Masterblock: Concrete Blocks - Technical Manual
Masterblock: Concrete Blocks - Technical Manual
Masterblock: Concrete Blocks - Technical Manual
11.13_Fire resistance
19.22_Thermal 2010
30.33_Movement control
Ideally, buildings should be set out in block co-ordination ( unit size + mortar joint ) to
provide the best aesthetics and reduced costs due to minimising the amount of cut units
onsite. Setting out the building will include the position and size of the openings within the
length and height of the wall. The following diagrams and tables gives advice regarding
the setting out and use of masonry units.
Block module tolerances Co-ordinated dimensions.
Aggregate Industries manufactures to BS EN 771-3, The co-ordinated dimension (CO) is the nominal block size +
tolerance category D1, as follows the mortar joint, typically 10mm.
eP CO-
Curve using
Curve using
half-length blocks
Block co-ordination
The table (below) gives the relevant overhang and increased perpend joint size, dependant upon wall radius and block
thickness. For Fairfaced work overhangs of 2mm and below are acceptable with the exception of polished blockwork,
where ideally no overhang should be present.
Where the blockwork is being plastered/rendered or plasterboard on dabs is being used, a maximum of 6mm overhang
is recommended.
Permissible deviations in built blockwork Table: Permissible deviations in masonry (other than
stone masonry)
The table (right) is based upon guidance given in BS 8000
pt 3, Code of practice for masonry. Dimensions Permissible
deviation (mm)
NOTE 1: These deviations are generally derived from BS 5606:1990 and
represent the level which can be reasonably expected for general brick and
Position in plan of any point or face in relation
block masonry.
to the specified building reference line 10
NOTE 2: These deviations should be measured in accordance with the methods and/or point at the small level
described in BS 5606:1990. Annex D. Straightness in any 5mm length 5
Verticality up to 3m height 10
Verticality up to 7m height 14
Overall thickness of walls 10
Level of bed joints up to 5m for brick masonry 11
Level of bed joints up to 5m for block masonry 13
Cleaning and maintenance
(commodity blockwork)
Facing Masonry units and cast stone are intended to Where wall surfaces have multiple smears and mortar
be maintenance free. However, the environment that the deposits over the whole face of the wall, initially treat any
blocks are subjected to, will influence whether or not the particularly heavy deposits as described above.
blockwork, at some point in time, requires cleaning. Subsequently dampen the area and apply the cleaning
agent over the whole face using a mist sprayer, and then
Under no circumstances, do we recommend the use of
thoroughly flushing down the face with clean water.
pressure washes, however, in some circumstances, such
as paint spills or graffiti, a high pressure steam cleaner Provided these recommendations are followed, mortar joints
may be used. We would normally recommend the will be no more affected than the surface of the blockwork,
following treatments: always provided a cement, lime, sand mortar has been used.
If a plasticiser has been incorporated in the mortar mix, a
Cleaning of blockwork is no substitute for maintenance of
check should be made on the constituents for salt content as
high standards of site work practice such as careful block
cleaning agents can be detrimental to some plasticisers.
handling and laying, use of mortar and adequate protection
of the finished work. Prevention is better than cure. NOTE: Hydrochloric Acid based cleaners can attack other surfaces such as
galvanised steel and care should therefore be taken in their application.
The cleaning of blockwork using cleaning agents inevitably
3. Paint
requires a reasonable element of skill and should be carried
out on a trial area first under supervision. Appropriate It is essential that the type of paint and its solvent is
PPE equipment (gloves and goggles) must be worn. identified - this is likely to be water, benzene, turpentine
Cleaning the face of the material may need more than one (pure), acetone or similar thinners. The solvent is applied to
application. This will depend on the extent of the problem, the affected area, whether splashes or drips, using an
the deposits and the texture or profile of the block involved. appropriate sized brush, it should be left for a little time to
soften the paint. When softened, the area being cleaned is
All the following cleaning methods should be carried out on
mopped with the moist brush used for application of the
an inconspicuous area first to establish suitability and the
solvent, the brush being squeezed after each mopping to
effect of the process.
clean it. When most of the paint is cleaned from the surface
Fair faced blocks of the blockwork, it must be allowed to dry. When dry, a
further application of the cleaning agent, in accordance
1. Mortar and Plaster Snots
with point 2 above, may be necessary finally to clean the
Where there is a build up of dry set mortar, it should be blockwork. Alternatively, proprietary paint removers such as
removed by placing the edge of a block of wood next to it Polycell Advanced paint stripper/Less Mess paint strippercan
and tapping the block sideways to lift the mortar off the face. be used. This gel, can remove most paint types, however
the gel may have to be left in place for up to 6 hours.
