Lecture 5

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Lecture 5

Oscillatory Motion
Simple harmonic motion. Periodic motion is motion of an object that regularly
repeatsthe object returns to a given position after a fixed time interval. A special kind
of periodic motion occurs in mechanical systems when the force acting on an object is
proportional to the position of the object relative to some equilibrium position. If this
force is always directed toward the equilibrium position, the motion is called simple
harmonic motion. As a model for simple harmonic motion, consider a block of mass m
attached to the end of a spring, with the block free to move on a horizontal, frictionless
surface (Fig.1). When the spring is neither stretched nor compressed, the block is at the
position called the equilibrium position of the system, which we identify as x = 0. We
know from experience that such a system oscillates back and forth if disturbed from its
equilibrium position.

Figure.1 A block attached to a spring moving on a

frictionless surface. (a) When the block is displaced to
the right of equilibrium (x > 0), the force exerted by
the spring acts to the left. (b) When the block is at its
equilibrium position (x =0), the force exerted by the
spring is zero. (c) When the block is displaced to
the left of equilibrium (x < 0), the force exerted by the
spring acts to the right.

The spring exerts on the block a force that is proportional to the position and given by
Hookes law

We call this a restoring force because it is always directed toward the equilibrium
position and therefore opposite the displacement from equilibrium.
Applying Newtons second law to the motion of the block, with Equation 1
providing the net force in the x direction, we obtain

That is, the acceleration is proportional to the position of the block, and its direction is
opposite the direction of the displacement from equilibrium. Systems that behave in this
way are said to exhibit simple harmonic motion. An object moves with simple
harmonic motion whenever its acceleration is proportional to its position and is
oppositely directed to the displacement from equilibrium.

Mathematical Representation of Simple Harmonic Motion. By definition, a= dv/dt =

d2x/dt2, and so we can express Equation 2 as

If we denote the ratio k/m with the symbol (we choose 2 rather than in order to

make the solution that we develop below simpler in form), then

and Equation 3 can be written in the form

What we now require is a mathematical solution to Equation 15.5that is, a function x(t)
that satisfies this second-order differential equation. The following cosine function is a
solution to the differential equation:

where A, , and are constants. To see explicitly that this equation satisfies Equation 5,
note that

Comparing Equations 6 and 8, we see that and Equation 5 is satisfied.
Note that A, called the amplitude of the motion, is simply the maximum value of the
position of the particle in either the positive or negative x direction. The constant is
called the angular frequency, and has units of rad/s1 It is a measure of how rapidly the
oscillations are occurringthe more oscillations per unit time, the higher is the value of
. From Equation 15.4, the angular frequency is


The constant angle is called the phase constant (or initial phase angle) and, along with
the amplitude A, is determined uniquely by the position and velocity of the particle at t =
0. If the particle is at its maximum position x =A at t= 0, the phase constant is =0 and
the graphical representation of the motion is shown in Figure 2b.

Figure 2 (a) An x -vs.-t graph for an object

undergoing simple harmonic motion. The
amplitude of the motion is A, the period is T,
and the phase constant is . (b) The x -vs.-t
graph in the special case in which x =A at t = 0
and hence = 0.
The quantity is called the phase of the motion. Note that the function x(t) is
periodic and its value is the same each time t increases by 2 radians.
Equations 1, 5, and 6 form the basis of the mathematical representation of simple
harmonic motion.
We can relate the period to the angular frequency by using the fact that the phase
increases by 2 radians in a time interval of T:

Simplifying this expression, we see that T = 2, or

The inverse of the period is called the frequency f of the motion. Whereas the period is
the time interval per oscillation, the frequency represents the number of oscillations that
the particle undergoes per unit time interval:

The units of f are cycles per second, or hertz (Hz). Rearranging Equation 11 gives

We can use Equations 9, 10, and 11 to express the period and frequency of the motion
for the particlespring system in terms of the characteristics m and k of the system as

(13) Period

(14) Frequancy
We can obtain the velocity and acceleration2 of a particle undergoing simple harmonic
motion from Equations 7 and .8:

(15) Velocity of an object in simple

harmonic motion

(16) Acceleration of an object in

simple harmonic motion

Maximum magnitudes of speed (17) and acceleration (18) in simple harmonic


Wave Motion

The world is full of waves, the two main types being mechanical waves and
electromagnetic waves. In the case of mechanical waves, some physical medium is being
disturbed in our pebble and beach ball example, elements of water are disturbed.
Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to propagate; some examples of
electromagnetic waves are visible light, radio waves, television signals, and x-rays.

All mechanical waves require (1) some source of disturbance, (2) a medium that can be disturbed,
and (3) some physical mechanism through which elements of the medium can influence each
A traveling wave or pulse that causes the elements of the disturbed medium to move
perpendicular to the direction of propagation is called a transverse wave.

Figure 1 A transverse pulse traveling on a stretched

rope. The direction of motion of any element
P of the rope (blue arrows) is perpendicular
to the direction of propagation (red arrows).

A traveling wave or pulse that causes the elements of the medium to move parallel
to the direction of propagation is called a longitudinal wave.

Figure 3 A longitudinal pulse along a stretched spring. The displacement of the

coils is parallel to the direction of the propagation.

Some waves in nature exhibit a combination of transverse and longitudinal

displacements. Surface water waves are a good example.
Sinusoidal Waves

The wave represented by this curve is called a sinusoidal wave because the curve is the
same as that of the function sin plotted against .

Figure 2 A one-dimensional
sinusoidal wave traveling to
the right with a speed v. The brown
curve represents a snapshot of the
wave at t = 0, and the blue curve
represents a snapshot at some later
time t.

The distance from one crest to the next is called the wavelength (Greek lambda). More
generally, the wavelength is the minimum distance between any two identical points
(such as the crests) on adjacent waves.

In general, the period is the time interval required for two identical points (such as
the crests) of adjacent waves to pass by a point. The period of the wave is the same as
the period of the simple harmonic oscillation of one element of the medium.

In general, the frequency of a periodic wave is the number of crests (or troughs, or any
other point on the wave) that pass a given point in a unit time interval. The frequency of a
sinusoidal wave is related to the period by the expression

The frequency of the wave is the same as the frequency of the simple harmonic
oscillation of one element of the medium. The most common unit for frequency, is
second-1, or hertz (Hz). The corresponding unit for T is seconds.
The maximum displacement from equilibrium of an element of the medium is
called the amplitude A of the wave.
The function describing the positions of the elements of the medium through which the
sinusoidal wave is traveling can be written

If the wave moves to the right with a speed v, then the wave function at some later time t

By definition, the wave travels a distance of one wavelength in one period T. Therefore,
the wave speed, wavelength, and period are related by the expression

Substituting this expression for v into Equation 3, we find that

This form of the wave function shows the periodic nature of y.

We can express the wave function in a convenient form by defining two other quantities,
the angular wave number k (usually called simply the wave number) and the angular
frequency :

(6) Angular wave number

(7) Angular frequency

Using these definitions, we see that Equation 5 can be written in the more compact
(8) Wave function for a sinusoidal
Using Equations 1, 6, and 7, we can express the wave speed v originally
given in Equation 5 in the alternative forms


(10) Speed of a sinusoidal wave

The wave function given by Equation 8 assumes that the vertical position y of
an element of the medium is zero at x = 0 and t = 0. This need not be the case. If it is
not, we generally express the wave function in the form

(11) General expression for a

sinusoidal wave

where is the phase constant.

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