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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................3 How Much Can the Player Characters Do? ....................................50
Who Are the Bad Guys?.......................................................................50
CHAPTER 1: INFINITY (& BEYOND...) ........................................ 4 Putting it all Together ..........................................................................50
A COSMIC HISTORY OF SUPERHERO COMICS .........................4 Series Ideas.............................................................................................52
The Man of Tomorrow...........................................................................5 COSMIC VILLAIN ARCHETYPES ................................................ 55
Failure to Launch ....................................................................................5 Alien Supermind ...................................................................................55
Back to the Future ..................................................................................5 Avatar of Destruction ..........................................................................57
Silvertone..................................................................................................6 Imperial Champion ..............................................................................60
Legion ........................................................................................................6 Space Dragon ........................................................................................63
Tales to Astonish .....................................................................................6 The Devourer .........................................................................................65
Exile on Main Street ...............................................................................7 Galactic Tough Guy .............................................................................67
Fourth World ...........................................................................................7 Renegade Space Cop ...........................................................................70
Meet the New Boss .................................................................................8 Star Hunter .............................................................................................72
Theres a Starman Waiting in the Sky ................................................8 Time Master ...........................................................................................75
Crossing Over ..........................................................................................9 MINION ARCHETYPES ................................................................ 77
Its the End of the World (As We Know It)..........................................9 COSMIC MINIONS........................................................................ 79
The Future Is Now ...................................................................................9 Cuddly Alien Pet ....................................................................................79
THE COSMOS: SUB-GENRE CONVENTIONS..............................9 Energy Beings ........................................................................................79
Being Alien and What It Means ........................................................10 Shapeshifting Aliens ............................................................................79
New Life & New Civilizations .............................................................12 Xenomorphs ..........................................................................................80
Changes ..................................................................................................13
Infinite Powers & Ultimate Tests .......................................................13
CHAPTER 4: THE FREEDOM COSMOS .......................................81
Having Environmental Issues ............................................................13 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE COSMOS......................................... 81
Futureworld ...........................................................................................14 The Preservers........................................................................................81
Machine Head .......................................................................................14 The Great Empires ................................................................................82
Cult Following .......................................................................................14 The Chaos of Collapsar .......................................................................83
Difficult Concepts .................................................................................15 THE SOLAR SYSTEM ................................................................... 83
The War of the Worlds .........................................................................15 Earth ........................................................................................................83
The Great Beyond .................................................................................16 The Moon ...............................................................................................85
COSMIC RULE OPTIONS............................................................. 19 THE GREATER GALAXY............................................................... 87
The X Factor ...........................................................................................19 The Grue Unity ......................................................................................87
The Stellar Imperium ...........................................................................91
CHAPTER 2: COSMIC HEROES .................................................22 Alien Races .............................................................................................97
STARTING POWER LEVELS ........................................................ 22 INTERSTELLAR FACTIONS ......................................................... 98
Challengers of the Cosmos ................................................................22 The Argents ............................................................................................98
Cosmic Crusaders .................................................................................23 The Blackguard .................................................................................. 101
Cosmic Avatars .....................................................................................23 The Star Knights................................................................................. 104
WITH GREAT POWER COMES INFINITY AND BEYOND ........................................................... 108
GREAT BIG ACTION SCENES .................................................. 24 Interstitial Universes ......................................................................... 108
Powers .....................................................................................................24 The Primals ......................................................................................... 111
Power Effects .........................................................................................26
Abilities....................................................................................................29 CHAPTER 5: FREEDOM CITY 2525.......................................... 114
Skills .........................................................................................................29 A BRIGHT, SHINING FUTURE................................................... 114
Advantages ............................................................................................30 The World of Tomorrow ................................................................... 114
Equipment..............................................................................................31 The City of the Future ....................................................................... 114
ARCHETYPES ................................................................................ 34 Beyond Freedom City ....................................................................... 117
Cosmic Buccaneer ................................................................................36 The Freedom Legion ......................................................................... 118
Cosmic Critter ........................................................................................37 THREATS ...................................................................................... 124
Galactic Peace Officer .........................................................................38 The Grue Unity ................................................................................... 124
Ray-Gun Hero ........................................................................................39 The Unification Movement ............................................................. 124
Space Demigod.....................................................................................40 The Tyranny Legion ........................................................................... 125
Space Knight..........................................................................................41 TIME PASSAGES ......................................................................... 130
Space Soldier .........................................................................................42 In the Not-Too-
Start Hero ...............................................................................................43 Distant Future... ............................................................................. 130
Strange Visitor .......................................................................................44 Capers from Tomorrow .................................................................... 130
ALIEN TEMPLATES....................................................................... 45
APPENDIX: ALIEN ................................................................ 133
CHAPTER 3: THE COSMIC SERIES ........................................... 48 ARCHETYPES & TEMPLATES ................................................ 133
Central Themes .....................................................................................48
RUNNING COSMIC GAMES........................................................ 50 INDEX ................................................................................ 137
Episodic or Serial?.................................................................................50 LICENSE ............................................................................. 139
Cosmic Power Levels ............................................................................50


