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1.1 Background

We will list below some definitions and theorems that are part of
the curriculum of a standard theory-based sophomore level course
in linear algebra. (Such a course is a prerequisite for reading these
notes.) A vector space is a set, V , the elements of which we will refer
to as vectors. It is equipped with two vector space operations:
Vector space addition. Given two vectors, v1 and v2 , one can add
them to get a third vector, v1 + v2 .
Scalar multiplication. Given a vector, v, and a real number, , one
can multiply v by to get a vector, v.
These operations satisfy a number of standard rules: associativ-
ity, commutativity, distributive laws, etc. which we assume youre
familiar with. (See exercise 1 below.) In addition well assume youre
familiar with the following definitions and theorems.

1. The zero vector. This vector has the property that for every
vector, v, v + 0 = 0 + v = v and v = 0 if is the real number, zero.

2. Linear independence. A collection of vectors, vi , i = 1, . . . , k, is

linearly independent if the map

(1.1.1) Rk V , (c1 , . . . , ck ) c1 v1 + + ck vk

is 1 1.

3. The spanning property. A collection of vectors, vi , i = 1, . . . , k,

spans V if the map (1.1.1) is onto.

4. The notion of basis. The vectors, vi , in items 2 and 3 are a basis

of V if they span V and are linearly independent; in other words, if
the map (1.1.1) is bijective. This means that every vector, v, can be
written uniquely as a sum
(1.1.2) v= ci vi .
2 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

5. The dimension of a vector space. If V possesses a basis, vi ,

i = 1, . . . , k, V is said to be finite dimensional, and k is, by definition,
the dimension of V . (It is a theorem that this definition is legitimate:
every basis has to have the same number of vectors.) In this chapter
all the vector spaces well encounter will be finite dimensional.
6. A subset, U , of V is a subspace if its vector space in its own
right, i.e., for v, v1 and v2 in U and in R, v and v1 + v2 are in U .
7. Let V and W be vector spaces. A map, A : V W is linear if,
for v, v1 and v2 in V and R
(1.1.3) A(v) = Av

(1.1.4) A(v1 + v2 ) = Av1 + Av2 .

8. The kernel of A. This is the set of vectors, v, in V which get

mapped by A into the zero vector in W . By (1.1.3) and (1.1.4) this
set is a subspace of V . Well denote it by Ker A.
9. The image of A. By (1.1.3) and (1.1.4) the image of A, which
well denote by Im A, is a subspace of W . The following is an
important rule for keeping track of the dimensions of Ker A and
Im A.

(1.1.5) dim V = dim Ker A + dim Im A .

Example 1. The map (1.1.1) is a linear map. The vi s span V if its
image is V and the vi s are linearly independent if its kernel is just
the zero vector in Rk .

10. Linear mappings and matrices. Let v1 , . . . , vn be a basis of V

and w1 , . . . , wm a basis of W . Then by (1.1.2) Avj can be written
uniquely as a sum,
(1.1.6) Avj = ci,j wi , ci,j R .

The m n matrix of real numbers, [ci,j ], is the matrix associated

with A. Conversely, given such an m n matrix, there is a unique
linear map, A, with the property (1.1.6).
1.1 Background 3

11. An inner product on a vector space is a map

B :V V R

having the three properties below.

(a) For vectors, v, v1 , v2 and w and R

B(v1 + v2 , w) = B(v1 , w) + B(v2 , w)

B(v, w) = B(v, w) .

(b) For vectors, v and w,

B(v, w) = B(w, v) .

(c) For every vector, v

B(v, v) 0 .

Moreover, if v 6= 0, B(v, v) is positive.

Notice that by property (b), property (a) is equivalent to

B(w, v) = B(w, v)

B(w, v1 + v2 ) = B(w, v1 ) + B(w, v2 ) .

The items on the list above are just a few of the topics in linear al-
gebra that were assuming our readers are familiar with. Weve high-
lighted them because theyre easy to state. However, understanding
them requires a heavy dollop of that indefinable quality mathe-
matical sophistication, a quality which will be in heavy demand in
the next few sections of this chapter. We will also assume that our
readers are familiar with a number of more low-brow linear algebra
notions: matrix multiplication, row and column operations on matri-
ces, transposes of matrices, determinants of n n matrices, inverses
of matrices, Cramers rule, recipes for solving systems of linear equa-
tions, etc. (See 1.1 and 1.2 of Munkres book for a quick review of
this material.)
4 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra


1. Our basic example of a vector space in this course is Rn equipped

with the vector addition operation

(a1 , . . . , an ) + (b1 , . . . , bn ) = (a1 + b1 , . . . , an + bn )

and the scalar multiplication operation

(a1 , . . . , an ) = (a1 , . . . , an ) .

Check that these operations satisfy the axioms below.

(a) Commutativity: v + w = w + v.
(b) Associativity: u + (v + w) = (u + v) + w.
(c) For the zero vector, 0 = (0, . . . , 0), v + 0 = 0 + v.
(d) v + (1)v = 0.
(e) 1v = v.
(f) Associative law for scalar multiplication: (ab)v = a(bv).
(g) Distributive law for scalar addition: (a + b)v = av + bv.
(h) Distributive law for vector addition: a(v + w) = av + aw.

2. Check that the standard basis vectors of Rn : e1 = (1, 0, . . . , 0),

e2 = (0, 1, 0, . . . , 0), etc. are a basis.

3. Check that the standard inner product on Rn

B((a1 , . . . , an ), (b1 , . . . , bn )) = ai bi

is an inner product.

1.2 Quotient spaces and dual spaces

In this section we will discuss a couple of items which are frequently,

but not always, covered in linear algebra courses, but which well
need for our treatment of multilinear algebra in 1.1.3 1.1.8.
1.2 Quotient spaces and dual spaces 5

The quotient spaces of a vector space

Let V be a vector space and W a vector subspace of V . A W -coset

is a set of the form
v + W = {v + w , w W } .
It is easy to check that if v1 v2 W , the cosets, v1 + W and
v2 + W , coincide while if v1 v2 6 W , they are disjoint. Thus the
W -cosets decompose V into a disjoint collection of subsets of V . We
will denote this collection of sets by V /W .
One defines a vector addition operation on V /W by defining the
sum of two cosets, v1 + W and v2 + W to be the coset
(1.2.1) v1 + v2 + W
and one defines a scalar multiplication operation by defining the
scalar multiple of v + W by to be the coset
(1.2.2) v + W .
It is easy to see that these operations are well defined. For instance,
suppose v1 + W = v1 + W and v2 + W = v2 + W . Then v1 v1
and v2 v2 are in W ; so (v1 + v2 ) (v1 + v2 ) is in W and hence
v1 + v2 + W = v1 + v2 + W .
These operations make V /W into a vector space, and one calls
this space the quotient space of V by W .
We define a mapping
(1.2.3) : V V /W
by setting (v) = v + W . Its clear from (1.2.1) and (1.2.2) that
is a linear mapping, and that it maps V to V /W . Moreover, for
every coset, v + W , (v) = v + W ; so the mapping, , is onto. Also
note that the zero vector in the vector space, V /W , is the zero coset,
0 + W = W . Hence v is in the kernel of if v + W = W , i.e., v W .
In other words the kernel of is W .
In the definition above, V and W dont have to be finite dimen-
sional, but if they are, then
(1.2.4) dim V /W = dim V dim W .
by (1.1.5).
The following, which is easy to prove, well leave as an exercise.
6 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

Proposition 1.2.1. Let U be a vector space and A : V U a linear

map. If W Ker A there exists a unique linear map, A# : V /W U
with property, A = A# .

The dual space of a vector space

Well denote by V the set of all linear functions, : V R. If 1
and 2 are linear functions, their sum, 1 + 2 , is linear, and if is
a linear function and is a real number, the function, , is linear.
Hence V is a vector space. One calls this space the dual space of V .
Suppose V is n-dimensional, and let e1 , . . . , en be a basis of V .
Then every vector, v V , can be written uniquely as a sum

v = c1 e1 + + cn en ci R .


(1.2.5) ei (v) = ci .

If v = c1 e1 + + cn en and v = c1 e1 + + cn en then v + v =
(c1 + c1 )e1 + + (cn + cn )en , so

ei (v + v ) = ci + ci = ei (v) + ei (v ) .

This shows that ei (v) is a linear function of v and hence ei V .

Claim: ei , i = 1, . . . , n is a basis of V .

Proof. First of all note that by (1.2.5)

1, i = j
(1.2.6) ei (ej ) = .
0 , i 6= j
If V let i = (ei ) and let = i ei . Then by (1.2.6)
(1.2.7) (ej ) = i ei (ej ) = j = (ej ) ,

i.e., and take identical values on the basis vectors, ej . Hence

= . P P
Suppose next that i ei = 0. Then by (1.2.6), j = ( i ei )(ej ) =
0 for all j = 1, . . . , n. Hence the ej s are linearly independent.
1.2 Quotient spaces and dual spaces 7

Let V and W be vector spaces and A : V W , a linear map.

Given W the composition, A, of A with the linear map,
: W R, is linear, and hence is an element of V . We will denote
this element by A , and we will denote by

A : W V

the map, A . Its clear from the definition that

A (1 + 2 ) = A 1 + A 2

and that
A = A ,
i.e., that A is linear.

Definition. A is the transpose of the mapping A.

We will conclude this section by giving a matrix description of

A . Let e1 , . . . , en be a basis of V and f1 , . . . , fm a basis of W ; let
be the dual bases of V and W . Suppose A
e1 , . . . , en and f1 , . . . , fm
is defined in terms of e1 , . . . , en and f1 , . . . , fm by the m n matrix,
[ai,j ], i.e., suppose
Aej = ai,j fi .
and e , . . . , e by the
Claim. A is defined, in terms of f1 , . . . , fm 1 n
transpose matrix, [aj,i ].

Proof. Let
A fi = cj,i ej .

Then X
A fi (ej ) = ck,i ek (ej ) = cj,i

by (1.2.6). On the other hand

X  X
A fi (ej ) = fi (Aej ) = fi ak,j fk = ak,j fi (fk ) = ai,j

so ai,j = cj,i .
8 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra


1. Let V be an n-dimensional vector space and W a k-dimensional

subspace. Show that there exists a basis, e1 , . . . , en of V with the
property that e1 , . . . , ek is a basis of W . Hint: Induction on n k.
To start the induction suppose that n k = 1. Let e1 , . . . , en1 be a
basis of W and en any vector in V W .
2. In exercise 1 show that the vectors fi = (ek+i ), i = 1, . . . , nk
are a basis of V /W .
3. In exercise 1 let U be the linear span of the vectors, ek+i , i =
1, . . . , n k.
Show that the map
U V /W , u (u) ,
is a vector space isomorphism, i.e., show that it maps U bijectively
onto V /W .
4. Let U , V and W be vector spaces and let A : V W and
B : U V be linear mappings. Show that (AB) = B A .
5. Let V = R2 and let W be the x1 -axis, i.e., the one-dimensional
{(x1 , 0) ; x1 R}
of R2 .

(a) Show that the W -cosets are the lines, x2 = a, parallel to the
x1 -axis.
(b) Show that the sum of the cosets, x2 = a and x2 = b is the
coset x2 = a + b.
(c) Show that the scalar multiple of the coset, x2 = c by the
number, , is the coset, x2 = c.

6. (a) Let (V ) be the dual of the vector space, V . For every

v V , let v : V R be the function, v () = (v). Show that
the v is a linear function on V , i.e., an element of (V ) , and show
that the map
(1.2.8) : V (V ) v v
is a linear map of V into (V ) .
1.2 Quotient spaces and dual spaces 9

(b) Show that the map (1.2.8) is bijective. (Hint: dim(V ) =

dim V = dim V , so by (1.1.5) it suffices to show that (1.2.8) is
injective.) Conclude that there is a natural identification of V with
(V ) , i.e., that V and (V ) are two descriptions of the same object.
7. Let W be a vector subspace of V and let

W = { V , (w) = 0 if w W } .

Show that W is a subspace of V and that its dimension is equal to

dim V dim W . (Hint: By exercise 1 we can choose a basis, e1 , . . . , en
of V such that e1 , . . . ek is a basis of W . Show that ek+1 , . . . , en is a
basis of W .) W is called the annihilator of W in V .
8. Let V and V be vector spaces and A : V V a linear map.
Show that if W is the kernel of A there exists a linear map, B :
V /W V , with the property: A = B , being the map (1.2.3).
In addition show that this linear map is injective.
9. Let W be a subspace of a finite-dimensional vector space, V .
From the inclusion map, : W V , one gets a transpose map,

: (V ) (W )

and, by composing this with (1.2.8), a map

: V (W ) .

Show that this map is onto and that its kernel is W . Conclude from
exercise 8 that there is a natural bijective linear map

: V /W (W )

with the property = . In other words, V /W and (W ) are

two descriptions of the same object. (This shows that the quotient
space operation and the dual space operation are closely related.)
10. Let V1 and V2 be vector spaces and A : V1 V2 a linear map.
Verify that for the transpose map: A : V2 V1

Ker A = (Im A)

Im A = (Ker A) .
10 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

11. (a) Let B : V V R be an inner product on V . For v V

v : V R
be the function: v (w) = B(v, w). Show that v is linear and show
that the map
(1.2.9) L:V V, v v
is a linear mapping.
(b) Prove that this mapping is bijective. (Hint: Since dim V =
dim V it suffices by (1.1.5) to show that its kernel is zero. Now note
that if v 6= 0 v (v) = B(v, v) is a positive number.) Conclude that if
V has an inner product one gets from it a natural identification of
V with V .
12. Let V be an n-dimensional vector space and B : V V R
an inner product on V . A basis, e1 , . . . , en of V is orthonormal is

1 i=j
(1.2.10) B(ei , ej ) =
0 i 6= j

(a) Show that an orthonormal basis exists. Hint: By induction let

ei , i = 1, . . . , k be vectors with the property (1.2.10) and let v be a
vector which is not a linear combination of these vectors. Show that
the vector X
w=v B(ei , v)ei
is non-zero and is orthogonal to the ei s. Now let ek+1 = w, where
= B(w, w) 2 .
(b) Let e1 , . . . en and e1 , . . . en be two orthogonal bases of V and let
(1.2.11) ej = ai,j ei .

Show that
1 j=k
(1.2.12) ai,j ai,k =
0 j=
6 k

(c) Let A be the matrix [ai,j ]. Show that (1.2.12) can be written
more compactly as the matrix identity
(1.2.13) AAt = I
where I is the identity matrix.
1.2 Quotient spaces and dual spaces 11

(d) Let e1 , . . . , en be an orthonormal basis of V and e1 , . . . , en the

dual basis of V . Show that the mapping (1.2.9) is the mapping,
Lei = ei , i = 1, . . . n.
12 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

1.3 Tensors

Let V be an n-dimensional vector space and let V k be the set of all

k-tuples, (v1 , . . . , vk ), vi V . A function

T :Vk R

is said to be linear in its ith variable if, when we fix vectors, v1 , . . . , vi1 ,
vi+1 , . . . , vk , the map

(1.3.1) v V T (v1 , . . . , vi1 , v, vi+1 , . . . , vk )

is linear in V . If T is linear in its ith variable for i = 1, . . . , k it is said

to be k-linear, or alternatively is said to be a k-tensor. We denote
the set of all k-tensors by Lk (V ). We will agree that 0-tensors are
just the real numbers, that is L0 (V ) = R.
Let T1 and T2 be functions on V k . It is clear from (1.3.1) that if
T1 and T2 are k-linear, so is T1 + T2 . Similarly if T is k-linear and
is a real number, T is k-linear. Hence Lk (V ) is a vector space. Note
that for k = 1, k-linear just means linear, so L1 (V ) = V .
Let I = (i1 , . . . ik ) be a sequence of integers with 1 ir n,
r = 1, . . . , k. We will call such a sequence a multi-index of length k.
For instance the multi-indices of length 2 are the square arrays of
pairs of integers
(i, j) , 1 i, j n

and there are exactly n2 of them.


Show that there are exactly nk multi-indices of length k.

Now fix a basis, e1 , . . . , en , of V and for T Lk (V ) let

(1.3.2) TI = T (ei1 , . . . , eik )

for every multi-index I of length k.

Proposition 1.3.1. The TI s determine T , i.e., if T and T are
k-tensors and TI = TI for all I, then T = T .
1.3 Tensors 13

Proof. By induction on n. For n = 1 we proved this result in 1.1.

Lets prove that if this assertion is true for n 1, its true for n. For
each ei let Ti be the (k 1)-tensor

(v1 , . . . , vn1 ) T (v1 , . . . , vn1 , ei ) .

Then for v = c1 e1 + cn en
T (v1 , . . . , vn1 , v) = ci Ti (v1 , . . . , vn1 ) ,

so the Ti s determine T . Now apply induction.

The tensor product operation

If T1 is a k-tensor and T2 is an -tensor, one can define a k + -tensor,
T1 T2 , by setting

(T1 T2 )(v1 , . . . , vk+ ) = T1 (v1 , . . . , vk )T2 (vk+1 , . . . , vk+ ) .

This tensor is called the tensor product of T1 and T2 . We note that

if T1 or T2 is a 0-tensor, i.e., scalar, then tensor product with it
is just scalar multiplication by it, that is a T = T a = aT
(a R , T Lk (V )).
Similarly, given a k-tensor, T1 , an -tensor, T2 and an m-tensor,
T3 , one can define a (k + + m)-tensor, T1 T2 T3 by setting

(1.3.3) T1 T2 T3 (v1 , . . . , vk++m )

= T1 (v1 , . . . , vk )T2 (vk+1 , . . . , vk+ )T3 (vk++1 , . . . , vk++m ) .

Alternatively, one can define (1.3.3) by defining it to be the tensor

product of T1 T2 and T3 or the tensor product of T1 and T2 T3 .
Its easy to see that both these tensor products are identical with

(1.3.4) (T1 T2 ) T3 = T1 (T2 T3 ) = T1 T2 T3 .

We leave for you to check that if is a real number

(1.3.5) (T1 T2 ) = (T1 ) T2 = T1 (T2 )

and that the left and right distributive laws are valid: For k1 = k2 ,

(1.3.6) (T1 + T2 ) T3 = T1 T3 + T2 T3
14 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

and for k2 = k3
(1.3.7) T1 (T2 + T3 ) = T1 T2 + T1 T3 .
A particularly interesting tensor product is the following. For i =
1, . . . , k let i V and let
(1.3.8) T = 1 k .
Thus, by definition,
(1.3.9) T (v1 , . . . , vk ) = 1 (v1 ) . . . k (vk ) .
A tensor of the form (1.3.9) is called a decomposable k-tensor. These
tensors, as we will see, play an important role in what follows. In
particular, let e1 , . . . , en be a basis of V and e1 , . . . , en the dual basis
of V . For every multi-index, I, of length k let
eI = ei1 eik .
Then if J is another multi-index of length k,

1, I = J
(1.3.10) eI (ej1 , . . . , ejk ) =
0 , I 6= J
by (1.2.6), (1.3.8) and (1.3.9). From (1.3.10) its easy to conclude
Theorem 1.3.2. The eI s are a basis of Lk (V ).
Proof. Given T Lk (V ), let
T = TI eI
where the TI s are defined by (1.3.2). Then
(1.3.11) T (ej1 , . . . , ejk ) = TI eI (ej1 , . . . , ejk ) = TJ
by (1.3.10); however, by Proposition 1.3.1 the TJ s determine T , so
T = T . This proves that the eI s are a spanning set of vectors for
Lk (V ). To prove theyre a basis, suppose
CI eI = 0
for constants, CI R. Then by (1.3.11) with T = 0, CJ = 0, so the
eI s are linearly independent.

As we noted above there are exactly nk multi-indices of length k

and hence nk basis vectors in the set, {eI }, so weve proved
Corollary. dim Lk (V ) = nk .
1.3 Tensors 15

The pull-back operation

Let V and W be finite dimensional vector spaces and let A : V W

be a linear mapping. If T Lk (W ), we define

A T : V k R

to be the function

(1.3.12) A T (v1 , . . . , vk ) = T (Av1 , . . . , Avk ) .

Its clear from the linearity of A that this function is linear in its
ith variable for all i, and hence is k-tensor. We will call A T the
pull-back of T by the map, A.
Proposition 1.3.3. The map

(1.3.13) A : Lk (W ) Lk (V ) , T A T ,

is a linear mapping.
We leave this as an exercise. We also leave as an exercise the

(1.3.14) A (T1 T2 ) = A T1 A T2

for T1 Lk (W ) and T2 Lm (W ). Also, if U is a vector space and

B : U V a linear mapping, we leave for you to check that

(1.3.15) (AB) T = B (A T )

for all T Lk (W ).


1. Verify that there are exactly nk multi-indices of length k.

2. Prove Proposition 1.3.3.

3. Verify (1.3.14).

4. Verify (1.3.15).
16 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

5. Let A : V W be a linear map. Show that if i , i = 1, . . . , k

are elements of W

A (1 k ) = A 1 A k .

Conclude that A maps decomposable k-tensors to decomposable


6. Let V be an n-dimensional vector space and i , i = 1, 2, ele-

ments of V . Show that 1 2 = 2 1 if and only if 1 and 2
are linearly dependent. (Hint: Show that if 1 and 2 are linearly
independent there exist vectors, vi , i =, 1, 2 in V with property

1, i = j
i (vj ) = .
0, i 6= j

Now compare (1 2 )(v1 , v2 ) and (2 1 )(v1 , v2 ).) Conclude that if

dim V 2 the tensor product operation isnt commutative, i.e., its
usually not true that 1 2 = 2 1 .

7. Let T be a k-tensor and v a vector. Define Tv : V k1 R to

be the map

(1.3.16) Tv (v1 , . . . , vk1 ) = T (v, v1 , . . . , vk1 ) .

Show that Tv is a (k 1)-tensor.

8. Show that if T1 is an r-tensor and T2 is an s-tensor, then if

r > 0,
(T1 T2 )v = (T1 )v T2 .

9. Let A : V W be a linear map mapping v V to w W .

Show that for T Lk (W ), A (Tw ) = (A T )v .
1.4 Alternating k-tensors 17

1.4 Alternating k-tensors

We will discuss in this section a class of k-tensors which play an

important role in multivariable calculus. In this discussion we will
need some standard facts about the permutation group. For those
of you who are already familiar with this object (and I suspect most
of you are) you can regard the paragraph below as a chance to re-
familiarize yourselves with these facts.

Let k be the k-element P set: {1,
P 2, . . . , k}. A permutation of order k
is a bijective map, : k k . Given two permutations, 1 and
2 , their product, 1 2 , is the composition of 1 and 2 , i.e., the map,

i 1 (2 (i)) ,

and for every permutation, , one denotes by 1 the inverse per-

(i) = j 1 (j) = i .
Let Sk be the set of all
P permutations of order k. One calls Sk the
permutation group of k or, alternatively, the symmetric group on
k letters.


There are k! elements in Sk .

