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Detailed Design

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True-Blue Energy Services Limited





The Scope of Work under this CONTRACT covers detailed engineering design, procurement, construction, commissioning,
integration, and handing over of functional custody transfer flow metering package (the WORK) at the specified location
to the COMPANY and covers the following:

I. Design, procure, construct/install, pre-commission, commission, and successfully hand over one Class 1
(custody meter with uncertainty equal or less than 0.25%) crude oil metering station on the out-feed from
Soku field into the Nembe Creek Trunk Line (NCTL).

The Custody transfer flow metering package consists of metering skids, auto sampling unit and permanent prover loop.
Also, as part of the package is the control system, consisting of flow computers, supervisory computers, printers, UPS and
switch gears w/MCC etc. These items will be in the existing FAR and integrated into existing system. It is expected that as
part of the detailed design, the contractor shall provide an approved for construction drawing for these items located in
the existing FAR.

COMPANY True Blue Energy Services Limited and Her Client


Survey and data gathering of existing facility and location where the WORK is to be executed, including also
whatever is required to achieve foundation design and to establish integration of the new metering packages with
existing systems and tie-ins.

Detailed design of the metering packages in line with the Basis for Design, the Functional Specification and other
relevant documentations as necessary. Fluctuation in station parameters and crude characteristics that could impact
negatively on the flawless delivery will be effectively addressed in the detailed design stage (especially for the prover

True-Blue Energy Services Limited
loop) including seamless tie-in with other projects and existing brownfield software and hardware infrastructures.

As-built for the installed facilities.


1.0 Verification of Design Data:

As part of the JOB SPECIFICATION, Drawings and Documents are FEED design data already engineered and is provided to

CONTRACTOR’s scope includes Verification of the design data, Drawings and Documents, after which it shall be deemed
as accepted by the CONTRACTOR who takes ownership and responsibility for it at the Verification Milestone.
The above notwithstanding, design verification report shall be agreed by Company and the implementation of the
findings /recommendations (if any) shall be agreed by both parties.

CONTRACTOR shall perform the WORK and develop his detailed engineering based on these drawings and documents.
Notwithstanding this, there shall be no VARIATION raised or agreed due to minor changes in detail contained in these
drawings and documents. By minor changes in detail it is intended to include, but not be limited to, by way of example
any of the following: changes in piping size (any change in piping of nominal pipe sizes 2” and below should be
considered minor), instrument set points, loop control details, location of tie-in points, resolution of hold points,
changes in fittings, line routings, small bore valving, etc. Areas such as finalizing line sizing and material specifications are
a detailed engineering activity and changes to these for example shall not constitute a variation to the CONTRACT.

The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the provision of all engineering services necessary to complete the WORK.

The objectives of the engineering phase of the WORK are:

a) To perform surveys and data gathering of existing facility and location where the WORK is to be executed,
including also whatever required to achieve foundation design and to establish integration of the new/upgraded
facilities/equipment with ongoing projects systems and tie-ins.
b) To produce Approved for Construction (AFC) drawings and documents.
c) To produce Weight Control Report and complete all equipment and material requisitions for enquiry and
d) To review and submit for approval Vendor drawings and documents.
e) To incorporate Vendor data, to Approved for Construction stage, and updating and revision of the engineering
deliverables to incorporate design maturation and any subsequent changes as required.
f) To prepare all test, inspection, etc, procedures for mechanical, electrical, telecom, structural, civil, control and
instrumentation systems.
g) To prepare all pre-commissioning procedures well in advance of assembly in the Fabrication Yards.
h) To prepare all commissioning, maintenance and operating manuals for all the systems.
i) To prepare ‘as-built’ drawings and finalized documents to be handed over to the COMPANY.
j) To prepare Routine & Preventive Maintenance procedures and programme.
k) To prepare the Approved for Construction Bills of Quantities and Material Take Offs.
l) To provide all necessary Operations and Maintenance support and input to the design, commissioning and
deliverables, including provision of all commissioning, maintenance and operating manuals for all the systems.
m) To provide all applicable engineering required to permit safe and efficient pre-commissioning and
commissioning of the WORK.

