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Volumes and Slope Area: 11.1 Overview

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___________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 11

Volumes and Slope Area

11.1 Overview

Feature / Function Compute volumes between two models or a model and plane, and
generate an optional ASCII report.

DTM Menu Bar Analysis > Volumes

The Volumes Tool computes volumes between TIN models and planes.
The quantities are displayed in the dialog, and can be optionally written
into an ASCII file. Eight volume analyses are supported in the
GEOPAK DTM operation to compute cut and fill volumes. These

Prismoidal Surface To Plane - prismoidal volume between a

single triangulated model and a horizontal plane at a specified
Prismoidal Surface to Surface - prismoidal volume between two
triangulation models.
Prismoidal Surface Balance - volume between two gridded
triangulation models producing simply a cut and fill totals.
Gridded Surface To Plane - volume between a single gridded
triangulated model and a horizontal plane at a specified
Gridded Surface to Surface - volume between two gridded
triangulation models.
Gridded Surface Balance - prismoidal volume between two TIN
models producing simply a cut and fill totals.
Elevation Differences - Surface to Plane - a variety of grid
generation, Isopach contour drawing, and cut/fill latticing
between a lattice surface and a horizontal plane.
Elevation Differences - Surface to Surface - a variety of grid
generation, Isopach contour drawing, and cut/fill latticing
between two TIN models.

Each of these options will be discussed in subsequent subsections.

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For each volume option, the area about which volume calculations are
performed is defined by a MicroStation shape or complex shape
element (Select mode). An alternative method of defining the area
about which volume calculations are performed is by interactively
defining the area (Place mode). Both Select and Place mode operations
will be discussed for each volume calculation option. In addition, depth
ranges may also be utilized for each Lattice or TIN Volume option,
however, they are not supported for the Lattice Patch functions.

When the Volumes tool is selected, the dialog depicted below is


Calculation Activate one of the two methods to determine the method of

Method: calculation. Prismoidal utilizes the triangulation models, while the
Grid Points utilizes lattice models created "on the fly."
Prismoidal When activated, triangulated models are utilized to compute the
prismoidal volume.
Grid Points When activated, the Site Modeler utilizes the user-specified number
of Grid Points to create a lattice, then computes lattice volumes.
Calculation and This group box specifies which TIN files or planes are to be utilized

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Site Elements for volume calculations. As the Calculation type is selected, the
From and To fields directly below dynamically change to reflect the
Calculation A TIN file and a horizontal Plane (defined by specified elevation)
can be utilized for volume calculations. When TIN to TIN is
selected, the fields directly below are From TIN and To TIN, as
depicted below. This configuration would be common for
determining the project volumes, i.e., from existing ground terrain to
the proposed surface.

When Plane to TIN is selected, the fields directly below are From
Plane and To TIN. In this case, a keyin field for the elevation is
provided. This example is common for determining volumes
between existing ground and the proposed pond.

Use Range Pressing the Use Range button invokes the dialog depicted below.
Note the button is only unghosted when the toggle is active. If the
toggle is active and no ranges are defined, the Process button
remains ghosted.

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The center of the dialog contains the list box, with edit fields directly
below. Options are supported (button to the right of the list box) to
Add, Modify, and Delete ranges. When the Active toggle is
activated, the selected range is utilized for computations. A range
can be activated or deactivated at any time during the processing by
highlighting the desired line and changing the Active toggle. In this
manner, the user has complete control over which ranges are
computed at any one time.
To add a single range, simply key in the desired values, set the
Active toggle, and press the Add button. The created line is added
to the list box. To modify a line, highlight the desired line. The
current values are displayed in the edit fields. Change the desired
field, then press the Modify button. GEOPAK updates the list box.
To delete a line, highlight the line and press the Delete button. The
line is removed from the list box. An unlimited number of ranges is
supported. When more than five ranges are specified, the scroll bar
and arrows on the right side of the dialog are automatically invoked
for easy scanning.
The top of the dialog supports automatic creation of ranges. Two
options are supported:
Auto Number of Ranges - the number of ranges is
specified, along with the Minimum and Maximum
elevations (or slopes or aspects). GEOPAK divides the
elevation into the specified number of ranges.
Auto Range Increment - the range increment is
specified, along with the Minimum and Maximum
elevations. GEOPAK divides the elevation into as many

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ranges as necessary at the specified increment.
For example, set the Range option to Auto Range Increment.
Then set the Range Increment to 5, and the Minimum and
Maximum elevations to 700 and 750 respectively. To populate the
list box with the specified ranges, press the Set Range button. The
resultant dialog is depicted below. Note the buttons to the right of
the Elevations are the Min /Max values for the current TIN Model.
They are displayed only when TIN file names are specified within the
main dialog. To utilize them in populating the fields, simply press
the appropriated button.

