Build 141 Bracing Supplement

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2 Build Bracing
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1. Introduction
7. Bracing for steps in floors and ceilings

2. Bracing using NZS 3604:2011
8. Wall bracing

3. Wind zones and NZS 3604
9. Walls at angles to bracing lines

4. Topographic zones
10. Roof bracing

5. Subfloor bracing
11. Bracing ratings

6. Bracing for suspended floors
BRANZ Ltd, April 2014
ISSN: 0110 4381

Build Bracing 1
2 Build Bracing
1 Introduction

BRACING OF A TIMBER-FRAMED BUILDING is This compilation of articles from Build determine what needs to be provided for bracing
required to resist horizontal wind and earth- magazine looks at the bracing requirements for calculations. It then works its way through
quake loads. The bracing demand to resist wind buildings built in accordance with NZS 3604:2011 the bracing requirements for various parts
is expressed in bracing units (BUs) per lineal Timber-framed buildings. of the building, from subfloor to wall to roof,
metre and bracing units per square metre for It starts by looking at what information is using examples to illustrate how to apply NZS
earthquakes. needed to start calculating bracing and to 3604:2011.

Disclaimer The information contained within this publication is of a general nature only. All organisations involved in the preparation of this document do not accept any
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Any standard referred to within this publication can be purchased from Standards New Zealand by phoning 0800 782 632 or by visiting

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Build Bracing 3
2 Bracing using NZS


designer will need to collect the following infor-
mation for the specific building. H for top or single
H for subfloor (Table 5.5)
storey (Table 5.6) h = height of roof above eaves
NZS 3604:2011
Is the building being considered within the scope
of NZS 3604:2011? For this, it must be no more
than 2-storeys and a maximum height of 10 m
from the lowest ground level to the uppermost upper floor level 10 m max. for
portion of the roof. NZS 3604
lower floor level scope
Designs within the scope of NZS 3604:2011
must provide bracing capacity that exceeds the
higher of the minimum requirements in NZS ground
3604:2011 for: H for lower of 2
storeys (Table 5.7)
wind demand Tables 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7
earthquake demand Tables 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10.
lowest ground point
Wind zone
Some territorial authorities have maps with wind Figure 1 How to work out H and h.
zones. Otherwise, see NZS 3604:2011 5.2.1 to
work out the wind zone. Steps to do this are also
W where roof pitch
on pages 810, or consult an engineer. is greater than 25
When the structure is situated in a lee zone, wind direction along ridge
also see the increased requirements in the notes
at the bottom of Table 5.4.
bracing elements in line with
ridge and wind direction
Earthquake zone
Establish the earthquake zone from NZS
3604:2011 Figure 5.4. For Christchurch, refer to
Building Code clause B1 3.1.2. W where roof pitch
is less than 25

Floor plan area

What is the floor plan area in square metres at
the level being considered? This is needed for
earthquake demand calculations the total floor Figure 2 Bracing for wind along the ridge.

4 Build Bracing
area of the level being considered is multiplied by
the values given in Tables 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10.

Weight of claddings
L where roof pitch is
Wall claddings are separated into: Wind direction across ridge
greater than 25
light wall cladding has a mass up to
30 kg/m2, for example, weatherboards
medium wall cladding has a mass over bracing elements at
30 kg/m2 and up to 80 kg/m2, for example, right angles to ridge
and wind direction
heavy wall cladding has a mass over
80 kg/m2 and up to 220 kg/m2, for example,
clay and concrete veneers (bricks). L where roof pitch is
less than 25
Roofs are either:
light roof has roofing material (and sarking
where required) with a mass up to 20 kg/m2 of
roof area, for example, profiled metal roofing
heavy roof has roofing material (and sarking
where required) with a mass over
Figure 3 Bracing for wind across the ridge.

20 kg/m2 and up to 60 kg/m2 of roof area, for

example, concrete or clay tiles, slates.
The type of soil class is needed to calculate the wings or blocks that extend more than 6 m
Site subsoil class for earthquake bracing units required to resist earthquakes. For from the building these need sufficient
calculations multiplication factors for soil types see: bracing individually
Site subsoils are classified in NZS 3604:2011 Table 5.8 single storey on subfloor framing split-level floors each level to have sufficient
C5.3.3 as: for various wall and roof claddings bracing individually and to have wall and
class A strong rock Table 5.9 2-storey on subfloor framing for subfloor bracing at the position of the
class B rock various wall and roof claddings discontinuity
class C shallow soil sites Table 5.10 single and 2-storey on slab for floors or ceilings with a step more than
class D deep or soft sites various wall and roof claddings. 100 mm in the finished levels a bracing line
class E very soft soil sites. is required in the storey below at the location
Territorial authorities often have maps with Building shape of the discontinuity, and the bracing element
the soil classifications. If this information is not What is the building shape? NZS 3604:2011 in the storey below must run continuously
available, site subsoil classification class E must clause 5.1.5 sets out the requirements for build- from the storey below to the underside of the
be used or specific engineering design carried out. ings that have: upper levels.

Build Bracing 5
L or W where roof pitch is greater than 25


L or W where roof
Heights of buildings
pitch is less than 25
Use NZS 3604:2011 Figure 5.3 to establish heights
H and h for bracing applications. H may have
different values for different sections of the same L
building (see Figure 1), for example: W

