An Analysis of Reservation System in Ind
An Analysis of Reservation System in Ind
An Analysis of Reservation System in Ind
peoples, and other lower castes peoples, (i.e. The Award was highly controversial and
OBCs (Other Backward Communities) through opposed by Mahatma Gandhi, who fasted in
positive or compensatory discrimination. By this protest against it. Communal Award was
policy, the leaders of independent India declared supported by many among the minority
their determination to eradicate inequalities. The communities, most notably revolutionary Dr. B.
constitutional delegitimation of caste has had a R. Ambedkar. After lengthy negotiations,
significant impact at all levels of society. Gandhi reached an agreement with Dr.
Nevertheless, the policy has also contributed to Ambedkar (Initially opposed it) to have a single
the progressive strengthening of caste as a major Hindu electorate, with Scheduled caste having
political factor, so that sixty nine years after seats reserved within it. This is called the Poona
independence it still plays a key role in the Pact. Electorates for other religions
working of Indian democracy. like Muslim and Sikh remained separate.
Reservation in India is the process of Present reservation system has a long
setting aside a certain percentage of seats history and has been debated before and after
(vacancies) in government institutions for Indian independence from the British in 1947.
members of backward and under-represented Reservations in favour of Backward Classes
communities (defined primarily by caste and (BCs) were introduced long before
tribe). Reservation is a form of quota- independence in a large area, comprising the
based affirmative action. Reservation is Presidency areas and the Princely states south of
governed by constitutional laws, statutory laws, the Vindhyas. In 1882, Hunter Commission was
and local rules and regulations. Scheduled appointed. Mahatma Jyotirao Phule made a
Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other demand of free and compulsory education for
Backward Classes (OBC) (and in some states Smrti along with proportionate representation in
Backward Classes among Muslims under a government jobs. In 1891, there was a demand
category called BC(M) )are the primary for reservation of government jobs with an
beneficiaries of the reservation policies under agitation (in the princely State of Travancore)
the Constitution with the object of ensuring a against the recruitment of non-natives into
"level" playing field. public service overlooking
qualified native people. In 1901, reservations
were introduced in Maharashtra (in the Princely
History of the reservations system: State of Kolhapur) by Shahu
In August 1933, the then Prime Minister Maharaj. Chatrapati Sahuji Maharaj, Maharaja
of Britain, Ramsay Macdonald gave his 'award' of Kolhapur in Maharashtra introduced
known as the Communal Award. According to reservation in favour of non-Brahmin and
it, separate representation was to be provided for backward classes as early as 1902. He provided
the Muslims, Sikhs, Indian Christians, Anglo- free education to everyone and opened several
Indians, Europeans, Scheduled caste. The hostels in Kolhapur to make it easier for
depressed classes were assigned a number of everyone to receive the education. He also made
seats to be filled by election from special sure everyone got suitable employment no
constituencies in which voters belonging to the matter what social class they belonged. He also
depressed classes only could vote. appealed for a class-free India and the abolition
of untouchability. The notification of 1902
created 50% reservation in services for
backward sections (not "communities") of the class of vacancies shall not be considered
population. Emphasis and parentheses added. It together with the vacancies of the year in which
also states that The State shall promote with they are being filled up for determining the
special care the educational and economic ceiling of fifty percent reservation on total
interests of the weaker sections of society (in number of vacancies of that year
particular, of the scheduled castes and (Constitutional 81st Amendment, - Act, 2000).
aboriginal tribes), and shall protect them from The Constitution prohibits discrimination
social ''injustice'' and all forms of exploitation." (Article 15) of any citizen on grounds of
The Article further states that nothing in Article religion, race, caste, etc.; untouchability (Article
15(4) will prevent the nation from helping SCs 17); and forced labour (Article 23). It provides
and STs for their betterment up to the level for specific representation through reservation
enjoyed by the average member of other of seats for the SCs and the STs in the
communities. ( Laskar, Mehbubul Hassan 2011) Parliament (Article 330) and in the State
In 1982, the Constitution specified 15% and Legislative Assemblies (Article 332), as well as,
7.5% of vacancies in public sector and in Government and public sector jobs, in both
government-aided educational institutes as a the federal and state Governments (Articles
quota reserved for the SC and ST candidates 16(4), 330(4) and 335). (Sukhadeo Thorat and
respectively for a period of five years, after Chittaranjan Senapati 2006).
which the quota system would be reviewed. The Present Status:
This period was routinely extended by the After introducing the provision for
succeeding governments. reservation once, it got related to vote bank
Article 15(4) states that: Nothing in this politics and the following governments and the
Article shall prevent the State from making any Indian Parliament routinely extended this
provision for the reservation of appointments or period, without any free and fair revisions.
