SSC Ows Till 2016 (WWW -
SSC Ows Till 2016 (WWW -
SSC Ows Till 2016 (WWW -
1. One who has become dependent on something or drugs – ……………………………………………..…Addict / - (SO (Audit), 1997)
2. Fear of being enclosed in small closed space –…………………………………. Claustrophobia / - - (SO (Audit), 1997)
3. Call upon God or any other power (like law) for help or protection –……….……………....Invocation / (SO (Audit), 1997)
5. A person who opposes war or use of military force –…………………………………Pacifist / / (SO (Audit), 1997)
6. One not concerned with right or wrong –……………………………………………………………………….Amoral / (SO (Audit), 1997)
8. Stealthily done (something done in a quiet and secret way in order to avoid being noticed) –
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Surreptitious / (SO (Audit), 1997)
10. A person with a long experience of any occupation – ………………………………….Veteran / (SO (Audit), 1997)
12. A person coming to a foreign land to settle there – …………………..…………...Immigrant / (SO (Audit), 2001)
14. A person who is unable to pay debts – ……………………………………………………….Insolvent / (SO (Audit), 2001)
15. Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses, and therefore not definite –
………………………………………………………………………………………………. Ambiguous / (SO (Audit), 2001)
16. A short poem or speech addressed to the spectators after the conclusion of drama –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Epilogue / (SO (Audit), 2001)
17. Act of deceiving somebody in order to make money – ……………………………………Fraud / (SO (Audit), 2001)
18. Flat metal or Porcelain plate fixed on a wall as an ornament or memorial – ….Plaque / (SO (Audit),
19. To cut something into two pieces – …………………………………………………………………Sever / (SO (Audit), 2001)
20. Succession of rulers belonging to one family – ……………………………………………Dynasty / - (SO (Audit), 2001)
21. To seize control of a vehicle in order to force it to go to a new destination or demand something –
………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………Hijack / ण (SO (Audit), 2003)
23. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain – ……………………………………………………..Stoic / (SO (Audit), 2003)
24. The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food – ………..Gastronomy / - (SO (Audit), 2003)
26. One who believes in offering equal opportunities to women in all spheres –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Feminist / (SO (Audit), 2003)
27. One who studies election trend by means of opinion polls – ………………Psephologist / (SO (Audit), 2003)
29. One who can think about the future with imagination and wisdom – ……….Visionary / (SO (Audit), 2003)
31. A building where an audience sits – ………………………………………………………Auditorium / सभागार (SO (Audit), 2004)
32. The first model of a new device – …………………………………………………………….Prototype / (SO (Audit), 2004) Page 1
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35. A person who breaks into houses in order to steal –……………………………………. Burglar / (SO (Audit), 2004)
36. The study of the origin and history of words –……………………………………….. Etymology / (SO (Audit), 2004)
37. One who can walk on ropes (tightrope walker)–………………………………… Funambulist / (SO
(Audit), 2004)
38. Belonging to all parts of the world – Cosmopolitan / (SO (Audit), 2004)
40. One who goes to settle in another country –…………..Emigrant / (SO (Audit), 2004)
41. Constant efforts to achieve something – ………………………………………….Perseverance / (TA (IT & CE), 2004 )
42. A person who believes in total abolition of war –………………………………………. Pacifist / (TA (IT & CE), 2004)
43. A four footed animal – ………………………………………………………………………..Quadruped / (TA (IT & CE), 2004 )
44. Ready to believe anything – …………………………………………………………………..Credulous / (TA (IT & CE), 2004)
45. That which lasts for a short time – …………………………………………………………Transitory / ण (TA (IT & CE), 2004)
47. A body of persons appointed to hear evidence or judge and give their verdict (decision) –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Jury / ण (SO (Audit), 2005)
48. The essential or characteristic customs , habits and conventions of a society or community –
………………………………………………………………………………………………Mores / - (SO (Audit), 2005)
49. A system of Government in which only one political party is allowed to function – -
………………………………………….Totalitarianism / (SO (Audit), 2005)
54. The murder of parents or near relative – …………………………………………Parricide / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)
55. A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one –………………………………………………….……
Euphemism / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)
56. One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a state -
……………………………………………………………………………………..Anarchist / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005 )
57. One who secretly listens to talks of others –………………………….Eavesdropper / (Statistical Invigilator, 2005)
61. The act of killing whole group of people, especially a whole race – ……………..Genocide / (SO(CA), 2005)
62. One who stays away from school or work without permission –…………………………………..Truant / (SO(CA), 2005)
63. A person without training or experience in a skill or subject – …………………………Novice / (SO(CA), 2005)
64. Dissection of a dead body to find the cause of the death – ……………………………Autopsy / - (SO(CA), 2005 )
65. The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs - ………………………………….Theology / (SO(CA), 2005)
66. One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure – ……………………………………………………..Stoic / (SO(CA), 2005 )
67. A place where Jews worship according to their religion –………………………….Synagogue / (SO(CA), 2005) Page 2
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72. Too much official formality – ………………………………………………………………… Red-tapism / ऱाऱफीताशाही (TA(IT&CE), 2006)