for subfloor bracing requirements, H = the the higher of wind along or

average height of finished ground level to the across ridge
roof apex (use Table 5.5)
for a single or upper floor level, H = single or Figure 4 Dimensions for mono-pitched roofs.
upper finished floor level to roof apex (use
Table 5.6)
for lower finished floor level, H = lower finished To calculate the bracing units required in the timber floors is 120 bracing units/metre
floor level to roof apex (use Table 5.7) across direction, multiply L by the value in the concrete floors is 150 bracing units/metre.
for roof height above the eaves, h = apex of Across column in NZS 3604:2011 Table 5.5 The bracing design should evenly distribute the
roof to bottom of eaves (use Table 5.5, 5.6 (subfloor), 5.6 (upper or single level walls) or bracing throughout the building rather than con-
and 5.7). 5.7 (lower of 2 storeys). As above, if not in a high centrating them in ends of buildings or outside
wind zone use the relevant wind zone multiplying walls.
Roof types factor at the bottom of the table.
What is the type(s) of roof? NZS 3604:2011 Hip roofs Extra B/Us for part storey and chimneys
Figure 5.3 shows where bracing needs to be in Use Across values in NZS 3604:2011 Tables 5.5, Where there is a part storey contained in a:
relation in wind direction. 5.6 and 5.7 for along and across directions. timber-framed basement, regard the building
Gable roof wind along ridge Mono-pitched roofs as two buildings for demand calculations one
Bracing elements to resist wind are placed in line Roof height above the eaves is taken as the 2-storey (has basement underneath) and one
with the ridge and wind direction (see Figure 2). difference between lower eaves height and roof single-storey and use the appropriate tables
To calculate the required bracing units along apex (see Figure 4). roof space, the bracing demand values in
the building, multiply W by the value in the When roof pitch is: Tables 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10 (earthquake) must be
right-hand Along column in NZS 3604:2011 25 or less, use wall width or length increased by 4 bracing units/square metre.
Table 5.5 (subfloor), 5.6 (upper or single-level greater than 25, use roof dimensions. Where a masonry or concrete chimney is
walls) or 5.7 (lower of 2 storeys). These tables To calculate the bracing units required, use the dependent on the building structure for lateral
are for high wind zone. In other zones, use the higher value of the along and across calculations support, additional demand is also required
multiplying factor for the relevant wind zone in NZS 3604:2011 Tables 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7 is used. see B1/AS3.
found at the bottom of the relevant table. Note Several suppliers of wall bracing
Gable roof wind across ridge Limitations on bracing allocation systems provide free on-line calculators to work
Bracing elements for wind across the building Based on hold-down capabilities, there are some out bracing requirements.
are positioned in line with the wind direction maximum ratings for bracing elements that can
and at right angles to the ridge line (see Figure 3). be used in calculations. The maximum for:

6 Build Bracing

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3 Wind zones and
NZS 3604
SITE USING NZS 3604:2011.

FOUNDATIONS AND WALLS of timber-framed

buildings must be braced to resist the horizontal
forces from earthquakes and wind. When design-
ing bracing, calculations of both earthquake and
wind forces (called bracing demand) must be
made and the building constructed to withstand
the stronger of the calculated forces (called
bracing capacity). Although New Zealand lies in a
region of high seismic activity, it is often the hor-
izontal forces imposed by wind that determine
the bracing requirement.
The shape, size and level (whether basement,
ground or first floor) of the building, as well as
its actual location, all affect the wind bracing
demand, but in order to calculate the bracing
demand, the wind zone, rated as low (L) to extra
high (EH) wind speed, must first be determined.
Figure 5 Built-up residential areas are generally defined as urban.

Six steps to determine wind zone

A means of determining the wind zone for a
specific location is in NZS 3604:2011 Table 5.1 (see
Table 1). This describes a six-step process.
Step 1 Wind region
The first step is to identify the wind region for the
building from NZS 3604:2011 Figure 5.1. This map
divides the country into two wind regions A and
W based on wind speed data from the New
Zealand MetService.
The regions are too general, however, as land
formations can modify and create significant
localised variations to wind speeds. For example, sheltered
wind speed will increase as it passes over and
between hills and decrease when passing over Sites adjacent to an open space such as a playing field are defined as exposed.
Figure 6
rough ground. The buildings more than two rows back are defined as sheltered.

8 Build Bracing
Step 2 In a lee zone? Table 1
Determine if the site is in a lee zone. These are
shown as hatched areas in Figure 5.1. Lee zones PROCEDURE FOR
may have higher wind speeds.
Step 3 Ground roughness
Determine the ground roughness from the two WIND ZONES
options defined by NZS 3604 paragraph 5.2.3: (NZS 3604:2011 TABLE 5.1, PROVIDED BY STANDARDS NEW ZEALAND UNDER LICENCE 001083.)
Urban terrain more than 10 obstructions
over 3 m high, such as houses or trees, per STEPS ACTION REFERENCE VALUES AVAILABLE
Open terrain open areas with only isolated 1 Determine wind region Figure 5.1 A, W
trees or shelter, such as adjacent to fields or Determine if in a lee
2 Figure 5.1 See Table 5.4
beaches and open bodies of water. zone
Generally, any built-up residential area (see
Determine ground Urban terrain
Figure 5) or any forested area will be defined 3 Paragraph 5.2.3
roughness Open terrain
as urban. A site adjacent to farmland or other
open space will be defined as open terrain. 4 Determine site exposure Paragraph 5.2.4 Sheltered, exposed
Where a site is within 500 m of the boundary Determine topographic From Tables 5.2, 5.3 and
5 Gentle to steep
between urban and open terrain, it must be class Figure 5.2
considered as open terrain.
6 Determine wind zone Table 5.4 L, M, H, VH, EH
Step 4 Site exposure
Determine site exposure from the two options
in paragraph 5.2.4:
Sheltered a site surrounded by at least two Step 5 Topographic class as the region beyond a crest where the
rows of obstructions that are permanent, Determine the topographic class (T1T4), from gradient is less than 1 in 20.
similar in size and at the same ground level. Table 5.2 and Figure 5.2 (see Figure 7). Next, determine the smoothed gradient from
Exposed a site that is steep (as defined in This consists of a number of steps (see Table 5.2): Figure 5.2. This requires the gradients of the
Table 5.2) or adjacent to an open space such If not flat ground, determine if the ground is: upper part of the hill to be considered:
as a playing field (see Figure 6) or beach or a hill land rises to a crest or high point The smoothed gradient of the hill is assessed
adjacent to a wind channel that is more than then falls again on the other side over the horizontal upwind distance between
100 m wide. an escarpment a steep slope or cliff the crest of the hill and the lesser of three times
Comment C5.2.4 states that typical suburban separating two relatively level regions of the height of the hill (H) or 500 m (L).
developments on flat or near-flat ground are ground that are at different elevations. Note The smoothed gradient is the elevation (h)
generally classified as sheltered (see Figure 5). that NZS 3604 5.2.5 defines an escarpment divided by the relevant distance (L).

