SSC All Previous Year Asked One Word Substitution Bilingual

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(Bilingual- with English & Hindi meaning)
Asked in various SSC exams (updated till CGL T2 Re-Exam, 2016)
Useful for CGL T-1 & T-2, CPO Pre and Mains, CHSL, etc.

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Coming Soon:

1. SSC CGL 2016 Tier 1 One Liners (39 Shifts) Uploaded

2. SSC CHSL 2016 Tier 1 One Liners (All 74 Shifts) Uploaded
3. All Previous Year One Word Substitution (Bilingual) Uploaded
4. All Previous Year Synonyms (Bilingual) 30/06/2017
5. All Previous Year Antonyms (Bilingual) 01/07/2017
6. All Previous Year Idiom & Phrase (Bilingual) 02/07/2017
7. Current Affairs 03/07/2017

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In this document we have compiled Antonyms asked in various

examination held by SSC.

Some Antonyms are repeated, focus on them because they were asked
multiple times, so they have been included them multiple times.

Thanks & Regards


1. One who has become dependent on something or drugs ..Addict / - (SO (Audit), 1997)
2. Fear of being enclosed in small closed space . Claustrophobia / - - (SO (Audit), 1997)

3. Call upon God or any other power (like law) for help or protection .....Invocation / (SO (Audit), 1997)

4. Severely abusive writing in journals ..Scurrilous / (SO (Audit), 1997)

5. A person who opposes war or use of military force Pacifist / / (SO (Audit), 1997)

6. One not concerned with right or wrong .Amoral / (SO (Audit), 1997)

7. Something no longer in use ..Obsolete / (SO (Audit), 1997)

8. Stealthily done (something done in a quiet and secret way in order to avoid being noticed)
Surreptitious / (SO (Audit), 1997)

9. Words written on a tomb .Epitaph / - (SO (Audit), 1997)

10. A person with a long experience of any occupation .Veteran / (SO (Audit), 1997)

11. Something capable of being done .Feasible / (SO (Audit), 2001)

12. A person coming to a foreign land to settle there .....Immigrant / (SO (Audit), 2001)

13. Anything which is no longer in use ..Obsolete / (SO (Audit), 2001)

14. A person who is unable to pay debts .Insolvent / (SO (Audit), 2001)

15. Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses, and therefore not definite
. Ambiguous / (SO (Audit), 2001)

16. A short poem or speech addressed to the spectators after the conclusion of drama
Epilogue / (SO (Audit), 2001)

17. Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money Fraud / (SO (Audit), 2001)

18. Flat metal or Porcelain plate fixed on a wall as an ornament or memorial .Plaque / (SO (Audit),

19. To cut something into two pieces Sever / (SO (Audit), 2001)

20. Succession of rulers belonging to one family Dynasty / - (SO (Audit), 2001)

21. To seize control of a vehicle in order to force it to go to a new destination or demand something
..Hijack / (SO (Audit), 2003)

22. Lasting only for a moment - Momentary / (SO (Audit), 2003)

23. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain ..Stoic / (SO (Audit), 2003)

24. The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food ..Gastronomy / - (SO (Audit), 2003)

25. Killing of a child .Infanticide / (SO (Audit), 2003)

26. One who believes in offering equal opportunities to women in all spheres
Feminist / (SO (Audit), 2003)

27. One who studies election trend by means of opinion polls Psephologist / (SO (Audit), 2003)

28. A doctor who treats children Paediatrician / (SO (Audit), 2003)

29. One who can think about the future with imagination and wisdom .Visionary / (SO (Audit), 2003)

30. Give and receive mutually - Reciprocate / - (SO (Audit), 2003)

31. A building where an audience sits Auditorium / (SO (Audit), 2004)

32. The first model of a new device .Prototype / (SO (Audit), 2004)

33. Tough tissues in joints .. Ligaments / (SO (Audit), 2004)

34. The study of maps . Cartography / (SO (Audit), 2004) Page 1
35. A person who breaks into houses in order to steal . Burglar / (SO (Audit), 2004)

36. The study of the origin and history of words .. Etymology / (SO (Audit), 2004)

37. One who can walk on ropes (tightrope walker) Funambulist / (SO
(Audit), 2004)

38. Belonging to all parts of the world Cosmopolitan / (SO (Audit), 2004)

39. One who hates mankind .Misanthrope / (SO (Audit), 2004)

40. One who goes to settle in another country ..Emigrant / (SO (Audit), 2004)

41. Constant efforts to achieve something .Perseverance / (TA (IT & CE), 2004 )
42. A person who believes in total abolition of war . Pacifist / (TA (IT & CE), 2004)

43. A four footed animal ..Quadruped / (TA (IT & CE), 2004 )
44. Ready to believe anything ..Credulous / (TA (IT & CE), 2004)

45. That which lasts for a short time Transitory / (TA (IT & CE), 2004)

46. Indifference to pleasure or pain .Stoicism / (SO (Audit), 2005)

47. A body of persons appointed to hear evidence or judge and give their verdict (decision)
..Jury / (SO (Audit), 2005)

48. The essential or characteristic customs , habits and conventions of a society or community
Mores / - (SO (Audit), 2005)

49. A system of Government in which only one political party is allowed to function -
.Totalitarianism / (SO (Audit), 2005)

50. One who collects coins Numismatist / (SO (Audit), 2005)

51. Violation of something holy or sacred ..Sacrilege / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)

52. A broad road bordered with trees - Boulevard / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)

53. Animals who live in herds ....Gregarious / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)

54. The murder of parents or near relative Parricide / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)

55. A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one .

Euphemism / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)

56. One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a state -
..Anarchist / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005 )
57. One who secretly listens to talks of others .Eavesdropper / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)

58. Science of diseases .Pathology / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005 )

59. One who is beyond reforms ..Incorrigible / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)

60. Concluding part of a literary work - Epilogue / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)

61. The act of killing whole group of people, especially a whole race ..Genocide / (SO(CA), 2005)

62. One who stays away from school or work without permission ..Truant / (SO(CA), 2005)

63. A person without training or experience in a skill or subject Novice / (SO(CA), 2005)

64. Dissection of a dead body to find the cause of the death Autopsy / - (SO(CA), 2005 )
65. The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs - .Theology / (SO(CA), 2005)

66. One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure ..Stoic / (SO(CA), 2005 )
67. A place where Jews worship according to their religion .Synagogue / (SO(CA), 2005)

68. An area of land that is controlled by a ruler ..Dominion / (SO(CA), 2005) Page 2
69. One who is greedy Voracious / (SO(CA), 2005 )
70. Simple, fast-spreading plant without flowers or leaves, which can often cause disease
Fungus / (SO(CA), 2005 )
71. Dry weather with no rainfall .Drought / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)

72. Too much official formality Red-tapism / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)

73. Living together of a man and woman without being married to each other
Concubinage / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)

74. A place where government / public records are kept - ..Archive / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)

75. A place where all religions are honoured - Secular / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)
76. Excessive preoccupation with ones health - Hypochondriac / (Statistical Invigilator, 2006)

77. Without risk of punishment - .Impunity / (Statistical Invigilator, 2006)

78. Deep in thought - Pensive / (Statistical Invigilator, 2006)

79. A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes .Wag / (Statistical Invigilator, 2006)

80. A sly look that is lustful Leer / (Statistical Invigilator, 2006)

81. Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks Dipsomania / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)

82. A hater of mankind .Misanthrope / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)

83. A remedy for all diseases Panacea / - (TA(IT&CE), 2006)

84. Something that is poisonous and unhealthy - .Toxic / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)

85. The worship of idols or images .Idolatry / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)

86. A place where nuns live and work Convent / (SO (CA), 2006)

87. Violation of something holy and sacred -.Sacrilege / (SO (CA), 2006)
88. One who destroys images or attacks popular beliefs Iconoclast / (SO (CA), 2006)

