Paper 12a

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Pharmacia Biotech, Little Chalfont, Bucks., UK.

Antiserum to the
Fe-protein of nitrogenase from R. rubrum was a generous gift from
Dr Paul Ludden, Department of Biochemistry, University of Wiscon-
sin (Madison, WI, USA).

2.2. Radiolabelling of cultures

Cultures of Gloeothece ATCC 27152 (American Type Culture Col-
lection, Rockville, MD, USA) were grown under alternating 12 h light
(30 Wmol m32 s31 ) and 12 h darkness as described previously [7].
Under these conditions, maximum synthesis of the Fe-protein of ni-
trogenase occurs between 10 h into the light phase (L10) and 4 h after
the onset of darkness (D4) [8]. Radiolabelled compound (60 WCi
[32 P]orthophosphate, 200 mCi mmol31 ; 20 WCi [8-14 C]adenine,
55 mCi mmol31 ; 100 WCi [2-14 C]acetate, 57 mCi mmol; 20 WCi RS-
[2-14 C]mevalonic acid lactone, 58 mCi mmol31 , previously converted
to mevalonic acid by addition of 2 mg of KHCO3 ) was therefore
added at L8 to 25 ml samples of culture (concentrated 40-fold) sus-
1. Introduction pended in growth medium [7] containing 5 mM HEPES^NaOH bu¡-
er, pH 7.5. At D4, NH4 Cl was added to 2 mM in order to stimulate
conversion of Fe-protein to its larger, presumed modi¢ed, form [9]. At
Nitrogenase (EC catalyses the reduction of N2 to D6, cells were collected by centrifugation at 10 000Ug, resuspended in
ammonium (N2 ¢xation) and is widely distributed among 6 ml of growth medium separated into six equal aliquots, recentri-
bacteria [1]. It consists of two proteins: a MoFe-protein (di- fuged and frozen. In the case of palmitic acid, the procedure was
modi¢ed as follows. At L8, 25 ml of 40-fold concentrated cells was
nitrogenase) that catalyses N2 reduction and an Fe-protein
centrifuged at 700Ug for 10 min and resuspended in 2 ml of medium.
(dinitrogenase reductase) that supplies low potential electrons This sample was then mixed with 100 WCi of [9,10(n)-3 H]palmitic acid
to the MoFe-protein. In several diazotrophs [2,3], the Fe-pro- (56 mCi mmol31 ), transferred in 400 Wl aliquots to cuvettes with a
tein of nitrogenase exists in two forms that can be distin- 2 mm gap and subjected to electroporation at 10 kV cm31 with a time
guished by SDS^PAGE and, in photosynthetic bacteria such constant of 15 ms. Electroporated cells were then resuspended in 25 ml
of bu¡ered growth medium. This treatment had previously been
as Rhodospirillum rubrum, it has been demonstrated that the shown to inhibit nitrogenase activity in N2 -¢xing cells by no more
Fe-protein is covalently modi¢ed by ADP-ribosylation of one than 80%, with activity recovering completely during the following
of its two identical subunits [4,5]. In extracts of diazotrophic 4 h.
cyanobacteria, a group of organisms that make a major con-
2.3. SDS^PAGE/Western blotting
tribution to global N2 ¢xation [6], the Fe-protein of nitro-
Frozen samples were resuspended in 0.5 ml of extraction bu¡er and
genase can also be resolved into two components during subjected to sonication [10]. For immunoprecipitation, frozen samples
SDS^PAGE. However, despite considerable research e¡ort, were resuspended in 0.5 ml of phosphate-bu¡ered saline, sonicated
the molecular nature of the two forms of the Fe-protein in [10] and centrifuged at 3000Ug for 3 min. The supernatant was
cyanobacteria remains to be elucidated. In this paper, we then incubated with gentle mixing for 60 min at 25³C with 60 Wl of
antiserum to the Fe-protein of nitrogenase from R. rubrum. To this
present evidence for a novel palmitoylation of the Fe-protein mixture was added 10 mg of protein A Sepharose CL43, suspended in
of nitrogenase in the unicellular cyanobacterium Gloeothece. 0.1 ml of phosphate-bu¡ered saline and, after incubation for a further
15 min, the sample was centrifuged at 10 000Ug for 2 min. The super-
2. Materials and methods natant was carefully removed with a syringe and the precipitate
washed twice with 1 ml of phosphate-bu¡ered saline containing 2%
(w/v) bovine serum albumin and 1% (v/v) Triton X-100 and four times
2.1. Specialised chemicals
with 1 ml of phosphate-bu¡ered saline. The precipitate was then sus-
All radiolabelled compounds were purchased from Amersham
pended in 100 Wl of extraction bu¡er and prepared for SDS^PAGE/
Western blotting [8].

