Case Study IITKGP Prithvi 2017
Case Study IITKGP Prithvi 2017
Case Study IITKGP Prithvi 2017
Sub-surface Evaluation
Disclaimer: The materials used in this exercise are only for educational purpose specific to the IITKGP Prithvi event-2017 and thereby can not be used or
reproduced for any purpose without prior consent from Cairn India Ltd.
Westeros Field
The Westeros Field is an offshore field located in a passive margin setting, with Miocene clastic reservoirs deposited
in large deltaic environment. The structural configuration of the Field is known to be complex with several generations
of faulting, primarily related to sedimentary loading of the shelf or instability and collapse during periods of sea level
low stand. Later faulting may also be present that has reactivated earlier faults. Low angle listric faulting is the
dominant structural style within the field. There are several listric detachment surfaces within the stratigraphy, the
principal one is at the Base Tertiary. Relative rise and fall in sea-level through time has continually shifted the
depositional environment between shelf and slope. Stratigraphically, the field consists of alternative sand and shale
sequences. Two major periods of sea-level fall have occurred, causing significant erosional unconformities i.e. during
Late Miocene and the Pliocene and were followed by rapid sea-level rises, deep-water conditions and deposition of
thick shale sequences. These shale sequences acts as seals to the main hydrocarbon accumulations in the field. Key
hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs are of Miocene age, with depth ranges from 1500m to 1800m (sub-sea depth). The
sediments were deposited in northeast - southwest oriented, wave-influenced shoreface with an adjacent coastal plain
that includes major fluvial distributary systems. Due to massive influx of sediments the basin has undergone several
stages of growth faulting and the effect of erosion and tectonism has profound effect on the evolution of this basin.
The Westeros Field was discovered by two successful exploration wells in 2005 and 2006 with multiple discoveries at
multiple level. Later, as part of appraisal program, four more wells were drilled subsequently between 2006 to 2010 to
delineate the hydrocarbon extent of the field for further development strategy.
The operator has used High-Density 3D seismic data for mapping key seismic elements and determined the over all
field structure. Operator has also acquired all basic wireline log in all wells with about 70m core in one well and
estimated the petrophysical properties like porosity, water saturation etc. Formation fluid pressure data was also
acquired in three wells to determine fluid contacts.
Westeros Field - Sub-surface Evaluation
To present a sub-surface evaluation of the Westeros Field as a part of the ongoing field development.
Problem Statement
Using the seismic interpretation, basemap, well log data from 6 wells, formation pressure data from 3 wells
and core data from one well, the team needs to present sub-surface evaluation for the proposed ongoing field
development plan to the higher management of the company. The sub-surface evaluation should include
broad structural and geological setting of the given area, the total in-place hydrocarbon volume estimate and
estimation of expected recoverable hydrocarbon (reserves) of the field with the number of wells required to be
drilled assuming a certain well potential.
Data Provided:
Basemap showing seismic interpreted Top Reservoir depth values and well locations.
3 key Depth Seismic lines A-A, B-B and C-C to understand the structural framework of the field and 1
seismic TWT section (along C- C).
Well panel for correlation through Wells- Stark, Lannister, Greyjoy, Tyrell, Targaryen and Bolton.
3 well-log templates, showing Gamma-Ray, Resistivity and Neutron-Density.
Datasheet for Reservoir marker depths, formation pressure test results, key formulas to be applied and
some general tips.
Sedimentological data (core descriptions, photographs of core and thin-sections) from one well.
It is suggested to have at least one geologist and one geophysicist in each team and a minimum of 4
members required per team.
Final Presentation
After successful completion of the project, individual teams need to present their field development concept
(ppt. presentation) to the expert panel of the management with their data for volumetric estimates.
Westeros Field: Sub-surface Evaluation Exercise
1. Seismic sections (depth seismic and time-seismic) passing through wells are provided from different locations within the field.
The teams are expected to:
a) Interpret the Top and Bottom of the Reservoir with key seismic events and structural elements on the provided depth
seismic lines (A-A, B-B and C-C).
b) Identify Direct-Hydrocarbon Indicator (if any) using the seismic section (Two-way time) provided.
2. A basemap showing seismic interpreted Top Reservoir depth values and well locations is being provided. The teams are
expected to prepare a depth contour map and estimate/mark the following:
3. Well logs from six wells with basic suite of wireline logs are provided. The reservoir top and bottom depths are in table in the
attached dataset. Also sedimentological data from one well (Lannister) has been provided. The teams are expected to
estimate/mark the following:
a) Mark the reservoir tops and base on the respective well templates and estimate the gross reservoir thicknesses for the
individual wells . Also estimate the average gross reservoir thickness for the field.
b) Determine Net-Sand thicknesses for individual wells based on the log motif
c) Determine Net-to-Gross ratio (NTG), average porosity and average water saturation for individual wells and the field.
(Porosity and Water Saturation to be estimated for the reservoir zone only)
d) Make well correlation using log motifs in the geological well panel provided.
e) Looking at the log motifs, sedimentological log and core data Describe the possible depositional environment of the
given reservoir.
f) Describe the reservoir properties (grain size, sorting, visual porosity, etc.) as seen from the core data and how does it
match with the wireline log data.
Westeros Field: Sub-surface Evaluation Exercise continued..
4. Formation pressure data against depth (TVDSS) for 3 wells are provided.
a) Using the pressure-depth relationship provided, determine the possible fluid contact depth/s and estimate the fluid
gradient/s. Based on your estimated fluid gradient/s determine the Fluid Type/s (Gas/Oil/Water).
b) Plot these fluid contact detail/s on the depth contour map.