89. Feeding on food made of both plant and flesh Omnivorous / (SO (CA), 2006)

90. A woman having more than one husband at the same time Polyandry / (SO (CA), 2006)

91. A den for small animals Hutch / (SO (CA), 2006)

92. To take back, withdraw or renounce .Recant / (SO (CA), 2006)

93. The habit of always admiring oneself - Narcissism / (SO (CA), 2006)

94. One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle difference
Intermediary / (SO (CA), 2006)

95. One who deserts his principle or believes .Renegade / (SO (CA), 2006)

96. Property handled down after the death of a person Inheritance / (SO(Audit), 2006)

97. One who breaks the established traditions and image .Iconoclast / (SO(Audit), 2006)

98. One who believes in that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life
Hedonist / (SO(Audit), 2006)

99. Building in which a dead body is kept for a time ....Mortuary / (SO(Audit), 2006)

100. Experts in the scientific study of birds Ornithology / (SO(Audit), 2006)

101. Placing a thing besides another - Juxtapose / (SO(Audit), 2006)

102. One who does not follow the usual way of life Bohemian / (SO(Audit), 2006)

103. The first public speech delivered by a person .Maiden speech / (SO(Audit), 2006) Page 3
104. Wild and noisy disorder .Pandemonium / (SO(Audit), 2006)

105. General view of persons character Profile / (SO(Audit), 2006)

106. A person who is in his seventies ..Septuagenarian /

(SO(CA), 2007)

107. Study of insects ..Entomology / (SO(CA), 2007)

108. Military waking up signals in the morning .Reveille / (SO(CA), 2007)

109. The sound of the funeral bell ..Knell / (SO(CA), 2007)

110. One who has obstinate and narrow religious views ..Bigot / (SO(CA), 2007)

111. One who loves books - Bibliophile / (SO(CA), 2007)

112. A short poem or speech addressed to the spectators after the conclusion of a drama
.Epilogue / (SO(CA), 2007)

113. Causing or ending in death Fatal / (SO(CA), 2007)

114. A group of girls .Bevy / (SO(CA), 2007)

115. Belief that war and violence are unjustified Pacifism / (SO(CA), 2007)

116. A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area .Dyke / (TA(IT & CE), 2007 )

117. A specialist who tests eyesight - Optometrist / (TA(IT & CE), 2007 )

118. Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter - .Alliteration / (TA(IT & CE), 2007 )

119. One who walks in sleep ..Somnambulist / (TA(IT & CE), 2007 )

120. A government by officials - ...Bureaucracy / (TA(IT & CE), 2007 )

121. Of very bad morals / characterized by debasement or degeneration

.Depraved / (SO(Audit), 2007)

122. Body of a human being or animal embalmed for burial .Mummy / (SO(Audit), 2007)

123. Something which cannot be believed .Incredible / (SO(Audit), 2007)

124. A method which never fails Infallible / (SO(Audit), 2007)

125. A place where birds are kept ..Aviary / (SO(Audit), 2007)

126. The abandonment of ones country and cause ....Defection / (SO(Audit), 2007)

127. Treatment by means of exercise and massage .Physiotherapy / (SO(Audit), 2007)

128. Bitter and violent attack in words against someone or something .Diatribe / (SO(Audit), 2007)

129. Motion of heads, hands etc., as a mode of expression indicating attitude

..Gesture / - (SO(Audit), 2007)

130. To be biased against someone or something ..Prejudice / (SO(Audit), 2007)

131. A person who never takes alcoholic drinks .Teetotaller / (SO(Audit), 2008)

132. A tank where fish or water plants are kept . Aquarium / (SO(Audit), 2008)

133. A person devoted to sensual enjoyment, especially that derived from fine food and drink -
Epicurean / (SO(Audit), 2008)

134. Inability to sleep Insomnia / (SO(Audit), 2008)

135. One who believes in giving equal opportunity to women in all fields
. Feminist / (SO(Audit), 2008)

136. To have a very high opinion about oneself - .Conceited / (SO(Audit), 2008)

137. Place of burial (especially not in churchyard) .Cemetery / (SO(Audit), 2008 ) Page 4
138. A person who is always hopeful and looks upon the brighter side of things Optimist / (SO(Audit), 2008)

139. An occasion of great importance ...Momentous / (SO(Audit), 2008)

140. Government by ruler who has unlimited power .Autocracy / (SO(Audit), 2008)

141. One who journeys from place to place ..Itinerant / (TA (IT & CE, 2008))

142. That which cannot be called back ..Irrevocable / (TA (IT & CE, 2008))

143. The state of being miserable bereft (deprived of or lacking) of all possessions
Destitute / (TA (IT & CE, 2008))

144. A picture of a person or a thing drawn in such a highly exaggerated manner to cause a laughter
Caricature / (TA (IT & CE, 2008))

145. Belief that God is in everything and that everything is God .Pantheism / (TA (IT & CE, 2008))

146. One who breaks the law Transgressor / (TA (IT & CE, 2009))

147. That which cannot be captured .Ungraspable / (TA (IT & CE, 2009))

148. Reproducing or memorizing word for word - Verbatim / (TA (IT & CE, 2009))

149. Careful in spending of money, time, etc. Economical / (TA (IT & CE, 2009))

150. Study of insects - Entomology / (TA (IT & CE, 2009))

151. Science of the race of mankind ...Ethnology / (CGL T-1,2010)

152. Detaining and confining something Internment / (CGL T-1,2010)

153. One who criticizes popular beliefs which he thinks is mistaken or unwise Iconoclast /
(CGL T-1,2010)

154. Impossible to describe ..Ineffable / (CGL T-1,2010)

155. An underhand device resorted to in order to justify misconduct

.Manoeuvre / (CGL T-1,2010)

156. The animals of a particular region ..Fauna / - (CGL T-1,2010)

157. An emolument over and above fixed salary Perquisite / (CGL T-1,2010)

158. An unexpected piece of good fortune .Windfall / (CGL T-1,2010)

159. Clues available at the scene Circumstantial / (CGL T-1,2010)

160. One hides away in a ship or passenger vehicle to obtain a free passage Stowaway /
(CGL T-1,2010)

161. One who is a citizen not of a country but of the world .Cosmopolitan / (SAS, 2010)

162. Circular building or hall with a dome Rotunda / (SAS, 2010)

163. The use of many words where only a few are necessary .Circumlocution / - (SAS, 2010)

164. A continuous process of change is known as .Flux / (SAS, 2010)

165. An involuntary action under a stimulus is described as a Reflex / (SAS, 2010)

166. Determine the nature of disease ..Diagnose / (CPO, 2010)

167. Occurring at night ..Nocturnal / (CPO, 2010)

168. Arrangement in order of occurrence .Chronological / (CPO, 2010)

169. Science of heredity - Genetics / (CPO, 2010)

170. To run away with a lover .. Elope / (CPO, 2010)

171. With much liveliness and a sense of purpose ..Jauntily / (Investigator, 2010)

172. Seeing something which is not actually present ..Hallucination / (Investigator, 2010) Page 5
173. The practice of having more than one husband Polyandry / (Investigator, 2010)

174. Calmness and indifference to suffering ..Stoicism / (Investigator, 2010)

175. Person who insists on adherence to formal rules or literary meaning

.Pedant / (Investigator, 2010)

176. Words of similar meaning Synonyms / (CPO, 2010)

177. To be known for bad acts .Notorious / (CPO, 2010)

178. Belonging to all parts of the world ..Universal / (CPO, 2010)

179. One who tends to take a hopeful view of a life ..Optimist / (CPO, 2010)

180. Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure ...Barometer / - - (CPO, 2010)

181. The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote Referendum / - (CGL T-1, 2011)

182. An object or portion serving as a sample .Specimen / (CGL T-1, 2011)

183. Not to be moved by entreaty ..Despotic / (CGL T-1, 2011)

184. To renounce a high position of authority or control ..Abdicate / (CGL T-1, 2011)

185. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence .Protocol / (CGL T-1, 2011)

186. To struggle helplessly Flounder / (CGL T-1, 2011)

187. Loss of memory . Amnesia / (CGL T-1, 2011)

188. Release of a prisoner form jail on certain terms and conditions ..Parole / (CGL T-1, 2011)

189. Feeling inside you which tells you what is right and what is wrong
.Conscience / (CGL T-1, 2011)

190. An inscription on a tomb Epitaph / - (CGL T-1, 2011)

191. To look at someone in an angry or threatening way ..Glower / (CGL T-1, 2011)

192. Pertaining to cattle ..Bovine / (CGL T-1, 2011)

193. A person who writes decoratively- .Calligrapher / (CGL T-1, 2011)

194. Something that causes death Fatal / (CGL T-1, 2011)

195. A post with little work but high salary .Sinecure / (CGL T-1, 2011)

196. A test in which cells from diseased organs are removed and tested .Biopsy / - (CGL T-1, 2011)

197. One who compiles a dictionary Lexicographer / (CGL T-1, 2011)

198. Quibble (to avoid giving a direct answer to a question in order to hide the truth)-
Prevaricate / (CGL T-1, 2011)

199. Words uttered impiously about God Blasphemy / - (CGL T-1, 2011)

200. A person who has no money to pay off his debts Insolvent / (CGL T-1, 2011)

201. List of issues to be discussed at a meeting Agenda / (CPO,2011)

202. The study of insects . Entomology / (CPO,2011)

203. Theft of another persons writings or ideas and passing them off as ones own
Plagiarism / (CPO,2011)

204. The place where public, government or historical records are kept Archive / (CPO,2011)

205. Speed of an object in one direction - .Velocity / (CPO,2011)

206. In a threatening manner Ghastly / (FCI, 2012)

207. A person who pretends to be what he is not .Imposter / (FCI, 2012) Page 6
208. One who finds nothing good in anything .Critic / (FCI, 2012)

