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Wireless Communications

Dr. Ranjan Bose

Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Lecture No. # 16
Mobile Radio Propagation - II (Continued)

Welcome to the next lecture on Mobile Radio propagation. The outline of today’s talk is as

(Refer Slide Time: 00:01:23 min)

We will start with the brief recap of what we have learned so far in the previous lectures. Then
will talk about small scale multipath measurements. We will see that measurements are an
important part to come up with a realistic channel model. So how do we take these
measurements what are the pros and cons of various measurement techniques is what we will
learn today. Then will talk about channel sounding techniques. There will be a discussion on
direct or pulsed systems. We will talk about spread spectrum sliding correlator channel sounding
technique. And then frequency domain channel sounding method. We will discuss these methods
in detail. What is involved, what are the pluses and - points of these various techniques. First let
us recap briefly what we learnt last time.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:02:28 min)

We started off with a description of the discrete time impulse response model of a mobile
multipath fading channel. We then looked at the power delay profile. We realized that the
wideband signals and the narrowband signals are treated differently by the same multipath
channel. We looked at how wideband signals behave and how narrowband signals behaved.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:03:00 min)

What we saw is that the received power of wideband signal depends on the multipath channel. if
we assume that the received power forms a random process where each multipath component has
a random amplitude and a phase at any time ‘t’then the average small scale received power for a
wideband probe is given simply by E averaged over a and theta of the power of wideband is
equal to summation i is equal to zero through N -1ai squared average value where ai represents
the power received in the various multipath components from 0 through N –1. So we have
consider N multipaths here. What we realized is that the different multipath components of a
transmitted signals are resolved at the receiver, then the average small scale received power is
simply the some of the received powers in each of the multipath components. We also saw that
this is the reason why there are no rapid variations as we move in the small scale dimension. So
we do not see much fluctuations as we move our receiver with respect to the transmitter when we
are talking about wideband signals. The story was slightly different for narrowband signals.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:04:40 min)

So if we talk about the average received power of the narrowband signals over a local area and
what do we mean by local area? A few lambdas or a few wavelengths. then the expected power
of a continuous wave narrowband signal is given by summation i is equal to 0 through N-1ai
squared average value which is the same as what we see in the wideband scenario plus another
term which has two summations. There is an rij which is the path amplitude correlation
coefficient defined as rij is equal to expected value over ‘a’ the amplitudes in the received
components of multipath aiaj for the two different multipaths. So rij multiplied by an average
value cosine theta i - theta j. so only in the case when either rij’s are zero or the average value of
cosine theta i - theta j’s are zero does the average received power of a narrowband signal become
the same as that of a wideband signal. In all other cases, the second component here contributes
to rapid fluctuations.so even a little movement of the receiver antenna with respect to the
transmitter shows wide fluctuations. There is an inherent difference between wideband signals
and narrowband signals.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:06:32 min)

So if you want to compare for the wideband signals, we learnt that multipath structure is
completely resolved. The received power for wideband signal changes very little over small
distances. Small as in, a few wavelengths. On the other hand for the CW say, narrowband signals
multipath is clearly not resolved by the received signal. The received power for the CW signals
undergoes rapid fades over small distances. What we will see in today’s lecture is that wideband
signals can be used effectively to measure the channel impulse response. The measurement
values help us come up with a good model for the channel. What is interesting is that the local
ensemble average powers for both the signals, both narrowband and wideband are equivalent.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:07:44 min)

Now let us come to today’s topic which deals with multipath measurements.how does the
channel actually behave when we prove it with a certain kind of signal. Please note: multipath
structure is important for determining the small scale fading. We are not concerned here for the
long term fading. We are just talking about the small scale fading. A number of channels
sounding techniques have been developed over the years to look at the channel impulse response.
They can be broadly classified into time domain channel measurement techniques and frequency
domain channel sounding techniques. Three specific techniques that we will talk about today are
as follows.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:08:44 min)

