Cost Benefit Analysis Pipeline

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Some of the key takeaways from the cost-benefit analysis of the Shannon Pipeline project are that identifying all benefits can be difficult, customer switching from gas oil to natural gas turned out to be an important benefit, and the analysis depends heavily on fuel and carbon prices.

The Shannon Pipeline is a 26km pipeline that will connect the Shannon LNG Terminal in County Kerry to the gas transmission system in County Limerick. It will allow gas to be supplied to three towns and is part of the larger Shannon LNG terminal project.

For the Shannon Pipeline to receive a grant, it must allow third party access, not be commercially viable without the grant, provide evidence of significant positive externalities through a cost-benefit analysis, and aim to provide cross-border services.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

for a Pipeline Project

The Shannon Pipeline


EntsoG, 8th Workshop on the European Ten

Year Network Development Plan


Marcella Fantini

November 20, 2013

Copyright 2013 The Brattle Group, Inc.

The Project

The Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Economic Analysis

Lessons Learned

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The Project
The Shannon Pipeline is a 26 km. 30 pipeline that will connect
the Shannon LNG Terminal in Ralappane Co. Kerry to the Bord
Gis Eireann (BGE) transmission system at Foynes in Co.
The Shannon Pipeline is a part of the Shannon LNG terminal
project, which has been included in the list of Projects of
Common Interest (PCI)
The pipeline allows Third Party Access (TPA) while the LNG
terminal does not;
Building the pipeline before a decision has been made on the LNG
terminal will allow connection to the gas grid of three towns that
it is not otherwise economic to connect.

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The Shannon Pipeline Project

Shannon LNG Terminal

Shannon Pipeline

Connection to grid

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Financing of the Project
Shannon LNG wishes to apply for a grant for the Shannon
Pipeline. The criteria to get a grant are:
The infrastructure allows for Third Party Access
The project is not commercially viable without the grant
The project specific cost-benefit analysis provides evidence of
significant positive externalities
The project has received a cross-border cost allocation decision or
aims to provide cross-border services
ACER Guidelines for cross-border allocation decision provides
that a cost-benefit analysis is required

The Cost-Benefit Analysis was carried out within the framework

provided by the EntsoG consultation document
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The Project

The Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Economic Analysis

Lessons Learned

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The Cost-Benefit Analysis
Methodology to evaluate infrastructures
proposed by the DG REGIO (2008)
Financial Analysis Discounted Cash Flow methodology (DCF)
Financial indicators to evaluate return on
investment and on capital and financial
Takes the perspective of the investors

Draft Methodology Proposed by EntsoG

Quantitative measures
Economic Analysis Monetisation of the impact of the project
using the avoided cost approach
Qualitative measures
Takes the perspective of society- tries to
capture the externalities of the project
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The Cost-Benefit Analysis - Implementation
Identification of the funding gap
Available financing sources (equity and debt)
Financial Analysis Expected costs and revenues along the
assets useful life
Financing sources required to make the
project commercially viable
Assessment of project commercial viability
Identification of the interested area
Identification of major benefits
Economic Analysis Monetary savings
Environmental benefits
Increased security of supply
Reduction in gas prices
Quantification of benefits
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The Project

The Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Economic Analysis

Lessons Learned

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Approach and Summary of Results
Pipeline on a Stand-Alone Basis Pipeline and LNG Terminal
Interested Area: Ireland Interested Area
Major benefits Ireland
Substitution of more expensive Northern Ireland
fuels with gas (avoided purchase Great Britain
and transportation costs) Major benefits
Reduction in CO2 emissions from Increased security of supply
fuel substitution Reduction in import dependence
Positive net benefits (Ireland)
Sensitivities Positive impact on gas prices
Fuel prices (marginal price reduction)
Investment costs Positive net benefits
O&M costs Sensitivities
Fuel prices
Investment costs
Privileged and Confidential O&M costs
Prepared at the Request of Counsel 9 |
The Pipeline and the Terminal
Combining elements of the project
SLNG is applying for a grant for the Shannon pipeline, not the
However, the terminal has positive economic benefits, and the
pipeline increases the chance that the terminal will be built and
the benefits realized.
Therefore we calculated the benefits for the terminal and credited
the pipeline with a fraction of the benefits (5-10%).