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a) Ensure that the safety and integrity features already incorporated into the design are not compromised by
design modifications.
b) Develop and issue for agreement by Company a schedule for drawing and document review that will meet with
the overall project schedule.
c) Arrange the drawings into a sequence consistent with the process or design.
d) Renumber the drawings using the COMPANY issued numbers and numbering method assigned to the detailed
design (ref.
e) Issue AFP/AFC (For Fabrication of Equipment Modules and Skids) data without "holds". It shall be the
responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to obtain all necessary information to permit AFC data to be "hold free". Full
inter-disciplinary reviews shall be completed before any of the key issues of drawings, such as "Approved for
Purchase" (AFP) and AFC.
f) Prepare calculations, studies, design reviews, documentation, etc, to demonstrate to COMPANY that the
CONTRACTOR has adequately addressed all issues relating to the WORK including safety, reliability, efficiency,
operability, maintainability and integrity consistent with COMPANY’s operating objectives.
g) Prepare and hand over to COMPANY of the following final documents in accordance with COMPANY
i. Design books;
ii. Commissioning, maintenance and operating manuals;
iii. Vendor data manuals;
iv. ‘As-built’ drawings/documents and
v. Certification documentation.
vi. All simulation input and output files used in the entire design.
vii. All the design calculations and reports in both the soft and paper formats

2.0 Audits and Reviews:

The Audits and Reviews to be performed shall include but not be limited to the following;

(c) Layout Review
(d) Ergonomic and Manhandling Studies review
(e) Human Factor review
(f) Operability and Maintainability review
(g) Security Study
(h) Mechanical Handling Study
(i) SIL (IPF)
(k) Constructability review
(l) CONTRACTOR shall make adequate provision in his schedule, for the reviews and also the follow up/close out
actions emanating there from.

CONTRACTOR Prepared Plans, Specifications and Drawings

All plans, calculations, simulations, specifications and drawings prepared by the CONTRACTOR hereunder shall be
available for review and audit by COMPANY, to ensure conformity with the CONTRACT specifications, at all
reasonable times during development and promptly upon completion. All such plans, specifications and drawings
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required to be submitted by the CONTRACTOR for the review and audit of COMPANY shall be prepared and
processed in accordance with the requirements and specifications set forth herein.

COMPANY’s review and audit of plans, specifications and drawings submitted by the CONTRACTOR shall not relieve
the CONTRACTOR of its responsibility for the correctness thereof or of its obligation to meet all the specifications and
requirements of this CONTRACT. The CONTRACTOR shall not modify or deviate from plans, specifications and
drawings agreed by COMPANY without COMPANY’s prior written agreement to such modification or deviation.

3.0 Process Engineering Design Scope:

The process engineering scope of work to be executed by the CONTRACTOR shall include but not be limited to:
1. Review and verification of Front-End Engineering Design, including its reports and studies.
2. Where required, process simulations shall be performed using UNISIM and other UNISIM extension software.
UNISIM shall be used for the PFS’s and preparation main simulation report and the heat & material balances.
3. The first sheets of the PFS’s shall just contain the drawings (not the material balances). They shall show the
control loops. The following must be carried out:
i. Perform any additional studies and calculations required to confirm and verify the process design
and equipment & Line sizing basis for modified piping.
ii. Perform all process simulations necessary to specify the process and utility equipment,
interconnecting piping and valving, instrumentation, taking full account of the range of inlet stream
iii. Update process and utilities design philosophies in accordance with overall design development and
vendor data.
iv. Review and update the PEFS’s, UEFS’s, PFS’s, and UFS’s to:
a. Add any new drawings necessary if the existing drawings are too cluttered.
b. Put the drawings into a sequence consistent with the process.
c. Number the drawings using COMPANY assigned numbers and numbering method.
4. Update PFS's and UFS's as necessary throughout the design development, culminating with the AFC issue.
5. Update the Safeguarding Memorandum and the associated Process Safeguarding flow Schemes.
6. Produce the Design Data Book for the whole work. This is to cover all engineering disciplines, including: Process,
Safety, Piping, Mechanical, Instruments, Electrical, Structural. This is to be a separate document from the
calculation file. The approach described for process engineering shall be applied to all the disciplines. Details of
layout and organization shall be agreed with COMPANY after discussions with the CONTRACTOR.
7. Provide input to Health, Safety Environment and Security (HSES) documents as required, including a hazardous
product schedule to support the preparation for and execution of HSES reviews.
8. Preparation of data for material selection.
9. Preparation of data for the Hazardous Area Classification Report.
10. Update equipment list throughout the design, to include latest sizing, skid weight and process data. Ensure
principal disciplines are aware of latest equipment list contents. Provide issues up to AFC.
11. Update line list including such information as line number, service, insulation type (personnel protection etc),
minimum/normal/maximum design parameters etc.
12. Review and update safety cause and effect charts.
13. Review and update Process Control Philosophy
14. Update Process equipment, line & Instrument numbering Philosophy
15. Provide input to other disciplines where necessary, including review of requisitions and vendor drawings.
16. Provide input to preparation of start-up and operating manuals.
17. Provide input to preparation of the 90 days Operation Period
18. Update the Process Engineering Drawing Package. This shall consist of the following drawings:
19. Implement recommendations arising from safety reviews.
True-Blue Energy Services Limited
20. Review and complete relevant HAZOP actions outstanding from Front End Engineering Design as recorded in
HAZOP audit report
21. Provide input to a detailed HAZOP review of the whole design (including Vendor Packages) before conclusion of
the detailed design phases.
22. Carry out Detail Design review with COMPANY participation and implement recommendations.

