2.2 Cellular Components - Chloroplast, Golgi Apparatus & Lysosomes (Essay Question)
2.2 Cellular Components - Chloroplast, Golgi Apparatus & Lysosomes (Essay Question)
2.2 Cellular Components - Chloroplast, Golgi Apparatus & Lysosomes (Essay Question)
Describe the structure and state the function of chloroplast, Golgi apparatus and
lysosome in a cell. [10 marks]
Structure of Chloroplast:
Chloroplasts are found in plant tissues, such as mesophyll cells and algae
which undergo photosynthesis
Chroplasta are biconvex disc
3-10m in lenght and 2-4m in width
The organelle is bounded by a double membrane
In the stroma of the chloroplast lies a series of interconnecting flattened
membrane-bonunded sacs called thylakaoids
The thylakoids are stacked into grana
The thylakoids membrane are surrounded by stroma
The stroma contains DNA , ribosomes, starch granules and lipid globules
(Any 2)
Function of chloroplast:
Chloroplasts are sites for photosynthesis
Max : 3 marks
Structure of Golgi apparatus:
Golgi apparatus consists of a stack of flattened, membrane bound sacs
called cisternae.
The concave shaped cisternae nearer to the cell surface membrane is the
trans network
The convex-shaped cisternae near the ER formed from the fusion of transport
vesicles for ER is the sis golgi network
Golgi apparatus is numerous in secretory cells such as pancreatic cells
and goblet cells.
Function of Golgi apparatus:
(i) Modifies the protein by adding sugar molecules to form glycoprotein
(ii) Secretory vesicles prodused by golgi apparatus containing
zymogen(eg: trypsinogen, pepsinogen), musin, hormones and
neurotranmitters release their contents to the outside of the cell
(iii) Formation of lysosome
Max: 3 marks
Structure of Lysosome
Which are produced by Golgi apparatus are spherical, small sacs enveloped by
a single membrane.
Contain hydrolytic enzymes such as protease, lipase, ribonuclease (Rnase),
decarboxylase (Dnase), carbohydrase and phosphates.
Functions of lysosomes:
(i) Involved in digestion or ingested food
(ii) Involved in digestion of worn-out organelle in a process called
(iii) Involved in the break down of pathogen eg: bacteria in cells that
carry out phagocytosis such as neutrophils and macrophages
(iv) Involved in the digestion of old and damaged cells via autolysis
Max: 4 marks