Techniques of Identi Fication

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Chapter 8

Techniques of Identication

8.1 Introduction

The need to precisely and accurately predict the dynamic behaviour of increasingly
complex machines or, more generally, of installations and structures, and the need
to predict their reliability and life span, have led to the need to develop increasingly
rened and complex calculation methods which have become indispensable tools
for design and operation. Such methods, based on the use of suitable mathematical
models, such as multi-body methods and nite element methods for mechanical
systems, seek to reproduce the behaviour of the real system and make it possible not
only to predict the systems dynamic response to the action of different forms of
excitation but also its stability in different working conditions. During the design
phase, the advantage of having a sophisticated mathematical model offers the
possibility of avoiding partly, if not entirely, any experimental investigations on
prototypes or individual components, which would otherwise be necessary and
which is usually quite costly and requires often prohibitive implementation times.
The mathematical model associated with the real system is usually dened by:
assuming that the system in question has certain properties (related to the laws
of physics or to purely mathematical hypothesis);
including consolidated partial mathematical models.
So far in the discussion we have always assumed that the elastic, inertial and
damping characteristics of the mechanical system to be analysed are known (in
terms of stiffness, mass and concentrated and/or distributed damping), as is the type
of excitation that the system is subject to. With these assumptions, once a certain
mathematical model had been dened that was able to reproduce the true behaviour
of the system, the relevant equations of motion were dened and then they were
solved. Often, however, it is not possible to accurately dene the value of some of

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 771

F. Cheli and G. Diana, Advanced Dynamics of Mechanical Systems,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-18200-1_8
772 8 Techniques of Identication

the systems typical parameters (such as, for example, the stiffness and damping
coefcients of some components). In this case the mathematical models are subject
to uncertainties and the comparison between analytical and experimental results
may show signicant discrepancies, thus making the results obtained with the
mathematical model unreliable. Sometimes, given the complexity of the system, it
may not even be possible to dene a mathematical model a priori whose equations
make it possible to adequately reproduce the true behaviour of the system. To
overcome these difculties several methods have been developed over recent
decades, known as identication techniques, (Proceeding IFAC/IFOR,
Proceeding on Modal Analysis, [20]) that use experimental measurements on real
systems, making it possible to obtain:
the characteristics of several parameters of a pre-established mathematical
model of the considered system (techniques of parameter identication);
the equations relating to a mathematical model not corresponding to a physical
scheme, but reproducing the system as a black box (system identication
the characteristics of the sources of excitation that it is subject to.
So the term identication techniques means the set of methodologies which,
starting from experimental measurements, aims to dene the characteristics of a
generic system: these methodologies were developed mainly as part of controls and
were only later extended to the study of systems of a mechanical, electrical, elec-
tronic, economic, biological nature etc., as well as to the study of generic processes.
In the specic issues of identication particular nomenclature and symbology are
traditionally used, usually by experts in the eld of controls, where these tech-
niques, as already mentioned, have undergone important developments. The gen-
eric term system is used to dene a set of several components (material objects)
which, being physically interconnected, act as a whole. In general, a mechanical
system is made up of a combination of interconnected rigid or flexible bodies with
elastic and damping elements interfaced with actuators or motors controlled in an
open or closed loop (e.g. a road or rail vehicle, a robot, a rotating machine,
including a rotor, bearings, case and foundation etc.). Anything that is not part of
the system is usually dened as the outside world separated from the system by a
physical (or ideal) surface. The objects that make up the system are known as
components or subsystems: the second term refers to the fact that, depending
on the type of investigation being carried out, a certain combination of objects may
be considered to be a stand-alone system or a subsystem (e.g. an articulated rod and
crank mechanism can itself be a system, while it can also become a subsystem of a
complete machine). A system that is subject to certain sources of excitation shows
certain behaviour dened as the system response: an unbalanced rotor shows
bending vibrations, a structure that is hit by turbulent wind oscillates around its
position of equilibrium etc. The dynamic behaviour of a generic system, or the
dynamic process that system is subject to, can often be described by relations
8.1 Introduction 773

Fig. 8.1 Denition of a system: inputs and outputs

input i (for a mechanical system inputs are represented by external forces or by

displacements impressed on the constraints)
output u (the motion of the system, the stresses transmitted to the individual
components etc.).
These relations can be dened by the equations of a suitable mathematical model
which can generally be expressed both in the time domain and in the frequency
domain. The relations that link inputs and outputs can be displayed using appro-
priate block diagrams, such as the one shown in Fig. 8.1. These methodologies are
based on an analysis (statistical) of the response of the system subject to inputs
affected by disturbances, as well as deterministic inputs: with this assumption the
output also becomes a statistical variable. Denition of the parameters is, therefore,
performed in probabilistic terms, that is, the most likely values of the parameters are
dened and an estimation of them is made. In this context, ltering techniques,
meaning techniques aimed at separating the true signal from disturbances, are very
important [17, 28]. As mentioned, the mathematical model to be used in these
identication procedures can be classied into two main families:
black box model;
parametric model.
The black box model does not require a predened structured mathematical
model (for example, the transfer function of a vibrating system can be considered as
such). The structured model, on the contrary, is obtained from the description of the
individual components of the given system, through laws that reproduce the
behaviour of the parts and to which a specic physical meaning is associated.
Therefore, identifying the characteristics of parametric models requires the use of
structured mathematical models, i.e., those whose equations are dened in advance
and the problem of identication can be traced back, in this case, to a problem in
estimating the parameters of the actual model. When discussing identication, the
term estimation is often adopted, and not evaluation, since the same techniques are
based, as already mentioned, on measurements carried out using experimental tests
and these are always physiologically affected by random errors: for this reason, we
need to introduce, as mentioned, appropriate statistical methodologies to reduce
these errors and obtain valid information in order to estimate, with sufcient
accuracy, the systems unknown characteristics. A problem of identication,
regardless of the type of system or process to be analysed, thus involves both
theoretical considerations and experimental tests. For the experimental tests, the
following must be dened:
774 8 Techniques of Identication

the testing conditions and the type of instrumentation;

the excitation modalities of the system;
the measuring techniques;
the methods of obtaining and processing data.
Whereas the required theoretical analyses involve:
choosing the most suitable mathematical model for dening the behaviour of the
choosing appropriate methods for estimating parameters;
the numerical methods for carrying out identication.
The methods for identifying parameters can be applied to any type of system
(mechanical, electrical, electronic, etc.): in the following discussion we will obvi-
ously be referring to mechanical systems.

8.1.1 Identifying the Parameters of a Mechanical System

in the Time and Frequency Domain

The methods of identication, regardless of the type of model of the system

adopted, can be developed both in the time domain and in the frequency domain.
The equations of motion of a generic mechanical system, assuming it is schematised
with a reasonable mathematical model, are generally of the form shown below (see
Chaps. 1 and 2):

F i x; x_ ; x F s x; x_ F e x F x; x_ ; t 8:1a

where x is the vector of the independent variables, F i , F s , and F e are the forces of
inertia, damping and elastic (in general, non-linear functions of the independent
variables x). Lastly, F can group together all the forces not included to the left of the
equals sign, associated with eld actions, with the presence of a control system or,
more generally, with external forces that are explicit functions of time. In the case
where the system is linear, or it is linearized (see Chap. 5, regarding systems
surrounded by force elds), then (8.1a) becomes:

M x R_x K x F t 8:1b

where [M], [R] and [K] are, respectively, the equivalent matrices of mass, damping
and stiffness of the actual system. As already illustrated in Sect., (8.1b)
dened with y the vector of velocity:

y x_ 8:2a
8.1 Introduction 775

Equation (8.1b) can be redened on the basis of the so-called state variables z:
z 8:2b

i.e. they can be rewritten in the generic form, also known as the state transition

z_ f z; F t 8:2c

and for the linear or linearized system:

z_ Az ut 8:2d

A being the so-called transition matrix (Sect.