All tie in point shall be readily identified by doing onsite inspection and by referring to the relevant FEED deliverables
where they exist. The Metering package/skids, pipping’s, strainers, Coriolis should be so design and carefully selected
such that the crude being metered is free of debris that could clog up the installed strainers, Coriolis and other
associated hardware in direct contact with the process fluid.

4.0 Mechanical Engineering Design Scope:

The CONTRACTOR shall as a minimum update, complete, perform, prepare, develop and provide the following as part
of the WORK:
1. Review and verification of FEED design data (including mechanical specifications for long lead items), reports
and studies
2. Update existing FEED deliverables comprise of Mechanical Specifications, datasheets and SDRL.
3. Provide Mechanical Specification, datasheets and SDRL for any additional equipment identified.
4. General Arrangement Drawings (GA) for machinery must include as a minimum the following information.
a) Location and elevation of, pumps and ancillaries.
b) Access, withdrawal and lay-down requirements.
c) Termination and interface points for the VENDOR’S connections to process and utilities etc these shall
be dimensional and include number, size, rating and type in tabular format.
d) Terminal boxes at skid edge.
5. Identification of all major skid components with COMPANY tag numbers.
6. Overall weights and maintenance weights for major equipment (Generator, air receivers, air compressor)
7. Lifting points and Centre of Gravity (CoG) of skid and components and overall CoG with skid and components
assembled to be shown.
8. Foundation bolt details (quantity, size, type and location).
9. Static and dynamic forces acting on the foundation during all operating conditions.
10. In the case of packages with several different types of equipment, the above information shall be supplied for
each individual item or skid as appropriate.
11. Each item or skid shall be separately identified and an overall GA showing the interconnections between each
individual item or package provided.
12. Interface and Connection Schedules, where new equipment is to be installed must include:
a. List by number of all VENDOR’S termination points, including piping, electrical, instrument cable
terminations and all junction boxes.
b. Size, rating and specification of all connections.
c. Identification of corresponding connection point on another system.
d. Identification of conditions at each connection point e.g. pressure, temperature, flow rate, voltage etc.
13. The document shall always be submitted together with and cross-referenced to General Arrangement Drawings.
14. Entry size and type of all electrical and instrument cable glands.
15. Operability & maintainability study, mechanical handling, and access study shall be carried out for all
equipment. A detailed report is to be prepared covering methods and procedures for removal of equipment for
maintenance, removal of spool pieces for isolation, turning of spectacle blinds, insertion of blinds and provisions
for in-situ maintenance. Access requirements, weights etc shall be fully documented. The detailed requirements
for all permanent lifting facilities (overhead gantries / A-frames etc.) shall be identified for correct equipment