2. Mortar and Plaster Smears
NOTE: It is recommended that the paint manufacturer is contacted to advise on
Where dried mortar smears or stains occur the residue can the most suitable solvent to use or alternatively specialist graffiti removal
be cleaned by use of a cleaning agent. Generally those used company can be used to carry out any work required.
contain Hydrochloric Acid. The cleaning agent should never
4. Oil, grease, bitumen and tar based materials
be used undiluted, and needs to be diluted in accordance
with the manufacturers recommendations. Solvents must be identified. These may be Benzole,
Using acid cleaners can affect the colour and texture of the
The technique is the same as for the paint, but a trial and
uniform appearance.
of the contamination.
Handling Building Blocks The work area should be organised to restrict the amount of
bending and stretching, especially below knee high and
This guidance by the Construction Industry Advisory
above shoulder height.
Committee (CONIAC) covers the safe handling of building
blocks, by which the committee means all masonry units and 6. With blocks weighing less than 20kg. Manual handling
blocks, including those made of clay, concrete, reconstituted risks are still significant and suitable precautions should
stone or any similar man-made or natural material. be taken to minimise these risks as much as possible.
Prepare roads and hard standing first and before blocks are Reduce unit weight by
on site. In areas where blocks are carried or handled, keep 25% or reduce repetition
the site clear of obstacles or tripping hazards, such as by 25%
discarded block wrappings or stack ties. Uneven, slippery
or unstable ground conditions increase the risk of injury.
Blocks should be protected from the weather to avoid them
getting wet and increasing in weight.
20kg maximum weight
based upon repetition
Workers should be given information and training on the rate of 20 units/hour
systems of work and procedures to be used on that site to
ensure safe manual handling of blocks. Suitable training will
also be necessary for designers, specifiers and those
managing contracts.
Serious injuries have occurred during blockwork when Special units above 20kg can be used, however their use will be subject to a
building double skin walls due to contact with the sharp specific risk assessment.
Proceedings of the Ergonomics Societys 1989 Annual The Construction (Design and Management). Regulations
Conference: Ergonomics - designing progress E D, Taylor places duties in the form of a mandatory Health and
and Francis 1989 ISBN 085 066 484. Safety system on clients/designers/contractors.
Safe handling and use of concrete blocks In an attempt to provide practical guidance for meeting the
requirements of these two regulations the Health and Safety
Consideration of the points listed below will contribute Executive (HSE) has issued Construction Sheet 37
significantly to safe working and manual handling. Handling Building Blocks which advises that:
Minimise manual handling by delivering units as close to There is a risk of injury in the singlehanded repetitive
the place of use as safety considerations permit manual handling of blocks heavier than 20kg
Move units in packs and by mechanical means The HSE guidance does not prevent an individual handling
whenever possible manually small numbers of units of greater than 20kg. In
particular, ancillary units such as quoins or reveals would fall
Load units out to above knee height
into this category and would not be expected to be handled
by a two person team.
and safety
Choices include:
COSHH data
Masonry mortars may be specified as designed mixes In most locations in the UK, masonry above dpc, excluding
(Strength Performance) or prescribed mixes (Recipe),both parapets walls and copings, a designation III mortar is
types of mortar can be either factory made or site made. suitable for most masonry unit types.
Traditionally, prescribed mixes have been used in the UK
In general, the stronger the mix designation (ie I) the greater
and have a proven durability.
the strength and durability, however the weaker the mix
PD 6678 : 2005 (Guide to the specification of masonry designation (ie IV) the least strong it is however it has the
mortar), gives guidance on the specification of mortar and greatest ability to accommodate thermal and moisture
although BS EN 998-2 applies to factory made mortars, it movement. The use of mortar mixes stronger than the
can be referred to for site made mortars. masonry unit strength can result in cracking in the built wall,
causing the actual masonry unit to crack.