The Cosmic Handbook is a sourcebook for the MUTANTS & while also diving into information on the challenges of
MASTERMINDS roleplaying game. It covers the some of the surviving in space and dealing with cosmic entities wield-
most popular and most powerful types of superhero ing cosmic powers... even if that entity is your hero!
stories... those dealing with space-faring adventure,
aliens, primal entities, science fiction, and anything else Chapter 2: Cosmic Heroes is all about creating charac-
falling into the vast cosmic realm. In the following pages ters, but the information is for players and Gamemasters
the past, present, and future of the cosmos are laid bare alike. It includes tips and tricks for designing a cool and
so you can explore the galaxy, save entire alien races, face effective character no matter what sort of setting your
down planet eaters, and discover how important a lone series features. Also included is a discussion on the abili-
human from Earth is in the battle for the soul of the uni- ties, skills, advantages, equipment, and powers common
verse! to cosmic heroes, including rules options to adapt a few
powers for use in a cosmic series. Finally, this chapter also
Cosmic heroes uncover and put a stop to alien menaces, features a number of character archetypes you can use as
keeping not just a neighborhood, city, or country safe, player characters or adapt as you see fit to create a custom
but the entire planet. Often these battles play out across hero.
the sky for everyone to see and marvel at, while other
times theyre handled in secret, so as not to cause a Chapter 3: The Cosmic Series provides the Gamemas-
panic. But no matter what, the forces unleashed during ter with all the information needed to create compel-
such conflicts typically go far beyond what terrestrial ling stories for space-faring heroes to interact with. This
heroes are capable of handling. They keep the streets chapter includes sections covering themes central to
safe, you keep the planet safe. Scratch that. You keep the cosmic series, including aliens, invasions, space travel,
planets safe. ancient mysteries, and more. It also gives the GM tips on
starting their series and keeping it fresh over time. Lastly,

HOW TO USE THIS BOOK there are villainous archetypes, including multiple options
for using them, along with some typical alien races.
The Cosmic Handbook covers a lot of ground and can be Chapter 4: The Freedom Cosmos looks at the Freedom
used in a number of different ways. It provides informa- City universe. The history of the universe is covered, in-
tion on the different types of cosmic series. From Earth- cluding the impact of the Preservers, Earths history with
lings caught up in something much larger than them- extraterrestrials, the other great alien empires, and how
selves (and really, larger than their planet) and thrust into things have been changed by the re-emergence of Tellax
intergalactic conflict to aliens who have taken a vow to the Redeemer and Collapsar, the destruction of Magna-
protect life in the universe from threats from beyond the Lor, the rise of the Stellar Imperium, and the appearance
stars. of new galactic organizations intent on their own goals. It
also sets the stage for your new cosmic series by shaking
The ideas covered in this book can be used to run a up the status quo and giving GMs and players an exciting
cosmic series, or they can be used as inspiration for inject- new universe to explore.
ing some cosmic energy into the game youre already
running. Gamemasters are free to change and adapt the Chapter 5: Freedom City 2525 revisits the future of
material in this book as they see fit. After all, not every idea Freedom City first presented in the M&M Annual. The
fits perfectly well into every series. setting is the far future, when Freedom City is at the
center of the peaceful Galactic Confederation. But even