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Variable Pipeline on Stand-Alone Basis Pipeline and LNG Terminal Notes/Source Variable Pipeline on Stand-Alone Basis Pipeline and LNG Terminal Notes/Source

IEA World Energy Outlook 2012. Prices

22 years of operating life for the Takes into account difference in Gas, Coal, Lignite, Fuel Oil, Gasoil, Gas, Coal, Lignite, Fuel Oil, Gasoil,
Fuels and Carbon prices for fuel oil estimated on the basis of
Time Horizon 22 years of operating life pipeline and 20 years for the LNG commissioning of pipeline and LNG CO2 CO2
historical data
terminal terminal
National Regulatory
Naional production Authorithy/TSOs/Infrastructure
Discount Factor 3.5% 3.5% DG Regio operators
National Regulatory
Underground storage Authorithy/TSOs/Infrastructure
Calorific value Gas, Coal, Lignite, Fuel Oil, Gasoil Gas, Coal, Lignite, Fuel Oil, Gasoil IEA, Energy Statistics Manual
National Regulatory
Gas specific inputs (flows, average N.A. LNG regasification terminals Authorithy/TSOs/Infrastructure
Emission Factors (GHG) Gas, Coal, Lignite, Fuel Oil, Gasoil Gas, Coal, Lignite, Fuel Oil, Gasoil Sustainable energy Authority of Ireland capacity and technical capacity) operators
National Regulatory
Transportation costs of gas, coal, Transportation costs of gas, coal, Storage capacity of LNG Terminals Authorithy/TSOs/Infrastructure
lignite, fuel oil, gasoil to lignite, fuel oil, gasoil to operators
Fuel's transportation costs Jaspers/industry reports and studies
residential/commercial/industrial residential/commercial/industrial Entry/exit points (capacity) National Regulatory Authorithy/TSOs
sector sector
Import National Regulatory Authorithy/TSOs
Other externalities SO2, Nox, etc SO2, Nox, etc Jaspers/industry reports and studies National Regulatory
Peak gas demand
National Regulatory
Coal, Fuel Oil and Gasoil for Coal, Fuel Oil and Gasoil for To be calculated for each country for Gas Market Input N.A. Average gas demand
Market Share of Alternative Fuels industrial/commercial/residential industrial/commercial/residential which a substitution effect exists. National Regulatory
sector sector Various sources. Gas demand coverage

A large amount of inputs from different sources is required

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Analysis Calculation of Avoided Costs (1/2)

(+) Avoided cost to power generation (+) Avoided cost to industry/commercial

Avoided coal costs Avoided coal costs
Purchase cost EUR/GJ Purchase cost EUR/GJ
Transportation cost EUR/GJ Transportation cost EUR/GJ
D Capital and O&M costs EUR/GJ CO2 emissions EUR/GJ
CO2 emissions EUR/GJ Other externalities EUR/GJ
Other externalities EUR/GJ Total unit cost EUR/GJ
Total unit cost EUR/GJ Total avoided cost mEUR
Total avoided cost mEUR
Avoided fuel oil costs
Avoided lignite costs Purchase cost EUR/GJ
Purchase cost EUR/GJ Transportation cost EUR/GJ
Transportation cost EUR/GJ CO2 emissions EUR/GJ
D Capital and O&M costs EUR/GJ Other externalities EUR/GJ
CO2 emissions EUR/GJ Total unit cost EUR/GJ
Other externalities EUR/GJ Total avoided cost mEUR
Total unit cost EUR/GJ
Total avoided cost mEUR Avoided gasoil costs
Purchase cost EUR/GJ
Transportation cost EUR/GJ
CO2 emissions EUR/GJ
Other externalities EUR/GJ
Total unit cost EUR/GJ
Total avoided cost mEUR

