Design and Analysis of 16bit Ripple Carry Adder and Carry Skip Adder Using Graphene Nano Ribbon Field Effect Transistor (GNRFET)

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Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Design and Analysis of 16bit Ripple Carry Adder and

Carry Skip Adder Using Graphene Nano Ribbon Field
Effect Transistor (GNRFET)
Master of Technology, Dept. of ECE, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Kumaraswamy layout, Bengaluru-560073,
Karnataka, India. [email protected]

Abstract: Moores Law Cannot Be Sustained Since Furthermore, the concern is not only about the inability of the
MOSFETs Cannot Be Scaled Below 10nm Due To Its devices itself to continue operate steadily but also the
Physical Properties .This Trade-Off Paves A Way For New constraints from the economic and technology point of view.
Material Used In Fetes To Sustain Moores Law, Various With the increasing level of device integration and the growth
Other Technologies Include Fin-Shaped FET (Finfet), in complexity of microelectronic circuits, power dissipation,
Carbon Nano-Tube FET (CNTFET), Reversible Logic, delay and area has come the primary design goal.
Reconfigurable Logic And Grapheme Nano-Ribbon FET
(GNRFET), Among The Available Alternatives II. GRAPHENE
GNRFETs Has Proven To Be A Promising Potential
Replacement In Terms Of Design Area, Lower Power Graphene has been a purely theoretical form of carbon for
Consumption And Faster Operation. Carbon Is An decades. It wasnt until the year 2004 that Andre Geim and
Interesting Element Because Even If Some Material Is Konstantin Novoselov managed to produce Graphene akes
Made Up Of Carbon Atoms, It Can Have Various with a technique called mechanical exfoliation. Geim and
Morphologies And Characteristics Depending On How Novoselov were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010
Carbon Atoms Bind Together. Designing Of RCA And for their discovery of Graphene. It is, therefore, easy to claim
Cska Adders Using GNRFET. that 2010 has been the year of Graphene. In 2010, around
3000 Graphene related articles were published and roughly
I. INTRODUCTION 400 patent applications led.

Integrated circuits have transformed the environment in which According to a recent news article in Nature, South-Korea is
we live. The shrinking size of the transistors that result in planning to put 300 million US dollars in commercializing
smaller, faster and cheaper systems have enabled tremendous Graphene. New Graphene related discoveries are in
use of these chips. It is being evaluated that there are more nanotechnology news almost every other day. Keeping up
than 15 billion silicon based chips currently in use. This with the pace of progress in the Grapheme research eld is
number many reach a trillion in couple of years from now. getting quite exhausting, and the pace of new discoveries
shows only slight saturation.
CMOS (Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) is the
semiconductor technology used to produce integrated circuit
chips. In the year 1965, Gordon Moore (INTEL Co-founder)
predicted that the number of transistors per square inch in an
Integrated Circuit doubles every 18 months. This refers to the
continued scaling both horizontally and vertically features the
size of silicon based CMOS transistor. This effort has helped
in producing inventory technologies of electronic devices.

Although the scaling of CMOS transistors has some

predictions, there is a believe that it will finally reach the
boundary at size of 22 nm as being forecasted in the Fig 1: Some carbon allotrope
International Technology and Roadmap for Semiconductors
ITRS 2007. They frequently cite that CMOS transistors are Grapheme is a single layer of sp2-bonded carbon atoms that
approaching end. are packed in a honeycomb lattice. The name Grapheme is
sometimes misleadingly used with multiple layers, even
though the variation in properties is quite signicant when

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Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 2165

going from one layer to several. It should be noted that Graphene is a 2D material, but distinctions can be made
multilayer Graphene can have up to ten layers, and still be between bi-layer Graphene and few-layer Graphene (FLG).
called Grapheme. Bilayer Graphene has two layers, but the electronic band
structure is already quite different from single layer Graphene.
Band gaps of some hundreds of mill electron volts have been
achieved with bilayer Graphene by applying a perpendicular
electric eld to the belayed. The gap in Bernal stacked belayed
Graphene arises from the forming of pseudo spins between the
layers, thus making it possible to electrically induce a Band

