SHS Guidelines DO.51 S 2015 PDF
SHS Guidelines DO.51 S 2015 PDF
SHS Guidelines DO.51 S 2015 PDF
Subject Page
I. Rationale ................................................................ 1
II. Legal Basis .... ........................................................... 1
III. Scope and Application . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
IV. Definition of Terms . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
V. Policy Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
VI. Procedures
A. General Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A.1 On Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program . . . . . 8
A.2 On Establishment of Stand-alone SHSs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
A.3 On Conversion of Existing Elementary and JHS into SHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
A.4 On Naming of Stand-Alone SHS and Renaming of JHS and IS Offering SHS Program . . . . . 17
B. Procedural Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
a. For School and Community-/Stakeholder-initiated SHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
b. For RO- or CO-initiated SHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
c. For SDO-initiated SHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
A Flow Chart . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
B DepEd Order No. 29, s. 2011 Revised Guidelines on the Naming and Renaming of Schools . . . . . . . 27
C Checklists of Documents
On May 15, 2013, President Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. signed Republic Act No. 10533,
the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (K to 12 Program). Section 2 of the law
declares that every graduate of basic education shall be an empowered individual
who has learned, through a program that is rooted on sound educational principles
and geared towards excellence, the foundations for learning throughout life, the
competence to engage in work and be productive, the ability to coexist in fruitful
harmony with local and global communities, the capability to engage in
autonomous, creative, and critical thinking, and the capacity and willingness to
transform others and ones self. With the formal launching of this landmark reform
policy, the Department of Education (DepED) was given fresh mandate to continue
developing a functional and relevant basic education system that will develop
graduates who are ready for work, entrepreneurship, middle level skills
development, and higher education.
The addition of two (2) years to the basic education cycle is one of the hallmarks of
the K to 12 Program and the Senior High School (SHS) curriculum is the main policy
tool that will serve as blueprint for program implementation. The successful
implementation of Grades 11 and 12 or the Senior High School (SHS) of the K-12
Program signals the complete shift to the DepEDs new educational system (K to
12). Towards this end, the DepED needs to formulate standards and uniform policy
guidelines on the implementation of the SHS Program in existing Junior High Schools
(JHSs) or Integrated Schools (ISs), establishment of stand-alone SHSs and
conversion of existing public Elementary and JHSs into stand-alone SHSs in basic
education. It is expected that these policy guidelines shall ensure an efficient,
streamlined, and synchronized process of establishing a nationwide SHS Program.
The formulation of these policy guidelines is guided, among others, by the following
laws, rules and regulations:
a. Section 3, which stipulates that one of said Acts purposes and objectives
is to establish schools as facilities where schoolchildren are able to learn a
range of core competencies prescribed for elementary and high school
education programs;
b. Section 7(A), which states that In addition to the powers of the Secretary
of DepED under existing laws, he/she shall have authority, accountability,
and responsibility to formulate national educational policies and
promulgate national educational standards;
c. Section 7(B), which mandates that the Regional Director shall have
authority, accountability and responsibility for . . . approving the
establishment of public . . . elementary and high schools and learning
centers; and
d. Section 10, which states in part that The Secretary of the Department of
Education shall ensure that resources appropriated for the field offices are
adequate and that resources for school personnel, school desks and
textbooks, and other instructional materials intended are allocated directly
and released immediately by the Department of Budget and Management
(DBM) to said offices.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 2
These guidelines also include systems and processes, as well as standards and
criteria, for establishing or implementing the SHS Program regardless of Track and
Strand offering.
For purposes of these guidelines, the terms or phrases used shall mean or be
understood as follows:
4. Senior High School (SHS) is the third stage of compulsory basic education.
It consists of two (2) years (Grades 11 and 12) high school education
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 3
following the completion of four (4) years of JHS. The entrant age is
typically sixteen (16) years old. It shall serve as a specialized upper (upper
level or higher-level) secondary education. The SHS program consists of
different tracks, strands and specializations that learners may choose from
depending on their aptitude, interests, and school capacity.
7. Academic Track is designed for SHS learners who intend to pursue higher
education or careers along four specific strands: 1) Accountancy, Business
and Management (ABM) Strand; 2) Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) Strand; 3) Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
Strand; and 4) General Academic (GA) Strand.