209. That which cannot be easily read- .Illegible / (FCI, 2012)

210. The process of deciding the nature of disease by examination ..Diagnosis / (FCI, 2012)

211. The quality of being politely firm and demanding .Assertive / (FCI, 2012)

212. One who eats human flesh .. Cannibal / (FCI, 2012)

213. A person who is fluent in two languages Bilingual / (FCI, 2012)

214. State of anxiety or dismay causing mental confusion .Consternation / (FCI, 2012)

215. A person who loves wealth but spends as little money as possible Miser / (FCI, 2012)

216. Fear of water .Hydrophobia / (DEO, 2008)

217. Easily duped or fooled ..Gullible / - (DEO, 2008)

218. Animal that can live on land and in water - ..Amphibians / (DEO, 2008)

219. Handwriting that cannot be read Illegible / (DEO, 2008)

220. To feel or express disapproval of something or someone Deprecate / (DEO, 2008)

221. To keep a great person or event in peoples memory Commemorate / (DEO, 2009)

222. Occurring at irregular intervals in time - .Sporadic / (DEO, 2009)

223. A lover of books ............ Bibliophile / (DEO, 2009)

224. A person who withdraws from world to live in seclusion and often in solitude
Recluse / (DEO, 2009)

225. To agree to something Assent / (DEO, 2009)

226. A body of persons appointed to hear evidence and give their verdicts in trials
Jury / (Stenographer, 2010)

227. A situation that stops activity from progressing - Bottleneck / (Stenographer, 2010)

228. A person who dishonestly pretends to be somebody else ..Imposter / (Stenographer, 2010)

229. A violent storm ..Tempest / (Stenographer, 2010)

230. Careful or thorough enquiry .Investigation / - (Stenographer, 2010)

231. Failing to discharge ones duty (willfully) ..Dereliction / (LDC, 2010)

232. A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a bank usually to buy a house
.Mortage / (LDC, 2010)

233. A movement of part of the body to express an idea or feeling Gesture / - (LDC, 2010)

234. A child born after the death of his father - .Posthumous child / (LDC, 2010)

235. A person who is physically dependent on a substance .Addict / (LDC, 2010)

236. A cure for all disease .Panacea / (LDC, 2010)

237. A raised platform in building Walkway / (LDC, 2010)

238. A system of naming things Nomenclature / (LDC, 2010)

239. One who hates women Misogynist / (LDC, 2010)

240. Able to use right hand and left hand equally well Ambidextrous / (LDC, 2010)

241. Capable of being interpreted in two ways .Ambiguous / (LDC, 2010)

242. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views ..Fanatic / (LDC, 2010)

243. The action of looking within or into ones own mind Introspect / (LDC, 2010) Page 7
244. To confirm with the help of evidence Implicate / / (LDC, 2010)

245. A person who loves mankind Philanthropist / (LDC, 2010)

246. Full of criticism or mockery .Satire / (Stenographer, 2011)

247. An agreement between two countries or groups to stop fighting Ceasefire / (Stenographer, 2011)

248. Excessively enthusiastic and unreasonably excited about something Fanatical / (Stenographer, 2011)

249. Intense and unreasonable fear or dislike ..Phobia / (Stenographer, 2011)

250. To be dogmatic in ones opinion Opinionated / (Stenographer, 2011)

251. High sea waves caused by underwater earthquake Tsunami / (Stenographer, 2011)

252. A voice that cannot be heard Inaudible / (Stenographer, 2011)

253. The absence of law and order .Anarchy / (Stenographer, 2011)

254. One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle differences
..Intermediary / (Stenographer, 2011)

255. To give ones authority to another .Delegate / (Stenographer, 2011)

256. Body of singers- ..Choir / - (MT(NT), 2011)

257. A thing likely to be easily broken .Brittle / (MT(NT), 2011)

258. An animal story with moral Fable / (MT(NT), 2011)

259. The study of ancient civilization Archaeology / (MT(NT), 2011)

260. A disease which is spread by direct contact Contagious / (MT(NT), 2011)

261. Lasting only for a short while ..Temporary / (LDC, 2011)

262. A number of stars grouped together Constellation / (LDC, 2011)

263. Animal that feeds on plants ..Herbivores / (LDC, 2011)

264. Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something Coercion / (LDC, 2011)

265. Murder of a man ..Homicide / (LDC, 2011)

266. Strong dislikes between two persons Antipathy / (LDC, 2011)

267. That which is without opposition Unanimous / (LDC, 2011)

268. The plant and vegetation of a region .Flora / (LDC, 2011)

269. The killing of whole group of people Genocide / (LDC, 2011)

270. A remedy for all diseases ..Panacea / (LDC, 2011)

271. Related to moon .Lunar / - (LDC, 2011)

272. The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and fish ...Taxidermy / (LDC, 2011)

273. A paper written by hand Manuscript / (LDC, 2011)

274. Place where wine is made Brewery / (LDC, 2011)

275. Found all over the world . Universal / (LDC, 2011)

276. Something kept as a reminder of an event .Souvenir / (LDC, 2011)

277. Scale used for measuring the strength of an earthquake - .Richter / (LDC, 2011)

278. One who practices one of fine arts Artist / (LDC, 2011)

279. A general pardon of offenders .Amnesty / - (LDC, 2011)

280. An established principle of practical wisdom Maxim / (CGL T-2, 2011) Page 8
281. The process by which a person or an organization reduces the amount of money it spends
.Budgeting / (CGL T-2, 2011)

282. A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only resembles
..Simile / (CGL T-2, 2011)

283. Very dramatic ..Histrionic / (CGL T-2, 2011)

284. To secretly store more than what is allowed ..Hoarding / (CGL T-2, 2011)

285. One who does not make mistakes Infallible / (CPO T-2, 2011)

286. A written statement about someones character, usually provided by an employer

..Testimonial / (CPO T-2, 2011)

287. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank Hinterland / (CPO T-2, 2011)

288. An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody

Foundling / (CPO T-2, 2011)

289. Art of writing for newspapers and magazines Journalism / (CPO T-2, 2011)

290. A person who gambles or bets Punter / (CPO T-2, 2011)

291. Place that provide refuge ..Asylum / (CPO T-2, 2011)

292. Doing something according to ones own free will Voluntary / (CPO T-2, 2011)

293. A foreigner who settles in a country .Immigrant / (CPO T-2, 2011)

294. A small room in a big house, hotel, ship etc. where glasses, dishes, spoons food, etc. are kept -
Pantry / - (CPO T-2, 2011)

295. Government of the people, by the people and for the people Democracy / (CHSL,2012)

296. Something that is difficult to believe Incredible / (CHSL,2012)

297. The height of object above sea level .Altitude / (CHSL,2012)

298. Group of people living together in the same locality Neighbourhood / (CHSL,2012)

299. Always ready to attack or quarrel Aggressive / (CHSL,2012)

300. Fit to be eaten ..Edible / (CHSL,2012)

301. Unfair advantages for members of ones own family Nepotism / (CHSL,2012)

302. A proficient public speaker ...Orator / (CHSL,2012)

303. One who eats both vegetables and meat ..Omnivorous / (CHSL,2012)

304. One who gains benefits from something ..Beneficiary / (CHSL,2012)

305. Spoken or done without preparation Extempore / (CHSL,2012)

306. Fluent and clear in speech Articulate / (CHSL,2012)

307. Through which light cannot pass ...Opaque / (CHSL,2012)

308. To write under a different name Pseudonym / (CHSL,2012)

309. A person who is well known in an unfavorable way .Notorious / (CHSL,2012)

310. The first speech made by a person .Maiden Speech / (CHSL,2012)

311. A man having no hair on scalp - ..Bald / (CHSL,2012)

312. A man who wastes his money on luxury ..Extravagant / (CHSL,2012)

313. A geometrical figure with eight sides Octagon / (CHSL,2012)

314. To injure ones reputation Defame / (CHSL,2012)

315. A man who does not know how to read or write Illiterate / (CHSL,2012) Page 9
316. One who speaks for others - ..Spokesman / (CHSL,2012)