73. Living together of a man and woman without being married to each other –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………Concubinage / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)
74. A place where government / public records are kept - ………………………………..Archive / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)
75. A place where all religions are honoured - …………………………………………………Secular / (TA(IT&CE), 2006)
76. Excessive preoccupation with one’s health - …………………………Hypochondriac / (Statistical Invigilator, 2006)
79. A jocular person who is full of amusing anecdotes – ……………………………….Wag / (Statistical Invigilator, 2006)
86. A place where nuns live and work –…………………………………………Convent / (SO (CA), 2006)
87. Violation of something holy and sacred –-.Sacrilege / ण (SO (CA), 2006)
88. One who destroys images or attacks popular beliefs – ………………………………Iconoclast / (SO (CA), 2006)
89. Feeding on food made of both plant and flesh – ……………………………………Omnivorous / (SO (CA), 2006)
90. A woman having more than one husband at the same time – ……………………Polyandry / (SO (CA), 2006)
93. The habit of always admiring oneself - ………………………………………………………Narcissism / (SO (CA), 2006)
94. One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle difference –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Intermediary / (SO (CA), 2006)
95. One who deserts his principle or believes –……….Renegade / (SO (CA), 2006)
96. Property handled down after the death of a person – ……………………………Inheritance / (SO(Audit), 2006)
97. One who breaks the established traditions and image –………………………….Iconoclast / (SO(Audit), 2006)
98. One who believes in that gaining pleasure is the most important thing in life –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hedonist / (SO(Audit), 2006)
99. Building in which a dead body is kept for a time – …………………………..………..Mortuary / (SO(Audit), 2006)
102. One who does not follow the usual way of life – …………………………Bohemian / (SO(Audit), 2006)
103. The first public speech delivered by a person – ………………….Maiden speech / ण (SO(Audit), 2006) Page 3
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110. One who has obstinate and narrow religious views – ……….…………………….Bigot / (SO(CA), 2007)
112. A short poem or speech addressed to the spectators after the conclusion of a drama –
…………………………………………………………….Epilogue / (SO(CA), 2007)
115. Belief that war and violence are unjustified – ……………………………………Pacifism / (SO(CA), 2007)
116. A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area – ……….Dyke / (TA(IT & CE), 2007 )
117. A specialist who tests eyesight - ……………………………………………Optometrist / (TA(IT & CE), 2007 )
118. Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter - …….Alliteration / (TA(IT & CE), 2007 )
119. One who walks in sleep –…………………………………………………..Somnambulist / (TA(IT & CE), 2007 )
122. Body of a human being or animal embalmed for burial –……………….Mummy / (SO(Audit), 2007)
126. The abandonment of one’s country and cause –……………………..…..Defection / (SO(Audit), 2007)
128. Bitter and violent attack in words against someone or something – .Diatribe / (SO(Audit), 2007)
131. A person who never takes alcoholic drinks – …………………………….Teetotaller / (SO(Audit), 2008)
132. A tank where fish or water plants are kept –………………………………. Aquarium / (SO(Audit), 2008)
133. A person devoted to sensual enjoyment, especially that derived from fine food and drink -
………………………………………………………………………………Epicurean / (SO(Audit), 2008)
135. One who believes in giving equal opportunity to women in all fields –
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Feminist / (SO(Audit), 2008)
136. To have a very high opinion about oneself - ……………………………….Conceited / (SO(Audit), 2008) Page 4
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138. A person who is always hopeful and looks upon the brighter side of things –……………Optimist / (SO(Audit), 2008)
141. One who journeys from place to place – ……………………………………..Itinerant / ण (TA (IT & CE, 2008))
142. That which cannot be called back – ………………………………………..Irrevocable / (TA (IT & CE, 2008))
143. The state of being miserable bereft (deprived of or lacking) of all possessions –
……………………………………………………………………………………………Destitute / (TA (IT & CE, 2008))
144. A picture of a person or a thing drawn in such a highly exaggerated manner to cause a laughter –
……………………………………………………………………………………………… Caricature / (TA (IT & CE, 2008))
145. Belief that God is in everything and that everything is God – ….Pantheism / (TA (IT & CE, 2008))
146. One who breaks the law – ……………………………………………………Transgressor / (TA (IT & CE, 2009))
147. That which cannot be captured – ………………………………………….Ungraspable / (TA (IT & CE, 2009))
148. Reproducing or memorizing word for word - ……………………………Verbatim / (TA (IT & CE, 2009))
149. Careful in spending of money, time, etc. – ………………………………Economical / (TA (IT & CE, 2009))
153. One who criticizes popular beliefs which he thinks is mistaken or unwise –……………………………………………Iconoclast /
(CGL T-1,2010)
157. An emolument over and above fixed salary – …………………………………Perquisite / (CGL T-1,2010)
160. One hides away in a ship or passenger vehicle to obtain a free passage –…………………………………Stowaway /
(CGL T-1,2010)
161. One who is a citizen not of a country but of the world –…………….Cosmopolitan / (SAS, 2010)
163. The use of many words where only a few are necessary – ……….Circumlocution / - (SAS, 2010)
171. With much liveliness and a sense of purpose – ……………………………..Jauntily / (Investigator, 2010)
172. Seeing something which is not actually present – ………………..Hallucination / (Investigator, 2010) Page 5