Where coloured mortars are used, to avoid inconsistencies
it is now common practice to use dry silo mortar or Typically in the UK a designation III mortar is suitable for
alternatively retarded ready to use mortars. When specifying most locations and masonry units, however a degree of
mortars, consideration should be given to minimising the caution has to be taken when specifying a designed mortar,
number of different mortar mixes to be used on a single as a M4 mortar may well have a strength well in-excess of
project to reduce the risk of confusion arising onsite. 4.0N/mm2 and as such is not suitable for masonry units of a
3.6 N/mm2 strength and may not be suitable even for a
Euro-code 6, categorises the exposure levels by MX
7.3N/mm2 masonry unit.
numbers and in most cases in the UK, the most severe
exposure S, relates to exposure category level MX 3.2 Details of the relevant mortar designations are provided in
exposed to severe wetting and freeze thaw cycles, but not the table below.
exposed to external sources of significant levels of sulfates t
or aggressive chemicals , in this instance mortar
designation II is required.
Increasing ability (i) M12 1:0 to 1/4:3 1:3 Not suitable Not suitable 12
to accommodate
(ii) M6 1:1/2:4 to 41/2 1:3 to 4 1:21/2 to 31/2 1:3 6
movement, e.g. due to
settlement, temperature (iii) M4 1:1:5 to 6 1:5 to 6 1:4 to 5 1:31/
2 to 4 4
and moisture changes
1/ 1/ 1/
(iv) M2 1:2:8 to 9 1:7 to 8 1:5 2 to 6 2 1:4 2 2
a) Proportioning by mass will give more accurate batching than proportioning by volume, provided that the bulk densities of the materials are checked on site.
b) When the sand portion is given as, for example, 5 to 6, the lower figure should be used with sands containing a higher proprtion of fines whilst the higher figure
should be used with sands containing a lower proportion of fines.
c) Cement conforming to BS EN 197-1 Notation CEM I (Portland cement). Cement conforming to BS EN 197-1. Notation CEM II/A-S or CEM II/B-S (Portland slag
cement); or CEM II/A-L or CEM II/A-LL (Portland Limestone cement); or CEM II/A-V or CEM II/B-V (portland fly ash cement); or a combination, with equivalent
proportions and properties to one of these cements:
Combinations produced in the mortar mixer from Portland cement CEM I conforming to BS EN 197-1 and ground granulated blast furnace slag conforming to BS
6699 where the proportions and properties conform to CEM II/A-S or CEM II/B-S of BS EN 197-1:2000, except Clause 9 of that standard.
Combinations produced in the mortar mixer from Portland cement CEM I conforming to BS EN 197-1 and limestone fines conforming to BS 7979 where the
proportions and properties conform to CEM II/A-L or CEM II/A-LL of BS EN 197-1:2000, except Clause 9 of that standard.
Combinations produced in the mortar mixer from Portland cement CEM I conforming to BS EN 197-1 and pulverized fuel ash conforming to BS 3892-1, or to BS
EN 450-1, where the proportions and properties confirm to CEM II/A-V or CEM II/B-V or BS EN 197-1:2000, except Clause 9 of that standard.
d) Masonry cement conforming to BS EN 413-1, Class MC 12.5 (inorganic filler other than lime), not less than 65% by mass of Portland cement clinker as defined in
BS EN 197-1.
e) Masonry cement conforming to BS EN 413-1, Class MC 12.5 (lime), not less than 65% by mass of Portland cement clinker as defined in BS EN 197-1.
f) Table 3.3 is based on data from EC6 and the National Annex.
Where solid or cellular units are being used, these should be This finish gives maximum bearing area and is
laid on a full bed of mortar and in the case of cellular units, often favoured when coarse textured units are
the solid end should be laid upwards to allow for a full bed used. With some masonry unit types the finish may
of mortar to be applied. Perpend joints should be fully filled appear a little irregular.
as failure to do so will effect the built strength, weather and
Curved recessed (bucket handle)
air tightness of the structure.