posts in favour of any backward class or Later, reservations were introduced for other
citizens, which, in the opinion of the State, is sections as well. The Supreme Court ruling that
not adequately represented in the services under reservations cannot exceed 50% (which it
the State. Article 16(4 A) states that: Nothing judged would violate equal access guaranteed
in this article shall prevent the State from by the Constitution) has put a cap on
making any provisions for reservation in the reservations. The central government of India
matter of promotion to any class or classes of reserves 27% of higher education, and
posts in the services under the State in favour of individual states may legislate further
SCs and STs which in the opinion of the State reservations. Reservation in most states is at
are not adequately represented under the State 50%, but certain Indian states like Rajasthan
(Constitutional 77th Amendment, - Act, 1995). have proposed a 68% reservation that includes a
Article 16 (4 B) states that: Nothing in 14% reservation for forward castes in services
this article shall prevent the State from and education. However, there are states laws
considering any unfilled vacancies of a year that exceed this 50% limit and these are under
which are reserved for being filled up in that litigation in the Supreme Court. For example,
year in accordance with any provision for the caste-based reservation fraction stands at
reservation made under clause (4) or clause 69% and is applicable to about 87% of the
(4A) as a separate class of vacancies to be filled population in the state of Tamil Nadu.
up in any succeeding year or years and such
of the programs successfully. Generally, the specified in Article 30, should, in all
percentage of students passing from the top circumstances, be protected. This Article has a
institutions is 87% to 95 % (approx) and most of great historical necessity. Therefore, it cannot be
those who fail are from the reserved categories. deleted, he said.
When there are students in the same class of All over India, minorities do run a few
different intellectual levels (the student scoring exceptionally dedicated institutions, helping the
1st rank and the student scoring the lowest poor and bringing social justice, but most of
rank), it will be difficult for the professors to go them are profit-making machines. The cries to
ahead in the same pace and rhythm in the class. include minority institutions are raised loudly
The drop outs will be those from the backward because the private institutions are better
and weaker sections. managed than the government-owned
Merits institutions. But when we look at the minority
After the Bill 104, opinions are clearly institution statistics, the institutions owned by
divided between those who feel that the the SC/ST management are negligibly small and
reservations are nothing but a political gimmick those by the minority communities linguistically
and should be opposed at all cost, and those who are more. Then who is having the major chunk?
say the move will genuinely help lift the status Are these minority institutions really protecting
of backward classes. If it is true, why the state the rights of minorities? Are they upholding the
of Kerala was able to provide this nation with a noble cause of reservation?
President and a Supreme Court Chief Justice Conclusion
from the Scheduled Caste community? Why in Reservations are intended to increase the
the literacy situation in India, Kerala is distinct social diversity in campuses by lowering the
from others? Kerala is the place where the first entry criteria for certain identifiable groups that
Dalit School came up at Venganoor in are grossly under-represented in proportion to
Trivandrum district of Kerala. In 1904, Shri. their numbers in the general population. Caste is
Ayyankali started the school entry struggle the most used criteria to identify under-
which resulted in this. Other major development represented groups. However, there are other
in terms of the social status was due to the identifiable criteria for under-representation:
Temple entry proclamation done by the His gender (women), state of domicile (North
Highness Shri Chitira Thirunal Balarama Varma Eastern States, as Bihar and Uttar Pradesh),
in 1936. He abolished the ban on low caste rural people, etc. are under-represented, as
people or avarnas from entering Hindu temple revealed by the Government of India sponsored
in the state of Travancore (now a part of National Family Health and National Sample
Kerala). surveys.
Demerits The underlying theory is that the under-
Demerits are that the politicians are representation of the identifiable groups is a
manufacturing fertile ground to sow, nurture legacy of the Indian caste systems. After India
and harvest the evils of separatism, keep people gained independence, the Constitution of India
divided on religious grounds. The Human listed some erstwhile groups as Scheduled
Resource Development Minister, who moved Castes (SC) and Schdeuled Tribes (ST). The
the Bill 104, could not hide his glee when he framers of the Constitution believed that, due to
replied to the BJP on why minority institutions the caste system, SCs and the STs were
cannot be included. Minority rights, as historically oppressed and denied respect and
[2] Basu, Durga Das (2008). Introduction to [13] The Untouchables of India". Praxis.
the Constitution of India. Nagpur: LexisNexis Retrieved 20 October 2011.
Butterworths Wadhwa. p. 98. ISBN 978-81-
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