Isolator Design: B A V A V M A M M V

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1. Seismic zone factor, z = 0.4 (Table 16 I)

2. Soil profile type SB (Table 16 J)
3. Seismic co-efficient, CA = 0.4 (Table 16 Q)
4. Seismic co-efficient, CV = 0.48 (Table 16 R)
5. Near source factor, NA = 1 (Table 16 S)
6. Near source factor, NV = 1.2 (Table 16 T)
7. MCE Shaking intensity MMZ NA = 0.48 , MM = 1.21
8. MCE Shaking intensity MMZ NV = 0.58
9. Seismic Source type A (Table 16 U)
10. Distance of known source (km) = 10 ( from site seismology)
11. MCE Response co-efficient, MM = 1.21 (Table A-16-D)
12. Lateral force co-efficient, R1 = 2 (Table A-16-E)
13. Fixed base Lateral force co-efficient, R = 5.5 (Table 16 N)
14. Importance factor, I = 1 (Table 16 K)
15. Seismic co-efficient, CAM = 0.484 (Table A-16-F)
16. Seismic co-efficient, CVM= 0.581 (Table A-16-G)
17. Eccentricity, e =1.8 (5% of d)
18. Shortest building dimension, b = 16 (Building site)
19. Longest building dimension, d = 36
20. Dimension of extreme isolator, y = 18 (from geometry)
21. DTD / DD = DTM / DM = [1 + (y x 12 x e) / (b2 + d2)]
= 1.25


22. Shear modulus (G) = 0.0004 (shear modulus of rubber, Table 5.4)
23. Ultimate elongation , U = 6.5 (shear modulus of rubber, Table 5.4)
24. Material constant, K = 0.87 (shear modulus of rubber, Table 5.4)
25. Elastic modulus, E = 0.00135 (shear modulus of rubber, Table 5.4)
26. Bulk modulus, E = 1.5 (Typical value for neutral rubber)
27. Damping, = 0.05 (5% used for plain rubber bearings)
28. Lead yield strength, y = 0.008 (Usually 7 to 8.5 Mpa)
29. Teflon co-efficient of friction, = 0.1 (Use high velocity for design)
30. Gravity, g = 9810

Isolator type & load data:

Number of bearing = 32

Avg DL + LL, Pd = 2593.5

Max DL + LL = 3372.7

Wing load/isolator = 50 50 x 32 = 1600

Seismic weight = 32 x 2593.5 + 1500 = 844.92

Isolator Dimension:

Plan dimension, B = 700mm

Layer thickness, t1 = 10

No of Layers, N = 21

Lead core size, dpl= 175

Shape C

Side cover, tsc = 10

Internal slim thickness, tsl = 3

Load plate thickness, Tpl = 40 [required to get total height]

Total rubber thickness, Tr = 210 [ Nt1 ]

Total height, H = 350 [ Nt1 + (N-1) tsl + 2Tpl]

Total yield level of system = 7.2% [(Qd x No of bearing) / W]

Gross area , Ag = 384650 [B2 / 4]

Bonding dimension, Bb = 680 [B-2 tsc]

Bonding depth = Nil

Bond area, Ab = 322984 [Bb2 / 4]

Plug area, Apl = 24040 [dpl2 / 4]

Net bonding area, Abn = 298944 [Ab - Apl]

Total rubber thickness, Tr = 210 [ Nt1 ]

Bonded perimeter, P = 2135 [Bb]

Shape factor , S =14.00 [Abn / t1p]

Characteristic strength , Qd = 192.4 [y Apl]

Shear modulus [50%] = 0.0004 [G]

Yielded stiffness, Kr = 0.69 [G (Ag - Apl) / Tr]

For LRB,

C1, Co-efficient on Kr = 6.5 [Typical value]

C2, Co-efficient on Apl/Ab = 12 [Typical value]

Elastic stiffness, Kv = 8.8 [6.5 Kr (1 + (12 Apl / Abn))]

Yield force, Fy = 178.0 [Qd (1- (Kr / Kv))]

Yield displacement, V = 20.20 [Fy / Kv]

Moment of inertia, I = 1.1 x 1010 [Bb4 / 64] (circular)

Buckling factors

Height free to buckle, Hr = 2.70 [Tr + tsl (N-1)]

Buckling modulus, Eb = 0.20 [E (1+0.742S12)]

Constant, T = 2.88 x 1010 [Eb I Hr / Tr]

Constant, R = 186.3 [Kr Tr]

Constant, Q = 0.0116 [ / Hr]