317. Soldiers who fight on horseback ...Cavalry / (CHSL,2012)

318. Rebellion against lawful authority Mutiny / (CHSL,2012)

319. To officially take private property away to seize Confiscate / (CHSL,2012)

320. Someone having many skills .Versatile / (CHSL,2012)

321. Something which is imagined to be real but actually does not exist .Figment / (CHSL,2012)

322. Someone who scientifically studies the birds - Ornithologist / (CHSL,2012)

323. A person who cannot make a mistake ..Infallible / (CGL T-1, 2012)

324. One who loves all mankind - ..Philanthropist / (CGL T-1, 2012)

325. One who is out to destroy the Government Anarchist / (CGL T-1, 2012)

326. Liable to be easily broken .Brittle / (CGL T-1, 2012)

327. One who eats human flesh Cannibal / (CGL T-1, 2012)

328. One who performs daring gymnastics feats Acrobat / (FCI, 2012)

329. A list of books available in a library .Catalogue / (FCI, 2012)

330. A style in which a writer makes display of his knowledge Pedantic / (FCI, 2012)

331. To bite like a rat Gnaw / (FCI, 2012)

332. A place of good climate for invalids Sanatorium / (FCI, 2012)

333. Speech for the first time ..Maiden speech / (CPO, 2012)
334. A woman with dark brown hair - Brunette / (CPO, 2012)

335. One who hates women Misogynist / - (CPO, 2012)

336. The study or collection of coins Numismatics / (CPO, 2012)

337. An office with a salary but no work ..Sinecure / (CPO, 2012)

338. That which may be easily broken .Brittle / (MTS, 2013)

339. Property inherited from ones father or ancestors Patrimony / (MTS, 2013)

340. Amount of money demanded by kidnappers Ransom / (MTS, 2013)

341. Easy to shape in any desired form .Malleable / (MTS, 2013)

342. A hater of women Misogynist / (MTS, 2013)

343. A large burial ground Cemetery / (MTS, 2013)

344. To supply land with water by artificial means ..Irrigate / (MTS, 2013)

345. A co-worker in an office or institution .Colleague / (MTS, 2013)

346. A man who is quite like a woman Effeminate / (MTS, 2013)

347. One whose motive is merely to get money ..Mercenary / (MTS, 2013)

348. The study of plant life .Botany / (MTS, 2013)

349. Animals that live in water ..Aquatic / (MTS, 2013)

350. Instrument that magnifies objects .Microscope / (MTS, 2013)

351. One who is unable to pay ones debt Bankrupt / (MTS, 2013)

352. Exclusive possession or control of anything ..Monopoly / (MTS, 2013)

353. The study of birds . Ornithology / (MTS, 2013) Page 10
354. One who loves or supports his or her country and is willing to defend it
. Patriot / (MTS, 2013)

355. Likely to arouse envy (jealousy) ..Enviable / (MTS, 2013)

356. Existing only in the mind Imaginary / (MTS, 2013)

357. One who eats too much .. Glutton / (MTS, 2013)

358. Talking disrespectfully of sacred things .. Blasphemy / - (MTS, 2013)

359. A handwriting which is difficult or impossible to read .Illegible / (MTS, 2013)

360. Animals that eat flesh Carnivorous / (MTS, 2013)

361. One who knows everything Omniscient / (MTS, 2013)

362. Inability to sleep ..Insomnia / (MTS, 2013)

363. A list of name of books .Catalogue / (MTS, 2013)

364. Yearly celebration of a date or an event .Anniversary / (MTS, 2013)

365. A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs ..Martyr / (MTS, 2013)

366. Men living in the same age .Contemporary / (MTS, 2013)

367. A list of books and writings of one author or one subject .Bibliography / (MTS, 2013)

368. The conference that takes place once in three years Triennial / (CGL T-1, 2013)

369. Meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress

Rhetoric / (CGL T-1, 2013)

370. The production of raw silk Sericulture / - (CGL T-1, 2013)

371. Politicians who are notorious for doing undue favors to their relative
Nepotism / - (CGL T-1, 2013)

372. A person who helps even a stranger in difficulty- .Samaritan / (CGL T-1, 2013)

373. Has an evil reputation Notorious / (CGL T-1, 2013)

374. A person who readily believes others Credulous / (CGL T-1, 2013)

375. Enclosed in a small closed space .Claustrophobia / - - (CGL T-1, 2013)

376. A political leader appealing to popular desires and prejudices Demagogue / (CGL T-1, 2013)

377. Science regarding principles of classification Taxonomy / (CGL T-1, 2013)

378. Not allowing the passage of light Opaque / (CGL T-1, 2013)

379. Operation of body after death ...Post- Mortem / (CGL T-1, 2013)

380. A group of three powerful people Triumvirate / (CGL T-1, 2013)

381. An apartment or building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it , but also containing
shared areas .Condominium / (CGL T-1, 2013)
382. A person who consumes human flesh Cannibal / (CGL T-1, 2013)

383. Stealing of ideas or writings of someone else- ..Plagiarism / (CGL T-1, 2013)

384. Detailed plan of a journey Itinerary / (CGL T-1, 2013)

385. A school boy who frequently cuts classes is a Truant / (CGL T-1, 2013)

386. One who cannot be corrected .Incorrigible / (CGL T-1, 2013)

387. One who hates women ..Misogynist / - (CGL T-1, 2013)

388. A general pardon granted by the Government to political offenders

Amnesty / - (CGL T-1, 2013) Page 11
389. A person specially interested in the study of coins and medals
. Numismatist / (CGL T-1, 2013)

390. A person in a vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle .Escort / (CGL T-1, 2013)

391. Intentional destruction of racial groups .Genocide / (CGL T-1, 2013)

392. Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported or exported Contraband / (CGL T-1, 2013)
393. An excessively morbid desire to steal .Kleptomania / (CGL T-1, 2013)

394. A person who is greatly respected because of wisdom Venerable / (CGL T-1, 2013)

395. One who is unaffected or indifferent to joy, pain, pleasure or grief ..Stoic / (CGL T-1, 2013)

396. That which cannot be believed Incredible / (Constable GD,2013)

397. One who is all powerful ..Omnipotent / (Constable GD,2013)

398. An act of violence to take control of a plane ..Hijack / (Constable GD,2013)

399. Send or bring somebody back to his own country Repatriate / (Constable GD,2013)

400. Animals that live in a particular region ..Native / (Constable GD,2013)

401. A form of government in which supreme power rests with people is

.. Democracy / (Constable GD,2013)

402. Murder of a brother .Fratricide / (CGL T-1, 2013)

403. One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself Masochist / (CGL T-1, 2013)

404. To die without having made a will .Intestate / (CGL T-1, 2013)

405. Not easily pleased by anything ..Fastidious / (CGL T-1, 2013)

406. To play the part of and function as, some other person .Act / (CGL T-1, 2013)

407. Handwriting which is difficult/impossible to read ..Illegible / (CGL T-1, 2013)

408. More like a woman than a man in manners and habits ..Effeminate / (CGL T-1, 2013)
409. An exact copy of handwriting or a picture produced by a machine .. Copy / (CGL T-1, 2013)

410. One who thinks or speaks too much of himself .Egoist / (CGL T-1, 2013)

411. One who accepts pleasure and pain equally Stoic / (CGL T-1, 2013)

412. Having juicy or fleshy and thick tissue .Succulent / (CGL T-1, 2013)

413. The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets Choreography / (CGL T-1, 2013)

414. A set of three related works by same author Trilogy / (CGL T-1, 2013)

415. Science of Human mind and behavior Psychology / (CGL T-1, 2013)

416. A person of obscure position who has gained wealth ...Parvenu / (CGL T-1, 2013)

417. A word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase ..Acronym / (CGL T-1, 2013)

418. The act of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen
. Calligraphy / (CGL T-1, 2013)

419. Words inscribed on a tomb ..Epitaph / - (CGL T-1, 2013)

420. An obviously true or hackneyed statement Truism / (CGL T-1, 2013)

421. To reduce to nothing . Null / (CGL T-1, 2013)

422. A study of sounds is known as .Phonetics / - (CGL T-1, 2013)

423. Written law of a legislative body .Statute / (CPO, 2013)

424. A person who shows off his/her learning ..Pedant / (CPO, 2013) Page 12
425. A person who devotes his/her life for the welfare of others ...Altruist / (CPO, 2013)