This joint can give an improved appearance over a
The choice of joint profile will depend upon the appearance
flush joint with negligible reduction in strength. It is
required and the degree of exposure. Tooled and non
generally considered that this joint gives the best
recessed joints provide the best resistance to rain
weather resistance due to the smoothing of the
penetration in comparison with non tooled joints.
joint and the superior bond this achieves. It is
Recessed joints increase the risk of water penetration and perhaps the most commonly used joint.
as such, when used external facades, they should have a
Struck or weathered
minimal recess (typically 5mm) and wherever possible this
should be tooled. Weathered bed joints produce an interplay of light
and shadow on the masonry. Such joints when
Flush jointing can be difficult to achieve, especially with
correctly made have excellent strength and
textured blocks and can result in mortar smears on the face
weather resistance.
and as such is not recommended for blockwork to be built fair.
Overhung struck
Square recessed
R - Mechanical resistance
Lightweight aggregate units include (Masterlite Pro, Masterlite
Ultra, Masterlite ProAcoustic and EnviroBlock lightweight)
E - Integrity
Table: Dense and lightweight aggregate concrete masonry: minimum thickness of separating non-loadbearing
separating walls (criteria El) for fire resistance classifications
Group 1 units
50 70 75 75 90 100
Lightweight aggregate: 400 p 1700
(50) (50) (60) (70) (75) (75)
50 70 90 90 100 100
Dense aggregate: 1200 p 2400
(50) (50) (70) (75) (90) (100)
Group 2 units
Table: Dense and lightweight aggregate concrete masonry: minimum thickness of separating loadbearing
single-leaf walls (criteria REl) for fire resistance classifications
Group 1 units
Group 2 units
a < 0.6 should be used when the vertical load capacity is only 0.6 that of the permitted design vertical resistance is being used
a < 1.0 should be used when more than o.6 of the permitted capacity is being used.
Table: Dense and lightweight aggregate concrete masonry: minimum thickness of each leaf of separating
loadbearing cavity walls with one leaf loaded (criteria REl) for fire resistance classifications
Group 1 units
Group 2 units
NOTES: The tabulated thicknesses are for the loaded leaves of cavity walls where the loaded leaf is subjected to fire.
The non-loaded leaf may be of a dissililar material to the loaded leaf, but should otherwise conform to the relevant material specifications. In such cases, the
respective thickness of each leaf should conform to that specified in the appropriate material table.
a < 0.6 should be used when the vertical load capacity is only 0.6 that of the permitted design vertical resistance is being used
a < 1.0 should be used when more than o.6 of the permitted capacity is being used.
U value
summary tables
Description above the table, indicates the external leaf NOTE: Full fill cavities assume air-gap correction level 0 and cavities > 100mm,
assumes a 50mm2 Stainless steel wall tie @ 2.96/m2
construction and insulation type.
Partial Cavity fill assumes a air-gap correction level 1 and cavities > 100mm,
Table indicates insulation thickness and the relevant U value, assumes a 50mm2 Stainless steel wall tie @ 2.96/m2
dependant upon inner leaf block type and internal finish
100 0.28 0.27 0.28 N/A 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.28 0.29
115 0.26 0.25 0.26 N/A 0.24 0.25 0.27 0.26 0.27
130 0.24 0.23 0.24 N/A 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.24
150 0.21 0.20 0.21 N/A 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.21
175 0.19 0.19 0.19 N/A 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.20
100 0.32 0.31 0.32 N/A 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.24
150 0.24 0.23 0.24 N/A 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.24
170 0.22 0.22 0.22 N/A 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.22 0.23
200 0.20 0.19 0.19 N/A 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.20
P/G = Paint grade
P on D = Plasterboard on dabs
Plaster = Sand cement
U value
summary tables
100 0.28 0.27 0.28 N/A 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.27 0.29
115 0.26 0.25 0.26 N/A 0.24 0.25 0.27 0.26 0.27
130 0.24 0.23 0.23 N/A 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.24
150 0.21 0.20 0.21 N/A 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.21
175 0.19 0.19 0.19 N/A 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19
100 0.32 0.30 0.32 N/A 0.29 0.30 0.33 0.31 0.33
150 0.24 0.23 0.24 N/A 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.24
170 0.22 0.21 0.22 N/A 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22
200 0.19 0.19 0.19 N/A 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.20