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handling during maintenance. Special procedures for items to be moved or removed at elevated levels are also
to be included.
16. CONTRACTOR shall verify the Plot Plan to ensure ample distance for equipment removal and safety access
where required.
17. A Constructability review shall be carried out for all mechanical equipment and prepare a report for COMPANY’S
review and approval.
18. Prepare an Equipment Suitability Report based on purchase requisitions ensuring that operation and
performance of the equipment has not been adversely affected by changes in design data (e.g. process revisions
or finalization of pipe routings).
19. Produce a complete spares schedule for commissioning and two (2) years operation. This shall comprise a
tabulation of vendor recommended spares and CONTRACTOR recommended spares.
20. Produce a complete spares schedule for Capital Spares. This shall comprise a tabulation of vendor
recommended Capital spares and CONTRACTOR recommended Capital spares.
21. The CONTRACTOR is encouraged to design for shop fabricate and skid mount as much of the equipment as
practical to minimize field construction. The equatorial weather conditions experienced in Nigeria may put a
significant constraint on field construction work.

5.0 Piping Engineering Design Scope:

The FEED Design Plot Plan and piping general arrangement drawings shall form the basis of the Plant/piping layout
and equipment spacing to be developed in detail by the CONTRACTOR. A fully detailed piping/layout design for all
process and utility systems shall be produced using the FEED design information as the basis and incorporating
information from other groups as the design develops.

The piping/layout scope shall include but not be limited to the following:

1. Review and verification of FEED design data, reports and studies.

2. Update plot plans and Piping General arrangement accordingly.
3. Carry out piping studies to:
i. Ensure that special requirements from other disciplines are incorporated into the piping design
(such as straight lengths up & downstream of flow meters, and continuous slopes on Tank drain
ii. Perform a Human Factor review, to ensure, the design affords easy accessibility for operations and
maintenance personnel.
4. Update the equipment layouts for the plant. Show and identify all main equipment locations and outlines
including major piping, cable routing and future equipment.
5. Produce skid designs for all Equipment requiring skids
6. Produce piping general arrangement drawings for all modified systems providing plans, elevations, cross
sections and hook-ups to fully define routing and location of piping, showing equipment, in-line equipment and
instrument locations, pipe support positions, their arrangement and type for all piping 2" NB and above for
modified areas.
7. For piping 1½" NB and below, piping GA's shall locate pipe routing and approximate location of in-line items and
8. Produce a complete set of piping isometrics for all piping other than such small diameter minor services
(generally 1½" and below). Isometric-Sheet should include a full material take-off (MTO) for each drawing.
Isometrics shall include hydrostatic test requirements, stress relief limits, field welds, percentage radiographic
requirements and insulation thickness. All welded attachment pipe supports shall be shown.
9. The CONTRACTOR shall generate MTO's either by utilizing software which produces MTO's directly from
AutoCAD. Schedule of quantities and bills of materials, piping data sheets, consolidated piping material take-offs
True-Blue Energy Services Limited
with MESC numbers and weight take-off. Cutting allowances, contingency allowances and similar additional
material should be clearly identified and stated.
10. Prepare line list, pipe, Valve list, support schedule and piping specialty schedule as required for modified piping.
11. Provide and issue thorough detailed design material take-offs. Material take-offs shall be continuously kept up
to date.
12. Provide stress analysis of critical service piping systems, where required.
13. Review and approval of vendor documentation.
14. Maintain pipe stress record sheet to indicate whether manual or computer pipe stress calculations or visual
inspection are used.
15. Arrangement drawings for process sheet to indicate whether manual or computer pipe stress calculations or
visual inspection are used.
16. Prepare Tie-in schedule for hook-up and commissioning

6.0 Instrumentation, Control, Automation and Telecommunication Engineering Design Scope:

Instrumentation, Control and Automation scope shall include but not be limited to the following:

1. Review and verification of FEED design data, reports and studies.

2. Prepare Control and Shutdown Narratives.
3. Prepare all data sheets required for the requisition and purchase of instrument Packages (e.g. control valves,
field instruments, F&G inclusive of field devices systems etc.)
4. Update instrument index as more data becomes available to AFC status.
5. Prepare Bill of Material for all instrument packages, equipment and bulks
6. Produce calculations for the sizing of equipment (e.g. control/shutdown valves, flow/restriction orifices),
cabling, tubing and electrical load (both AC and DC systems)
7. Detailed SIF Classification Workshop/Report
8. Prepare/Update all necessary drawings to AFC status including but not limited to:

i. Field Auxiliary Room layout drawings.