The first one is direct RF pulse system. Here, we use a very narrow pulse to probe the channel
and the impulse response is obtained directly. The other technique is Spread Spectrum Sliding
Correlator Channel Sounding technique. Here, there are two terms that is of importance.one is
the spread spectrum. We make use of a pseudo random noise sequence - a PN sequence to spread
our signal. We use a very interesting concept of a sliding correlator at the receiver in order to
obtain the channel characteristics. We will talk about it in detail. The third one is a frequency
domain channel sounding technique. We can use this also to find out the channel impulse
response because of the duality of frequency and time. So we can measure the channel either in
time domain or frequency domain. We will talk about the frequency domain channel sounding
technique also.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:09:59 min)

So let us first consider the direct RF radio frequency channel measurement technique.in this
technique we simply use a direct RF pulse. So we will say a direct RF pulse system is used.this
helps us to determine the power delay profile directly. Please remember our objective here is to
find out the impulse response of the channel. Later on, if you have to use some kind of a
deterministic modeling or do some kind of a ray tracing, then this kind of a channel model will
be useful. What is used is a narrow pulse. Simulating almost an impulse.

A narrow pulse is used for channel sounding.at the receiver, the signal is amplified and detected
using an envelope detector. Now please note the moment we bring into effect an envelope
detector, we tend to lose out the phase information. Whereas, it is important for us to measure
both the amplitude and phase. Once we detect the signal and amplify it, we then store it on a high
speed digital storage oscilloscope. If the receiver which is your antenna followed by an envelope
detector, then followed by an oscilloscope is set on an averaging mode, the local average power
delay profile is then obtained.in most cases we are interested in the local average power delay

(Refer Slide Time: 00:12:01 min)

Let us look at a measurement set up.so on the top; I have put the transmitter portion. There is a
carrier wave which is being modulated with a pulse generator and then amplified and sent
through a transmit antenna. So what I have are very narrow pulses. the pulse width is Tbb and
clearly if I am doing a channel sounding within a room, they are a few nanoseconds wide. Then
there is a pulse repetition frequency or the pulse repetition duration t rep which deals with how
soon the next pulse comes. This distance is kept keeping in mind the delay spread of the
environment. In a room environment, ti can keep t rep smaller whereas outdoors, I have to
increase the t rep. on the other hand; I have a receiver where there is a receiver antenna. Then a
band pass filter whose bandwidth is 2 over Tbb where Tbb is the pulse width. Then there is an
amplifier followed by a detector. This is usually an envelope detector. But here we could also
replace it by a coherent detector. It has its own problems. But let’s put for the sake of simplicity,
just an envelope detector here followed by the digital storage oscilloscope. So this set up is
sufficient to directly measure the channel impulse response and the average power delay profile.
we will talk about what the constraints on the pulse width, etc. are.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:14:05 min)

Let us talk about the general problems with this technique. First of all, this method is subject to
interference. It is also subject to noise due to the wide passband filter required for multipath time
resolution. Please note that this direct RF channel measurement technique essentially is using a
wideband pulse. What is happening is you have to have a wideband receiver. Otherwise it
doesn’t make sense. But the moment you have a wideband receiver, you bring in all the
interference and all the noise. There is no way to eliminate that. We can really do the elimination
in the second technique which we will study after this. So interference and noise will form a
major impediment. Now the pulse system relies on the ability to trigger the oscilloscope on the
first arriving pulse. If you fail to do so, then you are lost. Sometimes, the first arriving pulse may
not be the strongest. The other problem is the phases of the individual multipath components are
not received because of the use of an envelope detector. Of course you can make a system more
complicated by employing a coherent detector. But these are generally the problems associated
with direct RF channel measurement. Of course the flip side is that you directly get the channel
impulse response. There is no requirement of post processing. What you see is the actual channel
impulse response on the oscilloscope.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:16:08 min)