100 0.29 0.27 0.29 N/A 0.26 0.27 0.29 0.28 0.29
115 0.27 0.25 0.26 N/A 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.26 0.27
130 0.24 0.23 0.24 N/A 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.24
150 0.21 0.21 0.21 N/A 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.21
175 0.19 0.19 0.19 N/A 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.20
200 0.17 0.17 0.17 N/A 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.18
P/G = Paint grade
P on D = Plasterboard on dabs
Plaster = Sand cement
U value
summary tables
100 0.20 0.20 0.20 N/A 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.20 0.20
100 0.19 0.18 0.19 N/A 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.19
100 0.19 0.18 0.18 N/A 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.19
100 0.19 0.18 0.19 N/A 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.18 0.19
P/G = Paint grade
P on D = Plasterboard on dabs
Plaster = Sand cement
U value
summary tables
100 0.19 0.19 0.19 N/A 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.19 0.20
P/G = Paint grade
P on D = Plasterboard on dabs
Plaster = Sand cement
The revised Conservation of Fuel and Power regulations for Air permeability testing requirement increased and lower
England and Wales and the approved documents: values are required, however backstop remains at 10m3/
hour/m2@ 50 pascals. Note if the dwelling has not been
L1A (New Dwellings)
tested a confidence factor of + 2.0m3 similar in principal
L1B (Existing Dwellings) to that required in psi values has to be applied, therefore a
target 8.0 has to be achieved
L2A (New non Dwellings)
A minimum 75% low energy light fittings must be installed,
L2B (Existing non Dwellings)
extra will contribute to the TER
Came into effect on 1st October 2010, the key changes are
Assumption of 10% of heating is provided by a secondary
as follows (ADL1A).
heating appliance has been withdrawn unless a chimney
25% reduction of the buildings CO2 output in relation to or flue and no appliance is installed.
the 2006 regulations, in addition to the loss taken into
Tables 1 and 2 below show indicative element values
account by the party wall
required to meet the 25% CO2 reduction requirements,
Separating wall/party wall heat loss to be taken into however trade-offs can be made between different
account (see table) elements to achieve the required DER figure.
Importance of linear bridging becoming of greater Tables 7 to 10 give indicative wall U value based upon
importance note each linear thermal bridge has now to be different constructions and insulant types.
taken into account, the use of a default y of 0.08 W/m2
when using accredited construction details is no longer
allowed. (See table K1 for appropriate psi values when
using accredited construction details) Unless values are
provided by a government approved Accredited Details
Scheme, the psi value should be degraded by either 25%
or 0.02W/mK, which ever is the greater
Tables 1 and 2
The Tables below show indicative details required to meet the relevant approved documents.
Table 1
Domestic building specifications - Flat 25% option
Table 2
Specifications for aggregate 25% approach - non-domestic building
Roof-lit Side-lit
Air permeability 5 5
Lighting (Im/W)* 55 55
Values of (psi) for different types of junctions conforming with Accredited Construction Details
The table (left) gives the relevant psi
Junction detail (W/m.K)
values to be used when calculating
Junctions Steel lintel with perforated steel base plate 0.50 the relevant linear thermal bridging,
with an
Other lintels (including other steel lintels) 0.30 when using the Accredited
external wall
Construction details, available from
Sill 0.04
Jamb 0.05
Ground floor 0.16
b) This is an externally supported balcony (the balcony slab is not a continuation of the floor slab) where the wall insulation is contiuous and not bridged by the balcony slab.
Compliance to satisfy Part L can be demonstrated by following five criteria as shown. The appropriate Approved Document
provides guidance and procedures for satisfying each of the criteria.
Demonstrating complicance
Criterion 1 The calculated rate of CO2 emissions from the dwelling The calculated CO2 emission rate for the building
(the Dwelling Emission Rate, DER) must not be greater (the Building Emmission Rate, BER) must not be
than the Target Emission Rate (TER). greater than the Target CO2 emission rate (TER).
Criterion 2 The performance of the building fabric and the fixed building The performance of the building fabric and the
services should achieve reasonable overall standards of heating, hot water and fixed lighting systems
energy efficiency following procedures given in the Approved should achieve reasonable overall standards of
Document. (See Limits on Design Flexibility) energy efficiency.
