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bt21R0718 p1 18 11 09rahul
bt21R0718 p1 18 11 09rahul
b) When the resistance of two wires is 25 Ω when connected in series and 6Ω hen
connected in parallel. Calculate the resistance of each wire. [6+10]
2. With neat sketches, explain the construction and functions of the various parts of a d.c.
Generator [16]
Exciting 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 8.0
current in
Per phase 75 140 173 202 224 240 250 257 260 263 266 271
O.C volts(V)
S.C line 3.6 7.2 10.8
a) Draw the O.C and S.C characteristics on a squared graph paper and then determine
unsaturated value of synchronous reactance per phase in Ohms
b) Determine the percentage voltage regulation at rated load at 0.8 p.f lag and lead by
synchronous impedance method under un- saturated condition [16]
6. Draw and explain the V-I characteristics of a P-N junction diode. (16)
7. Briefly explain the working of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope with a neat sketch? ( 16)
8. a) One NPN transistor is used in the self biasing arrangement the circuit component
values are VCC = 4.5volts, Rc=1.5kΩ,Re =0.27kΩ ,and R1=27kΩ if β=44.Find the
stability factor and also determine the quiescent point Q (Vce, Ic)? (8)
b) What is the transistor biasing? (8)
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Code No: X0122
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
4. The OC and SC tests data on a 3-phase, 1MVA, 3.6 kV, star connected alternator is
given below
If Amps 60 70 80 90 100 110
OC Volts 2560 3000 3360 3600 3800 3960
SC Amps 180
The resistance measured between the terminals is 2Ω. Find the % regulation at full load
0.707 p.f lag and 0.8 p.f lead by synchronous impedance method. [16]
5. What is the essential torques’s of an indicating instrument? Justify their necessity (16)
(b) Two resistance R1 and R2 are connected in parallel and if the current entering the
parallel combination is I. Calculate the values of currents I1, I2 flowing in the resistance
R1, R2 in terms I, R1 R2. [8+8]
2. A lap connected d.c. generator has 8 poles and 120 slots with 8 conductors in each slot.
If the flux/pole is 0.035 Wb. (i) Find the emf generated when the speed is 600 rpm.
(ii) What should be the speed of rotation if the induced emf is to be 500 V. [16]
b) a 20 kVA, single-phase transformer has 20 turns on the primary and 40 turns on the
secondary. The primary is connected to 1000V, 50Hz supply .Determine
i) The secondary voltage on open circuit,
ii) The current flowing through the two windings on full-load,
ii) The maximum value of flux.
A field current of 20Amps is required to circulate full load current as short circuit of
armature. Calculate full load regulation at 0.8 p.f lag by synchronous impedance method.
(Assume the rating of alternator as 1MVA) [16]
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Code No: X0122
5. Discuss the necessity of damping in indicating instruments and explain eddy current
damping. (16)
6. The turns ratio of a transformer used in a half-wave rectifier is n1:n2=12:1. The primary is
connected to the power mains: 220V, 50Hz, Assuming the diode resistance in forward
bias to be zero, calculate the dc voltage across the load. What is the Peak Inverse Voltage
(PIV) of the diode? (16)
8. a)Explain about the need for biasing in electronic circuits, what are the factors affecting
the stability Factor? [8]
b) Draw the collector to base bias circuit and derive the expression for the stability
factor? [8]
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Code No: X0122
SET - 4
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
2. An 8 pole DC generator has per pole flux of 40mWb and winding is connected in lap
with 960 conductors. Calculate the generated EMF on open circuit when it runs at 400
rpm. If the armature is wave wound at what speed must the machine be driven to
generate the same voltage. [16]
B) A 6600/440V, single phase 600 kVA transformer has 1200 primary turns. Find
i)Transformation ratio, ii)secondary turns, iii) voltage/turn, iv) secondary current when it
supplies a load of 400 kW at 0.8 p.f lagging . [10]
b) The torque of an ammeter varies as the square of the current through it. If a current of 5A
produces a deflection of 900, What deflection will occur for a current of 3A when the instrument
is i) spring controlled , ii) gravity controlled.
