G.R. No. 176061 People v. Campos

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Republic of the Philippines

Supreme Court




CORONA, C.J., Chairperson,

DANNY BOY ACABO, Promulgated:
Appellants. July 4, 2011



We reiterate in this case the time-honored doctrine that although it is a cardinal principle in
criminal law that the prosecution has the burden of proving the guilt of the accused, the
rule is reversed where the accused admits the commission of the crime and invokes self-

This is an appeal from the September 25, 2006 Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals (CA) in
CA-G.R. CEB-CR H.C. No. 00241. The CA affirmed in totothe April 2, 2004
Decision[2] of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Negros Oriental, Branch 37, Dumaguete
City finding appellants Bingky Campos (Bingky) and Danny Boy Acabo (Danny) guilty
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of murder.
In an Information filed by the Assistant Prosecutor of Dumaguete City, Bingky and Danny
were charged with the crime of murder committed as follows:
That on August 19, 2001 at about 8:00 oclock in the evening at Arellano
Street, Poblacion Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, Philippines and within the
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused conspiring and
confederating together and mutually helping each other, with deliberate intent
to kill, armed with a plamingco - a bladed weapon of which said accused were
armed and provided, and [by] means of treachery, and disregard of the respect
due the offended party on account of his age, did then and there willfully,
unlawfully and feloniously attack, stab and wound ROMEO F. ABAD, 64 years
of age, thereby inflicting upon the latter stab [sic] wound with injury to the liver,
gallbladder thru/thru; duodenum thru/thru; pancreas, which cause[d] his death
on the following day while undergoing medical treatment at the Holy Child

Contrary to Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended.[3]

Arraigned on September 25, 2001, appellants, assisted by counsel, pleaded not

guilty. The pre-trial was deemed terminated on March 25, 2002. Trial on the merits
thereafter proceeded.

Version of the Prosecution

A brief summary of the pertinent facts constituting the prosecutions version of the incident
was unveiled by the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) in this manner:

[A]t around [8:00] oclock in the evening of August 19, 2001, prosecution
eyewitness Lester Huck Baldivino (Lester) was tending his sari-sari store near
his house located at Arellano St., Brgy. Calango, Zamboanguita, Negros
Oriental when [the victim] Romeo Abad (Romeo), his maternal uncle, came to
buy cigarettes and candies. Lester was about to call it a night and was already
preparing to close his store, but Romeo lit up a cigarette and started to converse
with him.

Romeo was jesting about Lesters skin rashes, as the latter was applying
medicine on his irritated skin. They were in this bantering mood, when Lester,
who was facing the highway, suddenly heard footsteps and immediately saw
Danny Boy Acabo (Acabo) running towards his uncles direction, closely
followed by Bingky Campos (Campos).Before Lester can utter a word of
warning, Danny swiftly stab[bed] Romeo at the lower right side of the latters
abdomen with a plamingko while Bingky stood nearby.Immediately after
stabbing Romeo, Danny and Bingky fled.

Lester was shocked but darted out of his store to apply pressure on Romeos
wound when he heard the latter cry out for help. Lester told Romeo to hang on
and ran inside his house to call his mother and Romeos son and told them to
prepare the car.

Romeo was brought to the Holy Child Hospital where he died.

The medical examination conducted by Dr. Johnny B. Yee (Dr. Yee), the
attending physician at the Holy Child Hospital who prepared the Certificate of
Death, revealed that Romeo sustained a stab[bed] wound that could have been
inflicted by a sharp and pointed long instrument. The weapon hit him at the right
upper quadrant of the abdomen, penetrating and causing injury to the liver, with
through and through laceration of the gall bladder and the duodenum, and
transecting the whole length of the pancreas. Dr. Yee further testified that the
injury to the pancreas caused the massive blood loss which [made] Romeo to
suffer hypovolemic shock [resulting to] cardio-pulmonary arrest [and,
eventually, his] death.[4]

Version of the Defense

For the defense, the following is their own version of the incident as narrated in their Brief:

On August 19, 2001 while on their way to the house of their uncle, Danny and Bingky met
four men who mauled Bingky. When Bingky was able to run away, they approached
Danny and kicked his buttocks. Danny pulled out a knife and thrust it towards one of the
men. Danny then ran away to escape.[5]

Bingky corroborated the testimony of Danny that four men approached him (Bingky) and
mauled him. He does not know who these persons were.[6]

Ruling of the Regional Trial Court

On April 2, 2004, after evaluating the conflicting evidence before it, the RTC meted out a
judgment of conviction and sentenced both Bingky and Danny to reclusion perpetua and
ordered them to indemnify jointly and severally the heirs of Romeo the sum of P50,000.00
as civil indemnity, P50,000.00 as moral damages plus cost.[7]

Appellants appealed to this Court in view of the penalty imposed on them. On September
15, 2004, this Court accepted the appeal and notified the parties to file briefs.[8] On March
7, 2005,[9] the Court transferred the case to the CA in conformity with the Decision
in People v. Mateo.[10]

Ruling of the Court of Appeals

The CA found no error in the appreciation of the evidence and applicable law by the trial
court. On September 25, 2006, the appellate court, in rendering its assailed Decision,
dispositively ruled:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, Judgment is hereby rendered affirming

the Decision of the trial court in toto.


Hence, this appeal.

On May 3, 2007[12] and May 7, 2007,[13] appellants and appellee People of

the Philippines, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), respectively, filed
similar manifestation that they are no longer filing their supplemental briefs.

