276-Task Appreciation (For RD 256) Loyang Delpot - 1311!27!1

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1 26 Nov 2913 RD 276 Task appreciation




Work scope:

1) The Contract RD 276 called for the appointment of a Consultant for the provision
of Supervision Qualified Person( QP(S)) and Qualified Site
2) supervisors for related works for the Contract RD256 Proposed Bus Depot at
Loyang (Main Contract) (hereinafter referred to as Services) as required under BCA
(Building Control Act) .

2) The Main Contract

3) to be carried out for the design and construction of the Wenya Bus Depot and its
associated roadworks and structural works.

The scope of works under the Main Contract is detailed in Appendix A and
summarized below:

Contract RD256 is a design and build contract consisting of the construction and completion of
architectural, civil and structural, and building services works for the proposed bus depot at Loyang
. The Bus Depot (hereinafter referred to as the Bus Depot)
This includes a double storey administrative building workshops and maintenance bays for testing,
and other repair services areas for buses washing , parking , and include new roads leading to the
Depot.,with contiguous bored pile wall, a new 22KV substation and extensive earth cutting.
The LTA developed road and other layout design are not permitted to be deviate but must design as per
site constraints as a design and build contract. This include responsibility for the design and build works
includes the submissions to relevant government authorities / technical departments for obtaining all
necessary clearances/approvals.
All interfacing works with others and ancillary agencies and stakeholders.
The works details include , but not limited to the following works:

a. extensive earth clearance, site clearance, demolition and resiting of existing features, close turfing, trees
removal, back filling
b. a new dual three lane carriageway to serve Wenya Bus Depot and associated connecting roads and slips
roads ;
c. new drainage system for the dual three lane carriageway ;
d. a new contiguous bored pile wall and associated works including safety railings etc;
e. all structures including new drainage system for all areas, facilities and equipment within the Bus Depot ;
f. road marking, construction and relocation of new and existing road facilities such as traffic signs, etc.;
g. carry out condition survey, instrumentation and monitoring works of adjoining properties/structures and
surrounding ground;
h. a double storey building with administrative offices, stores, workshops and maintenance area for maintenance and
repairs of buses, canteen, and electrical rooms, as shown in the Drawings;
2 26 Nov 2913 RD 276 Task appreciation

i. ancilliary building housing a bus spray painting booth, vehicle test bays, and bus maintenance area,
j. covered bus refuelling area with refuelling bays, fuel pump room and coin stores, as shown in the Drawings;;
k. sheltered motorcycle lots, as shown in the Drawings;
l. car parking lots complete with wheel stoppers, as shown in the Drawings; m. bus parking area complete
with signages, vehicular impact guardrails, kerbs,
n. 22KV substation, bin centre, guardhouse and guard post, as shown in the Drawings;
o. Bus Depot accesses to tie in with the proposed road levels;
q. design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of lifts
including statutory Authorised Examiner (licensed under Ministry of
Manpower) supervision certification;
r. coordination and interfacing with SSC for installation of Bus Depot
s. coordination with relevant SSC on installation, testing and
commissioning of lifting beam/hooks and pulling hooks facilities for
cranes and crane runways ;
t. preparation of Coordinated Installation Programme (CIP) and all other
scheduling requirements as stated in the General Specification;
u. perimeter fencing for the Bus Depot as shown in the Drawings
complete with foundation in accordance to specifications shown in
Appendix D3 and compliance to Authoritys requirements;
v. perimeter security CCTV system in accordance to specifications and
compliance to Authority's requirements;
w. manually operated sliding gates at both main (ingress and egress)
and contingency vehicular accesses of the Bus Depot;
x. drop barrier system for security access control at both main (ingress
and egress) and contingency vehicular access;

y. planting of tall green foliage shrubs for the Bus Depot;

z. design, supply and installation of lightweight and low-maintenance
green roof at the double storey office/workshop building, with durable,
irrigation-free design and consideration for ease of plant replacement
and effective drainage of excess water. The Contractor shall include
the detailed proposal for the green roof design in the submissions to
the relevant authorities, as well as the Concept, Preliminary and Final
Designs for the SO's acceptance;
aa. provision of drawings and calculations required for the Qualified
Person (Supervision) [QP(S)] and Accredited Checker (AC) to carry
out their statutory duties;
bb. coordination and provision of all necessary attendances and
provisions with all Interfacing Contractors in accordance with the
requirements as stated in the General Specification and Particular
cc. reinstatement works to affected areas such as kerbs, drains, footpath,
pavements, turf and all other works necessary for the completion of
the project; and
dd. all other works and services ancillary or related to the full completion
of the Works in accordance with the Authoritys requirements.