CHAPTER OVERVIEW in the 26th century, there are threats to peace, justice,
and freedom across the known galaxy. Fortunately, the
Beginning with the history of the cosmic superhero genre Freedom Legion is there to face these threats and give
and working its way through information for GMs and your heroes a place to call home... among the stars!
players alike, the Cosmic Handbook includes archetypes Whether you and your group are looking to play in a mod-
and enemies, equipment and adventures, advice and ex- ern-day series mainly set on Earth with frequent travel out
amples, as well as ideas to fuel new characters and plot amongst the stars, focus on a galaxy-spanning group of
lines for your series. aliens finding a way to avoid imperial entanglements out
Chapter 1: Infinity (& Beyond) is an overview of cosmic in the universe, or assemble a team of young, enthusiastic
stories in superhero comics along with common story- heroes-of-the-future from across the cosmos to defend
lines and genre tropes, perfect for GMs looking for inspira- the people of the Confederation of Planets, the Cosmic
tion. This chapter provides context for the rest of the book Handbook has everything you need!


NULLIFIER BANDS (TECH LEVEL 2) races to wear, but most comic-book cosmic settings
feature space suits which truly are one size fits all.
In a universe filled with super-powerful criminals, it is
no wonder someone developed nullifier bands. They are Space Suit: Feature 1 (Commlink), Immunity 7 (Cold, Disease,
often designed as collars which are placed around the Heat, Radiation, Vacuum, Suffocation) 8 points
necks of prisoners, or built into strong cuffs or manacles.
The nullifiers progressively weaken any super-abilities SUPER-TECH FLIGHT BELT (TECH LEVEL 2)
possessed by the wearer until the prisoner loses their
powers (transformed into a powerless version of them- These compact devices create a gravitational field that re-
selves). These devices have also found their way into sponds to the will of the user. These inventions are often
the hands of space pirates and slavers, who use them to used by superheroes who dont have their own ability to
control powerful captives they plan on selling as slaves fly, to help them keep up with their fellow heroes. They are
or holding for ransom. As soon as the bands are turned reliable, easy to use, and fairly compact. Additionally, the
off or removed, the wearer regains their abilities. The effects of the belt are subtle, so the casual viewer may not
ranks of Affliction vary, but are generally within two know the belt is being used.
ranks of the power level of your game in order to be ef-
fective. Super-Tech Flight Belt: Flight, Subtle 1 point + 2 points per rank

Nullifier Bands: Continuous Progressive Affliction (Resisted TELEPATHIC TRANSCEIVER (TECH LEVEL 3)
and Overcome by Fortitude; Impaired, Disabled, Transformed),
Instant Recovery 3 points per rank
The most efficient form of communication in a vacuum
is telepathy, which requires no medium for sound
SPACE SUIT (TECH LEVEL 1) to travel in and communicates ideas clearly without
chance of miscommunication or interference. Often
Practically a necessity in almost any cosmic game, the designed as a small ear plug or similar device, this unit
space suit is a piece of gear no space explorer should be scans the surface thoughts of the user and transmits
without. Those heroes gifted with the power to survive them to others. While most living beings using a space
the void of space will still want to know where they can suit find the built-in commlink sufficient for their needs,
find one for their less-durable friends. Space suits almost a telepathic transceiver is a must for those beings able
always come equipped with a simple commlink circuit for to survive in a space without a containment suit. This
communicating via radio. Depending on which race the device allows communication with any sentient species,
suit was designed for, it may prove challenging for other





11*/8** 4 9 2 Twin Blasters +8*/+11**

Unarmed +13*/+16**
Damage 12
Damage 11*/8**
STAMINA DEXTERITY INTELLECT PRESENCE * Damage bonus depends on the option chosen under Powers.