6. The turns ratio of the transformer used in a half-wave rectifier n1:n2 = 12:1. The primary
is connected to 220V, 50Hz power mains. Assuming that the diode voltage to be zero,
find the dc voltage across the load. What is the PIV of each diode? If the same dc voltage
is certained by using a centre-taped rectifier, what is the PIV? (16)
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Code No: X0122
SET - 4
8. a) Draw the fixed bias circuits and derive the expression for the stability factor? [8]
b)Draw the self bias circuit and obtained the expression for the stability factor? [8]
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 1
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) An ideal 1 µ -Sec pulse is fed to a low pass circuit. Calculate and plot the
output waveform under the following conditions: The upper 3-dB frequency
i. 10 MHz
ii. .1 MHz
iii. .0.1 MHz.
(b) Explain RLC ringing circuit. [10+6]
2. (a) Determine Vo for the network shown in figure 2a for the given waveform.
Assume ideal Diodes.
Figure 2a
(b) Draw the basic circuit diagram of positive peak clamper circuit and explain
its operation. [8+8]
4. Consider the emitter-coupled binary of the figure 4 with silicon transistors hav-
ing hF E =20. The circuit parameters are VCC =12V, Rs = 4K, Rc1 =3K, Rc2 =1K,
R1 =2K, R2 =8K and Re =5K. Calculate
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 1
(a) V1
(b) V2 . [16]
Figure 4
5. (a) With the help of a neat circuit diagram and waveforms explain the working
of a UJT relaxation oscillator.
(b) For the bootstrap sweep generator shown in figure 5 find the slope error, sweep
amplitude, retrace time and recovery time. Plot to scale the output and the
input on the same time scale. Assume hf e =50, hre =2x10−4 , hoe =1/35 k
ohms, hie =1k ohms. Junction voltages are neglected. The input is a 1 kHz
symmetrical squarewave. [8+8]
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 1
Figure 5
6. (a) What is relaxation oscillator? Name some negative resistance devices used as
relaxation oscillators and give its applications.
(b) With the help of a circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the frequency
division by an astable multivibrator? [8+8]
7. (a) In the circuit of figure 7 assume that RL = RC = 100K , R2=50K and that
the signal has a peak value of 20V. The total shunting capacitance is 20pF.
Find A, Vc min Vn min , Ri and the 3dB frequency of the gate. Assume diodes
are ideal.
(b) Write the different capacitances which effect on the operation of the sampling
gates. [10+6]
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 1
Figure 7
8. (a) What are the basic logic gates which perform almost all the operations in
Digital communication systems.
(b) Give some applications of logic gates.
(c) Define a positive and negative logic systems.
(d) Draw a pulse train representing a 11010111 in a synchronous positive logic
digital system. [4+4+4+4]
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 2
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Prove that an RC circuit behaves as a reasonably good integrator if RC > 15T,
Where T is the period of an input ‘Em sin ωt’.
(b) What is the ratio of the rise time of the three sections in cascade to the rise
time of Single section of low pass RC circuit. [8+8]
2. (a) Determine Vo for the network shown in figure 2a for the given waveform.
Assume ideal Diodes.
Figure 2a
(b) Draw the basic circuit diagram of positive peak clamper circuit and explain
its operation. [8+8]
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 2
5. (a) Compare the voltage and current time base generators with some examples.
(b) What are the reasons for non linearity of sweep in current time base genera-
tors? Explain how to rectify this? [8+8]
6. (a) Why synchronization is required in digital systems? What are the different
types of synchronization? Give some examples.
(b) Explain the pulse synchronization of a sweep generator using UJT with the
help of neat circuit diagram. [8+8]
7. (a) Draw and explain the unidirectional diode sampling gate for more that one
input signal and also explain how to overcome the loading effect on control
(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of unidirectional diode sampling
gate? [10+6]
8. (a) What are the basic logic gates which perform almost all the operations in
Digital communication systems.
(b) Give some applications of logic gates.
(c) Define a positive and negative logic systems.
(d) Draw a pulse train representing a 11010111 in a synchronous positive logic
digital system. [4+4+4+4]
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 3
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) A square wave of 5 V amplitude with an ON time of 1 msec and an OFF time
of 3 m sec is applied to a high pass RC circuit with R = 2K and C = 0.1 µ f.