ii. Layout and location drawings showing instrument locations, junction box locations, cable
iii. Fire and Gas detector locations plan.
iv. Fire and Gas Cause and effect matrix.
v. Cause and Effect matrix Diagrams for Safeguarding.
vi. Panel Lay-outs (alarm display and F&G detection display)
vii. Panel layouts (marshalling and Systems)
viii. Panel Interconnection Diagrams.
ix. Process, Pneumatic, Electrical, hook-up drawings.
x. Instrument loop and F&G loop diagrams.
xi. Junction box schedules.
xii. Vendor interface drawings.
xiii. Cable schedules.
xiv. PAS Architecture Diagram
xv. System Block Diagram
xvi. Communication Network Drawing
xvii. Console Layout Drawing
xviii. Instrument mounting details
xix. Instrument cable termination details
xx. Instrument schedule (all instruments)
True-Blue Energy Services Limited
xxi. Range, Alarm and Trip settings
xxii. Instrument legend
xxiii. Instrument line diagrams, airline diagrams, installation details
xxiv. Instrument cable routing drawings (trays included for field cables)
xxv. Termination details
xxvi. Wiring diagrams
xxvii. Instrument hook-up diagrams/impulse line diagrams
xxviii. Summary of instrument installation materials, schedule of quantities/bill of materials, MESC
numbers material take-offs.
xxix. Summary of instrument/process connections
xxx. Earthing General Arrangement Diagrams (Power and Instruments)
xxxi. Instrument nameplates/description
xxxii. SPIR's/ E-SPIR's
xxxiii. Multicable transit drawings (MCT)
xxxiv. Marshalling and System cabinets drawing.
xxxv. Layout of instrument cables in FAR
xxxvi. F&G detector systems location drawing

9. Prepare material take-offs based upon schedules, layouts, routing diagrams and drawings, and include all
cabling, tubing, fittings, junction boxes, etc.
10. Prepare requisition packages for all instrumentation and control and automation systems/equipment.
11. Expedite vendor drawings and resolve vendor queries.
12. Co-ordinate activities of manufacturers/vendors and certifying authorities to ensure compatibility and correct
operation of all instrument equipment.
13. Technical specification and datasheet for all software and hardware.
14. Detailed functional description of all hardware and software.
15. Telecommunications General Arrangement Diagrams
16. Telecoms System level block diagram
17. Telecoms systems Schematic diagrams
18. Plant cable routing diagram
19. Wiring and termination details for Telecoms equipment
20. Building cable routing
21. Telecom cable termination list
22. Test plan and procedures for all telecoms systems

The metering package will have a flow computer connected to the PAS via dedicated supervisory computers.

The metering package/skid (including all ancillary devices, instrumentation and Fire and Gas system) shall be integrated
to the existing Control system and Safety infrastructure. Configuration of the Modbus Communication interface shall
be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be done in conjunction with the DCS vendor and the Metering Systems
OEM. The instrument, power and optical fibre cables shall follow the existing cable routes to the tie in position.

The existing route may be expanded to meet the space requirement of this SoW. Existing Cable Entry points into the
SS200 should be utilized where possible. The CONTRACTOR shall explore other alternative cable entry options, but
such option must meet the requirement of the relevant industry and SPDC Codes of Practice.

The metering house /FAR shall be linked with nearby control rooms to facilitate communications and integration of
PAS/PCN Networks with the PCD-IT Security.
True-Blue Energy Services Limited

References should be made to COM-SEDO-GEN-AA-7739-00001 section 6.5.5 and DEP. Section

2.1.2 & 2.1.3 and following sections 1.2.2/3/4/5, etc. for further information on telecommunication requirement.

This shall be via.