The ABM Strand is for those who plan to take up business-related courses in
higher education or engage in business, entrepreneurship, and other
business-related careers. The STEM Strand is for SHS students who are
inclined toward or have the aptitude for Math or Science or Engineering
studies. The HUMSS Strand is for students who intend to pursue studies in
the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences at the tertiary level. The GA
Strand will be offered with subjects selected from the different academic
strands. It is ideal for SHS students who have not yet decided on a particular
8. Arts and Design Track is designed for SHS learners who intend to pursue
careers in the world of arts. This track covers a wide range of art forms:
Theater, Music, Dance, Creative Writing, Visual Arts, and Media Arts. This
track has three arts field specializations SHS learners may choose from
depending on their inclination and aptitude. These specializations are:
apprenticeship, art exhibition/performance, or production.
12. Catchment Area is the area within a one-, two- or three-kilometer radius
from any existing public school in urban, rural and remote areas,
It is the policy of the DepED to protect and promote the right of all citizens to
quality basic education and to make such education accessible to all Filipino
children. The Department shall, therefore, establish and maintain schools from
Kindergarten to Grade 12 such that each learner shall have the right to quality
basic education and that no learner shall be deprived of or discriminated against
this basic human right. The Department shall likewise formulate and implement
policies to guide its Implementing Units and stakeholders towards this end.
As such, every municipality shall have an SHS. As much as possible, lone public
JHS or IS in a municipality shall implement SHS program or if not possible, a
stand-alone SHS shall be established.
4. JHSs and ISs with available space/site for at least four (4) or more
classrooms, whether with existing classrooms considered as excess or are
still for construction, in accordance with the standards stipulated in
DepED Educational Facilities Manual (i.e. 7m x 9m classroom dimension),
are encouraged to apply for the implementation of the SHS Program.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 8
c. Proper implementation of the curriculum based on their program
offering(s); and
6. The SDO shall take into account additional classrooms to be built in the
various school building programs such as the Public-Private- Partnership
and other private donors in determining the need for the construction of
classrooms for SHS.
7. The criteria for the implementation of the SHS Program in existing JHSs
and ISs, and the documentary requirements as shown hereunder. (Refer
to Annexes C-1 and D-1 for the Checklist and Sample Evaluation Sheet,
5. The proposed SHS must have the a. List of prospective enrollees in SHS
following prospective minimum per track and strand, indicating their
enrolment for the first two years of names, Learner Reference Numbers
operation. (LRNs), where applicable, ages,
addresses, school names and DepED
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 10
School ID Numbers where they are
currently or previously enrolled; and
Minimum Minimum
School Enrolment No. of
Classification (2 cohorts) Track(s)
Urban 240 2
Rural 160 1
Remote 80 1*
* preferably GA Strand
b. Justification signed by the SDS, in
If the minimum enrolment and/or case the required minimum
number of tracks are not satisfied, enrolment and/or number of tracks
justification by the SDS on the need are not satisfied.
to implement SHS Program is
6. The track(s) and strand(s) to be a. List and types of establishments and
offered must be aligned with the industries in the community, as
Local Development Plans, industries attested to by the Department of
and learners interests and Trade and Industry (DTI),
preferences. Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) or the
Track(s) and strand(s) offered in an City/Municipal Planning Officer;
SHS are identified and decided
upon by the SDS and the Division b. Certification from the SDS that the
Planning Officer, in consultation track(s) and strand(s) to be offered
with local stakeholders and based are aligned with the Local
on the direction provided by the RD Development Plans, as evident in the
and the result of their internal and list provided by the City/Municipal
external assessments. Mayor, and are decided upon by the
RD, SDS, Division Planning Officer
and the School Head concerned;
7. There are willing and able partners a. MOA executed between the SDS
to provide sufficient venues for and the partner entity; and
Immersion for all SHS learners.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 11
b. Immersion deployment plan.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 12
separated from the Elementary School by a wall. Both schools
shall have separate main gates, furniture and fixtures, learning
resources and manpower complement.
c. Track(s)/Strand(s) to be offered as
well as their respective numbers of
prospective enrollees;
d. School Environment
(environmental scanning/
situational analysis);
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 13
f. Proposed School Improvement
g. Proposed Budget/Budgetary
Requirements (to cover the
proposed SHSs crucial resources);
6. School site must not be in a high risk Clearance/permit from the provincial
area (natural or man-made) in terms of Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB),
land characteristics, which include good Regional Office of the Department of
elevation to avoid flooding and soil Environment and Natural Resources
erosion, good drainage system, and (DENR), or other relevant
ready supply of safe, healthy and authority(ies) stating that the
potable water. proposed school site is not a high risk
area and/or declared as a no-build
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 15
Development Plans, industries and attested to by the DTI, DOLE or the
learners interests and preferences. City/Municipal Planning Officer;
Tracks and strands must support DOLE b. Certification from the SDS that the
projections of needed jobs for the track(s) and strand(s) to be offered
coming years. are aligned with the Local
Development Plan, as evident in the
Track(s) and strand(s) offered in a list provided by the City/Municipal
stand-alone SHS are identified and Mayor, and decided upon by the RD
decided upon by the SDS and the or SDS and Division Planning
Division Planning Officer, in Officer;
consultation with local stakeholders and
based on the direction provided by the c. Results of internal assessments or
RD and the result of their internal and surveys done with the prospective
external assessments. enrollees; and
All stand-alone SHS shall adopt the e. In case classrooms are already
standard 7m x 9m classroom dimension constructed, Inspection Report
regardless of its class size. from Division In-Charge of
Facilities Section.
