IGS NT 3 9 0 New Features

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The document outlines the new features and changes for different versions of the InteliGenNT and InteliSysNT controller firmware.

Version 3.9.0 includes adjustments for Tier4f support for Isuzu engines and changes to voltage regulation behavior in VAr sharing controllers.

Several reference guides, application guides, operator guides and other documentation are available and linked to on the ComAp website.



Firmware version for InteliGenNT,

InteliSysNT controller

1 General information 2
2 Changes in the version 3.9.0 3
3 Changes in the version 3.8.0 4
4 Changes in the version 3.7.0 5
5 Changes in the version 3.5.1 8
6 Changes in the version 3.3.1 9
7 Changes in the version 3.3.0 10
8 Changes in the version 3.2.0 11
9 Changes in the version 3.1.4 12
10 Changes in the version 3.1.3 13
11 Changes in the version 3.1.2 14
12 Changes in the version 3.1.1 15
13 Related information 17

Copyright 2016 ComAp a.s.

Written by Vladimir Zubak
Prague, Czech Republic
ComAp a.s., U Uranie 1612/14a,
170 00 Prague 7, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 246 012 111
E-mail: [email protected], www.comap-control.com New Features List
1 General information
1.1 Version information
This version contains VAr sharing and Tier4f support related changes.

1.2 Clarification of notation

Note: This type of paragraph calls readers attention to a notice or related theme.

IMPORTANT: This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment etc., which can cause a
damage or improper function of the equipment if not performed correctly and may not be clear at
first sight.

Example: This type of paragraph contains information that is used to illustrate how a specific function

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 2

2 Changes in the version 3.9.0
2.1 New features
Tier4f support adjustment for Isuzu engines
Tier4f support was adjusted to accommodate specific implementation of Tier4f support used with Isuzu
Voltage regulation within VArsharing regulation loop activates also in the controller that do not have the
lowest CAN2 address
The voltage regulation gets activated in all controllers on CAN2 when the absolute value of the difference
between measured average (from all phases) generator voltage (value Gen V) and set nominal generator
voltage (setpoint GenNomV) is equal or bigger than 1% of set nominal generator voltage (setpoint
Example: The nominal voltage is set to 230V, 1% is 2.3V which is rounded to 2V. Therefore if the
absolute value is equal or bigger than 2V the voltage regulation will activate.

The voltage regulation is activated all the time in the controller with the lowest CAN2 address (this is
unchanged behavior from previous versions).
IMPORTANT: This firmware is not to be used with other firmware that has standard VArsharing
behavior. If this firmware is mixed with other types of firmware it may cause slight unbalance in
the VArsharing.

GtoM AngleReq parameter range change

Range of parameter Sync/Load ctrl: GtoM AngleReq has been changed from -180 to 180 []. Original
range was from -45 to 45 [].

2.2 Repairs
Speed regulator output drop after GCB closing (MINT configuration)
Speed Regulator Output (valueSRO) value dropped after GCB closing. Magnitude of the drop depended
on setting of parameters LS gain and RampStartLevel. It has been fixed.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 3

3 Changes in the version 3.8.0
3.1 New features
The controller, compatible displays InteliVision 5, Inteli Vision 8 and InteliVision 12T and PC tools are ready
for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emission regulation Tier4Final aftertreatment support.
Force Value upon the setpoint CB ctrl mode added.

3.2 Repairs
The alarm BOC NCB fail is no more issued while the LBI Emerg. Manual is active.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 4

