Designing Teaching and Learning 2H - Spring 2017: in This Assignment, I Will Analyse and Modify The History Lesson Plan

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Designing Teaching and Learning 2H Spring 2017

Nese Kilic 17811385


Section 1: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers .......................................................... 2

Section 2: NSW Quality Teaching Model ..................................................................................... 4
Section 3: Identifying Areas for Improvement ............................................................................. 5
Modified Lesson Plan ................................................................................................................... 6
Academic Justification ............................................................................................................... 11
References ................................................................................................................................. 11
Learning Portfolio Web link........................................................................................................ 16

In this assignment, I will analyse and modify the History Lesson Plan

102086 Designing Teaching & Learning 2H 2017
Assignment 2: APST and QT Analysis Template

Section 1: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Evaluate the lesson plan according to the following Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Only
standards directly addressed in Designing Teaching & Learning that are relevant to this assignment have been
included. However, this does not mean the other standards are irrelevant to lesson planning and evaluation
more generally.

Evaluation score 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)

Comments incl. evidence for evaluation score (2 sentences)

1 Know students and how they learn

1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
1234 Comments: The lesson plan displays graduate level of application of the 1.3 component.
1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
1234 Comments: There are no strategies that incorporate outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres
5 Strait Islander students in the Lesson plan. The lesson plan displays graduate level of

1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities
1234 Comments: The lesson plan does provide an array of range and abilities that fit the need of
5 the students. It demonstrates knowledge and understanding for differentiating teaching.

1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disability

1 2 3 4 Comments: The lesson plan provides support for students with a vision impairment.
2 Know the content and how to teach it
2.2 Content selection and organisation
1234 Comments: The lesson plan is organised with materials. However, the placement of these
5 materials are not organised, (e.g. The placement of homework, which is allocated in the
beginning of the lesson. The content selection is Proficient.

2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting

1234 Comments: The lesson plan displays contemporary knowledge and understanding of the
5 curriculum, assessments and reporting.

2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

1234 Comments: The lesson plan uses YouTube to provide students with an educational video
5 about Ancient Egypt.

3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

3.1 Establish challenging learning goals
1234 Comments: The lesson plan provides challenging outcomes for student lesson plan provides
5 a proficient level of application of outcome 3.1.

3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs

1234 Comments: The structure of the lesson is low in quality and the sequence of these learning
5 programs are ineffective.

3.3 Use teaching strategies

1234 Comments: The lesson plan provides a range of teaching strategies.
3.4 Select and use resources
1234 Comments: The lesson plan demonstrates a range of knowledge based resources.
4 Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments
4.1 Support student participation
1234 Comments: The lesson plan establishes and implements inclusive and engaging material for
5 the students. The paired concept map as well as the Classroom activity is a great example
of this.

4.2 Manage classroom activities

1234 Comments: The lesson plan demonstrates an effective approach to manage classroom
5 activities and provides clear directions.

4.3 Manage challenging behaviour

1234 Comments: The lesson plan has not provided a plan, or any approaches to tackle and
5 manage challenging behaviour.

4.4 Maintain student safety

1234 Comments: The lesson plan does not encompass outcomes to display and support a
5 students safety and wellbeing when working within a classroom environment.

4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically

1234 Comments: The lesson plan uses ICT effectively and ethically, however there is the use a
5 YouTube video and not a range of different resources, such as PowerPoints or websites.

5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

5.1 Assess student learning
1234 Comments: The lesson plan demonstrates an understanding of assessments and strategies,
5 by looking to see if the students have included words from the concept map. The use of
informal assessment can be done to see if the student(s) are progressing.

5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning

1234 Comments: The lesson plan does not provide outcomes associated with feedback for
5 students.

Section 2: NSW Quality Teaching Model

Evaluate the lesson plan according to the following NSW Quality Teaching model elements.

Evaluation score refer to NSW QTM Classroom Practice Guide for each element
Comments incl. evidence for evaluation score (2 sentences)

1 Intellectual quality
1.1 Deep knowledge
1 2 3 4 Comments: The lesson plan provides valuable knowledge, along with significant ideas for
5 classroom content. It provides a general focus as well as provide key concepts and ideas of
the topic.

1.2 Deep understanding

1 2 3 4 Comments: The lesson plan provides deep understanding for students. The students can
5 demonstrate both shallow and deep understanding of the content.