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173. The practice of having more than one husband – ………………………Polyandry / (Investigator, 2010)
179. One who tends to take a hopeful view of a life – ………………………………..Optimist / (CPO, 2010)
181. The practice of submitting a proposal to popular vote –……………Referendum / - (CGL T-1, 2011)
184. To renounce a high position of authority or control – ……………………..Abdicate / (CGL T-1, 2011)
185. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence – ……………………………….Protocol / (CGL T-1, 2011)
189. Feeling inside you which tells you what is right and what is wrong –
………………………………………………………………………………….Conscience / (CGL T-1, 2011)
191. To look at someone in an angry or threatening way – ………………………..Glower / (CGL T-1, 2011)
195. A post with little work but high salary –……………………………….Sinecure / (CGL T-1, 2011)
196. A test in which cells from diseased organs are removed and tested – ….Biopsy / - (CGL T-1, 2011)
198. Quibble (to avoid giving a direct answer to a question in order to hide the truth)-
……………………………………………………………………………Prevaricate / (CGL T-1, 2011)
199. Words uttered impiously about God – …………………………………………Blasphemy / - (CGL T-1, 2011)
200. A person who has no money to pay off his debts – …………………………Insolvent / (CGL T-1, 2011)
203. Theft of another person’s writings or ideas and passing them off as one’s own –
……………………………………………………………………………………Plagiarism / (CPO,2011)
204. The place where public, government or historical records are kept – ……Archive / (CPO,2011) Page 6
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208. One who finds nothing good in anything – ………………………………………………….Critic / (FCI, 2012)
210. The process of deciding the nature of disease by examination – ………..Diagnosis / (FCI, 2012)
211. The quality of being politely firm and demanding – …………………………….Assertive / (FCI, 2012)
212. One who eats human flesh – ……………………………………………………………….. Cannibal / (FCI, 2012)
214. State of anxiety or dismay causing mental confusion – ……………….Consternation / (FCI, 2012)
215. A person who loves wealth but spends as little money as possible – …………Miser / (FCI, 2012)
218. Animal that can live on land and in water - …………………………………..Amphibians / (DEO, 2008)
221. To keep a great person or event in people’s memory – ………Commemorate / ण (DEO, 2009)
224. A person who withdraws from world to live in seclusion and often in solitude –
………………………………………………………………………………………………………Recluse / (DEO, 2009)
226. A body of persons appointed to hear evidence and give their verdicts in trials –
…………………………………………………………………………………Jury / ण (Stenographer, 2010)
227. A situation that stops activity from progressing - ……………………Bottleneck / (Stenographer, 2010)
228. A person who dishonestly pretends to be somebody else –………..Imposter / (Stenographer, 2010)
232. A legal agreement by which a person borrows money from a bank usually to buy a house –
…………………………………………………………………….Mortage / ऋण (LDC, 2010)
233. A movement of part of the body to express an idea or feeling – ……………Gesture / - (LDC, 2010)
234. A child born after the death of his father - ………………………….Posthumous child / ण (LDC, 2010)
240. Able to use right hand and left hand equally well – ……………………Ambidextrous / (LDC, 2010)
242. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views – …………………………..Fanatic / (LDC, 2010)
243. The action of looking within or into one’s own mind – …………………Introspect / ण (LDC, 2010) Page 7
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247. An agreement between two countries or groups to stop fighting – …Ceasefire / (Stenographer, 2011)
248. Excessively enthusiastic and unreasonably excited about something – ……Fanatical / (Stenographer, 2011)
251. High sea waves caused by underwater earthquake – …………………Tsunami / (Stenographer, 2011)
254. One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle differences –
……………………………………………………………………………………………..Intermediary / (Stenographer, 2011)
264. Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something – …………Coercion / (LDC, 2011)
272. The art of preserving skin of animals, birds and fish – ……………………...Taxidermy / (LDC, 2011)
275. Found all over the world – …………………………………………………………………. Universal / (LDC, 2011)
277. Scale used for measuring the strength of an earthquake - …………………….Richter / (LDC, 2011)
278. One who practices one of fine arts – …………………………………………………………Artist / (LDC, 2011) Page 8
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281. The process by which a person or an organization reduces the amount of money it spends –
……………………………………………………………….Budgeting / (CGL T-2, 2011)
282. A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only resembles –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Simile / (CGL T-2, 2011)
284. To secretly store more than what is allowed – ……………………………………..Hoarding / (CGL T-2, 2011)
285. One who does not make mistakes –………………………Infallible / (CPO T-2, 2011)
287. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank –……………Hinterland / (CPO T-2, 2011)
289. Art of writing for newspapers and magazines – ……………………………Journalism / (CPO T-2, 2011)
292. Doing something according to one’s own free will – ……………………Voluntary / (CPO T-2, 2011)
294. A small room in a big house, hotel, ship etc. where glasses, dishes, spoons food, etc. are kept -
………………………………………………………………………………………………Pantry / - (CPO T-2, 2011)
295. Government of the people, by the people and for the people – ……Democracy / (CHSL,2012)
298. Group of people living together in the same locality – ……………Neighbourhood / (CHSL,2012)
301. Unfair advantages for members of one’s own family – ……………………Nepotism / (CHSL,2012)