For every 1 i < j k, let = i,j be the permutation

(i) = j
(1.4.1) (j) = i
() = , 6= i, j .

is called a transposition, and if j = i + 1, is called an elementary

Theorem 1.4.1. Every permutation can be written as a product of
finite number of transpositions.
18 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

Proof. Induction on k: k = 2 is obvious. The induction step: k1

implies k: Given SPk , (k) = i ik (k) = k. Thus ik is, in
effect, a permutation of k1 . By induction, ik can be written as
a product of transpositions, so

= ik (ik )

can be written as a product of transpositions.

Theorem 1.4.2. Every transposition can be written as a product of

elementary transpositions.

Proof. Let = ij , i < j. With i fixed, argue by induction on j.

Note that for j > i + 1

ij = j1,j i,j1 j1,j .

Now apply induction to i,j1 .

Corollary. Every permutation can be written as a product of ele-

mentary transpositions.

The sign of a permutation

Let x1 , . . . , xk be the coordinate functions on Rk . For Sk we

Y x(i) x(j)
(1.4.2) (1) = .
xi xj

Notice that the numerator and denominator in this expression are

identical up to sign. Indeed, if p = (i) < (j) = q, the term, xp xq
occurs once and just once in the numerator and one and just one
in the denominator; and if q = (i) > (j) = p, the term, xp xq ,
occurs once and just once in the numerator and its negative, xq xp ,
once and just once in the numerator. Thus

(1.4.3) (1) = 1 .
1.4 Alternating k-tensors 19


For , Sk

(1.4.4) (1) = (1) (1) .

Proof. By definition,
Y x (i) x (j)
(1) = .
xi xj

We write the right hand side as a product of

Y x (i) x (j)
(1.4.5) = (1)
xi xj

Y x (i) x (j)
x (i) x (j)

For i < j, let p = (i) and q = (j) when (i) < (j) and let p = (j)
and q = (i) when (j) < (i). Then

x (i) x (j) x(p) x(q)

x (i) x (j) xp xq

(i.e., if (i) < (j), the numerator and denominator on the right
equal the numerator and denominator on the left and, if (j) < (i)
are negatives of the numerator and denominator on the left). Thus
(1.4.6) becomes
Y x(p) x(q)
= (1) .
x p xq

Well leave for you to check that if is a transposition, (1) = 1

and to conclude from this:
Proposition 1.4.3. If is the product of an odd number of trans-
positions, (1) = 1 and if is the product of an even number of
transpositions (1) = +1.
20 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra


Let V be an n-dimensional vector space and T L (v) a k-tensor.

If Sk , let T L (V ) be the k-tensor

(1.4.7) T (v1 , . . . , vk ) = T (v1 (1) , . . . , v1 (k) ) .

Proposition 1.4.4. 1. If T = 1 k , i V , then T =

(1) (k) .

2. The map, T Lk (V ) T Lk (V ) is a linear map.

3. T = (T ) .

Proof. To prove 1, we note that by (1.4.7)

(1 k ) (v1 , . . . , vk )
= 1 (v1 (1) ) k (v1 (k) ) .

Setting 1 (i) = q, the ith term in this product is (q) (vq ); so the
product can be rewritten as

(1) (v1 ) . . . (k) (vk )

((1) (k) )(v1 , . . . , vk ) .
The proof of 2 well leave as an exercise.

Proof of 3: By item 2, it suffices to check 3 for decomposable

tensors. However, by 1

(1 k ) = (1) (k)
= ( (1) (k) )
= ((1 ) ) .

Definition 1.4.5. T Lk (V ) is alternating if T = (1) T for all

Sk .
We will denote by Ak (V ) the set of all alternating k-tensors in
Lk (V ). By item 2 of Proposition 1.4.4 this set is a vector subspace
of Lk (V ).
1.4 Alternating k-tensors 21

It is not easy to write down simple examples of alternating k-

tensors; however, there is a method, called the alternation operation,
for constructing such tensors: Given T L (V ) let
(1.4.8) Alt T = (1) T .

We claim
Proposition 1.4.6. For T Lk (V ) and Sk ,
1. (Alt T ) = (1) Alt T
2. if T Ak (V ) , Alt T = k!T .
3. Alt T = (Alt T )
4. the map
Alt : Lk (V ) Lk (V ) , T Alt (T )
is linear.
Proof. To prove 1 we note that by Proposition (1.4.4):
(Alt T ) = (1) (T )
= (1) (1) T .
But as runs over Sk , runs over Sk , and hence the right hand
side is (1) Alt (T ).

Proof of 2. If T Ak
Alt T = (1) T
= (1) (1) T
= k! T .

Proof of 3.
Alt T = (1) T = (1) (1) T
= (1) Alt T = (Alt T ) .
22 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

Finally, item 4 is an easy corollary of item 2 of Proposition 1.4.4.

We will use this alternation operation to construct a basis for

Ak (V ). First, however, we require some notation:
Let I = (i1 , . . . , ik ) be a multi-index of length k.
Definition 1.4.7. 1. I is repeating if ir = is for some r 6= s.

2. I is strictly increasing if i1 < i2 < < ir .

3. For Sk , I = (i(1) , . . . , i(k) ) .

Remark: If I is non-repeating there is a unique Sk so that I

is strictly increasing.
Let e1 , . . . , en be a basis of V and let

eI = ei1 eik

I = Alt (eI ) .
Proposition 1.4.8. 1. I = (1) I .

2. If I is repeating, I = 0.

3. If I and J are strictly increasing,

1 I=J
I (ej1 , . . . , ejk ) = .
0 I=
6 J

Proof. To prove 1 we note that (eI ) = eI ; so

Alt (eI ) = Alt (eI ) = (1) Alt (eI ) .

Proof of 2: Suppose I = (i1 , . . . , ik ) with ir = is for r 6= s. Then if

= ir ,is , eI = eI r so

I = I r = (1) I = I .
1.4 Alternating k-tensors 23

Proof of 3: By definition
I (ej1 , . . . , ejk ) = (1) eI (ej1 , . . . , ejk ) .

But by (1.3.10)

1 if I = J
(1.4.9) eI (ej1 , . . . , ejk ) = .
0 if I 6= J

Thus if I and J are strictly increasing, I is strictly increasing if and

only if I = I, and (1.4.9) is non-zero if and only if I = J.

Now let T be in Ak . By Proposition 1.3.2,

T = aJ eJ , aJ R .


k!T = Alt (T )
1 X X
T = aJ Alt (eJ ) = bJ J .

We can discard all repeating terms in this sum since they are zero;
and for every non-repeating term, J, we can write J = I , where I
is strictly increasing, and hence J = (1) I .


We can write T as a sum

(1.4.10) T = cI I ,

with Is strictly increasing.


The cI s are unique.

24 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

Proof. For J strictly increasing

(1.4.11) T (ej1 , . . . , ejk ) = cI I (ej1 , . . . , ejk ) = cJ .

By (1.4.10) the I s, I strictly increasing, are a spanning set of vec-

tors for Ak (V ), and by (1.4.11) they are linearly independent, so
weve proved
Proposition 1.4.9. The alternating tensors, I , I strictly increas-
ing, are a basis for Ak (V ).
Thus dim Ak (V ) is equal to the number of strictly increasing multi-
indices, I, of length k. We leave for you as an exercise to show that
this number is equal to
n n!
(1.4.12) = = n choose k
k (n k)!k!
if 1 k n.

Hint: Show that every strictly increasing multi-index of length k

determines a k element subset of {1, . . . , n} and vice-versa.
Note also that if k > n every multi-index

I = (i1 , . . . , ik )

of length k has to be repeating: ir = is for some r 6= s since the ip s

lie on the interval 1 i n. Thus by Proposition 1.4.6

I = 0

for all multi-indices of length k > 0 and

(1.4.13) Ak = {0} .


1. Show that there are exactly k! permutations of order k. Hint: In-

duction on k: Let Sk , and let (k) = i, 1 i k. Show P that
ik leaves k fixed and hence is, in effect, a permutation of k1 .

2. Prove that if Sk is a transposition, (1) = 1 and deduce

from this Proposition 1.4.3.
1.4 Alternating k-tensors 25

3. Prove assertion 2 in Proposition 1.4.4.

4. Prove that dim Ak (V ) is given by (1.4.12).

5. Verify that for i < j 1

i,j = j1,j i,j1 , j1,j .

6. For k = 3 show that every one of the six elements of S3 is either

a transposition or can be written as a product of two transpositions.

7. Let Sk be the cyclic permutation

(i) = i + 1 , i = 1, . . . , k 1

and (k) = 1. Show explicitly how to write as a product of trans-

positions and compute (1) . Hint: Same hint as in exercise 1.

8. In exercise 7 of Section 3 show that if T is in Ak , Tv is in Ak1 .

Show in addition that for v, w V and T Ak , (Tv )w = (Tw )v .

9. Let A : V W be a linear mapping. Show that if T is in

A (W ), A T is in Ak (V ).

10. In exercise 9 show that if T is in Lk (W ), Alt (A T ) = A (Alt (T )),

i.e., show that the Alt operation commutes with the pull-back op-
26 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

1.5 The space, k (V )

In 1.4 we showed that the image of the alternation operation, Alt :

Lk (V ) Lk (V ) is Ak (V ). In this section we will compute the kernel
of Alt .
Definition 1.5.1. A decomposable k-tensor 1 k , i V ,
is redundant if for some index, i, i = i+1 .
Let I k be the linear span of the set of reductant k-tensors.
Note that for k = 1 the notion of redundant doesnt really make
sense; a single vector L1 (V ) cant be redundant so we decree

I 1 (V ) = {0} .

Proposition 1.5.2. If T I k , Alt (T ) = 0.

Proof. Let T = k k with i = i+1 . Then if = i,i+1 , T = T

and (1) = 1. Hence Alt (T ) = Alt (T ) = Alt (T ) = Alt (T );
so Alt (T ) = 0.

To simplify notation lets abbreviate Lk (V ), Ak (V ) and I k (V ) to

Lk , Ak and I k .
Proposition 1.5.3. If T I r and T Ls then T T and T T
are in I r+s .

Proof. We can assume that T and T are decomposable, i.e., T =

1 r and T = 1 s and that T is redundant: i = i+1 .

T T = 1 i1 i i r 1 s

is redundant and hence in I r+s. The argument for T T is similar.

Proposition 1.5.4. If T Lk and Sk , then

(1.5.1) T = (1) T + S

where S is in I k .
1.5 The space, k (V ) 27

Proof. We can assume T is decomposable, i.e., T = 1 k .

Lets first look at the simplest possible case: k = 2 and = 1,2 .
T () T = 1 2 + 2 1
= ((1 + 2 ) (1 + 2 ) 1 1 2 2 )/2 ,
and the terms on the right are redundant, and hence in I 2 . Next
let k be arbitrary and = i,i+1 . If T1 = 1 i2 and T2 =
i+2 k . Then
T (1) T = T1 (i i+1 + i+1 i ) T2
is in I k by Proposition 1.5.3 and the computation above.
The general case: By Theorem 1.4.2, can be written as a product
of m elementary transpositions, and well prove (1.5.1) by induction
on m.
Weve just dealt with the case m = 1.
The induction step: m 1 implies m. Let = where is a
product of m 1 elementary transpositions and is an elementary
transposition. Then
T = (T ) = (1) T +
= (1) (1) T +
= (1) T +
where the dots are elements of I k , and the induction hypothesis
was used in line 2.

Corollary. If T Lk , the
(1.5.2) Alt (T ) = k!T + W ,
where W is in I k .
Proof. By definition Alt (T ) = (1) T , and by Proposition 1.5.4,
T = (1) T + W , with W I k . Thus
Alt (T ) = (1) (1) T + (1) W
= k!T + W
where W = (1) W .
28 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

Corollary. I k is the kernel of Alt .

Proof. Weve already proved that if T I k , Alt (T ) = 0. To prove

the converse assertion we note that if Alt (T ) = 0, then by (1.5.2)
T = k! W.

with W I k .

Putting these results together we conclude:

Theorem 1.5.5. Every element, T , of Lk can be written uniquely
as a sum, T = T1 + T2 where T1 Ak and T2 I k .

Proof. By (1.5.2), T = T1 + T2 with

T1 = k! Alt (T )

T2 = k! W.

To prove that this decomposition is unique, suppose T1 + T2 = 0,

with T1 Ak and T2 I k . Then

0 = Alt (T1 + T2 ) = k!T1

so T1 = 0, and hence T2 = 0.


(1.5.3) k (V ) = Lk (V )/I k (V ) ,

i.e., let k = k (V ) be the quotient of the vector space Lk by the

subspace, I k , of Lk . By (1.2.3) one has a linear map:

(1.5.4) : Lk k , T T + Ik

which is onto and has I k as kernel. We claim:

Theorem 1.5.6. The map, , maps Ak bijectively onto k .

Proof. By Theorem 1.5.5 every I k coset, T + I k , contains a unique

element, T1 , of Ak . Hence for every element of k there is a unique
element of Ak which gets mapped onto it by .
1.5 The space, k (V ) 29

Remark. Since k and Ak are isomorphic as vector spaces many

treatments of multilinear algebra avoid mentioning k , reasoning
that Ak is a perfectly good substitute for it and that one should,
if possible, not make two different definitions for what is essentially
the same object. This is a justifiable point of view (and is the point
of view taken by Spivak and Munkres1 ). There are, however, some
advantages to distinguishing between Ak and k , as well see in 1.6.


1. A k-tensor, T , Lk (V ) is symmetric if T = T for all Sk .

Show that the set, S k (V ), of symmetric k tensors is a vector subspace
of Lk (V ).

2. Let e1 , . . . , en be a basis of V . Show that every symmetric 2-

tensor is of the form X
aij ei ej

where ai,j = aj,i and e1 , . . . , en are the dual basis vectors of V .

3. Show that if T is a symmetric k-tensor, then for k 2, T is

in I k . Hint: Let be a transposition and deduce from the identity,
T = T , that T has to be in the kernel of Alt .

4. Warning: In general S k (V ) 6= I k (V ). Show, however, that if

k = 2 these two spaces are equal.

5. Show that if V and T I k2 , then T is in I k .

6. Show that if 1 and 2 are in V and T is in I k2 , then 1

T 2 + 2 T 1 is in I k .

7. Given a permutation Sk and T I k , show that T I k .

8. Let W be a subspace of Lk having the following two properties.

(a) For S S 2 (V ) and T Lk2 , S T is in W.

(b) For T in W and Sk , T is in W.

1 and by the author of these notes in his book with Alan Pollack, Differential Topol-

30 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

Show that W has to contain I k and conclude that I k is the small-

est subspace of Lk having properties a and b.

9. Show that there is a bijective linear map

: k Ak

with the property

(1.5.5) (T ) = Alt (T )
for all T Lk , and show that is the inverse of the map of Ak onto
k described in Theorem 1.5.6 (Hint: 1.2, exercise 8).

10. Let V be an n-dimensional vector space. Compute the dimen-

sion of S k (V ). Some hints:

(a) Introduce the following symmetrization operation on tensors

T Lk (V ): X
Sym(T ) = T .

Prove that this operation has properties 2, 3 and 4 of Proposi-

tion 1.4.6 and, as a substitute for property 1, has the property:
(SymT ) = SymT .
(b) Let I = Sym(eI ), eI = ei1 ein . Prove that {I , I
non-decreasing} form a basis of S k (V ).
(c) Conclude from (b) that dim S k (V ) is equal to the number of
non-decreasing multi-indices of length k: 1 i1 i2 k n.
(d) Compute this number by noticing that

(i1 , . . . , in ) (i1 + 0, i2 + 1, . . . , ik + k 1)

is a bijection between the set of these non-decreasing multi-indices

and the set of increasing multi-indices 1 j1 < < jk n + k 1.
1.6 The wedge product 31

1.6 The wedge product

The tensor algebra operations on the spaces, Lk (V ), which we dis-

cussed in Sections 1.2 and 1.3, i.e., the tensor product operation
and the pull-back operation, give rise to similar operations on the
spaces, k . We will discuss in this section the analogue of the tensor
product operation. As in 4 well abbreviate Lk (V ) to Lk and k (V )
to k when its clear which V is intended.
Given i ki , i = 1, 2 we can, by (1.5.4), find a Ti Lki with
i = (Ti ). Then T1 T2 Lk1 +k2 . Let

(1.6.1) 1 2 = (T1 T2 ) k1 +k2 .


This wedge product is well defined, i.e., doesnt depend on our choices
of T1 and T2 .

Proof. Let (T1 ) = (T1 ) = 1 . Then T1 = T1 + W1 for some W1

I k1 , so
T1 T2 = T1 T2 + W1 T2 .
But W1 I k1 implies W1 T2 I k1 +k2 and this implies:

(T1 T2 ) = (T1 T2 ) .

A similar argument shows that (1.6.1) is well-defined independent of

the choice of T2 .

More generally let i ki , i = 1, 2, 3, and let i = (Ti ), Ti

Lki .
1 2 3 k1 +k2 +k3
by setting
1 2 3 = (T1 T2 T3 ) .
As above its easy to see that this is well-defined independent of the
choice of T1 , T2 and T3 . It is also easy to see that this triple wedge
product is just the wedge product of 1 2 with 3 or, alternatively,
the wedge product of 1 with 2 3 , i.e.,

(1.6.2) 1 2 3 = (1 2 ) 3 = 1 (2 3 ).
32 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

We leave for you to check:

For R

(1.6.3) (1 2 ) = (1 ) 2 = 1 (2 )

and verify the two distributive laws:

(1.6.4) (1 + 2 ) 3 = 1 3 + 2 3

(1.6.5) 1 (2 + 3 ) = 1 2 + 1 3 .

As we noted in 1.4, I k = {0} for k = 1, i.e., there are no non-zero

redundant k tensors in degree k = 1. Thus

(1.6.6) 1 (V ) = V = L1 (V ).

A particularly interesting example of a wedge product is the fol-

lowing. Let i V = 1 (V ), i = 1, . . . , k. Then if T = 1 k

(1.6.7) 1 k = (T ) k (V ) .

We will call (1.6.7) a decomposable element of k (V ).

We will prove that these elements satisfy the following wedge prod-
uct identity. For Sk :

(1.6.8) (1) (k) = (1) 1 k .

Proof. For every T Lk , T = (1) T + W for some W I k by

Proposition 1.5.4. Therefore since (W ) = 0

(1.6.9) (T ) = (1) (T ) .

In particular, if T = 1 k , T = (1) (k) , so

(T ) = (1) (k) = (1) (T )

= (1) 1 k .

In particular, for 1 and 2 V

(1.6.10) 1 2 = 2 1
1.6 The wedge product 33

and for 1 , 2 and 3 V

(1.6.11) 1 2 3 = 2 1 3 = 2 3 1 .

More generally, its easy to deduce from (1.6.8) the following result
(which well leave as an exercise).
Theorem 1.6.1. If 1 r and 2 s then

(1.6.12) 1 2 = (1)rs 2 1 .

Hint: It suffices to prove this for decomposable elements i.e., for

1 = 1 r and 2 = 1 s . Now make rs applications
of (1.6.10).
Let e1 , . . . , en be a basis of V and let e1 , . . . , en be the dual basis
of V . For every multi-index, I, of length k,

(1.6.13) ei1 eik = (eI ) = (ei1 eik ) .

Theorem 1.6.2. The elements (1.6.13), with I strictly increasing,

are basis vectors of k .

Proof. The elements

I = Alt (eI ) , I strictly increasing,

are basis vectors of Ak by Proposition 3.6; so their images, (I ),

are a basis of k . But
(I ) = (1) (eI )
= (1) (eI )
= (1) (1) (eI )
= k!(eI ) .


1. Prove the assertions (1.6.3), (1.6.4) and (1.6.5).

2. Verify the multiplication law, (1.6.12) for wedge product.

34 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

3. Given r let k be the k-fold wedge product of with

itself, i.e., let 2 = , 3 = , etc.

(a) Show that if r is odd then for k > 1, k = 0.

(b) Show that if is decomposable, then for k > 1, k = 0.

4. If and are in 2r prove:

k k
( + ) = k .


Hint: As in freshman calculus

 prove thisk1
 theorem by induc-
tion using the identity: k = k1
1 + .

5. Let be an element of 2 . By definition the rank of is k if

6= 0 and k+1 = 0. Show that if

= e1 f1 + + ek fk

with ei , fi V , then is of rank k. Hint: Show that

k = k!e1 f1 ek fk .

6. Given ei V , i = 1, . . . , k show that e1 ek 6= 0 if and

only if the ei s are linearly independent. Hint: Induction on k.
1.7 The interior product 35

1.7 The interior product

Well describe in this section another basic product operation on the

spaces, k (V ). As above well begin by defining this operator on
the Lk (V )s. Given T Lk (V ) and v V let v T be the be the
(k 1)-tensor which takes the value
v T (v1 , . . . , vk1 ) = (1)r1 T (v1 , . . . , vr1 , v, vr , . . . , vk1 )

on the k 1-tuple of vectors, v1 , . . . , vk1 , i.e., in the r th summand

on the right, v gets inserted between vr1 and vr . (In particular
the first summand is T (v, v1 , . . . , vk1 ) and the last summand is
(1)k1 T (v1 , . . . , vk1 , v).) Its clear from the definition that if v =
v1 + v2

(1.7.2) v T = v1 T + v2 T ,
and if T = T1 + T2

(1.7.3) v T = v T1 + v T2 ,

and we will leave for you to verify by inspection the following two
Lemma 1.7.1. If T is the decomposable k-tensor 1 k then
(1.7.4) v T = (1)r1 r (v)1 br k

where the cap over r means that its deleted from the tensor prod-
uct ,
Lemma 1.7.2. If T1 Lp and T2 Lq

(1.7.5) v (T1 T2 ) = v T1 T2 + (1)p T1 v T2 .

We will next prove the important identity

(1.7.6) v (v T ) = 0 .

Proof. It suffices by linearity to prove this for decomposable tensors

and since (1.7.6) is trivially true for T L1 , we can by induction
36 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

assume (1.7.6) is true for decomposible tensors of degree k 1. Let

1 k be a decomposable tensor of degree k. Setting T =
1 k1 and = k we have

v (1 k ) = v (T )
= v T + (1)k1 (v)T

by (1.7.5). Hence

v (v (T )) = v (v T ) + (1)k2 (v)v T
+(1)k1 (v)v T .

But by induction the first summand on the right is zero and the two
remaining summands cancel each other out.

From (1.7.6) we can deduce a slightly stronger result: For v1 , v2


(1.7.7) v1 v2 = v2 v1 .

Proof. Let v = v1 + v2 . Then v = v1 + v2 so

0 = v v = (v1 + v2 )(v1 + v2 )
= v1 v1 + v1 v2 + v2 v1 + v2 v2
= v1 v2 + v2 v1

since the first and last summands are zero by (1.7.6).

Well now show how to define the operation, v , on k (V ). Well

first prove
Lemma 1.7.3. If T Lk is redundant then so is v T .

Proof. Let T = T1 T2 where is in V , T1 is in Lp and T2

is in Lq . Then by (1.7.5)

v T = v T1 T2
+(1)p T1 v ( ) T2
+(1)p+2 T1 v T2 .
1.7 The interior product 37

However, the first and the third terms on the right are redundant
v ( ) = (v) (v)
by (1.7.4).

