English PT3 Sample

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Dearest Amirul,

I hope you 1) are as fit as a fiddle and not too homesick. All
of us are fine back home although we 2) miss having you
around. I especially miss you as I no longer have anyone to 3)
play badminton with.

In your last letter, you 4) told me that youre having some

difficulties in your new school. As you may already know, life in
residential school 5) is very different from home. It is more
difficult and you may 6) face many problems. 7)
However, dont fret too much because all these problems can be

First, make sure that you organise your time 8)

wisely because time is gold. Divide your time for doing
homework, studying, 9) washing clothes and so on. I suggest
that you have 10) a timetable. So, you may find 11) it easier to
finish all that you have to do and still have some free time for

Next, please do be careful 12) in your choice of friends.

There 13) are bound to be some bad hats around. So, make sure
that youre not 14) influenced by the wrong set of friends. Stay
away from any unhealthy 15) activities such as smoking or drug
abuse. These 16) habits will only lead to disaster and jeopardize
your studies. You will 17) meet friends from various cultures and
backgrounds. So, please keep 18) an open mind. Dont 19)
belittle anyone elses beliefs or traditions. At the same time,
dont forget all that you have 20) learnt at home.

The main reason you were sent there 21) is to help you get
better results and hopefully a scholarship. 22)
Therefore, concentrate on your studies and do well in your
examinations. This is your best chance to 23) achieve your

ambitions. Dont be shy to consult your teachers if you 24)
have any problems with any subjects. Youre advisable to study
in group so that it will be much easier to have discussions.

SM Sains Muzaffar Syah is distinguished for 25) its state-of-

the-art facilities. For that reason, make full use of them. Study in
the library whenever you can because 26) its comfortable and
more conducive. There 27) are many reference books you can
look at. Your school is also 27) equipped with the latest
computers. So, you can 28) use the internet conveniently not
only to carry out school tasks or projects but also to 29) gain as
much knowledge as possible. Besides, play games now and then.
I know your school 30) has tennis and badminton courts.
Perhaps you should 31) take up one of these games. 32)
Playing games is not only a form of exercise but it is also a way
for you to relax. Plus, a healthy body 33) creates a healthy

Last but not least, you should 34) follow the school rules.
Never break any rules. The rules may 35) seem tiresome but
they instill self-discipline and are good for character building. If
you 36) break the school rules, you may be suspended or
expelled. We would be 37) disappointed if such a thing were to

I hope my advice will 38) help you to solve your problems.

Please write whenever you 39) have time. We are all anxious
about you and eagerly wait for 40) your letter. I will pen off
here. Take care and goodbye!

Your loving brother,



Sample Question : Your brother spends too much time on the Internet
and has done badly in his PMR Trial Examination.Your mother has asked
you to write a letter advising him how to divide his time wisely.

Stay Up Late - Chat -Internet
Too Much - Time - Online games
Have A Timetable - Study - Surf Internet
Use Internet - Gain Knowledge

When writing your letter,

You may use the words and phrases given above.
Elaborate on your writing to make it more interesting.
You may add other relevant information.
Make sure it is not less than 120 words.

How to answer this question

Use the 6W 1H method

Read the question carefully
Use the information given in the question to write your opening.
Use all the points given.
Don't forget to add your own point(s).

[Simple Style Essay Sample]



Dear Vince,

How are you? I hope you are fine. Please send my regards to
father and mother. I miss you all dearly. I heard that you did not
do well in your recent PMR Trial Examination. Mother phoned me
a few days ago and told me about it. Father and mother are really
worried about you spending too much time on the Internet. So, I
am writing this letter to give you some tips on how to divide your
time wisely.

First of all, young man, don't stay up late.Don't burn your

midnight oil chatting on the Internet. Go to bed early. Our body
needs at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep everyday.Enough sleep will
enable your mind to stay sharp and productive the next
day.Therefore, instead of sleeping around 1 to 2 a.m. in the
morning, call it a night around 10 p.m.

Next, don't spend too much time playing online games. There is
nothing wrong in playing online games but when it affects your
studies then you should put a brake to it.My advice is leave all
your online gaming activities until you have finished your
PMR Examination. Focus on your studies first, you can continue
playing once you have finished your examination.

Draft out a study timetable to help you manage your time

wisely. On the timetable allocate one to two hours to surf the
Internet. Now, remember, the Internet contains a lot of useful

information for everyone. It can be used to gain knowledge and
to sift through for information useful for your PMR Examination.