303. One who eats both vegetables and meat – …………………………..………Omnivorous / (CHSL,2012)
315. A man who does not know how to read or write – ………………………………Illiterate / (CHSL,2012) Page 9
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321. Something which is imagined to be real but actually does not exist – ….Figment / (CHSL,2012)
323. A person who cannot make a mistake –…………………..Infallible / (CGL T-1, 2012)
324. One who loves all mankind - …………………………………………………..Philanthropist / (CGL T-1, 2012)
325. One who is out to destroy the Government – …………………………………Anarchist / (CGL T-1, 2012)
327. One who eats human flesh – ……………………………………………………………Cannibal / (CGL T-1, 2012)
328. One who performs daring gymnastics feats – …………………………………………Acrobat / (FCI, 2012)
330. A style in which a writer makes display of his knowledge –……………………Pedantic / (FCI, 2012)
333. Speech for the first time – ………………………………………………………..Maiden speech / ण (CPO, 2012)
334. A woman with dark brown hair - …………………………Brunette / (CPO, 2012)
339. Property inherited from one’s father or ancestors – ………………………Patrimony / (MTS, 2013)
344. To supply land with water by artificial means – ……………………………………..Irrigate / (MTS, 2013)
351. One who is unable to pay one’s debt – ………………………………………………Bankrupt / (MTS, 2013) Page 10
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354. One who loves or supports his or her country and is willing to defend it –
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Patriot / (MTS, 2013)
357. One who eats too much –…………………………………………………………………….. Glutton / (MTS, 2013)
365. A person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs – ………..Martyr / (MTS, 2013)
367. A list of books and writings of one author or one subject – ………….Bibliography / (MTS, 2013)
368. The conference that takes place once in three years – ………………………Triennial / (CGL T-1, 2013)
371. Politicians who are notorious for doing undue favors to their relative –
…………………………………………………………………Nepotism / - (CGL T-1, 2013)
372. A person who helps even a stranger in difficulty- ………………………….Samaritan / (CGL T-1, 2013)
374. A person who readily believes others – …………………………………………Credulous / (CGL T-1, 2013)
376. A political leader appealing to popular desires and prejudices – …Demagogue / (CGL T-1, 2013)
378. Not allowing the passage of light – ……………………………………………………Opaque / (CGL T-1, 2013)
379. Operation of body after death – …………………………………………...Post- Mortem / (CGL T-1, 2013)
380. A group of three powerful people – ……………………………………………Triumvirate / ततकड़ी (CGL T-1, 2013)
381. An apartment or building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it , but also containing
shared areas – …………………………………….Condominium / (CGL T-1, 2013)
382. A person who consumes human flesh – ……………………………………………Cannibal / (CGL T-1, 2013)
383. Stealing of ideas or writings of someone else- ……………………………..Plagiarism / (CGL T-1, 2013)
385. A school boy who frequently cuts classes is a – ……………………………………Truant / (CGL T-1, 2013) Page 11
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390. A person in a vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle – ……….Escort / (CGL T-1, 2013)
392. Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported or exported – …Contraband / तस्करी (CGL T-1, 2013)
393. An excessively morbid desire to steal – …………………………………….Kleptomania / (CGL T-1, 2013)
394. A person who is greatly respected because of wisdom – ………………Venerable / (CGL T-1, 2013)
395. One who is unaffected or indifferent to joy, pain, pleasure or grief – ……..Stoic / (CGL T-1, 2013)
399. Send or bring somebody back to his own country – …………………Repatriate / (Constable GD,2013)
403. One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself – …………………………………Masochist / (CGL T-1, 2013)
404. To die without having made a will – ……………………………………………….Intestate / (CGL T-1, 2013)
406. To play the part of and function as, some other person – ………………………….Act / (CGL T-1, 2013)
408. More like a woman than a man in manners and habits – ……………..Effeminate / ण (CGL T-1, 2013)
409. An exact copy of handwriting or a picture produced by a machine –….. Copy / (CGL T-1, 2013)
410. One who thinks or speaks too much of himself – ………………………………….Egoist / (CGL T-1, 2013)
411. One who accepts pleasure and pain equally – …………………………………………Stoic / (CGL T-1, 2013)
412. Having juicy or fleshy and thick tissue – ………………………………………….Succulent / (CGL T-1, 2013)
413. The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets – …………Choreography / (CGL T-1, 2013)
414. A set of three related works by same author – ……………………………………Trilogy / (CGL T-1, 2013)
415. Science of Human mind and behavior – ………………………………………Psychology / (CGL T-1, 2013)
416. A person of obscure position who has gained wealth – …………..……….Parvenu / (CGL T-1, 2013)
417. A word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase – ……..Acronym / ण (CGL T-1, 2013)
418. The act of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Calligraphy / (CGL T-1, 2013)
424. A person who shows off his/her learning – …………………………………….…….Pedant / (CPO, 2013) Page 12
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425. A person who devotes his/her life for the welfare of others – ……………...Altruist / (CPO, 2013)
427. A person who attends to the disease of eye is an – ………………………….Oculist / - (CPO, 2013)
433. The line where the land and sky seems to meet – …………………………….Horizon / (CGL T-2, 2013)
435. Words written on a tomb of a dead person – …………………………………….Epitaph / - (CGL T-2, 2013)
437. A remedy for all disease – ………………………………………………………………… Panacea / - ण (CGL T-2, 2013)
438. One who studies the art of gardening – …………………………………..Horticulturist / (CGL T-2, 2013)