9. There are willing and able partners to a. MOA executed between the SDS
provide sufficient venues for Immersion and the partner entity; and
for all SHS learners.
b. Immersion deployment plan.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 16
2. The criteria and required documents listed in Part VI.A.1 (7) together with
the documents enumerated below must be satisfied by the proponent
before such school may be converted into a stand-alone SHS. (Refer to
Annexes C-3 and D-3 for the Checklist and Sample Evaluation Sheet,
- or
3. Likewise, a JHS that will not implement the SHS Program shall also
indicate its level of education after its school name, such as Don Mariano
High School (Grades 7 to 10).
1. The SDS shall be primarily responsible for the implementation of the SHS
Program in existing JHSs and ISs, establishment of stand-alone SHSs and the
conversion of existing elementary and JHSs into stand-alone SHSs within the
schools division, whether initiated by the School/Community/ Stakeholders,
SDO, RO, or the Central Office. All requests/applications shall be received and
initially evaluated at the Planning and Research Section, SDO, from January to
March of the current year.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 18
a.2 Coordinate with the possible partner/sponsor/donor of the school site,
in case of the establishment of stand-alone SHS; and
a.3 Submit all other necessary documents for evaluation of the Planning
and Research Section.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 19
c.2 Upon preliminary evaluation of proposals, immediately notify
proponents to submit lacking documents, if any; and
c.3 Endorse to the DREC, for further evaluation all applications with
complete documents. The composition of the DREC shall be as
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 20
3. From July to August 31 of the current year, the documents submitted by the
SDS to the Office of the RD/ARD shall then be forwarded to the RIT which
shall, in turn:
e. Submit recommendation to the RD. The RIT, through the ARD, shall
disapprove all applications/proposals that fail to comply with the
6. The Secretary, through the Planning Service, shall confirm the JHSs and ISs
that will implement the SHS Program, the stand-alone SHSs to be established,
and the existing Elementary and JHSs to be converted into SHSs, through the
issuance of a DepED Memorandum, copy furnished the DBM. The Planning
Service shall issue the DepED School ID to all stand-alone SHSs and existing
Elementary or JHSs converted into SHSs confirmed by the Secretary.
7. The RD shall, from December 1 to 31 of the current year, finalize its DepED
Budget Proposal incorporating the agreements made during the National
MANCOM meeting and submit to the Budget Division, Finance Service; copy
furnished the Planning Service, DepED Central Office, for review and
consolidation. A Status Report of each school concerned, as validated by
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 21
Regional Policy, Planning and Research Division, shall also be submitted to
Budget Division and Planning Service annually at the end of every fiscal year.
8. The Budget Division and the Planning Service shall make a summary/priority
list on the establishment of stand-alone SHSs, JHSs and ISs that will implement
the SHS Program for the year, with corresponding funding requirements for PS,
MOOE and CO, distributed over a five-year period, and present the same to the
Secretary for confirmation.
2. The SDS, through the Division Planning and Research Section, shall ensure
submission by the School Head of the Government School Profile through the
EBEIS, at the beginning and end of the school year, for efficient and effective
collection and processing of relevant school-level data needed for planning,
allocation of resources and generation of performance indicators.
3. The School Head shall submit the list of learners for the issuance of individual
LRN and completion of the learners details through the Learners Information
System to the Division Planning and Research Section.
4. The PRD and EFD shall conduct thorough evaluation and validation of the
aforementioned status reports, and prepare a separate report on their analysis,
findings and recommendations on the matter, to be submitted to the
Organizational Effectiveness Division, Bureau of Human Resource and
Organizational Development (OED-BHROD), which will then recommend to the
Executive Committee whether this Order is to be amended, for systems
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 22
All provisions of DepED rules, regulations and issuances which are inconsistent
with these guidelines or any part hereof are hereby repealed or modified
If any provision of this Order is declared invalid, any other provision not affected
thereby shall remain in force and in effect.