Now let be the projection (1.5.4) of Lk onto k and for =

(T ) k define

(1.7.8) v = (v T ) .

To show that this definition is legitimate we note that if = (T1 ) =

(T2 ), then T1 T2 I k , so by Lemma 1.7.3 v T1 v T2 I k1 and
(v T1 ) = (v T2 ) .
Therefore, (1.7.8) doesnt depend on the choice of T .
By definition v is a linear mapping of k (V ) into k1 (V ).
We will call this the interior product operation. From the identities
(1.7.2)(1.7.8) one gets, for v, v1 , v2 V k , 1 p and
2 2

(1.7.9) (v1 +v2 ) = v1 + v2

(1.7.10) v (1 2 ) = v 1 2 + (1)p 1 v 2
(1.7.11) v (v ) = 0

(1.7.12) v1 v2 = v2 v1 .

Moreover if = 1 k is a decomposable element of k one

gets from (1.7.4)
(1.7.13) v = (1)r1 r (v)1 br k .

In particular if e1 , . . . , en is a basis of V , e1 , . . . , en the dual basis of

V and I = ei1 eik , 1 i1 < < ik n, then (ej )I = 0
if j
/ I and if j = ir

(1.7.14) (ej )I = (1)r1 Ir

where Ir = (i1 , . . . , bir , . . . , ik ) (i.e., Ir is obtained from the multi-

index I by deleting ir ).
38 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra


1. Prove Lemma 1.7.1.

2. Prove Lemma 1.7.2.
3. Show that if T Ak , iv = kTv where Tv is the tensor (1.3.16).
In particular conclude that iv T Ak1 . (See 1.4, exercise 8.)
4. Assume the dimension of V is n and let be a non-zero element
of the one dimensional vector space n . Show that the map

(1.7.15) : V n1 , v v ,

is a bijective linear map. Hint: One can assume = e1 en

where e1 , . . . , en is a basis of V . Now use (1.7.14) to compute this
map on basis elements.
5. (The cross-product.) Let V be a 3-dimensional vector space, B
an inner product on V and a non-zero element of 3 . Define a map


by setting

(1.7.16) v1 v2 = 1 (Lv1 Lv2 )

where is the map (1.7.15) and L : V V the map (1.2.9). Show

that this map is linear in v1 , with v2 fixed and linear in v2 with v1
fixed, and show that v1 v2 = v2 v1 .
6. For V = R3 let e1 , e2 and e3 be the standard basis vectors and
B the standard inner product. (See 1.1.) Show that if = e1 e2 e3
the cross-product above is the standard cross-product:

e1 e2 = e3
(1.7.17) e2 e3 = e1
e3 e1 = e2 .

Hint: If B is the standard inner product Lei = ei .

Remark 1.7.4. One can make this standard cross-product look even
more standard by using the calculus notation: e1 = bi, e2 = b
j and
e3 = b
1.8 The pull-back operation on k 39

1.8 The pull-back operation on k

Let V and W be vector spaces and let A be a linear map of V into

W . Given a k-tensor, T Lk (W ), the pull-back, A T , is the k-tensor

(1.8.1) A T (v1 , . . . , vk ) = T (Av1 , . . . , Avk )

in Lk (V ). (See 1.3, equation 1.3.12.) In this section well show how

to define a similar pull-back operation on k .
Lemma 1.8.1. If T I k (W ), then A T I k (V ).

Proof. It suffices to verify this when T is a redundant k-tensor, i.e., a

tensor of the form
T = 1 k
where r W and i = i+1 for some index, i. But by (1.3.14)

A T = A 1 A k

and the tensor on the right is redundant since A i = A i+1 .

Now let be an element of k (W ) and let = (T ) where T is

in Lk (W ). We define

(1.8.2) A = (A T ) .


The left hand side of (1.8.2) is well-defined.

Proof. If = (T ) = (T ), then T = T + S for some S I k (W ),

and A T = A T + A S. But A S I k (V ), so

(A T ) = (A T ) .

Proposition 1.8.2. The map

A : k (W ) k (V ) ,

mapping to A is linear. Moreover,

40 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

(i) If i ki (W ), i = 1, 2, then

(1.8.3) A (1 2 ) = A 1 A 2 .

(ii) If U is a vector space and B : U V a linear map, then

for k (W ),

(1.8.4) B A = (AB) .

Well leave the proof of these three assertions as exercises. Hint:

They follow immediately from the analogous assertions for the pull-
back operation on tensors. (See (1.3.14) and (1.3.15).)
As an application of the pull-back operation well show how to
use it to define the notion of determinant for a linear mapping. Let
n n
V be a n-dimensional vector space. Then dim (V ) = n = 1;
i.e., n (V ) is a one-dimensional vector space. Thus if A : V V
is a linear mapping, the induced pull-back mapping:

A : n (V ) n (V ) ,

is just multiplication by a constant. We denote this constant by

det(A) and call it the determinant of A, Hence, by definition,

(1.8.5) A = det(A)

for all in n (V ). From (1.8.5) its easy to derive a number of basic

facts about determinants.
Proposition 1.8.3. If A and B are linear mappings of V into V ,

(1.8.6) det(AB) = det(A) det(B) .

Proof. By (1.8.4) and

(AB) = det(AB)
= B (A ) = det(B)A
= det(B) det(A) ,

so, det(AB) = det(A) det(B).

1.8 The pull-back operation on k 41

Proposition 1.8.4. If I : V V is the identity map, Iv = v for

all v V , det(I) = 1.
Well leave the proof as an exercise. Hint: I is the identity map
on n (V ).
Proposition 1.8.5. If A : V V is not onto, det(A) = 0.

Proof. Let W be the image of A. Then if A is not onto, the dimension

of W is less than n, so n (W ) = {0}. Now let A = IW B where IW
is the inclusion map of W into V and B is the mapping, A, regarded
as a mapping from V to W . Thus if is in n (V ), then by (1.8.4)

A = B IW

is in n (W ) it is zero.
and since IW

We will derive by wedge product arguments the familiar matrix

formula for the determinant. Let V and W be n-dimensional vector
spaces and let e1 , . . . , en be a basis for V and f1 , . . . , fn a basis for
W . From these bases we get dual bases, e1 , . . . , en and f1 , . . . , fn ,
for V and W . Moreover, if A is a linear map of V into W and
[ai,j ] the n n matrix describing A in terms of these bases, then the
transpose map, A : W V , is described in terms of these dual
bases by the n n transpose matrix, i.e., if
Aej = ai,j fi ,
A fj = aj,i ei .

(See 2.) Consider now A (f1 fn ). By (1.8.3)

A (f1 fn ) = A f1 A fn
= (a1,k1 ek1 ) (an,kn ekn )

the sum being over all k1 , . . . , kn , with 1 kr n. Thus,

A (f1 fn ) = a1,k1 . . . an,kn ek1 ekn .
42 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

If the multi-index, k1 , . . . , kn , is repeating, then ek1 ekn is zero,

and if its not repeating then we can write

ki = (i) i = 1, . . . , n

for some permutation, , and hence we can rewrite A (f1 fn )

as the sum over Sn of
a1,(1) an,(n) (e1 en ) .

(e1 en ) = (1) e1 en
so we get finally the formula

(1.8.7) A (f1 fn ) = det[ai,j ]e1 en

(1.8.8) det[ai,j ] = (1) a1,(1) an,(n)

summed over Sn . The sum on the right is (as most of you know)
the determinant of [ai,j ].
Notice that if V = W and ei = fi , i = 1, . . . , n, then = e1
en = f1 fn , hence by (1.8.5) and (1.8.7),

(1.8.9) det(A) = det[ai,j ] .


1. Verify the three assertions of Proposition 1.8.2.

2. Deduce from Proposition 1.8.5 a well-known fact about deter-

minants of n n matrices: If two columns are equal, the determinant
is zero.

3. Deduce from Proposition 1.8.3 another well-known fact about

determinants of n n matrices: If one interchanges two columns,
then one changes the sign of the determinant.
Hint: Let e1 , . . . , en be a basis of V and let B : V V be the
linear mapping: Bei = ej , Bej = ei and Be = e , 6= i, j. What is
B (e1 en )?
1.8 The pull-back operation on k 43

4. Deduce from Propositions 1.8.3 and 1.8.4 another well-known

fact about determinants of n n matrix. If [bi,j ] is the inverse of
[ai,j ], its determinant is the inverse of the determinant of [ai,j ].
5. Extract from (1.8.8) a well-known formula for determinants of
2 2 matrices:
a11 , a12
det = a11 a22 a12 a21 .
a21 , a22

6. Show that if A = [ai,j ] is an n n matrix and At = [aj,i ] is its

transpose det A = det At . Hint: You are required to show that the
(1) a1,(1) . . . an,(n) Sn
(1) a(1),1 . . . a(n),n Sn
are the same. Show that the second sum is identical with
(1) a (1),1 . . . a (n),n
summed over = 1 Sn .
7. Let A be an n n matrix of the form
0 C
where B is a k k matrix and C the matrix and the bottom
k block is zero. Show that
det A = det B det C .
Hint: Show that in (1.8.8) every non-zero term is of the form
(1) b1,(1) . . . bk,(k) c1, (1) . . . c, ()
where Sk and S .
8. Let V and W be vector spaces and let A : V W be a linear
map. Show that if Av = w then for p (w ),
A (w) = (v)A .
(Hint: By (1.7.10) and proposition 1.8.2 it suffices to prove this for
1 (W ), i.e., for W .)
44 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

1.9 Orientations

We recall from freshman calculus that if R2 is a line through the

origin, then {0} has two connected components and an orientation
of is a choice of one of these components (as in the figure below).

More generally, if L is a one-dimensional vector space then L {0}

consists of two components: namely if v is an element of L[0}, then
these two components are

L1 = {v > 0}

L2 = {v, < 0} .

An orientation of L is a choice of one of these components. Usu-

ally the component chosen is denoted L+ , and called the positive
component of L {0} and the other component, L , the negative
component of L {0}.
Definition 1.9.1. A vector, v L, is positively oriented if v is in
L+ .
More generally still let V be an n-dimensional vector space. Then
L = n (V ) is one-dimensional, and we define an orientation of V
to be an orientation of L. One important way of assigning an orien-
tation to V is to choose a basis, e1 , . . . , en of V . Then, if e1 , . . . , en is
the dual basis, we can orient n (V ) by requiring that e1 en be
in the positive component of n (V ). If V has already been assigned
an orientation we will say that the basis, e1 , . . . , en , is positively ori-
ented if the orientation we just described coincides with the given
Suppose that e1 , . . . , en and f1 , . . . , fn are bases of V and that
(1.9.1) ej = ai,j, fi .
1.9 Orientations 45

Then by (1.7.7)

f1 fn = det[ai,j ]e1 en

so we conclude:
Proposition 1.9.2. If e1 , . . . , en is positively oriented, then f1 , . . . , fn
is positively oriented if and only if det[ai,j ] is positive.
Corollary 1.9.3. If e1 , . . . , en is a positively oriented basis of V , the
basis: e1 , . . . , ei1 , ei , ei+1 , . . . , en is negatively oriented.
Now let V be a vector space of dimension n > 1 and W a sub-
space of dimension k < n. We will use the result above to prove the
following important theorem.
Theorem 1.9.4. Given orientations on V and V /W , one gets from
these orientations a natural orientation on W .
Remark What we mean by natural will be explained in the course
of the proof.

Proof. Let r = n k and let be the projection of V onto V /W

. By exercises 1 and 2 of 2 we can choose a basis e1 , . . . , en of V
such that er+1 , . . . , en is a basis of W and (e1 ), . . . , (er ) a basis
of V /W . Moreover, replacing e1 by e1 if necessary we can assume
by Corollary 1.9.3 that (e1 ), . . . , (er ) is a positively oriented basis
of V /W and replacing en by en if necessary we can assume that
e1 , . . . , en is a positively oriented basis of V . Now assign to W the
orientation associated with the basis er+1 , . . . , en .
Lets show that this assignment is natural (i.e., doesnt depend
on our choice of e1 , . . . , en ). To see this let f1 , . . . , fn be another
basis of V with the properties above and let A = [ai,j ] be the matrix
(1.9.1) expressing the vectors e1 , . . . , en as linear combinations of the
vectors f1 , . . . fn . This matrix has to have the form
(1.9.2) A=
0 D

where B is the rr matrix expressing the basis vectors (e1 ), . . . , (er )

of V /W as linear combinations of (f1 ), . . . , (fr ) and D the k k
matrix expressing the basis vectors er+1 , . . . , en of W as linear com-
binations of fr+1 , . . . , fn . Thus

det(A) = det(B) det(D) .

46 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

However, by Proposition 1.9.2, det A and det B are positive, so det D

is positive, and hence if er+1 , . . . , en is a positively oriented basis of
W so is fr+1 , . . . , fn .

As a special case of this theorem suppose dim W = n 1. Then

the choice of a vector v V W gives one a basis vector, (v),
for the one-dimensional space V /W and hence if V is oriented, the
choice of v gives one a natural orientation on W .
Next let Vi , i = 1, 2 be oriented n-dimensional vector spaces and
A : V1 V2 a bijective linear map. A is orientation-preserving if,
for n (V2 )+ , A is in n (V+ )+ . For example if V1 = V2 then
A = det(A) so A is orientation preserving if and only if det(A) >
0. The following proposition well leave as an exercise.
Proposition 1.9.5. Let Vi , i = 1, 2, 3 be oriented n-dimensional
vector spaces and Ai : Vi Vi+1 , i = 1, 2 bijective linear maps.
Then if A1 and A2 are orientation preserving, so is A2 A1 .


1. Prove Corollary 1.9.3.

2. Show that the argument in the proof of Theorem 1.9.4 can be

modified to prove that if V and W are oriented then these orienta-
tions induce a natural orientation on V /W .

3. Similarly show that if W and V /W are oriented these orienta-

tions induce a natural orientation on V .

4. Let V be an n-dimensional vector space and W V a k-

dimensional subspace. Let U = V /W and let : W V and
: V U be the inclusion and projection maps. Suppose V and U
are oriented. Let be in nk (U )+ and let be in n (V )+ . Show
that there exists a in k (V ) such that = . Moreover
show that is intrinsically defined (i.e., doesnt depend on how
we choose ) and sits in the positive part, k (W )+ , of k (W ).

5. Let e1 , . . . , en be the standard basis vectors of Rn . The standard

orientation of Rn is, by definition, the orientation associated with
this basis. Show that if W is the subspace of Rn defined by the
1.9 Orientations 47

equation, x1 = 0, and v = e1 6 W then the natural orientation of W

associated with v and the standard orientation of Rn coincide with
the orientation given by the basis vectors, e2 , . . . , en of W .

6. Let V be an oriented n-dimensional vector space and W an

n 1-dimensional subspace. Show that if v and v are in V W then
v = v + w, where w is in W and R {0}. Show that v and v
give rise to the same orientation of W if and only if is positive.

7. Prove Proposition 1.9.5.

8. A key step in the proof of Theorem 1.9.4 was the assertion that
the matrix A expressing the vectors, ei , as linear combinations of the
vectors, fi , had to have the form (1.9.2). Why is this the case?

9. (a) Let V be a vector space, W a subspace of V and A : V

V a bijective linear map which maps W onto W . Show that one gets
from A a bijective linear map

B : V /W V /W

with property
A = B ,
being the projection of V onto V /W .
(b) Assume that V , W and V /W are compatibly oriented. Show
that if A is orientation-preserving and its restriction to W is orien-
tation preserving then B is orientation preserving.

10. Let V be a oriented n-dimensional vector space, W an (n 1)-

dimensional subspace of V and i : W V the inclusion map. Given
b (V )+ and v V W show that for the orientation of W
described in exercise 5, i (v ) n1 (W )+ .

11. Let V be an n-dimensional vector space, B : V V R an

inner product and e1 , . . . , en a basis of V which is positively oriented
and orthonormal. Show that the volume element

vol = e1 en n (V )

is intrinsically defined, independent of the choice of this basis. Hint:

(1.2.13) and (1.8.7).
48 Chapter 1. Multilinear algebra

12. (a) Let V be an oriented n-dimensional vector space and B an

inner product on V . Fix an oriented orthonormal basis, e1 , . . . , en ,
of V and let A : V V be a linear map. Show that if
Aei = vi = aj,i ej

and bi,j = B(vi , vj ), the matrices A = [ai,j ] and B = [bi,j ] are related
by: B = A+ A.
(b) Show that if is the volume form, e1 en , and A is orien-
tation preserving
A = (det B) 2 .

(c) By Theorem 1.5.6 one has a bijective map

n (V )
= An (V ) .

Show that the element, , of An (V ) corresponding to the form, ,

has the property

|(v1 , . . . , vn )|2 = det([bi,j ])

where v1 , . . . , vn are any n-tuple of vectors in V and bi,j = B(vi , vj ).

This is page 49
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2.1 Vector fields and one-forms

The goal of this chapter is to generalize to n dimensions the basic

operations of three dimensional vector calculus: div, curl and grad.
The div, and grad operations have fairly straight forward gener-
alizations, but the curl operation is more subtle. For vector fields
it doesnt have any obvious generalization, however, if one replaces
vector fields by a closely related class of objects, differential forms,
then not only does it have a natural generalization but it turns out
that div, curl and grad are all special cases of a general operation on
differential forms called exterior differentiation.
In this section we will review some basic facts about vector fields
in n variables and introduce their dual objects: one-forms. We will
then take up in 2.2 the theory of k-forms for k greater than one.
We begin by fixing some notation.
Given p Rn we define the tangent space to Rn at p to be the set
of pairs

(2.1.1) Tp Rn = {(p, v)} ; v Rn .

The identification

(2.1.2) Tp Rn Rn , (p, v) v

makes Tp Rn into a vector space. More explicitly, for v, v1 and v2 Rn

and R we define the addition and scalar multiplication operations
on Tp Rn by the recipes

(p, v1 ) + (p, v2 ) = (p, v1 + v2 )


(p, v) = (p, v) .

Let U be an open subset of Rn and f : U Rm a C 1 map. We

recall that the derivative

Df (p) : Rn Rm
50 Chapter 2. Differential forms

of f at p is the linear map associated with the m n matrix

(p) .
It will be useful to have a base-pointed version of this definition
as well. Namely, if q = f (p) we will define

dfp : Tp Rn Tq Rm

to be the map

(2.1.3) dfp (p, v) = (q, Df (p)v) .

Its clear from the way weve defined vector space structures on Tp Rn
and Tq Rm that this map is linear.
Suppose that the image of f is contained in an open set, V , and
suppose g : V Rk is a C 1 map. Then the base-pointed version
of the chain rule asserts that

(2.1.4) dgq dfp = d(f g)p .

(This is just an alternative way of writing Dg(q)Df (p) = D(g

f )(p).)
In 3-dimensional vector calculus a vector field is a function which
attaches to each point, p, of R3 a base-pointed arrow, (p, ~v). The
n-dimensional version of this definition is essentially the same.
Definition 2.1.1. Let U be an open subset of Rn . A vector field on
U is a function, v, which assigns to each point, p, of U a vector v(p)
in Tp Rn .
Thus a vector field is a vector-valued function, but its value at p
is an element of a vector space, Tp Rn that itself depends on p.
Some examples.

1. Given a fixed vector, v Rn , the function

(2.1.5) p Rn (p, v)

is a vector field. Vector fields of this type are constant vector fields.

2. In particular let ei , i = 1, . . . , n, be the standard basis vectors

of Rn . If v = ei we will denote the vector field (2.1.5) by /xi . (The
reason for this derivation notation will be explained below.)
2.1 Vector fields and one-forms 51

3. Given a vector field on U and a function, f : U R well

denote by f v the vector field

p U f (p)v(p) .

4. Given vector fields v1 and v2 on U , well denote by v1 + v2 the

vector field
p U v1 (p) + v2 (p) .

5. The vectors, (p, ei ), i = 1, . . . , n, are a basis of Tp Rn , so if

v is a vector field on U , v(p) can be written uniquely as a linear
combination of these vectors with real numbers, gi (p), i = 1, . . . , n,
as coefficients. In other words, using the notation in example 2 above,
v can be written uniquely as a sum
(2.1.6) v= gi

where gi : U R is the function, p gi (p).

Well say that v is a C vector field if the gi s are in C (U ).

A basic vector field operation is Lie differentiation. If f C 1 (U )
we define Lv f to be the function on U whose value at p is given by

(2.1.7) Df (p)v = Lv f (p)

where v(p) = (p, v). If v is the vector field (2.1.6) then

(2.1.8) Lv f = gi f

(motivating our derivation notation for v).


Check that if fi C 1 (U ), i = 1, 2, then

(2.1.9) Lv (f1 f2 ) = f1 Lv f2 + f1 Lv f2 .

Next well generalize to n-variables the calculus notion of an in-

tegral curve of a vector field.
52 Chapter 2. Differential forms

Definition 2.1.2. A C 1 curve : (a, b) U is an integral curve of

v if for all a < t < b and p = (t)
p, (t) = v(p)

i.e., if v is the vector field (2.1.6) and g : U Rn is the function

(g1 , . . . , gn ) the condition for (t) to be an integral curve of v is that
it satisfy the system of differential equations
(2.1.10) (t) = g((t)) .
We will quote without proof a number of basic facts about systems
of ordinary differential equations of the type (2.1.10). (A source for
these results that we highly recommend is BirkhoffRota, Ordinary
Differential Equations, Chapter 6.)
Theorem 2.1.3 (Existence). Given a point p0 U and a R, there
exists an interval I = (a T, a + T ), a neighborhood, U0 , of p0 in U
and for every p U0 an integral curve, p : I U with p (a) = p.
Theorem 2.1.4 (Uniqueness). Let i : Ii U , i = 1, 2, be integral
curves. If a I1 I2 and 1 (a) = 2 (a) then 1 2 on I1 I2 and
the curve : I1 I2 U defined by
1 (t) , t I1
(t) =
2 (t) , t I2

is an integral curve.
Theorem 2.1.5 (Smooth dependence on initial data). Let v be a
C -vector field, on an open subset, V , of U , I R an open interval,
a I a point on this interval and h : V I U a mapping with the

(i) h(p, a) = p.

(ii) For all p V the curve

p : I U p (t) = h(p, t)

is an integral curve of v.
Then the mapping, h, is C .
2.1 Vector fields and one-forms 53

One important feature of the system (2.1.11) is that it is an au-

tonomous system of differential equations: the function, g(x), is a
function of x alone, it doesnt depend on t. One consequence of this
is the following:
Theorem 2.1.6. Let I = (a, b) and for c R let Ic = (a c, b c).
Then if : I U is an integral curve, the reparametrized curve

(2.1.11) c : Ic U , c (t) = (t + c)

is an integral curve.
We recall that a C 1 -function : U R is an integral of the system
(2.1.11) if for every integral curve (t), the function t ((t)) is
constant. This is true if and only if for all t and p = (t)
d d
0 = ((t)) = (D)p = (D)p (v)
dt dt

where (p, v) = v(p). But by (2.1.6) the term on the right is Lv (p).
Hence we conclude
Theorem 2.1.7. C 1 (U ) is an integral of the system (2.1.11) if
and only if Lv = 0.
Well now discuss a class of objects which are in some sense dual
objects to vector fields. For each p Rn let (Tp R) be the dual vec-
tor space to Tp Rn , i.e., the space of all linear mappings, : Tp Rn
Definition 2.1.8. Let U be an open subset of Rn . A one-form on U
is a function, , which assigns to each point, p, of U a vector, p ,
in (Tp Rn ) .
Some examples:

1. Let f : U R be a C 1 function. Then for p U and

c = f (p) one has a linear map

(2.1.12) dfp : Tp Rn Tc R

and by making the identification,

Tc R = {c, R} = R
54 Chapter 2. Differential forms

dfp can be regarded as a linear map from Tp Rn to R, i.e., as an

element of (Tp Rn ) . Hence the assignment

(2.1.13) p U dfp (Tp Rn )

defines a one-form on U which well denote by df .