M 1 R M 1 K 
A 8:2e
I  0

and ut the vector of known input terms:

F t
u t 8:2f

(8.2c) or (8.2d) make it possible to determine the state of the system. In (8.2c) or
(8.2d) the vector F t or ut represents the input of the system it, while usually,
in mechanical systems, the output is identied with one or more of the state
quantities z (8.2d). More generally, the system outputs yu t are correlated to the
state variables z by a relation, also dened as the output transformation function, of
the form:

yu t yu zt; it 8:3

which denes the output yu t of the system in relation to the existing input it
and of the state of the system z. In the case of a generic vibrating mechanical
n-degree-of-freedom (d.o.f.) system, for example, the state variables may be rep-
resented by displacement x and by velocity x_ of the d.o.f. associated with the motion
of the individual bodies making up the actual system. One possible output trans-
formation can be represented by the stresses induced on a component of the system,
a function, in general, both of the inputs and the state of the actual system.
Identication of the frequency domain generally aims to identify the harmonic
transfer function of the system. The techniques used to identify the modal
parameters of a mechanical system that is considered linear can be traced back to
this category. A non-structured model, i.e. a black box model can, in actual fact, be
represented in the frequency domain (Sect. by a relation of the form:
776 8 Techniques of Identication

X X H XF X 8:4

where X X represents the vector of complex amplitudes of the systems response,

F X is the vector of input harmonic forces and lastly H X is the matrix of
transfer functions (unknown): the terms of this matrix can be estimated regardless
of whether a mathematical model of the actual system has been dened a priori or
not. The basic principle of the identication techniques is that of minimising
the difference between the analytical response, assessed in the time domain using
(8.1a, 8.1b) or (8.2d) and in the frequency domain using (8.4), and the measured
response of the real system subjected to the same excitation. Various methods may
be used to minimise this difference (see the bibliography attached to this chapter),
though they can all be conceptually linked to a least squares approach. For this
reason, for mainly educational purposes, the following section will explain the basic
concepts of this method. In the discussion that follows (Sect. 8.2) we will give, as
an example, the description of some typical methods of modal identication in the
frequency domain; these methods, which are based on dening the transfer func-
tion, are currently the most commonly used in the eld of mechanical systems.
Lastly, in Sect. 8.3 we will refer to, as an example, a method of identifying modal
parameters in the time domain.

8.1.2 The Least Squares Method

Introduced by Gauss in 1795 [1, 17] in relation to studies on the orbital motions of
the planets, the least squares method can be used as an identication technique.
Gauss realised that estimation of unknown parameters using experimental obser-
vations was conditioned by the number of measurements carried out and by the
errors that affect them. The studies by Gauss also led to the conclusion that esti-
mation was also influenced by the degree of approximation of the dynamic model.
The basic idea of the method is to minimise, in probabilistic terms, the difference
between the value predicted by the mathematical model and the observed value; in
other words it denes the best estimation of the most likely value of the unknown
parameters, assuming errors in the measurements that are independent of each
other. Let us assume that we wish to describe the behaviour of a certain real system
using the dynamic equation of motion (8.2a)(8.2f) where we consider as
unknowns the masses, stiffness and damping ranked in a vector p:

pT f m11 m12 ... k11 k12 ...g 8:5a

8.1 Introduction 777

Suppose that we have n measured quantities xk xs tk at m discrete moments of
time t1 ; t2 ; . . .; tm :1 We use xk x p; tk to indicate the value of displacements x
obtained at the generic moment of time t tk to integrate the equation of motion
(8.1a, 8.1b) having introduced a set of trial parameters p. The least squares method
makes it possible to obtain the most likely values of the parameters p by minimising
the sum of the squared residuals which can be formally expressed as:
m   T   
1X s s
J xk  xk p Wk  xk  xk p 8:5b
2 k1

where [Wk] is a matrix of weights [28]. This least squares approach can also be used
in the frequency domain. For example, when referring to a 1 d.o.f. system, the
transfer function hX is (Sect.

hX 8:6a
X m iXr k

It is assumed that we have a set of experimental measurements with different

frequencies Xk :

hs hs Xk 8:6b

The values of unknown parameters m, r and k, organised in vector p:

8 9
p k 8:6c
: ;

can be estimated by minimising the function:

m   T   
J hs  hk p Wk hs  hk p 8:6d
2 k1
hk p being the expression (8.6a) estimated for the different values of X corre-
sponding to those of the experimental measurements hs : Often (8.6d) is written in
matrix form and the weights Wk organised in a matrix [W] which is normally
assumed to be diagonal, if the measurements are mutually independent and
uncorrelated, where the terms of the diagonal are assumed to be inversely pro-
portional to the elements of the matrix of covariance. The unknown parameters m,
r and k can be estimated by minimising the function J, i.e. by cancelling the

In the following discussion we will use the superscript(s) to indicate the experimentally measured
generic quantity.
778 8 Techniques of Identication

derivatives with respect to the actual parameters; this corresponds to solve a system
of non-linear algebraic equations.

8.2 Modal Identication Techniques

8.2.1 Introduction

The term modal identication refers to the set of methods used to describe the
dynamic properties (characterised by modal parameters) of a structure or machine
based on experimental data obtained by testing the actual structure.
Modal identication uses the modal approach as analytical support, meaning that
it reconstructs the analytical transfer function hjk X of the system considering it as
if it were made up of many one d.o.f. systems (Sect. 2.5), since the various d.o.f. are
dened by the modal variables. hjk X represents the harmonic transfer function for
an input at the generic point k and the output at the generic point j of the n d.o.f.
system considered. So this transfer function will have modal parameters as
unknown quantities:
hjk X hjk X; xi ; mi ; ki ; ri ; X i 8:7

xi the natural frequencies;
mi the generalised masses;
ki the generalised stiffness;
ri the modal damping;
X i the modes of vibration.
With this approach the dynamic response of the structure subjected to a set known
excitation is measured at several points (the relative quantities will be shown below
with the subscript j); this dynamic response, expressed in terms of experimental
transfer functions hjk X, is then compared to the analytical response hjk X dened
beforehand by minimising the difference between the analytical values and the
experimental ones. It is thus possible to determine the set of modal parameters needed
to characterise the static and dynamic behaviour of the system being analysed.

8.2.2 An Outline of the Basic Equations

Now, for ease of discussion, we will outline the main results obtained by analysing
a discrete generic n d.o.f. system using the modal approach (the full discussion of
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 779

Fig. 8.2 Generic discrete vibrating n d.o.f. system

this issue has already been dealt with in Sect. 2.5.2). So, we will consider a generic
linear vibrating system, discretized with a n d.o.f. model (Fig. 8.2): the vibrating
system can be described, regardless of the method of discretization (with concen-
trated parameters, with nite elements etc.) by a system of second-order linear
differential equations with constant coefcients. In matrix form we have:

M x R_x K x F t 8:8a

where x represents the vector of the independent coordinates that represent the
displacements of some points of the structure:

xT f x1 x2 ... xj ... xn g 8:8b

[M], [R] and [K] are, respectively, the matrices of mass, damping and stiffness and
lastly, F is the vector of external forces. We can use transformation into principal
coordinates, see Sect. 2.5:

x Uq 8:8c

where the matrix U is the modal matrix (generally rectangular (n p) obtained by

arranging in columns the rst p modes of vibration X i of the free, undamped
2 1 i p
X1 . . . X1 . . . X1
h i 66 . 1
.. ... ... ... ... 7 7
U X 1 ; X 2 ; . . .; X i ; . . .; X p 6
6 j
. . . Xj . . . Xj 7
7 8:8d
4 ... ... ... ... ... 5
1 i p
Xn . . . Xn . . . Xn