Finally, join some outdoor physical activities rather than just

being holed up in the house in front of your computer the whole
day. Go cycling or walking around the park. Play football or
badminton with your friends in the evenings. Physical
activities help keep your body and mind healthy. You need a
healthy body and mind to do well in your PMR Examination.

I wish I could write more but I have to stop here for now. I have
to prepare for my next week's final term semester examination. I
hope you will take my advice and mend your ways. I wish you all
the best in your PMR Examination. Hugs and kisses.

Your loving sister,

Bernice Gabriel.


1. BurnYourMidnightOildoingsomething(working)forverylonghours.
2. Callitanighttoend(stop)whatoneisdoingatnight.
3. Putabraketoittostopanactivity.
4. Siftthroughtoremovesomethingfromsomething.
5. Holeduphideandwait/juststayingputinaplace.


Preparing for exams? Give yourself the best chance with these top
ten study tips.
1. Give yourself enough time to study
Don't leave it until the last minute. While some students do seem to thrive
on last-minute 'cramming', it's widely accepted that for most of us, this is
not the best way to approach an exam. Set out a timetable for your study.
Write down how many exams you have and the days on which you have to
sit them. Then organize your study accordingly. You may want to give some
exams more study time than others, so find a balance that you feel
comfortable with.

2. Organize your study space

Make sure you have enough space to spread your textbooks and notes out.
Have you got enough light? Is your chair comfortable? Are your computer
games out of sight?
Try and get rid of all distractions, and make sure you feel as comfortable
and able to focus as possible. For some people, this may mean almost
complete silence; for others, background music helps. Some of us need
everything completely tidy and organized in order to concentrate, while
others thrive in a more cluttered environment. Think about what works for
you, and take the time to get it right.

3. Use flow charts and diagrams

Visual aids can be really helpful when revising. At the start of a topic,
challenge yourself to write down everything you already know about a topic
- and then highlight where the gaps lie. Closer to the exam, condense your
revision notes into one-page diagrams. Getting your ideas down in this brief
format can then help you to quickly recall everything you need to know
during the exam.

4. Practice on old exams

One of the most effective ways to prepare for exams is to practice taking
past versions. This helps you get used to the format of the questions, and -
if you time yourself - can also be good practice for making sure you spend
the right amount of time on each section.

5. Explain your answers to others

Parents and little brothers and sisters don't have to be annoying around
exam time! Use them to your advantage. Explain an answer to a question
to them. That will help you to get it clear in your head, and also to highlight
any areas where you need more work.

6. Organize study groups with friends

Get together with friends for a study session. You may have questions
that they have the answers to and vice versa. As long as you make sure
you stay focused on the topic for an agreed amount of time, this can be one
of the most effective ways to challenge yourself.
7. Take regular breaks
While you may think it's best to study for as many hours as possible, this
can actually be counterproductive. If you were training for a marathon, you
wouldn't try and run 24 hours a day! Likewise studies have shown that for
long-term retention of knowledge, taking regular breaks really helps.
Everyone's different, so develop a study routine that works for you. If you
study better in the morning, start early before taking a break at lunchtime.
Or if you're more productive at nighttime, take a larger break earlier on so
you're ready to settle down come evening.
Try not to feel guilty about being out enjoying the sunshine instead of
hunched over your textbooks. Remember Vitamin D is important for a
healthy brain!

8. Snack on 'brain food'

Keep away from junk food! You may feel like you deserve a treat, or that
you don't have time to cook, but what you eat can really have an impact on
energy levels and focus. Keep your body and brain well-fuelled by
choosing nutritious foodsthat have been proven to aid concentration and
memory, such as fish, nuts, seeds, yogurt and blueberries. The same
applies on exam day - eat a good meal before the test, based on foods that
will provide a slow release of energy throughout. Sugar may seem
appealing, but it won't help when your energy levels crash an hour or so
9. Plan your exam day
Make sure you get everything ready well in advance of the exam - don't
leave it to the day before to suddenly realize you don't know the way, or
what you're supposed to bring. Check all the rules and requirements, and
plan your route and journey time. If possible, do a test run of the trip; if not,
write down clear directions.
Work out how long it will take to get there - then add on some extra time.
You really don't want to arrive having had to run halfway or feeling frazzled
from losing your way. You could also make plans to travel to the exam with
friends or classmates, as long as you know they're likely to be punctual!

10. Drink plenty of water

As a final tip, remember that being well hydrated is essential for your brain
to work at its best. Make sure you keep drinking plenty of water throughout
your revision, and also on the exam day.
Good luck!

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