2. Given a one-form and a function, : U R the product

of with is the one-form, p U (p)p .

3. Given two one-forms 1 and 2 their sum, 1 + 2 is the

one-form, p U 1 (p) + 2 (p).

4. The one-forms dx1 , . . . , dxn play a particularly important

role. By (2.1.12)

(2.1.14) (dxi ) = ij
xj p

i.e., is equal to 1 if i = j and zero if i 6= j. Thus (dx1 )p , . . . , (dxn )p

are the basis of (Tp Rn ) dual to the basis (/xi )p . Therefore,
if is any one-form on U , p can be written uniquely as a sum
p = fi (p)(dxi )p , fi (p) R

and can be written uniquely as a sum

(2.1.15) = fi dxi

where fi : U R is the function, p fi (p). Well say that

is a C one-form if the fi s are C .


Check that if f : U R is a C function

X f
(2.1.16) df = dxi .
Suppose now that v is a vector field and a one-form on U . Then
for every p U the vectors, vp Tp Rn and p (Tp Rn ) can be
paired to give a number, (vp )p R, and hence, as p varies, an
2.1 Vector fields and one-forms 55

R-valued function, (v), which we will call the interior product of v

with . For instance if v is the vector field (2.1.6) and the one-form
(2.1.15) then
(2.1.17) (v) = fi gi .

Thus if v and are C so is the function (v). Also notice that if

C (U ), then as we observed above
d =
xi xi
so if v is the vector field (2.1.6)
(2.1.18) (v) d = gi = Lv .
Coming back to the theory of integral curves, let U be an open
subset of Rn and v a vector field on U . Well say that v is complete
if, for every p U , there exists an integral curve, : R U with
(0) = p, i.e., for every p there exists an integral curve that starts
at p and exists for all time. To see what completeness involves, we
recall that an integral curve

: [0, b) U ,

with (0) = p, is called maximal if it cant be extended to an interval

[0, b ), b > b. (See for instance BirkhoffRota, 6.11.) For such curves
its known that either

i. b = +

ii. |(t)| + as t b

iii. the limit set of

{(t) , 0 t, b}

contains points on the boundary of U .

Hence if we can exclude ii. and iii. well have shown that an integral
curve with (0) = p exists for all positive time. A simple criterion
for excluding ii. and iii. is the following.
56 Chapter 2. Differential forms

Lemma 2.1.9. The scenarios ii. and iii. cant happen if there exists
a proper C 1 -function, : U R with Lv = 0.

Proof. Lv = 0 implies that is constant on (t), but if (p) = c

this implies that the curve, (t), lies on the compact subset, 1 (c),
of U ; hence it cant run off to infinity as in scenario ii. or run off
the boundary as in scenario iii.

Applying a similar argument to the interval (b, 0] we conclude:

Theorem 2.1.10. Suppose there exists a proper C 1 -function, :
U R with the property Lv = 0. Then v is complete.

Let U = R2 and let v be the vector field

v = x3 y .
y x

Then (x, y) = 2y 2 +x4 is a proper function with the property above.

Another hypothesis on v which excludes ii. and iii. is the following.
Well define the support of v to be the set

supp v = q U , v(q) 6= 0} ,

and will say that v is compactly supported if this set is compact. We

will prove
Theorem 2.1.11. If v is compactly supported it is complete.

Proof. Notice first that if v(p) = 0, the constant curve, 0 (t) = p,

< t < , satisfies the equation

0 (t) = 0 = v(p) ,
so it is an integral curve of v. Hence if (t), a < t < b, is any
integral curve of v with the property, (t0 ) = p, for some t0 , it has
to coincide with 0 on the interval, a < t < a, and hence has to be
the constant curve, (t) = p, on this interval.
Now suppose the support, A, of v is compact. Then either (t) is
in A for all t or is in U A for some t0 . But if this happens, and
2.1 Vector fields and one-forms 57

p = (t0 ) then v(p) = 0, so (t) has to coincide with the constant

curve, 0 (t) = p, for all t. In neither case can it go off to or off to
the boundary of U as t b.

One useful application of this result is the following. Suppose v is

a vector field on U , and one wants to see what its integral curves
look like on some compact set, A U . Let C0 (U ) be a bump
function which is equal to one on a neighborhood of A. Then the
vector field, w = v, is compactly supported and hence complete,
but it is identical with v on A, so its integral curves on A coincide
with the integral curves of v.
If v is complete then for every p, one has an integral curve, p :
R U with p (0) = p, so one can define a map

ft : U U

by setting ft (p) = p (t). If v is C , this mapping is C by the

smooth dependence on initial data theorem, and by definition f0 is
the identity map, i.e., f0 (p) = p (0) = p. We claim that the ft s also
have the property

(2.1.19) ft fa = ft+a .

Indeed if fa (p) = q, then by the reparametrization theorem, q (t)

and p (t + a) are both integral curves of v, and since q = q (0) =
p (a) = fa (p), they have the same initial point, so

q (t) = ft (q) = (ft fa )(p)

= p (t + a) = ft+a (p)

for all t. Since f0 is the identity it follows from (2.1.19) that ft ft

is the identity, i.e.,
ft = ft1 ,
so ft is a C diffeomorphism. Hence if v is complete it generates a
one-parameter group, ft , < t < , of C -diffeomorphisms.
For v not complete there is an analogous result, but its trickier to
formulate precisely. Roughly speaking v generates a one-parameter
group of diffeomorphisms, ft , but these diffeomorphisms are not de-
fined on all of U nor for all values of t. Moreover, the identity (2.1.19)
only holds on the open subset of U where both sides are well-defined.
58 Chapter 2. Differential forms

Well devote the remainder of this section to discussing some func-

torial properties of vector fields and one-forms. Let U and W be
open subsets of Rn and Rm , respectively, and let f : U W be a
C map. If v is a C -vector field on U and w a C -vector field on
W we will say that v and w are f -related if, for all p U and
q = f (p)

(2.1.20) dfp (vp ) = wq .

v = vi , vi C k (U )

w = wj , wj C k (V )

this equation reduces, in coordinates, to the equation

X fi
(2.1.21) wi (q) = (p)vj (p) .
In particular, if m = n and f is a C diffeomorphism, the formula
(3.2) defines a C -vector field on W , i.e.,
w= wi

is the vector field defined by the equation

(2.1.22) wi = vj f 1 .

Hence weve proved

Theorem 2.1.12. If f : U W is a C diffeomorphism and v a
C -vector field on U , there exists a unique C vector field, w, on W
having the property that v and w are f -related.
Well denote this vector field by f v and call it the push-forward
of v by f .
Ill leave the following assertions as easy exercises.
2.1 Vector fields and one-forms 59

Theorem 2.1.13. Let Ui , i = 1, 2, be open subsets of Rni , vi a

vector field on Ui and f : U1 U2 a C -map. If v1 and v2 are
f -related, every integral curve

: I U1

of v1 gets mapped by f onto an integral curve, f : I U2 , of v2 .

Corollary 2.1.14. Suppose v1 and v2 are complete. Let (fi )t : Ui
Ui , < t < , be the one-parameter group of diffeomorphisms
generated by vi . Then f (f1 )t = (f2 )t f .

1. Theorem 4 follows from the chain rule: If p = (t) and q = f (p)

d d
dfp (t) = f ((t)) .
dt dt

2. To deduce Corollary 5 from Theorem 4 note that for p U ,

(f1 )t (p) is just the integral curve, p (t) of v1 with initial point p (0) =
The notion of f -relatedness can be very succinctly expressed in
terms of the Lie differentiation operation. For C (U2 ) let f
be the composition, f , viewed as a C function on U1 , i.e., for
p U1 let f (p) = (f (p)). Then

(2.1.23) f Lv2 = Lv1 f .

(To see this note that if f (p) = q then at the point p the right hand
side is
(d)q dfp (v1 (p))
by the chain rule and by definition the left hand side is

dq (v2 (q)) .

Moreover, by definition

v2 (q) = dfp (v1 (p))

so the two sides are the same.)

Another easy consequence of the chain rule is:

60 Chapter 2. Differential forms

Theorem 2.1.15. Let Ui , i = 1, 2, 3, be open subsets of Rni , vi a

vector field on Ui and fi : Ui Ui+1 , i = 1, 2 a C -map. Suppose
that, for i = 1, 2, vi and vi+1 are fi -related. Then v1 and v3 are
f2 f1 -related.
In particular, if f1 and f2 are diffeomorphisms and v = v1

(f2 ) (f1 ) v = (f2 f1 ) v .

The results we described above have dual analogues for one-

forms. Namely, let U and V be open subsets of Rn and Rm , respec-
tively, and let f : U V be a C -map. Given a one-form, , on V
one can define a pull-back one-form, f , on U by the following
method. For p U let q = f (p). By definition (q) is a linear map

(2.1.24) (q) : Tq Rm R

and by composing this map with the linear map

dfp : Tp Rn Tq Rn

we get a linear map

q dfp : Tp Rn R ,

i.e., an element q dfp of Tp Rn .

Definition 2.1.16. The one-form f is the one-form defined by
the map
p U (q dfp ) Tp Rn
where q = f (p).
Note that if : V R is a C -function and = d then

q dfp = dq dfp = d( f )p


(2.1.25) f = d f .

In particular if is a one-form of the form, = d, with

C (V ), f is C . From this it is easy to deduce
Theorem 2.1.17. If is any C one-form on V , its pull-back, f ,
is C . (See exercise 1.)
2.1 Vector fields and one-forms 61

Notice also that the pull-back operation on one-forms and the

push-forward operation on vector fields are somewhat different in
character. The former is defined for all C maps, but the latter is
only defined for diffeomorphisms.


1. Let U be an open subset of Rn , V an open subset of Rn and

f : U V a C k map.

(a) Show that for C (V ) (2.1.25) can be rewritten

(2.1.25 ) f d = df .

(b) Let be the one-form

= i dxi i C (V )

on V . Show that if f = (f1 , . . . , fm ) then


f = f i dfi .

(c) Show that if is C and f is C , f is C .

2. Let v be a complete vector field on U and ft : U U , the one

parameter group of diffeomorphisms generated by v. Show that if
C 1 (U )  
Lv = f .
dt t t=0

3. (a) Let U = R2 and let v be the vector field, x1 /x2

x2 /x1 . Show that the curve

t R (r cos(t + ) , r sin(t + ))

is the unique integral curve of v passing through the point, (r cos , r sin ),
at t = 0.
62 Chapter 2. Differential forms
(b) Let U = Rn and let v be the constant vector field: ci /xi .
Show that the curve

t R a + t(c1 , . . . , cn )

is the unique integral curve of v passing through a Rn at t = 0.

(c) Let U = Rn and let v be the vector field, xi /xi . Show that
the curve
t R et (a1 , . . . , an )
is the unique integral curve of v passing through a at t = 0.

4. Show that the following are one-parameter groups of diffeomor-


(a) ft : R R , ft (x) = x + t
(b) ft : R R , ft (x) = et x
(c) ft : R2 R2 , ft (x, y) = (cos t x sin t y , sin t x + cos t y)

5. Let A : Rn Rn be a linear mapping. Show that the series

t2 2 t3 3
exp tA = I + tA + A + A +
2! 3!
converges and defines a one-parameter group of diffeomorphisms of
Rn .

6. (a) What are the infinitesimal generators of the one-parameter

groups in exercise 13?
(b) Show that the infinitesimal generator of the one-parameter group
in exercise 14 is the vector field
ai,j xj

where [ai,j ] is the defining matrix of A.

7. Let v be the vector field on R, x2 dx Show that the curve

x(t) =
a at
2.1 Vector fields and one-forms 63

is an integral curve of v with initial point x(0) = a. Conclude that

for a > 0 the curve
a 1
x(t) = , 0<t<
1 at a
is a maximal integral curve. (In particular, conclude that v isnt
8. Let U be an open subset of Rn and v1 and v2 vector fields on U .
Show that there is a unique vector field, w, on U with the property

Lw = Lv1 (Lv2 ) Lv2 (Lv1 )

for all C (U ).
9. The vector field w in exercise 8 is called the Lie bracket of
the vector fields v1 and v2 and is denoted [v1 , v2 ]. Verify that Lie
bracket satisfies the identities

[v1 , v2 ] = [v2 , v1 ]

[v1 [v2 , v3 ]] + [v2 , [v3 , v1 ]] + [v3 , [v1 , v2 ]] = 0 .
Hint: Prove analogous identities for Lv1 , Lv2 and Lv3 .
10. Let v1 = /xi and v2 = gj /xj . Show that
[v1 , v2 ] = gi .
xi xj

11. Let v1 and v2 be vector fields and f a C function. Show that

[v1 , f v2 ] = Lv1 f v2 + f [v1 , v2 ] .

12. Let U and V be open subsets of Rn and f : U V a diffeo-

morphism. If w is a vector field on V , define the pull-back, f w of
w to U to be the vector field

f w = (f1 w) .

Show that if is a C function on V

f Lw = Lf w f .

Hint: (2.1.26).
64 Chapter 2. Differential forms

13. Let U be an open subset of Rn and v and w vector fields on U .

Suppose v is the infinitesimal generator of a one-parameter group of

ft : U U , < t < .

Let wt = ft w. Show that for C (U )

L[v,w] = Lw

w = f w |t=0 .
dt t
Hint: Differentiate the identity

ft Lw = Lwt ft

with respect to t and show that at t = 0 the derivative of the left

hand side is
Lv Lw
by exercise 2 and the derivative of the right hand side is

Lw + Lw (Lv ) .

14. Conclude from exercise 13 that

(2.1.26) [v, w] = f w |t=0 .
dt t

15. Let U be an open subset of Rn and P let : [a, b] U , t

(1 (t), . . . , n (t)) be a C curve. Given = fi dxi 1 (U ), define

the line integral of over to be the integral

Z Xn Z b
= fi ((t)) dt .
a dt

Show that if = df for some f C (U )

= f ((b)) f ((a)) .

In particular conclude that if is a closed curve, i.e., (a) = (b),

this integral is zero.
2.2 k-forms 65

16. Let
x1 dx2 x2 dx1
= 1 (R2 {0}) ,
x21 + x22

and let : [0, 2] R2 R{0} be the closed curve, t (cos t, sin t).
Compute the line integral, , and show that its not zero. Conclude
that cant be d of a function, f C (R2 {0}).

17. Let f be the function

arctan xx21 , x1 > 0

f (x1 , x2 ) =
2 , x1 = 0 , x2 > 0

arctan x2 + , x < 0
x1 1

where, we recall: 2 < arctan t < 2 . Show that this function is C

and that df is the 1-form, , in the previous exercise. Why doesnt
this contradict what you proved in exercise 16?

2.2 k-forms

One-forms are the bottom tier in a pyramid of objects whose kth tier
is the space of k-forms. More explicitly, given p Rn we can, as in
1.5, form the kth exterior powers

(2.2.1) k (Tp Rn ) , k = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n

of the vector space, Tp Rn , and since

(2.2.2) 1 (Tp Rn ) = Tp Rn

one can think of a one-form as a function which takes its value at p

in the space (2.2.2). This leads to an obvious generalization.
Definition 2.2.1. Let U be an open subset of Rn . A k-form, , on
U is a function which assigns to each point, p, in U an element (p)
of the space (2.2.1) .
The wedge product operation gives us a way to construct lots of
examples of such objects.

Example 1.
66 Chapter 2. Differential forms

Let i , i = 1, . . . , k be one-forms. Then 1 k is the k-form

whose value at p is the wedge product
(2.2.3) 1 (p) k (p) .
Notice that since i (p) is in 1 (Tp Rn ) the wedge product (2.2.3)
makes sense and is an element of k (Tp Rn ).

Example 2.
Let fi , i = 1, . . . , k be a real-valued C function on U . Letting
i = dfi we get from (2.2.3) a k-form
(2.2.4) df1 dfk
whose value at p is the wedge product
(2.2.5) (df1 )p (dfk )p .
Since (dx1 )p , . . . , (dxn )p are a basis of Tp Rn , the wedge products
(2.2.6) (dxi1 )p (dx1k )p , 1 i1 < < ik n
are a basis of k (Tp ). To keep our multi-index notation from getting
out of hand, well denote these basis vectors by (dxI )p , where I =
(i1 , . . . , ik ) and the Is range over multi-indices of length k which
are strictly increasing. Since these wedge products are a basis of
k (Tp Rn ) every element of k (Tp Rn ) can be written uniquely as a
sum X
cI (dxI )p , cI R
and every k-form, , on U can be written uniquely as a sum
(2.2.7) = fI dxI
where dxI is the k-form, dxi1 dxik , and fI is a real-valued
fI : U R .
Definition 2.2.2. The k-form (2.2.7) is of class C r if each of the
fI s is in C r (U ).
Henceforth well assume, unless otherwise stated, that all the k-
forms we consider are of class C , and well denote the space of
these k-forms by k (U ).
We will conclude this section by discussing a few simple operations
on k-forms.
2.2 k-forms 67

1. Given a function, f C (U ) and a k-form k (U ) we define

f k (U ) to be the k-form
p U f (p)p k (Tp Rn ) .

2. Given i k (U ), i = 1, 2 we define 1 + 2 k (U ) to be
the k-form
p U (1 )p + (2 )p k (Tp Rn ) .
(Notice that this sum makes sense since each summand is in k (Tp Rn ).)

3. Given 1 k1 (U ) and 2 k2 (U ) we define their wedge

product, 1 2 k1 +k2 (u) to be the (k1 + k2 )-form
p U (1 )p (2 )p k1 +k2 (Tp Rn ) .
We recall that 0 (Tp Rn ) = R, so a zero-form is an R-valued function
and a zero form of class C is a C function, i.e.,
0 (U ) = C (U ) .

A fundamental operation on forms is the d-operation which as-

sociates to a function f C (U ) the 1-form df . Its clear from the
identity (2.1.10) that df is a 1-form of class C , so the d-operation
can be viewed as a map
(2.2.8) d : 0 (U ) 1 (U ) .
We will show in the next section that an analogue of this map exists
for every k (U ).


1. Let 2 (R4 ) be the 2-form, dx1 dx2 + dx3 dx4 . Compute

2. Let i 1 (R3 ), i = 1, 2, 3 be the 1-forms
1 = x2 dx3 x3 dx2
2 = x3 dx1 x1 dx3
3 = x1 dx2 x2 dx1 .
68 Chapter 2. Differential forms

(a) 1 2 .
(b) 2 3 .
(c) 3 1 .
(d) 1 2 3 .

3. Let U be an open subset of Rn and fi C (U ), i = 1, . . . , n.

Show that
df1 dfn = det dx1 dxn .

4. Let U be an open subset of Rn . Show that every (n 1)-form,

n1 (U ), can be written uniquely as a sum
ci dxn
fi dx1 dx

where fi C (U ) and the cap over dxi means that dxi is to be

deleted from the product, dx1 dxn .
5. Let = xi dxi . Show that there exists an (n 1)-form,
n1 (Rn {0}) with the property

= dx1 dxn .

6. Let J be the multi-index (j1 , . . . , jk ) and let dxJ = dxj1

dxjk . Show that dxJ = 0 if jr = js for some r 6= s and show that if
the jr s are all distinct

dxJ = (1) dxI

where I = (i1 , . . . , ik ) is the strictly increasing rearrangement of

(j1 , . . . , jk ) and is the permutation

j1 i1 , . . . , jk ik .

7. Let I be a strictly increasing multi-index of length k and J a

strictly increasing multi-index of length . What can one say about
the wedge product dxI dxJ ?
2.3 Exterior differentiation 69

2.3 Exterior differentiation

Let U be an open subset of Rn . In this section we are going to define

an operation

(2.3.1) d : k (U ) k+1 (U ) .

This operation is called exterior differentiation and is the fundamen-

tal operation in n-dimensional vector calculus.
For k = 0 we already defined the operation (2.3.1) in 2.1. Before
defining it for the higher ks we list some properties that we will
require to this operation to satisfy.

Property I. For 1 and 2 in k (U ), d(1 + 2 ) = d1 + d2 .

Property II. For 1 k (U ) and 2 (U )

(2.3.2) d(1 2 ) = d1 2 + (1)k 1 d2 .

Property III. For k (U )

(2.3.3) d(d) = 0 .

Lets point out a few consequences of these properties. First note

that by Property III

(2.3.4) d(df ) = 0

for every function, f C (U ). More generally, given k functions,

fi C (U ), i = 1, . . . , k, then by combining (2.3.4) with (2.3.2) we
get by induction on k:

(2.3.5) d(df1 dfk ) = 0 .

Proof. Let = df2 dfk . Then by induction on k, d = 0; and

hence by (2.3.2) and (2.3.4)

d(df1 ) = d(d1 f ) + (1) df1 d = 0 ,

as claimed.)
70 Chapter 2. Differential forms

In particular, given a multi-index, I = (i1 , . . . , ik ) with 1 ir n

(2.3.6) d(dxI ) = d(dxi1 dxik ) = 0 .

Recall now that every k-form, k (U ), can be written uniquely

as a sum X
= fI dxI , fI C (U )
where the multi-indices, I, are strictly increasing. Thus by (2.3.2)
and (2.3.6)
(2.3.7) d = dfI dxI .

This shows that if there exists a d with properties IIII, it has to

be given by the formula (2.3.7). Hence all we have to show is that
the operator defined by this formula has these properties. Property I
is obvious. To verify Property II we first note that for I strictly
increasing (2.3.6) is a special case of (2.3.7). (Take fI = 1 and fJ =
0 for J 6= I.) Moreover, if I is not strictly increasing it is either
repeating, in which case dxI = 0, or non-repeating in which case I
is strictly increasing for some permutation, Sk , and

(2.3.8) dxI = (1) dxI .

Hence (2.3.7) implies (2.3.6) for all multi-indices I. The same argu-
ment shows that for any sum over indices, I, for length k
fI dxI

one has the identity:

(2.3.9) d( fI dxI ) = dfI dxI .

(As above we can ignore the repeating Is, since for these Is, dxI =
0, and by (2.3.8) we can make the non-repeating Is strictly increas-
Suppose now that 1 k (U ) and 2 (U ). Writing
1 = fI dxI
2 = gJ dxJ
2.3 Exterior differentiation 71

with fI and gJ in C (U ) we get for the wedge product

(2.3.10) 1 2 = fI gJ dxI dxJ
and by (2.3.9)
(2.3.11) d(1 2 ) = d(fI gJ ) dxI dxJ .