Criterion 3 The dwelling should have appropriate passive control Demonstrate that the building has appropriate
measures to limit the effect of solar gains on indoor passive control measures to limit solar gains.
temperatures in summer, irrespective of whether or not
the dwelling has mechanical cooling.
Criterion 4 The performance of the dwelling, as built, should be The performance of the building, as built, should
consistent with the DER. be consistent with the BER.
Criterion 5 The necessary provisions for energy efficient operation of The necessary provisions for enabling energy-
the dwelling should be put in place. efficient operation of the building should be put
in place.
For design purposes the limiting U-values shown should not be exceeded. The values stated are area-weighted average values
for all elements of that type. In practice the envelope standards would need to be considerably better than the limiting values.
Wall to be 0.28 w/m2K area weighted or better, or use SAP for compliance. Glazing up to 25% of the floor area, without
further proof of compliance.
BER (Building Emission Rate) to be no worse than TER building fabric backstop limits
Wall 0.35W/m2K
L2B (Extensions)
Concrete blocks, lintels, walling products, roofing slates, No fire or explosive hazard.
architectural dressings and bricks.
6. Accidental release measures
2. Composition/information on ingredients
Personal precautions
Precast concrete products are manufactured from a mix of
Wear a dust mask or respirator.
raw materials, including:
Environmental measures
Sand and gravel aggregates
No precautions required.
Pulverised fuel ash (PFA)
Method of cleaning
If possible, avoid dry sweeping, which generates dust.
Limestone dust
Vacuum dust where practical.
Crushed rock
7. Handling and storage
Inert pigments.
3. Hazards identification
The product should be handled in a manner that will
There is a potential for respirable dust, including an element minimise the generation of airborne dust.
of respirable crystalline silica (quartz), to be released if the
Manual handling of the product should be avoided so far as
product is drilled, cut, sawn, crushed or accidentally broken
is reasonably practical. Where this is not possible, an
up. This could pose a health hazard if inhaled over a
assessment should be made, taking into account the load,
prolonged period of time.
environment, task, and individual capability and training.
Concrete products and dust particles can also cause Always employ good lifting techniques.
abrasion or irritation to skin and eyes.
The weight of the product could pose a health hazard if
No restrictions.
inappropriate manual handling techniques are employed.
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
For further guidance see HSE Publications EH44 Dust:
General Principles of Protection, Getting to Grips with Workplace Exposure limits
Manual Handling: a Short Guide and Information Sheet
Total Inhalable Nuisance Dust: 10.0 mg/m3 (WEL)
Number 26 (Revision 2) - Cement.
Total Respirable Nuisance Dust: 4.0 mg/m3 (WEL)
4. First aid measures
Respirable Crystalline Silica: 0.1 mg/m3 (WEL).
All are given as maximum concentrations and expressed as
Unlikely to be hazardous if handled correctly.
an 8 Hour Time Weighted Average (8 Hr TWA).
Prevention measures
Remove to a dust free area and seek medical attention if
Use dust extraction and containment where possible.
breathing difficulties are experienced.
Respiratory protection
Dust masks or respirators should be worn during handling
Wash with soap and water. If prolonged contact causes
and use of the product to accord with the relevant WEL listed
irritation seek medical attention.
above, particularly during drilling, cutting and sawing activities.
Protection of skin and eyes
Irrigate with plenty of water and seek medical attention if
Gloves or barrier cream, overalls and goggles should be
soreness continues.
worn during handling and use of the product.
Natural aggregates contain a wide range of particle types PPE Regulations 1992
Respirable dust approximates to the fraction that penetrates COSHH (Amendment) Regulations 2004
Not applicable
Not classified.
Training advice
Structural stability of
non load-bearing panels
The following tables are based upon BS EN 1996 :1:1, walls The wall thickness t, in the case of a single leaf wall should
subject to lateral loads only. be taken as the block thickness, in the case of a cavity wall,
this should be taken as the effective thickness tef which
All walls are assumed to be a minimum 100mm thick and in
should be calculated as below.
the case of cavity walls, one leaf of the cavity wall has to be
at least 100mm thick.
tef = 3 t13 + t23 using the UK National Annex
NOTE: Walls quoted as 94mm thick are based upon non-loadbearing partition
walls in accordance with BS 5628 pt 3.