Duties of Consultants and Appointed Personnel

4) The Consultant and his appointed Personnel (part time (QP(S) ,and full time 1 RE and
4 RTO ( to cover the main contracts supervision) all the and other staff involved in this
Contract will carry out works and perform duties in accordance with the Employers
requirements and the statutory requirements and
3 26 Nov 2913 RD 276 Task appreciation

a) Provide Professional construction supervision services and provide proactive

role in ensuring that the construction works are carried out in as safe and quality
manner in accordance with best construction practices;

b) Provision of Part time QP(S) who will ,upon issuance of Permit to commence
work by BCA,spend minimum of 30 hours a month excluding compulsory
meetings,until substation completion of works .Thereafter till certificate of
Completion( SCS) or handing over to he authorities when required by LTA.

The QP(S) is assisted by a Part time PQ(Geo) for works categorized as

Underground Building Works under BCA guidelines;

c) Provision of a qualified 1 RE , and 4 RTO as site supervisors on site from

commencement to the end of the contract, as per scheduled estimated in the
tender and to be deployed as agreed with LTA ;

d) Provide independent design check and further checks on temporary works., for
those not required to be checked by Accredited checker under the Building Control
Act and Regulations

e) Review contractors method statement and impact and damage assessments


and to provide services on monitoring of settlement and other geotechnical control and
present reports as required to LTA

f) To apply and obtain ST permit to work form BCA ;

g) review and advice LTA on construction methods, and to provide design review and
inspections services and caused contractor to prep[are documents from their
consultants for temporary works etc as per Appendix F 1 and F.

h) highlight and take action on non conformity works , on materials , and departure from
agreed work sequence , infringement of work safety requirements or proceeding work
without permission ;

I) be contactable at all time, and carry out works as necessary on a around the clock

j) Coordinate with contractors, other interfacing works and with all authorities on the
services and related works;

k) prepare reports ,presentation and regular reports/feedback and submissions to LTA

and other authorities;
4 26 Nov 2913 RD 276 Task appreciation

l) Maintain records and reports and generally to provide good written activity reports
with complete and accurate descriptions of the construction work and all pertinent
conditions thereof., including changes made and verify all as built information
submitted by the Contractor;

m) Provision of necessary training and courses to the staff for the project ;

n) sign of certificate of supervision and assist in obtain the CSC;

o) the design office will also support the QP(S)on his duties during the
1 year defect liability period.

Organization and Reporting

5) The part time QP (S) will be assisted by 1 RE and 4 RTO as site supervisors for the
supervision work and design check support from the design office.

6) The works will start with reviewing the Contractors submission, application for Permit
to commence work for the project. QP (S) will make regular visits to site, and attend
meetings as required and overall monitor the RD 256 contract. QP and will also co-
ordinate with the Contractor , QP (Design)( QP(D), BCA ,LTA and all relevant parties
to resolve all and any design matters.

7) As safety is one of prime concern , the QP(S) team will continuously monitor and advice on safety ,
especially on adherence to safety standards and regulations .Beside these the quality
assurance of the project will also be given due attention to ensure that the end product
meets the LTA , and other authorities requirements .
5 26 Nov 2913 RD 276 Task appreciation

8) The personnel for this RD 276 are: QP(S) Cheng Kim Hua , the RE will be Mr
Senthil ,and the RTOs will be Satish pl insert 3 more RTOS with CV and in
the org chart )
The CV of Mr cheng .Mr Sentil and the RTO s are are attached .

9 ) The organization chart for RD 276 is as shown below (Org chart).


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