1. Structured Cabling Systems (SCS) - Optical and Copper.

2. IP Data Network
(a) Local Area Networks (LAN).
(b) Wide Area Network (WAN).

6.0 Civil/Structural Engineering Design Scope:

The Civil/Structural scope of work shall include but not limited to the following:

1. Carry out probing for underground utilities to determine the locations of additional facilities to the site i.e.,
equipment foundation, piping support foundation and cable routing etc.
2. Review and finalize equipment foundation locations, layout, and civil/structural plot plan drawings.
3. Review existing site-specific soil reports to establish soil conditions and foundation requirements.
4. Review and update civil and structural specifications included within the FEED design.
5. Perform detailed design of all steel and concrete works (including but not limited to foundations, supports,
ladders, stairways, walkways, sheds, gantries, crane rails, pipe supports details and steel connections details,
6. Prepare detail design calculation reports for all structural facilities and equipment foundations.
7. Prepare detail engineering drawings for all the steel structures, reinforced concrete structures, foundations,
pipe supports, anchor bolts, bolted & welded connections, hard standing area, roads, fencing, drainages, cable
trenches etc.
8. Prepare bar bending schedules for all reinforced concrete structural elements and foundations.
9. Prepare general arrangement drawings and foundation layout for all facilities
10. Prepare Bill of Engineering Measurements for all civil and structural works
11. Carry out all relevant civil works and provide materials, tools, and equipment, personnel, means of
transportation and installation accessories as may be required for the works. Onsite verification of the structural
schemes recommended in FEED shall be validated against the onsite condition for functionality and accessibility
to the hardware superstructures especially during futuristic operation and maintenance activities.

7.0 Electrical Engineering Design Scope:

The CONTRACTOR shall use the deliverables of the FEED design as a basis to develop and finalize all aspects of the
detailed electrical design.

The detailed design scope shall include as a minimum the following activities progressed through to AFC:

1. Review and verification of FEED design data, reports and studies, Electrical design basis, Electrical load analysis,
AC UPS system study, Cable sizing calculation, Short circuit analysis, Voltage drop analysis, Lighting illumination
calculation, Electrical protection system report, Fault level calculations
2. Review and Update Electrical Equipment List. Determine essential supplies requirements, and update the
electrical load schedule.
3. Identify and validate the proposed electrical power tie-in points for the Soku GP Crude Oil metering projects
4. Determine the power requirements at various stages during pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up.

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5. Update the distribution network design including, switchgears, and Cables Calculations for cable sizing (power,
control, lighting) and cable schedule giving details of cable type, tag no., manufacturer’s code, length, size, etc.
6. Prepare lightning protection and earthing system design. Integrate with existing facilities.
7. Carry out a SAFOP Study with COMPANY participation and implement the recommendations of the study.
Update specification and prepare requisition packages for all electrical equipment and materials, including
completion of data sheets, schedules and drawings where necessary for electrical bulk material including but
not limited to; junction boxes, motor control stations, cable glands, cable transits, and earthing materials.
8. Expedite VENDOR data drawings and resolve VENDOR TECHNICAL queries. Co-ordinate activities of
manufacturers/vendors and certifying authorities to ensure compatibility and correct operation of all electrical
9. Provide dimensions of the electrical system and equipment to other disciplines and prepare layout of switch
rooms with adequate provision made for air-conditioning, fire protection, and desktop telephone facility for the
switch room (with shelter roof) Produce detail drawings including but not limited to the following:
i. Updated key Single line diagram.
ii. Updated Single line drawings to include, LV, UPS systems
iii. Schematic diagrams including motor control schematics.
iv. Vendor drawings including wiring and connection diagrams.
v. Control System Block diagram and interconnections diagrams.
vi. Lighting and small power Layouts.
vii. Comprehensive cable schedule.
viii. Area classification layouts & sections
ix. Equipment general arrangement drawings including switch room layouts.
x. Cable routes, trays support and transit details.
xi. Earthing details.
xii. Lightning protection details.
xiii. Update symbol and legend drawings.
xiv. Construction drawings – hook-up and installation detailed.
10. Prepare procedures for testing the electrical systems and commissioning including detailed method statements
to cover all aspects of the electrical construction, testing and commissioning that explain how the work is to be
done without requiring shutdowns.
11. Review the electrical control philosophy in Operating Manual e.g. shutdown requirement, black start, etc.
12. Material take-offs.
13. Technical requisition packages (TRPs) for new electrical systems/equipment.