(Notice that if I = (i1 , , ik ) and J = (ji , . . . , i ), dxI dxJ =

dxK , K being the multi-index, (i1 , . . . , ik , j1 , . . . , j ). Even if I and
J are strictly increasing, K wont necessarily be strictly increasing.
However in deducing (2.3.11) from (2.3.10) weve observed that this
doesnt matter .) Now note that by (2.1.11)

d(fI gJ ) = gJ dfI + fI dgJ ,

and by the wedge product identities of (1.6),

dgJ dxI = dgJ dxi1 dxik

= (1)k dxI dgJ ,

so the sum (2.3.11) can be rewritten:

dfI dxI gJ dxJ + (1)k fI dxI dgJ dxJ ,

X  X  X 
dfI dxI gJ dxJ + (1)k dgJ dxJ ,

or finally:
d1 2 + (1)k 1 d2 .
Thus the d defined by (2.3.7)
P has Property II. Lets now check that
it has P
Property III. If = fI dxI , fI C (U ), then by definition,
d = dfI dxI and by (2.3.6) and (2.3.2)
d(d) = d(dfI ) dxI ,

so it suffices to check that d(dfI ) = 0, i.e., it suffices to check (2.3.4)

for zero forms, f C (U ). However, by (2.1.9)
X f
df = dxj
72 Chapter 2. Differential forms

so by (2.3.7)
d(df ) = d dxj

n n
X X 2f
= dxi dxj
xi xj
j=1 i=1

X 2f
= dxi dxj .
xi xj

Notice, however, that in this sum, dxi dxj = dxj dxi and

2f 2f
xi xj xj xi
so the (i, j) term cancels the (j, i) term, and the total sum is zero.

A form, k (U ), is said to be closed if d = 0 and is said to be

exact if = d for some k1 (U ). By Property III every exact
form is closed, but the converse is not true even for 1-forms. (See
2.1, exercise 8). In fact its a very interesting (and hard) question
to determine if an open set, U , has the property: For k > 0 every
closed k-form is exact.1
Some examples of sets with this property are described in the
exercises at the end of 2.5. We will also sketch below a proof of the
following result (and ask you to fill in the details).
Lemma 2.3.1 (Poincares Lemma.). If is a closed form on U of
degree k > 0, then for every point, p U , there exists a neighborhood
of p on which is exact.
(See exercises 5 and 6 below.)


1. Compute the exterior derivatives of the forms below.

1 For k = 0, df = 0 doesnt imply that f is exact. In fact exactness doesnt make

much sense for zero forms since there arent any 1 forms. However, if f C (U )
and df = 0 then f is constant on connected components of U . (See 2.1, exercise 2.)
2.3 Exterior differentiation 73

(a) x1 dx2 dx3

(b) x1 dx2 x2 dx1
(c) ef df where f = ni=1 x2i
(d) i=1 xi dxi
Pn i c
(e) i=1 (1) xi dx1 dxi dxn

2. Solve the equation: d = for 1 (R3 ), where is the


(a) dx2 dx3

(b) x2 dx2 dx3
(c) (x21 + x22 ) dx1 dx2
(d) cos x1 dx1 dx3

3. Let U be an open subset of Rn .

(a) Show that if k (U ) is exact and (U ) is closed then

is exact. Hint: The formula (2.3.2).
(b) In particular, dx1 is exact, so if (U ) is closed dx1 =
d. What is ?

4. Let Q be the rectangle, (a1 , b1 ) (an , bn ). Show that if

is in n (Q), then is exact.
Hint: Let = f dx1 dxn with f C (Q) and let g be the
function Z x1
g(x1 , . . . , xn ) = f (t, x2 , . . . , xn ) dt .

Show that = d(g dx2 dxn ).

5. Let U be an open subset of Rn1 , A R an open interval

and (x, t) product coordinates on U A. We will say that a form,
(U A) is reduced if it can be written as a sum
(2.3.12) = fI (x, t) dxI ,

(i.e., no terms involving dt).

74 Chapter 2. Differential forms

(a) Show that every form, k (U A) can be written uniquely

as a sum:

(2.3.13) = dt +

where and are reduced.

(b) Let be the reduced form (2.3.12) and let

d X d
= fI (x, t) dxI
dt dt
and !
dU = fI (x, t) dxi dxI .
I i=1

Show that
d = dt + dU .
(c) Let be the form (2.3.13). Show that

d = dt dU + dt + dU
and conclude that is closed if and only if

(2.3.14) = dU
dU = 0.

(d) Let be a reduced (k 1)-form. Show that there exists a re-

duced (k 1)-form, , such that

(2.3.15) = .
Hint: Let = fI (x, t) dxI and = gI (x, t) dxI . The equa-
tion (2.3.15) reduces to the system of equations

(2.3.16) gI (x, t) = fI (x, t) .
Let c be a point on the interval, A, and using freshman calculus show
that (2.3.16) has a unique solution, gI (x, t), with gI (x, c) = 0.
2.4 The interior product operation 75

(e) Show that if is the form (2.3.13) and a solution of (2.3.15)

then the form

(2.3.17) d

is reduced.
(f) Let X
= hI (x, t) dx)I
be a reduced k-form. Deduce from (2.3.14) that if is closed then
= 0 and dU = 0. Conclude that hI (x, t) = hI (x) and that
= hI (x) dxI

is effectively a closed k-form on U . Now prove: If every closed k-form

on U is exact, then every closed k-form on U A is exact. Hint: Let
be a closed k-form on U A and let be the form (2.3.17).

6. Let Q Rn be an open rectangle. Show that every closed form

on Q of degree k > 0 is exact. Hint: Let Q = (a1 , b1 ) (an , bn ).
Prove this assertion by induction, at the nth stage of the induction
letting U = (a1 , b1 ) (an1 , bn1 ) and A = (an , bn ).

2.4 The interior product operation

In 2.1 we explained how to pair a one-form, , and a vector field,

v, to get a function, (v). This pairing operation generalizes: If one
is given a k-form, , and a vector field, v, both defined on an open
subset, U , one can define a (k 1)-form on U by defining its value
at p U to be the interior product

(2.4.1) (v(p))(p) .

Note that v(p) is in Tp Rn and (p) in k (Tp Rn ), so by definition

of interior product (see 1.7), the expression (2.4.1) is an element of
k1 (Tp Rn ). We will denote by (v) the (k 1)form on U whose
value at p is (2.4.1). From the properties of interior product on vector
spaces which we discussed in 1.7, one gets analogous properties for
this interior product on forms. We will list these properties, leaving
their verification as an exercise. Let v and be vector fields, and 1
76 Chapter 2. Differential forms

and 2 k-forms, a k-form and an -form. Then (v) is linear in


(2.4.2) (v)(1 + 2 ) = (v)1 + (v)2 ,

linear in v:

(2.4.3) (v + w) = (v) + z(w) ,

has the derivation property:

(2.4.4) (v)( ) = (v) + (1)k (v)

satisfies the identity

(2.4.5) (v)((w)) = (w)((v))

and, as a special case of (2.4.5), the identity,

(2.4.6) (v)((v)) = 0 .

Moreover, if is decomposable i.e., is a wedge product of one-


(2.4.7) = 1 k ,

(2.4.8) (v) = (1)r1 ((v)r )1
br k .

We will also leave for you to prove the following two assertions, both
of which are special cases of (2.4.8). If v = /xr and = dxI =
dxi1 dxik then

(2.4.9) (v) = (1)r iir dxIr
1 i = ir
iir = .
0, i 6= ir
2.4 The interior product operation 77
and Ir = (i1 , . . . , bir , . . . , ik ) and if v = fi /xi and = dx1
dxn then
(2.4.10) (v) = b r dxn .
(1)r1 fr dx1 dx

By combining exterior differentiation with the interior product op-

eration one gets another basic operation of vector fields on forms: the
Lie differentiation operation. For zero-forms, i.e., for C functions,
, we defined this operation by the formula (2.1.14). For k-forms
well define it by the slightly more complicated formula

(2.4.11) Lv = (v) d + d(v) .

(Notice that for zero-forms the second summand is zero, so (2.4.11)

and (2.1.14) agree.) If is a k-form the right hand side of (2.4.11)
is as well, so Lv takes k-forms to k-forms. It also has the property

(2.4.12) dLv = Lv d

i.e., it commutes with d, and the property

(2.4.13) Lv ( ) = Lv + Lv

and from these properties it is fairly easy to get an explicit formula

for Lv . Namely let be the k-form
= fI dxI , fI C (U )

and v the vector field

gi /xi , gi C (U ) .

By (2.4.13)

Lv (fI dxI ) = (Lv fI ) dxI + fI (Lv dxI )


Lv dxI = dxi1 Lv dxir dxik ,

and by (2.4.12)
Lv dxir = dLv xir
78 Chapter 2. Differential forms

so to compute Lv one is reduced to computing Lv xir and Lv fI .

However by (2.4.13)

Lv xir = gir

X fI
Lv f I = gi .
We will leave the verification of (2.4.12) and (2.4.13) as exercises,
and also ask you to prove (by the method of computation that weve
just sketched) the divergence formula
X  gi 
(2.4.14) Lv (dx1 dxn ) = dx1 dxn .


1. Verify the assertions (2.4.2)(2.4.7).

2. Show that if is the k-form, dxI and v the vector field, /xr ,
then (v) is given by (2.4.9).
3. Show
P that if is the n-form, dx1 dxn , and v the vector
field, fi /xi , (v) is given by (2.4.10).

4. Let U be an open subset of Rn and v a C vector field on U .

Show that for k (U )

dLv = Lv d

v Lv = Lv v .

Hint: Deduce the first of these identities from the identity d(d) = 0
and the second from the identity (v)((v)) = 0 .)
5. Given i ki (U ), i = 1, 2, show that

Lv (1 2 ) = Lv 1 2 + 1 Lv 2 .

Hint: Plug = 1 2 into (2.4.11) and use (2.3.2) and (2.4.4)to

evaluate the resulting expression.
2.4 The interior product operation 79

6. Let v1 and v2 be vector fields on U and let w be their Lie

bracket. Show that for k (U )
Lw = Lv1 (Lv2 ) Lv2 (Lv1 ) .
Hint: By definition this is true for zero-forms and by (2.4.12) for
exact one-forms. Now use the fact that every form is a sum of wedge
products of zero-forms and one-forms and the fact that Lv satisfies
the product identity (2.4.13).
7. Prove the divergence formula (2.4.14).
8. (a) Let = k (Rn ) be the form
= fI (x1 , . . . , xn ) dxI

and v the vector field, /xn . Show that

Lv = fI (x1 , . . . , xn ) dxI .
(b) Suppose (v) = Lv = 0. Show that only depends on
x1 , . . . , xk1 and dx1 , . . . , dxk1 , i.e., is effectively a k-form on Rn1 .
(c) Suppose (v) = d = 0. Show that is effectively a closed
k-form on Rn1 .
(d) Use these results to give another proof of the Poincare lemma
for Rn . Prove by induction on n that every closed form on Rn is
i. Let be the form in part (a) and let
Z xn
gI (x1 , . . . , xn ) = fI (x1 , . . . , xn1 , t) dt .
Show that if = gI dxI , then Lv = .
ii. Conclude that
(*) d(v) = (v) d .
iii. Suppose d = 0. Conclude from (*) and from the formula (2.4.6)
that the form = (v) d satisfies d = (v) = 0.
iv. By part c, is effectively a closed form on Rn1 , and by induc-
tion, = d. Thus by (*)
= d(v) + d .
80 Chapter 2. Differential forms

2.5 The pull-back operation on forms

Let U be an open subset of Rn , V an open subset of Rm and f :

U V a C map. Then for p U and q = f (p), the derivative of f
at p
dfp : Tp Rn Tq Rm
is a linear map, so (as explained in 7 of Chapter 1) one gets from
it a pull-back map
(2.5.1) dfp : k (Tq Rm ) k (Tp Rn ) .
In particular, let be a k-form on V . Then at q V , takes the
q k (Tq Rm ) ,
so we can apply to it the operation (2.5.1), and this gives us an
(2.5.2) dfp q k (Tp Rn ) .
In fact we can do this for every point p U , so this gives us a
(2.5.3) p U (dfp ) q , q = f (p) .
By the definition of k-form such a function is a k-form on U . We will
denote this k-form by f and define it to be the pull-back of by
the map f . A few of its basic properties are described below.
1. Let be a zero-form, i.e., a function, C (V ). Since
0 (Tp ) = 0 (Tq ) = R
the map (2.5.1) is just the identity map of R onto R when k is equal
to zero. Hence for zero-forms
(2.5.4) (f )(p) = (q) ,
i.e., f is just the composite function, f C (U ).
2. Let 1 (V ) be the 1-form, = d. By the chain rule (2.5.2)
unwinds to:
(2.5.5) (dfp ) dq = (d)q dfp = d( f )p
and hence by (2.5.4)
(2.5.6) f d = df .
2.5 The pull-back operation on forms 81

3. If 1 and 2 are in k (V ) we get from (2.5.2)

(dfp ) (1 + 2 )q = (dfp ) (1 )q + (dfp ) (2 )q ,

and hence by (2.5.3)

f (1 + 2 ) = f 1 + f 2 .

4. We observed in 1.7 that the operation (2.5.1) commutes with

wedge-product, hence if 1 is in k (V ) and 2 is in (V )

dfp (1 )q (2 )q = dfp (1 )q dfp (2 )q .

In other words

(2.5.7) f 1 2 = f 1 f 2 .

5. Let W be an open subset of Rk and g : V W a C map.

Given a point p U , let q = f (p) and w = g(q). Then the composi-
tion of the map
(dfp ) : k (Tq ) k (Tp )
and the map
(dgq ) : k (Tw ) k (Tq )
is the map
(dgq dfp ) : k (Tw ) k (Tp )
by formula (1.7.4) of Chapter 1. However, by the chain rule

(dgq ) (df )p = d(g f )p

so this composition is the map

d(g f )p : k (Tw ) k (Tp ) .

Thus if is in k (W )

(2.5.8) f (g ) = (g f ) .

Lets see what the pull-back operation looks like in coordinates.

Using multi-index notation we can express every k-form, k (V )
as a sum over multi-indices of length k
(2.5.9) = I dxI ,
82 Chapter 2. Differential forms

the coefficient, I , of dxI being in C (V ). Hence by (2.5.4)

f = f I f (dxI )

where f I is the function of f . What about f dxI ? If I is the

multi-index, (i1 , . . . , ik ), then by definition

dxI = dxi1 dxik

d dxI = f dxi f dxik
by (2.5.7), and by (2.5.6)

f dxi = df xi = dfi

where fi is the ith coordinate function of the map f . Thus, setting

dfI = dfi1 dfik ,

we get for each multi-index, I,

(2.5.10) f dxI = dfI

and for the pull-back of the form (2.5.9)

(2.5.11) f = f I dfI .

We will use this formula to prove that pull-back commutes with

exterior differentiation:

(2.5.12) d f = f d .

To prove this we recall that by (2.2.5), d( dfI ) = 0, hence by (2.2.2)

and (2.5.10)
d f = d f I dfI
= f dI df dxI
= f dI dxI

= f d .
2.5 The pull-back operation on forms 83

A special case of formula (2.5.10) will be needed in Chapter 4: Let

U and V be open subsets of Rn and let = dx1 dxn . Then
by (2.5.10)
f p = (df1 )p (dfn )p
for all p U . However,
X fi
(dfi )p = (p)(dxj )p

and hence by formula (1.7.7) of Chapter 1

f p = det (p) (dx1 dxn )p .

In other words
(2.5.13) f dx1 dxn = det dx1 dxn .

We will outline in exercises 4 and 5 below the proof of an important

topological property of the pull-back operation. Let U be an open
subset of Rn , V an open subset of Rm , A R an open interval
containing 0 and 1 and fi : U V , i = 0, 1, a C map.
Definition 2.5.1. A C map, F : U A V , is a homotopy
between f0 and f1 if F (x, 0) = f0 (x) and F (x, 1) = f1 (x).
Thus, intuitively, f0 and f1 are homotopic if there exists a family
of C maps, ft : U V , ft (x) = F (x, t), which smoothly deform
f0 into f1 . In the exercises mentioned above you will be asked to
verify that for f0 and f1 to be homotopic they have to satisfy the
following criteria.
Theorem 2.5.2. If f0 and f1 are homotopic then for every closed
form, k (V ), f1 f0 is exact.
This theorem is closely related to the Poincare lemma, and, in fact,
one gets from it a slightly stronger version of the Poincare lemma
than that described in exercises 56 in 2.2.
Definition 2.5.3. An open subset, U , of Rn is contractable if, for
some point p0 U , the identity map

f1 : U U , f (p) = p ,
84 Chapter 2. Differential forms

is homotopic to the constant map

f0 : U U , f0 (p) = p0 .

From the theorem above its easy to see that the Poincare lemma
holds for contractable open subsets of Rn . If U is contractable every
closed k-form on U of degree k > 0 is exact. (Proof: Let be such a
form. Then for the identity map f0 = and for the constant map,
f0 = 0.)


1. Let f : R3 R3 be the map

f (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = (x1 x2 , x2 x23 , x33 ) .

Compute the pull-back, f for

(a) = x2 dx3
(b) = x1 dx1 dx3
(c) = x1 dx1 dx2 dx3

2. Let f : R2 R3 be the map

f (x1 , x2 ) = (x21 , x22 , x1 x2 ) .

Complete the pull-back, f , for

(a) = x2 dx2 + x3 dx3

(b) = x1 dx2 dx3
(c) = dx1 dx2 dx3

3. Let U be an open subset of Rn , V an open subset of Rm , f :

U V a C map and : [a, b] U a C curve. Show that for
1 (V ) Z Z
f =

where 1 : [a, b] V is the curve, 1 (t) = f ((t)). (See 2.1,

exercise 7.)
2.5 The pull-back operation on forms 85

4. Let U be an open subset of Rn , A R an open interval con-

taining the points, 0 and 1, and (x, t) product coordinates on U A.
Recall ( 2.2, exercise 5) that a form, (U A) is reduced if it
can be written as a sum
(2.5.14) = fI (x, t) dxI

(i.e., none of the summands involve dt). For a reduced form, , let
Q (U ) be the form
X Z 1 
(2.5.15) Q = fI (x, t) dt dxI

and let i (U ), i = 0, 1 be the forms

(2.5.16) 0 = fI (x, 0) dxI
(2.5.17) 1 = fI (x, 1) dxI .

Now recall that every form, k (U A) can be written uniquely

as a sum

(2.5.18) = dt +

where and are reduced. (See exercise 5 of 2.3, part a.)

(a) Prove
Theorem 2.5.4. If the form (2.5.18) is closed then

(2.5.19) 0 1 = dQ .

Hint: Formula (2.3.14).

(b) Let 0 and 1 be the maps of U into U A defined by 0 (x) =
(x, 0) and 1 (x) = (x, 1). Show that (2.5.19) can be rewritten

(2.5.20) 0 1 = dQ .

5. Let V be an open subset of Rm and fi : U V , i = 0, 1, C

maps. Suppose f0 and f1 are homotopic. Show that for every closed
form, k (V ), f1 f0 is exact. Hint: Let F : U A V be a
86 Chapter 2. Differential forms

homotopy between f0 and f1 and let = F . Show that is closed

and that f0 = 0 and f1 = 1 . Conclude from (2.5.20) that

(2.5.21) f0 f1 = dQ

where = dt + and and are reduced.

6. Show that if U Rn is a contractable open set, then the

Poincare lemma holds: every closed form of degree k > 0 is exact.

7. An open subset, U , of Rn is said to be star-shaped if there exists

a point p0 U , with the property that for every point p U , the
line segment,
tp + (1 t)p0 , 0 t 1 ,

joining p to p0 is contained in U . Show that if U is star-shaped it is


8. Show that the following open sets are star-shaped:

(a) The open unit ball

{x Rn , kxk < 1} .

(b) The open rectangle, I1 In , where each Ik is an open

subinterval of R.
(c) Rn itself.
(d) Product sets

U1 U2 Rn = Rn1 Rn2

where Ui is a star-shaped open set in Rni .

9. Let U be an open subset of Rn , ft : U U , t R, a one-

parameter group of diffeomorphisms and v its infinitesimal generator.
Given k (U ) show that at t = 0

(2.5.22) f = Lv .
dt t
Here is a sketch of a proof:
2.5 The pull-back operation on forms 87

(a) Let (t) be the curve, (t) = ft (p), and let be a zero-form,
i.e., an element of C (U ). Show that
ft (p) = ((t))
and by differentiating this identity at t = 0 conclude that (2.4.40)
holds for zero-forms.
(b) Show that if (2.4.40) holds for it holds for d. Hint: Differ-
entiate the identity
ft d = dft
at t = 0.
(c) Show that if (2.4.40) holds for 1 and 2 it holds for 1 2 .
Hint: Differentiate the identity
ft (1 2 ) = ft 1 ft 2
at t = 0.
(d) Deduce (2.4.40) from a, b and c. Hint: Every k-form is a sum
of wedge products of zero-forms and exact one-forms.

10. In exercise 9 show that for all t

(2.5.23) f = ft Lv = Lv ft .
dt t
Hint: By the definition of one-parameter group, fs+t = fs ft =
fr fs , hence:

fs+t = ft (fs ) = fs (ft ) .
Prove the first assertion by differentiating the first of these identities
with respect to s and then setting s = 0, and prove the second
assertion by doing the same for the second of these identities.
In particular conclude that
(2.5.24) ft Lv = Lv ft .

11. (a) By massaging the result above show that

(2.5.25) f = dQt + Qt d
dt t

(2.5.26) Qt = ft (v) .
Hint: Formula (2.4.11).
88 Chapter 2. Differential forms

(b) Let
Z 1
Q = ft (v) dt .

Prove the homotopy indentity

(2.5.27) f1 f0 = dQ + Q d .

12. Let U be an open subset of Rn , V an open subset of Rm , v a

vector field on U , w a vector field on V and f : U V a C map.
Show that if v and w are f -related

(v)f = f (w) .

Hint: Chapter 1, 1.7, exercise 8.

2.6 Div, curl and grad

The basic operations in 3-dimensional vector calculus: grad, curl and

div are, by definition, operations on vector fields. As well see below
these operations are closely related to the operations

(2.6.1) d : k (R3 ) k+1 (R3 )

in degrees k = 0, 1, 2. However, only two of these operations: grad

and div, generalize to n dimensions. (They are essentially the d-
operations in degrees zero and n 1.) And, unfortunately, there is
no simple description in terms of vector fields for the other n 2 d-
operations. This is one of the main reasons why an adequate theory
of vector calculus in n-dimensions forces on one the differential form
approach that weve developed in this chapter. Even in three dimen-
sions, however, there is a good reason for replacing grad, div and curl
by the three operations, (2.6.1). A problem that physicists spend a
lot of time worrying about is the problem of general covariance: for-
mulating the laws of physics in such a way that they admit as large
a set of symmetries as possible, and frequently these formulations
involve differential forms. An example is Maxwells equations, the
fundamental laws of electromagnetism. These are usually expressed
as identities involving div and curl. However, as well explain below,
there is an alternative formulation of Maxwells equations based on
2.6 Div, curl and grad 89

the operations (2.6.1), and from the point of view of general covari-
ance, this formulation is much more satisfactory: the only symmetries
of R3 which preserve div and curl are translations and rotations,
whereas the operations (2.6.1) admit all diffeomorphisms of R3 as
To describe how grad, div and curl are related to the opera-
tions (2.6.1) we first note that there are two ways of converting vector
fields into P
forms. The first makes use of the natural inner product,
B(v, w) = vi wi , on Rn . From this inner product one gets by 1.2,
exercise 9 a bijective linear map:

(2.6.2) L : Rn (Rn )

with the defining property: L(v) = (w) = B(v, w). Via the
identification (2.1.2) B and L can be transferred to Tp Rn , giving one
an inner product, Bp , on Tp Rn and a bijective linear map

(2.6.3) Lp : Tp Rn Tp Rn .

