Paper 4A3 2015

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Version CAH/4


Wednesday 22 April 2015 9.30 to 11


Module 4A3


Answer not more than two questions.

All questions carry the same number of marks.

The approximate percentage of marks allocated to each part of a question is

indicated in the right margin.

Write your candidate number not your name on the cover sheet.

Single-sided script paper


CUED approved calculator allowed
Attachment: Compressible Flow Data Book (38 pages).
Engineering Data Book

10 minutes reading time is allowed for this paper.

You may not start to read the questions printed on the subsequent
pages of this question paper until instructed to do so.

Page 1 of 4
Version CAH/4

1 (a) A centrifugal compressor has a stagnation pressure ratio of 4.0 and a

rotational speed of 25000 rpm. It has an inlet stagnation temperature of 300 K and an
inlet stagnation pressure of 1 bar. Assume that the total-to-total isentropic efficiency of
the compressor (i.e. both impeller and diffuser) is 0.8. For all parts of this question the
working fluid is air with specific heat capacity at constant pressure cp = 1005 J kg1 K1
and ratio of specific heat capacities = 1.4 .

(i) Calculate the stagnation temperature at the compressor exit. [10%]

(ii) The impeller blades are backswept at 45 at their exit and have a slip factor
of 0.85. The absolute Mach number of the flow leaving the impeller is 1.0 and
the absolute flow direction is 70 to the radial direction. Sketch the velocity
triangle at the impeller exit and calculate the impeller tip speed and radius. [20%]

(iii) Discuss how a designer might reduce slip, noting any potential
disadvantages. [10%]

(b) The compressor of part (a) has a vaned diffuser in order to recover the kinetic
energy of the impeller exit flow.

(i) Discuss the benefits and limitations of common diffuser geometries with the
help of annotated sketches. [15%]

(ii) The Mach number at the leading edge of the diffuser blades is 0.8. The
velocity leaving the diffuser blades is negligible. Assuming the diffuser has a
pressure recovery coefficient of 0.7, calculate the static pressure at the diffuser
blade leading edge. [20%]

(iii) Explain why a pressure rise occurs in the vaneless space between the
impeller trailing edge and the diffuser blade leading edge in a typical radial
machine. The compression in the vaneless space may be assumed to have a
polytropic efficiency of 0.7 based on the static flow conditions. Calculate the
static pressure at the impeller trailing edge. [15%]

(c) Calculate the total-to-total efficiency of the impeller alone based on absolute
stagnation conditions at its trailing edge. [10%]

Page 2 of 4
Version CAH/4

2 The axial compressor of an industrial gas turbine engine is being designed to

achieve an overall stagnation pressure ratio of 18. All stages are to have a mean blade
speed of 245 m s1 and a stage-loading coefficient of 0.4. You should assume that the
flow has the properties of air throughout, with specific heat capacity at constant pressure
cp = 1005 J kg1 K1 and ratio of specific heat capacities = 1.4. You should neglect
the mass flow of fuel.

(a) If the total-to-total isentropic efficiency of the complete compressor is 0.87, how
many stages are needed to achieve the overall stagnation pressure ratio for an inlet
stagnation temperature of 285 K ? Using this many stages, calculate the total-to-total
isentropic efficiency required to achieve the overall stagnation pressure ratio if the inlet
stagnation temperature is 310 K. [25%]

(b) The compressor is driven by an axial turbine. All stages of the turbine have 20
of swirl at entry and exit from the stage, a stator exit flow angle of 72 and a rotor exit
relative flow angle of 67. If the axial velocity and mean blade speed are constant
through the turbine, sketch the velocity triangles and calculate the relative flow angle at
rotor inlet. [25%]

(c) The turbine inlet stagnation temperature is 1600 K and the blade speed is chosen
so that the Mach number of the flow leaving the first stator is 0.75. Calculate the
turbine blade speed. Hence obtain the stagnation temperature drop across each turbine
stage. The turbine drives the compressor with negligible mechanical losses. It also
drives a generator, which absorbs twice the work required to drive the compressor.
Estimate the number of turbine stages required when the compressor inlet stagnation
temperature is 285 K and the compressor total-to-total isentropic efficiency is 0.87. [30%]

(d) Explain why the Mach numbers in the second and following stages of the turbine
are higher than those in the first stage. What problems should the designer be aware of
in the following stages? [20%]

Page 3 of 4 (TURN OVER

Version CAH/4

3 A single shaft turbojet engine has a multistage axial compressor and a single stage
axial turbine. It is operated on a stationery test-bed at sea level with an inlet stagnation
pressure p02 = 101 kPa and an inlet stagnation temperature T02 = 288 K . At the
design operating point the compressor pressure ratio p03/p02 = 6.0 and the stagnation
temperature at turbine inlet T04 = 1200 K . The compressor polytropic efficiency
pc = 0.85 and the turbine polytropic efficiency pt = 0.9.

Use cp = 1005 J kg1 K1 and = 1.4 for the air flowing through the compressor. Use
cpe = 1244 J kg1 K1 and e = 1.3 for the exhaust gas flowing through the turbine and
nozzle. For all operating points, assume that both the turbine nozzle guide vanes and the
propulsive nozzle are choked. The stagnation pressure drop through the combustor and
the mass flow rate of fuel can be neglected.

(a) Using the conditions at the design operating point, find the value of k , where
k = 1 T05 T04 and T05 is the turbine exit stagnation temperature. Explain why k
remains constant as the engine fuel flow is varied. [25%]

(b) Show that as the engine fuel flow is varied the compressor pressure ratio and the
engine non-dimensional mass flow are given by

pc ( 1)
p03 cpe T04 m cpT02 p03 T02
= 1 + k and =C
p02 cp T02 A2 p02 p02 T04

where m is the mass flow rate of air through the compressor, A2 is the compressor
inlet area and C is a constant. [15%]

(c) Find the stagnation temperature drop through the turbine and the compressor
pressure ratio when the fuel flow is reduced such that the stagnation temperature at
turbine inlet is 950 K . At this condition, treating the flow in the propulsive nozzle as
isentropic, find the exhaust jet velocity and the percentage reduction in gross thrust
relative to the design operating point. [45%]

(d) If the fuel flow is reduced further the compressor becomes unstable. Explain the
likely form and location of this instability. Describe two practical solutions that can be
applied to avoid multistage compressor instability at reduced rotational speed. [15%]


Page 4 of 4
4A3 Exam Paper Answers 2015

Q1. (a) 482.3 K, 581.9 m s1 , 0.222 m

(b) 2.93 bar, 2.51 bar
(c) 0.925

Q2. (a) 18 stages, 0.925

(b) 47.40
(c) 351.0 m s1 , 211.8 K, 6 stages

Q3. (a) 0.16

(c) 152 K , 4.463, 528 m s1 , 37.2 %

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