Build Bracing 9
Figure 7 Topography (including escarpment conditions). NZS 3604:2011 Figure 5.2.
(Provided by Standards New Zealand under licence 001083.)

Example 1: The topographic class (T) must be determined Calculate wind bracing demand
H (height of hill from crest to valley floor) = 180 m. from Table 5.3. In example 1, with steep The wind zone can now be applied to calculate
L = the lesser of 3H or 500 m, 3H = 540, so L is gradient in outer zone, the topographic class the wind bracing demand from NZS 3604:2011,
500 m. is T3; with the low gradient in outer zone, the Tables 5.5, 5.6 and 5.7. These tables give wind
So, if h (elevation of the site) = 100 m, h/L = topographic class is T1. bracing demands (BU/m) for the subfloor struc-
100/500 = 0.2 or 1:5. Therefore, the gradient of If the site does not fall within an outer or crest zone, it ture and the walls of single and upper floors and
the site is steep (from Table 5.2). is classified as T1, but there are some exceptions. the lower of two-storeys.
Or if h = 50 m, h/L = 50/500 = 0.1 or 1:10. There- Step 6 Now find wind zone Where the zone is not high (H), the multiplier
fore, the gradient of the site is low (from Table It is now possible to determine the wind zone for the relevant wind zone is used to calculate the
5.2). from Table 5.4 using the information gathered correct wind bracing demand.
Determine the location of the site as T1 (valley wind region, ground roughness, topographic class Where wind zone is above extra high (from
floor), outer zone or crest zone. In example 1, and site exposure. Table 5.4), the wind zone is SED or specific
the building is located 250 m from the crest of Example 2: engineering design and is beyond the scope of
the hill, which is more than H (= 180 m) so it is From Table 5.4, a site in region W classified as T4 NZS 3604.
outside the crest zone. However, it is within the (moderate crest zone), urban and exposed, is in wind
outer zone (<500 m). zone EH (extra high wind speed maximum 55 m/s).

10 Build Bracing
Appraisal No.831 [2013]
4 Topographic zones

L=3H or 500 m (whichever is less)

h=change in elevation H = height

from valley
valley floor floor to crest

smoothed gradient =

Figure 8 Smoothed gradient.

WE ALL KNOW from experience that hilltops (and Most of New Zealands hill country is spur/ Then smoothed gradient
other exposed locations) have higher wind speeds gully formation where the land drops away on The next step is to determine the slope of the hill
than the valley floor, and the topographic classes both sides of a hilltop, ridge or spur. This is a hill or smoothed gradient. This is also big picture
T1 to T4 are a measure of just how much higher. shape in NZS 3604-speak. stuff, and contours from a typical site survey will
However, around the coasts or beside large rarely extend far enough. The best source of
Start with shape of ground river valleys, there are often escarpments information is a large-scale contour map or an
The first step is to stand back and get an where the water has cut away one side of the online tool such as Google Earth.
overall picture of the shape of the ground hill and the other side is relatively flat. Note that The hill slope is measured over either:
surrounding the site. Dont get into too much if the ground comprises undulations of less than a distance from the hill crest of 3 height of
detail. This is big picture stuff and is best done 10 m (height of a 3-storey house) or is flatter the crest above the valley floor (H), or
by a site visit. than 1:20, the topographic class is T1. 500 m, whichever is less.

12 Build Bracing
3H=300 m

L=200 m

50 m

h H=100 m

Figure 5.2 of NZS 3604:2011 Timber-framed build-

ings is misleading here, and an alternative is given valley floor
in Figure 8.
In this example, smoothed gradient should be:
The smoothed gradient is h/L. Where the
100/200 = 0.5 = steep NOT 50/300 = 0.17 = moderate
distance L extends from the crest up the next hill,
as can sometimes happen in steeper country (see
Figure 9), take L as the distance to the valley floor. Figure 9 Determining topographic zone in steep hillside.

Position of building
Next consider the position of the building site in
relation to the crest of the hill (or escarpment):
crest zone
If it is within distance H (or 2H downwind for T1 outer zone outer zone T1
an escarpment), it is in the crest zone where H 2H H H 2H
wind acceleration is a maximum.
If it is between 1H and 3H from the crest
(or between 2H and 6H downwind for an crest
escarpment), it is within the outer zone. Hill shape
If it is more than 3H (or 6H for an escarpment),
it is T1 because wind acceleration is not
significant. Figure 10 Building sites adjacent to a crest.
See Figures 10 and 11.
Note that row 4 in NZS 3604 Table 5.2 is
irrelevant for topographic class and should be
ignored it fits into Table 5.4. crest zone
T1 outer zone outer zone T1
Note also that the entry for steep in Table 5.2
should have no upper limit. 2H H 2H 4H
Now the topographic class
Finally, the topographic class T1 to T4 is deter-
mined from Table 5.3 using the information
determined above.
Figure 11 Building sites adjacent to an escarpment.

Build Bracing 13
5 Subfloor bracing





upper floor level

lower floor level

Figure 12 Elevation of example house.