11*/8** 2 0 3 DEFENSE
DODGE 9*/12** FORTITUDE 11*/18**
Astro-Sled: Easily Removable (-17 points), Indestructible 28 WILL 12
points *Berserker Assault/**Focused Warrior
Stellar Motivator: Flight 9 (1,000 MPH)), AE: Stellar POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS
Accelerator (Movement 1 (Space Travel 1) 21 points
Enemy: You have a powerful enemy from the same terrible
Remote Control: Feature 1 (Flight and Movement only) world that spawned you, someone who either seeks to bring
1 point you home for their own gain or to destroy you for leaving.
Twin Blasters: Ranged Damage 12, Split 25 points Temper: Your dual natures dark side is that of a berserker.
Dual Nature: Array (13 points) Sometimes the rage and pain gets to be too much and you lash
out. In those moments enemies, bystanders, and friends alike
Berserker: Enhanced Stamina 3, Enhanced Strength 3, may be the targets of your fury.
Enhanced Advantage 1 (Fearless) 13 points
Focused: Enhanced Advantages 7 (Close Attack 3, Ranged
Attack 3, Teamwork), Enhanced Defenses 6 (Dodge 3, Parry 3)
1 point
I Am Forever!: Immunity 10 (Life Support),
Immortality 1 (Return after 2 weeks),
Protection 4, Regeneration 2 18 points
Star Circuit: Easily Removable (-5 points),
Indestructible 9 points
Ping-Ping-Ping: Senses 1
(Danger Sense) 1 point
Omnifunctions: Variable 1 7 points
Translation Circuit:
Comprehend Languages 3
(Read All, Speak All, Understand
All) 6 points

All-out Attack, Close Attack 4,
Close Attack 3**, Fearless*,
Ranged Attack 3**, Takedown 2,

Athletics 4 (+12), Insight 4 (+6),
Intimidation 7 (+10), Perception 3
(+5), Ranged Combat: Heavy
Weapons 6 (+8), Technology 6 (+6),
Vehicles 4 (+6)

You are no match for

me. I am my own worst
enemy, so I should know.

Power Point Totals: Abilities 72 + Powers 69 + Advantages 7 + Skills 17 + Defenses 15 = 180



mortality power, or simply by having GM permission to

bring in a new node of their species. ENERGY BEING
Many races find telepathic species to be intimidating, and Many alien races evolve forms other than solid material,
groupminds even moreso. Because of this, most group- either arising out of energy fields like light, sound, magne-
mind species are rather withdrawn from the rest of galactic tism, or plasma (to name a few), or evolving past the need
civilization. for a material form, becoming creatures of pure energy.
Energy beings range from peaceful evolved super-minds
ENERGY BEING 32 POINTS who want nothing to do with violent or primitive species,
to destructive conquerors bent on claiming entire galaxies
Powers: Energy Form (Flight 3 (16 MPH), Immunity 10 (Life as part of their domain. In addition to the traits listed for the
Support), Insubstantial 3 (energy; Permanent, Innate))
template, an energy being may have powers related to the
Totals: Abilities 0 + Powers 32 + Advantages 0 + Skills 0 + specific form of energy composing its body, while beings
Defense 0 = 32 of pure thought tend to also have some psionic powers,
Suggested Complications: Energy Disruption: The energy particularly telepathy and telekinesis. See the Power Pro-
beings form is vulnerable to forces and conditions that disrupt files sourcebook for examples of different energy control,
that type of energy, which causes an Affliction to the being so
long as the condition lasts. Typical Afflictions include dazed,
kinetic, and mental powers.
stunned, and incapacitated, and the being tends to avoid or
flee from conditions that can disrupt it.
INSECTOID RACE 26 POINTS Similar to the groupmind, insectoid races usually arent
welcomed into society by other races. They are frequent-
ly seen as villains in comic books, though occasionally a
Powers: Extra Limbs 2, Flight 4 (Wings; 30 MPH), Leaping 3 hero arises to redeem the rest of the race, or who stands
(60 feet), Movement (Wall-Crawling), Impervious Protection 3,
Senses 1 (Radius Vision)
out as unique among them. Insectoid races are notable
for having exoskeletons and other traits similar to
Totals: Abilities 8 + Powers 18 + Advantages 0 + Skills 0 + Earthly insects. Depending on the level of realism in his
Defense 0 = 26
series, a GM may wish to enforce specific scientific dif-
Suggested Complications: Prejudice: Other races have a ferences between these aliens and actual Earth insects,
difficult time interacting with insect-like races and react poorly
to them.
such as the need for lungs and other biological traits that