Xj is the generic jth component relative to the ith mode of vibration. So by
applying the transformation of coordinates (8.2c) to the Eq. (8.8a), the same
equation of motion of the system can be rewritten, if the damping matrix [R] is a
linear combination of those of mass and stiffness, such as:
780 8 Techniques of Identication

mq r q_ k q UT F t Qt 8:9

[m], [r] and [k] being diagonal. The equations of motion of the generic mode of
vibration can be rewritten as n distinct and uncoupled equations:

qi ri q_ i ki qi Qi t X iT F t
mi Xk Fk t i 1; p 8:10

Fk t being the generic k-th generalised component of the forces vector F according
to the kth d.o.f. Xk . So to fully describe the dynamic behaviour of the discretized
system with a n d.o.f. model it is enough to know:
the natural pulsation of the system x2i mkii ;
the generalised mass mi and, from the previous denition, the generalised
stiffness ki ;
the generalised damping ri ;
the modes of vibration X i .
These modal parameters may be determined:
analytically, when the characteristics of the elements making up the structure in
question are known a priori, i.e. the matrices M , R and K  of the Eq. (8.8a),
and by subsequently applying the transformation of coordinates (8.8c) to obtain
experimentally, by measuring the response of the real structure and assessing the
same modal parameters at a later stage.
The modal identication techniques described in this section are, as already men-
tioned, based on the experimental denition of the dynamic response of the system
using a harmonic transfer function hjk X (in this regard, see Sect.,
which can be obtained, for a linear system, by exciting the system with one or more
harmonic forces like Fk t Fko eiXt or with one or more assigned spectrum forces
Basically, there are two different approaches used to identify the modal
parameters of a mechanical system (as will be further explained and illustrated
using a single external excitation (single-input; multi-output);
using different excitations simultaneously (multi-input; multi-output).
Here, for educational purposes, we will analyse several methods that require just
one input: so when adopting such an approach the Lagrangian component Qi t
relative to the generic ith mode of vibration, caused solely by the harmonic force
applied Fk Fko eiXt becomes:
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 781

Qi t Fko eiXt Xk Qio eiXt 8:11

The equation relating to the generic mode of vibration (8.10) thus becomes (steady
state motion for a single harmonic force Fko eiXt ):

mi qi ri q_ i ki qi Fko eiXt Xk 8:12

Establishing in (8.12) the steady state solution as:

qi qio eiXt 8:12a

we have:

Fko eiXt Xk
qio 8:12b
X mi iXri ki

The response of the system, in terms of independent variables and nodal dis-
placements x, will be of the form:

x X o eiXt 8:13

where, taking into account the coordinate transformation (8.8c),:

8 9
> Xo1k >>
> Xo2k >
> >
> >
> ... >
> >
< =
Xo ... X 1 q1o X 2 q2o    X i qio    X p qpo 8:14
> >
> Xojk >>
> >
> . . . >
: ;

The response Xojk X of the system at the generic point j estimated analytically for
an applied force Fko eiXt at generic node k is, therefore, taking into account (8.8c)
and (8.12b):

i Fko Xk
Xojk X Xj qio Xj 8:15
i1 i1 X2 mi iXri ki

We should remember the denition of harmonic experimental transfer function

s s
hjk X, dened (see Fig. 8.3) as the ratio between the response Xojk XeiXt of the
system at generic point j to a harmonic force Fk Fko XeiXt of variable pulsation
X, applied on generic node k and the actual force:
782 8 Techniques of Identication

Fig. 8.3 Denition of

transfer function hjk X

s Xojk X
hjk X 8:16

which, therefore, represents the response of the system for a unit force applied at
generic point k. So, similarly, the analytically estimated transfer function hjk X is
dened as:

s i i
Xojk X X
Xj Xk
hjk X 8:17
Fko i1 X2 mi iXri ki

In conditions of resonance, in correspondence to the generic ith mode of vibration

(X xi ), if the contribution of the adjacent modes is negligible (true condition if
damping is small and the modes are distanced), the analytical transfer function
hjk XjXxi can be rewritten as:

i i i i
 Xj Xk i Xj Xk

hjk X Xxi  8:18a
ixi ri xi ri

The same quantity may be expressed, by dividing numerator and denominator by

the value of critical damping rci 2mi xi as:

i i
 i Xj Xk
hjk XXxi   i 8:18b
2mi rrc x2i
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 783

and dening as damping factor ri the product:

ri xi 8:19

lastly (8.18b) may be rewritten as:

i i
 i Xj Xk
hjk XXxi  8:20
2mi ri xi

(8.17) and (8.20) represent, in the case of pulsation of the generic force X, and in
the case of X xi , the response of the vibrating system in terms of harmonic
transfer function, i.e. the response of the jth generic d.o.f. for a harmonic force
applied at the kth point. As we can see, this function is uniquely dened as the
modal parameters of the system are known. Using the identication techniques to
minimise the difference between the measured experimental transfer function
hjk X (8.16) and the analytical transfer function hjk X, dened in relation to the
function of modal parameters (unknown) (8.17) and (8.20), it is possible to estimate
the actual modal parameters, i.e. natural pulsation xi , generalised mass mi , gen-
eralised damping ri and mode of vibration X i . In the denition of the analytical
transfer function hjk X, it is possible, about xi , to use the expression (8.17), while
neglecting the contribution of non-resonant modes in the summation: in this case a
dened modal approach with one d.o.f. is used. The use of (8.17) in complete form,
on the other hand, considers the contribution of the other modes and so, in this case,
a several d.o.f. approach is used (in this regard, see [8, 11, 22]).

8.2.3 Graphic Representations of the Transfer Function

The generic transfer function hjk X (both analytical and experimental) can be
plotted in different ways taking into account the difculty in representing, in a
plane, a complex quantity fully dened by 3 quantities:
frequency ;  
two scalar quantities [magnitude hjk X and phase /jk X];

real part Re hjk X and imaginary part Im hjk X .
The three most common graphic representations are summarised below:
Bode plot,
 which consists of two graphs that show, respectively, magnitude
hjk X and phase /jk X of the transfer function in relation to frequency X
(Fig. 8.4 shows this quantity for a 1 d.o.f. system);
784 8 Techniques of Identication

Fig. 8.4 Bode plot for a 1 d.o.f. system (linear scale)

the graph of the real part Re hjk X and the imaginary part Im hjk X of the
transfer function in relation to the frequency
(Fig. 8.5);
the graph of the imaginary part Im hjk X in relation to the real part

Re hjk X upon transformation of X: this graph, known as the Nyquist plot or
plot in the Argand plane, does not explicitly contain information about the
frequency (Fig. 8.6).
This graph (in the Argand plane) represents a circumference: the vector P  O
denes the magnitude and phase of the transfer function hjk X in correspondence
to a generic value of . The vector B  O represents the transfer function in
conditions of resonance with phase /jk X equal to 90.
Often the Bode plot or the graph of the real and imaginary parts is represented in
logarithmic scale to avoid the issues linked with the graphic representation of
quantities, such as, in fact, the transfer function, which can attain values that are
very different to each other.
These different representations of the same quantity hjk X are used during the
identication phase in relation to the algorithm adopted. For example, Figs. 8.7, 8.8
and 8.9 show, respectively, the Bode plots of the real and imaginary part and the
Nyquist plots for a vibrating 2 d.o.f. system.
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 785

Fig. 8.5 Graph of the real

part and the imaginary part of
the transfer function for a 1 d.
o.f. system (linear scale)

Fig. 8.6 Nyquist plot for a 1

d.o.f. system

8.2.4 Dening the Experimental Transfer Function

In this section we will briefly deal with the main methods that can be used to
experimentally measure the transfer function hjk X in (8.16), while referring to
specialised texts (listed in the bibliography) and to other courses (e.g. courses on
786 8 Techniques of Identication