THE HOUSE BEING USED in this example has a Gross floor plan area for: Table 5.5), H = 7.1 m, so round up to 8 m, and
second storey on part of the house (see Figures 2-storey = 10.6 5 = 53 m h = 1.8 (round down to 1 m, this is a higher BU
1213). 1-storey = 8.1 9.3 = 75.3 m (for simplicity, the requirement).
area has not been reduced for the entry porch). Single-storey to apex H = 4.8 m, h = 1.9 m.
Data for this example Once the demand is established, the overlap of Roof type and building dimension
Refer to pages 46 for how to establish these values. the 2-storey will be deducted from the 1-storey. The 2-storey has a gable roof with 300 mm sof-
Wind zone: Medium Soil type: Rock fit/verge.
Earthquake zone: 2 Weight of claddings: Light subfloor, lower storey, As the roof is over 25, when considering wind
Floor plan area upper storey and roof on the 2-storey part of the building, use the
This example has a mixture of single and double Roof pitch: 30 degrees, so choose 2545 degrees overall dimensions of the roof for the width and
storeys. Because these have different wind and Building shape: Subfloor has no wings or blocks length.
earthquake demands, two calculations are re- Heights for building So, 2-storey section building dimensions are:
quired one for the subfloor area of the 2-storey 2-storey to apex H = 7.1 m, roof height above Length = 10.6 + 0.300 + 0.300 = 11.2 m
portion and one for the subfloor area of the eaves h = 1.8 m. Width = 5.0 + 0.300 + 0.300 = 5.6 m.
single-storey (shown in Figure 14). The slab floor Note: Where heights dont exactly match the Single-storey dimensions are:
in the garage has no subfloor so does not form table, use the next highest bracing unit (BU). Length = 9.3 m (no soffit to lower level)
part of the calculation. For example, in the subfloor structure (using Width = 8.1 m (no soffit to lower level).

14 Build Bracing
M N 0
8.100 7.040
Transfer these values to the calculation sheets
(Figures 15 and 17).
Note that, because this is a hip roof shape, garage
wind demand in both the along and across
directions is the same, so choice of length and

width is not critical.

Bracing calculation sheets

The above data is then entered into bracing
calculation sheets to obtain the bracing demand
roof line concrete

(see Figures 15 and 17). Sheets can be down- (lower level) slab floor


loaded from the Toolbox on the BRANZ website
2-storey section 3.100
Using the calculation sheets (see Figure 15),
bracing demand for the 2-storey section is: extent of upper level
1176 BUs for wind across the ridge
roof line
627 BUs for wind along the ridge (upper level)
636 BUs for earthquake.
Use 1176 BUs for wind across and 636 for both
wind along and earthquake.
Single-storey section
Bracing demand results for the single-storey area Figure 13 Floor plan of example house.
(see Figure 17) are:
521 BUs for wind across M N 0 extent of concrete slab floor
454 BUs for wind along
603 BUs for earthquake. A
Use 603 BUs for along and across as it is the
higher value in both directions. dual
pile area
Choose bracing element and 2-
The subfloor is 600 mm or less high. Anchor piles storey)
have been chosen as the subfloor bracing ele-
ment as they are rated as 160 BUs for wind and
120 BUs for earthquake.
outline of lower
Moving to the bracing lines lower level floor level
For this example, the exterior walls will be used suspended floor
as bracing lines in each direction along with the D

common wall between the garage and the house. anchor pile: single storey
These are within the 5 m rule and provide an even
upper level anchor pile: two storey
distribution of bracing throughout the building. suspended
floor anchor pile: for dual pile area
We now need to calculate the minimum (single and two storey)
bracing needed in each line and check the bracing
E ordinary pile
distribution complies with the requirements of
NZS 3604:2011 clause 5.5:
maximum spacing of bracing lines in the
subfloor = 5 m Figure 14 Foundation plan.

Build Bracing 15
Figure 15 Calculation sheet for demand 2-storey section of Figure 16 Calculation sheet for bracing achieved 2-storey
subfloor. section of subfloor.

minimum capacity of subfloor bracing lines is Minimum bracing for single-storey section plate on the lowest floor to the top of the roof).
the greater of: Using the calculation sheet (see Figure 18) gives: In this example, width 5 m 1.7 = 8.5 m, so this
100 BUs 1080 BUs for earthquake bracing across design is OK as the height is 6.5 m from underside
15 BU/m of bracing line 1080 BUs for earthquake bracing along. of bottom plate to top of roof.
50% of the total bracing demand, divided This meets the minimum demand requirements There is also a minimum number of subfloor
by the number of bracing lines in the from the calculation sheet (see Figure 17) and braces (NZS 3604:2011 clause 5.5.6) a
direction being considered. NZS 3604 clause 5.5.2. minimum of four braced or anchor piles placed
See Table 2 where this has been worked through. The piles in brace line N are staggered to in each direction symmetrically around the
Minimum bracing for 2-storey section comply with the requirement that braced or load- perimeter. Wherever practical, they should be
Using the calculation sheet (see Figure 16) bearing walls are within 200 mm of the pile line. placed near a corner. This design has five piles
gives: in the across direction and nine in the along
1280 BUs for wind across More to check direction so is OK.
960 BUs for earthquake and along. Buildings where the height exceeds 1.7 times Note Having trouble reading Figures
This meets the minimum demand requirements the width must be on a continuous foundation 1518? You can download these with this
from the calculation sheet (see Figure 15) and wall (NZS 3604:2011 clause Height is article from then
NZS 3604:2011 clause 5.5.2. measured from the underside of the bottom The Right Stuff.

16 Build Bracing
Figure 17 Calculation sheet for demand single-storey section Figure 18 Calculation sheet for bracing achieved single-storey
of subfloor. section of subfloor.