The Range Increment is added to the Minimum Elevation as

many times as possible until the Maximum Elevation is attained.
Note there are numerous ranges, however, each range is five master
units (per our dialog specification.) All Active toggles are
defaulted on.
Now, change the Range to Auto Number of Ranges, and set the
Number of Ranges to five. Leaving the Minimum and
Maximum Elevations the same as the last example, press the Set
Range button. The resultant dialog is depicted below.

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In this case, GEOPAK computed the elevation difference, divided by

the number of ranges, and computed the Low and High for each
range. Note, there are only five ranges (the number specified in the
dialog) in the list box, each 10 master units in range. All Active
toggles are defaulted on.
To utilize the specified ranges for subsequent sessions, several File
functions are supported: Save, Save As, and Open.
Volume This display field contains the Cut Volume, Fill Volume,
Calculations Balance, and Area. Units are determined by the Site User
Preferences (not Site Modeler preferences.) In English projects,
units are cubic and square yards, while metric projects are cubic and
square meters.
Output An optional output can be generated, placing the results in an ASCII
Output to ASCII File When activated, the results are placed in the specified ASCII file
Files Name of ASCII file to be created or appended. In lieu of typing,
pressing the Files button invokes the Create ASCII Output File
dialog, wherein the desired file may be selected.
Create File Setting the option to Create File creates a new file, while setting
Append File the option to Append File adds the results of the current
processing to the bottom of the previously created file.
View Pressing this button invokes the MDL editor, and automatically
loads the output report.
Boundary Selection Volume calculations can be performed in a user-defined area, rather
than the entire model, utilizing information within this group box.
Use Boundary When activated, the Site Modeler utilizes a user-defined boundary,
rather than computing volumes for the entire model.

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Place Pressing this button enables the user to subsequently identify data
points within the model. To close the boundary, place the last data
point within the circle at the initial point of the boundary.
Select Pressing this button enables the user to identify a previously defined
closed element, wherein volume calculations can be computed.
Process Commences the volume calculations. Note this button is ghosted
until sufficient data has been incorporated within the dialog.

11.1.1 Volumes Calculation Example

In this first example, the total project volume is calculated. The dialog
is depicted below.

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The example utilizes the prismoidal option and calculates From TIN,
ground To TIN, Proposed. Ranges have been defined as depicted in
the graphic below.

The optional report is also being utilized. The total quantities are
displayed in the center of the dialog, while the View button is pressed
in order to open the text editor and view the sub-totals, as depicted

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The second example is From Plane (elevation 704.00) To TIN

(Pond). In this case, the elevation is above the pond. The Grid
Points option is utilized, and therefore, the toggle is active and 10000
points has been keyed in the appropriate field. No depth ranges are
required, so the Use Range toggle is not active. As we only want
total cut / fill volumes, no report is required. Therefore, the Output
to ASCII File toggle is not active. The dialog, including quantities, is
depicted below.

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11.2 Elevation Differences

Feature / Function Generate grids, or contours of elevation differences

Menu Bar Application Analysis > Elevation Differences

The Elevation Difference tool supports a variety of grid generation,

Isopach contour drawing, and cut/fill latticing. The three tools are:

Elevation Difference - draws the grid of cut / fill elevations, i.e.,

the cut or fill depth between the two specified TIN files at each
grid point. In a 3D design file, when in a front or side view, the
grid displays T's. The T's represent the cut or fill values. The
vertical part of the T is the vertical length of the cut or fill and
the bar of the T is the text value of the cut or fill. The bar of
the T is placed on the surface of the From TIN. Therefore, in a

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cut situation, a normal T is placed, while in a fill situation the T
is inverted.
Cut / Fill Grid - a lattice with a user-defined number of points
determining the density with different element symbology for
cut and fill. The lattice can be wireframe or filled color.
Cut / Fill Contours (Isopach) - which are simply contours of the
cut and fill depths. A fill of two feet is a positive two contour,
while a cut depth of six would be a negative contour. A zero
contour would be where the surface and plane intersect.
When invoked, the dialog depicted below is displayed.