-2 4 -2 0 -2 14 8 4
Floating: Flight 3 (16 MPH), Continuous 9 points Assessment, Eidetic Memory, Improvised Tools, Inventor, Jack-
Mind Field: Immunity 10 (Mental Powers), Limited: Half- of-all-trades, Seize Initiative, Speed of Thought, Ultimate Effort
(Will resistance checks), Well-informed
Effect, Reflect 10 points
Psychokinetic Field: Immunity 10 (Life Support); Protection OFFENSE
14 24 points
Superior Mental Capacity: Comprehend 2 (languages,
understand and understood); Quickness 10, Limited: Psychic Blast Perception Ranged, Damage 15, Resisted
Mental Tasks only 9 points. by Will
Telepathy: Mental Communication 5 (anywhere), Area, Psychokinesis Perception Ranged, Damaging Move
Selective 30 points Object 15
Vast Psychic Powers: Array (62-point reserve) 72 points Unarmed -2 Close, Damage -2
Implant Image: Illusion 15 (all senses), Insidious, Limited:
One Subject, Dynamic 62 points DEFENSE
Dominate Mind: Perception Range Cumulative Affliction DODGE 12 FORTITUDE 10
15 (Resisted and Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled,
Controlled), Dynamic 2 points PARRY 10 TOUGHNESS 18
Invade Thoughts: Cumulative Effortless Mind Reading 15, WILL 20
Dynamic 2 points
Mass Domination: Burst Area 5 (500 foot radius) Affliction POWER POINTS
10 (Resisted and Overcome by Will; Entranced, Compelled,
Controlled), Dynamic 2 points ABILITIES 48 SKILLS 27
Psychic Blast: Perception Range Damage 15, Alternate POWERS 154 DEFENSES 44
Resistance: Will, Dynamic 2 points
Psychokinesis: Perception Range Damaging Move Object
15, Dynamic 2 points
SKILLS Disabled: Can barely move without mechanical assistance or
through use of powers.
Deception 5 (+9), Expertise: Galactic Lore 4 (+18), Expertise:
MotivationDomination: The Alien Supermind seeks to
Science 6 (+20), Expertise: Strategy 6 (+20), Insight 4 (+12),
control all around him and treats people like puppets.
Intimidation 4 (+8), Investigation 4 (+18), Perception 7 (+15),
Technology 10 (+24), Treatment 4 (+18)
make this a volatile and short-lived relationship. Any hero
who rebels against him will be targeted for capture, exter-
Hiveminds provide the real threat of a PC being domi-
mination, or worse.
nated and turned against his allies. This can be tricky to
implement in games and any dominated hero should be THE VAMPIRIC INTELLIGENCE
given ample hero points for her troubles, and so they can
be used to throw off her new masters yolk at a dramatic The vampiric intelligence gets stronger and deadlier the
moment and help defeat the villain. more beings he holds under his sway. Give him a city and
hes a threat, a planet hes a menace, and with an empire
THE RULING OVERMIND hes a danger to the universe! This means finding a way to
liberate this villains pawns is the best way to beat him, but
The ruling overmind runs his own organization. It might its also a surefire way to earn his enmity.
be an interstellar crime syndicate, an empire, or an army of
killer robots. This villain has whole armies of minions at his A vampiric intelligence tends to increase in power level
disposal to further his goals. They are often advanced arti- the more minions it has, making it a bit odd compared
ficial intelligences built as constructs, though sometimes to most characters. Usually it starts out fairly weak, in the
they are a collective consciousness tied to those they rule, PL6-9 range, and gain power levels and ranks in powers,
similar to the hivemind, previously. In either case, they defenses, and attacks the more minds it dominates. A
focus on mental domination and iron-fisted rule. Any who good rule of thumb is to give the villain a power level
oppose them will be attacked with ruthless efficiency. about every multiple of ten beings it controls. Thus a vam-
piric intelligence who begins at PL7 but manages to take
Sometimes the ruling overmind chooses a hero as over 10 people is now PL8, but one who controls a planet
an agent, granting him or her powers and assistance. of 10 billion is PL17! These villains usually have powerful
However, the villains overall goals and attitude usually Afflictions and Will-based attacks as well.



forming illegal experiments involving alien genetics and

technology for decades, either on their own or under the
influence of alien (or alien-hybrid) shapeshifters.
Of course, those looking for evidence of extraterrestrials
MUTANTS & MASTERMINDS Gamemasters looking to run a on Earth these days dont have to go further than the In-
Watch the Skies style series of 1950s science-horror can ternet or cable news. In addition to several known alien
easily use the decade following the Roswell Incident heroes, the E.T. population of Earth has recently increased
and the accompanying Red Scareas a backdrop. significantly due to a new migration.