439. A pole or beam used as a temporary support – ………………………………………Prop / (CGL T-2, 2013)
442. A short story based on your personal experience –………………………….. Anecdote / (CHSL, 2013)
445. One who lends money at a very high interest – ……………………………………..Usurer / (CHSL, 2013)
453. A public institution for the care and protection of children without parents –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Orphanage / (MT(NT), 2014)
460. Animals that can live on land and water – ………………………………………Amphibians / (MTS,2014) Page 13
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465. A room or building for the preservation of plants – ………………………….Greenhouse / - (MT(NT), 2014)
467. A principle or standard by which anything is or can be judged – …..Criterion / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
469. A word that reads the same as backward or forward – …………..Pallindrome / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
470. The firing of many guns at the same time to mark an occasion – ….Fusillade / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
471. A person who supports or speaks in favour of something – ………..Advocate / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
473. An extract from a book of writing – …………………………………………………Excerpt / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
474. Person who files a suit – …………………………………………………………………Plaintiff / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)
475. A person who abstains completely from alcoholic drinks – ……….Teetotaller / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)
476. Long poem based on a noble theme – …………………………………………………..Epic / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)
477. One who lives both on land as well as in water – ………………………Amphibian / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)
480. The practice of having many wives – …………………………………………..Polygamy / (CGL T-1 RE, 2013)
482. A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army – …………………Mercenary / (CPO, 2014)
485. One who offers his services of his own freewill – ………………………………Volunteer / (CPO, 2014)
492. Science of practice of map drawing – ……………………………………..Cartography / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
495. Speech which is not audible – ………………………………………………………Inaudible / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
497. A state where no law and order exists – ………………………………………..Anarchy / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
498. To free completely from blame – ……………………………………………….Exonerate / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014) Page 14
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501. A person who collects coins – ………………………………………………Numismatist / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
502. Favouritism granted in politics or business to relatives – ………………Nepotism / - (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
503. A word or practice that has gone out of use - ……………………………….Obsolete / (CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
504. A person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their
job – …………………………………………………….Apprentice / प्रशशऺु(CGL T-1 RE, 2014)
505. A part of a word that can be pronounced separately – ……………………..Syllable / (CGL T-1, 2014 )
506. Relating to kinship with the father – ……………………………………………..Patrilineal / पपतव
ृ श
ं ़ीय (CGL T-1, 2014)
507. A special fondness or liking for – ………………………………………………….Penchant / (CGL T-1, 2014)
508. Something that might happen in the future – …………………………..Contingency / (CGL T-1, 2014)
510. A drink usually made from a mixture of one or more alcoholic drinks –
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Cocktail / (CGL T-1, 2014)
512. The act of speaking about one’s thoughts when one is alone – ……….Soliloquy / ण (CGL T-1, 2014)
513. All the arts, beliefs and social institutions etc, characteristics of a race –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Civilization / (CGL T-1, 2014)
514. Small pieces of metal that fly out from an exploding bomb – ………….Shrapnel / (CGL T-1, 2014)
518. To remove an objectionable part from a book – …………………………..Expurgate / (CGL T-1, 2014)
519. A doctor who specializes in diseases of the nose –…………………… Rhinologist / (CGL T-1, 2014)
520. A man knows a lot about things like food, music and art - ………….Connoisseur / (CGL T-1, 2014)
521. A wooden object used for connecting animals that are pulling a vehicle – .Yoke / घोडे का अंसबंध (CGL T-1, 2014)
523. Material that changes naturally by the action of bacteria – ……Biodegradable / ण (CGL T-1, 2014)
526. A fictitious name especially one assumed by an author – ………………Pseudonym / (CHSL, 2014)
529. A drug or other substance that induce sleep – ……………………………………Sedative / औ (CHSL, 2014)
530. Animals which suckle their young ones – ………………………………………………….Mammals / (CHSL, 2014)
532. An event that causes great harm to dams – ……………………………………….Disaster / (CHSL, 2014) Page 15
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538. An allowance made to a wife by her husband, when they are legally separated –
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Alimony /
/ (CHSL, 2014)
539. One who believes everything he/she hears – …………………………………..Credulous / (CHSL, 2014)
542. A person who can make himself/herself feel at home in any country –
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Cosmopolitan / (CHSL, 2014)
544. That which makes it difficult to recognize the presence or real nature of something –
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Camouflage / ण (CHSL, 2014)
545. The full agreement of all members – ………………………………………….Unanimous / (CHSL, 2014)