Hence if were given a vector field, v, on U we can convert it into a

1-form, v , by setting

(2.6.4) v (p) = Lp v(p)

and this sets up a oneone correspondence between vector fields and

1-forms. For instance

(2.6.5) v= v = dxi ,
(see exercise 3 below) and, more generally,
(2.6.6) v= fi v = fi dxi .
In particular if f is a C function on U the vector field grad f is
by definition
X f
xi xi
and this gets converted by (2.6.8) into the 1-form, df . Thus the
grad operation in vector calculus is basically just the operation,
d : 0 (U ) 1 (U ).
90 Chapter 2. Differential forms

The second way of converting vector fields into forms is via the
interior product operation. Namely let be the n-form, dx1
dxn . Given an open subset, U of Rn and a C vector field,
(2.6.8) v= fi
on U the interior product of v with is the (n 1)-form
(2.6.9) (v) = b r dxn .
(1)r1 fr dx1 dx

Moreover, every (n 1)-form can be written uniquely as such a sum,

so (2.6.8) and (2.6.9) set up a one-one correspondence between vector
fields and (n 1)-forms. Under this correspondence the d-operation
gets converted into an operation on vector fields

(2.6.10) v d(v) .

Moreover, by (2.4.11)
d(v) = Lv
and by (2.4.14)
Lv = div(v)
X fi
(2.6.11) div(v) = .

In other words, this correspondence between (n1)-forms and vector

fields converts the d-operation into the divergence operation (2.6.11)
on vector fields.
Notice that div and grad are well-defined as vector calculus
operations in n-dimensions even though one usually thinks of them
as operations in 3-dimensional vector calculus. The curl operation,
however, is intrinsically a 3-dimensional vector calculus operation.
To define it we note that by (2.6.9) every 2-form, , can be written
uniquely as an interior product,

(2.6.12) = (w) dx1 dx2 dx3 ,

for some vector field w, and the left-hand side of this formula de-
termines w uniquely. Now let U be an open subset of R3 and v a
2.6 Div, curl and grad 91

vector field on U . From v we get by (2.6.6) a 1-form, v , and hence

by (2.6.12) a vector field, w, satisfying

(2.6.13) dv = (w) dx1 dx2 dx3 .

The curl of v is defined to be this vector field, in other words,

(2.6.14) curl v = w ,

where v and w are related by (2.6.13).

Well leave for you to check that this definition coincides with the
definition one finds in calculus books. More explicitly well leave for
you to check that if v is the vector field

(2.6.15) v = f1 + f2 + f3
x1 x2 x3

(2.6.16) curl v = g1 + g2 + g3
x1 x2 x3

f2 f3
g1 =
x3 x2
f3 f1
(2.6.17) g2 =
x1 x3
f1 f2
g3 = .
x2 x1
To summarize: the grad, curl and div operations in 3-dimensions
are basically just the three operations (2.6.1). The grad operation
is the operation (2.6.1) in degree zero, curl is the operation (2.6.1)
in degree one and div is the operation (2.6.1) in degree two. How-
ever, to define grad we had to assign an inner product, Bp , to the
next tangent space, Tp Rn , for each p in U ; to define div we had to
equip U with the 3-form, , and to define curl, the most compli-
cated of these three operations, we needed the Bp s and . This is
why diffeomorphisms preserve the three operations (2.6.1) but dont
preserve grad, curl and div. The additional structures which one
needs to define grad, curl and div are only preserved by translations
and rotations.
92 Chapter 2. Differential forms

We will conclude this section by showing how Maxwells equa-

tions, which are usually formulated in terms of div and curl, can be
reset into form language. (The paragraph below is an abbreviated
version of GuilleminSternberg, Symplectic Techniques in Physics,
Maxwells equations assert:

(2.6.18) div vE = q

(2.6.19) curl vE = vM
(2.6.20) div vM = 0

(2.6.21) c2 curl vM = w+ vE
where vE and vM are the electric and magnetic fields, q is the scalar
charge density, w is the current density and c is the velocity of light.
(To simplify (2.6.25) slightly well assume that our units of space
time are chosen so that c = 1.) As above let = dx1 dx2 dx3
and let

(2.6.22) E = (vE )

(2.6.23) M = (vM ) .

We can then rewrite equations (2.6.18) and (2.6.20) in the form

(2.6.18 ) dE = q


(2.6.20 ) dM = 0 .

What about (2.6.19) and (2.6.21)? We will leave the following

form versions of these equations as an exercise.

(2.6.19 ) dvE = M

(2.6.21 ) dvM = (w) + E
2.6 Div, curl and grad 93

where the 1-forms, vE and vM , are obtained from vE and vM by

the operation, (2.6.4).
These equations can be written more compactly as differential
form identities in 3 + 1 dimensions. Let M and E be the 2-forms

(2.6.24) M = M vE dt

(2.6.25) E = E vM dt

and let be the 3-form

(2.6.26) = q + (w) dt .

We will leave for you to show that the four equations (2.6.18)
(2.6.21) are equivalent to two elegant and compact (3+1)-dimensional

(2.6.27) dM = 0

(2.6.28) dE = .


1. Verify that the curl operation is given in coordinates by the

formula (2.6.17).

2. Verify that the Maxwells equations, (2.6.18) and (2.6.19) be-

come the equations (2.6.20) and (2.6.21) when rewritten in differen-
tial form notation.

3. Show that in (3 + 1)-dimensions Maxwells equations take the

form (2.6.17)(2.6.18).

4. Let U be an open subset of R3 and v a vector field on U . Show

that if v is the gradient of a function, its curl has to be zero.

5. If U is simply connected prove the converse: If the curl of v

vanishes, v is the gradient of a function.
94 Chapter 2. Differential forms

6. Let w = curl v. Show that the divergence of w is zero.

7. Is the converse statment true? Suppose the divergence of w is

zero. Is w = curl v for some vector field v?

2.7 Symplectic geometry and classical mechanics

In this section well describe some other applications of the theory

of differential forms to physics. Before describing these applications,
however, well say a few words about the geometric ideas that are
involved. Let x1 , . . . , x2n be the standard coordinate functions on
R2n and for i = 1, . . . , n let yi = xi+n . The two-form
(2.7.1) = dxi jyi

is known as the Darboux form. From the identity

(2.7.2) = d yi dxi .

it follows that is exact. Moreover computing the n-fold wedge

product of with itself we get
! n
n = dxi1 dyi1 dxin dyin
ii =1 in =1
= dxi1 dyi1 dxin dyin .
i1 ,...,in

We can simplify this sum by noting that if the multi-index, I =

i1 , . . . , in , is repeating the wedge product

(2.7.3) dxi1 dyi1 dxin dxin

involves two repeating dxi1 s and hence is zero, and if I is non-

repeating we can permute the factors and rewrite (2.7.3) in the form

dx1 dy1 dxn dyn .

(See 1.6, exercise 5.) Hence since these are exactly n! non-repeating

n = n! dx1 dy1 dxn dyn

2.7 Symplectic geometry and classical mechanics 95

1 n
(2.7.4) =

(2.7.5) = dx1 dy1 dxn dyn

is the symplectic volume form on R2n .

Let U and V be open subsets of R2n . A diffeomorphism f : U V
is said to be a symplectic diffeomorphism (or symplectomorphism for
short) if f = . In particular let

(2.7.6) ft : U U , < t <

be a one-parameter group of diffeomorphisms and let v be the vector

field generating (2.7.6). We will say that v is a symplectic vector field
if the diffeomorphisms, (2.7.6) are symplectomorphisms, i.e., for all t,

(2.7.7) ft = .

Lets see what such vector fields have to look like. Note that by
(2.7.8) f = ft Lv ,
dt t
hence if ft = for all t, the left hand side of (2.7.8) is zero, so

ft Lv = 0 .

In particular, for t = 0, ft is the identity map so ft Lv = Lv = 0.

Conversely, if Lv = 0, then ft Lv = 0 so by (2.7.8) ft doesnt
depend on t. However, since ft = for t = 0 we conclude that
ft = for all t. Thus to summarize weve proved
Theorem 2.7.1. Let ft : U U be a one-parameter group of dif-
feomorphisms and v the infinitesmal generator of this group. Then v
is symplectic of and only if Lv = 0.
There is an equivalent formulation of this result in terms of the
interior product, (v). By (2.4.11)

Lv = d(v) + (v) d .
96 Chapter 2. Differential forms

But by (2.7.2) d = 0 so

Lv = d(v) .

Thus weve shown

Theorem 2.7.2. The vector field v is symplectic if and only if (v)
is closed.
If (v) is not only closed but is exact well say that v is a Hamil-
tonian vector field. In other words v is Hamiltonian if

(2.7.9) (v) = dH

for some C functions, H C (U ).

Lets see what this condition looks like in coordinates. Let
(2.7.10) v= fi + gi .
xi yi

(v) = fi dxj dyj
+ gi dxj dyi .

1 i=i
dxj =
xi 0 i=
6 j

dyj = 0

so the first summand above is

fi dyi

and a similar argument shows that the second summand is

gi dxi .
2.7 Symplectic geometry and classical mechanics 97

Hence if v is the vector field (2.7.10)

(2.7.11) (v) = fi dyi gi dxi .

Thus since
dH = dxi + dyi
xi yi
we get from (2.7.9)(2.7.11)
(2.7.12) fi = and gi =
yi xi
so v has the form:
(2.7.13) v= .
yi xi xi yi
In particular if (t) = (x(t) , y(t)) is an integral curve of v it has
to satisfy the system of differential equations
dxi H
(2.7.14) = (x(t) , y(t))
dt yi

dyi H
= (x(t) , y(t)) .
dt xi
The formulas (2.7.10) and (2.7.11) exhibit an important property of
the Darboux form, . Every one-form on U can be written uniquely
as a sum X
fi dyi gi dxi
with fi and gi in C (U ) and hence (2.7.10) and (2.7.11) imply
Theorem 2.7.3. The map, v (v), sets up a one-one correspon-
dence between vector field and one-forms.
In particular for every C function, H, we get by correspondence
a unique vector field, v = vH , with the property (2.7.9).
We next note that by (1.7.6)

Lv H = (v) dH = (v)((v)) = 0 .


(2.7.15) Lv H = 0
98 Chapter 2. Differential forms

i.e., H is an integral of motion of the vector field, v. In particular

if the function, H : U R, is proper, then by Theorem 2.1.10 the
vector field, v, is complete and hence by Theorem 2.7.1 generates a
one-parameter group of symplectomorphisms.
One last comment before we discuss the applications of these re-
sults to classical mechanics. If the one-parameter group (2.7.6) is a
group of symplectomorphisms then ft n = ft ft = n so
by (2.7.4)

(2.7.16) ft =

where is the symplectic volume form (2.7.5).

The application we want to make of these ideas concerns the de-
scription, in Newtonian mechanics, of a physical system consisting of
N interacting point-masses. The configuration space of such a system
Rn = R3 R3 (N copies)
with position coordinates, x1 , . . . , xn and the phase space is R2n
with position coordinates x1 , . . . , xn and momentum coordinates,
y1 , . . . , yn . The kinetic energy of this system is a quadratic function
of the momentum coordinates
1X 1 2
(2.7.17) y ,
2 mi i
and for simplicity well assume that the potential energy is a func-
tion, V (x1 , . . . , xn ), of the position coordinates alone, i.e., it doesnt
depend on the momenta and is time-independent as well. Let
1X 1 2
(2.7.18) H= y + V (x1 , . . . , xn )
2 mi i
be the total energy of the system. Well show below that Newtons
second law of motion in classical mechanics reduces to the assertion:
the trajectories in phase space of the system above are just the integral
curves of the Hamiltonian vector field, vH .

Proof. For the function (2.7.18) the equations (2.7.14) become

dxi 1
(2.7.19) = yi
dt mi
dyi V
= .
dt xi
2.7 Symplectic geometry and classical mechanics 99

The first set of equation are essentially just the definitions of mo-
menta, however, if we plug them into the second set of equations we
d2 xi V
(2.7.20) mi 2
dt xi
and interpreting the term on the right as the force exerted on the ith
point-mass and the term on the left as mass times acceleration this
equation becomes Newtons second law.

In classical mechanics the equations (2.7.14) are known as the

HamiltonJacobi equations. For a more detailed account of their role
in classical mechanics we highly recommend Arnolds book, Mathe-
matical Methods of Classical Mechanics. Historically these equations
came up for the first time, not in Newtonian mechanics, but in gemo-
metric optics and a brief description of their origins there and of their
relation to Maxwells equations can be found in the bookl we cited
above, Symplectic Techniques in Physics.
Well conclude this chapter by mentioning a few implications of
the Hamiltonian description (2.7.14) of Newtons equations (2.7.20).

1. Conservation of energy. By (2.7.15) the energy function (2.7.18)

is constant along the integral curves of v, hence the energy of the
system (2.7.14) doesnt change in time.
2. Noethers principle. Let t : R2n R2n be a one-parameter
group of diffeomorphisms of phase space and w its infinitesmal gen-
erator. The t s are called a symmetry of the system above if

(a) They preserve the function (2.7.18)

(b) the vector field w is Hamiltonian.

The condition (b) means that

(2.7.21) (w) = dG
for some C function, G, and what Noethers principle asserts is that
this function is an integral of motion of the system (2.7.14), i.e., sat-
isfies Lv G = 0. In other words stated more succinctly: symmetries
of the system (2.7.14) give rise to integrals of motion.
100 Chapter 2. Differential forms

3. Poincare recurrence. An important theorem of Poincare asserts

that if the function H : R2n R defined by (2.7.18) is proper then
every trajectory of the system (2.7.14) returns arbitrarily close to
its initial position at some positive time, t0 , and, in fact, does this
not just once but does so infinitely often. Well sketch a proof of this
theorem, using (2.7.16), in the next chapter.


1. Let vH be the vector field (2.7.13). Prove that div(vH ) = 0.

2. Let U be an open subset of Rm , ft : U U a one-parameter

group of diffeomorphisms of U and v the infinitesmal generator of
this group. Show that if is a k-form on U then ft = for all t if
and only if Lv = 0 (i.e., generalize to arbitrary k-forms the result
we proved above for the Darboux form).
3. The harmonic oscillator. Let H be the function ni=1 mi (x2i +
yi2 ) where the mi s are positive constants.

(a) Compute the integral curves of vH .

(b) Poincare recurrence. Show that if (x(t), y(t)) is an integral curve
with initial point (x0 , y0 ) = (x(0), y(0)) and U an arbitrarily small
neighborhood of (x0 , y0 ), then for every c > 0 there exists a t > c
such that (x(t), y(t)) U .

4. Let U be an open subset of R2n and let Hi , i = 1, 2, be in

C (U )i . Show that

(2.7.22) [vH1 , vH2 ] = vH


X H1 H2 H2 H1
(2.7.23) H= .
xi yi xi yi

5. The expression (2.7.23) is known as the Poisson bracket of H1

and H2 and is denoted by {H1 , H2 }. Show that it is anti-symmetric

{H1 , H2 } = {H2 , H1 }
2.7 Symplectic geometry and classical mechanics 101

and satisfies Jacobis identity

0 = {H1 , {H2 , H3 }} + {H2 , {H3 , H1 }} + {H3 , {H1 , H2 }} .

6. Show that

(2.7.24) {H1 , H2 } = LvH1 H2 = LvH2 H1 .

7. Prove that the following three properties are equivalent.

(a) {H1 , H2 } = 0.
(b) H1 is an integral of motion of v2 .
(c) H2 is an integral of motion of v1 .

8. Verify Noethers principle.

9. Conservation of linear momentum. Suppose the potential, V in

(2.7.18) is invariant under the one-parameter group of translations

Tt (x1 , . . . , xn ) = (x1 + t, . . . , xn + t) .

(a) Show that the function (2.7.18) is invariant under the group of
t (x, y) = (Tt x, y) .

(b) Show that the infinitesmal generator

P of this group is the Hamil-
tonian vector field vG where G = ni=1 yi .
(c) Conclude from Noethers principle that this function is an in-
tegral of the vector field vH , i.e., that total linear moment is con-
(d) Show that total linear momentum is conserved if V is the
Coulomb potential X mi
|xi xj |

10. Let Rti : R2n R2n be the rotation which fixes the variables,
(xk , yk ), k 6= i and rotates (xi , yi ) by the angle, t:

Rti (xi , yi ) = (cos t xi + sin t yi , sin t xi + cos t yi ) .

102 Chapter 2. Differential forms

(a) Show that Rti , < t < , is a one-parameter group of

(b) Show that its generator is the Hamiltonian vector field, vHi ,
where Hi = (x2i + yi2 )/2.
(c) Let H be the harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian in exercise 3.
Show that the Rtj s preserve H.
(d) What does Noethers principle tell one about the classical me-
chanical system with energy function H?

11. Show that if U is an open subset of R2n and v is a symplec-

tic vector field on U then for every point, p0 U , there exists a
neighborhood, U0 , of p0 on which v is Hamiltonian.
12. Deduce from exercises 4 and 11 that if v1 and v2 are symplectic
vector fields on an open subset, U , of R2n their Lie bracket, [v1 , v2 ],
is a Hamiltonian vector field.
13. Let be the one-form, ni=1 yi dxi .

(a) Show that = d.

(b) Show that if 1 is any one-form on R2n with the property,
= d1 , then
= 1 + F
for some C function F .
(c) Show that = (w) where w is the vector field
yi .
14. Let U be an open subset of R2n and v a vector field on U . Show
that v has the property, Lv = 0, if and only if
(2.7.25) (v) = d(v) .
In particular conclude that if Lv = 0 then v is Hamiltonian. Hint: (2.7.2).
15. Let H be the function
(2.7.26) H(x, y) = fi (x)yi ,

where the fi s are C functions on Rn . Show that

(2.7.27) LvH = 0 .
2.7 Symplectic geometry and classical mechanics 103

16. Conversely show that if H is any C function on R2n satisfying

(2.7.27) it has to be a function of the form (2.7.26). Hints:

(a) Let v be a vector field on R2n satisfying Lv = 0. By the

previous exercise v = vH , where H = (v).
(b) Show that H has to satisfy the equation
yi =H.

(c) Conclude that if Hr = yr then Hr has to satisfy the equation

yi Hr = 0 .

(d) Conclude that Hr has to be constant along the rays (x, ty),
0 t < .
(e) Conclude finally that Hr has to be a function of x alone, i.e., doesnt
depend on y.

17. Show that if vRn is a vector field

fi (x)
on configuration space there is a unique lift of vRn to phase space
v= fi (x) + gi (x, y)
xi yi
satisfying Lv = 0.
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3.1 Introduction

The change of variables formula asserts that if U and V are open

subsets of Rn and f : U V a C 1 diffeomorphism then, for every
continuous function, : V R the integral

(y) dy

exists if and only if the integral

f (x)| det Df (x)| dx

exists, and if these integrals exist they are equal. Proofs of this can
be found in [?], [?] or [?]. This chapter contains an alternative proof
of this result. This proof is due to Peter Lax. Our version of his
proof in 3.5 below makes use of the theory of differential forms;
but, as Lax shows in the article [?] (which we strongly recommend as
collateral reading for this course), references to differential forms can
be avoided, and the proof described in3.5 can be couched entirely
in the language of elementary multivariable calculus.
The virtue of Laxs proof is that is allows one to prove a version
of the change of variables theorem for other mappings besides dif-
feomorphisms, and involves a topological invariant, the degree of a
mapping, which is itself quite interesting. Some properties of this in-
variant, and some topological applications of the change of variables
formula will be discussed in 3.6 of these notes.

Remark 3.1.1. The proof we are about to describe is somewhat

simpler and more transparent if we assume that f is a C diffeo-
morphism. Well henceforth make this assumption.
106 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

3.2 The Poincare lemma for compactly supported forms

on rectangles

Let be a k-form on Rn . We define the support of to be the closure

of the set
{x Rn , x 6= 0}
and we say that is compactly supported if supp is compact. We
will denote by kc (Rn ) the set of all C k-forms which are compactly
supported, and if U is an open subset of Rn , we will denote by
kc (U ) the set of all compactly supported k-forms whose support is
contained in U .
Let = f dx1 dxn be a compactly supported n-form with
f C0 (Rn ). We will define the integral of over Rn :


to be the usual integral of f over Rn

f dx .

(Since f is C and compactly supported this integral is well-defined.)

Now let Q be the rectangle

[a1 , b1 ] [an , bn ] .

The Poincare lemma for rectangles asserts:

Theorem 3.2.1. Let be a compactly supported n-form, with supp
Int Q. Then the following assertions are equivalent:
a. = 0.

b. There exists a compactly supported (n1)-form, , with supp

Int Q satisfying d = .

We will first prove that (b)( a). Let

= ci . . . dxn ,
fi dx1 . . . dx
3.2 The Poincare lemma for compactly supported forms on rectangles 107

(the hat over the dxi meaning that dxi has to be omitted from the
wedge product). Then
X fi
d = (1)i1 dx1 . . . dxn ,

and to show that the integral of d is zero it suffices to show that

each of the integrals
(2.1)i dx
Rn xi

is zero. By Fubini we can compute (2.1)i by first integrating with

respect to the variable, xi , and then with respect to the remaining
variables. But Z xi =bi
dxi = f (x) =0
xi xi =ai
since fi is supported on U .
We will prove that (a) (b) by proving a somewhat stronger
result. Let U be an open subset of Rm . Well say that U has property
P if every form, m m1 (U ).
c (U ) whose integral is zero in d c
We will prove
Theorem 3.2.2. Let U be an open subset of Rn1 and A R an
open interval. Then if U has property P , U A does as well.
Remark 3.2.3. Its very easy to see that the open interval A itself
has property P . (See exercise 1 below.) Hence it follows by induction
from Theorem 3.2.2 that
Int Q = A1 An , Ai = (ai , bi )
has property P , and this proves (a) (b).
To prove Theorem 3.2.2 let (x, t) = (x1 , . . . , xn1 , t) be product
coordinates on U A. Given nc (U A) we can express
as a wedge product, dt with = f (x, t) dx1 dxn1 and
f C0 (U A). Let cn1 (U ) be the form
(3.2.1) = f (x, t) dt dx1 dxn1 .