1. Pursuant to Part X(1), Transitory Provisions of DepED Order No. 40, s. 2014,
the moratorium on the processing of applications for conversion of a regular
high school to science or technical-vocational high school shall be considered
lifted upon the issuance of these guidelines; Provided, that they shall
implement SHS in STEM strand or TVL Track.
This policy shall take effect within fifteen (15) days after its publication in the
Official Gazette or in two newspapers of official circulation. This shall be
registered with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at
the University of the Philippines (UP) Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City.
1. DepED Order No. 11, s. 2015, Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the
Senior High School (SHS) Voucher Program Under the Government Assistance
to Students and Teachers in Private Education (GATSPE) Program
2. DepED Memorandum No. 3, s. 2015, Senior High School Preparations and
Deliverables for Quarter 1 of 2015.
3. DepED Order 40, s. 2014, Revised Guidelines on the Establishment, Merging,
Conversion, and Naming/Renaming of Public Schools, and Separation of Public
School Annexes in Basic Education.
4. Republic Act No. 9155, Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 23
5. Republic Act No. 10533, An Act Enhancing the Philippine Basic Education
System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing the Number of Years
for Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and For Other Purposes.
6. Republic Act No. 7160, Local Government Code of 1991.
7. DepED Order No. 15, s. 2014, FY 2014 Guidelines on the Utilization of
Financial Assistance to Schools Implementing Special Curricular Programs.
8. DepED Order No. 22, s. 2013, Revised Guidelines on the Transfer of Teachers
from One Station to Another.
9. DepED Order No. 67, s. 2012, Guidelines on the Implementation of
Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Program (STVEP) and
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Curriculum.
10. DepED Order No. 65, s. 2012, Creating Technical-Vocational (TechVoc) Unit
Under the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) and Dissolving the Technical-
Vocational Task Force (TVTF) for Secondary Education.
11. DepED Order No. 46, s. 2012, Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of
Special Curricular Programs at the Secondary Level.
12. DepED Order No. 29 s. 2011, Revised Guidelines on the Naming and
Renaming of Schools.
13. DepED Order No. 57, s. 2011, Policy Guidelines in the Implementation of the
Special Science Elementary Schools (SSES) Project.
14. DepED Order No. 60, s. 2011, Implementing Guidelines on the Direct Release
of Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) Allocations of Schools
to the Respective Implementing Units.
15. DepED Order No. 29, s. 2010, Manual of Operations for the Technical and
Vocational Public Secondary Schools.
16. DepED Order No. 77, s. 2010, Guidelines on the Allocation/Deployment of New
Teaching, Teaching-Related and Non-Teaching Positions for FY 2010.
17. DepED Order No. 72, s. 2010, Guidelines on the Adoption of the Strengthened
Technical Vocational Education Program (STVEP) By Other Public Secondary
18. DepED Order No. 55, s. 2010, Policies and Guidelines on Strengthening
Science and Mathematics Education at the Secondary Level.
19. DepED Order No. 40, s. 2010, Expansion of S & T Oriented (ESEP) High
Schools Effective SY 2010 to 2011.
20. DepED Order No. 99, s. 2009, Organization of Headstart Classes for the Gifted
and Talented Preschoolers.
21. DepED Order No. 78, s. 2009, Guidelines on the Implementation and
Operationalization of the Regional ICT Technical-Vocational High Schools
Effective SY 2009-2010.
22. DepED Order No. 73, s. 2009, Prescribing the Minimum Tools and Equipment
Standards for Technical-Vocational Public High Schools.
23. DepED Order No. 69, s. 2009, Additional Curriculum Guidelines for the 282
Technical-Vocational Secondary Schools Effective SY 2009-2010.
24. DepED Order No. 55, s. 2009, Guidelines on Offering Foreign Languages Like
Spanish, French, and Nihongo (Japanese) as Elective subjects in the Third and
Fourth Year Levels of High School.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 24
25. DepED Order No. 48, s. 2007, Decentralizing the Management of the
Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education Program (STVEP).
26. DepED Order No. 6, s. 2006, Policies and Guidelines for Special Education at
the Secondary Level.
27. DepED Order No. 41, s. 2004, Revised Curriculum of the 110 S & T Oriented
(ESEP) High Schools.
28. DepED Order No. 71, s. 2003, Transfer of delegated Authority from the Office
of the Secretary to the Regional Offices Regarding Approval of the
Establishment, Separation of school annexes, Merging, Conversion and
Renaming of Public Elementary and Secondary Schools.
29. DepED Order No. 1, s. 2003, Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 9155.
30. DECS Memorandum No. 216, s. 2001, Revised Implementing Guidelines of the
Special Sports Program at the Secondary Level.