Power (UPS & Non- UPS) be shall be taken from substation at Soku. Detailed checks shall be made to confirm the
adequacy and functionality of the available power to meet the requirement of the of the Crude Oil Metering Projects
and the results of the findings shall form inputs to the detailed engineering design and tie-in to the existing facilities. The
total power requirement advised during FEED shall be verified as part of the detailed engineering activities. The cable
selection advised in FEED shall be validated against prevailing conditions on site for adequacy, function ability and
maneuverability. Refer to COM-SEDO-BNYCT-EA-2384-00002-001 and relevant FEED documentations.

8.0 Technical HSE Design Scope:

The basis of the detail design HEMP activities shall be COMPANY’s HSE policy and Standards EP2005 series with
EP95-0000 applicable where EP2005 is not available.

The detail design HEMP scope shall include but not limited to the following activities:

1. Review and verify FEED safety design, reports and studies.

True-Blue Energy Services Limited
2. Prepare a HEMP plan for detail design, engineering, construction, installation, and commissioning phases,
detailing all safety studies and reviews to be undertaken, their scheduling, inputs required and relevant
responsible parties and their responsibilities.
3. Implement FEED safety studies recommendations in detail design.
4. Develop and document design specifications for all safety and environmental design aspects (e.g. layout), fire
and gas detection and fire protection (active and passive). The specifications shall clearly define the basis and
requirements for the detailed design of the safety aspects of all the new facilities.
5. Participate in safety reviews and audits.
6. Preparation of Project Safety Action Tracking Register.
7. Preparation of Project Hazard Register.
8. Develop Design & Operations HSE Cases.
9. Develop the hazardous release schedule to include all process and utility systems in the new facilities, the nature
of the materials (toxicity, flammability etc.) and the appropriate quantities for use in the hazardous area
classification drawing (plan and elevations).
10. Expedite vendor’s drawings and resolve vendor queries.
11. Carry out Pre-Start-up and Operability Study
12. Carry out detailed design HAZOP studies to verify the safety and operability of the detail design of new facilities
and interfaces with existing facilities, including the VENDORS design. All findings from the HAZOP shall be
incorporated into the Approved for Construction (AFC) PEFS and other deliverables. The scope shall include
undertaking HAZOP studies by an independent (third party) chairman and implementation of the HAZOP studies
recommendations and actions. COMPANY PMT shall be invited to attend the HAZOP studies.
13. The methodology shall be approved by COMPANY and shall detail not only the HAZOP study method but also
the procedure for follow up and close out actions.
14. The CONTRACTOR Shall Produce HAZOP Close-out Report, which provides a full audit trail to each of the HAZOP
(Mini, Vendor and Main) recommendations. The report shall be revised and reissued if its content is affected by
changes to the design. The main body of the report is to be in tabular form and to have the following entries for
each recommendation:
15. The HAZOP recommendation reference number
16. The HAZOP recommendation (i.e. the original words)
17. Incorporated Yes/No
18. Explanation/Remarks - If the recommendation was not incorporated, provide a full justification. If it was
incorporated, it will sometimes be necessary to make a remark to explain how it was accomplished. Additionally,
it shall include implementation of all outstanding HAZOP actions from the FEED, close out of which shall be fully
19. The CONTRACTOR shall supply all manpower and resources to conduct the HAZOP studies and shall implement
as part of the WORK the resulting recommendations.
20. The HAZOP shall be fully reported (i.e. not reported by exception), so each part of the analysis is included, even
if the conclusion is that there is no hazard for the case under consideration.
21. The HAZOP team members shall include but not limited to:
i. HAZOP Team Leader: A qualified HAZOP team leader, independent of the design team
preferably a consultant will be provided by the CONTRACTOR and approved by
COMPANY. COMPANY may provide a HAZOP leader.
ii. HAZOP Team Secretary: A qualified HAZOP team secretary. Can be a staff of the
contractor, or from an outside consultancy.
iii. Lead Safety Engineer from the Contractor’s team (this position may be combined with
that of HAZOP secretary).
iv. Lead Process Engineer from the Contractor’s team.
v. Lead Mechanical Engineer from the Contractor’s team
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vi. Lead Control Engineer from the Contractor’s team.
vii. Lead MC& I Engineer from the Contractor’s team.
viii. COMPANY (discipline) Representatives
ix. National Regulators (DPR/NAPIMS) at least two engineers from (Facilities /Process and
Safety Engineering).
22. Sufficient time shall be allocated in the schedule to incorporate HAZOP recommendations and the CONTRACTOR
shall perform 'mini' HAZOP studies on all subsequent revisions to the process design.
23. Carry out a Safety Integrity Function (SIF) review study, in accordance with IEC 61508, on the instrumentation
associated with the process facilities. The methodology to be employed shall be approved by COMPANY prior to
the study.