Then Z Z Z
= f (x, t) dx dt =
Rn1 Rn Rn
108 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

so if the integral of is zero, the integral of is zero. Hence since U

has property P , = d for some cn1 (U ). Let C (R) be a
bump function which is supported on A and whose integral over A
is one. Setting
= (t) dt
we have
d = (t) dt d = (t) dt ,
and hence
d = dt ( (t)) = dt u(x, t) dx1 dxn1
u(x, t) = f (x, t) (t) f (x, t) dt

by (3.2.1). Thus
(3.2.2) u(x, t) dt = 0 .

Let a and b be the end points of A and let

Z t
(3.2.3) v(x, t) = i(x, s) ds .

By (3.2.2) v(a, x) = v(b, x) = 0, so v is in C0 (U A) and by (3.2.3),

v/t = u. Hence if we let be the form, v(x, t) dx1 dxn1 ,
we have:
d = u(x, t) dx dxn1 = d

= d( + ) .
Since and are both in cn1 (U A) this proves that is in
d cn1 (U A) and hence that U A has property P .

Exercises for 3.2.

1. Let f : R R be a compactly supported function of class

C r with support on the interval, (a, b). Show that the following are
3.2 The Poincare lemma for compactly supported forms on rectangles 109
(a) a f (x) dx = 0.
(b) There exists a function, g : R R of class C r+1 with support
on (a, b) with dx = f.
Hint: Show that the function
Z x
g(x) = f (s) ds

is compactly supported.

2. Let f = f (x, y) be a compactly supported function on Rk R

with the property that the partial derivatives

(x, y) , i = 1, . . . , k ,

and are continuous as functions of x and y. Prove the following dif-

ferentiation under the integral sign theorem (which we implicitly
used in our proof of Theorem 3.2.2).

Theorem 3.2.4. The function

g(x) = f (x, y) dy

is of class C 1 and
g f
(x) = (x, y) dy .
xi xi

Hints: For y fixed and h Rk ,

fi (x + h, y) fi (x, y) = Dx fi (c)h

for some point, c, on the line segment joining x to x + c. Using the

fact that Dx f is continuous as a function of x and y and compactly
supported, conclude:

Lemma 3.2.5. Given > 0 there exists a > 0 such that for |h|

|f (x + h, y) f (x, y) Dx f (x, c)h| |h| .

110 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

Now let Q R be a rectangle with supp f Rk Q and show

|g(x + h) g(x) Dx f (x, y) dy h| vol (Q)|h| .

Conclude that g is differentiable at x and that its derivative is

Dx f (x, y) dy .

3. Let f : Rk R R be a compactly supported continuous

function. Prove
Theorem 3.2.6. If all the partial derivatives of f (x, y) with respect
to x of order r exist and are continuous as functions of x and y
the function Z
g(x) = f (x, y) dy

is of class C r .

4. Let U be an open subset of Rn1 , A R an open interval

and (x, t) product coordinates on U A. Recall (2.2) exercise 5)
that every form, k (U A), can be written uniquely as a sum,
= dt + where and are reduced, i.e., dont contain a factor
of dt.
(a) Show that if is compactly supported on U A then so are
and .
(b) Let = fI (x, t) dxI . Show that the form
X Z 
(3.2.4) = fI (x, t) dt dxI

is in ck1 (U ).
(c) Show that if d = 0, then d = 0. Hint: By (3.2.4)
X Z fI 
d = (x, t) dt dxi dxI
A xi
= (dU ) dt
and by (??) dU = .
3.2 The Poincare lemma for compactly supported forms on rectangles 111

5. In exercise 4 show that if is in d k1 (U ) then is in d kc (U ).


(a) Let = d, with = ck2 (U ) and let C (R) be a bump

function which is supported on A and whose integral over A is
one. Setting k = (t) dt show that

d = dt ( (t)) +
= dt ( uI (x, t) dxI ) +
uI (x, t) = fI (x, t) (t) fI (x, t) dt .

(b) Let a and b be the end points of A and let

Z t
vI (x, t) = uI (x, t) dt .
Show that the form vI (x, t) dxI is in ck1 (U A) and that

d = d dU .

(c) Conclude that the form d( + ) is reduced.

(d) Prove: If kc (U A) is reduced and d = 0 then = 0.
Hint: Let = gI (x, t) dxI . Show that d = 0 gI (x, t) = 0
and exploit the fact that for fixed x, gI (x, t) is compactly sup-
ported in t.

6. Let U be an open subset of Rm . Well say that U has property

Pk , for k < n, if every closed k-form, kc (U ), is in d ck1 (U ).
Prove that if the open set U Rn1 in exercise 3 has property Pk
then so does U A.

7. Show that if Q is the rectangle [a1 , b1 ] [an , bn ] and U =

Int Q then u has property Pk .

8. Let Hn be the half-space

(3.2.5) {(x1 , . . . , xn ) ; x1 0}
112 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

and let nc (R) be the n-form, f dx1 dxn with f C0 (Rn ).

(3.2.6) = f (x1 , . . . , xn ) dx1 dxn
Hn Hn

where the right hand side is the usual Riemann integral of f over
Hn . (This integral makes sense since f is compactly supported.) Show
that if = d for some cn1 (Rn ) then
(3.2.7) =
Hn Rn1

where : Rn1 Rn is the inclusion map

(x2 , . . . , xn ) (0, x2 , . . . , xn ) .
P ci dxn . Mimicking the (b)
Hint: Let = i fi dx1 dx
(a) part of the proof of Theorem 3.2.1 show that the integral (3.2.6)
is the integral over Rn1 of the function
Z 0
(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) dx1 .

3.3 The Poincare lemma for compactly supported forms

on open subsets of Rn

In this section we will generalize Theorem 3.2.1 to arbitrary con-

nected open subsets of Rn .
Theorem 3.3.1. Let U be a connected open subset of Rn and let
be a compactly supported n-form with supp U . The the following
assertions are equivalent,
a. = 0.

b. There exists a compactly supported (n1)-form, , with supp

U and = d.

Proof that (b) (a). The support of is contained in a large

rectangle, so the integral of d is zero by Theorem 3.2.1.
3.3 The Poincare lemma for compactly supported forms on open subsets of Rn 113

Proof that (a) (b): Let 1 and 2 be compactly supported n-

forms with support in U . We will write

1 2

as shorthand notation for the statement: There exists a compactly

supported (n1)-form, , with support in U and with 1 2 = d.,
We will prove that (a) (b) by proving an equivalent statement:
Fix a rectangle, Q0 U and an n-form, 0 , with supp 0 Q0 and
integral equal to one.
Theorem 3.3.2.
R If is a compactly supported n-form with supp
U and c = then c0 .
Thus in particular if c = 0, Theorem 3.3.2 says that 0 proving
that (a) (b).
To prove Theorem 3.3.2 let Qi U , i = 1, 2, 3, . . ., be a collection
of rectangles with U = Int Qi and let i be a partition P of unity
with supp i Int Qi . Replacing by the finite sum m i=1 i , m
large, it suffices to prove Theorem 3.3.2 for each of the summands
i . In other words we can assume that supp is contained in one
of the open rectangles, Int Qi . Denote this rectangle by Q. We claim
that one can join Q0 to Q by a sequence of rectangles as in the figure


Lemma 3.3.3. There exists a sequence of rectangles, Ri , i = 0, . . . ,

N + 1 such that R0 = Q0 , RN +1 = Q and Int Ri Int Ri+1 is non-

Proof. Denote by A the set of points, x U , for which there exists a

sequence of rectangles, Ri , i = 0, . . . , N + 1 with R0 = Q0 , with x
Int RN +1 and with Int Ri Int Ri+1 non-empty. It is clear that this
114 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

set is open and that its complement is open; so, by the connectivity
of U , U = A.

To prove Theorem 3.3.2 with supp Q, select, for each i, a

compactlyR supported n-form, i , with supp i Int Ri Int Ri+1
and with i = 1. The difference, i i+1 is supported in Int Ri+1 ,
and its integral is zero;
R so by Theorem 3.2.1, i i+1 . Similarly,
0 1 and, if c = , cN . Thus

c0 c0 cN =

proving the theorem.

3.4 The degree of a differentiable mapping

Let U and V be open subsets of Rn and Rk . A continuous mapping,

f : U V , is proper if, for every compact subset, B, of V , f 1 (B) is
compact. Proper mappings have a number of nice properties which
will be investigated in the exercises below. One obvious property
is that if f is a C mapping and is a compactly supported k-
form with support on V , f is a compactly supported k-form with
support on U . Our goal in this section is to show that if U and V
are connected open subsets of Rn and f : U V is a proper C
mapping then there exists a topological invariant of f , which we
will call its degree (and denote by deg(f )), such that the change of
variables formula:

(3.4.1) f = deg(f )

holds for all nc (V

Before we prove this assertion lets see what this formula says in
coordinates. If
= (y) dy1 dyn
then at x U

f = ( f )(x) det(Df (x)) dx1 dxn ;

so, in coordinates, (3.4.1) takes the form

(3.4.2) (y) dy = deg(f ) f (x) det(Df (x)) dx .
3.4 The degree of a differentiable mapping 115

Proof of 3.4.1.R Let 0 be an n-form of compact

R support with supp 0
V and with 0 = 1. If we set deg f = U f 0 then (3.4.1) clearly
holds for 0 . We will prove that (3.4.1) holds for every
R compactly
supported n-form, , with supp V . Let c = V . Then by
Theorem 3.1 c0 = d, where is a completely supported (n1)-
form with supp V . Hence

f cf 0 = f d = d f ,

and by part (a) of Theorem 3.1


f = c f 0 = deg(f ) .

We will show in 3.6 that the degree of f is always an integer

and explain why it is a topological invariant of f . For the moment,
however, well content ourselves with pointing out a simple but useful
property of this invariant. Let U , V and W be connected open subsets
of Rn and f : U V and g : V W proper C mappings. Then

(3.4.3) deg(g f ) = deg(g) deg(f ) .

Proof. Let be a compactly supported n-form with support on W .

(g f ) = g f ;

(g f ) = g (f ) = deg(g) f

= deg(g) deg(f ) .

From this multiplicative property it is easy to deduce the following

result (which we will need in the next section).
Theorem 3.4.1. Let A be a non-singular n n matrix and fA :
Rn Rn the linear mapping associated with A. Then deg(fA ) = +1
if det A is positive and 1 if det A is negative.
A proof of this result is outlined in exercises 59 below.
116 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

Exercises for 3.4.

1. Let U be an open subset of Rn and i , i = 1, 2, 3, . . ., a partition

of unity on U . Show that the mapping, f : U R defined by

f= kk

is a proper C mapping.
2. Let U and V be open subsets of Rn and Rk and let f : U V
be a proper continuous mapping. Prove:
Theorem 3.4.2. If B is a compact subset of V and A = f 1 (B)
then for every open subset, U0 , with A U0 U , there exists an
open subset, V0 , with B V0 V and f 1 (V0 ) U0 .

Hint: Let C be a compact subset of V with B Int C. Then the

set, W = f 1 (C) U0 is compact; so its image, f (W ), is compact.
Show that f (W ) and B are disjoint and let
V0 = Int C f (W ) .

3. Show that if f : U V is a proper continuous mapping and X

is a closed subset of U , f (X) is closed.
Hint: Let U0 = U X. Show that if p is in V f (X), f 1 (p) is
contained in U0 and conclude from the previous exercise that there
exists a neighborhood, V0 , of p such that f 1 (V0 ) is contained in U0 .
Conclude that V0 and f (X) are disjoint.
4. Let f : Rn Rn be the translation, f (x) = x + a. Show that
deg(f ) = 1.
Hint: Let : R R be a compactly supported C function. For
a R, the identity
(3.4.4) (t) dt = (t a) dt

is easy to prove by elementary calculus, and this identity proves the

assertion above in dimension one. Now let
(3.4.5) (x) = (x1 ) . . . (xn )
and compute the right and left sides of (3.4.2) by Fubinis theorem.
3.4 The degree of a differentiable mapping 117

5. Let be a permutation of the numbers, 1, . . . , n and let f :

R Rn be the diffeomorphism, f (x1 , . . . , xn ) = (x(1) , . . . , x(n) ).

Prove that deg f = sgn().

Hint: Let be the function (3.4.5). Show that if is equal to
(x) dx1 dxn , f = (sgn ).

6. Let f : Rn Rn be the mapping

f (x1 , . . . , xn ) = (x1 + x2 , x2 , . . . , xn ).

Prove that deg(f ) = 1.

Hint: Let = (x1 , . . . , xn ) dx1 . . . dxn where : Rn R is
compactly supported and of class C . Show that

f = (x1 + x2 , x2 , . . . , xn ) dx1 . . . dxn

and evaluate the integral on the right by Fubinis theorem; i.e., by

first integrating with respect to the x1 variable and then with respect
to the remaining variables. Note that by (3.4.4)
f (x1 + x2 , x2 , . . . , xn ) dx1 = f (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) dx1 .

7. Let f : Rn Rn be the mapping

f (x1 , . . . , xn ) = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )

with 6= 0. Show that deg f = +1 if is positive and 1 if is

Hint: In dimension 1 this is easy to prove by elementary calculus
techniques. Prove it in d-dimensions by the same trick as in the
previous exercise.

8. (a) Let e1 , . . . , en be the standard basis vectors of Rn and A,

B and C the linear mappings
Ae1 = e, Aei = aj,i ej , i>1
(3.4.6) Bei = ei , i > 1, Be1 = bj ej
Ce1 = e1 , Cei = ei + ci e1 , i > 1.
118 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

Show that
BACe1 = bj ej

BACei = = (aj,i + ci bj )ej + ci b1 e1

for i > 1.
(3.4.7) Lei = j,i ej , i = 1, . . . , n .

Show that if 1,1 6= 0 one can write L as a product, L = BAC, where

A, B and C are linear mappings of the form (3.4.6).
Hint: First solve the equations

j,1 = bj

for j = 1, . . . , n, then the equations

1,i = b1 ci

for i > 1, then the equations

j,i = aj,i + ci bj

for i, j > 1.
(c) Suppose L is invertible. Conclude that A, B and C are invertible
and verify that Theorem 3.4.1 holds for B and C using the previous
exercises in this section.
(d) Show by an inductive argument that Theorem 3.4.1 holds for
A and conclude from (3.4.3) that it holds for L.

9. To show that Theorem 3.4.1 holds for an arbitrary linear map-

ping, L, of the form (3.4.7) well need to eliminate the assumption:
1,1 6= 0. Show that for some j, j,1 is non-zero, and show how to
eliminate this assumption by considering f L where is the trans-
position, 1 j.
3.5 The change of variables formula 119

10. Here is an alternative proof of Theorem 4.3.1 which is shorter

than the proof outlined in exercise 9 but uses some slightly more
sophisticated linear algebra.

(a) Prove Theorem 3.4.1 for linear mappings which are orthogonal,
i.e., satisfy Lt L = I.
i. Show that L (x21 + + x2n ) = x21 + + x2n .
ii. Show that L (dx1 dxn ) is equal to dx1 dxn or
dx1 dxn depending on whether L is orientation preserving
or orinetation reversing. (See 1.2, exercise 10.)
iii. Let be as in exercise 4 and let be the form
= (x21 + + x2n ) dx1 dxn .
Show that L = if L is orientation preserving and L = if
L is orientation reversing.
(b) Prove Theorem 3.4.1 for linear mappings which are self-adjoint
(satisfy Lt = L). Hint: A self-adjoint linear mapping is diagonizable:
there exists an intervertible linear mapping, M : Rn Rn such that
(3.4.8) M 1 LM ei = i ei , i = 1, . . . , n .

(c) Prove that every invertible linear mapping, L, can be written

as a product, L = BC where B is orthogonal and C is self-adjoint.
i. Show that the mapping, A = Lt L, is self-adjoint and that its
eigenvalues, the i s in 3.4.8, are positive.
ii. Show that there exists an invertible self-adjoint linear mapping,
C, such that A = C 2 and AC = CA.
iii. Show that the mapping B = LC 1 is orthogonal.

3.5 The change of variables formula

Let U and V be connected open subsets of Rn . If f : U V is a

diffeomorphism, the determinant of Df (x) at x U is non-zero, and
hence, since it is a continuous function of x, its sign is the same at
every point. We will say that f is orientation preserving if this sign
is positive and orientation reversing if it is negative. We will prove
120 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

Theorem 3.5.1. The degree of f is +1 if f is orientation preserving

and 1 if f is orientation reversing.
We will then use this result to prove the following change of vari-
ables formula for diffeomorphisms.
Theorem 3.5.2. Let : V R be a compactly supported continu-
ous function. Then
(3.5.1) f (x)| det(Df )(x)| = (y) dy .

Proof of Theorem 3.5.1. Given a point, a1 U , let a2 = f (a1 ) and

for i = 1, 2, let gi : Rn Rn be the translation, gi (x) = x + ai . By
(3.4.1) and exercise 4 of 4 the composite diffeomorphism

(3.5.2) g2 f g1

has the same degree as f , so it suffices to prove the theorem for this
mapping. Notice however that this mapping maps the origin onto
the origin. Hence, replacing f by this mapping, we can, without loss
of generality, assume that 0 is in the domain of f and that f (0) = 0.
Next notice that if A : Rn Rn is a bijective linear mapping the
theorem is true for A (by exercise 9 of 3.4), and hence if we can
prove the theorem for A1 f , (3.4.1) will tell us that the theorem
is true for f . In particular, letting A = Df (0), we have

D(A1 f )(0) = A1 Df (0) = I

where I is the identity mapping. Therefore, replacing f by A1 f ,

we can assume that the mapping, f , for which we are attempting to
prove Theorem 3.5.1 has the properties: f (0) = 0 and Df (0) = I.
Let g(x) = f (x) x. Then these properties imply that g(0) = 0 and
Dg(0) = 0.

Lemma 3.5.3. There exists a > 0 such that |g(x)| 2 |x| for
|x| .

Proof. Let g(x) = (g1 (x), . . . , gn (x)). Then

(0) = 0 ;
3.5 The change of variables formula 121

so there exists a > 0 such that

gi 1

xj (x) 2

for |x| . However, by the mean value theorem,

X gi
gi (x) = (c)xj

for c = t0 x, 0 < t0 < 1. Thus, for |x| < ,

1 1
|gi (x)| sup |xi | = |x| ,
2 2
|g(x)| = sup |gi (x)| |x| .

Let be a compactly supported C function with 0 1

and with (x) = 0 for |x| and (x) = 1 for |x| 2 and let
fe : Rn Rn be the mapping

(3.5.3) fe(x) = x + (x)g(x) .

Its clear that

(3.5.4) fe(x) = x for |x|

and, since f (x) = x + g(x),

(3.5.5) fe(x) = f (x) for |x| .
In addition, for all x Rn :
(3.5.6) |fe(x)| |x| .

Indeed, by (3.5.4), |fe(x)| |x| for |x| , and for |x|

|fe(x)| |x| (x)|g(x)|

1 1
|x| |g(x)| |x| |x| = |x|
2 2
122 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

by Lemma 3.5.3.
Now let Qr be the cube, {x Rn , |x| r}, and let Qcr = Rn Qr .
From (3.5.6) we easily deduce that

(3.5.7) fe1 (Qr ) Q2r

for all r, and hence that fe is proper. Also notice that for x Q ,

|fe(x)| |x| + |g(x)| |x|
by Lemma 3.5.3 and hence

(3.5.8) fe1 (Qc3 ) Qc .


We will now prove Theorem 3.5.1. Since f is a diffeomorphism

mapping 0 to 0, it maps a neighborhood, U0 , of 0 in U diffeomor-
phically onto a neighborhood, V0 , of 0 in V , and by shrinking U0 if
necessary we can assume that U0 is contained in Q/2 and V0 con-
tained in Q/4 . Let be an n-form with support in V0 whose integral
over Rn is equal to one. Then f is supported in U0 and hence in
Q/2 . Also by (3.5.7) fe is supported in Q/2 . Thus both of these
forms are zero outside Q/2 . However, on Q/2 , fe = f by (3.5.5), so
these forms are equal everywhere, and hence
deg(f ) = f = fe = deg(fe) .

Next let be a compactly supported n-form with support in Qc3/2

and with integral equal to one. Then fe is supported in Qc by
(3.5.8), and hence since f (x) = x on Qc fe = . Thus

deg(fe) = f = = 1.

Putting these two identities together we conclude that deg(f ) = 1.

If the function, , in Theorem 3.5.2 is a C function, the iden-
tity (3.5.1) is an immediate consequence of the result above and the
identity (3.4.2). If is not C , but is just continuous, we will deduce
Theorem 3.5.2 from the following result.
3.5 The change of variables formula 123

Theorem 3.5.4. Let V be an open subset of Rn . If : Rn R is

a continuous function of compact support with supp V ; then for
every > 0 there exists a C function of compact support, : Rn
R with supp V and

sup |(x) (x)| < .

Proof. Let A be the support of and let d be the distance in the

sup norm from A to the complement of V . Since is continuous and
compactly supported it is uniformly continuous; so for every > 0
there exists a > 0 with < d2 such that |(x) (y)| < when
|x y| . Now let Q be the cube: |x| < and let : Rn R be a
non-negative C function with supp Q and
(3.5.9) (y) dy = 1 .

Set Z
(x) = (y x)(y) dy .

By Theorem 3.2.5 is a C function. Moreover, if A is the set of

points in Rd whose distance in the sup norm from A is then for
x/ A and y A , |x y| > and hence (y x) = 0. Thus for
x/ A
(y x)(y) dy = (y x)(y) dy = 0 ,

so is supported on the compact set A . Moreover, since < d2 ,

supp is contained in V . Finally note that by (3.5.9) and exercise 4
of 3.4:
(3.5.10) (y x) dy = (y) dy = 1

and hence
(x) = (x)(y x) dy
(x) (x) = ((x) (y))(y x) dy
124 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

|(x) (x)| |(x) (y)| (y x) dy .

But (y x) = 0 for |x y| ; and |(x) (y)| < for |x y| ,

so the integrand on the right is less than
(y x) dy ,

and hence by (3.5.10)

|(x) (x)| .

To prove the identity (3.5.1), let : Rn R be a C cut-off

function which is one on a neighborhood, V1 , of the support of , is
non-negative, and is compactly supported with supp V , and let
c = (y) dy .

By Theorem 3.5.4 there exists, for every > 0, a C function ,

with support on V1 satisfying

(3.5.11) | | 2c .



( )(y) dy | |(y) dy

| |(xy) dy

2c (y) dy 2


(3.5.12) (y) dy (y) dy 2 .

Similarly, the expression


( ) f (x)| det Df (x)| dx
3.5 The change of variables formula 125

is less than or equal to the integral

f (x)|( ) f (x)| | det Df (x)| dx

and by (3.5.11), |( ) f (x)| 2c , so this integral is less than or
equal to Z

2c f (x)| det Df (x)| dx

and hence by (3.5.1) is less than or equal to 2 . Thus


f (x) | det Df (x)|dx f (x)| det Df (x)| dx 2 .

Combining (3.5.12), (3.5.13) and the identity

(y) dy = f (x)| det Df (x)| dx

we get, for all > 0,


(y) dy f (x)| det Df (x)| dx

and hence
(y) dy = f (x)| det Df (x)| dx .