Factor on U = 0.33 [ factor of safety 3 for gravity]

Applied vertical load, PDL+LL = 3372.7

Applied displacement = 0

Applied rotation = 0

Shape factor, S1 = 14.00 [from properties]

Constant, K = 0.87 [from properties]

E= 0.0014 [from properties]

Compressive modulus, Ec = 0.478 [E (1+2KS12)]

Reduced area, Ar = 367500 [0.5 {B2 sin-1 ( / Bb) - }] where = (Bb2 - 2NS)0.5

Vertical stiffness, Kvi = 17566.5 [Ec Ar / t1] per layer

Compressive strain, c = 0.019 [P / Kvi t1]

Compressive shear strain, sc = 1.61 [6 S1c]

Displacement strain, sl = 0

Rotational strain, sv = 0

Total strain, = 1.61 [sc + sl + sv]

Allowable strain = 2.16 [U / f]

Buckling load, Pcr = 25542

Status Ok Satisfactory

If < V / f and Pcr > PDL+LL

Adjusted shear modulus = 0.00045 [G (1+ PD / Pcr)]

Adjusted stiffness, Kr* = 0.6 [Kr (1- PD / Pcr)]

Vertical stiffness calculation

Kvi = 17566.5

Kv = 836.5

Bulk modulus, E = 1.5 [from material properties]

Vertical stiffness, KV = 634 [Kv / (1+ (Ec / E))]

DBE: (Performance)

No of Isolators = 32

Elastic stiffness, KU = 8.8

Adjusted stiffness, Kr* = 0.6

Yield displacement, V = 20.20

Characteristic strength , Qd = 192.4

Iteration 1

Seismic displacement , DD = 180 [Assume a displacement adjust until SD / DD = 1]

Bearing force, F = 300 [Qd + DD Kr*]

Effective stiffness, Ke = 1.668 [F/DD] Ke x 32 = 53.4

Seismic Weight = 84492 dead load

Seismic Weight = 8.61 W/g

Effective period, TE = 2.52 [2 (M/ Ke)0.5]

Loop area, Ah = 122982 [4 Qd (DD - V)

Damping = 36.49% [(1/2) x (Ah / Ke DD2)]

Dampin factor, B = 1.81 [UBC Table A-16-C]

Spectral acceleration, SA = 0.1 [CV / BTE]

Spectral displacement, SD = 166.23 [ (g x CV x TE) / (4 2B)]

Iteration 2

Seismic displacement , DD = 166.23

Bearing force, F = 292.13

Effective stiffness, Ke = 1.73 [F/DD] Ke x 32 = 56.23

Seismic Weight = 84492 dead load

Seismic Weight = 8.61 W/g

Effective period, TE = 2.45

Loop area, Ah = 11236.22

Damping = 37.5%

Dampin factor , B = 1.85

Spectral acceleration , SA = 0.1

Spectral displacement, SD = 158.11

Iteration 3

Seismic displacement , DD = 158.11

Bearing force, F = 287

Effective stiffness, Ke = 1.84 [F/DD] Ke x 32 = 59.19

Seismic Weight = 84492 dead load

Seismic Weight = 8.61 W/g

Effective period, TE = 2.39

Loop area, Ah = 106123.5

Damping = 36.7%

Dampin factor , B = 1.83

Spectral acceleration , SA = 0.1

Spectral displacement, SD = 156

Iteration 4

Seismic displacement , DD = 156

Bearing force, F = 286

Effective stiffness, Ke = 1.8 [F/DD] Ke x 32 = 59.2

Seismic Weight = 84492 dead load

Seismic Weight = 8.61 W/g

Effective period, TE = 2.38

Loop area, Ah = 104542

Damping = 36%

Dampin factor , B = 1.82

Spectral acceleration , SA = 0.1

Spectral displacement, SD = 156

Check convergence = 1 [ SD / DD]