Fig. 8.7 Bode plots for a 2 d.o.f. system

Fig. 8.8 Plots of the real and

imaginary part of the transfer
function for a 2 d.o.f. system

Mechanical and Thermal Measurements, Industrial Diagnostics, etc.) for a more

detailed discussion. As we have already mentioned, there are two categories of
the method known as single-point excitation, which consists of exciting the
structure with a single source of excitation;
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 787

Fig. 8.9 Nyquist plot for a 2

d.o.f. system

the method known as multi-points excitation, which consists of simultaneously

exciting the stricture being analysed with several forces placed at different points
of the structure.
In this section we will refer solely to techniques of excitation with just one force.
The system for measuring the experimental transfer function is very simple, even if
there are many variants. The system must include:
an excitation mechanism;
a setup of transducers to measure the various quantities;
a system to acquire and process data which makes it possible to extract the
necessary information from the signals, i.e. allowing estimation of the transfer
Figure 8.10 shows a diagram of a typical measurement system: an additional
component that has become a requirement in all chains of measurement is the
controller; this role is performed by a mini or micro-computer which automates all
the operations relating to measurement and may also be used to analyse and display
the results obtained. Preparing the Structure

The structure may be analysed either when free or constrained. If the structure is
analysed while free (i.e. free from constraints with the outside world) it is possible
to dene its stiffness modes and therefore the overall characteristics of mass and
moments of inertia. In reality this condition cannot be achieved and, in practice, to
reproduce the behaviour of the free structure the actual structure must be con-
strained with interconnecting elastic elements (springs) that are extremely soft so
that the initial modes of the structure are rigid with frequencies close to zero and, in
any case, much lower than those relating to the vibration modes that cause the
788 8 Techniques of Identication

Fig. 8.10 Diagram of a measurement system

structure to begin to deform. When analysing a constrained structure we must verify

that the supporting structure is sufciently rigid so as not to introduce effects of
interaction between the structure to be analysed and that of support. Exciting the Structure

Different forms of excitation can be transmitted to the structure: exciters can be

classied into two main families:
contact exciters;
non-contact exciters.
Contact exciters are connected to the structure during all the operations of excita-
tion, regardless of the type of excitation generated. Non-contact exciters do not
have any connection with the structure (for example, electromagnetic exciters) or
only remain in contact with the structure being analysed during the period that
excitation is applied (for example, impact hammers). The rst family includes:
mechanical exciters (unbalanced rotating masses);
electromagnetic exciters (or tables) (a magnet moving within a magnetic eld);
electro-hydraulic exciters.
As already mentioned, system excitations can be of different types:
simple sinusoidal excitation;
sinusoidal excitation with slow variable frequency (slow sine sweep);
periodic excitation;
random excitation;
impulse (or transient) excitation.
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 789

Before examining the different types of excitation in more detail, we should

remember that a linear behaviour of the system is assumed and so the transfer
function is univocally dened. We should also recall that the system may be subject
to non-denable or uncontrollable external excitations, i.e. noise: the response of
the system, as widely discussed in Chap. 7, will of course be affected by such
excitations. The quantity that makes it possible to dene the reliability of the
measurements performed is the function of coherence between the response of the
system and the applied force: when this quantity is close to the unit, the response of
the system is, in fact, caused solely by the force applied, when it approaches zero
the response of the system is due mainly to noise. As we have already seen in
Chap. 7, in the case of random excitation of the system, the transfer function of the
actual system can be dened using the cross-spectrum (7.24b) between force and
We will now examine the main types of excitation adopted:
Simple sinusoidal excitation This method is used to excite the system with a
harmonic force Fk Fko eiXt with a xed amplitude Fko and assigned frequency
. Variation in the pulsation of the force is controlled in discrete steps DX,
either manually or automatically. Between one measurement of the dynamic
s s
response Xojk X and the next Xojk X DX, with different force pulsations, we
must wait, however, until the transient, triggered by the discrete change of
frequency DX, has disappeared. The experimental transfer function hjk X is
dened for each pulsation of the force and for each point of measurement j on
the structure by:

s Xojk X
hjk X 8:21

One advantage of this methodology is that it offers the possibility to set the pitch
DX and to therefore densify the points of analysis in proximity of the natural
frequencies xi and disperse them in areas further away from these.
Sinusoidal excitation with slow variable pulsation This methodology requires a
variable frequency oscillator X Xt that sends an analogue control signal to
the exciter: the frequency of excitation caused by the force Fk Fko eiXt is thus
made to vary slowly but constantly within the range of relevant frequencies.
Variation in pulsation (up or down) must take place quite slowly so that the
system can sweep constantly from one steady state to another: we should
remember that the harmonic transfer function is dened as being the relationship
between the response of the system in a steady state Xojk X and the harmonic
force introduced Fko . To verify the validity of the sweep speed a run-up is
usually performed (i.e. a sweep with increasing pulsation frequency ) and a
790 8 Techniques of Identication

run-down (with decreasing frequency ), to check that the two curves obtained
are coincident.
In this case too, the experimental transfer function hjk X is dened for each
pulsation of the force and for each point of measurement j on the structure by
Periodic excitation An extension of the previous method is to set periodic
excitation, i.e. a force that contains all the frequencies in the eld of analysis:

Fk t Fko ei n Xo t 8:22

Xo being the pulsation of the fundamental frequency. Unlike the method that
uses a harmonic excitation, in this case the force is obtained as an overlap of
different harmonics in the frequency range concerned. The denition of the
experimental harmonic transfer hjk X using a periodic excitation is based on
the fFourier transform: more specically, harmonic analysis is performed (i.e. the
Fourier transform) of both the force signal Fk t and the dynamic response of the
system measured at generic point Xojk nXo :

Fkon nXo Fk t ei n Xo t dt 8:23a

s 2 s
Xojk nXo Xjk t ei n Xo t dt 8:23b

This procedure makes it possible to simultaneously extract each harmonic

component both of the strength Fkon Fko nXo and the response Xojk nXo for
each frequency nXo . The experimental transfer function hjk X is dened simul-
taneously (for each point of measurement j on the structure) in correspondence to
all the pulsations of the force Xn n Xo using:

s Xojk X
hjk X 8:24
The experimental transfer function hjk Xn can be dened by simply dividing the
spectrum of the response Xojk nXo (8.23b) by the spectrum of the force applied
Fkon nXo , Eq. (8.23a).
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 791

Random excitation With this type of excitation the structure is forced with a
white noise (corresponding, as seen in Sect. 7.3, to a spectral power density
function of constant amplitude). Thus the spectrum of the response corresponds
to the transfer function of the system.
Impulse excitation When using this methodology, the system is subjected to an
assigned impulse (for example, using an impact hammer). The Fourier transform
of the ideal impulse is characterised by a constant amplitude throughout the eld
of frequencies. However, considering that the impulse is not actually perfect,
transformation of the force signal and the displacement signal is, in any case,
performed at the different points of measurement: the ratio of the corresponding
harmonics at various frequencies Xn denes the transfer function hjk X:

s Xojk Xn
hjk Xn 8:25
Fkn Xn

8.2.5 Determining Modal Parameters

Having dened in Sects. 8.2.2 and 8.2.3 the basic equations needed to dene the
link between analytic transfer function hjk X and unknown model parameters to
be used in the modal identication techniques and, having experimentally obtained
the transfer function hjk X by measuring the dynamic response of the system with
assigned forces (Sect. 8.2.4), we will now proceed to describe some of the most
basic algorithms used to dene the actual modal parameters, i.e.:
natural frequencies xi ;  
non-dimensional damping r
rc i ;

vibration modes X i ;
generalised mass mi . Determining the Natural Frequencies of the System XI Determining the Peaks of the Transfer Function

A simple method used to dene the natural pulsations of the system xi is based on
the consideration that the amplitudes of vibration Xojk X, and, therefore, the cor-
responding transfer functions hjk X of a resonance forced system, are amplied
dynamically: in the summation given in (8.17) the contributions made by non-
792 8 Techniques of Identication