Table 2




Bracing lines B, C, D and E = 5 m long A, B, C, D = 8.1 m long
Bracing demand per line 100 BUs or 100 BUs or
(greatest value) 75 BUs (5.0 x 15 BUs) or 122 BUs (8.1 x 15) or
147 BUs (1176 BUs divided by 2 = 588 divided by 4 lines) 76 BUs (603 BUs divided by 2 = 301.5 divided by 4 lines)
Minimum BUs per line 147 BUs 122 BUs
Minimum anchor piles per line 1 anchor pile = 160 BUs (wind) 2 anchor piles = 240 BUs
(120 each for earthquake)
Bracing lines M and N = 10.6 m long M, N, O = 9.3 m long
Bracing demand per line 100 BUs or 100 BUs or
(greater value) 159 BUs (10.6 x 15) or 140 BUs (9.3 x 15) or
159 BUs (636 BUs (for earthquake) divided by 2 = 100 BUs (603 BUs divided by 2 = 301.5 divided by 3
318 divided by 2 lines) lines)
Minimum BUs per line 159 BUs 140 BUs
Minimum piles per line 2 anchor piles = 240 BUs (120 each for earthquake) 2 anchor piles = 240 BUs (120 each for earthquake)

Build Bracing 17
6 Bracing for
suspended floors


brick veneer cladding
substantial increase in bracing demand from
buildings on slabs to those on suspended floors.
This ranges from about double the demand
for walls of single-storey buildings to about a
30% increase in demand for walls of 2-storey
This increase is due to the additional seismic
weight of the suspended floor and its contents
(people, furniture and so on), and the greater floor joists
effect of earthquake ground movements on
suspended floors.

Experience from Christchurch bearer on DPC

Observations in Christchurch after the earth-
concrete half pile
quakes clearly showed that piled buildings with a
perimeter foundation wall of concrete or concrete reinforced concrete footing
masonry performed very well, even when there
was ground disturbance due to liquefaction and
lateral spreading. Figure 19 Suspended floor structure with semi-detached or half pile.
This is because of the bracing effect of the
perimeter foundation wall, together with the
floor acting as a diaphragm. Bracing design advice if the suspended floor structure is not
After discussions with practitioners, BRANZ connected to the perimeter foundation
Gap in NZS 3604 advises: (for example, the semi-detached pile in
NZS 3604:2011 provides two sets of tables for if the building is on a slab, use NZS 3604 Figure 19 a common construction detail
earthquake bracing demand: Table 5.10 for older timber-framed buildings), then
Table 5.10 for buildings built on a concrete slab. if the building is all piled, use NZS 3604 Table conservatively Table 5.8 or 5.9 should be
Tables 5.8 and 5.9 for buildings on a 5.8 (single-storey) or 5.9 (two-storey) used. Structural engineers experienced
suspended floor structure. if the suspended floor structure is well in timber-framed construction could
However, NZS 3604 makes no distinction connected to the perimeter foundation (as perhaps justify a demand value
between fully piled suspended substructures required by NZS 3604 Figure 6.17 for bearers and between those from Tables 5.8/5.9 and
and those with a concrete or masonry perimeter Figure 6.16 for wall plates), treat it as a slab Table 5.10.
foundation. and use Table 5.10

18 Build Bracing
7 Bracing for steps in
floors or ceilings

NZS 3604:2011 clause 5.15 has the bracing require- the bracing elements in the storey below must
ments for buildings with a step or break greater be continuous from floor level to the underside
than 100 mm in the finished levels. This requires: of the highest ceiling level (see Figures 20
a bracing line in the storey below, directly under and 21).
the discontinuity, and

lower level floor joists upper level floor joists

jack framing

floor level

subfloor bracing
greater than
100 mm

floor level pile

bracing line

Piles need to be braced (anchor or cantilevered)

and meet at least the minimum required bracing
line capacity of:
100 BUs or
50% of the total bracing demand, divided by
the number of bracing lines in the direction
being considered.

Figure 20 Bracing design where floor is discontinuous.

Build Bracing 19
top plate
lower level ceiling joists
upper level ceiling joists

internal wall bracing

element continuous from upper ceiling
floor level to underside of greater than
100 mm level
highest ceiling level

lower ceiling
floor joists (could be slab)

wall framing

The minimum bracing for internal walls in bracing lines is:

100 BUs or
50% of the total bracing demand, divided by
the number of bracing lines in the direction bracing line
being considered. bearer
Piles on the subfloor bracing line must be anchor or cantilevered bottom plate
or a braced system combination and meet at least the minimum
subfloor bracing requirements. pile (if not on bracing line, must be within
200 mm of the braced wall above)
Figure 21 Bracing design where ceiling is discontinuous.



for full technical details

20 Build Bracing
8 Wall bracing





upper floor level


lower floor level

Figure 22 Elevation of example house.

THE SAME BUILDING is being used as for the sub- calculations are needed, one for each of these. Roof type and building dimension
floor bracing (see pages 1417) with additional The gross floor plan area for the: As the roof pitch is over 25 degrees, when
information in Figures 22 and 23. 2-storey = 10.6 5.0 = 53 m considering wind for the 2-storey part of the
1-storey = 8.1 9.3 = 75.3 m (for simplicity, building, use the overall dimensions of the roof
Data for calculation sheets for this the area has not been reduced for the porch width and length.
example entry) So, 2-storey section (upper and lower levels) are:
Wind zone: Medium garage area = 6.2 7.040 = 43.6 m length = 10.6 + 0.300 + 0.300 = 11.2 m
Earthquake: Zone 2 Soil type: Rock width = 5.0 + 0.300 + 0.300 = 5.6 m
Floor plan areas Cladding weights: Light lower storey, upper single-storey: length = 6.2 + 3.1 = 9.3 m, width
The example building is part 2-storey, part single- storey and roof = 8.1 m (no roof overhangs)
storey. The garage is on a slab, and the remainder Roof pitch: 30 degrees, so choose 2545 degrees garage: length = 7.040 m, width = 6.2 m (no
has a subfloor. Heights for building: roof overhangs).
Because these have different wind and Lower of 2-storey to apex H = 6.5 m, h = 1.8 m
earthquake demands, the building is divided Upper storey to apex H = 4.2 m, h = 1.8 m Bracing lines and spacings
into four areas upper of 2-storey, lower of 1-storey to apex H = 4.8 m, h = 1.9 m Use the same bracing layout as for the subfloor
2-storey, single-storey and garage and four Garage to apex H = 4.8 m, h = 1.9 m on page 15 (see Figures 23 and 28).