Exercises for 3.5

1. Let h : V R be a non-negative continuous function. Show

that if the improper integral
h(y) dy

is well-defined, then the improper integral

h f (x)| det Df (x)| dx

is well-defined and these two integrals are equal.

126 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

Hint: If i , i = 1, 2, 3, . . . is a partition of unity on V then i =

i f is a partition of unity on U and
i h dy = i (h f (x))| det Df (x)| dx .

Now sum both sides of this identity over i.

2. Show that the result above is true without the assumption that
h is non-negative.
Hint: h = h+ h , where h+ = max(h, 0) and h = max(h, 0).
3. Show that, in the formula (3.4.2), one can allow the function,
, to be a continuous compactly supported function rather than a
C compactly supported function.
4. Let Hn be the half-space (??) and U and V open subsets of
Rn . Suppose f : U V is an orientation preserving diffeomorphism
mapping U Hn onto V Hn . Show that for nc (V )

(3.5.14) f = .
U Hn V Hn

Hint: Interpret the left and right hand sides of this formula as im-
proper integrals over U Int Hn and V Int Hn .
5. The boundary of Hn is the set
bHn = {(0, x2 , . . . , xn ) , (x2 , . . . , xn ) Rn }
so the map
: Rn1 Hn , (x2 , . . . , xn ) (0, x2 , . . . , xn )
in exercise 9 in 3.2 maps Rn1 bijectively onto bHn .

(a) Show that the map f : U V in exercise 4 maps U bHn

onto V bHn .
(b) Let U = 1 (U ) and V = 1 (V ). Conclude from part (a)
that the restriction of f to U bHn gives one a diffeomorphism
g : U V
(3.5.15) g = f .
3.6 Techniques for computing the degree of a mapping 127

(c) Let be in cn1 (V ). Conclude from (3.2.7) and (3.5.14):


(3.5.16) g =

and in particular show that the diffeomorphism, g : U V ,

is orientation preserving.

3.6 Techniques for computing the degree of a mapping

Let U and V be open subsets of Rn and f : U V a proper C

mapping. In this section we will show how to compute the degree
of f and, in particular, show that it is always an integer. From this
fact we will be able to conclude that the degree of f is a topological
invariant of f : if we deform f smoothly, its degree doesnt change.
Definition 3.6.1. A point, x U , is a critical point of f if the
Df (x) : Rn Rn
fails to be bijective, i.e., if det(Df (x)) = 0.
We will denote the set of critical points of f by Cf . Its clear from
the definition that this set is a closed subset of U and hence, by
exercise 3 in 3.4, f (Cf ) is a closed subset of V . We will call this
image the set of critical values of f and the complement of this image
the set of regular values of f . Notice that V f (U ) is contained in
f f (Cf ), so if a point, g V is not in the image of f , its a
regular value of f by default, i.e., it contains no points of U in
the pre-image and hence, a fortiori, contains no critical points in its
pre-image. Notice also that Cf can be quite large. For instance, if c is
a point in V and f : U V is the constant map which maps all of U
onto c, then Cf = U . However, in this example, f (Cf ) = {c}, so the
set of regular values of f is V {c}, and hence (in this example) is
an open dense subset of V . We will show that this is true in general.
Theorem 3.6.2. (Sards theorem.)
If U and V are open subsets of Rn and f : U V a proper C
map, the set of regular values of f is an open dense subset of V .
We will defer the proof of this to Section 3.7 and, in this section,
explore some of its implications. Picking a regular value, q, of f we
will prove:
128 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

Theorem 3.6.3. The set, f 1 (q) is a finite set. Moreover, if f 1 (q) =

{p1 , . . . , pn } there exist connected open neighborhoods, Ui , of pi in Y
and an open neighborhood, W , of q in V such that:
i. for i 6= j Ui and Uj are disjoint;
ii. f 1 (W ) = Ui ,
iii. f maps Ui diffeomorphically onto W .
Proof. If p f 1 (q) then, since q is a regular value, p
/ Cf ; so
Df (p) : Rn Rn
is bijective. Hence by the inverse function theorem, f maps a neigh-
borhood, Up of p diffeomorphically onto a neighborhood of q. The
open sets
{Up , p f 1 (q)}
are a covering of f 1 (q); and, since f is proper, f 1 (q) is compact;
so we can extract a finite subcovering
{Upi , i = 1, . . . , N }
and since pi is the only point in Upi which maps onto q, f 1 (q) =
{p1 , . . . , pN }.
Without loss of generality we can assume that the Upi s are disjoint
from each other; for, if not, we can replace them by smaller neighbor-
hoods of the pi s which have this property. By Theorem 3.4.2 there
exists a connected open neighborhood, W , of q in V for which
f 1 (W ) Upi .

To conclude the proof let Ui = f 1 (W ) Upi .

The main result of this section is a recipe for computing the de-
gree of f by counting the number of pi s above, keeping track of
Theorem 3.6.4. For each pi f 1 (q) let pi = +1 if f : Ui W is
orientation preserving and 1 if f : Ui W is orientation reversing.
(3.6.1) deg(f ) = p i .
3.6 Techniques for computing the degree of a mapping 129

Proof. Let be a compactly supported n-form on W whose integral

is one. Then

deg(f ) = f = f .
U i=1 Ui

Since f : Ui W is a diffeomorphism

f = = +1 or 1
Ui W

depending on whether f : Ui W is orientation preserving or not.

Thus deg(f ) is equal to the sum (3.6.1).

As we pointed out above, a point, q V can qualify as a regular

value of f by default, i.e., by not being in the image of f . In this
case the recipe (3.6.1) for computing the degree gives by default
the answer zero. Lets corroborate this directly.
Theorem 3.6.5. If f : U V isnt onto, deg(f ) = 0.

Proof. By exercise 3 of 3.4, V f (U ) is open; so if it is non-empty,

there exists a compactly supported n-form, , with support in V
f (U ) and with integral equal to one. Since = 0 on the image of f ,
f = 0; so
0= f = deg(f ) = deg(f ) .

Remark: In applications the contrapositive of this theorem is much

more useful than the theorem itself.
Theorem 3.6.6. If deg(f ) 6= 0 f maps U onto V .
In other words if deg(f ) 6= 0 the equation

(3.6.2) f (x) = y

has a solution, x U for every y V .

We will now show that the degree of f is a topological invariant of
f : if we deform f by a homotopy we dont change its degree. To
make this assertion precise, lets recall what we mean by a homotopy
130 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

between a pair of C maps. Let U be an open subset of Rm , V an

open subset of Rn , A an open subinterval of R containing 0 and 1, and
fi : U V , i = 0, 1, C maps. Then a C map F : U A V is a
homotopy between f0 and f1 if F (x, 0) = f0 (x) and F (x, 1) = f1 (x).
(See Definition ??.) Suppose now that f0 and f1 are proper.
Definition 3.6.7. F is a proper homotopy between f0 and f1 if the

(3.6.3) F : U A V A

mapping (x, t) to (F (x, t), t) is proper.

Note that if F is a proper homotopy between f0 and f1 , then for
every t between 0 and 1, the map

ft : U V , ft (x) = Ft (x)

is proper.
Now let U and V be open subsets of Rn .
Theorem 3.6.8. If f0 and f1 are properly homotopic, their degrees
are the same.

Proof. Let
= (y) d y1 d yn
be a compactly supported n-form on X whose integral over V is 1.
The the degree of ft is equal to
(3.6.4) (F1 (x, t), . . . , Fn (x, t)) det Dx F (x, t) dx .

The integrand in (3.6.4) is continuous and for 0 t 1 is supported

on a compact subset of U [0, 1], hence (3.6.4) is continuous as a
function of t. However, as weve just proved, deg(ft ) is integer valued
so this function is a constant.

(For an alternative proof of this result see exercise 9 below.) Well

conclude this account of degree theory by describing a couple appli-

Application 1. The Brouwer fixed point theorem

3.6 Techniques for computing the degree of a mapping 131

Let B n be the closed unit ball in Rn :

{x Rn , kxk 1} .

Theorem 3.6.9. If f : B n B n is a continuous mapping then f

has a fixed point, i.e., maps some point, x0 B n onto itself.
The idea of the proof will be to assume that there isnt a fixed
point and show that this leads to a contradiction. Suppose that for
every point, x B n f (x) 6= x. Consider the ray through f (x) in the
direction of x:

f (x) + s(x f (x)) , 0 s < .

This intersects the boundary, S n1 , of B n in a unique point, (x),

(see figure 1 below); and one of the exercises at the end of this section
will be to show that the mapping : B n S n1 , x (x), is a
continuous mapping. Also it is clear from figure 1 that (x) = x if
x S n1 , so we can extend to a continuous mapping of Rn into
Rn by letting be the identity for kxk 1. Note that this extended
mapping has the property

(3.6.5) k(x)k 1

for all x Rn and

(3.6.6) (x) = x

for all kxk 1. To get a contradiction well show that can be

approximated by a C map which has similar properties. For this
we will need the following corollary of Theorem 3.5.4.
Lemma 3.6.10. Let U be an open subset of Rn , C a compact subset
of U and : U R a continuous function which is C on the
complement of C. Then for every > 0, there exists a C function,
: U R, such that has compact support and | | < .

Proof. Let be a bump function which is in C0 (U ) and is equal to

1 on a neighborhood of C. By Theorem 3.5.4 there exists a function,
0 C0 (U ) such that | 0 | < . Let = (1 ) + 0 , and
note that

= (1 ) + (1 ) 0
= 0 .
132 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

By applying this lemma to each of the coordinates of the map, ,

one obtains a C map, g : Rn Rn such that
(3.6.7) kg k < < 1
and such that g = on the complement of a compact set. How-
ever, by (3.6.6), this means that g is equal to the identity on the
complement of a compact set and hence (see exercise 9) that g is
proper and has degree one. On the other hand by (3.6.8) and (3.6.6)
kg(x)k > 1 for all x Rn , so 0
/ Im g and hence by Theorem 3.6.4,
deg(g) = 0. Contradiction.


Figure 3.6.1.

Application 2. The fundamental theorem of algebra

Let p(z) = z n +an1 z n1 + +a1 z +a0 be a polynomial of degree

n with complex coefficients. If we identify the complex plane
C = {z = x + iy ; x, y R}
with R2 via the map, (x, y) R2 z = x + iy, we can think of p as
defining a mapping
p : R2 R2 , z p(z) .
3.6 Techniques for computing the degree of a mapping 133

We will prove
Theorem 3.6.11. The mapping, p, is proper and deg(p) = n.

Proof. For t R

pt (z) = (1 t)z n + tp(z)

= z +t ai z i .

We will show that the mapping

g : R R2 R2 , z pt (z)

is a proper homotopy. Let

C = sup{|ai | , i = 0, . . . , n 1} .

Then for |z| 1

|a0 + + an1 z n1 | |a0 | + |a1 ||z| + + |an1 | |z|n1

C|z|n1 ,

and hence, for |t| a and |z| 2aC,

|pt (z)| |z|n aC|z|n1

aC|z|n1 .

If A is a compact subset of C then for some R > 0, A is contained

in the disk, |w| R and hence the set

{z C , (pt (z), t) A [a, a]}

is contained in the compact set

{z C , aC|z|n1 R} ,

and this shows that g is a proper homotopy. Thus each of the map-
pt : C C ,
is proper and deg pt = deg p1 = deg p = deg p0 . However, p0 : C C
is just the mapping, z z n and an elementary computation (see
exercises 5 and 6 below) shows that the degree of this mapping is n.
134 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

In particular for n > 0 the degree of p is non-zero; so by Theo-

rem 3.6.4 we conclude that p : C C is surjective and hence has
zero in its image.
Theorem 3.6.12. (fundamental theorem of algebra)
Every polynomial,

p(z) = z n + an1 z n1 + + a0 ,

with complex coefficients has a complex root, p(z0 ) = 0, for some

z0 C.

Exercises for 3.6

1. Let W be a subset of Rn and let a(x), b(x) and c(x) be real-

valued functions on W of class C r . Suppose that for every x W
the quadratic polynomial

(*) a(x)s2 + b(x)s + c(x)

has two distinct real roots, s+ (x) and s (x), with s+ (x) > s (x).
Prove that s+ and s are functions of class C r .
Hint: What are the roots of the quadratic polynomial: as2 +bs+c?

2. Show that the function, (x), defined in figure 1 is a continuous

mapping of B n onto S 2n1 . Hint: (x) lies on the ray,

f (x) + s(x f (x)) , 0s<

and satisfies k(x)k = 1; so (x) is equal to

f (x) + s0 (x f (x))

where s0 is a non-negative root of the quadratic polynomial

kf (x) + s(x f (x))k2 1 .

Argue from figure 1 that this polynomial has to have two distinct
real roots.
3.6 Techniques for computing the degree of a mapping 135

3. Show that the Brouwer fixed point theorem isnt true if one
replaces the closed unit ball by the open unit ball. Hint: Let U be
the open unit ball (i.e., the interior of B n ). Show that the map
h : U Rn , h(x) =
1 kxk2
is a diffeomorphism of U onto Rn , and show that there are lots of
mappings of Rn onto Rn which dont have fixed points.

4. Show that the fixed point in the Brouwer theorem doesnt have
to be an interior point of B n , i.e., show that it can lie on the bound-

5. If we identify C with R2 via the mapping: (x, y) z = x + iy,

we can think of a C-linear mapping of C into itself, i.e., a mapping
of the form
z cz , c C
as being an R-linear mapping of R2 into itself. Show that the deter-
minant of this mapping is |c|2 .

6. (a) Let f : C C be the mapping, f (z) = z n . Show that

Df (z) = nz n1 .

Hint: Argue from first principles. Show that for h C = R2

(z + h)n z n nz n1 h

tends to zero as |h| 0.

(b) Conclude from the previous exercise that

det Df (z) = n2 |z|2n2 .

(c) Show that at every point z C0, f is orientation preserving.

(d) Show that every point, w C 0 is a regular value of f and
f 1 (w) = {z1 , . . . , zn }
with zi = +1.
(e) Conclude that the degree of f is n.
136 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

7. Prove that the map, f , in exercise 6 has degree n by deducing

this directly from the definition of degree. Some hints:
(a) Show that in polar coordinates, f is the map, (r, ) (r n , n).
(b) Let be the two-form, g(x2 +y 2 ) dx dy, where g(t) is a com-
pactly supported C function of t. Show that in polar coordinates,
= g(r 2 )r dr d, and compute the degree of f by computing the
integrals of and f , in polar coordinates and comparing them.

8. Let U be an open subset of Rn , V an open subset of Rm , A an

open subinterval of R containing 0 and 1, fi : U V i = 0, 1, a pair
of C mappings and F : U A V a homotopy between f0 and f1 .
(a) In 2.3, exercise 4 you proved that if is in k (V ) and d = 0,

(3.6.8) f0 f1 = d

where is the (k 1)-form, Q, in formula (??). Show (by careful

inspection of the definition of Q) that if F is a proper homotopy
and kc (V ) then ck1 (U ).
(b) Suppose in particular that U and V are open subsets of Rn
and is in nc (V ). Deduce from (3.6.8) that
f0 = f1

and deduce directly from the definition of degree that degree is a

proper homotopy invariant.

9. Let U be an open connected subset of Rn and f : U U

a proper C map. Prove that if f is equal to the identity on the
complement of a compact set, C, then f is proper and its degree is
equal to 1. Hints:
(a) Show that for every subset, A, of U , f 1 (A) A C, and
conclude from this that f is proper.
(b) Let C = f (C). Use the recipe (1.6.1) to compute deg(f ) with
q U C .

10. Let [ai,j ] be an n n matrix and A : Rn Rn the linear

mapping associated with this matrix. Frobenius theorem asserts: If
the ai,j s are non-negative then A has a non-negative eigenvalue. In
3.7 Appendix: Sards theorem 137

other words there exists a v Rn and a R, 0, such that

Av = v. Deduce this linear algebra result from the Brouwer fixed
point theorem. Hints:
(a) We can assume that A is bijective, otherwise 0 is an eigenvalue.
Let S n1 be the (n 1)-sphere, |x| = 1, and f : S n1 S n1 the
f (x) = .
Show that f maps the set

Q = {(x1 , . . . , xn ) S n1 ; xi 0}

into itself.
(b) Its easy to prove that Q is homeomorphic to the unit ball
B n1 ,i.e., that there exists a continuous map, g : Q B n1 which is
invertible and has a continuous inverse. Without bothering to prove
this fact deduce from it Frobenius theorem.

3.7 Appendix: Sards theorem

The version of Sards theorem stated in 3.5 is a corollary of the

following more general result.
Theorem 3.7.1. Let U be an open subset of Rn and f : U Rn a
C map. Then Rn f (Cf ) is dense in Rn .
Before undertaking to prove this we will make a few general com-
ments about this result.
Remark 3.7.2. If On , n = 1, 2, are open dense subsets of Rn , the
intersection \

is dense in Rn . (See [?], pg. 200 or exercise 4 below.)

Remark 3.7.3. If An , n = 1, 2, . . . are a covering of U by compact
sets, On = Rn f (Cf An ) is open, so if we can prove that its dense
then by Remark 3.7.2 we will have proved Sards theorem. Hence
since we can always cover U by a countable collection of closed cubes,
it suffices to prove: for every closed cube, A U , Rn f (Cf A) is
dense in Rn .
138 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

Remark 3.7.4. Let g : W U be a diffeomorphism and let h =

f g. Then

(3.7.1) f (Cf ) = h(Ch )

so Sards theorem for g implies Sards theorem for f .

We will first prove Sards theorem for the set of super-critical
points of f , the set:

(3.7.2) Cf = {p U , Df (p) = 0} .

Proposition 3.7.5. Let A U be a closed cube. Then the open set

Rn f (A Cf ) is a dense subset of Rn .
Well deduce this from the lemma below.
Lemma 3.7.6. Given > 0 one can cover f (A Cf ) by a finite
number of cubes of total volume less than .

Proof. Let the length of each of the sides of A be .

n > 0 one

can subdivide A into N n cubes, each of volume, , such that
if x and y are points of any one of these subcubes

fi fi
xj (x) xj (y) < .

Let A1 , . . . , Am be the cubes in this collection which intersect Cf .

Then for z0 Ai Cf , (z0 ) = 0, so for z Ai

xj (z) <

by (3.7.3). If x and y are points of Ai then by the mean value theorem

there exists a point z on the line segment joining x to y such that
X fi
fi (x) fi (y) = (z)(xj yj )

and hence by (3.7.4)

(3.7.5) |fi (x) fi (y)| |xi yi | n .
3.7 Appendix: Sards theorem 139
Thus f (Cf Ai ) is contained in a cube, Bi , of volume , and n
f (Cf A) is contained in a union of cubes, Bi , of total volume less
n n
N n n n n = n n n n
so if w choose n n < , were done.

Proof. To prove Proposition 3.7.5 we have to show that for every

point p Rn and neighborhood, W , of p, W f (Cf A) is non-
empty. Suppose

(3.7.6) W f (Cf A) .

Without loss of generality we can assume W is a cube of volume ,

but the lemma tells us that f (Cf A) can be covered by a finite
number of cubes whose total volume is less than , and hence by
(3.7.6) W can be covered by a finite number of cubes of total volume
less than , so its volume is less than . This contradiction proves
that the inclusion (3.7.6) cant hold.

To prove Theorem 3.7.1 let Ui,j be the subset of U where 6= 0.
Then [
U= Ui,j Cf ,

so to prove the theorem it suffices to show that Rn f (Ui,j Cf ) is

dense in Rn , i.e., it suffices to prove the theorem with U replaced by
Ui,j . Let i : Rn Rn be the involution which interchanges x1 and
xi and leaves the remaining xk s fixed. Letting fnew = i fold j and
Unew = j Uold , we have, for f = fnew and U = Unew

(3.7.7) (p) 6= 0 for all p U }

so were reduced to proving Theorem 3.7.1 for maps f : U Rn

having the property (3.7.6). Let g : U Rn be defined by

(3.7.8) g(x1 , . . . , xn ) = (f1 (x), x2 , . . . , xn ) .

140 Chapter 3. Integration of forms

(3.7.9) g x1 = f x1 = f1 (x1 , . . . , xn )

(3.7.10) det(Dg) = 6= 0 .
Thus, by the inverse function theorem, g is locally a diffeomorphism
at every point, p U . This means that if A is a compact subset of
U we can cover A by a finite number of open subsets, Ui U such
that g maps Ui diffeomorphically onto an open subset Wi in Rn . To
conclude the proof of the theorem well show that Rn f (Cf Ui A)
is a dense subset of Rn . Let h : Wi Rn be the map h = f g1 .
To prove this assertion it suffices by Remark 3.7.4 to prove that the
Rn h(Ch )
is dense in Rn . This we will do by induction on n. First note that for
n = 1, Cf = Cf , so weve already proved Theorem 3.7.1 in dimension
one. Now note that by (3.7.8), h x1 = x1 , i.e., h is a mapping of the
(3.7.11) h(x1 , . . . , xn ) = (x1 , h2 (x), . . . , hn (x)) .
Thus if we let Wc be the set
(3.7.12) {(x2 , . . . , xn ) Rn1 ; (c, x2 , . . . , xn ) Wi }
and let hc : Wc Rn1 be the map
(3.7.13) hc (x2 , . . . , xn ) = (h2 (c, x2 , . . . , xn ), . . . , hn (c, x2 , . . . , xn )) .
(3.7.14) det(Dhc )(x2 , . . . , xn ) = det(Dh)(c, x2 , . . . , xn )
and hence
(3.7.15) (c, x) Wi Ch x Chc .
Now let p0 = (c, x0 ) be a point in Rn . We have to show that every
neighborhood, V , of p0 contains a point p Rn h(Ch ). Let Vc
Rn1 be the set of points, x, for which (c, x) V . By induction Vc
contains a point, x Rn1 hc (Chc ) and hence p = (c, x) is in V by
definition and in Rn h(Cn ) by (3.7.15).
3.7 Appendix: Sards theorem 141

Exercises for 3.7

1. (a) Let f : R R be the map f (x) = (x2 1)2 . What is the

set of critical points of f ? What is its image?
(b) Same questions for the map f (x) = sin x + x.
(c) Same questions for the map
0, x0
f (x) = x1
e , x>0

2. Let f : Rn Rn be an affine map, i.e., a map of the form

f (x) = A(x) + x0

where A : Rn Rn is a linear map. Prove Sards theorem for f .

3. Let : R  R be a C function which is supported in the

interval 21 , 21 and has a maximum at the origin. Let r1 , r2 , . . . ,
be an enumeration of the rational numbers, and let f : R R be
the map

f (x) = ri (x i) .
Show that f is a C
map and show that the image of Cf is dense in
R. (The moral of this example: Sards theorem says that the com-
plement of Cf is dense in R, but Cf can be dense as well.)

4. Prove the assertion made in Remark 3.7.2. Hint: You need to

T that for every point p Rn and every neighborhood, V , of p,
On V is non-empty. Construct, by induction, a family of closed
balls, Bk , such that
(a) Bk V
(b) Bk+1 Bk
(c) Bk On
(d) radius Bk < k
and show that the intersection of the Bk s is non-empty.

5. Verify (3.7.1).

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