426. The study of worms and insects Entomology / (CPO, 2013)

427. A person who attends to the disease of eye is an .Oculist / - (CPO, 2013)

428. Study of the nature of Gods Theology / (CGL T-2, 2013)

429. That which cannot be defeated Invincible / (CGL T-2, 2013)

430. A decorative handwriting .Calligraphy / (CGL T-2, 2013)

431. A person difficult to please Fastidious / (CGL T-2, 2013)

432. A list of luggage ..Waybill / (CGL T-2, 2013)

433. The line where the land and sky seems to meet .Horizon / (CGL T-2, 2013)

434. A handwriting that cannot be read Illegible / (CGL T-2, 2013)

435. Words written on a tomb of a dead person .Epitaph / - (CGL T-2, 2013)

436. Fear of closed space ..Claustrophobia / - - (CGL T-2, 2013)

437. A remedy for all disease Panacea / - (CGL T-2, 2013)

438. One who studies the art of gardening ..Horticulturist / (CGL T-2, 2013)

439. A pole or beam used as a temporary support Prop / (CGL T-2, 2013)

440. A building in which aircrafts are housed Hangar / (CHSL, 2013)

441. A former student of a school, college or university .Alumnus / (CHSL, 2013)

442. A short story based on your personal experience .. Anecdote / (CHSL, 2013)

443. One who takes care of a building Warden / (CHSL, 2013)

444. Incapable of being approached ....Inaccessible / (CHSL, 2013)

445. One who lends money at a very high interest ..Usurer / (CHSL, 2013)

446. One who lives/survives on others/other lives Parasite / (CHSL, 2013)

447. Detailed plan of journey ..Itinerary / (CHSL, 2013)

448. One who possesses many talents ... Versatile / (CHSL, 2013)

449. A medicine to nullify the effect of poison ..Antidote / (CHSL, 2013)

450. A person who lives by himself- ..Recluse / (CHSL, 2013)

451. An assembly of worshippers Congregation / (CHSL, 2013)

452. A heavy continuous fall of rain ..Downpour / (MT(NT), 2014)

453. A public institution for the care and protection of children without parents
. Orphanage / (MT(NT), 2014)

454. An inscription on a tomb Epitaph / - (MT(NT), 2014)

455. A man of evil reputation- .Notorious / (MT(NT), 2014)

456. A decorative ring of flowers and leaves ..Wreath / (MT(NT), 2014)

457. Shaking movement of the ground .Tremor /

458. A game in which no one wins .Drawn / (MTS,2014)

459. The art of making maps and charts .Cartography / (MTS,2014)

460. Animals that can live on land and water Amphibians / (MTS,2014)

461. Completing a period of hundred years .Centennial / (MTS,2014) Page 13
462. A figure with many angles or sides Polygon / (MT(NT), 2014)

463. A list of things to be discussed at a meeting Agenda / (MT(NT), 2014)

464. A large number of fish swimming together Shoal / (MT(NT), 2014)

465. A room or building for the preservation of plants .Greenhouse / - (MT(NT), 2014)

466. Liable to be easily broken .Brittle / (MT(NT), 2014)

467. A principle or standard by which anything is or can be judged ..Criterion / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

468. A person who is self-centred ..Egoist / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

469. A word that reads the same as backward or forward ..Pallindrome / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

470. The firing of many guns at the same time to mark an occasion .Fusillade / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

471. A person who supports or speaks in favour of something ..Advocate / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

472. One living on vegetables ..Vegetarian / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

473. An extract from a book of writing Excerpt / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

474. Person who files a suit Plaintiff / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)

475. A person who abstains completely from alcoholic drinks .Teetotaller / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)

476. Long poem based on a noble theme ..Epic / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)

477. One who lives both on land as well as in water Amphibian / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)

478. A strong dislike ..Animosity / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)

479. Take great pleasure Revel / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)

480. The practice of having many wives ..Polygamy / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)

481. Not likely to be easily pleased ..Fastidious / (CPO, 2014)

482. A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army Mercenary / (CPO, 2014)

483. A collection of slaves ..Coffle / (CPO, 2014)

484. One who is always doubting .. Sceptic / (CPO, 2014)

485. One who offers his services of his own freewill Volunteer / (CPO, 2014)

486. A person who repairs broken window-glasses ..Glazier / (CPO, 2014)

487. The art of beautiful handwriting ..Calligraphy / (CPO, 2014)

488. A writing or a speech in praise of someone - ..Eulogy / (CPO, 2014)

489. Loss of memory .. Amnesia / (CPO, 2014)

490. A speech made without preparation .Extempore /
(CPO, 2014)

491. A speakers platform Podium / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

492. Science of practice of map drawing ..Cartography / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

493. Motive or incitement to action .Incentive / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

494. A short trip or excursion ..Jaunt / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

495. Speech which is not audible Inaudible / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

496. Partner in crime .Accomplice / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

497. A state where no law and order exists ..Anarchy / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

498. To free completely from blame .Exonerate / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

499. Estimation of a things worth Appraisal / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014) Page 14
500. A supplement to a will ..Codicil / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

501. A person who collects coins Numismatist / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

502. Favouritism granted in politics or business to relatives Nepotism / - (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

503. A word or practice that has gone out of use - .Obsolete / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)

504. A person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their
job .Apprentice / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
505. A part of a word that can be pronounced separately ..Syllable / (CGL T-1, 2014 )
506. Relating to kinship with the father ..Patrilineal /

(CGL T-1, 2014)
507. A special fondness or liking for .Penchant / (CGL T-1, 2014)

508. Something that might happen in the future ..Contingency / (CGL T-1, 2014)

509. Affecting or relating to cows .Bovine / (CGL T-1, 2014)

510. A drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks
. Cocktail / (CGL T-1, 2014)

511. Passing out of use Obsolescent / (CGL T-1, 2014)

512. The act of speaking about ones thoughts when one is alone .Soliloquy / (CGL T-1, 2014)
513. All the arts, beliefs and social institutions etc, characteristics of a race
. Civilization / (CGL T-1, 2014)

514. Small pieces of metal that fly out from an exploding bomb .Shrapnel / (CGL T-1, 2014)

515. Person believing in free will Libertarian / (CGL T-1, 2014)

516. Hole excavated by an animal as dwelling ..Burrow / (CGL T-1, 2014)

517. Pertaining to sheep . Ovine / (CGL T-1, 2014)

518. To remove an objectionable part from a book ..Expurgate / (CGL T-1, 2014)

519. A doctor who specializes in diseases of the nose Rhinologist / (CGL T-1, 2014)

520. A man knows a lot about things like food, music and art - .Connoisseur / (CGL T-1, 2014)

521. A wooden object used for connecting animals that are pulling a vehicle .Yoke / (CGL T-1, 2014)

522. Having a stale smell or taste ..Rancid / (CGL T-1, 2014)

523. Material that changes naturally by the action of bacteria Biodegradable / (CGL T-1, 2014)

524. Government by the few .Oligarchy / (CGL T-1, 2014)

525. Study of caves Speleology /

(CGL T-1, 2014)

526. A fictitious name especially one assumed by an author Pseudonym / (CHSL, 2014)

527. Animals that eat flesh ..Carnivorous / (CHSL, 2014)

528. A speech delivered without any preparation .Extempore /

(CHSL, 2014)

529. A drug or other substance that induce sleep Sedative / (CHSL, 2014)

530. Animals which suckle their young ones .Mammals / (CHSL, 2014)

531. Beyond correction . Incorrigible / (CHSL, 2014)

532. An event that causes great harm to dams .Disaster / (CHSL, 2014)

533. A book written by an unknown .Anonymous / (CHSL, 2014) Page 15
534. Inflammation of gums .Gingivitis / (CHSL, 2014)

535. Widespread scarcity of food Famine / (CHSL, 2014)

536. A poem of fourteen lines .Sonnet / .

/ (CHSL, 2014)

537. Wild imagination .Fantasy / (CHSL, 2014)

538. An allowance made to a wife by her husband, when they are legally separated
Alimony /
/ (CHSL, 2014)

539. One who believes everything he/she hears ..Credulous / (CHSL, 2014)

540. Incapable of error Infallible / (CHSL, 2014)

541. People of no fixed abode .Nomads / (CHSL, 2014)

542. A person who can make himself/herself feel at home in any country
. Cosmopolitan / (CHSL, 2014)

543. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence Protocol / (CHSL, 2014)