Build Bracing 21
For simplicity, the bracing demand for the
1-storey area has not had the area of overlap with
the 2-storeys deducted. Blue entries in Figure 26
indicate overlap of demand.
M N 0 P
8.100 7.040

M N 1-storey garage


C concrete
slab floor



D Key:
Upper of 2-storey
Lower of 2-storey
upper of
2-storey Lower storey + 1-storey overlap
lower of 2-storey (considered twice)
E Garage
5.000 5.000

Figure 23 Floor plan of example house.

The maximum allowed spacing of bracing lines See Figure 28 for the layout of the various braced Minimum BUs per line in example
for walls is 6 m (NZS 3604:2011 clause 5.4.6). sections. Lower level of the 2-storey (see Figure 24b):
The garage bracing lines are greater than 6 m Lines B, C, D, E = 5 m 15 = 75 BUs or 100 BUs
apart so the garage will require a diaphragm Bracing demand per line or 824/2 divided by 4 lines = 103 BUs
ceiling. Diaphragm ceiling requirements are Complete the bracing calculation sheets (see Lines M, N = 10.6 15 = 159 BUs or 100 BUs or
covered in NZS 3604:2011 clause 13.5 and Figures 2427) to obtain bracing demand. 557/2 divided by 2 lines = 139.2 BUs
minimum BUs requirements are in clause 5.6.2. Always use whichever has the higher demand Upper level of 2-storey (see Figure 25b):
Alternatively, it may be possible to use dragon for wind or earthquake these have been high- Lines B, C, D, E = 5 m 15 = 75 BUs or 100 BUs
ties, which allow bracing lines spacing to be lighted in the calculation sheets as the minimum or 392/2 divided by 4 lines = 49 BUs
extended to 7.5 m. For walls with dragon ties bracing demand required. Lines M, N = 10.6 15 = 159 BUs or 100 BUs or
attached, see clauses to The minimum bracing demand per bracing line 318/2 divided by 2 lines = 79.5 BUs
Bracing lines less than 1 m apart and parallel is the greater of: Single level (see Figure 26b):
are considered to be in the same bracing line. 15 BUs/m of bracing line or Lines A, B, C, D = 8.1 15 = 121.5 BUs or 100
Wall bracing maximum ratings for attachment to: 100 BUs or BUs or 414/2 divided by 4 lines = 51.8 BUs
timber framed floors = 120 BUs/m 50% of the total demand, divided by the number Lines M, N, O = 9.3 15 = 139.5 BUs or 100
concrete floors = 150 BUs/m. of bracing lines in the direction being considered. BUs or 414/2 divided by 3 lines = 69 BUs

22 Build Bracing
Figure 24 Calculation sheet bracing achieved lower level of Figure 25 Calculation sheet for bracing achieved upper level
2-storey. of 2-storey.

Build Bracing 23
Figure 26 Calculation sheet for demand single level. Figure 27 Garage demand and bracing.
Blue entries indicate overlap with 2-storey.

24 Build Bracing
M N 0 P

M4 A1 01 A2 P1

B1 B2 B3
M1 N1 B
N3 02
C4 C5
C1 C2 C3

D1 D2 D3
upper level
ground floor
M2 M3
E1 E2

Figure 28 Final bracing plan.

Garage (see Fig 27b): the P21 test. The rating may vary for earthquake, 100 BUs for earthquake. This has been given the
Lines A, C = 7.040 15 = 105.6 BUs or 100 wind and also for the length used. For exam- designation Plstr 1 in the worksheets.
BUs or 247/2 divided by 2 lines = 62 BUs ple, a sheet material that is rated as achieving For the bracing sheets either side of the
Lines O, P = 6.2 15 = 93 BUs or 100 BUs or 120 BUs for wind, may have a lesser rating when garage door in bracing line C, a generic ply has
217/2 divided by 2 lines = 54.25 BUs used for earthquake or the sheet width is less been chosen, designated in the worksheet as
Transfer these values to the appropriate bracing than the manufacturers minimum width. Ply 1. This has a rating of 150 BU/m for wind
sheets. BUs ratings are all derived from testing and earthquake. Proprietary sheet linings tested
elements at 2.4 m high. Bracing elements of by manufacturers usually require some form of
Choose bracing element other heights will require the BUs achieved to be hold-downs always follow the manufacturers
Bracing materials used are sheet products (ply, calculated for the height used using clause details. Never mix details from different systems.
plasterboard, fibre cement and so on), concrete, of NZS 3604:2011. Note Having trouble reading Figures
concrete blocks or metal components. All brac- In this example 2427? You can download these with this
ing units are achieved using proprietary products For this exercise, a generic plasterboard has article from, then
that have had their bracing rating validated by been used with a rating of 120 BUs for wind and The Right Stuff.

Build Bracing 25
9 Walls at angles
to bracing lines
BRACING CALCULATIONS using NZS 3604:2011 can bracing element (Plaster 1 rated at 100 BU/m) Bracing line at 90 degrees
be done for walls that are under 6 m long that run would be calculated at: In Lines AB and EF, the full value of the bracing
at an angle to the bracing lines. If the wall is over 100 BUs 0.87 1.2 = 104.4 BUs. element can be claimed.
6 m, however, the section of the building needs to Bracing line at angle
be calculated as a separate building. Bracing demand along the ridge Wall GH runs at 30 degrees to the brace lines, so
Total bracing units required in lines running parallel multiply the bracing element in that wall by 0.87
Data for this example to the ridge of the main body of the house (see clause 5.4.4). This means a 1.2 m bracing
The building for this example (see Figure 29) is = width of building (line AH1) 35 BU/m element (Plaster 1 rated at 100 BU/m) would be
single storey with a roof pitch below 25 degrees, (from Table 5.6) calculated at:
so wall lengths have been used to calculate = 9.5 m 35 BU/m = 332.5 BUs. 100 BUs 0.87 1.2 = 104.4 BUs.
demand (see NZS 3604:2011 clause 5.2.6).
Wind zone: High, so use default values in NZS
3604:2011 Table 5.6. D B1 D
H=3m 1.2 m bracing element
Always use the higher bracing demand out of 4.0 m
wind or earthquake. Calculations for this example
determined wind is the higher bracing demand, C C 30
bracing line C
so Table 5.6 is used. B
30 1.2 m bracing element