Panels with lateral restraint, top, bottom and one vertical edge
The tables below, give the maximum sizes of chases and recesses which are permitted in masonry, without further calculation,
as permitted in the UK national Annex to BS EN 1996-1-1.
The maximum depth of chases/recesses in hollow and cellular blocks, should not be in-excess of half the shell thickness of the
unit unless verified by calculation.
Wall elevation
t ch
t ch,h tr
Wall elevation
Edge of
opening Wc
t ch1 t ch2 Wc (see above)
2 a For walls thicker than 175mm, t ch,h may be
increased by 10mm if accurate machine
Min Min
cutting is used.
500 2 x t ch Max
b Horizontal chases should be positioned within
one eighth of the clear height of the wall
(above or below a floor).
c The rules for horizontal chases also apply to
Chases may be on opposite faces of wall inclined chases.
Fig 6.3 Horizontal and inclined chases in loading masonry walls - limitations (read with table 6.2)
Structural stability of
non load-bearing panels
Thickness of wall t (mm) max depth tch,h (mm) max width Wc (mm) minimum wall thickness max width Wc (mm)
remaining tr (mm)
75 - 89 30 75 60 300
a) The maximum depth of the chase should include the depth of any hole reached when forming the chase.
b) Vertical chases that do not extend more than one third of the storey height above floor level may have a depth of up to 80mm and a width of up to 120mm, if the
thickness of the wall is 225mm or more.
c) The horizontal distance between adjacent chases or between a chase and recess or an opening should not be less than 225mm.
d) The horizontal distance beteen any two adjacent recesses, whether they occur on the same side or on opposite sides of the wall, or between a recess and an
opening, should not be less than twice the width of the wider of the two recesses.
e) The cumulative width of vertical chases and recesses should not exceed 0.13 times the length of the wall.
f) This table is based on data from NA to EC6 Part 1-1.
t t tr
t ch, v
Wc 300mm
Plan Plan
Chases on either
Spacing of chases
side of wall
Edge of
t opening
Max 80
X X h
2 Max
Wall elevation
NOTE: The cumulative width of vertical chases 0.13 times length of wall.
When designing to Eurocode 6, normalised strengths are used, taking into account the
shape factor and bringing the unit strength back to a 100mm cube equivalent.
As the UK quote actual block strengths
as apposed to a cube strength, the
tables below show the shape factor
conversion and the equivalent
normalised strength, in accordance
with BS EN 772-1, table A.1
All structures move during their lifetime, either due to The spacing of movement joints can be increased by
settlement, loading, thermal movement, changes in moisture the inclusion of ladder type bed joint reinforcement as
movement and even chemical changes. Irrespective of the detailed below.
cause, this can lead to cracking, which can effect the
It should however be noted that the inclusion of bed joint
structural integrity, weather-tightness or purely aesthetics of
reinforcement does not guarantee that there will be no
the structure. With structures designed in accordance with
cracking in the built masonry, but it will be limited to hairline
BS 5628 or Eurocode 6 moisture movement of concrete
cracks which will not effect the structural integrity of the wall.
blocks typically has the greatest movement characteristics.
Here we are considering how to control this movement and
to minimise its impact. Continuous Ladder type BJR
at the folowing vertical centres
Materials react in different ways to changes in temperature
Un-reinforced 675mm 450mm 215mm
and moisture, clay bricks tend to expand, due to moisture
take up and thermal expansion, whilst concrete blocks tend Spacing of 6mm 9mm 11mm 13mm
to shrink, due to drying shrinkage. movement joints
Movement joints should also be positioned within 3 The limitation on the uninterrupted height of a masonry wall,
metres of any corner/return/pier in accordance with BS 5628 pt 1 : 2005 clause,
states that the outerleaf should be supported at intervals not
Inclusion of ladder type bed joint reinforcement should be exceeding every third storey or every 9 metres, which ever is
included in two courses above and below all openings, the less. However if the building does not exceed four
extending at least 600mm either side. storeys or 12 metres height, which ever is the less, the outer
Detailed location leaf may be uninterrupted for its full height.