Calculation TIN Models and a horizontal Plane (defined by specified

elevation) can be utilized for elevation differences. When TIN to
TIN is selected, the fields directly below are From TIN and To
TIN, as depicted below. This configuration would be common for
determining the project elevation differences, i.e., from existing
ground terrain to the proposed surface.

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Option The Cut / Fill Grid option requires the number of grid points, then
calculates the grid interval based on the area encompassed by the
TIN, Plane or Boundary area.

The Elevation Difference option requires the grid interval to

determine the gridded text placement.

The Cut / Fill Contours option requires the number of grid points
in order to lattice the models, then draws Isopach (cut / fill) contours
of the latticed model. User-defined parameters include Contour
Elevation Interval (elevation difference between successive
contours), and Contour Label Interval. If the Label toggle is
active, and the Contour Label Interval is zero, a single label is
placed midpoint on each contour.

Display Only When activated, the elevation differences are not drawn into the

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MicroStation file, and disappear when any view or update command is
Fill Only applicable in the cut / fill grid, this toggle when active fills the
grid solid color, rather than wire frame. Note the Fill View Attribute
must also be active.
Set Graphic Group When activated, all themes within a single processing are placed in a
single graphic group for easy manipulation and deletion.
Planarize at Elevation When activated, all elevation difference data is drawn at the specified
elevation, rather than the elevation of the TIN model. This is
applicable only in a 3D design file.
Boundary Selection Elevation differences can be performed in a user-defined area, rather
than the entire model, utilizing information within this group box.
Use Boundary When activated, the Site Modeler utilizes a user-defined boundary,
rather than displaying elevation differences for the entire model.
Place Pressing this button enables the user to subsequently identify data
points within the model. To close the boundary, place the last data
point within the circle at the initial point of the boundary.
Select Pressing this button enables the user to identify a previously defined
closed element, wherein elevation differences can be displayed.
Process Commences the elevation difference calculations. Note this button is
ghosted until sufficient data has been incorporated within the dialog.

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11.2.1 Elevation Differences Examples
The first example is utilizing the Elevation Difference option as
depicted in the dialog below. The Grid Intervals are set to 25 master

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A detail of one area is illustrated below.

The graphic below illustrates the screen if a side view is depicted (3D
design file only).

The T's represent the cut or fill values. The vertical part of the T is the
vertical length of the cut or fill and the bar of the T is the text value of
the cut or fill. The bar of the T is placed on the surface of the primary
TIN. Therefore, in a cut situation, a normal T is placed, while in a fill
situation the T is inverted.

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The second example is the Cut / Fill Grid utilizing the dialog below.

The resultant grid (lattice)is depicted below. Note the change in color
for the cut, fill and even. If the Fill toggle is active, the grid is solid
color, rather than the individual lattice grids.

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The third example is Cut / Fill (Isopach) Contours. In the dialog
below, 5000 Grid Points are utilized.

The contours are every even master unit, i.e., every foot or meter. As
the Label toggle is active and the Contour Label Interval is set to
zero, each contour is labeled at the midpoint.

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11.3 Slope Area

Feature / Function Displays the horizontal area and actual slope area

Menu Bar Application Analysis > Slope Area

The Slope Area tool displays the horizontal area and actual slope area
(area following the terrain of the Model or Object). When invoked, the
dialog depicted below is displayed.

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TIN File Select the desired TIN by pressing the Files button.
Area Calculations Display area of the Area (measured on a horizontal plane) and the
Slope Area (measured along the actual model or object).
Boundary Selection When activated, an enclosed shape or boundary must be identified.
To select a previously defined element, press the Select button and
select the element. To interactively identify the area, press the
Place button and place data points around the desired area. To
close, move the cursor near the initial point within the displayed
circle and place the final data point. It is not necessary to tentatively
snap to the initial point.
Process Commences the computation and upon completion, populates the
Area Calculations group box.

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