4 Changes in the version 3.7.0
4.1 New features
InteliVision 12T support.
GeCon (generator control) application support.
The GeCon application is supported using the dedicated GeCon archives for SPTM, MINT, SPI and
Combi application.
For more info refer the IGS-NT-3.7.0 Global Guide.
The Transfer of the load Mains to Gen-set and vice versa settings changed.
This function has an influence on the TEST mode behavior and return from the AMF function.
The setpoint AMF settings:BreakerOverlap defines the maximum time of the load transfer in both
directions Mains to Gen-set and Gen-set to Mains.
When the load is transfered from the Mains to Gen-set (during the Test on Load procedure), the MCB is
opened once the Mains import reaches the window <-5%;+5%> of the setpoint ProcessControl:Import
load but latest when the timer given by the setpoint AMF settings:BreakerOverlap elapsed.
When the load is transferred from the Gen-set to Mains (during the Test on Load procedure), the GCB is
opened once the generator power gets under value given by the setpoint Sync/Load ctrl:GCB open level
but latest when the timer given by the setpoint AMF settings:BreakerOverlap elapsed.
Once the setpoint AMF settings:BreakerOverlap = 0(NO TIMEOUT) there is no time limitation of the load
If the load transfer was not finished until the timer Sync/Load ctrl:Load ramp + 10% elapsed, the alarm
WrnTstOnLdFail is issued.
If the setpoint ProcessControl:I/E Pm meas = NONE, then the duration of the load transfer is given
exactly by the setpoint AMF settings:BreakerOverlap.
Circuit Breaker Control Mode implemented.
Setpoint ProcessControl:CB ctrl mode switches the control modes for circuit breakers.
INTERNAL - breakers are controlled only from controller side. Unexpected opening or closing of or MCB
leads to alarm message.
FOLLOW - in this mode is expected, that the can be opened from external unit. No alarm is issued.
Controller reacts on actual state and mode and depend on this activates the corresponding actions.
EXTERNAL - breakers are fully controlled from external unit. Controller reacts only on the breaker
feedback. Red protection alarms are only visualized.
For more info refer the IGS-NT-3.7.0 Global Guide.
The COX archives are no more present in the installation package.
CAUTION!! Using of MAN mode and external control of breakers expects knowledge and skills in
general breaker control. Due to missing active breaker protections may be possible to activate very
dangerous states e.g. switch on the GCB breaker in to the stopped engine or stopped engine with closed
GCB and MCB breaker.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 5

Selectable source of the value Statistics:RunHours.
New setpoint added Basic settings:RunHoursSouurce.
AUTO: Present algorithm of selecting of source of running hours. If there is some ECU which send valid
running hours, then this value is used. Otherwise value from internal counter is used.
ECU: Running hours are taken from ECU if ECU send valid data. It is not possible to set and reset this
value in statistics.
INTERNAL: Running hours are taken from internal counter. It is possible to set and reset this value in
Protection BOC LossEngPwr added.
The protection is intended to protect the engine to be running underloaded or in reverse power. Primarily it
solves the issues related to the fuel line.
New setpoint Engine protect:BOCLossEngPwr. Range: 0(OFF)..100, Dimension: [%]. Defines the
window of the generator power (Gener values:Act power) which the value of the Act power must be in.
The protection gets active once the value of Gener values:Act power is out of this window for time longer
than Engine protect:LossEngPwr del
New setpoint Engine protect:LossEngPwr del. Range: 0..1800, Dimension: [s].
Reason of SUS sequence interruption available as a history record.
SUSseq break-1: MCB is closed (in SPTM application).
SUSseq break-2: MCB is open, Mains voltage is higher then 1/3 of setpoint Basic settings:MainsNomV
(in SPTM application).
SUSseq break-3: Bus voltage is higher than 1/3 of setpoint Basic settings:BusNomV (in MINT
SUSseq break-4: The GCB feedback is not closed within the Prestart Time elapsed (after GCB closing).
SUSseq break-5: Setpoint SUS control:ExcitationCtrl=EXTERNAL. The LBI SUSexcitBlck is not
closed in advance of the start command OR if it is inactivated sooner than the LBO ReadToExcite gets
The terminal RS485(1) DISPLAY opened as general RS485 port in all IGS-NT controllers.
The setpoint Comm settings:RS485(1) conv. available in all IGS-NT controllers.
The port can be used as genral RS485 port for ComAp terminal communication with InteliMonitor,
InteliVision 8 and InteliVision 12T.
Preset the Pulse counter value using the LBI.
New LBI ImpCountSet1-4 (there is only one pulse counter in InteliGen NT). This LBO can be used for
preset the value Statistics:Pulse counter 1-4. The value is preset with rising edge of this LBI.
New setpoint Basic settings: InpCountDef1-4 added. This setpoint defines the preset value of the pulse
Measurement of the Generator current (value Gener values:Gen curr L1-3) active all the time.
New setpoint added ContrInitMode.
This setpoint defines the Controller mode which is the controller set in after the restart (powercycle).
Range: PREVIOUS/OFF/MAN/SEM/AUT/TEST (according to the application).