546. Short speech or poem given at the end of a play or a book – ……………..Epilogue / (CHSL, 2014)
550. A person who drives our motor cars – ………………………………………………Chauffeur / - (CHSL, 2014)
553. Person leading a life of strict self-discipline – ……………………………………..Ascetic / (CGL T-2, 2014)
554. One who is neither intelligent nor dull ………………………………………….. Mediocre / (CGL T-2, 2014)
557. One who does something for the first time – …………………………………….Pioneer / (CGL T-2, 2014)
558. One who plays for pleasure rather than as a professional – …………..Amateur / / (CGL T-2, 2014)
559. Free somebody from blame or guilt – ……………………………………………Exonerate / (CGL T-2, 2014)
560. Underground place for storing wine or other provisions – ……………………Cellar / (CGL T-2, 2014)
561. A list of explanations of rare, technical or obsolete words – …………….Glossary / (CGL T-2, 2014)
562. Study of the interaction of people with their environment – ………Philosophy / (CGL T-2, 2014)
566. A person who collects and/or studies stamps – ……………………………..Philatelist / (CGL T-2, 2015) Page 16
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569. Branch of medicine concerned with children and their illness – …….Pediatrics / (CGL T-2, 2015)
572. A written declaration of government or a political party – …………….Manifesto / ण (CGL T-2, 2015)
574. A person who wastes his money on luxury – ………………………………Extravagant / (CGL T-2, 2015)
575. A medicine that softens the bowels –………………………………………………….. Laxative / औ (CPO, 2014)
577. A person employed to drive a private or hired car – ………………………….Chauffeur / (CPO, 2014)
578. A person who always run after women – …………………………………………Philanderer / (CPO, 2014)
581. A person who leaves one country to settle in another – ……………………..Emigrant / (CPO, 2014)
584. A man who has more than one wife at a time – ………………………………Polygamist / (CPO, 2014)
587. One who helps people by giving them money or other aid – ……….Benefactor / (CGL T-1, 2014)
588. The group, especially in the arts, regarded as being the most experimental –
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Avant-grade / (CGL T-
1, 2014)
589. A method of boiling briefly to cook food slightly – ………………………………Parboil / (CGL T-1, 2014)
591. A person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions – Cynic / (CGL T-1, 2014)
594. Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass or stones – ….Mosaic / (CHSL, 2014)
595. Poem in short stanza narrating a popular story – ……………………………………Ballad / (CHSL, 2014)
598. A policy that segregate people on the basis of colour – ……………………….Apartheid / (CHSL, 2014)
601. A person employed as a car driver for an important person – ………….Chauffeur / - (CHSL, 2014)
604. Feeling annoyed at the sight of unfair treatment – ………………………..Indignant / (CGL T-2, 2015) Page 17
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608. To free a person by a verdict of ‘not guilty’ – ………………………………………Acquit / (CGL T-2, 2015)
610. To try to settle a dispute between two other parties – …………………….Mediate / (CGL T-2, 2015)
611. A vivacious and lively experience is said to be – ………………………….Scintillating / (CGL T-2, 2015)
614. The plant and a vegetation of a region – ………………………………………………..Flora / (CGL T-2, 2015)
617. A person who leaves his own country in order to go and live in another –
………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………… Emigrant / (CPO, 2015 )
618. That which cannot be avoided – ………………………………………………………Inevitable / (CPO, 2015)
622. Continuing for a long period of time without interruption – ………………Perpetual / (CPO, 2015)
624. A man who helps a stranger or a person in difficulties is – ……………….Samaritan / (CPO, 2015)
626. A story in which animals or objects speak and give wholesome moral lessons –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Fable / (CGL T-1, 2015)
631. A process involving too much official formalities – ………………………Red-tapism / (CGL T-1, 2015)
632. Medical study of skin and its diseases – ……………..…………...……….Dermatology / (CGL T-1, 2015)
635. One who makes an official examination of accounts – ……………………….Auditor / (CGL T-1, 2015)
636. A person who deliberately sets fire to a building – ……………………………Arsonist / (CGL T-1, 2015)
638. To free someone from all blames –………………………………………….……Exonerate / (CGL T-1, 2015)
639. One who does not believe In the existence of God – ………………………….Atheist / (CGL T-1, 2015) Page 18
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640. One who has long experience – ………………………………………………………..Veteran / (CGL T-1, 2015)
641. One who is too careless to plan for the future – ……………………….Improvident / (CGL T-1, 2015)
642. Of one’s own free will –……………………………………………………………….. Voluntary / (CGL T-1, 2015)
643. One who runs away from justice or the law – ……………………………………Fugitive / (CGL T-1, 2015)
647. Someone who is designated to hear both sides of a dispute and make a judgement –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Arbitrator / (CGL T-1, 2015)
650. A person who agrees to work for somebody in order to learn a skill -
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Apprentice / (CGL T-1, 2015)
652. One who is concerned with the welfare of other – …………………………….Altruist / (CGL T-1, 2015)
654. A reserve for animals, birds etc. in their natural habitat – ………………..Sanctuary / (CPO, 2015)
655. The area of medicine that treats illness of bones – ………….…………Orthopedics / (CPO, 2015)
658. A person who looks at the bright side of things – ………………………………..Optimist / (CPO, 2015)
664. A land fit for growing crops – …………………………………………………………………. Arable / (CPO, 2015)
666. One who suffers for one’s faith – …………………………………………………….Martyr / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)