There are still many properties of Graphene that have not been
Fig 2: Hexagonal structure of Carbon thoroughly investigated. Even the existence of a band gap in
large area Graphene is controversial. In addition to band gap
The atomic structure of Graphene gives rise to exceptional opening in bilayer Graphene by applying an electric eld, it is
electrical, optical, mechanical and thermal properties. The possible to create band gap by quantum connement, i.e. by
most interesting electrical properties are high electron mobility fabricating Graphene Nano ribbons. Edges may have
and ballistic transport of charge carriers. However, these signicant inuence on electrical properties, especially with
properties come with a twist; Graphene is zero-band gap GNRs.
semiconductor, or semimetal. The lack of band gap in intrinsic
Graphene is perhaps, together with large scale manufacturing, B. Gnrfet
the most difcult engineering issue. The zero-band gap means
that Graphene cannot be switched from conductive state to In one GNRFET, multiple ribbons are connected in parallel to
non-conductive state. increase drive strength and to form wide, conducting contacts.
Two-dimensional Graphene is a semi-metal without a band-
The lack of a band gap is a problem, if Graphene is to be used gap. A band-gap can be obtained by using a narrow Graphene
in logic circuits in much the same way as silicon is used today Nano ribbon (GNR) which show distinct electronic properties
as the material in complementary metal-oxide semiconductor and can be classified as either A-GNRs or Z-GNRs (armchair
logic circuits. Nonetheless, the zero band gap of large area and zigzag Graphene Nano ribbons. A-GNRs are either
Graphene is not an issue in all applications. semiconducting or metallic depending on their width,
however, Z-GNRs are found to be metallic for all the widths.
A. Electronic Band Structure

Graphene has a honeycomb (hexagonal) structure of sp2-

bonded atoms. The electronic band structure of Graphene can
be solved with tight binding approximation (TBA) or the
similar linear-combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO), which
is more commonly used in chemistry.

Fig 4: The structure of GNR with Nano Ribbon placed

between source and drain

If Graphene is patterned into Nano ribbons, using planar

technologies such as electron beam lithography and etching, a
sizeable band gap opens. Son et. al. have shown that the band
gap of an armchair GNR (AGNR) arises from both the
quantum connement and the edge effects. As a consequence,
FETs with AGNR channels (AGNR-FETs), showing complete
switch off and improved on-off current ratios, can be
considered as building blocks for future digital circuits.
Numerical modeling of GNR-FETs is usually based on a top-
of-the barrier approach under ballistic transport.
Fig 3: The electronic dispersion in Graphene

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Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 2165

Graphene Nano Ribbons (GNRs) are one-dimensional (1D) Carry Look Ahead Adder (CLA)
nanostructures restricting carrier motion in only one direction, Carry Select Adder (CSlA)
reducing scattering for enhanced mobility. The transistor Carry Bypass Adder (CBA)
current is quite high as electrons are injected from the source
and transit to the drain terminal. A narrow width The advancement in IC technology is primarily attributed to
semiconducting GNR is utilized as a channel in a top-gated the MOSFET scaling theory. As the transistor size reduced,
transistor. This pushes the limits of complementary metal- power consumption also reduced. As the process technology
oxide semiconductor (CMOS) type of technology beyond its reached nano-meter regime, silicon CMOS started developing
limits in a GNR. Short Channel Effects which led to increased power
dissipation. A trade-off arose between power-dissipation and
The GNRFET device structure is very similar to MOSFET and area. Alternatives to CMOS were found to avoid the trade-off.
is shown in figure 5 above. The 2D Graphene sheets are Graphene based transistor proved to be a potential
patterned to 1D ribbons to induce necessary band-gap. These replacement to CMOS.
1D ribbons are called Graphene Nano Ribbon (GNR) and are
semiconducting in nature owing to the fact that the band gap is The Arithmetic and Logic Unit is the basic computing unit of
inversely related to the ribbon width. all microprocessors or microcontrollers. The parallel adder
forms the critical path in the ALU. The proposed work designs
GNRFET based 16bit RCA and CSkA architectures. The
Graphene Nano Ribbon architecture contains 28TFA The Adders are implemented first
with 4 blocks of 1bit full adder to get the 16bit structure.