1.3 Problematic knowledge

1 2 3 4 Comments: The lesson plan provides general facts and knowledge of the content, however
5 it does not provide questions that analyse the content that help the student understand.
There is only a static approach and is open to one interpretation.

1.4 Higher-order thinking

1 2 3 4 Comments: The lesson plan demonstrated only a lower-order thinking. They provided
5 information and facts to the students but the lesson plan did provide components that
relate to higher order thinking.

1.5 Metalanguage
1 2 3 4 Comments: The lesson plan demonstrates some metalanguage, this can be seen in the
5 classroom activity where students were required to write words on the whiteboard. This
can also be seen in the Glossary Activity.

1.6 Substantive communication

1 2 3 4 Comments: There is a substantial amount of communication and interaction that occurs
5 amongst students and the educator. This is evident with the classroom activity that occurs
with the students and the teachers where students are asked to write on the whiteboard.

Quality learning environment

2.1 Explicit quality criteria
1 2 3 4 Comments: Detailed criteria was provided and students were able to follow instructions
5 relating to the given exercises. However, no evidence was shown that indicated students
were given the ability to assess the quality of their work.

2.2 Engagement
1 2 3 4 Comments: The engagement of the lesson plan is variable. The tasks that were given to the
5 students did incorporate interaction amongst peers and did provide engagement.

2.3 High expectations

1 2 3 4 Comments: The lesson plan did provide challenging work for students. They were also
5 encouraged to provide their general knowledge about the topic.

2.4 Social support

1234 Comments: There is a positive atmosphere for students and there is guidance and social
5 support from the teachers towards the students.

2.5 Students self-regulation

1 2 3 4 Comments: The lesson plan did demonstrate some autonomy for students. This can be seen
5 in the glossary task were the students are asked to work individually.

2.6 Student direction

1 2 3 4 Comments: The lesson plan provides a high level of student direction. As it clearly directs
5 the students on the given task.

3 Significance
3.1 Background knowledge
1 2 3 4 Comments: The background knowledge of the class content is limited for most students. As
5 it is their first lesson on the given content.

3.2 Cultural knowledge

1 2 3 4 Comments: Some cultural knowledge recognition is shown in the lesson plan. This can be
5 seen in the YouTube video.

3.3 Knowledge integration

1 2 3 4 Comments: There is some minor connections made within the content area. It is mostly
5 restricted to one area of topic.

3.4 Inclusivity
1234 Comments: There is inclusivity for most students. There is interaction as well as inclusivity
5 amongst the students and the educator. Students first worked in pairs then as a classroom
exercise they were asked to write on the whiteboard.

3.5 Connectedness
1 2 3 4 Comments: The lesson plan provides connectedness about the situation between outside
5 knowledge and inside knowledge.

3.6 Narrative
1234 Comments: Narrative can be seen to be used, though, it is a minor part of the lesson plan.

Section 3: Identifying Areas for Improvement

Identify the two APST standards and two NSW QT model elements you are targeting for improvement.

1) 3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning 2) 4.3 Manage challenging behaviour
QT model
1) 1.3 - Problematic Knowledge 2) 1.4 Higher-order thinking

Lesson Plan (Simplified for DTL)

Topic area: Ancient Egypt Stage of Learner: 4 Syllabus Pages: 60

Date: 14/03/2016 Location Booked: Lesson Number: 1 /14

Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students Printing/preparation

24 Glossary worksheet x 24

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

Syllabus outcomes Lesson Assessment Depth Study 1: Apply knowledge

Investigating the Ancient
Concept map Past Describe the geographical
understand what setting and natural features
HT4-2 describes major periods of students already Students will learn about of the ancient society
historical time and sequences know on the topic the Ancient World during
events, people and societies from the approximately 60 000 The student will learn to
the past BC (BCE) c.650 AD (CE) develop and understanding
and apply process
Use of informal knowledge through the
Assessment will be concept map exercise.
HT4-9 uses a range of historical done through the They will define and learn
terms and concepts when understanding of the concepts and terms
communicating an understanding students and how relating to historical time,
of the past they learn the these are BC/AD and Identify knowledge from the
concept map. BCE/CE. YouTube video and apply
that to the concept Map
HT4-8 - locates, selects and exercise.
organises information from Use informal They will learn about the
sources to develop an historical assessment can be primary features of
inquiry done through the history and archaeology Identify and learn the
application of the as well the roles of features from primary as
classroom map historian and sources through the
HT4-10 selects and uses exercise. archaeologists. application of PowerPoint
appropriate oral, written, visual
and digital forms to communicate Use informal
about the past assessment of the
glossary terms will
enable students to
question and use
critical thinking.