Now we move to the next technique which is called the spread spectrum channel impulse
response measurement system. It promises to overcome some of the problems associated with
the direct RF channel measurement technique although this technique also works in the time
domain. Here, the probing signal is wideband. Please remember in the previous lectures we have
seen that if we have a channel response model, we must use a wideband technique to do the
measurements because that will take care of all the subsequent frequency bands. The channel
impulse response measurement will be able to address all the narrowband scenarios as well. We
probe the signal using a wideband pulse but the receiver is narrow band preceded by a wideband
mixer. So the mixer at the receiver is wideband. However the receiver itself is a narrow band
because we deploy a narrowband filter. What is the advantage? The dynamic range of the
receiver is much larger than the RF pulse measurement system. There are ways and means
already put in here to reject extra noise and interference.my receiver is in principle, narrowband.
What is done is the carrier signal is spread over a large bandwidth by simply mixing it with a
binary pseudo noise sequence- a PN sequence having a chip duration Tc. we will soon see what
is the advantage of doing this kind of a mixing which actually spreads the signal.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:18:17 min)

At the receiver the signal is filtered and despread using the same PN sequence.so if you have a
PN sequence that you multiply a signal with, its spreads the signal clearly. because the chip
duration is very small which means it is a wideband signal that you are mixing with at the
receiver if you use the same PN sequence perfectly synchronized then you recover back your
original signal you despread it. On the other hand, if you are dispreading it with a wrong PN
sequence then it spreads further. you cannot despread it. however please remember we have put a
narrowband filter at the receiver which will only collect energy coming in the required band.so
the transmitted chip clock is run at a slightly faster rate than the receiver chip clock. this is done
to ensure that synchronization is not an issue. clearly the PN sequence at a transmitter and
receiver must match and synchronize so that I can effectively despread my signal. but
synchronization is clearly a problem. the simple way to overcome this problem is to ensure that
the transmitted chip clock runs at a higher rate. so eventually the receiver signal will be caught
up by the transmitter signal. this results in a sliding correlator. when the chip sequence of the
faster clock rate catches up with the slower one, the sequence will be maximally correlated and
at that time, we effectively despread a signal. in all other cases we do not and the pass band filter
takes into account the signal which is supposed to be taken in. when the sequences are not
maximally correlated, that is, we have not been able to synchronize properly and the transmitted
clock is yet to catch up with the receiver clock, mixing will further spread the signal. in this case
the narrowband filter that follows the correlator rejects all the incoming signal.so I am only in
business when the maximal correlation takes place when the PN sequences are exactly
synchronized. we do not have to worry about the synchronization issues. please remember in
most channel sounding techniques we do not have the luxury to run a wire from the transmitter
to the receiver to synchronize. they are spatially apart. only then we are measuring the channel.
So if synchronization was of consequence, then the system would become very complicated.so
this sliding correlated method makes you do the task without the need of synchronization. it’s a
major plus point.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:21:53 min)

Let us now look at the block diagram of the spread spectrum channel impulse response
measurement system. We have a PN sequence generator running at a certain clock rate. Let’s call
it alpha. Then the signal is multiplied or mixed with the PN sequence generator so as to obtain a
wideband spread sequence. It’s amplified and transmitted.at the receiver, we have a band pass
filter whose bandwidth is 2 times Rc. what is Rc? It is nothing but one over Tc,Tc being the chip
interval. Now this PN sequence generator at the receiver.it has a same PN sequence. It multiplies
with the received signal and then goes to another band pass filter.

Now only when this PN sequence coincides exactly with the PN sequence being used here
without any phase shift, does the despreading occur.in all other cases this band pass filter will
reject the extraneous power. It is then amplified and passes through a detector. Then it is put into
a storage oscilloscope. Please note that the chip clock rate here is beta which is different from
alpha here. In general alpha is slightly larger than beta. Alpha and beta can be used together to
calculate something called as a sliding rate which tells us how fast is a sliding correlator moving.
If it is fast enough, there will be a time that you will catch up with this clock rate. Finally you
will get a maximal correlation. This method overcomes the effect of a wideband receiver. It’s
clearly not wideband. It is a narrowband and rejects all the extraneous interference and noise.so
it’s a preferred way to do things. Clearly you need to do some processing.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:24:29 min)