31. DECS Order No. 11, s. 2000, Recognized Special Education (SPED) Centers in
the Philippines.
32. DECS Order No. 91, s. 1999, Guidelines on the Establishment and Operation of
Integrated Schools.
33. DECS Order No. 37, s. 1998, The Establishment of Pilot Provincial Science and
Technology High Schools.
34. DECS Order No. 26, s. 1997, Institutionalization of SPED Programs in All
35. DECS Order No. 84 s. 1996, Guidelines for the Separation of Public Secondary
School Annexes.
36. DECS Order No. 69, s. 1993, Science High School.
37. DECS Order No. 5, s. 1989, Guidelines and Procedures on the Implementation
of Section 7 of Republic Act No. 6655.
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Senior High School Program in Existing Public Junior High Schools
and Integrated Schools, Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools and Conversion of
Existing Public Elementary and Junior High Schools Into Stand-Alone Senior High Schools Page 25
Process Flow on the Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing Junior High Schools (JHSs) and Integrated Schools (ISs),
Establishment of Stand-Alone Public Senior High Schools (SHS) and Conversion of Existing Public Elementary and JHSs into Stand-Alone SHSs in
Basic Education
School/Community Schools Division Office Regional Office Central Office
Policy & Research Section (PRS)
Situational conducts inventory and
Analysis prioritization for the above work
(Jan) processes
Applications/ School Head/Representative Endorses the application together Endorses proposal with
from the Community submits Endorses proposal together with
Proposals with the documentary accompanying
the application together with the documentary requirements
requirements justification/basis
(Feb-April) the documentary requirements
Page 26
Page 27
Page 28
Page 29
Page 30
Page 31
Department of Education
Division of ________, Region ______
Application for Implementation of Senior High School (SHS) Program in Existing Junior High
Schools (JHSs) and Integrated Schools (ISs)
a. Please indicate N/A if not applicable.
b. Kindly submit all the lacking documents on or before ________________________.
c. Documents to be submitted must be in two (2) sets, placed in separate folders,
arranged following the sequence above and labeled appropriately.
d. To facilitate evaluation, please do not include other documents not listed above.
Department of Education
Division of _______________, Region ______
Application for Establishment of a Stand-alone Senior High School (SHS)
1. Letter-request from interested parties addressed to the Schools Division Superintendent (SDS)
e.g. from PTA or Barangay Council, etc., or recommendation from the SDS to open a stand-
alone SHS
a. Justification on the need to establish a stand-alone SHS
2. Track(s)/Strand(s) to be offered as well as their respective numbers of prospective enrollees
3. School Environment (environmental scanning/ situational analysis)
4. Proposed Site Development Plan
5. Proposed School Improvement Plan
6. Proposed Budget/Budgetary Requirements (to cover the proposed SHSs crucial resources)
7. SHS Implementation Plan
8. Division Inspection Report signed by the SDS
9. Sangguniang Bayan/Panglungsod Resolution supporting the establishment of a stand-alone
SHS, duly approved by the City/Municipal Mayor, indicating therein the Track(s) and Strand(s)
to be offered and its proposed name
10. List of prospective enrollees per track and strand, indicating their names, Learner Reference
Numbers (LRNs), where applicable, ages, addresses, school names and DepED School
Identification Numbers where they are currently or previously enrolled
a. Justification signed by the SDS, in case the required minimum enrolment
and/or number of tracks are not satisfied
11. Map, preferably drawn to scale, showing the distances of the existing public schools offering
SHS program within the catchment area of the proposed stand-alone SHS, duly certified by the
City/Municipal Engineer
12. Certification from the City/Municipal Engineer, duly attested by the City/Municipal Mayor,
that the proposed stand-alone SHS is not within the 1 km radius (for urban areas), 2-km radius
(for rural areas), or 3-km radius (for remote areas) from any existing public schools offering
SHS program
a. Justification by the SDS for the waiver on the 1-, 2-, or 3- km. radius requirement
13. Any document such as but not limited to: 1) Deed of Donation; 2) Deed of Sale; 3) Contract of
Usufruct for 50 years executed in favor of DepED; 4) Original Ceritificate of Title (OCT) or
Transfer Certificate Title (TCT) in the name of DepED; 5) Presidential Proclamation; or 6) Special
Patent, reflecting the area and boundaries of the school site.
a. Justification from the SDS in case the required size of school site cannot be met
14. Clearance/permit from the provincial Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB), Regional Office of
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), or other relevant authority(ies)
stating that the proposed school site is not a high risk area and/or declared as a no-build zone
15. List and types of establishments and industries in the community, as attested to by the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) or the
City/Municipal Planning Officer
16. Certification from the SDS that the track(s) and strand(s) to be offered are aligned with the
Local Development Plan, as evident in the list provided by the City/Municipal Mayor, and
decided upon by the RD or SDS and Division Planning Officer
17. Results of internal assessments or surveys done with the prospective enrollees
18. List of tracks and strands to be offered, duly signed by the RD or SDS, Planning Officer and
School Head.
