This circuit uses HT12E and HT12D encoder-decoder chips in a 4-channel RF remote control. The transmitter section uses a 433MHz RF module connected to microswitches and diodes to transmit address and data signals. The receiver section uses a 433MHz RF module connected to a HT12D chip and transistors to control relays and LEDs based on the received signals. When a microswitch is pressed on the transmitter, its unique address and data is transmitted and received, turning on the corresponding relay and LED on the receiver board.
This circuit uses HT12E and HT12D encoder-decoder chips in a 4-channel RF remote control. The transmitter section uses a 433MHz RF module connected to microswitches and diodes to transmit address and data signals. The receiver section uses a 433MHz RF module connected to a HT12D chip and transistors to control relays and LEDs based on the received signals. When a microswitch is pressed on the transmitter, its unique address and data is transmitted and received, turning on the corresponding relay and LED on the receiver board.
This circuit uses HT12E and HT12D encoder-decoder chips in a 4-channel RF remote control. The transmitter section uses a 433MHz RF module connected to microswitches and diodes to transmit address and data signals. The receiver section uses a 433MHz RF module connected to a HT12D chip and transistors to control relays and LEDs based on the received signals. When a microswitch is pressed on the transmitter, its unique address and data is transmitted and received, turning on the corresponding relay and LED on the receiver board.
This circuit uses HT12E and HT12D encoder-decoder chips in a 4-channel RF remote control. The transmitter section uses a 433MHz RF module connected to microswitches and diodes to transmit address and data signals. The receiver section uses a 433MHz RF module connected to a HT12D chip and transistors to control relays and LEDs based on the received signals. When a microswitch is pressed on the transmitter, its unique address and data is transmitted and received, turning on the corresponding relay and LED on the receiver board.
This FM based remote control circuit used very Transmitting section
popular encoder-decoder chips HT12E & HT12D. As shown in figure-1 all the address lines A0-A7 (1- This ICs are widely used in many remot application. 9 PINS) are connected to ground. This is done Here two 433Mhz Tx and Rx fm modules are used because address lines of both tx and rx R1 1K should be same. tx antenna Resistor R1(1k) is connected between D8 D5 D6 D7 oscillator pins (Osc1 RF TX 433 MHz 123 D1-D8 IH4007 & Osc2) to set, D1 t r a n s m i t t e r 9V D.C frequency = D2 Receiver Frequency. 18 10 HT 12E Micro switches are 1 9 D3 connected to the data lines through D4 the diodes. The other terminal of all S1 S2 S3 S4 the switches is MICRO SWITCH c onnected with ground. The TE pin GND (transmission Fig. 1. Tx Circuit diagram enable) is also connected to all Rx Antenna R5-R8=330E the switches N/O R1 N/C R/L through four 433MHz (RX) different diodes 1 5 N/O 9V D.C R2 N/C R/L LED 1 D5-D8. The Dout pin of R5 H T 1 2 E i s R6 connected to 18 10 Din pin of R7 1 HT 12D 9 433.92MHz R8 LED 4 s erial data transmitter. 9V Q1 Q2 standard battery Q3 Q4 Q1-Q4 BC548 supplies power R1 R2 R3 R4 to the circuit. R1-R4 10K For transmitting GND R3 N/O you may use a N/C R/L whip antenna N/O R4 N/C R/L (radio antenna) for better Fig. 2. Rx Circuit diagram operation. [CIRCUIT IDEAS]
Receiver section address lines are grounded as transmitting section.
As the fig2 shows all the data line D0-D3 are When you press any switch the respective data will connected to transistors q1-q4. At the collector pin be transmitted from HT12E .The 433mhz RF of the relay and leds has been connected. The out module receives the modulated data serially and put will be taken from the relay. Leds are used to provides data to HT12D identity which relay is on position. Here all the Suppose you pressed s1, the transmitting data will be 0111. the blue led will active low and r1 will on.