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 6

New value added Statistics:Run Minutes.
Displays the value of the engine run minutes.
Range: 0..59, Dimension: [min]
This value is available only when the statistic of Run hours is counted internally (see the setpoint Basic
The setpoint Comm settings:Contr. address supported to be used in the PLC.
Force Value availability for the setpoint Sync/Load ctrl:SpeedRegChar.
New LBO added AnyOthGCBclose.
The LBO is inactive when no other GCB in the local control group is closed (local GCB is not evaluated).
The LBO is active when any other GCB in the local control group is closed (local GCB is not evaluated).
Resolution of the setpoint Engine settings:Prestart time changed to 0,1s.
This change is induced by shortening of the SUS sequence.
New value Info:AirGate status added.
Refer the IGS-NT Communication Guide for more info.
New LBI SingleGenMode added.
This LBI is intended to be used for MRS application (ensured by MINT application) where more than one
controller is connected to CAN2 for monitoring purpose.
Activation of this LBI suppress the alarm message Wrn Dongle incomp and activate the frequency and
voltage regulation loop instead of the VAr sharing and Load sharing regulation loop when the gen-set is
Tier 4 Final support.
The controller is prepared to support the Tier 4 Final since this version, however the full functionality is
not applicable yet since the support in IV5, IV8 and GenConfig is required (will be supported in upcoming
release of these tools).

4.2 Repairs
History Record SUS seq blck.
When the settings of the controller does not match the conditions for the SUS start sequence the Alarm
SUS seq blck iss issued and the message SUS seq blck is written to history (replaced the wrong
message SUS Start Block). Fixed.
Non-functional Horn Reset in case of sensor fail.
When any protection set as Sensor Fail it is not possible to deactivate the horn using the Horn Reset
button. Fixed.
Missing AirGate ID (value Info:AirgGate ID) when controller language set to Chinese. Fixed
Swapped alarms messages G ph+L neg and G ph opposed. Fixed.
Soft unload of the gen-set during the warming procedure not working. Fixed.
Controller issues the NCB fail although the LBI Emergency Manual is active. Fixed.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 7

5 Changes in the version 3.5.1
5.1 New features
MTU ECU-7 support added
The cotroller switches CAN1 communication speed to 125 kbps when MTU ECU-7 is configured
Please note that only specific ComAp extension modules with newer firmware are compatible with this
communication speed
IGS-PTM 11.0.0 or higher
Inteli AIN8 1.2.0 or higher
Inteli AIN8TC 1.2.0 or higher
Inteli IO8/8 1.1.0 or higher
Inteli AIO9/1 1.2.0 or higher
The number of modules that can be connected is limited in total:
9 packs of binary inputs (72 BIN)
9 packs of binary outputs (72 BOUT)
8 packs of analog inputs (64 AIN)
3 packs of analog outputs (24 AOUT)
Internal communication with extension modules changed to ensure compatibility with MTU DIASYS
Rare problems may still occur under specific conditions when DIASYS is used because same CAN-ID
722 is used in DIASYS for communicating with ECU7 and is also used in IGS-PTM for Heartbeat.
IMPORTANT: In recording a file it is not possible to observe an ignored data package because
as soon as DIASYS notes an ignored data package the last released recording data will be set to
an ignored time stamp. IGS-PTM send the Heartbeat every 300ms.

IMPORTANT: In worst case, every 300ms one data package is ignored from DIASYS. It is
necessary to be careful with sampling rates bigger than 300ms during creation of a recording

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 8

6 Changes in the version 3.3.1
6.1 New features
Local Baseload function support in the power management was added
From this fw version 3.3.1 the Local Baseload function cooperates with power management system.
In multi gen-sets application (MINT) is possible to set one or more gen-sets to the Local baseload.
These gen-sets run all the time when System Start signal is active and their current power and nominal
power are not calculated in the load reserve.
These gen-sets (with set Local Baseload) run with power set by setpoint ProcessControl: LocalBaseload
(in this case the setpoint Power management [Enabled/Disabled] is irrelevant).
There are two exceptions when gen-sets run for different power than their Local Baseload:

Low load - the gen-sets in power management system are loaded for less than their 5% of their
nominal power.
When gen-sets in power management (without active Local Baseload function) are loaded for less than
5% of their nominal power, then gen-set with the highest CAN address (from gen-sets with set Local
Baseload) is temporary switched from holding Local Baseload level and start loadshare with gen-sets
from power management. If this gen-set and other gen-sets in power management are still loaded less
than 5% of their nominal power then next gen-set with local Baseload (from gen-sets with set Local
Baseload) is switched from Local Baseload function to the loadsharing).