19. Accomplished SHS Site Appraisal Form (refer to Annex E)
20. SHS building plan indicating the number and technical specifications of the classrooms
to be built
21. SHS building permit issued by the City/Municipal Engineer
22. Bureau of Fire Protection Certificate
23. In case classrooms are already constructed, Inspection Report from Division In-Charge of
Facilities Section
24. MOA executed between the SDS and the partner entity enumerating the respective roles of
both parties
25. Immersion deployment plan
a. Please indicate N/A if not applicable.
b. Kindly submit all the lacking documents on or before _____________________
c. Documents to be submitted must be in two (2) sets, placed in separate folders,
arranged following the sequence above and labeled appropriately.
d. To facilitate evaluation, please do not include other documents not listed above.
Department of Education
Division of ________, Region ______
Application for Conversion of Existing Elementary and Junior High School into a
Stand-alone Senior High School
18. Sangguniang Bayan/Panglungsod Resolution signifying the Local Government Unit support to the
conversion of school into an SHS, duly approved by the Municipal/City Mayor
a. Please indicate N/A if not applicable.
b. Kindly submit all the lacking documents on or before ________________________.
c. Documents to be submitted must be in two (2) sets, placed in separate folders,
arranged following the sequence above and labeled appropriately.
d. To facilitate evaluation, please do not include other documents not listed above.
Department of Education
DIVISION OF ____________, REGION ___
(Pls. state reason, if Failed)
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page37[Page]
(Pls. state reason, if Failed)
d Justification signed by
d. d. Justification signed by: :
the SDS, in case will Position/Designation :
offer the same SHS Track
Office :
Date :
3. The school has adequate a. Certification signed by
a. Certification Signed By :
facilities, equipment and other the School Head, duly
Position/Designation :
resources to support the attested by the SDS on
operation of a SHS. the excess classrooms, Date :
tables, chairs and other Supported with Inventory YES _______ NO ________
resources to be used for
the implementation of
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page38[Page]
(Pls. state reason, if Failed)
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page39[Page]
(Pls. state reason, if Failed)
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page40[Page]
(Pls. state reason, if Failed)
c. Results of internal
c. Internal assessments or surveys conducted? YES ________ NO _________
assessments or surveys
done with the Please state its result:
prospective enrollees
d. List of tracks and d. With List of Track(s)/Strand(s) to be offered? YES ________ NO ________
strands to be offered, Signed By :
duly signed by the RD or
Position/Designation/Agency :
SDS, Planning Officer
and School Head Date :
7. There are willing and able a. MOA executed between a. Signatories of Contracting Parties
partners to provide sufficient the SDS and the partner
1. For the DepED
venues for Immersion for all entity enumerating the
Signed By :
SHS learners. respective roles of both
parties Position/Designation :
2. For the Partner
Signed By :
Position/Designation :
Date Notarized :
Track(s)/Strand(s) to be offered :
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Schools Division Superintendent
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page41[Page]
(Pls. state reason, if Failed)
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Regional Director
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page42[Page]
Department of Education
DIVISION OF ____________, REGION ___
(Pls. state reason, if
b. Justification on the need to b. Justification on the need for the establishment of school of a Stand-Alone SHS, if any:
establish a Stand-Alone SHS
Source of Fund for the initial operation of the proposed school : DepED _______ LGU ________
3. The proposed stand-alone SHS a. List of prospective enrollees No. of Prospective Enrollees :
must have the following per track and strand,
prospective minimum enrolment indicating their names,
for the first two years of Learner Reference Numbers No. of
Grade Level No. of Prospective
operation. (LRNs), where applicable, Track Strand Enrollees
ages, addresses, school names 11
Cl as
f i
o n E
n r
i n i mu m M
U rb a n
( 2 c
l me n t N
i n i mu m
h o rts ) T r
k s
*p re
R u ra l
ra b ly Gen era l A c
d em ic S tra n
S c h o o l M i n i mu m Mi n i mu m
Cl as s i f i cati o n En r o l me n t N o . o f
( 2 co h o rts ) T ra ck s
U rb a n 24 0 2
R u ra l 16 0 1
Re mote 8 0 1 *
*p re f e ra b ly Gen era l A c a d em ic S tra n d
School Minimum Minimum and DepED School 12
Classification Enrolment No. of Identification Numbers where TOTAL
Tracks they are currently or
(2 cohorts)
previously enrolled
Urban 240 2 List contains complete information as to the:
Remote 80 1*
1. Names of learners
*preferably General Academic Strand
2. Learners' Reference Numbers (LRNs)
If the minimum enrolment 3. Ages
and/or number of tracks are not 4. Addresses and/or school name where currently or were enrolled
satisfied, justification by the SDS
5. DepED School ID where they are currently or previously enrolled
on the need to establish stand-
alone SHS is necessary.
