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Chapter 12 Power and Violence


Multiple-Choice Questions

1. As defined in the text, social power is the ability to

A. influence the behavior of others.
B. produce intended results.
C. resist the influence of others.
D. maintain ones calm and control in tense situations
Answer: A

2. From an interdependency perspective, power is based on

A. control of valuable resources.
B. control of access to valuable resources.
C. partners value of a particular resource.
D. all of these
Answer: D

3. In his classic formulation, Waller proposed that power in a relationship is based on

A. prestige.
B. level of interest.
C. money.
D. beauty.
Answer: B

4. For your roommate it is very important that the two of you live together next year. You
wouldnt mind living with him/her again next year, but have considered other options. In
this relationship you have more power than your roommate. This is an example of
A. the principle of lesser interest
B. the principle of greater options
C. intimate terrorism
D. behavior control
Answer: A

5. Availability of other alternatives

A. increases ones social power
B. decreases ones social power
C. increases ones dependence
D. creates imbalance if ones partner also has other alternatives
Answer: A

6. From a comparison level perspective, quitting work after marriage is likely to decrease
power by reducing
A. sex drive.
B. attractiveness of others.

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Chapter 12 Power and Violence

C. life stresses.
D. alternatives.
Answer: D

7. When someone has control of all possible outcomes for their partner, this is known as
A. life control.
B. fate control.
C. mind control.
D. parental control.
Answer: B

8. Derrick accepted a job in another state. His wife, who is not employed outside the
home, is not happy about moving but feels she doesnt have a choice. This is an example
A. counterpower
B. life control
C. fate control
D. behavior control
Answer: C

9. Alice tells her partner that shell bake cookies while he mows the lawn. This is an
example of
A. fate control
B. behavior control
C. life control
D. referent control
Answer: B

10. Mrs. Garcia says she will take away 13-year-old Samanthas cell phone if Samantha
keeps having phone conversations during the familys dinner hour. On what basis of power
does this way of influencing her daughters behavior rely?
A. coercion
B. expertise
C. legitimate
D. referent
E. reward
Answer: A

11. Counterpower occurs

A. as revenge, when one partner has been disempowered.
B. when both partners have control over each other.
C. when one partner has control over food and food stuffs.
D. as a function of time, when one partner controls scheduling.
Answer: B

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Chapter 12 Power and Violence

12. Which kind of power do we willingly give to another person out of identification with
that person?
A. coercive
B. expertise
C. informational
D. legitimate
E. referent
Answer: E

13. When a professor asks a student in class to stop talking to his neighbor and join the
class discussion that professor is most likely exercising
A. legitimate power
B. informational power
C. referent power
D. expert power
Answer: A

14. Possession of specific types of power is most strongly influenced by

A. alternatives.
B. cultural norms.
C. geography.
D. birth order.
Answer: B

15. Which of the following is true?

A. When and women face the same disparity in relative resourceds.
B. Only 16% of Americas 500 largest companies have woman CEOs.
C. Men generally make more money than women.
D. All of these are true.
Answer: D

16. Love is an example of which type of resource?

A. particularistic
B. universalistic
C. patriarchal
D. matriarchal
Answer: A

17. When women are in positions of leadership

A. they are evaluated in a way similar to the way men are evaluated
B. they are evaluated more harshly when they straightforwardly tell others what to do
C. they are evaluated more leniently when they straightforwardly tell others what to do
D. they are judged as more charming and likeable, no matter what leadership style they

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Chapter 12 Power and Violence

Answer: B

18. Coercive power

A. usually relates to less compromise in ones partner than gentler kinds of power
B. create greater contentment in ones partner
C. usually relates to less resistance in ones partner than other kinds of power
D. usually a very helpful, productive way of influencing ones partner
Answer: A

19. Who is most likely to be interrupted in a conversation?

A. a man talking to another man.
B. a woman talking to another woman.
C. a man talking to a woman
D. a woman talking to a man
Answer: D

20. When women speak in a tentative as opposed to an assertive manner,

A. men are less influenced by them.
B. men are more influenced by them.
C. men like them less.
D. other women are more influenced by them.
Answer: B

21. When one communicator is more powerful than the other, who is responsible for
keeping track of what is being communicated generally?
A. The boss
B. The subordinate
C. They are both equally responsible
D. Someone else
Answer: C

22. According to research by Peplau, indirect and unilateral styles of power are most
likely to be used by
A. homosexual women.
B. homosexual men.
C. heterosexual women.
D. heterosexual men.
Answer: C