High load - all gen-sets running in power management system are loaded on their nominal power
or more
When the load is increased and running gen-sets in power management (Local Baseload = OFF)
achieved their nominal power, then the gen-set with the highest CAN address (from gen-sets with set
Local Baseload) takes power what is more then nominal power of gen-sets in power management
system. The result is that gen-sets in power management run on their nominal power and the gen-set
with the highest CAN address (from gen-sets with set Local Baseload) is loaded by power higher than
what is set by its Local Baseload setpoint.
This feature is determined for Gas engines or slow-speed gen-sets.

When the Local Baseload function is activated (Local Baseload 0 kW) then the setpoint Power management
[Enabled/Disabled] has no influence for the function of the gen-set.
Currently we have not implemented the cooperation of the Local Baseload function and power management
system in InteliMainsNT controller. It causes that calculation of the load reserve will not be correct.
But it doesnt have influence for the function of the gen-sets because each gen-set calculates itself conditions
for start and stop.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 9

7 Changes in the version 3.3.0
7.1 New features
Support of InteliVision 12T has been implemented.
New application MINT-BC has been implemented.
This application is intended for cooperation with the superordinate Bank Controller equipped by the
firmware IGS-NT-BC-1.2.0 or higher only.
Start/Stop command for subordinated gen-sets inside the bank is propagated internally. It is not needed
to configure (wire) the LBI: Sys start/stop signal of the gen-set.
MCB feedback is propagated from the Bank Controller to subordinated gen-sets internally. It is not
needed to configure (wire) the LBI: MCB feedback.
The setpoint #Pwr mgmt mode has been removed, the type of power management is propagated from
the superordinate Bank Controller internally.
All setpoints related to load reserves settings and Min Run Power settings have been removed, the type
of powermanagement is propagated from the superordinate Bank Controller internally.
The Setpoints ProcessControl: #SysBaseLoad, LocalBaseload, #SysPwrFactor, #SysLdCtrl PtM,
#SysPFCtrl PtM, SysBaseLdMode, SysBasePFMode have been removed from configuration.
Functionalities related to these setpoints are performed at the level of superordinated Bank Controller
(not in the subordinated gen-sets).
Some not relevant screens and objects have been removed from the screens description.

7.2 Repairs
Bus MeasError protection has not beeing working. The bug was fixed.
Problem with External values inserting via modbus was resolved.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 10

8 Changes in the version 3.2.0
8.1 New features
New setpoint Mains stab del was added
After Mains fail, if the controller evaluates that Mains values (voltage and frequency) are in limits and
gen-set is currently started and it is not connected to the load , then this delay Mains stab del starts
counting. (during this delay the System Start signal is still activate)
When this Mains stab del expires , then the Mains ret del delay is activated (it starts counting)(and
System Start signal is deactivated
setpoint is placed in AMF settings setpoints group
Force value (FV) is available at this setpoint
when the counter Mains stab del is activated, then it not possible to change it by FV (setpoint is
changed, current counter not)
This delay is used only when the gen-set is not connect to the load
System Start signal is activate during counting this Mains stab del delay

8.2 Repairs
Problem in Automatic priority swapping (for Power management) system was repaired
Problem in Automatic priority swapping (for Power management) system was repaired
When the LDS option is selected and a controller is adjusted to the Master role, the controller does not
initiate its master functions and therefore other controllers will not accept its priority changing messages.
Bug in SPTM application was repaired
During transformation from island operation to parallel with Mains (after Mains returns) the GCB was
cyclically opened and closed