MCE performance

No of isolator = 32

Elastic stiffness, KU = 8.8

Adjusted stiffness, Kr* = 0.6

Yield displacement, V = 20.20

Characteristic strength , Qd = 192.4\

Iteration 1

DM = 230

F = 330.4
Ke = 1.43

TE = 2.72

Loop area, Ah = 161337

Damping = 33.9%

Dampin factor , B = 1.78

Spectral acceleration , SA = 0.099

Spectral displacement, SD = 182.4

Iteration 2

DM = 182.4

F = 302

Ke = 1.652

TE = 2.52

Loop area, Ah = 124782

Damping = 36%

Dampin factor , B = 1.82

Spectral acceleration , SA = 0.1

Spectral displacement, SD = 165.3

Iteration 3

DM = 165.3

F = 291.1

Ke = 1.76

TE = 2.44

Loop area, Ah = 111546

Damping = 37%

Dampin factor , B = 1.84

Spectral acceleration , SA = 0.1

Spectral displacement, SD = 158.3

Iteration 4

DM = 158.3

F = 287.3

Ke = 1.82

TE = 2.41

Loop area, Ah = 106050

Damping = 37%

Dampin factor , B = 1.84

Spectral acceleration , SA = 0.1

Spectral displacement, SD = 156.38

Iteration 5

DM = 156.2

F = 286.7

Ke = 1.83

TE = 2.4

Loop area, Ah = 104066

Damping = 37%

Dampin factor , B = 1.84

Spectral acceleration , SA = 0.1

Spectral displacement, SD = 156.2

Check convergence = 1 [ SD / DD]

Earthquake design

Eu = 0.75

Applied vertical load, PDL + SLL + E = 8206 [ Max DL + SLL + E]

DBE displacement = 156 [DBE displacement DD]

Factor on displacement = 1.25 [DTD / DD]

Applied displacement = 195 [DD]

Applied rotation = 0

Shape factor, S1 = 14

Constant, K =0.87 [ from properties]

E = 0.0014

EC = 0.6

Ar = 318500

Kvi = 19110

c = 0.042

sc = 3.6

sh = 0.928

sr = 0

= 4.5, allowable strain = 4.88

Buckling load, Pcr = 19703

Status Ok [ < u / f & Pcr > PDL+LL]


Factor of muu = 1

Applied vertical load = 8206

MCE displacement = 156.2

Factor on displacement = 195.2

Factor on rotaion = 0

Shape factor = 14

K = 0.87

E = 0.0014

Ec = 0.6

Ar = 318500

Kvi = 19110

c = 0.042

sc = 3.6

sh = 0.928

= 4.5, allowable strain = 6.5

Buckling load, Pcr = 19703

Status Ok
Gravity strain FS 4.03 u / = 6.5 / 1.61

Buckling FS 7.57 Pcr / P = 25542 / 3372.5

DBE strain FS 1.44 u / = 6.5 / 4.5

Buckling FS 2.4 Pcr / P = 19703 / 8206

MCE strain FS 1.44 u / = 6.5 / 4.5

Buckling FS 2.4 Pcr / P = 19703 / 8206

Reduced area / Gross area 98.6 at MCE = Ar / Ab

Max shear strain at MCE = sh

DBE MCE Comments

Effective period TD TM 2.38 2.4

Displacement DD DM 165 15 From seismic performance

Total Displacement DTD DTM 206 206

Force co- efficient Vb / w 0.1 0.1 SA

Force co- efficient Vs / w 0.05 SA / R1

1.5 x yield force / w Fy / w

Wind force / w 0.018 Fw / w

Fixed base v @ TD From UBC

Max (Vs , Vy , Vw , Vf ) x w @
Base shear force

Damping, Deff 36% 36%

From seismic performance
Damping co-efficient BD BM 1.82 1.84
Sl No. Comments

First data line:

1 ID 1 Identification No

2 Type LRB Biaxial Hysteretic

3 KE2 1.76
Spring effective stiffness = Kr* + Qd / Dd
4 KE3 1.76

5 DE2 0.310
Spring effective damping ratio = 0.05
6 DE3 0.310

Second data line:

7 K1 634 Spring stiffness along Axis 1 (axial)

8 K2 8.8
Initial spring constant = Ku
9 K3 8.8

10 FY2 / K11 / CFF2 178

Yield force = (Fy for LRB)
11 FY3 / K22 / CFF3 178

12 RK2 / K33 / CFF2 0.07

Post yield stiffness ratio = Kr* / Ku
13 RK3 / CFS3 0.07
Hysteresis properties

Displacement Force Comments

Yield displacement 20.25 Bearing properties

Design displacement 165 DBE properties

Yield force, Fy 178 Bearing properties

Origin 0 0 Start of plot

= Y
Point A 20.25 178
F = Fy
= DD
Point B 165 291.4
F = QD + DD Kr*
= DD - 2Y
Point C 124.5 -6.46
F = QD + DD Kr* - 2Fy
= -DD
Point D -165 -291.4
F = - QD - DD Kr*
= - DD + 2Y
Point E -124.5 6.46
F = - QD - DD Kr* + 2Fy
= Y
Point A 20.25 178
F = Fy

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