667. A child secretly changes for another in infancy – ………………………Changeling / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)
668. The branch of medical science which deals with the problems of the old –
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Geriatrics / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)
669. An image without objective reality – …………………………………….Hallucination / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)
671. That which is arranged by conferring or discussing – …………………….Seminar / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015)
672. Something that is difficult to understand – …………………..Incomprehensible / (CGL T-1 RE, 2015) Page 19
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677. A container for the ashes of a dead person – ………………………………………….Urn / - (Constable, 2015)
681. A song sung at the death of a person – ………………………………………………….Elegy / (CGL T-2, 2015)
682. A person who has had one or more limbs removed – ……………………..Amputee / (CGL T-2, 2015)
683. One who is known widely but unusually unfavorably is – ………………Notorious / (CGL T-2, 2015)
684. A statement in which you say the same thing twice in different words –
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Tautology / (CGL T-2, 2015)
686. The period between two regions- …………………………………………………………….. Era / (CGL T-2, 2015)
687. A person who is very selective , disgusted easily and is hard to please –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Fastidious / (CGL T-2, 2015)
690. Too willing to obey other people - ………………………………………………Subservient / (CGL T-2, 2015)
696. A person who steals the writing of others –……………………………………… Plagiarist / (CHSL, 2015)
701. A place where birds are kept –……………………………………………………………….. Aviary / (CHSL, 2015)
702. The act of killing one’s own brother or sister – ………………………………….Fratricide / (CHSL, 2015)
703. A legal agreement that allows someone to use a building or land for a period of time, usually in return for rent –
…………………………………………………………………………………… Lease / (CHSL, 2015)
704. A person who helps another to commit a crime – ………………………….Accomplice / (CHSL, 2015) Page 20
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712. One who cannot make any mistake – …………………………………………………Infallible / (CHSL, 2015)
713. The first public performance of musical or theatrical work or the first showing of a film -
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Premiere / (CHSL, 2015)
715. To give money for sales to agents – ………………………………………….Commission / (CGL – T1, 2016)
716. A person who is working in the same institution – ……………………….Colleague / (CGL – T1, 2016)
717. Favouritism shown by a person in power to his relatives – ……………Nepotism / - (CGL – T1, 2016)
719. Suitable or intended only for young persons – …………………………………Juvenile / (CGL – T1, 2016)
720. A record of one’s own life written by oneself – …………...........Autobiography / (CGL – T1, 2016)
722. One who listens secretly to private conversation – ………………..Eavesdropper / (CGL – T1, 2016)
723. Someone who is incapable of being quietened or pacified – ……….Implacable / (CGL – T1, 2016)
727. Stick with a thick end used in mortar for pounding – …………………………..Pestle / (CGL – T1, 2016)
728. An act when people vote in order to make a particular subject or policy rather than voting for a person –
……………………………………………………………………………. Referendum / (CGL – T1, 2016)
729. Drug which causes people to sleep early – ……………………………………….Soporific / औ (CGL – T1, 2016)
730. The branch of philosophy concerned with the study of principles of beauty, especially in art –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Aesthetics / (CGL – T1, 2016)
733. A brave, noble – minded or chivalrous man – ……………………………………Gallant / (CGL – T1, 2016)
735. A large body of people playing musical instruments – ………………….Orchestra / (CGL – T1, 2016)
738. One who sets type for books, newspapers, etc. – ………………….….Compositor / (CGL – T1, 2016)
739. Land covered by water on three sides – ………………………………………..Peninsula / (CGL – T1, 2016)
744. A man who collects old and new coins – ………………………………….Numismatist / (CGL – T1, 2016) Page 21
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747. A place where astronomical observations are made – ……………..Observatory / (CGL – T1, 2016)
749. A person who has lost protection of law – ………………………………Outlaw / (CGL – T1, 2016)
753. The thing that can be easily broken – ………………………………………………….Brittle / (CGL – T1, 2016)
755. Experts who scientifically study insects – ………………………..……Entomologists / (CGL – T1, 2016)
756. One who pretends to be what he is not – ……………………………………….Hypocrite / (CGL – T1, 2016)
757. A paper/ story/ poem first written out by hand – ………………………Manuscript / (CGL – T1, 2016)
762. The process by which plants and animals breathe – …………………..Respiration / (CGL – T1, 2016)
763. One who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men – …………………Cynic / (CGL – T1, 2016)
764. Property inherited from one’s father – ……………………..Patrimony / (CGL – T1, 2016)
767. A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc. – ………….Boutique / (CGL – T1, 2016)
771. A doctor who specializes in the eye diseases of the eyes – ….Opthalmologist / (CGL – T1, 2016)
772. Person who eats too much – …………………………………………………………….Glutton / (CGL – T1, 2016)
773. Write or carve words on stone or paper – ………………………………………..Inscribe / ण (CGL – T1, 2016)
776. A narrow stretch of land connecting two large bodies of land – …….Isthumus / (CGL – T1, 2016)
777. An animal which lives by preying on other animals – ………………………Predator / (CGL – T1, 2016)