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 11

9 Changes in the version 3.1.4
9.1 New features
Calculation of non-accepted bus voltage during Star Up Synchro procedure has been changed.
The bus voltage is not allowed to go over 1/3 of value given by setpoint BusNomV (originally it was
calculated from setpoint GenNomV). This change allows the SUS sequence even in the application
where the gen-set is connected to the transformer and the voltage measurement is situated to the side of
high voltage of the transformer. Basically it allows SUS sequence when there is high voltage at the side
of the bus and low voltage at the side of the gen-set.
Deactivation of voltage regulation while the group of gen-sets is synchronized to the mains in MINT
In the previous firmware version the bigger difference between the common bus and mains voltage could
lead to unequal VAr sharing while the group of gen-sets where synchronized to the mains. The problem
was caused by active voltage regulation loop of the gen-set with lowest CAN2 address due to the
collision of more voltage requests from more sources in the same time.
Note: While the group of gen-sets is operating in island mode then only the gen-set with lowest CAN2
address is in charge of voltage regulation to allow to keep the equal VAr sharing among all the gen-sets.
No Oper conflict alarm is issued in MINT application when setpoint SynchroEnable = NO.

9.2 Repairs
Non-valid issuing of the alarm SUS Min power during the SUS start even when all conditions of the available
powerof the system are fulfilled. The bug has been fixed.
Watchdog of the controller recalled by changing of modes on InteliGen NT GC hardware. The bug has been

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 12

10 Changes in the version 3.1.3
10.1 New features
Vector Shift protection support was added in MINT mode of Combi application.
Use the same settings in setpoint Group Mains protect as for SPTM or SPI application.
Since the MINT application controls only GCB, it only opens the GCB when Vector Shift protectio is
tripped regardless the settings of the setpoint VS/ROCF CBsel.
Setpoint VectorS prot = PARALLEL ONLY settings does not make sense. Vector Shift protection is
evaluated in parallel to mains operation only (MCB Feadback must be active). The Vector Shift
protection is not evaluated in island operation at all.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 13

11 Changes in the version 3.1.2
11.1 Repairs
LBI startblocking no more connected with off load protection
Activation of LBI Startblocking does not cause stopping of the engine while it is running
ALI OperConflict in SPI application
Settings of setpoints Island enable = NO, Parallel enable = YES, Synchro enable = FORWARD caused
the ALI OperConflict. The bug has been fixed.
Invalid activation of Timers. Bug has been fixed
The IB-EML-SMS servis supported again
Available in connection with IG-IB v. 2.90, IB-NT v. 2.3.0, or on HW InteliGen NT BaseBox, InteliGen
NTC BaseBox, InteliSys NTC BaseBox with IB-COM v.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 14

12 Changes in the version 3.1.1
12.1 New features
New engine priority swapping mode called EFFICIENCY added
Use second level for more specific info when require
This mode works only with power management set to ABS(kW)
Because of compatibility of EFFICIENCY mode there has been additional delay 0.5s added after
SysAMFstrtDel is counted down in InteliGen NT and InteliSys NT controllers in MINT application
Function MinRunPower for power management is now available in InteliMains NT because compatibility
reasons of EFFICIENCY mode.
Modbus switch registers containing each 16 bits added to the firmware
It is possible to write these modbus switches by simple writing command (no command containing the
command + argument as for remote switches).
The modbus registers are shown in the controller in the form of two values and also as a set of logical
binary outputs. These outputs may be used further in the configuration and connected to other functions
in the controller.
StartUpSynchro function is now supported in all hardwares of InteliGen NT and InteliSys NT
This Function allows the start of gen-set with closed GCB and not excited alternator.
It is intended for fast synchronization of multiple gen-sets operating in parallel or for soft start of the load
characterized with hi inrush current (soft magnetizing of the transformer).
Read more about Start UpSynchroFunction in related Reference Guide.
UserButton pulses duration can now be changed by user
There is a new setpoint UserBtn pulse that allows user to choose the duration of UserButton pulse from
0.2s to 10.0s (previously UserButton pulse was 1.0s).
Default value changed to 0.2s.
Alarm Ofl StrtBlck is now removed, the start blocking is now indicated only by new logical binary output
Start Blocked
There is also new alarm ALI OperConflict that is indicating a problem with settings in ProcessControl
setpoints (e.g. Island and Parallel both disabled which means that the gen-sets will not run under any
New statistical value added kVAhours
This value is available in all applications.
This value is placed in Statistics group and shows the apparent energy produced by the gen-set.
New logical binary output function Initialized available
This logical binary output function can be used for indication of fully initialized controller after power on.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 15

