Final Ept218 Goals

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Giving consideration to your course work and your expectations of this professional experience, state the
objectives to which you intend to give highest priority in this teaching practice session.

N.B. 1. This task must be completed and discussed with your Professional Experience Subject Coordinator
prior to the commencement of your placement.
2. These objectives will form the basis of the targets for your teaching sessions.
3. Objectives should be specific, expressed as outcomes and include indicators of success.

Goal Actions you will take to work Indicators of achievement of goal

towards the goal
Goal 1: 1.2- Demonstrate knowledge and Focus areas-
Standard 1- know the students and understanding of research into 1.2 - Understand how students
how they learn how students learn and the learn best by observing them in
implications for teaching by their lessons with their regular
designing and implementing teacher and make notes on which
appropriate learning experiences ways they best respond and
for students. Demonstrate interact with the content.
knowledge of Gardners Multiple
Intelligences to support learning
styles and engagement. 1.5- Differentiate teaching to meet
the specific learning needs of
1.5- Demonstrate knowledge of students across the full range of
and implement a variety of abilities.
teaching strategies that are
responsive to the learning Feedback from my supervising
strengths and needs of students teacher indicating my ability to
with a wide range of ability. understand the diverse needs of
For example: simplify tasks,
provide extension activities, use
appropriate resources, scaffolding,
questioning students to stimulate
higher order thinking and grouping
children on ability with explicit
differentiated tasks aimed to
support learning.

Teaching strategies will be explicitly

written into lesson plans for
individual children.

Goal 2: 3.5- Use effective, clear and 3.2/3.3- Lesson plans include
concise communication by appropriate teaching strategies
Standard 3- Plan for and providing direct instructions to with annotations on how I can
implement effective teaching and support students understanding, improve.
learning participation, engagement and Supervising teacher is happy with
achievement. my ability to plan for effective
3.5- Develop a repertoire of teaching and learning.
resources, concrete materials and
ICT that engage students in their
Goal 3: 6.3 Seek and apply constructive 6.3 Seek and apply constructive
Standard 6-Engage in professional feedback from supervisor to feedback from supervisor to
learning improve teaching practices and improve teaching practices and
learning experiences. Personal learning experiences.
reflection of implemented learning
experiences guide future teaching. 6.4- Demonstrate an understanding
for the need to improve
6.4- Demonstrate an professional learning to better
understanding for the need to improve students learning.
improve professional learning to
better improve students learning.
Observe effective teaching
strategies and apply feedback and
observations gained to learning

Other aims you may have for the professional experience:

Participate in teacher duties (yard duty and staff meeting etc).

To develop a wide range of resources for me to use as a teacher within the future. This includes useful
programs, website and books etc.

To develop effective teaching strategies in managing behavior.

To develop relationships with each student so that I will better understand their learning styles, so that
they will feel comfortable in approaching me for help and assistance throughout my placement.

Preservice Teacher ____________________________________________ Date ___________

Associate Teacher ____________________________________________ Date ___________

Subject Coordinator Trish Briggs Date: 18/9/16

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