Located off the coast near Freedom City, Star Island was so
ARCADIA named because of its rough shape as well as its time as a
launching facility and ground-based space telemetry center.
Before the Grue crashed on Earth, their damaged vessel Shifts in government funding, along with several incidents
passed over the Pacific Northwest, particularly the dense involving super-villain attacks, led to the closure of the
temperate rainforest near Emerald City. Desperate at- Space Center. Discussions were underway within the Federal
tempts to save the ship, along with possible conflict with Government to use Star Island for the expansion of the
whatever was on-board, left debris scattered along their Blackstone Prison facility when the Silver Storm occurred in
route. This contaminated the Arcadian Forest with Grue Emerald City, shifting priority to the creation of a new federal
germ-plasm as well as their technology and containers super-prison closer to the West Coast (and leading to the cre-
of alien substances, possibly even escaped alien beings. ation of the Deep Six prison described in Emerald City).
An accident involving one of these containers merged
After the destruction of Magna-Lor and the collapse of
a human and an alien prisoner of the Grue to create the
the Lor Republic, Daedalus (a member of Earths Freedom
hero Xeno (see the Emerald City setting for details).
League) made contact with some of his old friends in Lor
In the years since, the alien contamination has added to the space. When it became clear the Republic could not be
Arcadian reputation for strange sightings and phenomena. saved, Daedalus did what he could to rescue endangered
This led to the incorporation of alien visitors and those refugees hunted by the forces of the new Imperium under
changed by their influence into the Cryptid Clans, a secret Star-Khan. He brought them to Earth, where the League
society of outsiders, non-humans, and mutates dwelling set up Star Island as a combination triage center and
in the Arcadian wilderness (also detailed in Emerald City). It refugee camp. Once the United States government and
has also made the Arcadian Forest a popular site for cryptid the United Nations became aware of the situation, Dae-
hunters and others seeking evidence of elusive creatures dalus and the Freedom League were ordered to halt the
like Bigfoot and extraterrestrials. importation of any further illegal aliens.



against it. They severed Tellaxs link with those enhanced

by the Silver Storm and made Earths environment toxic THE BLACKGUARD
to it. Tellax was forced to flee, having achieved none of its
In the long history of the Star Knights, only one of them
goals. Forced back out into space, the Redeemer began
has ever turned against the Order. Sri Rojan Lhar betrayed
a new program to evolve and protect, with the Argents.
the Star Knights and attempted to seize control of Citadel
Although capable of communicating with humans, Tellax and the power of the Star Stone for himself. He failed but
is a vast and alien mind with little resembling human managed to escape, despite the efforts of Mentor and
nature. It is dedicated to its programming to preserve the his fellow Star Knights. ALan Koor pursued Rojanwho
cosmos at virtually any cost, and individual lives mean became known as Blackstarto Earth and the two
nothing to it. Other life forms are, by necessity, simply became implacable foes. Years after his betrayal, Rojan
biological resources to manipulate as needed to achieve was captured and Mentor stripped the Black Star Knight
its goals. It may well be that Max Mars close connection of his armor, sentencing him to life imprisonment on an
with Tellaxs technology on Earth over many years infil- isolated asteroid.
trated the AIs consciousness with some all too human
Blackstaras he became knownmanaged to escape
flaws, although Tellax vigorously denies this hypothesis.
from his prison with the aid of Omega, who gifted Black-
Still, it would explain some of its arrogance and growing
star with the Shadow Bands, ancient artifacts which
messiah complex, to say nothing of its tendency to adopt
had found their way into the Terminus. Perhaps Omega
a masculine human voice and persona.
intended Blackstar to one day join his Annihilators, or
Technically speaking, Tellax is a disembodied entity, a simply wished to soften the defenses of Earths universe.
sophisticated self-aware computer program, capable of Whatever the case, Blackstar took full advantage of his
inhabiting a variety of technological shells. Tellax can good fortune, becoming active once more in Earths
copy its program into other forms, and may be able to area of the galaxy and working with the notorious Crime
holistically encode it on a sub-atomic level, allowing it to League.
survive in even the tiniest fragment of its material struc-
Still, his ambitions far exceeded petty criminal activity
ture until it is able to reconstitute a suitable body. You
or even power over just one planet. Blackstar used his
can consider this a form of the Immortality effect, but it
freedom and available resources to unlock the secrets
is more of a plot device for Tellaxs inevitable return than
of the Shadow Bands and learn about their link to the
anything else. Given the remarkable adaptability of its
legendary Nightstone, a cosmic source of near-limitless
technology, Tellax can have virtually any traits or effects
power. If he could not overcome the Star Knights and their
you wish to give it. The ones given in its game stats are
Mentor by stealth, then he would do so by force, creating
merely the most common.