Fig. 8.11 Trend of the experimental transfer function magnitude hjk X in relation to the
frequency X of the force

resonant modes are minimal, while that of the resonant mode is higher, being
X xi. After having plotted the trend of the experimental transfer function mag-
nitude hjk X in relation to the frequency X of the force (Fig. 8.11), the method
allows us to dene the natural frequencies as those frequencies to which there is a
corresponding maximum dynamic  amplication,
 that is, a peak in the magnitude of
the harmonic transfer function hjk X.
The lesser the damping of the system the more accurate the results obtained will
be, as the contribution of the non-resonant vibration modes is less signicant. The
method may cause errors in determining the natural frequencies if the experimental
transfer function analysed is that of a vibration node for the generic mode of
vibration: in actual fact, in this case even in conditions
 of resonance, displacement
is very limited so a peak in the plot of the hjk X is unlikely to be highlighted. To
overcome this drawback, the transfer functions hjk X at different points of the
structure should be analysed: correlation of the various experimental harmonic
transfer functions also makes it possible to eliminate random errors in measurement
and to exclude the effect of any other external sources of excitation. The point of
application of the force could be in a nodal point for one or more modes: in this
case, these modes would not be excited. In these situations the point of application
of the force must be moved to a different position.
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 793

Fig. 8.12 Determining damping with the half power peaks method

r Calculating Generalised Damping rc i Derivative of the Transfer Function Phase Method

This method makes it possible to obtain the value of rc i starting with analysis of
s s
the phase /jk X of the experimental transfer function hjk X being:
s  s 
hjk X hjk Xeiujk X 8:26

The justication for such an approach is as follows: the response of the system, in
terms of analytical transfer function, has been dened in (8.17): obviously this
response is complex. Under conditions of resonance X xi , if we consider neg-
ligible the contribution of non-resonant modes, we have:

i i
Xj Xk i i X2 mi ki  iXri
hjk X Xj Xk 2 2 8:27
X2 mi iXri ki X mi ki Xri 2

while the phase /jk X is dened as:

Xr 2ai hi
/jk X arctg arctg arctgb 8:28
X2 mi ki 1  a2i
794 8 Techniques of Identication

being (see Sect.

2ai hi
1  a2i
ai 8:28a


ri r ri
rci rc 2mi xi

The derivative of /jk X with regard to ai is:

@/jk X @arctgb @b 1 @b
@ai @b @ai 1 b2 @ai

that is:

@/jk X 1 2hi 2ai hi 2hi 1  a2i  4ai hi
 2  2ai
@ai 1  a2i 1  a2i 2 2
1  a2i 4a2i h2i
1 2ai hi


Being in resonance conditions X xi ) ai 1 (8.36b) simply becomes:

@/jk X
 1  1 8:30a
@ai ai 1 hi ri=

@/ X  1
 jk   1
 @ai ai 1  hi ri=r

The most commonly used expression, considering (8.30b) and (8.28), is the
@/ X  @/ X  @a
 jk    jk   i 1 1
 @X Xxi   @ai ai 1  @X ri=r xi ri

the so-called damping factor being:

ri h i x i 8:31a

The non-dimensional damping h of the i-th mode of vibration can thus be obtained
by plotting the progress of the phase /jk X of the experimental transfer function
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 795

hjk X in relation to the pulsation X of the force and by estimating the derivative of
the phase compared to the actual pulsation X in resonance, that is, for X xi . The Half Power Point Method

This method can be used in vibrating systems with several d.o.f. where the natural
frequencies are sufciently differentiated and damping is sufciently low, so that,
under resonance conditions the predominant contribution to the response of the
actual system is mainly due to the resonant mode, making it behave like a 1 d.o.f.
system. For a 1 d.o.f. system we have seen how in resonance the coefcient of
dynamic amplication (Sect. is:

Xo 1 X
per 1 8:32
Xst 2h xo

h rrc being the non-dimensional damping coefcient. The two frequencies x1 and
x2 are dened as half power points (Fig. 8.12), about the resonance (i.e. in the
sidebands to the peak) which correspond to:

X0 1 p 1
2 for X x1 and X x2 8:32a
Xst 2 2h

It can be shown2 that the non-dimensional damping h is linked to the pulsations

x1 and x2 and to the natural pulsation of the system x0 , with the relation:

The response of the system in correspondence to a generic pulsation of the force, in non-
dimensional form (Sect. can be expressed as:

Xo 1
Xst  2
2  2
1  xXo 2hX xo

So assuming:

1 1 1 2

 2 2  2 2 2h 8:2:2
1  xXo 2hX

we obtain


X X 2
2 1  2h2 1  8h2 0 8:2:3
xo xo

796 8 Techniques of Identication

x22  x21 x  x1
4h 2 2 8:32b
x02 x0

Therefore, to estimate the non-dimensional damping h it is possible to draw a

horizontal line in the dynamic amplication graph in correspondence to the value
0:5 2 of the maximum peak value: the intersections between the two curves
(Fig. 8.12) dene the two pulsations x1 and x2 , corresponding to the half power
peaks from which it is possible to obtain the value of damping, using (8.39b). Determining Modes of Vibration X i Determining the Imaginary Part of the Transfer Function

Several methods can be used to determine the vibration mode. One simple approach
can be that which uses the imaginary part of the generic transfer function. As
mentioned, the unknown modal parameters are estimated to minimise the difference
between the experimental hjk X and the analytical hjk X transfer function (8.15)
expressed as a function of the same unknown parameters.
Both the analytical hjk X and the experimental hjk X transfer function are, as
already mentioned, complex and therefore, using Re. . . to indicate the real part of
the generic quantity and Im. . . we have
X i
X i
X i
hjk X Xj qio Xj Reqio i Xj Imqio 8:33

(Footnote 2 continued)

2 p
1  2h2 2h 1 h2 8:2:4

Assuming that h 1 it is possible to neglect the higher order terms in (8.2.4), to obtain:

1 2h 8:2:5

By assuming that the two corresponding frequencies at the roots of this equation are equal to x1
and x2 we have:

x22  x21 x  x1
4h 2 2 8:2:6
x20 x0
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 797

Fig. 8.13 Frequency

response of a vibrating system
with several d.o.f.:
contribution of the various
vibration modes

s s s
hjk X Re hjk X iIm hjk X 8:34a

Under conditions of resonance X xi , ignoring the contribution of non-resonant

modes and equating hjk X hjk X, we nd that the contribution of the resonant
mode to the experimental transfer function hjk X is purely imaginary:

    i i
Xj Xk
s s s
hjk X Re hjk X iIm hjk X i 8:34b

In actual fact, under conditions of resonance X xi , if we ignore the other non-

resonant modes, the vibration caused solely by the ith resonant mode is out of phase
by 90 compared to the force and is, therefore, purely imaginary. Even if the other
modes are not ignored, if the corresponding natural frequencies are sufciently
distant from that of the resonant mode and if the dampings are low (see Fig. 8.13),
the non-resonant modes have phases compared to the force that are close to 0 or to
180 and so with a contribution that is in quadrature and thus, in any case, negli-
gible. Up to a constant value xki ri (dependent, as can be seen, only on the mode and
on the position of the force) the component relative to the jth mode of the eigen-
vector (mode of vibration) of the generic mode of vibration Xj is denable in this
way like the imaginary part of the function of Im hjk X estimated in resonance. The Nyquist Method

This method makes it possible to simultaneously determine the natural frequencies,

damping factors and modes of vibration. For the sake of simplicity we will begin by
798 8 Techniques of Identication

analysing a single d.o.f. system. We will analyse the harmonic transfer function of a
1 d.o.f. system (see Sect., represented on the Nyquist plot in Fig. 8.6:

k  X2 m  iXr
hX 2 8:35a
k  X2 m Xr 2

k  X2 m
RehX 2 8:35b
k  X2 m Xr 2

ImhX 2 8:35c
k  X m Xr 2

If we introduce the concept of mobility, dened as the relationship between velocity

and force, the same one d.o.f. system can be represented by:

aX i X hX 8:36a

We can show that:

