = G (1, 1). Identify G with its image under the inclusion : G G given
by (h) = (h, 0) for h G. The dilations s and infinitesimal generator T extend
naturally to G.
The ambient metric g is a Lorentzian metric on G which satisfies the initial
condition g = g, is homogeneous in the sense that s g = s2 g, and is an asymptotic
solution of Ric(g) = 0 along G. For n odd, these conditions uniquely determine
a formal power series expansion for g up to diffeomorphism, but for n even and
n > 2, a formal power series solution exists in general only to order n/2.
An element of E(w) can be regarded as a homogeneous function of degree w on
G. One of the ways that Pk is derived in [8] is as the obstruction to extending
f E(n/2 + k), regarded as such a homogeneous function, to a smooth function
F on G, such that F is also homogeneous of degree n/2 + k and satisfies
(4.10) F = O( ),
where denotes the Laplacian in the metric h. Similarly to Proposition 4.2, the
Taylor expansion of F is formally determined to order k 1 in , but there is an
obstruction at order k which defines the operator Pk .
Proposition 4.3. Let k N with k n/2 if n is even. The conformally invariant
operator Pk defined in [8] in terms of the ambient metric agrees with the operator
of Proposition 4.2.
We may also consider the Q-curvature as arising in a similar way from the zeroth
order terms of the operators Pk,s with n fixed but as s varies. For the same reason
as above, the zeroth order term of Pk,s is of the form
(4.13) Pk,s 1 = (n s)Qk,s
for a scalar Riemannian invariant Qk,s which is polynomial in s. Taking s = n/2+k
and recalling that Pk = Pk,n/2+k shows that Qnk = Qk,n/2+k . In particular,
(4.14) Q = Qn/2,n .
If g is a Poincare metric with conformal infinity [h], then according to (3.16),
the scattering matrix S(s) is a family of pseudodifferential operators on M , which
is conformally invariant in the sense that it acts invariantly on conformal densities.
Even though S(s) depends on the choice of Poincare metric g, it is shown in [14]
that its full symbol depends only on the infinite jet of g at X, which, as discussed
above, is determined by [h] (to the appropriate order for n even). One can therefore
view the symbol as determined by the conformal structure, and the choice of g as
a geometrically natural means of fixing smoothing terms to obtain a globally well-
defined operator having this symbol. Peterson [25] has defined an analogous family
of symbols directly by analytic continuation from the differential operators P k .
Branson [2] derived the transformation law (1.5) for Q by analytic continuation
in the dimension. It also follows easily from Theorems 1 and 2 by analytic continua-
d = es S(s)e(ns) ,
tion in s. The conformal invariance of S(s) is equivalent to S(s)
where here S(s) is realized as an operator on C (M ) corresponding to the choice
of conformal representative. Therefore,
d = S(s)1 + S(s)(e(ns) 1).
es S(s)1
Letting s n and applying Theorems 1 and 2 immediately yields (1.5).
We note that Proposition 3.7 and (5.1) also show that for Poincare metrics,
S(n)1 = 0 if n is odd.
Proof of Theorem 3. Let n be even and let g be a Poincare metric. We first recall
(as described in [7]) the expression for L in terms of the expansion of the volume
form of g. If h is a representative for the conformal infinity of g, we may write g
in the form (1.7), and from the fact that g is a Poincare metric it follows that
(5.3) dvg = xn1 (1 + v (2) x2 + (even powers) + v (n) xn + . . .)dvh dx,
where each v (2j) for 1 j n/2 is a smooth function on M determined by h.
Integration yields (1.8), and shows that
(5.4) L= v (n) dvh .
Now take s near but not equal to n and apply Proposition 3.3 with u 1 = u2 =
P(s)1, which we now denote by us . Here we have used h to trivialize the density
bundle |N X|ns . We obtain
2 2
(5.5) pf [|dus | s(n s)us ]dvg = n S(s)1dvh .
x> M
We considerR the limiting behaviour
R in this equation as s n. According to
Theorem 2, M S(s)1dvh cn/2 M Qdvh . We shall show that the left hand side in
(5.5) converges to nL/2 as s n, thereby proving Theorem 3.
Since us = P(s)1 1 as s n, the integrand in the left hand side of (5.5)
converges to 0 pointwise on X. It follows that
[|dus |2 s(n s)u2s ]dvg 0
for which we may use the product identification (1.7) coming from the representa-
tive metric h, provided we choose x0 small enough.
By (3.11), (3.10), (5.1), and (4.13), for s near n we have
(5.7) us = x (1 + ck,s (n s)Qk,s x2k ) + xs S(s)1 + O(xn+3/4 ),
We begin by considering the u2s term in (5.6). Upon squaring (5.7), one obtains
u2s =x 2(ns)
(1 + Ak,s x2k ) + 2xn S(s)1 + O(xn+1/2 ),
with coefficients Bk,s again holomorphic R in s, 2and with Bn/2,n = 2cn/2 Q +1/2 v (n) .
In order to evaluate limsn (n s) pf <x<x0 us dvg , observe first that the O(x )
error term is integrable, so its contribution vanishes upon letting s n. Now
n2s+2k1 n2s+2k 1
pf x Bk,s dvh dx = x0 (n 2s + 2k) Bk,s dvh .
<x<x0 M
If k < n/2, then this approaches a finite limit as s n, so these terms also do
not contribute. The same is true for the x1 S(s)1 term. Evaluating the limit for
k = n/2 and recalling (5.4) then gives
2 1
(5.9) lim (n s) pf us dvg = Bn/2,n dvh = cn/2 Q + L/2.
sn <x<x0 2 M M
where the Bk,s satisfy the same properties (5.11) as the A0k,s . Integrating and
evaluating the finite part and the limit as above yield
(5.12) lim pf (xx us ) dvg . = ncn/2 Q.
sn <x<x0 M
Differentiation with respect to y does not decrease the order of vanishing in x, and
because of this one finds by a similar calculation that
(5.13) lim pf hij
x (xy i us )(xy j us )dvg = 0.
sn <x<x0
as desired.
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