So what are the parameters that we use for this spread spectrum channel impulse response
measurement system? We have the chip rate Rc given by 1 over Tc. the RF bandwidth is two
times Rc. the processing gain, the gain that you obtain because of the spreading and despreading
is 2Tbb, Tbb is the width of the signal divided by Tc, the chip duration. The time resolution that
you obtain delta tau is 2 over Rc.so it is clearly linked with the Tc. this time resolution is about
the resolution in time that you do for a channel impulse response measurement. So better the
resolution, more multipath components you can resolve.so this chip interval clearly has a bearing
on the accuracy of your impulse response that you measure. the slide factor ‘gamma’ is given by
alpha divided by alpha – beta, where alpha is a transmitter chip clock rate and beta is the receiver
chip clock rate.as suggested before, alpha is slightly larger than beta and gamma is greater than

(Refer Slide Time: 00:26:05 min)

What are the advantages of this spread spectrum channel impulse response measurement
technique? First of all, the most important advantage is the ability to reject pass band noise
because the receiver inherently is narrowband. It improves the coverage range for a given
transmitter power. I am no longer limited by noise. I can increase the spacing of my transmitter
and receiver. I can increase the coverage for the same transmitter power. It’s a big advantage.
Otherwise very soon the received signal tends to get cluttered by noise. The transmitter-receiver
synchronization problem is eliminated using this sliding correlator.so we can really spatially
separate the transmitter and receiver without worrying about the synchronization. It’s an
important advantage.

Then, the sensitivity of the measurements is adjustable by tweaking the sliding factor and the
post correlator filter bandwidth. The required power is much lower because of the processing
gain.so we have inherently a processing gain which is obtained by despreading the signal. That
helps us and the required power is actually much lower in comparison to the RF direct
measurement technique. So clearly this spread spectrum channel impulse response measurement
system is better than the direct RF method although in the direct RF measurement technique we
obtain the channel impulse response directly. There is no post processing required.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:28:07min)

Let us look at the disadvantages of spread spectrum channel impulse response measurement
system. The measurements are not made real time. They are made and stored we showed a
storage digital oscilloscope. So the measurements are stored as the PN sequences slide past one
another. Somewhere in the sliding process, the maximum correlation takes place. Only when the
entire sliding process is over can we take out the data, process it and find out what is the channel
impulse response. The associated time required is more. Clearly, if you have to take many
measurements at many places, then this becomes a much slower process as compared to the
direct RF pulse measurement technique. Since a non-coherent detector is used again, the phase
information is lost. We have to do something about the space information. We are only getting
part of the information.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:29:14 min)

Now let us look at the third technique. This third technique works on the basic dual relationship
between time and frequency. Lately this technique has become one of the very popular
techniques for indoor wireless channel measurements. There are certain constraints we will see
for this frequency domain channel impulse response measurement system which will force at not
to separate the transmitter and a receiver too much. so because of the dual relationship between
the time and frequency, it is possible to measure the channel impulse response in frequency
domain and then simply take the inverse Fourier transform to obtain the time domain channel
impulse response. Normally, a vector network analyzer is used. An S-parameter test set is used to
monitor the frequency response of the channel.

The frequency sweeper scans a particular frequency band by stepping through discrete
frequencies. Please note a couple of things. The entire measurement is being done in the
frequency domain. So the vector network analyzer has a frequency sweeper for which you can
set the start frequency and the stop frequency. That is your band of interest. Clearly this is
different from a time domain measurement where you did not have to specify a desired band to
measure. This is not a bad constraint because you carry out channel measurements for a certain
application or a certain frequency band. So first you have to tell the frequencies sweeper what is
the start and what is the stop point for the bandwidth over which you are going to sweep. Then
the next question of importance is: what is your step size? It’s not a continuous sweep. There are
discrete steps. Now the step size will have a direct bearing on the accuracy of the measurement
of a channel. We will talk about this. But what is important is to note that the frequency band is
swept by stepping through discrete frequencies.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:32:05 min)

Let us look at the block diagram. Here, what is interesting is, in the centre we have the vector
network analyzer with swept frequency oscillator. This is where you fix the start frequency and
the end point. Then you have an S parameter test set. The transmitter and receiver are both
connected to the vector network analyzer. So this will put the first constraint on the maximal
separation that is possible between the transmitter and receiver. Both have to be connected to the
vector network analyzer.