A. Ripple Carry Adders (RCA)

Figure 5 : view of a Graphene Nano Ribbon FET


The GNR-FET operation under the condition that the electron

gas in the channel is non-degenerate. Such a consideration is
valid in the voltage range which is saliently wide in terms of Figure 6: 4 bit Block diagram of RCA
practical applications. Thus, the back gate voltage is assumed
to be not excessively high, so that the electron density is The ripple carry adder is constructed by cascading full adders
moderate, the electron gas in the channel is non-degenerate, (FA) blocks in series. One full adder is responsible for the
and the electrons occupy only the lowest (n = 1) sub band in addition of two binary digits at any stage of the ripple carry.
the conduction band Nano ribbons. Not with standing this, it is The carryout of one stage is fed directly to the carry-in of the
suggested that the channel sections adjacent to the source and next stage.
drain contacts are highly conducting, so that these section are
equipotential. A number of full adders may be added to the ripple carry
adder or ripple carry adders of different sizes may be cascaded
III. DESIGN METHODOLOGY in order to accommodate binary vector strings of larger sizes.
For an n-bit parallel adder, it requires computational elements
Adders are the most fundamental component in any of the (FA). Figure 6 shows an example of a parallel adder: a 4-bit
digital computational units like ALUs, CPUs. As we know ripple-carry adder. It is composed of four full adders. The
adders produce sum and carry as a result. If we want to augends bits of x are added to the addend bits of y
compute addition of multiple bits which usually occurs in respectfully of their binary position. Each bit addition creates
microcontrollers, microprocessors etc., we need to use multi- a sum and a carry out. The carry out is then transmitted of the
bit adders. So, to achieve this we go for 16-bit adders. carry in of the next higher-order bit. The final result creates a
Considering the parameters to enhance performance of adders sum of four bits plus a carry out (C4).
various topologies are available.
B. Carry Skip Adder (CSKA)
Several adder topologies are
The carry skip adder provides a compromise between a ripple
Ripple Carry Adder (RCA) carry adder and a CLA adder. It consists of a speed up carry
Carry Skip Adder (CSkA)

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Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2017 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No: - 2456 2165

chain called skip chain. This chain defines the distribution of

ripple carry blocks, which compose the skip carry blocks, Parameter RCA CSkA
constituting skip adder. It consists of a special circuit which
quickly detects if all bits to be added are different. CSA Power dissipation(nW) 0.3173 0.4842
divides the words to be added into blocks.
Average power 0.65309 0.4977

Delay (ns) 100.08 0.0062

From the performance comparison based on various

parameters GNRFET for 22 nm technology we conclude that,
Fig 7: 16-bit Carry Skip Adder in case of Average Power Consumption, delay and power
dissipation GNRFET did produce satisfactory results. By
The signal produced by this circuit will be called block taking into account all the performance comparison
propagation signal. If carry is propagated at all positions in parameters GNRFET based 16 bit Cask provides best
block, the carry signal entering into the block can directly performance as it needs less Average Power Consumption i.e.,
bypass it and so be transmitted through a multiplexer of the 49.77 nW, dissipates 48.42 new of power and has 0.00615 ns
next block. of propagation delay. Thus GNRFET can be the future of
C. Hspice Tool
A circuit net list describes the basic functionality of an
electronic circuit that you are designing. In HSPICE format, a Our work can be further continued by designing and
net list consists of a series of elements that define the optimizing remaining adder topologies i.e., Carry Save Adder
individual components of the overall circuit. You can use your (CSA), Carry Increment Adder (CIA) and Carry Look Ahead
HSPICE-format net list to help you verify, analyze, and debug Adder (CLA) and their respective Arithmetic Units consisting
your circuit design, before you turn that design into actual of operations such as Addition, 2s Complement Addition,
electronic circuitry. Increment and Decrement. This work can be further improved
by clubbing these operations into a single Unit i.e., Combined
H-Spice transient analysis computes the circuit solution as a Unit. The Arithmetic Unit can be combined with the Logic
function of time over a time range specified in the TRAN Unit to form ALU thereby also including the Memory Unit
statement. Since transient analysis is dependent on time, it designed using SRAM Cells and DRAM Cells and their
uses different analysis algorithms, control options with respective individual units and can be combined to form
different convergence-related issues and different initialization complete System Unit.
parameters than DC analysis.
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USA,pp 91 to 96, December 2010.
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