778. Government or rule by a small group of people – ………………………….Oligarchy / (CGL – T1, 2016)
779. One who copies from other writers – …………………………………………….Plagiarist / (CGL – T1, 2016)
780. Thing that can be felt or touched – …………………………………………………Palpable / (CGL – T1, 2016) Page 22
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785. Shine with a bright but brief or irregular light – ………………………………….Flicker / (CGL – T1, 2016)
786. The act of setting free from bondage of any kind – ……………….Emancipation / (CGL – T1, 2016)
787. A disease that affects a large number of people in an area at the same time –
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….… Epidemic / (CGL – T1, 2016)
788. One who is eighty years old – ………………………………………………..Octogenarian / (CGL – T1, 2016)
790. A place where bees are kept – ……………………………………………………………Apiary / (CGL – T1, 2016)
793. One who is indifferent to pain or pleasure – ………………………………………….Stoic / (CGL – T1, 2016)
794. A drug which makes one see things that are not really there – Hallucinogen / औ (CGL – T1, 2016)
796. The philosophy of putting another’s welfare above one’s own – …….Altruism / (CGL – T1, 2016)
798. That which makes one highly knowledgeable – ……………………………..Erudition / (CGL – T1, 2016)
800. A place where animals are slaughtered – …………………………………………Abattoir / (CGL – T1, 2016)
803. Proposition made as a basis for reasoning without the assumption of its truth/ facts –
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Hypothesis / (CGL – T1, 2016)
806. Act of making things new like before – ………………………………….……..Renovation / ण (CGL – T1, 2016)
807. One who knows everything – ……………………………………………………Omniscient / (CGL – T1, 2016)
808. Any morbid dread of water (fear of water) – ………………………….Hydrophobia / - (CGL – T1, 2016)
810. One who tends to patronize, rebuff or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire people regarded
as social superiors – ………………………………………Snob / - (CGL – T1, 2016)
811. A room where dead are kept until burial – ……………………………………Mortuary / (CGL – T1, 2016)
814. Violation of the sanctity of a sacred place – ……………………………………Sacrilege/ ण (CGL – T1, 2016)
815. Speech delivered without preparation – ……………………………………..Extempore / (CGL –
T1, 2016)
816. One who will do any job for anyone for money – ………………………..Mercenary / (CGL – T1, 2016)
818. A person who completely abstains from alcohol – …………………….Teetotaller / (CGL – T1, 2016) Page 23
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819. One who is able to use both hands – …………………………………….Ambidextrous / (CGL – T1, 2016)
821. Bitter quarrel between two families existing for a long period – ……………Feud / (CGL – T1, 2016)
823. Action that is likely to make people very angry – ……………………Inflammatory / (CGL – T1, 2016)
824. A humorous drawing dealing with current events or politics – …………Cartoon / (CGL – T1, 2016)
827. Emission of light or heat from a central point – …………………………….Radiation / ण (CGL – T1, 2016)
828. That which cannot be believed –………………………….……………………… Incredible / (CGL – T1, 2016)
829. An act of travelling from one place to another – ………………………………Journey / (CGL – T1, 2016)
831. When something moves in a straight line –……………………………………. Rectilinear / (CGL- T2, 2016)
832. Tending to associate with others of one’s kind – Gregarious / (CGL- T2, 2016)
833. General pardon for offences against the state – Amnesty / - (CGL- T2, 2016)
836. An instrument for measuring pressure of gases – Manometer / औ (CGL- T2, 2016)
837. That which cannot be expressed in words – Ineffable / ण (CGL- T2, 2016)
838. A mixture of dried, naturally fragrant plant material, used to provide a gentle natural scent inside buildings, especially
in residential settings – Potpourri / (CGL- T2, 2016)
839. Placing different things in order to create an interesting effect – Juxtapose / (CGL- T2, 2016)
842. A lengthy and aggressive speech addressed to a large assembly – Harangue / ण (CGL- T2, 2016)
843. One who is not easily pleased by anything – Fastidious / (CGL- T2, 2016)
845. The word which is no longer in use – Obsolete / (CGL- T2, 2016)
846. A person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others – Altruist / (CGL- T2, 2016)
848. Violation of that which is holy and sacred – Sacrilege / ण (CGL- T2, 2016)
849. One who believes in many Gods – Polytheist / (CGL- T2, 2016)
850. One who lends money on high rates of interest – Usurer / (CGL- T2, 2016)
851. A post with little work but high salary – Sinecure / (CGL- T2, 2016)
852. A person, especially a young one, with exceptional abilities – Prodigy / ण (CGL- T2, 2016)
855. The act of killing a whole group of people, specially a whole race – Genocide / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016) Page 24
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856. Animals that can live on land and in water – Amphibian / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)
858. A state where there is no effective government – Anarchy / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)
859. A person who opposes war or use of military force – Pacifist / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)
860. Substance used in surgery to produce unconsciousness – Anesthetic / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)
863. A place for fish or water plants - Aquarium / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)
865. The belief that everyone is equal and should have the same right and opportunities – Egalitarian /
(CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)
866. Irresistible craving for alcoholic drinks – Dispomania / (CGL- T2 RE EXAM, 2016)
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