1 1
ReaX  ImaX2 8:36b
2r 2r

This function is always shown in the Argand plane as in Fig. 8.14. The plot of the
imaginary part ImaX as a function of the real part ReaX by X which ranges
from zero to innity is thus represented by a circle of radius R equal to R 1=2r
and its centre has coordinates:

ReaX 8:37a

Fig. 8.14 Graph of mobility

in the Argand plane
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 799

ImaX 0 8:37b

It can also be shown that at the same pitch DX of the denition of the transfer
function, the arc of the circle dened by two successive positions of the vector aX
and aX DX in the Argand plane (see Fig. 8.14) is greater in the vicinity of the
natural frequency. Considering this property it is, therefore, easy to identify the
systems natural frequencies.
Taking into account (8.37a) it is also possible to obtain the damping of the
system. For this purpose it is possible (proceeding in a deterministic way or using a
process of minimization) to draw a circumference through the points in the Argand
plane, corresponding to aX about the natural frequency identied. Once the centre
and radius of the interpolating circumference has been dened, it is possible to
estimate the damping r of the system, using (8.44). By expanding to a n d.o.f.
system with a damping matrix [R] that typically may not even be a linear combi-
nation of mass and of stiffness matrices (thus non-proportional damping), in the
frequency range where the mode is predominant we have:
2   V
2 U 2 V 2
s j s j j j
Re hjk X Im hjk X 8:38
2ri 2ri 4r2i
having used xi to indicate the generic natural pulsation of the system, ri r
rc xi
the damping factor associated with it and also Uj iVj to dene the so-called residue
from which it is possible to obtain the generic mode of vibration. Equation (8.38)
represents the equation of a circumference passing through the origin of the axes,
with centre of coordinates:


while the radius equals:

Uj2 Vj2
R 8:39b

The residue Uj iVj associated with the ith vibration mode and relative to the jth
point of measurement is proportional to the diameter of the circumference.
Determining these circumferences allows us to dene the vibration modes of the
structure when the values of the systems natural frequencies have been dened
beforehand. So the residues may be dened, in magnitude and phase (or real part
and imaginary part), by imposing the passage of the circumference being sought
800 8 Techniques of Identication

through a suitable number of points of the transfer function close to the considered
resonance, then by applying a minimisation between the analytical function being
sought and the experimental points available. The accuracy of the results obtained
using this method is closely linked to the resolution with which the transfer
functions have been dened and to the number of points through which the passage
of the circumference sought is imposed. Dening the Generalised Mass mi

Generalised mass mi can be obtained by minimising, in correspondence to the

generic natural pulsation xi i.e. by X xi , the difference between the analytical
hjk X and experimental hjk X transfer functions at all the systems points of
measurement, while ignoring the contribution of non-resonant modes: to this end,
P 2
the quadratic error function Nj1 ej xi is minimised:
N 2 XN  2 XN i i
s s 1 Xj Xk
ej xi hjk xi  hjk xi hjk xi 
j1 j1 j1
mi i2x2i hi
f mi

In (8.47) hjk X is the experimental transfer function measured in correspondence
i i
to the resonance, Xj and Xk are the eigenvectors of the ith mode of vibration
measured using the method shown above (and therefore known) in correspondence
to the generic point j considered and point k where the force has been placed: the
generalised non-dimensional damping hi and natural pulsation xi have already
been dened previously. The only unknown in (8.40) is the generalised mass mi
which can be obtained by deriving f mi with respect to mi , to obtain:
PN i i
j1 Xj Xk
m i PN s
j1 i2x2i hi hjk xi

In (8.47) the transfer function hjk X calculated in resonance is purely imaginary
(if we neglect the contributions of the non-resonant adjacent modes) and thus the
mass mi is real.
8.2 Modal Identication Techniques 801 Dening the Generalised Stiffness ki

Remembering the denition of the natural frequency of the system xi , the gener-
alised stiffness can be easily dened using:

ki mi x2i 8:42a Dening Generalised Damping ri

Once we know the natural pulsation xi and the non-dimensional damping r
rc i the
generalised damping ri can be estimated by simply using:

ri 2mi x2i 8:42b
rc i

8.2.6 Applications and Examples

We will now consider one possible application of the results obtained using the
illustrated techniques of modal identication. We will consider the system in
Fig. 8.15 which outlines the foundation of a rotor.

Fig. 8.15 Outline of the real structure

802 8 Techniques of Identication

Fig. 8.16 Transfer functions

estimated in node 18

This structure has been modelled with beam type nite elements; the transfer
function hjk X for a force Fk 1 eiXt applied to node 8 was calculated. Then we
assumed that we had to calculate the experimental transfer function of a real
structure by exciting it with a single excitation source. Figure 8.16 shows the
transfer function as a function of X, for the vertical and horizontal directions of
node 18.
From the peaks of these transfer functions it is possible to determine the natural
frequencies (see paragraph Then the modes of vibration were identied
from the imaginary part of the transfer function (see paragraph
Figure 8.17 shows the primary vibration modes identied compared to the exper-
imental ones. The derivative of the transfer function phase method was used to
estimate the damping factor hi of the ith vibration mode. Once identied, these
values make it possible to reconstruct the transfer functions which are shown
together with the experimental ones in Fig. 8.18.
8.3 Identication in the Time Domain 803

Fig. 8.17 Identied and analytical vibration modes

8.3 Identication in the Time Domain

Techniques for identifying physical or modal parameters (structured or black box),

either in the frequency or in the time domain, have become diversied both from a
point of view of the calculation algorithm, and the basic idea (objective function)
that supports them.
So we can refer to lter methods in the frequency domain [17, 19, 28], methods
for identifying the parameters of ARMA models [3, 4], identication using neural
networks [13, 18], etc.: as we are not able to explore all these topics in this
discussion, we refer the reader to the relative bibliography [57, 16, 20, 2225, 28].
As an example we have included an algorithm that can be used to identify the
modal parameters of a mechanical system in the time domain [14, 15]. As we have
already seen, in general the experimental identication of the modal parameters of a
structure is performed by measuring the forces applied to it during the test and by
measuring the dynamic response resulting from these inputs. To simplify the
identication procedure, some testing techniques use the free motion of the dened
structure, when possible, by assigning it appropriate initial conditions or by ana-
lysing the dynamic response downstream of removal of the forces applied to the
system. In other cases it is possible to exploit environmental excitation, such as
turbulent wind on the structure, the passage of heavy vehicles over infrastructures,
excitation associated with the irregularities in the pavements or tracks of road and
804 8 Techniques of Identication

Fig. 8.18 Identied and

analytical Transfer functions

rail vehicles: in which case it is possible to obtain the response of the free system
using a specic technique known as the Random Decrement Technique [14].
This technique is based on the idea that, by extracting and averaging suitable
segments of measured time history Y1(t), associated with the response of a generic
mechanical system subjected to stochastic loads, it is possible to describe the
intrinsic properties of just the mechanical system being considered, thus eliminating
the effects caused by the actual random load applied.
The method is based on the concept that the response of the system at different
moments in time is made up of two components: the response to initial conditions
(general integral) and the response to forcing (particular integral). When operating
with numerous means on several segments Y1(t) characterised by the same initial
conditions, the part associated with random forcing which, as such, tends to
disappear, and the result of this averaging operation converges to the response
8.3 Identication in the Time Domain 805

(a) (b)

Fig. 8.19 Time histories (a) response of mechanical system to stochastic excitation; (b) free
motion of the system identied with R.D.T

of the system just at the initial conditions (Fig. 8.19). Another effect associated with
this averaging operation introduced by the R.D.T. is that of reducing the presence of
noise in the actual signal acquired.
Effectively [14] Y1(t) segments that satisfy a certain trigger condition that
determines the start T1 of each segment considered are extracted (in literature there
are several proposals for the choice of such triggers: the most commonly used
include those that consider, as a trigger, the passage of the signal measured by zero
with positive derivative, exceeding a given threshold value, peak values, etc.)
The R.D.T. technique subsequently foresees a time averaging operation on these
segments: since the time histories of the analysed signals are usually sampled at
discrete time with intervals of constant time Dt, this operation is described by the
following relation:

1X N
Xi mDt Yi mDt Ti 8:43
N i1

where N is the number of means adopted, m = 1, 2, , M, T = M Dt being the

period of observation of the generic time segment being analysed.
Figure 8.20 shows a diagram of the R.D.T. procedure.