Only then we can carry out our S 21 measurement which is nothing but the transfer function.
S21omega is the transfer function. H of omega is nothing but y omega divided by x omega. If we
have this, this would be a complex measurement. Then the inverse Fourier transform here will be
the channel impulse response. It is a smart technique. You avoid the time domain problems. You
have to have a synchronized transmitter and receiver. You must have an S-parameter test set but
other than that, it’s clearly mechanical. So, if you carry out this measurement, you fix the
location of a transmitter and usually the vector network analyzer is kept much closer to the
transmitter. You have to have a longer cable which connects the receiver.

The losses in the cable have to be accounted for because; if the distance between the transmitter
and receiver has to be increased then the cable should be long enough. Usually some
characterization of this system is done before you go ahead and take the final measurements.
Clearly this system is not real time in terms of giving you the channel impulse response. You do
a lot of measurements, then finally you take the inverse Fourier transform and obtain the channel
impulse response. Also note that this method requires you to first take a lot of measurements.
Suppose, I want to really find out the small scale fading characteristics of this room, then I will
fix the transmitter at a certain location. Then the receiver will be moved around over a grid. So
we first mark a grid on the floor, keep the receiver at grid location1, then carry the entire sweep
for that one particular grid location.so maybe we will have say 1600 points being stepped from

start of frequency to end of frequency. Now not only that, for every frequency point you would
like to average the data because the channel itself might be changing.in fact that is a major issue
here. What happens if during my stepping process, during my sweeping over the frequency the
channel changes? Then my measurement is irrelevant. There are ways and means to overcome
that and of course an associated cause. But in general, we do not take just one single
measurement for a typical frequency. As we step along the frequency axis, for every step, we
take hundreds of measurements and average them over. Once we do this entire stepping from
frequency start band to frequency stop band, then we go to the next receiver location and repeat
the entire exercise. So this is how frequency domain channel impulse response measurement is

(Refer Slide Time: 00:36:32 min)

Now the number and spacing of the frequency steps impact the time resolution of the impulse
response measurement. Remember the time resolution is related to your excess delay spread and
how much of energy you are getting in different multipath components. The network analyzer
determines the complex response S 21 of omega of the channel over the measured frequency
range. This transmissivity response is a frequency domain representation of the channel impulse
response. This response is converted into time domain simply by taking the inverse discrete
Fourier transform- IDFT.

Now what is interesting is the moment you take IDFT, suppose you had 128 points frequency
domain samples, you take IDFT and you get another 128 points time domain response. Now
what will happen is all the points will have some values. Clearly when you take IDFT you will
get some values however small in most of the time slots. However that doesn’t mean that all bins
are getting some energy out. If you use a proper thresholding method you will be able to see
what are the bins which get energy and what are the time bins which do not have any energy. So
you have to be a little careful when you take the IDFT. There is some amount of post processing

analysis required before you come to the correct channel impulse response. for the time being,
this is a theoretical statement that this response is converted into time domain simply by taking
the inverse discrete Fourier transform.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:39:01 min)

What are the disadvantages? The system requires careful calibration. What do you mean by
careful calibration? We have the transmitter antenna the receiver antenna and then their long
cable associated with it. Then there are connectors so all the losses have to be taken into
consideration before you start your actual measurements. Calibration is a problem. The system
requires hardwired synchronization. As mentioned before the transmitter and the receiver both
are connected to the vector network analyzer which means that the maximum distance between
the transmitter and receiver is limited. I cannot use this technique to carry out a channel
measurement outdoors when the separation of transmitter and receiver is 1 km. I cannot have
such long cables.