2.4. Detection of radiolabelled proteins

Radiolabelled proteins were visualised in blots by autoradiography
[10]. In the case of samples prepared from cultures incubated with
[9,10(n)-3 H]palmitic acid, the nitrocellulose ¢lter was ¢rst presoaked
in 20% (w/v) 2,5-diphenyloxazole (PPO) in toluene and then air-dried
[11]. After autoradiography, PPO was removed by washing the ¢lter
Abbreviations: HEPES, N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-NP-2-ethanesul- three times in toluene and the Fe-protein of nitrogenase located im-
phonic acid; HPTLC, high performance thin layer chromatography; munologically [8]. For quanti¢cation of radioactivity on blots, strips
MALDI, matrix-assisted laser desorption; PAGE, polyacrylamide gel corresponding to particular extracts were carefully cut into 1 mm
electrophoresis; PPO, 2,5-diphenyloxazole; TOF, time of £ight segments and subjected to scintillation counting.

FEBS 23372 15-2-00

2.5. Transesteri¢cation and analysis of fatty acid methyl esters
After immunoprecipitation and SDS^PAGE of some extracts of
cells that had been radiolabelled with [2-14 C]acetate, the bands corre-
sponding to the Fe-protein of nitrogenase were excised and incubated
with 0.1 M KOH in methanol for 4 h at 25³C after which the fatty
acid methyl esters were extracted three times with 1 ml of hexane [12].
The hexane extracts were then subjected to reverse phase HPTLC [13]
on C18 -silica, using chloroform/methanol/water (15:45:3, v/v) as sol-
vent. Methyl esters of laurate (12:0), myristate (14:0), palmitate (16:0)
and stearate (18:0) served as standards. Radiolabelled material was
located by scintillation counting after scraping o¡ 0.5 mm segments
from strips containing the chromatographed hexane extract.

3. Results and discussion

Gloeothece ATCC 27152 is a unicellular cyanobacterium

that is capable of aerobic N2 ¢xation [14]. Nitrogenase in
Gloeothece consists of an MoFe-protein and an Fe-protein
and, as in several other cyanobacteria [15^22], the Fe-protein
of Gloeothece nitrogenase can be resolved into two di¡erent,
though antigenically similar, forms by SDS^PAGE. In Gloeo-
thece, these two forms have apparent Mr values of 38 500 and
40 000 respectively [8] and their relative concentrations vary
according to prevailing environmental conditions. For exam-
ple, formation of the larger form of the protein is favoured by
exposure of cultures to elevated concentrations of O2 [8], to
elevated temperature [23], to illumination after a 12 h period
of darkness [24] or to a source of combined nitrogen [9]. Since
an increase in the larger form of the Fe-protein occurs in the
presence of chloramphenicol, an inhibitor of de novo protein
synthesis in Gloeothece [10], it is likely that this protein arises
by modi¢cation of the smaller form of the Fe-protein. It is Fig. 2. SDS^PAGE of extracts of Gloeothece radiolabelled by incu-
bation with [9,10(n)-3 H]palmitic acid. a: Western blot showing the
also likely that the larger form of the Fe-protein is catalyti-
upper (modi¢ed) and lower (unmodi¢ed) forms of the Fe-protein of
cally inactive, at least under aerobic conditions of growth [8], Gloeothece nitrogenase (marked). b: Autoradiograph of extract from
culture incubated with [9,10(n)-3 H]palmitic acid. c: Western blot of
Gloeothece extract after immunoprecipitation with antisera to the
Fe-protein of nitrogenase from R. rubrum. The additional bands re-
sult from reaction of the staining reagent with protein A and IgG
present in the antiserum used for immunoprecipitation. d: Location
of radioactivity in immunoprecipitated extract.