Bracing demand across the ridge

wind across
Total bracing units required in lines at right angles G
to the ridge of the main body of the house
= length of building (line AB1) 30 BU/m 12.0 m ridge line
16.0 m
(from Table 5.6) B bracing line B
= 16 m 30 BU/m = 480 BUs.
Bracing line at 90 degrees
In line AE, the full value of a proprietary bracing
wind across
element can be used. For example, if Plaster 1 was
rated at 100 BU/m and was 1.2 m long, it would bracing line A
achieve 120 BUs in the across direction.
wind wind
Bracing line at angle along along
But in wall DH, the same bracing element type H1
and length would be derated, as the line runs at 8.0 m 1.5 m
30 degrees to the brace lines. 1.2 m bracing element 9.5 m
Multiply the bracing element in the DH wall
by 0.87 (see clause 5.4.4). This means a 1.2 m Figure 29 Bracing on single-storey example building.

26 Build Bracing
10 Roof bracing

USING THE SAME HOUSE as in the previous lower level roof hip line bracing
sections on subfloor bracing (see pages 1417)
and wall bracing (see pages 2125), we use NZS
3604:2011 Timber-framed buildings Section 10.3
to work out the roof space and roof plane bracing fall fall E
ridge H
The roof D
The house has a gable roof with 300 mm fall
ridge K
overhangs at the soffit and verge on the 2-storey fall F
section and a hip roof on the single-storey section
(see Figure 30). The roof is a light roof.

Bracing sometimes not required fall valley brace

For truss and framed roofs, roof space bracing
line of house below
and roof plane bracing are not required where
there is sarking that meets NZS 3604:2011 clause
10.4.4 requirements or where there is a structural
hip line brace
ceiling diaphragm complying with clause 13.5
directly attached to the rafters.
Small roof planes less than 6 m, such as
dormers or porches, also do not require bracing.

Minimum bracing requirements

Table 10.16 sets out the minimum roof bracing roof plane braces
requirements for roof plan areas, including the upper level roof

overhangs. Use this for gable roofs, hip roofs and

combinations of these. Figure 30 Roof bracing.
For a heavy roof
For each 25 m of roof plan area or part thereof,
one roof plane diagonal brace or one roof space Monopitched roofs Low-slope roof
diagonal brace is required. Unless the walls have full-height bracing and a ceil- No specific provisions are required for low-slope
For a light roof ing that is attached directly to the rafters, a mono- roofs less than 5.
For each 50 m of roof plan area or part thereof, pitched roof must be considered as a pitched roof. Girder trusses used for low-slope roofs are likely
one roof plane diagonal brace or one roof space Consider the highest support to be the ridge line and to require some form of bracing from the top plate
diagonal brace is required. use heavy or light roof requirements as appropriate. to the top cord check with the fabricator.

Build Bracing 27
Roof plane and space braces folded down strap wrap the strap around the
as noted below ridge board/beam and fix
Combinations of roof plane or roof space braces
ridge board 19 mm with 5/75 3.15 mm nails
are permitted provided the number of total diagonally opposed min. thickness
pair 25 1 mm
braces is achieved. 45 max
galvanised mild steel 90 x 19 mm timber
Roof plane braces strap, (with 4 kN brace fixed to rafters
There are several options of roof plane braces tension capacity); with 3/75 3.15 mm
(see Figure 31): after tensioning strap, nails per crossing
fix to each rafter with
Hips and/or valleys. There must be a 2/60 3.15 mm
minimum of two (there is an error in NZS nails
3604:2011, which requires three) that run
45 max
from top plate to ridge. Additional valleys or
hips that also run from top plate to ridge are
counted as one additional brace. Valley fixing
details are in NZS 3604:2011 Table 10.1, type
E fixings.
For hip fixing requirements, see Table 10.1
ceiling joist
for fixings at the top to the ridge and at the strap tensioner
bottom of the hip to top plate type E or F
fold over each end of strap and fix with
A single length of timber (90 x 19 mm) fixed 3/60 3.15 mm nails with at least one nail
to the underside of rafters or top cords of into side of rafter and into top plate; wrap
trusses, running at 45 from ridge to dwang the strap around the top plate and fix with
5/75 3.15 mm nails to the plate wall framing
between ceiling joists near and parallel to the
see enlarged detail
top plate (see Figure 10.22). Fix as required in
clause and Table 10.18. rafter
A diagonally opposing pair of steel strap top plate
brace fixed to each rafter and to
braces with a minimum capacity of 4 kN in
blocking with 4/75 3.75 mm nails
tension, fixed to each top cord or rafter and at
the ends as required in Table 10.18.
90 45 mm blocking between ceiling joists
Braces are required to intersect each end of aligned with brace; fix to last rafter with
the ridge line. Additional braces (where 4/75 3.15 mm nails plus 4/75 3.15 mm
nails to the blocking
required) are to be distributed evenly along the
ridge line.
Roof space braces
See Figure 32 (or NZS 3604:2011 Figure 10.23) ceiling joist
for roof space brace set-up and anchoring. Figure 31 Roof plane bracing alternatives.

28 Build Bracing
rafter ridge 45 max. roof

ridge board


runner ceiling joist

plane braces
ridge board Note: Braces must be installed with
alternating slopes where more than
one brace is required.