So it is practical only for indoor channel measurements. In fact it is very preferred for indoor
channel measurements. However, the other disadvantage is non-real-time nature of the
measurement so we are carrying out these kinds of measurement in house and IIT for ultra-
wideband channel measurements and what is done is first a lot of data is just taken. Suspense
exists till we go download the data and then do the post processing and then find out the channel
impulse response. If something is wrong, we go back and redo the measurements again. So this
is the real disadvantage of this frequency domain channel impulse response measurement
system. For time varying channels, the channel impulse response may change giving erroneous
measurement. This is a big problem. If the channel is time varying and many indoor wireless
channels are time varying, then the channel may change while you are taking the measurement.
That’s unfair.

The measurement loses its credibility because when you started of your sweep the channel had a
different H of t impulse response. By the time you finished the measurement the H of t has
changed. Clearly this measurement will not be valid. So we have to speed up the process. But
you cannot speed up the process faster than what your vector network analyzer allows you to do.
So what you do? You cut corners. You increase the step size. How else will I reduce my sweep
time I will take larger and larger steps over the frequency band so as to quickly complete my
scan. If I take larger frequency steps, I pay in terms of time resolution. So somewhere we have to
draw a line. Please remember channel sounding is an art which comes with practice. Once you
carry out these practical measurements, you realize the practical difficulties associated with it. So
what is the solution?

(Refer Slide Time: 00:42:45 min)

The solution about the time varying channel is use fast sweep time in order to keep the frequency
response measurement interval as short as possible. But faster sweep time comes at a cost. What
is the cost? Fewer frequency steps, larger frequency steps and poorer frequency resolution. This
leads to poorer time resolution. This frequency domain channel impulse response measurement
is currently being used in IIT Delhi to measure the channel impulse response of ultra-wideband
channels from 3.1 to 10.6 GHz. again practical systems have a lot of difficulties. For example
your antenna must be wideband.

The antenna characteristic should be relatively flat and unchanging over the entire frequency
band. Then how do you take the measurements will the deductionality of your antennas effect the
system? Your answer will be different if you are half power beam width is small as opposed to
an omnidirectional antenna. You will get many more multipath components if your half power
beam width of your antenna is larger. Typically for UWB example you would like to have an
omnidirectional antenna. Then you have to calibrate your system. So all these practical things

have to be kept into consideration while taking these measurements. So this is a nice place to
stop today. I’ll summarize the various techniques that we have learnt.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:44:48 min)

Today’s lecture has focused on small scale multipath measurements. We looked at various
channel sounding techniques. We started off with RF pulse system where we saw that RF narrow
pulses could directly give you the channel impulse response of the system. It is a direct method.
It doesn’t take much time but it has a problem. The problem is it is a wide receiver band and it
takes into the system all the noise and interference. So interference and noise is a problem. This
forces the system to take measurements not of long channels, that is, you can have the
transmitted receiver separation only up to a certain amount provided you do not increase the
power of the transmitter. Some of these problems of the direct RF pulse system are addressed for
in the case of spread spectrum sliding correlator channel sounding technique. Here we use a PN
sequence. We first spread the signal. At the receiver we despread it, pass it through a narrowband
filter and then process it.

The use of sliding correlator, we saw that it makes it redundant to have a synchronization
between the transmitter and receiver. Also the spread spectrum technique removes the problem
of extra noise and interference. The first two techniques we studied were the time domain. Then
we looked at another technique, the frequency domain channel sounding technique. Here we
have vector network analyzer. The problem is the transmitter and receiver must be synchronized.
It should be hardwired to the vector network analyzer. This puts a constraint on the maximal
separation allowable between the transmitter and the receiver. However this technique is popular
for indoor channel measurements. So these are the three popular techniques.

The last one is being currently employed in IIT for ultra-wideband channel measurements. We
will conclude here and may be in one of the subsequent lectures we can discuss the actual
measurements being carried out for ultra-wideband channel measurements in IIT which gives us
a practical perspective to these slides.


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