b. Justification signed by the Justification Signed By :
SDS, in case the required
Position/Designation :
minimum enrolment and/or
number of tracks are not Date :
satisfied Reason(s) :
4. The proposed stand-alone SHS to a. Map, preferably drawn to a. Map shows the distances of the proposed school from the existing public schools offering SHS? YES ______ NO ______
be established is not within the scale, showing the distances of Distance to the Please also note if
parameters indicated below from the existing public schools Name of Nearest School Proposed School Address the nearest school is
any existing public schools offering SHS program within (in km) outside the
offering SHS program. the catchment area of the barangay for
proposed stand-alone SHS, elementary level, or
duly certified by the 2.
outside the
School Municipal/City Engineer 3. municipality
5. Existence and availability of a a. Any document such as but not a. Document Submitted : e.g. Deed of Donation
school site as follows: limited to: 1) Deed of
In favor or in the name of DepED? : YES ________ NO ________
Donation; 2) Deed of Sale; 3)
Minimum Area Contract of Usufruct for 50 Address/Location :
School Classification (In Square Meters)
years executed in favor of Size based on boundaries of
DepED; 4) Original Cetificate proposed school site (in
Urban 2,500 of Title (OCT) or Transfer square meters)
Certificate of Title (TCT) in the
Rural 5,000
name of DepED; 5)
Remote 2,500 Presidential Proclamation; or
6) Special Patent, reflecting
the area and boundaries of the
school site
6. School site must not be in a high Clearance/permit from the a. Clearance/permit from provincial MGB (must be updated)
risk area (natural or man-made) provincial Mines and Signed By :
in terms of land characteristics, Geosciences Bureau (MGB), Position/Designation :
which include good elevation to Regional Office of the
Date :
avoid flooding and soil erosion, Department of Environment
good drainage system, and ready and Natural Resources
supply of safe, healthy and (DENR), or other relevant b. Certification from RO-DENR (must be updated)
potable water authority(ies) stating that the Signed By :
proposed school site is not a
Position/Designation :
high risk area and/or declared
Date :
as a no-build zone
Declared as safe or not a high risk area? YES ______ NO _______
7. The track(s) and strand(s) to be a. List and types of a. With list and types of establishments and industries in the community? YES ________
NO ________
offered must be aligned with the establishments and industries
Attested By : No. of Prospective
Local Development Plan, in the community, as attested Track Strand
industries and learners interests to by the Department of Trade Position/Designation/Agency : Enrollees
and preferences. and Industry (DTI), Date
1. :
Department of Labor and 2.
Employment (DOLE) or the
Municipal Planning Officer
Tracks and Strands offered in b. Certification from the SDS that b. Track(s) and strand(s) to be offered are aligned with the Local Development Plans? YES ________
NO ________
stand-alone SHSs are identified the track(s) and strand(s) to be
offered are aligned with the Local Certification Signed By :
and decide upon by the SDS and
Division Planning Officer, in Development Plan, as evident in Position/Designation :
the list provided by the Date :
consultation with the local
City/Municipal Mayor, and
stakeholders and based on the decided upon by the RD or SDS
direction provided by the RD and and Division Planning Officer
the result of their internal and
external assessments.
c. Results of internal c. Internal assessments or surveys conducted ? YES ________NO ______
assessments or surveys done
with the prospective enrollees ( Attach report on the result of the survey)
d. List of tracks and strands to d. With list of tracks and strands to be offered? YES ________
NO ______
be offered, duly signed by the
RD or SDS, Division Planning Duly certified by the RO/SDS, Division Planning
Officer and School Head Officer and School Head?
YES ________
NO ______
Date :
c. No. of Prospective
All stand-alone SHS shall adopt SHS building permit issued by c. SchoolTrack
Building Permit Strand
Issued by : Enrollees
the standard 7m x 9m classroom the Municipal/City Engineer
dimension regardless of its class Position/Designation
1. :
size. 2.
Office :
Date Issued :
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Regional Director
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Pls. state reason, if Failed)
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page50 [Page]
Pls. state reason, if Failed)
c.2 Proposed budgetary c.2 Proposed Budgetary Requirements
requirements for its Supported w/
Personal Services, Particulars Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Breakdown?
