CH 15

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Chapter 15 : Oscillatory

15.1 Motion of an Object Attached to a Spring

(a) When the block is displaced to the right

of equilibrium (x > 0), the force exerted
by the spring acts to the left.
(b) When the block is at its equilibrium
position (x = 0), the force exerted by the
spring is zero.
(c) When the block is displaced to the left
of equilibrium (x < 0), the force exerted
by the spring acts to the right.
Hooke’s law

Applying Newton’s second law


The acceleration is proportional to the position of the block, and its direction is
opposite the direction of the displacement from equilibrium.
simple harmonic motion

An object moves with simple harmonic motion whenever its

acceleration is proportional to its position and is oppositely
directed to the displacement from equilibrium.
15.2 Mathematical Representation of Simple
Harmonic Motion

The angular frequency

The constant angle Φ is called the phase constant

An experimental apparatus for demonstrating simple harmonic motion.
A pen attached to the oscillating object traces out a sinusoidal pattern
on the moving chart paper.
The period T of the motion is the time interval required for the particle to
go through one full cycle of its motion

The inverse of the period is called the frequency f of the motion. Whereas the
period is the time interval per oscillation, the frequency represents the number of
oscillations that the particle undergoes per unit time interval:

The units of f are cycles per second, or hertz (Hz).

Example 15.1 An Oscillating Object

An object oscillates with simple harmonic motion along the x axis. Its
position varies with time according to the equation

where t is in seconds and the angles in the parentheses are in radians.

(A) Determine the amplitude, frequency, and period of the motion.

(B) Calculate the velocity and acceleration of the object at any time t.
Example 15.1 An Oscillating Object

(C) Using the results of part (B), determine the position, velocity, and
acceleration of the object at t = 1 s.

(D) Determine the maximum speed and maximum acceleration of the object.

(E) Find the displacement of the object between t = 0 and t = 1.00 s.

Example 15.2 A vehicle

A car with a mass of 1 300 kg is constructed so that its frame is supported by

four springs. Each spring has a force constant of 20 000 N/m. If two people
riding in the car have a combined mass of 160 kg, find the frequency of
vibration of the car after it is driven over a pothole in the road.

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