Cross Curriculum themes & General capabilities Explicit subject specific concepts and skills

Cross Curriculum themes Learn the sequence of historical events and the
developments during the Ancient period.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia

Sustainability Identifying and locating relevant sources with the use of
ICT and other methods.

General capabilities
Locate, compare and use a range of information and
Critical and creative thinking sources.
Ethical understanding Ethical understanding
Information and communication technology capability
Intercultural understanding
Literacy & Numeracy
Personal and social capability

Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred


Intro Students are to come in and settle in to class. Teacher: Instruct students to S
Teacher is to call out the Roll. come in and be prepared.
Teacher is to call out the Roll.

Student: Following instructions.


5-10 Introduce the topic of Ancient Egypt. Teacher: To provide instructions. T

Give a short PowerPoint slide on information about

Ancient History. Using primary as well as secondary
sources to do so. Student: Follow instructions.

Ask students to leave a page in their workbooks for a

title page titled Ancient Egypt Resources: Laptop, Microsoft
PowerPoint, Projector

YouTube Clip Teacher: T/S

10-15 Show students an introduction of Ancient Egypt and

Resources: Projector

15-25 Concept Map: 6 groups of 4 Teacher: Provide instructions on S

concept map.
Teacher is to allocate students into group 6 groups of
4 and onto A3 paper; they are to write Ancient
Egypt in the middle of the paper. Instruct all four
students to write as many words they know that Student: Work in a group 4 to
relate to the topic around the page, they are to create a concept map.
collaborate with each other. They may use a
dictionary if they are unsure of spelling. When the
activity is finished the Teacher will ask a member Resources: 6x A3 paper for
from each group to fill out the Concept Map student to the teacher
Classroom activity:

25-30 Concept Map Classroom activity: Teacher: Provide instructions and T/S
assist with the concept map.
Teacher is to have the words Ancient Egypt on the
white board. Teacher is to go around the room and
ask each pair if they had any words to contribute to
the class concept map. Teacher is to explain what Student: Follow instructions and
those words mean. Students are to include words respond to questions.
they didnt have in their concept map.

Words that should be included: Mummification,

Desert, Hieroglyphics, Domesticate, Egypt, Delta,
Scribe, Embalming,

Inundation, Irrigation, Famine, After Life, Dynasty,

Sarcophagus, Oasis, Deities, Papyrus, Pyramid,
Ploughing, Pharaohs, The Nile River, Canopic jars,

30-50 Glossary Activity 1: Teacher: To give instructions. S

Students are given a glossary worksheet to Student: Work on the worksheet.

complete (resource attached below). They need to
use words from the concept map to fill it in. Resources: Glossary Activity 1.

Differentiation (resource attached below): Word

bank and the first letter of the word to be included.
Students are to glue in worksheet once completed.

50-55 Assign Homework Teacher: To provide instructions. S

Tell students that they need to have at least three

pictures that relate to the topic. Set the task for
homework ensure students write task in their Student: Follow instructions.
diaries. Tell students homework will be checked
during the next lesson.

55-60 Pack up, remind students of homework and dismiss Teacher: To provide instructions S/T
the class.

Student: Follow instructions


How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

HT4-2 The PowerPoint presentation will provide a timeline of events of the Ancient
period. The YouTube video will also assist with the outcomes of this

HT4-9 Through the Concept Map and the as well as the Glossary task students will
be able to learn about historical terms and concepts. Though this they will
form an understanding of the past, with this they will develop a vocabulary
through these exercises.

HT4-8 Through the use of the glossary exercise and PowerPoint presentation,
students will develop historical inquiry

HT4-10 With the use of visual means, such using YouTube video. By using Digital
materials such as the PowerPoint Presentation

Academic Justification

The original lesson encompassed a borderline layout in terms of structure and teaching

components. It covers the outcomes, (HPT-2) and (HPT-9). However, in order to distinguish

between an average lesson and an effective lesson, there must be a functional sequence and

structure to the lesson. The educator is lacking proficiency in the (APST - 3.2) component. It can

be seen that the during the 5 to 10 minute mark of the lesson, homework is assigned to the

students. As stated on the top of the Original Lesson Plan, this is the first lesson for a Stage 4

learner. The structure that educator has chosen as to when homework is provided is unusual as

it should assigned to the students towards the end of the lesson instead. I have made an

alteration to the lesson by moving the allocation of homework to the end of the lesson instead

as opposed to the beginning. Another alteration that I performed was moving the YouTube video

that was allocated to the end of the original lesson plan to the beginning of the lesson plan. To

reiterate, this is the first lesson for the students. By having the class view the National Geographic