8.3.1 The Ibrahim Method

The method of identication in the time domain described here (suggested by

Ibrahim [15]) is a structured approach with modal parameters that analyses the free
motion of the system (obtained using one of the methods described previously) and
which aims to identify its natural frequencies and vibration modes.
The method is based on reconstructing the free response of a mechanical system
obtained as a sum of the contribution of the individual vibration modes expressed in
806 8 Techniques of Identication

Fig. 8.20 Diagram of RDT procedure

complex terms. The approach assumes a certain number of d.o.f. of the system
(number of modes considered in the reconstruction of the response) and considers a
certain number of measured experimental time histories, appropriately shifted over
time. After a specic set of operations has been carried out on the actual mea-
surements, it is possible to extract the systems unknown modal parameters by
tracing the problem back to a problem of eigenvalues-eigenvectors of a matrix
containing the same measurements. The method involves identifying the modes that
are actually present in the structure using an index of synthesis dened as the modal
condence factor.
So, in order to describe and justify Ibrahims method, we will consider the
equation of free motion of a n d.o.f. system:

M x R_x K x 0 8:44

which, as we know, accepts as general integral:

x X i eki t 8:45

i.e. a linear combination of vibration modes X i , being ki the eigensolutions of

(8.44). We assume to have a system to which p sensors have been associated and
which provide a signal with frequency 1=Dt, Dt being the sampling interval; xs is
the vector that contains these time signals. We excite the system with a pulse, so
that the response is the free motion of the system. The experimental response is
discrete both in time and space, as it is only estimated in the p measurement points
at certain instants of time tk kDt for a total time of 2rDt (where 2r is the total
number of points acquired). The method involves calculating the natural frequen-
cies and vibration modes by reconstructing the free motion of the system, requiring
that, at any given moment, the following relation applies:
8.3 Identication in the Time Domain 807

xs tk xtk 8:46

having used xs tk to indicate the vector containing the experimental responses at

the p measurement points and with xtk :

x t k X i eki tk k 1. . .2r 8:47

i.e. the response obtained analytically in terms of natural frequencies and vibration
modes. Assuming we have p measurement points equal to n d.o.f. and considering
the matrix:
h i h i
X s X s t1 X s t2 . . .X s t2r 8:48

formed by placing in columns the 2r vectors xs tk , it is possible to arrange (8.47)

into an appropriate matrix form:
" #
2n X
2n X
2n X
i ki tk i ki t1 i ki t2 i ki t2r
X e X e X e ... X e
i1 i1
2 k1 t1 k1 t2
k1 t2r
h i e e . . .e
6 7
X 1 X 2 . . .X 2n 4 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 5 8:49
k2N t1 k2N t2 k2N t2r
e e . . .e

Thus (8.46) can be conveniently written in the form:

h i
X s X K 8:50

having arranged in the matrix:

h i
X  X 1 X 2 . . .X 2n 8:51

the 2n eigenvectors, estimated in p measurement points and being:

2 3
ek1 t1 ek1 t2 . . . ek1 t2r
K . . . ... ... ... 5 8:52
ek2N t1 ek2N t2 . . . ek2N t2r

With this equation parity is established between the experimental and analytical
responses of the systems free motion. The n d.o.f. system has 2n eigenvalues ki
and just as many vibration modes; as we only have, for the initial hypothesis, p = n,
measurement points, duplication is carried out over time. The individual
808 8 Techniques of Identication

experimental time histories are organised in the usual matrix form with the
instruction to phase shift them in time by one delay Dt3 . By rewriting (8.46) for a
tk Dt3 , we obtain:

2n X
2n X
xs tk Dt3 xtk Dt3 X i eki tk Dt3 X i eki tk eki Dt3 X eki tk
i1 i1 i1

having indicated with:

X X i eki Dt3 8:53b

This leads to a second system of equations using the same operations described
above and which has the form:
h i
 s X
X  K 8:54
where in X  the experimental time histories have been organised, shifted by a
time interval Dt3 compared to those shown in (8.48), in X   the products X i eki Dt3
have been organised as in (8.51) and the matrix K has the form (8.52) (the
symbols are used to identify the quantity measured at time Dt3 ). By ordering
(8.50) and (8.54) in a single matrix equation, we obtain:
2h i3 " #
h i X s X 
6 7
Us 4h i5 K Xd K 8:55

The method now involves accompanying (8.55) with a second equation, built in a
similar way, with the instruction to time shift the experimental time signals and the
analytical response by a time Dt1 . By rewriting the Eqs. (8.47) and (8.53a) for one
time tk Dt1 and tk Dt3 Dt1 , we obtain:

xs tk Dt1 xtk Dt1 X i eki tk Dt1
X i eki tk eki Dt1 xs tk Dt3 Dt1 8:56
2n X
X i eki tk Dt3 Dt1 X i eki tk eki Dt1
i1 i1
8.3 Identication in the Time Domain 809

By organising in a single equation, as already done in (8.55), and identifying with X
the terms relative to the phase shift of Dt1 , we obtain:
2h i3 "
^ s #
h s i X X 
^ 6 7
U 4h i5 aK Xd aK 8:57
^ s 

where the appropriately time shifted experimentalh time i histories estimated at the
 s  ^ s
measurement points were organised in X ^ 
and X , the modes of vibration in
X  (8.51) and the same multiplied by the term eki Dt3 in X (8.53b). Lastly, time
shift Dt1 is taken into account in the diagonal matrix []:
2 3
ek1 Dt1 0. . .0
a . . . 5 8:58
k2N Dt1
00 . . .e

By putting (8.61) and (8.63a, 8.63b) in a system we obtain:

h i
Us Xd K
h s i 8:59
U^ Xd aK

Assuming that 2p = 2r demonstrates [14, 15] that the matrix Us is square and
invertible: obtaining the matrix K from the rst equation of (8.59) and replacing it
in the second we obtain:
h s ih s i1
U ^
U Xd  Xd a 8:60a

  h s i
^ ,
where the known experimental histories are organised in matrices Us and U
and matrices Xd  and a contain the unknown eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the
system. A indicates the matrix containing the appropriately memorised
h s ih s i1
A U ^
U 8:60b

(8.60a) becomes:

AXd  Xd a 8:60c

810 8 Techniques of Identication

(8.60c) can be written as:

2 3
h i h i ek1 Dt1 ... 0
1 2 2n
X d X d . . .X d 4 . . .
1 2 2n 5 8:61
AX d AX d . . . AX d ... ...
k2 N Dt1
0 ... e

where X d is the generic column of the matrix Xd  (8.57):
( )
i X i
Xd 8:62

We now develop the matrix product to the second member of (8.61):

h i h i
1 2 2N 1 2 2N
AX d AX d . . . AX d X d ek1 Dt1 X d ek2 Dt1 . . .X d ek2N Dt1 8:63a