544. That which makes it difficult to recognize the presence or real nature of something
.. Camouflage / (CHSL, 2014)
545. The full agreement of all members .Unanimous / (CHSL, 2014)

546. Short speech or poem given at the end of a play or a book ..Epilogue / (CHSL, 2014)

547. Accidental good fortune ..Fluke / (CHSL, 2014)

548. Lack of feeling .Apathy / (CHSL, 2014)

549. Brought back to mind .Reminisced / (CHSL, 2014)

550. A person who drives our motor cars Chauffeur / - (CHSL, 2014)

551. A small village or group of houses ..Hamlet / (CGL T-2, 2014)

552. A person who loves everybody ..Altruist / (CGL T-2, 2014)

553. Person leading a life of strict self-discipline ..Ascetic / (CGL T-2, 2014)

554. One who is neither intelligent nor dull .. Mediocre / (CGL T-2, 2014)

555. That which can be drunk ..Potable / (CGL T-2, 2014)

556. A government run by officials Bureaucracy / (CGL T-2, 2014)

557. One who does something for the first time .Pioneer / (CGL T-2, 2014)

558. One who plays for pleasure rather than as a professional ..Amateur / / (CGL T-2, 2014)

559. Free somebody from blame or guilt Exonerate / (CGL T-2, 2014)

560. Underground place for storing wine or other provisions Cellar / (CGL T-2, 2014)

561. A list of explanations of rare, technical or obsolete words .Glossary / (CGL T-2, 2014)

562. Study of the interaction of people with their environment Philosophy / (CGL T-2, 2014)

563. Incapable of being tired Indefatigable / (CGL T-2, 2015)

564. Guilty of crime Culpable / (CGL T-2, 2015)

565. That which cannot be reached Inaccessible / (CGL T-2, 2015)

566. A person who collects and/or studies stamps ..Philatelist / (CGL T-2, 2015)

567. People at a religious gathering ..Congregation / (CGL T-2, 2015) Page 16
568. Government by wealthy Plutocracy / (CGL T-2, 2015)

569. Branch of medicine concerned with children and their illness .Pediatrics / (CGL T-2, 2015)

570. Pay attention .Glance at / (CGL T-2, 2015)

571. One who is rather fastidious ..Meticulous / (CGL T-2, 2015)

572. A written declaration of government or a political party .Manifesto / (CGL T-2, 2015)

573. Worth eating ..Edible / (CGL T-2, 2015)

574. A person who wastes his money on luxury Extravagant / (CGL T-2, 2015)

575. A medicine that softens the bowels .. Laxative / (CPO, 2014)

576. Sentimental longing for a period in a past .Nostalgia / (CPO, 2014)

577. A person employed to drive a private or hired car .Chauffeur / (CPO, 2014)

578. A person who always run after women Philanderer / (CPO, 2014)

579. Relating to countries of west ..Occidental / (CPO, 2014)

580. A partner in a crime ..Accomplice / (CPO, 2014)

581. A person who leaves one country to settle in another ..Emigrant / (CPO, 2014)

582. House or shelter of a gipsy ..Caravan / (CPO, 2014)

583. One who deals in flower .A florist / (CPO, 2014)

584. A man who has more than one wife at a time Polygamist / (CPO, 2014)

585. One who eats no animal flesh Vegetarian / (CPO, 2014)

586. A woman whose husband is dead - ..Widow / (CPO, 2014)

587. One who helps people by giving them money or other aid .Benefactor / (CGL T-1, 2014)

588. The group, especially in the arts, regarded as being the most experimental
.. Avant-grade / (CGL T-
1, 2014)

589. A method of boiling briefly to cook food slightly Parboil / (CGL T-1, 2014)

590. A highly skilled musician ..Virtuoso / (CGL T-1, 2014)

591. A person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions Cynic / (CGL T-1, 2014)

592. A cluster of flowers on a branch ...Inflorescence / (CGL T-1, 2014)

593. Belief in many Gods .Polytheism / (CGL T-1, 2014)

594. Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass or stones .Mosaic / (CHSL, 2014)

595. Poem in short stanza narrating a popular story Ballad / (CHSL, 2014)

596. The schedule of travel - ..Itinerary / (CHSL, 2014)

597. Something which lasts forever Eternal / (CHSL, 2014)

598. A policy that segregate people on the basis of colour .Apartheid / (CHSL, 2014)

599. A particular method of working Modus Operandi / - (CHSL, 2014)

600. Walking in sleep ..Somnambulism / (CHSL, 2014)

601. A person employed as a car driver for an important person .Chauffeur / - (CHSL, 2014)

602. Fear of telling lies Mythophobia / (CHSL, 2014)

603. A fear of closed/dark places Claustrophobia / - - (CHSL, 2014)

604. Feeling annoyed at the sight of unfair treatment ..Indignant / (CGL T-2, 2015) Page 17
605. Unwelcome aspect of a situation ..Flip side / (CGL T-2, 2015)

606. Imposed a restriction on .Constrained / (CGL T-2, 2015)

607. One who hates mankind ..Misanthrope / (CGL T-2, 2015)

608. To free a person by a verdict of not guilty Acquit / (CGL T-2, 2015)

609. To secure a boat by attaching it to an anchor ..Moor / (CGL T-2, 2015)

610. To try to settle a dispute between two other parties .Mediate / (CGL T-2, 2015)

611. A vivacious and lively experience is said to be .Scintillating / (CGL T-2, 2015)

612. Wildly unreasonable, illogical or ridiculous Absurd / (CGL T-2, 2015)

613. Constant efforts to achieve something Perseverance / (CGL T-2, 2015)

614. The plant and a vegetation of a region ..Flora / (CGL T-2, 2015)

615. A fourteen-line poem .Sonnet / .

/ (CGL T-2, 2015)

616. Showing a dislike of anything improper Prim / (CPO, 2015)

617. A person who leaves his own country in order to go and live in another
.. Emigrant / (CPO, 2015 )
618. That which cannot be avoided Inevitable / (CPO, 2015)

619. Artistic, musical or dramatic interpretation -.. Rendition / (CPO, 2015)

620. Walking in sleep Somnambulism / (CPO, 2015)

621. Specially skilled in story telling A raconteur / (CPO,


622. Continuing for a long period of time without interruption Perpetual / (CPO, 2015)

623. Speech of great importance and gravity ..Momentous / (CPO, 2015)

624. A man who helps a stranger or a person in difficulties is .Samaritan / (CPO, 2015)

625. A planned route or journey Itinerary / (CPO, 2015)

626. A story in which animals or objects speak and give wholesome moral lessons
..Fable / (CGL T-1, 2015)

627. Act of injuring anothers reputation by any slanderous communication -

Defamation / (CGL T-1, 2015)

628. A recurrent compulsive urge to steal ..Kleptomania / (CGL T-1, 2015)

629. Not suitable for eating Inedible / (CGL T-1, 2015)

630. A person who enters without any invitation .Intruder /

(CGL T-1, 2015)

631. A process involving too much official formalities Red-tapism / (CGL T-1, 2015)

632. Medical study of skin and its diseases ......Dermatology / (CGL T-1, 2015)

633. The burial of corpse ..Interment / (CGL T-1, 2015)

634. Conferred as an honor Honorary / (CGL T-1, 2015)

635. One who makes an official examination of accounts .Auditor / (CGL T-1, 2015)

636. A person who deliberately sets fire to a building Arsonist / (CGL T-1, 2015)

637. That which cannot be effaced - ..Indelible / (CGL T-1, 2015)

638. To free someone from all blames .Exonerate / (CGL T-1, 2015)

639. One who does not believe In the existence of God .Atheist / (CGL T-1, 2015) Page 18
640. One who has long experience ..Veteran / (CGL T-1, 2015)