Changes in loading
Max 2H
Junction details
Sealant where required 25 x 3mm flat section metal Sealant where required
tie with one end de-bonded
at 450mm vertical centres
Joint filler Joint filler
Joint filler
Movement joint at concrete column Movement joint to blockwork at internal steel column
Joint filler
Sealant where
25 x 3mm flat section metal
ties with one end de-bonding Flexible ties at max.
at 450mm vertical centres 300mm vertical centres
Fire and acoustic
protection column Column
Dovetail channel
cast into column
2 layers of 12.5mm
plasterboard with
staggered joints
Mineral wool
Movement joint to blockwork at steel column in cavity wall Movement joint to blockwork at steel frame - blockwork
encasing column
2 layers fo 12.5mm Mineral wool 10kg/m3.
plasterboard with
Column. staggered joints. Flat screen metal ties
de-bonding sleeves at
vertical centres. Allow
Fire and
100mm embedment.
acoustic protection
Ties fixed to column
to column.
(e.g. shot fired).
Outer leaf.
40mm min. De-bonded tie every second course. Flexible ties with suitable drip.
Head restraint
Min. 600mm
Plastering, rendering
and jointing
Mixes based on gypsum plasters gauged with lime. 1:2:9 Cement/lime/plastering sand
Cement or cement and lime based plasters are normally Finish coat: A skim coat of gypsum plaster should be used
limited to the undercoat for general two coat plaster work as recommended by the manufacturer.
as it is often difficult to obtain a very smooth finish with
Lightweight plaster
mixes containing sand. This being the case the final coat
is normally a gypsum or lightweight plaster mix compatible Total thickness of plaster is 13mm when applied to
with a cement based undercoat. For general purpose work blockwork in two coats. The base of the undercoat should
the mix for the undercoat is the same as that given for be approximately 10mm thick and finish skim coat of 3mm.
designation (iii) in the table opposite for rendering mixes.
Dry lining
The overall thickness of two coat work in cement-based or
Both standard plasterboard and laminated thermal boards
gypsum plaster on masonry should be nominally up to 13mm.
can be fixed by bonding directly to the blockwork using
Bond proprietary dabs or adhesive.
Masterdenz Low Can be improved by raking of Bonding or Hardwall (iii) Gypsum Lightweight
Masterdenz-Paint joints. Bonding treatment (iii)
Grade recommended with based plasters
Masterlite: Pro Medium Generally good, an assessment Browning (iii) Gypsum Lightweight
should be made prior to plaster (iii)
application. With particularly
smooth blocks a bonding
treatment may be necessary
Plastering, rendering
and jointing
*With fine or poorly graded sands the lower volume of sand should be used. For other mixes please refer to BS EN 13914 or BS EN 998.
Weather conditions particularly affect efflorescence. Even 1. Never use unwashed sand
after long rainy periods, moisture evaporates so quickly that
2. Use low-alkali cement
comparatively small amounts of salt are brought to the
surface. Efflorescence is usually more common in winter 3. Use dehydrated lime, free from calcium sulphate, when
when a slower rate of evaporation allows migration of salts using lime for mortar or stucco.
to the surface. Over time, efflorescence becomes lighter
and less extensive unless there is an external source of salt.
Dark surfaces show up the deposits much more than light
coloured surfaces.
Aggregate Industries
Aggregates Contracting
We supply crushed rock, sand and gravel, We strengthen our construction materials
stone and fill materials for construction. portfolio through our involvement in
These can be delivered by road, rail or infrastructure, surfacing and civil
marine transport. We also produce silica contracting works.
and specialist sands.
Tel: 01530 510066
Tel: 01455 285200 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
We are a leading supplier of a full range of Bradstone is one of the UK's leading
coated materials with over 40 locations in ranges of natural and reconstituted stone
the UK, serving major conurbations, paving, walling, edging and coping, block
including sites for collect business. paving and decorative aggregates.
Aggregate Industries Overseas supplies We import grey and white cement from
high quality aggregates to Europe from Northern Europe and supply Fly Ash to
bases in the UK, Poland, Germany, ready-mixed, precast, mortar, screed
Norway and Latvia. and render companies.
Building products
Aggregate Industries UK Ltd 2013. Registered address: Bardon Hall, Copt Oak Road, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9PJ. No: 00245717 CODE