23. When they want to begin a relationship, men are likely to use
A. a direct strategy.
B. an indirect strategy.

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Chapter 12 Power and Violence

C. a bilateral strategy.
D. a unilateral strategy.
Answer: A

24. Direct strategies of power are used when

A. one is an expert or has more knowledge
B. when one is a novice or has less knowledge
C. indirect styles have not worked; its the strategy of last resort
D. one is female
Answer: A

25. Spouses who share decision making tend to

A. have marriages that are less happy, more contentious, and more prone to divorce
B. enjoy marriages that are happier, but they are also more prone to divorce
C. enjoy marriages that are happier, less contentious, and less prone to divorce
D. have marriages that are more contentious but also longer lasting
Answer: C

26. Which of the following conclusions could one draw from this chapter on power?
A. Power is necessarily corrosive to relationships.
B. Power typically enhances important relationships.
C. Power is neither malevolent nor benevolent in relationships.
D. Power has little bearing on relationships.
Answer: C

27. In a phone interview survey of Americans researchers found that ___ of women and
___ of men had experienced a violent assault of by an intimate partner.
A. 5%, 2%
B. 14%, 3%
C. 22%, 7%
D. 36%, 15%
Answer: C

28. When violence erupts from a heated conflict that gets out of hand this type of violence
is called
A. intimate terrorism
B. intimate control
C. situational couple violence
D. violent resistance
Answer: C

29. Intimate terrorism

A. is less likely to involve serious injury to its target than situational couple violence

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Chapter 12 Power and Violence

B. occurs more often than situational couple violence

C. is more likely to be two-sided than situational couple violence
D. victims are more likely to fight back than victims of situational couple violence
Answer: B

30. The evolutionary theory that suggests we work to regulate and control our partners
access to potential rivals is
A. intimate resistance
B. intimate terrorism
C. mate-resistance
D. mate-guarding
Answer: D

31. In terms of gender differences in partner violence

A. women are more likely to engage in physical violence against their partner than men
B. men are more likely to engage in physical violence against their partner than women
C. men and women engage in equal amounts of physical violence against their partners
D. women are more likely to initiate physical violence, men are more likely to be defensive
in using physical violence
Answer: A

32. In terms of gender differences in partner violence

A. most of the injuries are suffered by women
B. most of the injuries are suffered by men
C. women are more likely to murder their partners
D. women are more likely to become stalkers after a break-up
Answer: A

33. An individual who comes from a violent family or lives in a culture that condones
intimate partner violence has _______ influences on violence.
A. relational
B. situational
C. distal
D. stylistic
Answer: C

34. With regard to couple violence among heterosexuals in the United States,
A. women are more likely to be physically injured by their partners violent actions.
B. women are less likely to act violently toward their partners.
C. men are more likely to use physical tactics against their partners.
D. all of these
Answer: A

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Chapter 12 Power and Violence

35._______ influences make it more likely that partners will experience violent impulses,
_______ influences encourage partners to refrain from acting on those impulses.
A. Inhibiting, impelling
B. Inclusive, impelling
C. Inhibiting, inclusive
D. Impelling, inhibiting
Answer: D

36. Cohabiting couples experience more violence than married couples do. This is a
_________ influence on violence
A. relational
B. situational
C. distal
D. stylistic
Answer: A

37. Men who are intimate terrorists

A. are rare. Women are much more likely to be intimate terrorists
B. have very few commonalities, each tends to be very different from the next in terms of
previous experience with conflict or attitudes toward women
C. tend to abuse their partners but no one else
D. often give clues to their tendency toward violence early in their relationships
Answer: D

38. People who have experienced violence as a child are

A. doomed to repeat it in their own family.
B. more likely to repeat it in their own family, but many do not.
C. less likely to repeat it in their own family, knowing how destructive it can be.
D. equally likely to perpetrate violence in their own family as someone who did not
experience violence as a child.
Answer: B

39. In research on men who were incarcerated for abusing their female partners, Julia
Wood found that
A. almost all of the men were remorseful for their actions
B. most saw themselves as abusers because of their actions
C. all mentioned their partners provocation as the source of their abuse
D. most believed they were not entitled to use violence in their relationships, it has just
Answer: C

40. Which of the following factors have been found to influence the tendency of some
women to stay in abusive relationships?
A. anxious-ambivalent attachment.
B. dysfunctional reinforcement patterns.

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C. the patriarchal, sexist nature of society.

D. the womans other options, they dont think theyll be better off they leave
Answer: D

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