Sketchbook Assignments-Vae With Rubric

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Drawing Assignments/Homework

Mrs. Bettini

Assignment Due Date

(Every other Wednesday)
1. Draw a still life. A still life is an arrangement of objects (usually non-living). Sept. 13
Arrange three small items of your choice close together on a table. Draw
them and any shadows they create. Be sure to draw large & fill the page.
2. Draw a tree. Make sure that you draw from observation. That means that Sept. 27
you are looking at a tree (through a window or sitting outside) Pay close
attention to the branches and the different textures on the tree. Do not draw
from imagination.
3. Choose an image of an animal, insect, reptile or a bird. Glue the photo Oct. 11
into your sketchbook. Draw exactly what you see. Use color. (colored pencil)
4. Use your creativity and draw the monsters under your bed. Consider the Oct. 25
overall composition and include the background. Color optional (Color
5. Draw your favorite pair of shoes. Try to make sure that they have Nov. 8
dimension (dont look flat). Use color (colored pencil)
6. Draw a portrait of a person. Choose someone in your family or a friend. Nov. 29
Draw from observation (have the person model for you) or from a photo.

7. Draw your favorite food or dessert. Draw from observation. Make the Dec. 13
drawing interesting by thinking about composition. Is it on a table? Are there
items around it? Items in the background?
8. Draw a stack of packages or gifts. It could be boxes or gift bags or both. Jan. 3
Draw from observation (photograph or actual packages) Try to make the
packages look like they have dimension.
(colored pencils are optional)

Things to REMEMBER!

Spend a minimum of 45 minutes on each sketch. Im looking for your very best effort
and am always looking for a range of values ! Avoid letting outlines show.

Sketches must be in your sketchbook/bound in your sketch folder.

Include a paragraph explaining what you did and why (make legible). Describe
the process, how you feel about it and any questions or thoughts you may have
about it. Avoid making obvious statements. Ex. I drew a coffee pot. Do not write the
paragraph ON the drawing separate sheet of paper.
Each drawing assignment is worth 100 points.
Drawings will be accepted a maximum of one day late for 10 points off.
We will self-evaluate using the rubric below for assignments 1-7 together in class.
This will help guide you as to what the teacher looks for in a drawing. Each drawing
should show visible progress.
Drawing #8 will be graded by the teacher only.

Grading Rubric is below use the rubric as a reminder when drawing.

Take your time, Relax, Have fun!!

Sketchbook Grading Rubric:

Drawing in Sketchbook/sketch folder (10)
Met assignment Requirements (20)
Design Quality: Spent at least 45 min.
drawing. (Not contour line)
Successfully displays a wide range of
Paragraph (min. of 5 sentences) (10)

Total =

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