Furthermore it is useful to block Delay functions in the controller during the initialization phase of
controller power up (outputs of Delays in the controller are activated immediately during the power on if
Delay input is active prior and during the power up).
Version naming now changed to three numbers at all times
Previously versions were named 3.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and so on. Now the version are named 3.1.0, 3.1.1,
Behavior of Automatic Mains Fail function in SPTM (SPI) application changed
When the gen-set is configured to start in case of the mains fail the internal start command remains
active until the GCB is closed or the mains gets recovered for time longer than setpoint AMF
settings:MCB close del.
Originally the Internal start command has been canceled immediately after mains return and engine got
stopped immediately or after cooling (depends on the actual engine state).
The setpoint FastHistPeriod renamed to PremortHistPer and moved to the group Date/Time
InteliSys NTC BaseBox HW only.
The low limit of setpoint Engine params:MaxFuleDrop changed to 0 = OFF
Use the zero settings to deactivate the Fuel Theft Protection.
Range of RPM pickup of Inteli AIN8 extended to 65000 RPM.
New TIER IV pictograms added (DEF, Failure Emission System).

12.2 Repairs
Problem with DISTBIN timeout in combination with I-CR-R resolved
Problem with DISTBIN timeout in combination with I-CR-R resolved
PLC block Delay in pulse mode no longer shortens pulses by 100ms
CANNegotiation warning (Wrn AddrErr) is no longer displayed when synchronized setpoint is changed while
CANNegotiation function is active
Power and current is now written in history correctly after Emergency manual deactivation
InteliVision terminals no longer stop communication if 100% of history memory columns in the controller is
The false alarm is no longer indicated when controller and IGS-PTM module are power on at the same time
Logical binary output Horn flashing is no longer delayed by 2s against logical binary output Horn
Regulation of Base PF in parallel to mains wrong calculated when power format set to 0,01MW MVAr MVA
MX kV or 0,01MW MVAr MVA MX V. The bug has been fixed.
Not valid BOC EarthFaultCurr issued after the restart of the controller. The bug has been fixed.
Statistic of pulse counter on Inteli AIN8 gets latched. Bug has been fixed.
Behavior of LBO Horn in case of Analog or Binary protection unified.
Pressing of Stop button during running of pre-lubricate function and consequent pressing of Start button
caused the interruption of pre-lubricate function. The bug has been fixed.
The problem of simultaneous activation of LBI ECU StoppedEng and Rem Star/Stop fixed.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 16

13 Related information
13.1 Available files
Firmware (*.mhx)
For InteliSysNT BaseBox and
For InteliGenNT GC For InteliGenNT BaseBox
InteliSysNTC BaseBox
IG-NT-GC-3.9.0.mhx IG-NT-BB-3.9.0.mhx IS-NT-3.9.0.mhx

Table 13.1 Available firmware

Archive (*.ant)
For InteliSysNT BaseBox and
For InteliGenNT GC For InteliGenNT BaseBox
InteliSysNTC BaseBox
IG-GC-MINT-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-MINT-3.9.0.ant IS-MINT-3.9.0.ant
IG-GC-MINT-BC-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-MINT-BC-3.9.0.ant IS-MINT-BC-3.9.0.ant
IG-GC-Combi-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-Combi-3.9.0.ant IS-Combi-3.9.0.ant
IG-GC-SPTM-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-SPTM-3.9.0.ant IS-SPTM-3.9.0.ant
IG-GC-SPI-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-SPI-3.9.0.ant IS-SPI-3.9.0.ant
IG-GC-COX-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-COX-3.9.0.ant IS-COX-3.9.0.ant
IG-GC-GeCon-SPTM-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-GeCon-SPTM-3.9.0.ant IS-GeCon-SPTM-3.9.0.ant
IG-GC-GeCon-SPI-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-GeCon-SPI-3.9.0.ant IS-GeCon-SPI-3.9.0.ant
IG-GC-GeCon-MINT-BC-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-GeCon-MINT-BC-3.9.0.ant IS-GeCon-MINT-BC-3.9.0.ant
IG-GC-GeCon-MINT-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-GeCon-MINT-3.9.0.ant IS-GeCon-MINT-3.9.0.ant
IG-GC-GeCon-Combi-3.9.0.ant IG-BB-GeCon-Combi-3.9.0.ant IS-GeCon-Combi-3.9.0.ant