Considering the single column of (8.63a) we obtain:

i i i
AX d X d eki Dt1 ai X d 8:63b

where ai is the ith element of the diagonal of the matrix a. Equation (8.63b) is
the equation of an eigenvalue problem whose solution allows us to obtain the
eigensolutions ai and eigenvectors X d . The eigensolutions i are linked to the
eigenvalues ki of the original motion Eq. (8.44) by the relation:

ai eki Dt1 8:64a

Therefore, the generic eigenvalue ki will be:

ki ai ibi 8:64b

1 c
bi tan1 i 8:64c
Dt1 bi

ai lnc2i b2i 8:64d

bi and ci being the real and imaginary part of i (8.64a). The approach described is
of a deterministic nature as it is assumed that we have 2r acquired points equal to
p points of measurement making it possible to have the square and invertible matrix
8.3 Identication in the Time Domain 811

U (8.60a). In general this does not occur and it is shown [14, 15], using a method
of minimisation, that the solution can be obtained from an eigenvalue problem of a
new matrix [A] dened as:
h ih s iT h ih iT 1
A ^
U ^
U Us

The initial hypothesis, of p points of measurement equal to the number n of system

modes is, in the case of a real system, unacceptable. If p is less than n, a new set of
pseudo-measurements is created by time shifting the experimental time signals by
an arbitraryDt2 . Equation (8.46) becomes:

xs tk Dt2 xtk Dt2 X i eki tk Dt2
2n X
i ki tk ki Dt2 0i ki tk
X e e X e
i1 i1

(the superscript will be used to indicate the quantities relating to the latter time
delay Dt2 ). (8.66) is written in the form (see (8.50)):
h i
X 0s X 0 K 8:67a

having indicated with:

h i
X 0  X 01 X 02 . . .X 02N 8:67b
2 3
ek 1 t 1 ek1 t2 . . . ek1 t2r
K . . . ... ... ... 5 8:67c
ek2 N t1 ek2 N t2 . . . ek2 N t2r

The time shifts Dt2 are repeated until a number of measurements (real or pseudo-
measurements) greater or equal to the number of d.o.f. of the system are achieved.
The procedure is strictly that already described:
with the time shift Dt2 we can obtain a real or ctitious number of sensors that is
greater than n and write the Eq. (8.67a) in the form:
2h i3 " #
X s X 
6 7
4h i5 K  8:68
X 0s X 0 
812 8 Techniques of Identication

The time histories obtained in this manner are out of phase by an arbitrary Dt3
and organised with (8.55) in a single system:
2h i3
X s 2 3
6h i7 X 
6 7
6 0s 7
h 0s i 6 X 7 6 X 0  7
U 6 h i 76
K Xd0 K 8:69
6 s 7 4 X
6 X  7  7 5
6 7 
4h i5 X

X 0s

A second equation, estimated in a time increased by Dt1 is added (8.57):

h 0s i
U Xd 0 aK 8:70

The solution is reduced again to an eigenvalue problem with a matrix [A] built
as in (8.66) for a deterministic approach or in (8.65) using a procedure of
minimisation depending on the number of points acquired.
The method must reconstruct a signal via the summation (8.45): if this signal is
particularly disturbed it is not possible to establish equality (8.46) by taking into
account just the n presumed vibration modes. Therefore, the meaning of n loses
importance as more ways are needed to take into account the presence of noise and,
furthermore, in general the mechanical system is a continuous system. So, the
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, real and related to noise (this describes the modes
that are indispensable for reconstructing the signal due to the presence of noise)
become 2m (of which only 2n will be those associated with the actual vibration
modes). The method does not distinguish between real and noise related modes and
proceeds by calculating 2m eigenvalues and eigenvectors exactly as described
above. In order to identify the real vibration modes of the system, it is necessary to
have an index of goodness of t. The model used is the Modal Condence Factor
(M.C.F.). Remembering (8.62):
( )
i X i
Xd 8:71

the method calculates the eigenvectors X d that contain, in the rst m positions, the
vibration modes (real or noise) of the system in question and in the subsequent
positions the same modes multiplied by the factor eki Dt3 . The control is performed
by exploiting this very characteristic: we calculate the complex ratio (M.C.F.)
between the identied eigenvector X i (rst m positions of the vector X d ) multi-
plied by eki Dt3 and that identied in the second m positions.
8.3 Identication in the Time Domain 813

i Xj eki Dt3
M:C:F:j 100 8:72

having indicated Xj the jth element of the vector X i . The magnitude and phase of
the ratio (M.C.F.)j (for each component of each eigenvector) are calculated: thus the
vibration modes for which the M.C.F. has magnitude equal to 100 and zero phase
will be taken as the real vibration modes of the system. An Example

We analysed the 4 d.o.f. system illustrated in Fig. 8.19, of which the inertial, elastic
and viscous characteristics are known.
While giving very general initial conditions, we estimated the displacement of
the four masses shown in Fig. 8.21 and this was taken as the experimental response
(Fig. 8.22).

Fig. 8.21 4 d.o.f. system

814 8 Techniques of Identication

Fig. 8.22 Time histories with no noise

Table 8.1 shows the comparisons between natural pulsations, vibration modes
and damping factor, between the results of the analyses with the Ibrahim method
and those calculated analytically, assumed to be accurate.
Noise was then added to the signal (Fig. 8.23) and the modal parameters were
identied. Table 8.2 again shows the accurate vibration modes compared to those
identied: note how the value of the magnitude and phase of the M.C.F. uniquely
identies the real mode of the system.
Summary The basic concepts related to parameter identication techniques are
summarized in this nal chapter. These methodologies allow for the identication
of some unknown parameters of numerical simulation models of machines and
structures, starting from experimental tests on prototypes or real structures. In
particular, the text describes modal identication techniques, both in the time and
frequency domain. Some examples are given.
8.3 Identication in the Time Domain 815

Table 8.1 Natural Mode I Mode II (a)

frequencies and vibration
modescalculated (a) and Alpha Omega Alpha Omega
identied (b) 0.30 8.87 0.56 14.6
Eigenvector Eigenvector
Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude Phase
1.00 80 0.44 120
0.42 80 1.00 60
0.04 80 0.31 60
0.02 80 0.14 60
Mode I (b)
Alpha Omega
0.30 8.87
Magnitude Phase MCF magnitude MCF phase
1.00 90 99.9 1.40E5
0.42 90 100.0 4.45E5
0.04 90 99.9 1.40E4
0.02 90 100.0 2.70E4
Mode II (b)
Alpha Omega
0.56 14.6
Magnitude Phase Magnitude Phase
0.48 90 96.1 1.39
1.0 90 100.8 0.21
0.32 90 100.3 0.06
0.14 90 100.3 0.07
816 8 Techniques of Identication

Fig. 8.23 Time histories with noise

Table 8.2 Natural Mode I Mode II (a)

frequencies and vibration
modescalculated (a), Alpha Omega Alpha Omega
identied (b) 0.30 8.87 0.56 14.6
Eigenvector Eigenvector
Magnitude Phase Magnitude Phase
1.00 80 0.44 120
0.42 80 1.00 60
0.04 80 0.31 60
0.02 80 0.14 60
Mode I (b)
Alpha Omega
0.35 8.84
Magnitude Phase MCF magnitude MCF phase
1.00 10 100.7 1.00E1
References 817

Table 8.2 (continued) Mode I Mode II (a)

0.41 10 101.5 1.20E1
0.06 0 117.2 8.90E0
Mode II (b)
Alpha Omega
0.56 14.6
Magnitude Phase MCF magnitude MCF phase
0.42 140 99.3 0.63
1.0 40 102.0 0.17
0.27 20 89.6 3.40
0.11 20 102.8 0.68
Mode III
Alpha Omega
4.7 10.4
Magnitude Phase MCF magnitude MCF phase
0.42 140 4.8 163.0
0.38 40 54.5 104.4
0.93 20 118.8 158.9
0.81 140 72.5 85.57


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