MOOE, and Capital Yes No
Outlay; Personal Services
Capital Outlay
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page51 [Page]
Pls. state reason, if Failed)
3. Health and safety of
any learner is not
compromised as a
result of the
conversion and
subsequent transfer of
elementary and/or
JHS learners, taking
into consideration the
distance for travel to
and from the new
school site; and
4. Affected school
personnel shall not be
displaced and
demoted, and shall be
transferred to the
nearest school where
their services are
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page52 [Page]
Pls. state reason, if Failed)
d. Updated Status Report d. Updated Status Report Prepared By :
with regard to the school's Position/Designation :
existing crucial resources Date :
Resources Needed
Particulars Amount
Personal Services
Capital Outlay
4. The school has available Map, preferably drawn to Map Certified By :
space/site for at least four scale, showing the vacant Position Designation :
(4) classrooms, whether lot where the proposed Office :
with existing classrooms SHS
Date :
considered as excess or the classrooms/schoolbuilding
classrooms are still for are/will be constructed,
construction. duly certified by the
Existing classrooms compliant to standards? YES ________ NO ________
The classrooms built or City/Municipal Engineer
No. of excess/available classrooms : :
to be built must be based
on the standards as Available school site (in sq. m.) :
stipulated in DepED
Educational Facilities
Manual (i.e. 7m x 9m
classroom dimension).
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page53 [Page]
Pls. state reason, if Failed)
b. Justification signed by the Justification Signed By :
SDS, in case the required
Position/Designation :
minimum enrolment
and/or number of tracks Date :
are not satisfied
6. The track(s) and strand(s) a. List and types of a. With list and types of establishments and industries in the community? YES _______ NO ________
to be offered must be establishments and industries
in the community, as attested Attested By :
aligned with the Local
to by the Department of Trade Position/Designation/Agency :
Development Plans, and Industry (DTI),
industries and learners Department of Labor and Date :
interests and preferences. Employment (DOLE) or the
Municipal Planning Officer
Track(s) and strand(s)
offered in an SHS are
identified and decided
b. Certification from the SDS b. Track(s) and strand(s) to be offered are aligned with the Local Development PlaYES _______ NO ________
upon by the SDS and that the track(s) and strand(s)
Division Planning Officer, to be offered are aligned with Track(s) and strand(s) to be offered :
in consultation with local the Local Development Plan, Certification Signed By :
stakeholders and based on as evident in the list provided
by the City/Municipal Mayor, Position/Designation :
the direction provided by
the RD and the result of
and are decided upon by the Date :
Regional Director (RD), SDS,
their internal and external Division Planning Officer and
assessments. the School Head concerned
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page54 [Page]
Pls. state reason, if Failed)
b. Immersion Deployment b. Immersion Deployment Plan Signed :
Plan Position/Designation :
Date :
The proposed conversion of Sangguniang
8. Sangguniang Bayan/Panglungsod Resolution No. _________________
the school into an SHS Bayan/Panglungsod
Approved By :
must be supported by the Resolution signifying the Local
LGU Government Unit support to Position/Designation :
the conversion of school into Proposed Name of School :
an SHS, duly approved by the Resolution stipulates the willingness of the LGU to provide financial support to the establishment of the school, if any?
Municipal/City Mayor YES ______ NO ______
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Schools Division Superintendent
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Regional Director
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name Signature Over Printed Name
Position/Designation Position/Designation Position/Designation
Application for Implementation of SHS Program in Existing JHSs and ISs to Offer SHS Program - Sample Evaluation Sheet Page55 [Page]
Page 56
Page 57
Page 58
Page 59
Page 60
NC National Certificate
NCR National Capital Region
NEDA National Economic Development Authority
OCT Original Certificate of Title
OED-BHROD Organizational Effectiveness Division- Bureau of Human
Resource and Organizational Development
PEPT Philippine Educational Placement Test
PRDD Policy Research and Development Division
PS Personal Services
PSIPOP Personal Services Itemization and Plantilla of Personnel
PTA Parent-Teacher Association
QAD Quality Assurance Division
RA Republic Act
RIT Regional Inspectorate Team
RD Regional Director
RO Regional Office
SDO Schools Division Offices
SDS Schools Division Superintendent
SHS Senior High School
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
SUCs State Universities and Colleges
TCT Transfer Certificate of Title
TESDA Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
TLE Technology and Livelihood Education
TVL Technical-Vocational-Livelihood
TVETIs Technical-Vocational Education and Training Institutions
Page 61