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Analysis Calculation of Avoided Costs (2/2)
(+) Avoided cost to residential
Avoided coal costs EXAMPLE
Purchase cost EUR/GJ
Transportation cost EUR/GJ
CO2 emissions EUR/GJ
Other externalities
Total unit cost
The net benefit is equal to
Total avoided cost mEUR the sum of avoided costs to
Avoided gasoil costs
Purchase cost EUR/GJ
the power, industrial,
Transportation cost
CO2 emissions
commercial and residential
Other externalities
Total unit cost
sector net of the cost to
Total avoided cost mEUR
purchase and deliver gas
(-) Cost of gas
Purchase cost EUR/GJ
and of the cost of gas
Transportation cost
CO2 emissions
EUR/GJ emissions
Other externalities EUR/GJ
Total unit cost EUR/GJ
Total gas cost mEUR

Economic Benefits
Avoided fuel & transport costs (mln )
Avoided emissions (mln )

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Analysis Calculation of Net Benefits
Pipeline (mln ) [1]
Investment costs EXAMPLE
O&M Costs
Replacement costs
The net benefits of the
Residual value
LNG (mln ) [2]
project are equal to the
Investment costs sum of national and cross-
O&M Costs
Taxation border benefits net of all
Replacement costs
Residual value costs
Avoided fuel and transport costs Project specific indicators
Avoided emissions (net present value of net
UK benefits, internal rate of
return, ratio between costs
and benefits) are used to
TOTAL BENEFITS [6]=[4]+[5]
NET BENEFITS [7]=[6]-[3]+TV
assess the economic
ENPV NPV di [7] relevance of the project
ERR IRR di [7]
and to rank different
B/C ratio NPV di [7] / NPV di [3]
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Calculation of Project Specific Indices
Calculation of project-specific indices has been carried out using
formulae provided by EntsoGs draft methodology
Available data allowed us to calculate the Daily Peak Exposure
Index (EXP) for Ireland and Northern Ireland and the Import
Dependence Index (IDI) for Ireland
Other project specific indices (such as (N-1) indicator and the
import route diversification index) discussed qualitatively on the
basis of data and information provided by the national regulator
and/or the Government

The major issue arising when calculating indices is the difference

in data provided from difference sources which highlights the
need to have a consistent database at EU level

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Estimating Price Effects
The LNG terminal will increase the supply of gas in the UK/Irish
gas market, and increase the level of competition.
We used a simple model of quantity or Cournot competition,
which gives the relationship between the market shares of the
suppliers and the margin.
We re-calculated the new lower margin with the SLNG terminal,
and multiplied the price reduction by the expected demand to get
the expected reduction in gas costs in Euros.

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The Project

The Cost-Benefit Analysis

The Economic Analysis

Lessons Learned

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Lessons learned
Implementation of the cost benefit analysis has highlighted
several issues
The costs of a project are obvious, but identifying all of the
benefits can be difficult
For example, Shannon LNG did not initially identify the customers
switching from gas oil to natural gas as a benefit.
But this turned out to be one of the most important benefits of
the project
As a result, the analysis crucially depends on fuels and carbon

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Lessons learned (cont.)

Prices from international sources might be helpful for

comparisons at EU system level, use of such prices might not be
appropriate for specific projects and circumstances
Cost-benefit analysis are not an exact science the use of
judgment cannot be avoided. A good knowledge of the economics
of gas markets and infrastructures is required
Capacity data for infrastructures (including technical capacity,
average available capacity, load factors, etc.) have to be consistent
at the EU level. The building of a EU database will help address
this issue

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Project Team
Senior Associate Rome
[email protected]

Principal Rome
[email protected]

The views expressed in this presentation are strictly those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily state or reflect the views of The Brattle Group, Inc.

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We are distinguished by our credibility and the clarity of our

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Prepared at the Request of Counsel 22 |


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