641. One who is too careless to plan for the future .Improvident / (CGL T-1, 2015)

642. Of ones own free will .. Voluntary / (CGL T-1, 2015)

643. One who runs away from justice or the law Fugitive / (CGL T-1, 2015)

644. One who is skillful - Dexterous / (CGL T-1, 2015)

645. A person who deserves all praise .Laudable / (CGL T-1, 2015)

646. A study of ancient things .Archaeology / (CGL T-1, 2015)

647. Someone who is designated to hear both sides of a dispute and make a judgement
Arbitrator / (CGL T-1, 2015)

648. Make pale by excluding light ..Etiolate / (CGL T-1, 2015)

649. Opinion contrary to accepted doctrine .Heresy / (CGL T-1, 2015)

650. A person who agrees to work for somebody in order to learn a skill -
. Apprentice / (CGL T-1, 2015)

651. That which cannot be avoided .Inevitable / (CGL T-1, 2015)

652. One who is concerned with the welfare of other .Altruist / (CGL T-1, 2015)

653. To die without making a will Intestate / (CGL T-1, 2015)

654. A reserve for animals, birds etc. in their natural habitat ..Sanctuary / (CPO, 2015)

655. The area of medicine that treats illness of bones .Orthopedics / (CPO, 2015)

656. One who knows many languages Polyglot / (CPO, 2015)

657. A records of historical events Archive / (CPO, 2015)

658. A person who looks at the bright side of things ..Optimist / (CPO, 2015)

659. Study of skin and its diseases .Dermatology / (CPO, 2015)

660. A remedy for all diseases ..Panacea / (CPO, 2015)

661. An excessive fear of confined spaces .Claustrophobia / - - (CPO, 2015)

662. A person who is long experienced or practiced in an activity/capacity

.. Veteran / (CPO, 2015)

663. Pretended attack .Feint / (CPO, 2015)

664. A land fit for growing crops . Arable / (CPO, 2015)

665. A thing fit to be eaten - Edible / (CPO, 2015)

666. One who suffers for ones faith .Martyr / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)

667. A child secretly changes for another in infancy Changeling / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)

668. The branch of medical science which deals with the problems of the old
Geriatrics / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)

669. An image without objective reality .Hallucination / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)

670. A mournful poem or a song ..Elegy / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)

671. That which is arranged by conferring or discussing .Seminar / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)

672. Something that is difficult to understand ..Incomprehensible / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)

673. Chief or Commander of army .General / (Constable, 2015)

674. One who cannot be corrected ..Incorrigible / (Constable, 2015) Page 19
675. Put side by side Juxtapose / - (Constable, 2015)

676. One who pretends to be what he is not ..Imposter / (Constable, 2015)

677. A container for the ashes of a dead person .Urn / - (Constable, 2015)

678. To put two and two together - Symbiosis / (Constable, 2015)

679. No longer in existence or use .Obsolete / (CGL T-2, 2015)

680. To destroy completely ..Annihilate / (CGL T-2, 2015)

681. A song sung at the death of a person .Elegy / (CGL T-2, 2015)

682. A person who has had one or more limbs removed ..Amputee / (CGL T-2, 2015)

683. One who is known widely but unusually unfavorably is Notorious / (CGL T-2, 2015)

684. A statement in which you say the same thing twice in different words
.. Tautology / (CGL T-2, 2015)

685. Rub or wipe out ..Efface / (CGL T-2, 2015)

686. The period between two regions- .. Era / (CGL T-2, 2015)

687. A person who is very selective , disgusted easily and is hard to please
Fastidious / (CGL T-2, 2015)

688. An error or misprint in printing or writing Erratum / (CGL T-2, 2015)

689. A person extremely desirous of money ..Avaricious / (CGL T-2, 2015)

690. Too willing to obey other people - Subservient / (CGL T-2, 2015)

691. Introductory part or lines to a discourse or play Prologue / (CHSL, 2015)

692. Intentional damage to arrest production ..Sabotage / - (CHSL, 2015)

693. A handsome man .Adonis / (CHSL, 2015)

694. A cinema show held in the afternoon .Matinee / (CHSL, 2015)

695. Animals living in water ... Aquatic / (CHSL, 2015)

696. A person who steals the writing of others Plagiarist / (CHSL, 2015)

697. One who compiles a dictionary Lexicographer / (CHSL, 2015)

698. Someone not fit to be chosen Ineligible / (CHSL, 2015)

699. Art of working with metals ..Metallurgy / (CHSL, 2015)

700. A gathering at a religious place ..Congregation / (CHSL, 2015)

701. A place where birds are kept .. Aviary / (CHSL, 2015)

702. The act of killing ones own brother or sister .Fratricide / (CHSL, 2015)

703. A legal agreement that allows someone to use a building or land for a period of time, usually in return for rent
Lease / (CHSL, 2015)

704. A person who helps another to commit a crime .Accomplice / (CHSL, 2015)

705. A person worships only one God .Monotheist / (CHSL, 2015)

706. Submission to all that happens as inevitable .Fatalism / (CHSL, 2015)

707. Lasting for a very short time Ephemeral / (CHSL, 2015)

708. A person who is easily deceived or tricked ..Gullible / (CHSL, 2015)

709. Rules governing socially acceptable behavior Etiquette / (CHSL, 2015)

710. One who is in charge of Museum Curator / (CHSL, 2015) Page 20
711. An act of misappropriation of money Embezzlement / (CHSL, 2015)

712. One who cannot make any mistake Infallible / (CHSL, 2015)

713. The first public performance of musical or theatrical work or the first showing of a film -
..Premiere / (CHSL, 2015)

714. An exact copy Facsimile / (CGL T1, 2016)

715. To give money for sales to agents .Commission / (CGL T1, 2016)

716. A person who is working in the same institution .Colleague / (CGL T1, 2016)

717. Favouritism shown by a person in power to his relatives Nepotism / - (CGL T1, 2016)

718. A round-about way of expression ..Circumlocution / - (CGL T1, 2016)

719. Suitable or intended only for young persons Juvenile / (CGL T1, 2016)

720. A record of ones own life written by oneself ...........Autobiography / (CGL T1, 2016)

721. Belong to same period .Contemporary / (CGL T1, 2016)

722. One who listens secretly to private conversation ..Eavesdropper / (CGL T1, 2016)

723. Someone who is incapable of being quietened or pacified .Implacable / (CGL T1, 2016)

724. Government by Department of State .Bureaucracy / (CGL T1, 2016)

725. The killing of a race ..Genocide / (CGL T1, 2016)

726. Lack of skills .Ineptness / (CGL T1, 2016)

727. Stick with a thick end used in mortar for pounding ..Pestle / (CGL T1, 2016)

728. An act when people vote in order to make a particular subject or policy rather than voting for a person
. Referendum / (CGL T1, 2016)

729. Drug which causes people to sleep early .Soporific / (CGL T1, 2016)

730. The branch of philosophy concerned with the study of principles of beauty, especially in art
. Aesthetics / (CGL T1, 2016)

731. The study of skin ..Dermatology / (CGL T1, 2016)

732. A rough, violent, troublesome person Tartar / (CGL T1, 2016)

733. A brave, noble minded or chivalrous man Gallant / (CGL T1, 2016)

734. Obsession with books .Bibliomania / (CGL T1, 2016)

735. A large body of people playing musical instruments .Orchestra / (CGL T1, 2016)

736. Solemn religious acts .Rites / (CGL T1, 2016)

737. That which cannot be averted ...Inevitable / (CGL T1, 2016)

738. One who sets type for books, newspapers, etc. ..Compositor / (CGL T1, 2016)

739. Land covered by water on three sides ..Peninsula / (CGL T1, 2016)

740. A remedy for all diseases Panacea / (CGL T1, 2016)

741. A piece of shelter for ships ...Harbour / (CGL T1, 2016)

742. Of the highest degree Superlative / (CGL T1, 2016)

743. A place where soldiers live Barracks / (CGL T1, 2016)

744. A man who collects old and new coins .Numismatist / (CGL T1, 2016)

745. Regular user of places/restaurant etc. Clientele / (CGL T1, 2016)

746. A thing no longer in use .Obsolete / (CGL T1, 2016) Page 21
747. A place where astronomical observations are made ..Observatory / (CGL T1, 2016)

