Spirit Guides

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The author was actively involved in spiritualism for over a decade but later realized the spirits were impersonating loved ones and it was something more sinister. He found warnings against contacting the spirit world in over 100 Bible scriptures.

When the author was 11, he heard his father crying out in despair before dying. This incident sowed the seeds of his interest in life after death.

The author witnessed inhuman spirits and received a frightening message after stopping his séance attendance. Disturbing manifestations also occurred.

What Your Spirit Guide Doesnt Want You to Know!

by Ben Alexander

I have been where you are.

For more than a decade I was actively involved in the highest levels of Spiritualism. I have talked to spirits, seen spirits, and touched spirits. In fact, my closest friend during that time was a medium who had an abundance of ectoplasm and produced hundreds of spirit entities for over six years. Many of you are keenly aware that there are people who are able to produce these phenomena. I have always been a truth-seeker and that search is what led me to Spiritualism. I testify that my experiences were very real but were they the truth? Or was there something these spirits were not telling me?

My Reason for Becoming a Spiritualist

I believe the seeds of Spiritualism were sown when I was a child of eleven years of age. Theft, drunkenness, gambling, prostitution, and bed bugs were common in our part of the East End of London. My adopted parents were both heavy drinkers and had many arguments and fights. One night as I was lying in my bed upstairs, I could hear my father crying downstairs. He screamed out to God saying, Please, God, dont let me die! Please, God help me! I will never forget the sound of his crying; it was one of despair, fear, and terror. He was taken to hospital that night and unknown to me, returned to the house in the early hours of the morning in a closed coffin. When I

came downstairs I was terrified to find nothing but a coffin lying on the floor. I have no doubt this incident sowed the seeds of Spiritualism for wanting to know about life after death in my life.

My Personal Involvement
Eventually I became a member of the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain and began attending sances. Sometime in the early 1950s at a public sance in Finsbury Park North London, I met the Miller family. They invited me to their private circle, which I readily accepted. Michael Miller and I are the only two people from the circle who are still alive. This circle truly believed that God ordained the sances and no money was ever given to the medium. We began with a homemade Ouija Board to communicate with what we believed were the dead. Jeff Miller was the medium and we became very close friends for several years. As time went by we disposed of the Ouija Board and Jeff was completely taken over by the spirits.

Some Observations
In the early years of my involvement, I found the spirit guides I conversed with were kind and considerate and even practiced healing. That soon changed but still I had no idea what I was really getting involved in. I witnessed many different entities taking

control of Jeffs vocal cords. His whole personality would change and he would speak in different languages. Jeff would tell me that he had no idea what was going on because he was in deep trance. (A disturbing factor is the realization that when the medium is in a trance, he/she is totally out of control. That begs the question: Who or what is in control?) Eventually, Jeff had materialization. I personally witnessed ectoplasm emanating from his mouth, nose and stomach. He once told me that if he were one of the sitters, instead of being the medium, he would be scared to watch.

Beginning of a Psychic Nightmare

We would often see different spirit entities, sometimes as men, women and children. At that particular time it was exciting and thrilling but then something happened that was the beginning of my nightmare. During one particular sance, a voice told me to extend my hand as they were going to shake hands with me. I expected it to fill with flesh, instead something like a handful of thick hair gripped my hand. I pulled my hand back and my heart leaped with fear. I learned later that it was some kind of a beast. Still, once a week for the next 18 months I attended the circle. Most nights we had human spirits. But there were times when we saw inhuman spirits and it became quite frightening. Very disturbing manifestations

began to show themselves and one night I left the sance room and never, ever returned. A few weeks later, when it was obvious that I no longer would be attending the circle, I found an envelope on the driving seat of my taxi that was parked outside of my house. I trembled with fear as I opened the envelope and the message read we will deal with you when we get you over to the other side. I was terrified.

Sometime later I was invited to a church and given a Bible, which I had never read before. Reading Deuteronomy 18:9-12, I found, a person who is a medium or a Spiritualist is detestable to the Lord. I was shocked! I searched further and found over a hundred scriptures warning one against contacting the spirit world. I had come to the crossroads in my life. I had always searched for the truth and now I had to make a decision. Who was I going to believe?

A Powerful Reality
Spiritualism is real; it is a tool used by Satan to delude people and captivate souls. The Bible strictly forbids Gods people to deal with the spirit world. God would not forbid us to deal with something that does not exist. As a former Spiritualist medium involved in the highest levels of the occult, I can attest with all certainty that there is something on

the other side. I thank God that I was able to realize this something was not a departed spirit, but something more sinister impersonating our dead loved ones. Surely the greatest authority on the spirit world would be our Creator and Creator of the universe God. As I studied the Word of God, I pondered over the scripture in Ephesians 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. In other words, our fight is not against human beings but against a spirit world of fallen angels. That is precisely what the spirit guides do not want you to know.

Decision Time
Friends, you have a choice to make - Gods Word or the spirit guides. Jesus made it very clear when He said, I am the way, the truth, and the life and no man comes to the Father except through me. Your final decision will determine your eternity. Who will you believe?

Ben Alexander is founder and director of Exposing Satans Power Ministries. His website is www.espministries.com. His email is [email protected].

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