Claudia McKimmie outlined three goals for her professional experience: (1) employ effective differentiation strategies to support students with disabilities, (2) improve behavior management strategies, and (3) engage professionally with parents and caregivers. For each goal, she identified standards, focus areas, actions she would take, and evidence she would collect to demonstrate achieving the goals. The document provided a clear structure for Claudia to focus her professional learning and gather evidence of growth during her teaching placement.
Claudia McKimmie outlined three goals for her professional experience: (1) employ effective differentiation strategies to support students with disabilities, (2) improve behavior management strategies, and (3) engage professionally with parents and caregivers. For each goal, she identified standards, focus areas, actions she would take, and evidence she would collect to demonstrate achieving the goals. The document provided a clear structure for Claudia to focus her professional learning and gather evidence of growth during her teaching placement.
Claudia McKimmie outlined three goals for her professional experience: (1) employ effective differentiation strategies to support students with disabilities, (2) improve behavior management strategies, and (3) engage professionally with parents and caregivers. For each goal, she identified standards, focus areas, actions she would take, and evidence she would collect to demonstrate achieving the goals. The document provided a clear structure for Claudia to focus her professional learning and gather evidence of growth during her teaching placement.
Claudia McKimmie outlined three goals for her professional experience: (1) employ effective differentiation strategies to support students with disabilities, (2) improve behavior management strategies, and (3) engage professionally with parents and caregivers. For each goal, she identified standards, focus areas, actions she would take, and evidence she would collect to demonstrate achieving the goals. The document provided a clear structure for Claudia to focus her professional learning and gather evidence of growth during her teaching placement.
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Name: Claudia McKimmie
Goal and rationale Action Evidence
Goal 1: Professional - Discuss with Supervising - Class profile identifying
Knowledge Teacher (ST) students’ students’ individual To employ effective individual learning needs learning needs. differentiation strategies in my and strategies to cater teaching and planning of for their individual - Create a list of things to lessons to support full educational needs. consider when planning participation and learning of a lesson with identified students with disabilities. - Prepare a list of student disabilities. considerations when Standard 1: Know students and planning a lesson with - Copies of lesson plans how they learn. students with Individual clearly identifying Focus area: 1.6 Strategies to Learning Plans (PLP). differentiation strategies support full participation of to cater for a range of students with disabilities. - Embed these disabilities. considerations with Rationale: planned differentiation - Notes from discussion I would like to extend my strategies into with Student Support knowledge and experience in differentiated lesson Staff and Supervising further supporting students with plans. Teacher on ability to plan intellectual and physical and differentiate to disabilities that I was not able to - Reflect with ST on the include students with achieve on my previous effectiveness of disabilities. placement. It is fundamental that strategies presented in I develop greater confidence in my lessons to support - Copies of differentiated applying strategies to support full participation of resources that are full participation of students with students with disabilities. practical for a range of disabilities in my lessons to students with disabilities. ensure all students are provided with high-quality education. Goal 2: Professional Practice - Seek guidance from - List of class behaviour To improve my behaviour supervising teacher issues and ST’s management and extend my about common recommended strategies awareness of positive behaviour behavioural issues to to address these management strategies. look out for and suitable behaviours. strategies to use. Standard 4: Create and - Lesson plans with maintain supportive and safe - Apply a range of the appropriate behaviour learning environments. discussed behaviour management strategies Focus area: 4.3 Manage management strategies incorporated into them. challenging behaviour. and ask my ST to provide feedback on the - Written feedback from Rationale: effectiveness of my supervising teacher on In reflecting on my EPT241 application of these the effective behaviour placement and current teaching strategies. management strategies I position, I recognised the need have developed in my for teachers to have a broad - Discuss with ST taught lessons. range of behaviour management unsuitable behaviours strategies to address a diverse that are not being - Daybook and lesson range of behaviour issues. This addressed using the evaluations noting is vital in creating a positive recommended strategies effective management of classroom environment that and use alternatives, as behaviour and enhances students’ engagement needed. improvement in student and provides effective learning engagement. opportunities. - Ongoing personal reflections on the development of my behaviour management abilities in my lesson plans.
- Reworked lesson plans
with alternate strategies to address the outstanding behaviour issues presented in the lesson. Goal 3: Professional - Send information home - Copy of information sent Experience informing them of the home and any feedback teaching placement, e.g. received. To engage professionally with parent email. parents and caregivers - Annotated conversation throughout my practicum, - Send information home with supervising teacher gathering related evidence to regarding lesson content about expectations in show how I have communicated that will be taught in relation to parents. effectively, sensitively, and upcoming classes, e.g. confidentially with parent email or cloud- - Annotated parents/carers. based classroom parent/teacher interviews notification. (if applicable) and/or Standard 7: Engage assembly script (if professionally with colleagues, - Converse with speaking). parents/carers and the supervising teacher in community. regard to parents and Focus Area: 7.3 Engage with school communication the parents/carers. expectations.
Rationale: - Attend parent/teacher
When completing my portfolio night (if applicable), for my most recent EPT subject whole school assemblies I recognised a ‘gap’ in the (parents included), and collection of evidence with any other extra-curricular regard to connecting with activities involving parents, carers, and the students and parents. community. Involving the broader school community in the education process is vital in maintaining a holistic approach to education that sees a shared goal of maximising learning and wellbeing outcomes for all students. Other aims you may have for this professional experience: Build rapport with all members of the school community including teaching staff, students, and parents/carers. Build student-teacher relationships (e.g. lunchtime duty). Participate in any extra-curricular opportunities being offered by the school. Work on improving my teacher voice and movement around the classroom. Increase understanding of strategies for teaching ATSI students/students with disabilities. Acquire resources for teaching and assessment.
Teacher Education Student: Date:
Supervising Teacher: Date:
Subject Coordinator/Marker: Deanne Everett Date: 17th April, 2023