748. Killing ones sister Sororicide / (CGL T1, 2016)

749. A person who has lost protection of law Outlaw / (CGL T1, 2016)

750. Falsification of documents etc. Forgery / (CGL T1, 2016)

751. To make atonement to ones sins ..Expiate / (CGL T1, 2016)

752. Committing murder in revenge Vendetta / (CGL T1, 2016)

753. The thing that can be easily broken .Brittle / (CGL T1, 2016)

754. An unimportant person ....Nonentity / (CGL T1, 2016)

755. Experts who scientifically study insects ..Entomologists / (CGL T1, 2016)

756. One who pretends to be what he is not .Hypocrite / (CGL T1, 2016)

757. A paper/ story/ poem first written out by hand Manuscript / (CGL T1, 2016)

758. A job carrying no salary Honorary / (CGL T1, 2016)

759. Act of stealing in small quantities ..Pilferages / (CGL T1, 2016)

760. Pertaining to the west Occidental / (CGL T1, 2016)

761. A place where money is coined ..Mint / (CGL T1, 2016)

762. The process by which plants and animals breathe ..Respiration / (CGL T1, 2016)

763. One who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men Cynic / (CGL T1, 2016)

764. Property inherited from ones father ..Patrimony / (CGL T1, 2016)

765. A person who is womanish in habits ..Effeminate / (CGL T1, 2016)

766. One who is converted from one religion to other .Proselyte / (CGL T1, 2016)

767. A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc. .Boutique / (CGL T1, 2016)

768. Interval between two events Interlude / (CGL T1, 2016)

769. A persons peculiar habit Idiosyncrasy / (CGL T1, 2016)

770. The art of delaying Procrastination / (CGL T1, 2016)

771. A doctor who specializes in the eye diseases of the eyes .Opthalmologist / (CGL T1, 2016)

772. Person who eats too much .Glutton / (CGL T1, 2016)

773. Write or carve words on stone or paper ..Inscribe / (CGL T1, 2016)

774. Unable to pay ones debt .Insolvent / (CGL T1, 2016)

775. Trouble and annoy continously Harass / (CGL T1, 2016)

776. A narrow stretch of land connecting two large bodies of land .Isthumus / (CGL T1, 2016)

777. An animal which lives by preying on other animals Predator / (CGL T1, 2016)

778. Government or rule by a small group of people .Oligarchy / (CGL T1, 2016)

779. One who copies from other writers .Plagiarist / (CGL T1, 2016)

780. Thing that can be felt or touched Palpable / (CGL T1, 2016)

781. The scientific study of elections Psephology / (CGL T1, 2016)

782. A notice of a persons death ..Obituary / (CGL T1, 2016)

783. An animal that lives in a group Gregarious / (CGL T1, 2016)

784. Hard working and diligent Sedulous / (CGL T1, 2016) Page 22
785. Shine with a bright but brief or irregular light .Flicker / (CGL T1, 2016)

786. The act of setting free from bondage of any kind .Emancipation / (CGL T1, 2016)

787. A disease that affects a large number of people in an area at the same time
. Epidemic / (CGL T1, 2016)

788. One who is eighty years old ..Octogenarian / (CGL T1, 2016)

789. A shady fertile place in a desert Oasis / (CGL T1, 2016)

790. A place where bees are kept Apiary / (CGL T1, 2016)

791. A brief or a short stay at a place .Sojourn / (CGL T1, 2016)

792. That which can be believed .Credible / (CGL T1, 2016)

793. One who is indifferent to pain or pleasure .Stoic / (CGL T1, 2016)

794. A drug which makes one see things that are not really there Hallucinogen / (CGL T1, 2016)

795. Providing relief Reprieve / (CGL T1, 2016)

796. The philosophy of putting anothers welfare above ones own .Altruism / (CGL T1, 2016)

797. A person who is new to profession .Novice / (CGL T1, 2016)

798. That which makes one highly knowledgeable ..Erudition / (CGL T1, 2016)

799. A state of emotional or intellectual separation Alienation / (CGL T1, 2016)

800. A place where animals are slaughtered Abattoir / (CGL T1, 2016)

801. A man with abnormal habits ..Eccentric / (CGL T1, 2016)

802. Words inscribed on the tomb Epitaph / - (CGL T1, 2016)

803. Proposition made as a basis for reasoning without the assumption of its truth/ facts
Hypothesis / (CGL T1, 2016)

804. Indifference to Pain and pleasure ..Stoicism / (CGL T1, 2016)

805. No longer a child, but not yet an adult Adolescent / /

(CGL T1, 2016)

806. Act of making things new like before ...Renovation / (CGL T1, 2016)
807. One who knows everything Omniscient / (CGL T1, 2016)

808. Any morbid dread of water (fear of water) .Hydrophobia / - (CGL T1, 2016)

809. The ceremony of crowning a sovereign Coronation / (CGL T1, 2016)

810. One who tends to patronize, rebuff or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire people regarded
as social superiors Snob / - (CGL T1, 2016)

811. A room where dead are kept until burial Mortuary / (CGL T1, 2016)

812. Government by a king Monarchy / - (CGL T1, 2016)

813. Hobsons choice .No choice at all / (CGL T1, 2016)

814. Violation of the sanctity of a sacred place Sacrilege/ (CGL T1, 2016)
815. Speech delivered without preparation ..Extempore / (CGL
T1, 2016)

816. One who will do any job for anyone for money ..Mercenary / (CGL T1, 2016)

817. A child born after the death of father Posthumous /

(CGL T1, 2016)

818. A person who completely abstains from alcohol .Teetotaller / (CGL T1, 2016) Page 23
819. One who is able to use both hands .Ambidextrous / (CGL T1, 2016)

820. Chief of a group of workmen .Foreman / (CGL T1, 2016)

821. Bitter quarrel between two families existing for a long period Feud / (CGL T1, 2016)

822. Animals without backbone .Invertebrates / (CGL T1, 2016)

823. Action that is likely to make people very angry Inflammatory / (CGL T1, 2016)

824. A humorous drawing dealing with current events or politics Cartoon / (CGL T1, 2016)

825. Act of mercy killing .. Euthanasia / (CGL T1, 2016)

826. The act of killing a king .Regicide / - (CGL T1, 2016)

827. Emission of light or heat from a central point .Radiation / (CGL T1, 2016)
828. That which cannot be believed . Incredible / (CGL T1, 2016)

829. An act of travelling from one place to another Journey / (CGL T1, 2016)

830. Misappropriation of money Embezzlement / (CGL T1, 2016)

831. When something moves in a straight line . Rectilinear / (CGL- T2, 2016)

832. Tending to associate with others of ones kind Gregarious / (CGL- T2, 2016)

833. General pardon for offences against the state Amnesty / - (CGL- T2, 2016)

834. A person motivated by irrational enthusiasm Fanatic / (CGL- T2, 2016)

835. Wide, uninterrupted view Panorama / (CGL- T2, 2016)

836. An instrument for measuring pressure of gases Manometer / (CGL- T2, 2016)

837. That which cannot be expressed in words Ineffable / (CGL- T2, 2016)

838. A mixture of dried, naturally fragrant plant material, used to provide a gentle natural scent inside buildings, especially
in residential settings Potpourri / (CGL- T2, 2016)

839. Placing different things in order to create an interesting effect Juxtapose / (CGL- T2, 2016)

840. Study of cultures Ethnology / (CGL- T2, 2016)

841. A person speaking many languages Polyglot / (CGL- T2, 2016)

842. A lengthy and aggressive speech addressed to a large assembly Harangue / (CGL- T2, 2016)

843. One who is not easily pleased by anything Fastidious / (CGL- T2, 2016)

844. Head of monks in abbey Abbot / (CGL- T2, 2016)

845. The word which is no longer in use Obsolete / (CGL- T2, 2016)

846. A person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others Altruist / (CGL- T2, 2016)

847. Inscription on a gravestone Epitaph / - (CGL- T2, 2016)

848. Violation of that which is holy and sacred Sacrilege / (CGL- T2, 2016)

849. One who believes in many Gods Polytheist / (CGL- T2, 2016)

850. One who lends money on high rates of interest Usurer / (CGL- T2, 2016)

851. A post with little work but high salary Sinecure / (CGL- T2, 2016)

852. A person, especially a young one, with exceptional abilities Prodigy / (CGL- T2, 2016)

853. Incapable of feeling tired or exhausted Indefatigable / (CGL- T2, 2016)

854. A new word coined by an author Neologism / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

855. The act of killing a whole group of people, specially a whole race Genocide / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016) Page 24
856. Animals that can live on land and in water Amphibian / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

857. A hater of women Misogynist / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

858. A state where there is no effective government Anarchy / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

859. A person who opposes war or use of military force Pacifist / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

860. Substance used in surgery to produce unconsciousness Anesthetic / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

861. Master of ceremonies Compere / - (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

862. A remedy for all diseases Panacea / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

863. A place for fish or water plants - Aquarium / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

864. The study of birds is known as Ornithology / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

865. The belief that everyone is equal and should have the same right and opportunities Egalitarian /
(CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

866. Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks Dispomania / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)

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