Module - 1
Module - 1
Module - 1
Module- 1
1.Semiconductor diodes and its applications
2.Zener diodes
Dr. Komala.M
Associate Professor,
Dept. of ECE
18EC81 1 Dr.Komala.M
Module-1 (8 Hours)
• Semiconductor Diodes:
Introduction, PN Junction diode, Characteristics and
Parameters, Diode Approximations, DC Load Line
analysis (Text 1: 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4)
• Diode Applications:
Introduction, Half Wave Rectification, Full Wave
Rectification, Full Wave Rectifier Power Supply:
Capacitor Filter Circuit, RC π Filter (includes
numerical) (Text 1: 3.1,3.2,3.4,3.5)
• Zener Diodes:
Junction Breakdown, Circuit Symbol and Package,
Characteristics and Parameters, Equivalent Circuit,
Zener Diode Voltage Regulator. (Text1:2.9, 3.7)
Introduction to diode
• Diodes are made from a single piece
of Semiconductor material which has a
positive “P-region” at one end and a negative
“N-region” at the other, and which has a
resistivity value somewhere between that of a
conductor and an insulator.
What is a semiconductor?