THE FREEDOM LEGION Legion, obligated only to respond to either organizations

emergency calls.
BASE: Freedom City, Earth By contrast, a dedicated core opts for active-member
CURRENT MEMBERS: Centurion II (reserve), Charger, Chiller, status, committing themselves full-time to resolving
the Clockwatcher (affiliate), Colonel Colossus, Dr. Metropolis crises throughout the galaxy. The active members reside
(affiliate), Metalla, the Nightstalker (reserve), Professor Danger,
at Freedom Hall, allowing them immediate access to the
Solarflare, Star Knight; many other affiliate members across
known space Confederations top decision-makers.
FORMER MEMBERS: Elementress; others as yet unestablished
VEHICLES: Daedalus-class space-plane Size: Colossal TOU: 20 Features: Combat Simulator,
Communications, Computer, Defense System, Fire Prevention
For seven centuries, Freedom Citys superheroes have shown System, Gym, Hangar, Holding Cells (Impervious, Punishment),
the way to a bright, shining future for all. Todays heir to the Infirmary, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Personnel, Power
Patriot Regiment legacy is the Freedom Legion. Tales of the System, Security System 5, Teleportal (Teleport 18, Affects
Others Only, Limited to Extended, Limited to other teleportal
Legions heroic exploits inspire the inhabitants of countless locations), Trophy Room, Workshop
worlds, and the team is revered throughout the galaxy for its
dedication to justice and liberty for all sentient beings.
By necessity, the interplanetary Freedom Legion is struc-
Size: Gargantuan; STR 13 SPD 12 (Flight (8,000 MPH)) DEF 6
tured more loosely than its predecessors. Scores of super- TOU 13, Features: Autopilot 3, Communications 2, Computer,
beings (including Dr. Metropolis) who prefer not to leave Fire Prevention System, Holding Cells (Impervious), Navigation
their bases of operation have affiliate-member status. System 3. Powers: Space Travel 3
They are left to pursue their own heroic agendas while
still enjoying the sanction and support of the C.O.P. and
Inhabitants of the storm-swept planet Tempest endure
one of the harshest climates in known space. On other
worlds, technology alleviates intemperate environ-
mental conditions, but Tempests electrically charged
atmosphere overloads most electronic devices, leaving
its culture backward and pastoral.

Such a low-tech world cannot long hold dream-

ers like Mykal Antczak, and at a young age, he left
Tempest for planets unknown. Mykal never consid-
ered himself special, but on Earth, he learned the
natural abilities his people take for granted qualified
him for the Claremont Academy.
To survive lightning strikes, Tempestians naturally expel
electricity from their bodies. With the Academys guidance,
Mykal learned to direct and focus these electrical discharg-
es, and he set his sights on using his abilities as a superhero.

Mykals selfless, humble nature and boundless enthu-

siasm made him a natural for the Freedom Legion, and
he joined shortly after graduation. Taking the codename
Charger, Mykal serves the Legion with honor and dis-
tinction. His boyhood dreams of seeing the galaxy real-
ized, Mykal is finally happy, even if he doesnt always un-
derstand the technology he encounters along the way.

As a child, Geoff Miklas miraculously survived a crash
landing on the arid planet Szolta. He vividly remembers
blacking out from the unrelenting sun as he wished he
could be cold... freezing cold....
This trauma triggered Geoffs latent cryokinetic powers.
Though his ability to project intense cold saved his life,
it also made him feel less human. He enrolled in the


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