Class22 Ex3

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224 Solutions Manual Fluid Mechanics, Seventh Edition

(c) Examining Fx, we see that it can be zero only if cos = 1/, which makes no sense
unless = 1, = 0. This situation also makes Fx = 0 above (sin = 0). Therefore the
only scenario for which both forces are zero is the trivial case for which all the flow goes
horizontally across a flat block:
x F=
y 0 only if:
= 1, = 0 Ans. (c)

P3.76 A two-dimensional sheet of water,

10 cm thick and moving at 7 m/s, strikes a
fixed wall inclined at 20 with respect to
the jet direction. Assuming frictionless flow,
find (a) the normal force on the wall per
meter of depth, and the widths of the sheet
deflected (b) upstream, and (c) downstream Fig. P3.76
along the wall.

Solution: (a) The force normal to the wall is due to the jets momentum,
FN = m
inuin =(998)(0.1)(72 )(cos 70) =1670 N / m Ans.
(b) Assuming V1 = V2 = V3 = Vjet, VjA1 = VjA2 + VjA3 where,
= 1 sin
A 2 A= =
(0.1)(1)(sin 20) 0.034 m 3 cm Ans.

(c) Similarly, A3 = A1 cos = (0.1)(1)(cos 20) = 0.094 m 9.4 cm Ans.

P3.77 Water at 20C flows steadily

through a reducing pipe bend, as in Fig.
P3.77. Known conditions are p1 = 350 kPa,
D1 = 25 cm, V1 = 2.2 m/s, p2 = 120 kPa,
and D2 = 8 cm. Neglecting bend and water
weight, estimate the total force which must
be resisted by the flange bolts.

Solution: First establish the mass flow

and exit velocity: Fig. P3.77

= kg m
=m 1A1V1 998 (0.25)=
= 998 (0.08)2 V2 , or
(2.2) 108 = V2 21.5
4 s 4 s
Chapter 3 Integral Relations for a Control Volume 225

The CV surrounds the bend and cuts through the flanges. The force balance is

Fx =
Fbolts + p1,gage A1 + p2,gage A 2 =
m 2 u2 m
1u1, where u2 =
V2 and u1 =

or Fbolts = (350000 100000) (0.25)2 + (120000 100000) (0.08)2 + 108(21.5 + 2.2)
4 4
= 12271 + 101 + 2553 14900 N Ans.

P3.78 A fluid jet of diameter D1 enters a

cascade of moving blades at absolute
velocity V1 and angle 1, and it leaves at
absolute velocity V1 and angle 2, as in
Fig. P3.78. The blades move at velocity u.
Derive a formula for the power P delivered
to the blades as a function of these

Solution: Let the CV enclose the blades Fig. P3.78

and move upward at speed u, so that the
flow appears steady in that frame, as shown
at right. The relative velocity Vo may be
eliminated by the law of cosines:

Vo2 = V12 + u2 2V1u cos 1

= V 22 + u2 2V2 u cos 2

solve for u =
(1/2) V12 V 22 )
V1 cos 1 V2 cos 2

Then apply momentum in the direction of blade motion:

y Fvanes= m
jet (Vo1y Vo2y= 1 cos 1 V2 cos 2 ), m
) m(V = A1V1

The power delivered is P = Fu, which causes the parenthesis cos terms to cancel:

= =
P Fu
jet V12 V 22
m ) Ans.

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