Learning Style

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Whats Your Learning Style?

Visual Physical
Visual learners will Physical learners will
typically retain more in- retain information when
formation when they can they use the hands-on
see something that graphi- approach like labs and
cally depicts what they demonstrations.
are trying to learn. Visual
learners should study using
visual aids whenever pos- Auditory
sible. Flash cards, pictures, Auditory learners will
drawings anything that retain more information
will give them a when they hear something.
visual memory. For auditory learners the
best way to learn is to hear
something... over and over.
Use a tape recorder.
Read out loud. Have a
friend quiz them orally.
Which are YOUR preferred senses?
For each question on this and the next page, there are three answers. Circle or check the answer that most
closely represents you. When you have finished, total up the number of responses in each column visual,
auditory or physical. The sense you chose most is likely to be your preferred or dominant learning sense the
sense you are normally most comfortable using in order to take in information and to store it.

When you ... Do you .....

Visual Auditory Physical

Spell a word Try to visualize it Sound it out Write it down

(does it look right) (does it sound right) (does it feel right)

Are concentrating Get most distracted Get most distracted Get most distracted
by untidiness. by noises. by movement, or
physical disturbance.

Choose a favorite Prefer paintings. Prefer music. Prefer dance/sculpture.

art form

Reward someone Tend to write praise Tend to give them Tend to give them
on their work in oral praise. a pat on the back.
a note.

Talk Talk quite fast, but Talk fluently with Use lots of hand
keep idle conversation an even pace, in a movements, talk about
limited. Use lots of logical order and actions and feelings.
images; e.g. its like with few hesitations. Speak more slowly
a needle in a haystack. Enunciate clearly. with longer pauses.

Meet people Remember mostly Remember mostly Remember mostly

how they looked/ what was said/ what you did with
the surroundings. remember their them/remember their
names. emotions.

See a movie, TV Remember best what Remember best what Remember best
or read a novel the scenes/the people was said and how what happened/the
looked like. the music sounded. characters emotions.

Try to interpret Mainly note their Listen to their Watch body

someones mood facial expression. tone of voice. movements.

Are recalling Remember what Remember what Remember what

something you saw/peoples was said/peoples was done, what it
faces/how things names/jokes. it felt like.

Are memorizing Prefer to memorize Prefer to memorize Prefer to memorize

something by writing something by repeating words by doing something
repeatedly. aloud. repeatedly.
When you..... Do you .....
Situation Visual Auditory Physical

Are angry Become silent and Express it in an Storm about, clench

seethe. outburst. your fists, throw things.

Are inactive Look around, doodle, Talk to yourself Fidget, walk about.
watch something. or others.

Express yourself Often use phrases like: Often use phrases like: Often use phrases like:
I see/ That sounds right/ That feels right/
I get the picture/ I hear you/ Im groping for an
Lets shed some light that rings a bell/ answer/I've got a grip
on this/ something tells me/ on it/I need a concrete
I can picture it. it suddenly clicked. example.

Are learning Prefer to read; see the Like to be told, Like to get involved,
words, illustrations or attend lectures, be hands-on, try it out,
diagrams; sketch it out. talk it over. write notes.

Assemble new First look at the First ask someone to First work with
equipment diagrams/read the tell you what to do. the pieces.
instructions. Then talk to yourself
as you assemble it.


Visual learners like Visual/Verbal learners like Auditory learners like Physical learners like
drawing diagrams, to read the written word. to hear new information hands-on learning where
pictures and charts and They like books, posters with through spoken they can immediately try
watching films. slogans, instruction material explanations, commentaries things for themselves.
with clearly written text. and tapes. They benefit from They like to do as they learn,
reading key passages aloud e.g. writing, underlining,
and making tapes. doodling, imagining.

The above test can only be indicative. You should use it in conjunction with a careful observation of what works
best for you. Try out the ideas in this book and note the ones that make learning more effective and easier for
you. Thats the real test.

Multi-sensory learning can be as simple as:

Read and visualize the material ................................................................................... you have seen it.

Read key points out loud, make up questions and answer them .................................. you have heard it.

Write out the answer to your question and circle the major point ............................. you have done it.

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