5. Based on the results of Question 2 and 3 you are expected to calculate the following:
a) The total in-place hydrocarbon volume/s in the field and the expected recoverable hydrocarbon (assume a Recovery
factor of 50% for Oil and 80% for Gas using water injection support)
b) Estimate the number of wells need to be drilled to effectively drain the reservoir/s, assuming each well can produce
approximately 6000 barrels of hydrocarbon volumes per day and field can produce for 12 years.
Briefly discuss about the field (structural set up, depositional environment, effect of sea-level changes, reservoir properties and
fluid types) based on the exercise and the data provided. In addition, suggest a field development plan for optimum exploitation of
reserves based on the understanding from the sub-surface evaluation.
Map with Depth values (metre sub-sea depths) at Top Reservoir structure, along
with the 3 key seismic lines A-A, B-B and C-C, passing through the wells
Depth Seismic: The area within the rectangle (dotted) is the main reservoir zone. (While attempting the exercise related to
reservoir, the teams should concentrate on this. For over all field structure the team should look into the whole seismic section). GR (Green) and
Resistivity (Red) logs are annotated along well path
Blue is positive
Red is Negative
Depth Seismic: The area within the rectangle (dotted) is the main reservoir zone. (While attempting the exercise related to
reservoir, the teams should concentrate on this. For over all field structure the team should look into the whole seismic section). GR (Green) and
Resistivity (Red) logs are annotated along well path
Blue is positive
Red is Negative
Depth Seismic: The area within the rectangle (dotted) is the main reservoir zone. (While attempting the exercise related to
reservoir, the teams should concentrate on this. For over all field structure the team should look into the whole seismic section). GR (Green) and
Resistivity (Red) logs are annotated along well path
Blue is positive
Red is Negative
Arbitrary Seismic TWT (along C- C) section to delineate possible fluid contacts. The area within the
rectangle (dotted) is the main reservoir zone.
Blue is positive
Red is Negative
Well- Targaryen
Well- Tyrell
Well- Bolton
Well- Stark
Well- Greyjoy
Well- Lannister
Formation Pressure Data and Well Tops
Well- Targaryen
Well A-1 WellStark
Well- D-2
Depth (m TVDSS) Formation pressure (psi) Depth (m TVDSS) Formation pressure (psi)
1644.80 2577.20 1600.7 2525.4
1650.00 2582.00 1611.9 2522.9
1619.9 2525.3
1654.20 2586.00
1626.1 2525.9
1668.00 2600.00
1628.6 2525.7
1670.80 2604.70
1630.0 2527.0
1680.00 2614.00
1634.5 2531.6
1686.00 2620.00 1636.6 2533.0
1709.00 2654.00 1639.9 2538.0
1692.50 2630.00 1642.8 2541.5
1700.00 2640.00 1652.0 2553.8
1709.00 2652.40 1663.1 2564.7
1691.8 2602.5
Well Greyjoy
D-3 1691.8 2602.2
Depth (m TVDSS) Formation pressure (psi) 1698.6 2611.0
1653.21 2536.85 1701.5 2615.7
1658.19 2542.00 1704.9 2619.7
1666.08 2547.90 1747.6 2698.2
1670.36 2552.68 1757.0 2711.4
1680.23 2563.40 1707.0 2621.0
1685.57 2567.40
1694.60 2580.00
1699.08 2584.70
1704.10 2587.20
1707.90 2592.30
1709.36 2594.70
1716.26 2605.30
1717.78 2606.80
1724.79 2618.20
1726.41 2618.40
Core Images from the reservoir sections of Lannister well
1668.9m TVDSS
1653.5m TVDSS
Annexure 1: Map with Depth values at Reservoir Top and Well Locations (Sub-surface locations) for
Annexure 3: Sedimentological Log from Well Lannister for Interpreting the Depositional
MM Million (106)
MMm3 Million Cubic Metres
MMbbls Million Barrels
MMscf Million Standard Cubic Feet
TVDSS True Vertical Depth with reference to Mean Sea-level
TWT Two-way Time
PSI Pounds per Square Inch (absolute)
GR Gamma Ray Log
LLD Deep Resistivity Log
NPHI Neutron Log
RHOB Density Log
PHIE Effective Porosity
SWAT Water Saturation
Vsh Shale Volume
FVF Formation volume Factor
Bo Formation Volume Factor of Oil
Bg Formation Volume Factor of Gas
Rw Formation Water Resistivity
General Tips and Formulae
Gross Rock Volume (GRV) MMm3 = Area of hydrocarbon accumulation X Average Reservoir Thickness
Hydrocarbon In-Place (MMbbls) = (GRV X Avg. NTG X Avg. Porosity X Avg. HC Saturation X Geometric Factor)/FVF
Hydrocarbon Reserves (MMbbls) = HC In-Place X Recovery Factor
HC Saturation = 1 (Avg Water saturation)
Archies Equation -
General Tips
In the seismic line blue event is peak and red event is trough.
Estimate grid cell sizes by joining grid nodes and estimate grid cell areas from the scale provided.
Determine area in square meters and rock volume in cubic meters. Use conversion factor to calculate in-place volume in
Barrel and BCF. Convert to million hydrocarbon volumes.
Area of accumulation is the area between the primary trap and the fluid contact/s.
Formation Volume Factors for oil and Gas (Bo & Bg.) to be used to convert hydrocarbon volumes at sub-surface to
surface conditions.
Calculate Average Petrophysical values for the wells and the field using simple arithmetic averaging.
NTG is defined as Total Net Sand thickness divided by Total Gross Reservoir thickness.
Convert fluid gradients to psi/ft to determine fluid type.
Edge Water Drive as the primary drive mechanism. By considering water injection support in future, assume 50%
recovery for Oil and 80% recovery for Gas from the field.