so interconversions between the two forms of this protein may

regulate nitrogenase activity in Gloeothece.
The two forms of the Fe-protein that can be detected in
extracts of Gloeothece behave very similarly during SDS^
PAGE to the Fe-protein in extracts of the photosynthetic
purple bacterium R. rubrum. In R. rubrum, the Fe-protein of
nitrogenase undergoes reversible covalent modi¢cation by
ADP-ribosylation [5]. This is not, however, the case in Gloeo-
thece. For example, incubation of Gloeothece with either
[32 P]phosphate or [8-14 C]adenine failed to generate any radio-
active Fe-protein (Fig. 1b,c), though other proteins became
radiolabelled. Furthermore, antibodies raised against ADP-ri-
bose [25] failed to cross-react with the Fe-protein from Gloeo-
thece, though they did react with Fe-protein from R. rubrum.
We therefore conclude that the Fe-protein is not subject to
phosphorylation, adenylylation (or any other form of nucleo-
tidylation) or to ADP-ribosylation. In addition, after SDS^
Fig. 1. SDS^PAGE of radiolabelled extracts of Gloeothece. a: West- PAGE the protein did not react with periodic acid-Schi¡ re-
ern blot showing the two forms of the Fe-protein of Gloeothece ni- agent [26]. It therefore also seems unlikely that the Fe-protein
trogenase (marked). The upper band (Mr = 40 000) is the assumed is modi¢ed by glycosylation.
modi¢ed form of the protein, the lower band has an apparent Mr
of 38 500. b^e: Autoradiograph of extracts from cultures radiola-
On the other hand, radioactivity from [2-14 C]acetate was
belled by incubation with (b) [32 P]orthophosphate, (c) [8-14 C]ade- e¤ciently incorporated into the Fe-protein of Gloeothece ni-
nine, (d) [2-14 C]acetate and (e) [2-14 C]mevalonic acid. trogenase (Fig. 1d). Although this may simply re£ect the con-

FEBS 23372 15-2-00

version of acetate to metabolically related amino acids, the proposed to be preferentially targeted for proteolytic degra-
fact that more radioactivity appears in the larger form of dation [19]. However, in extracts of Gloeothece, both forms of
the Fe-protein than in the smaller form implies that acetate the Fe-protein appeared to be equally sensitive to degrada-
might be rather more speci¢cally involved in the modi¢ca- tion, both in vivo [8,9] and in vitro [30]. The functional sig-
tion that results in the apparent increase in Mr . This could ni¢cance of the observed palmitoylation of the Fe-protein of
be acetylation or acylation of the Fe-protein. In contrast, Gloeothece nitrogenase therefore remains unclear.
[2-14 C]mevalonic acid was not incorporated into the Fe-pro-
tein, though it was incorporated into a protein with a similar
Mr (Fig. 1e). This observation rules out the possibility that the
Fe-protein is modi¢ed by prenylation.
Fe-protein that had been radiolabelled with [2-14 C]acetate
was isolated by immunoprecipitation, puri¢ed using SDS^
PAGE and then subjected to alkaline transesteri¢cation in
order to detach ester-linked fatty acids from the Fe-protein.
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demonstrated. However, palmitoylation of the Fe-protein of
[22] Chen, Y.-B., Dominic, B., Mellon, M.T. and Zehr, J.P. (1998)
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¢xation and membrane-located phenomena such as respira- [24] Du, C. and Gallon, J.R. (1996) Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants 2, 87^
tion and photosynthesis which could then supply ATP and/ 94.
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