Table 13.2 Available archives

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 17

13.2 Overview of all available hardware
InteliGenNT GC InteliGenNT BaseBox InteliGenNTC BaseBox
Binary Inputs 12 12 12
Binary Outputs 12 12 12
Analog Inputs 3 3 3
Analog Outputs 0 0 0
Communications RS232, RS485 RS232, RS485 (display only) RS232, RS485, USB, Ethernet

Table 13.3 Available hardware for InteliGenNT

InteliSysNT BaseBox InteliSysNTC BaseBox

Binary Inputs 16 16
Binary Outputs 16 16
Analog Inputs 4 4
Analog Outputs 1 1
Communications RS232, RS485, USB RS232, RS485, USB, Ethernet

Table 13.4 Available hardware for InteliSysNT

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 18

13.3 Available related documentation
Documents Description
General description of SPtM applications for InteliGen NT and InteliSys
NT. Contains description of engine and generator control, control of
IGS-NT-SPTM-3.1.0 Reference power in parallel to mains operation, list of all Setpoints, Values, Logical
Guide.pdf Binary Inputs and Logical Binary Output.
General description of SPI applications for InteliGen NT and InteliSys
NT. Contains description of engine and generator control, control of
IGS-NT-SPI-3.1.0 Reference power in parallel to mains operation, list of all Setpoints, Values, Logical
Guide.pdf Binary Inputs and Logical Binary Output.
General description of MINT applications for InteliGen NT and InteliSys
NT. Contains description of engine and generator control,
IGS-NT-MINT-3.1.0 Reference powermanagement, list of all Setpoints, Values, Logical Binary Inputs
Guide.pdf and Logical Binary Output.
General description of Combi applications for InteliGen NT and InteliSys
NT. Contains description of engine, and generator control in SPTM, SPI
IGS-NT-Combi-3.1.0 Reference and MINT mode, powermanagement, list of all Setpoints, Values, Logical
Guide.pdf Binary Inputs and Logical Binary Output.
General description of COX applications for InteliGen NT and InteliSys
NT. Contains description of engine and generator control,
IGS-NT-COX-3.1.0 Reference powermanagement, list of all Setpoints, Values, Logical Binary Inputs
Guide.pdf and Logical Binary Output.
Applications of InteliGen NT, InteliSys NT and InteliMains NT, examples
of connection, description of PLC functions, Virtual and Shared
IGS-NT Application Guide 05-
Operator Guide for all hardware variation of InteliGen NT and InteliSys
IGS-NT Operator Guide 01- NT, InteliVision 5 and InteliVision 8.
2014.pdf http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/IGS-
IGS-NT Installation Guide 08- Thorough description of installation and technical information about
2014.pdf InteliGen NT, InteliSys NT and InteliMains NT and related accessories.

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 19

Documents Description
Thorough description of connectivity and communication for InteliGen
IGS-NT Communication Guide NT, InteliSys NT and InteliMains NT and related accessories.
05-2013.pdf http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/IGS-
How to solve most common troubles with InteliGen NT and InteliSys NT
IGS-NT Troubleshooting Guide controllers. Including the list of alarm massages.
08-2014.pdf http://www.comap.cz/support/downloads/IGS-
Thorough description of accessory modules for IGS-NT family, technical
data, information about installation of the modules, how to connect them
IGS-NT & ID-DCU Accessory
to controller and set them properly.
Modules 07-2014.pdf

Table 13.5 Available documentation

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 20

14 Notes
14.1 Document history
Revision number Related sw. version Date Author
1 3.9.0 7.6.2017 Vladimir Zubak
2 3.7.0 13.2.2017 Pavel Mare
3 3.5.1 16.8.2016 Ladislav Szetei
4 3.3.1 25.5.2016 Ladislav Szetei
5 3.3.0 12.5.2016 Pavel Mare
6 3.2.0 18.11.2015 Ladislav Szetei
7 3.1.4 21.8.2015 Pavel Mare
8 3.1.3 21.4.2015 Pavel Mare
9 3.1.2 4.2.2015 Pavel Mare

IGS-NT 3.9.0 New Features List 21

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