Sketch the steady state output waveform showing all the details
(b) Explain the operation of RC high pass circuit when exponential input is ap-
plied. [8+8]
2. (a) The input voltage vi to the two level clipper shown in figure 2a varies linearly
from 0 to 150 V. Sketch the output voltage vo to the same time scale as the
input voltage. Assume Ideal diodes.
Figure 2a
(b) Explain positive peak voltage limiters above reference level. [12+4]
5. (a) Define the terms solpe error, displacement error, and transmission error. How
are they related for an exponential sweep circuit? Derive the relation between
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 3
(b) The specifications of UJT are given as η = 0.6 Vv = 2V, RBB = 5 K ohms,
Iv = 1.5 mA, Ip = 8µA and VBB = 18 V. Calculate the component values of
the UJT Sweep circuit to generate an output sweep frequency of 10 kHz with
sweep amplitude of 12V. [8+8]
6. (a) What do you mean by a relaxation circuit? Give a few examples of relaxation
(b) With the help of neat waveforms, explain sine wave frequency division with a
sweep circuit. [8+8]
7. (a) Draw and explain a sampling diode whose response is not sensitive to the
upper level of the control voltage.
(b) Draw and explain a unidirectional gate which delivers an output only at a
coincidence of a number of control voltages. [8+8]
8. (a) Why totem pole is used in DTL? Draw the circuit diagram and explain a DTL
gate with this.
(b) Verify the truth table of RTL NOR gate with the circuit diagram of two inputs.
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 4
II B.Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, November 2009
( Common to Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) A 10Hz square wave is fed to an amplifier. Calculate and plot the output wave
form under the following conditions the lower 3dB frequency is
i. 0.3 Hz.
ii. 3.0 Hz,
iii. 30 Hz.
(b) Draw the output waveform of an RC High pass circuit with a square wave
input under different time constants. Explain same. [8+8]
2. (a) A symmetrical 10 kHz square wave whose peak -to-peak excursion are ±10V
with respect to ground is impressed upon the diode clamping circuit shown in
figure 2a. The Diodes has Rf = 100 Ω, Rr = α and Vγ = 0. Sketch the steady
state output waveform Indicating clearly the voltage levels.
Figure 2a
(b) Explain positive peak voltage limiters above and below reference level. [8+8]
3. Write Short notes on:
(a) Diode switching times
(b) Switching characteristics of transistors
(c) FET as a switch. [4+8+4]
4. (a) Explain the working of a Bistable multivibrator circuit with the help of neat
waveforms. What are its applications?
(b) Design a collector coupled one-shot multivibrator circuit using n-p-n transis-
tors. Neglect ICBO . Assume VCE(sat) to be 0v., hF E(min) = 20. In the stable
state, the OFF transistor has VBE = -1v. The on transistor has base current
IB which is 50% in area of the IB(min) value. Vcc = 6v, IC(sat) = 2 mA. Delay
time is 3000 µsec. Choose R1 = R2. [8+8]
5. (a) What type of Voltage input is required to obtain a linear current sweep?
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 4
(b) The transistor bootstrap circuit shown in Figure 5 has the following parame-
ters VCC = 10 V, VEE = -10V, RB = 30 K ohms, C=0.002 µF, C1 =0.25µF
and CB may be taken as arbitrarily large. The input gate has an amplitude
of 1V and a width of 50µs. The transistor parameters are hF E = hf e = 60,
hie =2kohms, 1/hoe = 10 K ohms, hre = 10−4 . ICBO = 0, and the forward
biased junction voltages are negligible. The diode is ideal.
i. Plot the gate voltage, collector current iC1 , and the output voltage Vo.
ii. Evaluate the sweep speed and amplitude of the sweep at its maximum
iii. Find time it takes to discharge C at the end of the sweep,
iv. Find peak voltage change across C1 and the time required to replace the
lost charge
v. Find slope error. [6+10]
Figure 5
6. (a) With the help of a neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain synchroniza-
tion of a sweep generator with pulse signals.
(b) Explain the use of a monostable relaxation device as a frequency divider. [8+8]
7. (a) What is sampling gate? Explain how it differ from Logic gates?
(b) What is pedestal? How it effects the output of a sampling gates?
(c) What are the drawbacks of two diode sampling gate? [6+6+4]
8. (a) Why totem pole is used in DTL? Draw the circuit diagram and explain a DTL
gate with this.
(b) Verify the truth table of RTL NOR gate with the circuit diagram of two inputs.