The SIF team members shall include but not limited to:

i. SIF Leader: To be independent of the detailed design team preferably a consultant will be
provided by the
ii. CONTRACTOR and approved by COMPANY. COMPANY may provide a SIF Leader.
iii. Lead Safety Engineer from the Contractor’s team
iv. Lead Process Engineer from the Contractor’s team.
v. Lead Mechanical Engineer from the Contractor’s team.
vi. Lead Control Engineer from the Contractor’s team.
vii. Lead MC& I Engineer from the Contractor’s team.
viii. COMPANY (discipline) Representatives
b. National Regulators (DPR/NAPIMS) at least two engineers from (Facilities /Process and Safety Engineering).
24. Carry out Human Factors Engineering (HFE) for control aspects of the project relating to Human Machine
Interface. This shall include but not limited to Human HAZOP review. This will focus on ensuring the tasks are
clearly specified in the form of a Task Analysis, and questions such as - "what can go wrong?" or "what is
required (in design) to deliver high levels of human performance?" are asked. Key outputs would be specific
design features and procedural controls that could be incorporated to improve human performance, including
health, safety and efficiency.
25. Update the Design Safety Critical Elements and Performance standards into Operate phase Safety Critical
Elements and Performance standards in agreement with COMPANY.
26. This shall include definition of:
a. Performance criteria
b. Assurance Measure
c. Assurance Values and Verification activities
27. Carry out review and audit in conjunction with COMPANY to ensure that all HEMP study recommendations have
been implemented before detail design is frozen. All audit findings and actions shall be completed by the
CONTRACTOR prior to completing the detailed design and are subject to COMPANY approval. COMPANY shall
not accept the final design until the HEMP audit is completed to COMPANY’S satisfaction. Interim reviews and
audits may be conducted during detailed design to assess progress and identify concerns. CONTRACTOR shall
participate as requested by COMPANY and CONTRACTOR costs are to be borne by CONTRACTOR.
28. The CONTRACTOR shall collate all deliverables associated with HSES engineering into an HSES Engineering Book.
29. Update the Hazard and Effects Register, as required, to capture any new hazard identifies and incorporate
formal HSE assessment findings.
30. Update the Installation Hazardous Area Classification drawings with supporting documentation, as required, to
adequately address possible design changes in compliance with code requirements.

True-Blue Energy Services Limited
8.0 Corrosion Engineering Design Scope:
The corrosion engineering scope of work shall include the following:

a. Review and verification of Front-End Engineering design data.

b. Review and verification of the materials of construction selected in the engineering design.
c. Prepare painting specifications and welding procedures


In general, the project shall be constructed, installed and operated in accordance with:

• Nigerian law and Regulations

• Project specifications and standards.
• SPDC specifications and standards where applicable.
• COMPANY Group specifications and standards (DEPs, safety manuals, etc.).
• Relevant industry standards.

A complete list of applicable codes and standards can be found in Appendix 1. Nigerian law and regulations shall be first
in order of precedence, with construction codes and working standards coming last.

As part of your quote, please provide us a realistic level 3 schedule to completely deliver this scope. Assume Start Date
to be May 1st, 2020.

This design will be carried out in Port Harcourt using your office Location, unless otherwise changed by COMPANY.

Please note that giving us your quote is not an offer of work, nor is it an acceptance of any offer you have made, nor
does it bring into existence any contract; or a guaranty of work between our companies.

Your cost and schedule will be evaluated alongside other contractors.

The contract will be awarded to the Contractor whose best cost and schedule can realistically complete the work and
aligns with our proposed cost and schedule, and not the Lowest bidder.


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