Figure 33 Roof plane bracing.

fix brace to runner with roof

3/100 3.75 mm nails
ridge board
for braces less than 2 m,
use 90 45 mm

fix brace to runner with

3/100 3.75 mm nails
space braces
top plate of braced wall
70 45 mm on edge (min.)
fix ceiling joists to wall
runner spanning over at
with 2/100 3.75 mm
least four ceiling joists (two
skew nails
each side of brace)

ceiling joist Figure 34 Roof space bracing.

runner to be within 300 mm

laterally of a braced wall (or Back to the example
above a diaphragm ceiling)
The upper storey roof plan area is 5.6 11.2 =
brace may also
62.72 m.
fix to ridge as
above One roof brace is required per 50 m with a
minimum of two per ridge line.
3/100 3.75 mm nails to each side
Upper storey solution a minimum of two
for braces 2 m or braces are required for the upper storey roof (see
longer, use 2/90 Figure 30). Braces are marked in red (A and B).
45 mm with packing
The lower roof plan area (no soffit) = (7.040
between at 1 m crs
6.2) + (8.1 3.1) + (6.2 3.1) = 68.7 m.
One roof brace is required per 50 m with a
rafter minimum of two per ridge line.
90 45 mm blocking
2/100 3.75 mm nails Lower roof solution minimum of two braces
each end are required for the lower storey roof but also a
fix bottom of brace to minimum of two per ridge line (see Figure 30).
runner as above The hips and valleys already provided will suffice
fix braces together at
packing with 2/100 without any additional braces. In Figure 30, the
3.75 mm nails each side braces are marked in red (C and D for ridge line K
and E and F for ridge line H).
Figure 32 Roof space bracing. Note: Max. brace slope to horizontal is 45.

Build Bracing 29
11 Bracing ratings

FOR NEW HOUSES, manufacturers except for Lath 1 where they were at
generally provide wall bracing 400 mm centres.
ratings for their proprietary Each specimen was subjected
systems based on results of the to three cycles of in-plane
BRANZ P21 test method. Designers displacement at top plate level to
then ensure that the demand wind each of +/-8.5 mm, +/-15 mm, +/-22
or earthquake loads at each level mm, +/-29 mm, +/-36 mm, +/-43
and in each direction are less than mm and +/-65 mm.
the sum of the resistances of the
bracing elements. ...and established bracing
For renovations or repairs of ratings
older buildings, however, the The proposed bracing ratings
bracing strength of existing for existing and renovated walls
construction is often not known. based on the BRANZ testing are in
What should be used in the bracing Table 1.
calculations required by building Budgetary constraints meant
consent authorities? that it was not possible to test
three replicates of each system
BRANZ tested older but the bracing contributions are
systems Figure 35 The Brace 3 specimen double diagonal braces cut generally quite low, meaning that
between studs.
In a Building Research Levy-funded any variations in actual strength
project, BRANZ tested a range of compared to the tested strength
older bracing systems (see Table 3) to provide The bottom plates of the walls were fixed to would not influence the overall resistance of
wall bracing ratings. the foundation beam using pairs of 100 4 mm the structure markedly.
In most cases, 2.42 m high timber frames were hand-driven galvanised nails at 600 mm centres For more BRANZ Study Report SR305 Bracing
constructed using 90 45 mm kiln-dried MSG 8 starting 150 mm from the outside stud. ratings for non-proprietary bracing walls can be
radiata pine timber with plates nailed to studs Nogs, where used, were at 800 mm centres downloaded from
with two 90 3.15 mm power-driven glue-shank except for system Brace 4, where they were at
nails. Although these differ from the original 600 mm centres.
timber and nails, the difference in performance Studs were at 600 mm centres (although in
is considered small. practice they were often at 450 mm centres)

30 Build Bracing
Table 3


LATH 1 45 6 mm lath None Type E No Type 6 2.4 36 32 per metre
and plaster wall
with no horse hair
BRACE 1 150 25 mm let in None Type C No Type 2 2.4 48 43 per brace
brace at 45
Type 1 51 45 per brace
BRACE 2 90 45 mm single Test set-up did not completely replicate installed conditions so no definitive bracing rating provided.
brace cut between
BRACE 3 90 45 mm None Type D No Type 3 2.4 44 39 per brace pair
double brace cut
Type 1 70 62 per brace pair
between studs
BRACE 4 Dogleg brace None Type D @ 600 Type 3 0.6 16 14 per brace
Type 1 19 17 per brace
BOARD 1 200 10 mm None Type F No Type 7 1.2 23 21 per metre
horizontal board
BOARD 2 140 20 mm None Type G Yes Type 5 2.4 7 6 per metre
SHEET 1 Standard None Type A Yes Type 1 1.2 20 18 per metre
plasterboard one
side only
SHEET 2 Standard None Type A Yes Type 1 1.2 47 41 per metre
plasterboard two
SHEET 3 3.2 mm tempered None Type H Yes Type 4 1.2 29 26 per metre
hardboard one side
Type 2 Type A Yes Type 4 1.2 57 50 per metre
Type 3 Type A Yes Type 4 1.2 99 88 per metre
SHEET 4 Horizontal None Type I Yes Type 8 2.4 38 34 per metre
corrugated steel
SHEET 5 Vertical corrugated None Type I Yes Type 9 2.4 31 28 per metre

Fixing Fixing pattern 7 Two nails at each board/stud intersection
A 30 2.5 mm galvanised flathead nails 1 A nail at each corner and then at 300 mm 8 Nails used at every second ridge to studs,
C 75 3.15 mm galvanised flathead nails centres to all studs and plates except third ridge one side of lap
D 75 3.15 mm bright jolthead nails 2 Two nails brace to each stud and three 9 Nails used at every second ridge to nogs
E 25 2.5 mm galvanised flathead clouts nails brace to each plate and plates, except third ridge one side of lap
F 40 2.8 mm galvanised flathead nails 3 Two nails each end of braces
G 60 3.15 mm bright jolthead nails 4 A nail at each corner and then at 200 mm Strengthening
H 30 1.6 mm electroplated panel pins centres to all studs and plates 1 Strap at brace top between top plate and
I Leadhead nails with 60 3.5 mm bright 5 Weatherboards fixed to studs with a end stud
shanks single nail at 40 mm from the bottom of 2 Replace panel pins with 30 2.5 mm nails
each weatherboard 3 Add 100% rocking restraint and 30 2.5 mm
6 Laths fixed with a single nail nails

Build Bracing 31
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32 Build Bracing
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34 Build Bracing

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