YouTube video, they will able to form a higher level of understanding relating to the subject of

Ancient Egypt prior to the main tasks being assigned to them

It is evident that within a classroom environment there are challenging circumstances

for students. Furthermore, their behaviour has a direct correlation to how much of the content

being taught by the eductor is understood and absorbed. The educator is lacking proficiency in

the (APST - 4.1) component, as they do not have effective plan to combat challenging behaviour

within the classroom. In my modified lesson plan instead of students working in pairs, I made the

alteration of allocating the students in groups of four. This will assist the educator to create a

greater level of classroom management and hence a more effective lesson structure. Due to only

having to travel to six groups of four and assist them, instead of 12 pairs. By working in groups it

will assist the students to work as a team amongst their peers. Classroom management is an

essential component for every classroom. Felix (2011) states how teachers that have been

portrayed as those who lack class management skills and many are labelled as being ineffective

and incompetent teachers. (p.16). An educator must have a plan for effective class

management skills, as well as a plan for challenging behaviour. If the educator lacks the skillset

in these areas this may result in them becoming ineffective and incompetent teacher.

The original lesson plan provided evidence for lower order thinking but lacked higher order

thinking. For example, in the concept map exercise, students were required to think in lower-

order way of thinking. Zohar and Dori (2003) state that higher order thinking skills is considered

an important educational goal. Although learning theories see the development of students'

thinking as an important goal for all students, teachers often believe that stimulating higher order

thinking is appropriate only for high-achieving students ( p.145) The reason as to why the

educator may have not provided higher order thinking activities into their lesson, can be due to

the lack students with a higher knowledge and intellect in their class. Killien (2006) explains

that The way we teach can encourage student to think in different ways. For convenience, we

often divide cognitive processes into two broad categories lower- order thinking and higher-

order thinking. Higher-order thinking is the type of cognitive processing that stretches your

students minds or racks your students; brains. More formally, it is they types of cognitive

processing described by the upper levels of acknowledge hierarchies of thinking. (p.67) The

educator did not provide students with higher order learning activities into their lesson plan.

Problematic knowledge can refer to several components. These include; knowledge only being

presented as fact without it being open to discussion and that certain knowledge being open to

different opinions. Knowledge that is open to different perspectives that is viewed as being

constructed by society and hence is open to questioning and knowledge that is stated as being

constructed by society and open to different opinions are not only displayed but are furthermore

analysed through questions that relate to their assumed knowledge.

Additionally to reiterate knowledge can be problematic due to it having numerous components;

this can refer to social, political, and cultural influence. Due to these different interpretations,

this can as a result make the knowledge problematic. Knowledge does not become problematic

when these components are static and when they are open to only one interpretation. The

original lesson plan did not evaluate problematic knowledge. In my modified lesson plan, I

included a segment that included a PowerPoint presentation. With this presentation, I would

incorporate a more in depth analysis of problematic knowledge to assist the students to

understand more about the classroom content.


Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. (2017). NESA. Retrieved 24 September 2017,

Felix, E. E. (2011). Modern Approach To Classroom Discipline And Management: Prevention And
Intervention Strategies For Students With Behavioral Problems. Xlibris Corporation.

History K10: Learning across the curriculum. (2017). Retrieved 24

September 2017, from

History K10: Stage 4 Depth Study 1: Investigating the Ancient Past. (2017). Retrieved 24 September 2017, from

History K10 :: Syllabus elements. (2017). Retrieved 24 September

2017, from

History - Year 7. (2017). Australian Curriculum.. Retrieved 24 September 2017, from

Killen, R. (2006). Effective teaching strategies: Lessons from research and practice. Cengage
Learning Australia.

Quality Teaching in NSW Public Schools - A classroom practice guide. (2003). Retrieved 24
September 2017, from http://web1.muirfield

Zohar, A., & Dori, Y. J. (2003). Higher order thinking skills and low-achieving students: Are they
mutually exclusive?. The journal of the learning sciences, 12(2), 145-181.

Learning Portfolio Web link


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