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Code No: X0223/R07 Set No. 4
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SET - 1
Code No: X0422
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
(Com to ECE, CHEM, ECC, AE)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Explain need for students from all courses to be aware of environmental issues.
b) Write briefly about the scope of Environmental issues.
2. a) Define renewable and non renewable resources? Explain in detail with examples.
3. a) Describe the structure and function of a marine ecosystem with respect to Biodiversity,
Food Chains etc.
b) Describe the structure and function of a Pond Ecosystem.
8. Write about six most honest guides while studying any ecosystem with an example.
SET - 2
Code No: X0422
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
3. Assuming that you’ve visited a Forest ecosystem with mountains, streams and ponds,
write a detailed report on it w.r.t. Biodiversity, food chains, suggestions for improvement
etc to make it an Eco tourism project.
4. Explain the terms: Species and Biodiversity. What is the significance of Biodiversity?
What are the threats to Biodiversity? What are the various In-situ and Ex-situ
conversation measurers of Biodiversity?
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. a) Write importance of education on environmental issues
b) Describe the multi disciplinary nature of environmental studies.
4. Explain the terms Environment, Spices and Biodiversity. What is the significance of
Biodiversity? What are the threats to Biodiversity? What are the various measurers of
Conversation of Biodiversity?
8. What you will observe when visiting an industrial area, explain as case study.
SET - 4
Code No: X0422
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. What are the different activities that can be taken up to increase public awareness of
environmental issues? Explain how they help in better environmental management.
6. Discuss the pollution control boards and pollution control actor in India.
5 a) How many integers between 1 and 10, 00, 000 have the sum of the digits as 18? (8m)
b) Solve the recurrence relation an-7an-1+10an-2 = 0 where a0=10 and a1= 41. (8m)
7 (a) Draw the graph for the following incidence matrix, M: (8+8m)
(b) What is a planar graph? Which of the following graphs is/are planar?
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Code No: X0522
8 (a) What is the minimum number of colours needed to colour the following graph? (8+8m)
(b) Find whether the following graphs: G1 and G2 are isomorphic or not:
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Code No: X0522
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
5. a) How many integers between 1 and 1000 inclusive have the sum of the digits?
(i) Equal to 7, (ii) Less than 10 (8m)
b) How many integers solutions are there to the equations x1+x2+x3+x4+x5 = 20 where
x1≥-3, x2≥ 0, x3≥ 4, x4≥ 2 and x5≥ 2 (8m)
6. a) Solve the recurrence relation an-6an-1+9an-2 = 0 where a0=1 and a1= 6. (8m)
b) Solve the recurrence relation an-3an-1+4an-2 = 0 where a0= a1= 1. (8m)
(ii) What is the weight of the minimal spanning tree for the above graph?
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Code No: X0522
b) How many vertices and how many edges do the following graphs have?
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Code No: X0522
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
b) Let P(x) be the statement "x is happy," where the universe of discourse for x is the set of
students. Express each of the following quantifications in English. (8m)
i) x P(x)
ii) x P(x)
iii) x P(x)
iv) x P(x)
3. Define and explain Equivalence and Compatibility Relation with examples? (16m)
(iii) Prove that if a connected undirected graph, G with n vertices has a min-cut of
cardinality k, then G has at least (nk/2) edges.
b) What is an articulation point? Find the number of articulation points of the following
8. Define isomorphism of directed graphs. Are the two digraphs shown in fig. A and fig. B
isomorphic? Justify your answer. (16m)
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Code No: X0522
II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2009
b) Express the following arguments using the symbols indicated. What rules of inferences
are used in each of them ? (8m)
4. Let <S1 , *1> and <S2 , *2> be two semi-groups , If f: S1->S2 is an Isomorphism , then
show that f-1 is an isomorphism from S2 onto S1. (16m)
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Code No: X0522
7. (a) How many minimum spanning trees does the following graph have? Draw them
(b) What is the maximum number of edges in a planar graph with n vertices? What is the
minimum number of vertices and edges in a non-planar graph? (8+8m)
8. (a) What is the difference between symmetric and asymmetric digraphs? Explain with a
suitable example.
(b) Apply the Welch-Powell algorithm to paint the following graph and find the
chromatic number of the graph. (8+8m)
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