Appellants pray for the reversal of their conviction alleging that the prosecution failed to
prove their guilt beyond reasonable doubt. They claim that the stabbing of the victim was
done in self-defense. They take exception to the finding of the trial court regarding the
presence of conspiracy asserting that the mere presence of Bingky at the scene of the crime
does not prove the existence of conspiracy.

For the appellee, the OSG argues that Danny failed to prove his plea of self-defense; that
conspiracy attended the killing of the victim and that appellants guilt was proven beyond
reasonable doubt. Appellee thus prays for the affirmance of the judgment of conviction
with modification as to the award of civil indemnities.

Our Ruling

The appeal lacks merit.

Well-settled is the rule in criminal cases that the prosecution has the burden of proof
to establish the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt.[14] However, once the
accused admits the commission of the offense charged but raises a justifying circumstance
as a defense, the burden of proof is shifted to him. He cannot rely on the weakness of the
evidence for the prosecution for even if it is weak, it cannot be doubted especially after he
himself has admitted the killing.[15] This is because a judicial confession constitutes
evidence of a high order.

Danny categorically admits that he stabbed Romeo. However, he boldly claims that
he did it in self defense. He avers that on that fateful night of August 19, 2001, he and
Bingky were attacked along the way home by four unknown persons for no apparent
reason. He observed that one of the men was pulling an object from his waistband which
he thought was a bladed weapon so he drew his own knife and thrust it at the man rushing
at him, hitting the latter on the right side of his body. His reaction, he asserts, was defensive
arising from a prior act of aggression and provocation by the victim and his companions.

The essential elements of the justifying circumstance of self-defense, which the

accused must prove by clear and convincing evidence are: (a) unlawful aggression on the
part of the victim; (b) reasonable necessity of the means employed by the accused to
prevent or repel the unlawful aggression; and (c) lack of sufficient provocation on the part
of the accused defending himself.[16] The first element of unlawful aggression is a
condition sine qua non. There can be no self-defense unless there was unlawful aggression
from the person injured or killed by the accused; for otherwise, there is nothing to prevent
or repel.

In the present case, Dannys claim of self-defense is belied by his own testimony:

Q Now after they attacked Bingky Campos what did they do?
A They were not able to hit again Bingky because Bingky ran away.
Q How about you? What did they do to you?
A I was held by the other person when he approached me because Bingky was
no longer there.

Q And who was that person who held you?

A I do not know him.

Q How about now, do you know his name?

A What I know only was Jaime and Iko.

Q Who [between] the two, Jaime and Iko [took] hold of you?
A Jaime and Iko were not able to hold me.

Q Was there an attempt by Jaime and Iko to maul you also?

A Yes.

Q What did they do?

A They kicked my left butt and the other person held me.

Q Then what did you do?

A I pulled a knife from my waist.

Q Who [between] the two kicked you at your butt and who was the person who
took hold of you?
A It was Iko who kicked my buttocks but the other person who held me, I do
not know his name.

Q Now what happened when you drew you[r] knife?

A The two persons who attempted to attack me, when I pulled a knife, I thrust
the knife to the person who rushed at me.

Q Did you hit that person?

A Yes, he was hit.

Q Where was he hit?

A At the side.

Court Interpreter:
The witness is touching his lower right side.

Atty. Vailoces:
Q And what were the other companions doing at that time?

A After thrusting the knife to the person, I ran away and the three (3) ran after

As can be gleaned from the foregoing narration, there is no mention at all that Romeo was
among the four persons who allegedly attacked Danny and Bingky. Likewise, there is
nothing in the narration which evinces unlawful aggression from Romeo. Dannys
testimony shows that there was only an attempt, not by Romeo but by Jaime and Iko, to
attack him. Following his version, Danny then became the aggressor and not the
victim. Even if the version of Danny is given a semblance of truth, that there was an attempt
to hurt him, though intimidating, the same cannot be said to pose danger to his life and
limb. This conclusion was drawn from the fact that no bladed weapon was found at the
alleged scene of the crime and nobody testified about it. For unlawful aggression to be
appreciated, there must be an actual, sudden and unexpected attack, or imminent danger
thereof, not merely a threatening or intimidating attitude[18] and the accused must present
proof of positively strong act of real aggression. For this reason, Dannys observation that
one of the men was pulling an object from his waist is not a convincing proof of unlawful
aggression. [A] threat, even if made with a weapon or the belief that a person was about to
be attacked, is not sufficient.[19] An intimidating or threatening attitude is by no means
enough. In this case, other than the self-serving allegation of Danny, there is no evidence
sufficiently clear and convincing that the victim indeed attacked him. The prosecutions
rebuttal witnesses Jaime Maquiling and Francisco Austero[20] who admittedly were among
those whom Danny and Bingky had an encounter with on the night of August 19, 2001,
never said in their testimonies that Romeo attacked Danny and a bladed weapon was
used. These witnesses were categorical that Romeo was not with them during the
incident. This testimonial evidence was not refuted by the defense. Even Bingky who
claimed to be a friend of Romeo[21] was not able to identify the latter as one of those present
at the time. Candid enough, Bingky declared that it was only a certain Ago and Jaime who
confronted Danny.[22]Resultantly, Danny failed to discharge his burden of proving
unlawful aggression, the most indispensable element of self-defense. Where no unlawful
aggression is proved, no self-defense may be successfully pleaded.[23]
Moreover, as testified to by the attending physician Dr. Yee, Romeo sustained a stab
wound causing injuries on his liver, gall bladder, duodenum and the pancreas which
resulted to massive blood loss.[24] He eventually died of multiple vital organ failure. Clearly
the wound inflicted by Danny on Romeo indicate a determined effort to kill and not merely
to defend.[25] As has been repeatedly ruled, the nature, number and location of the wounds
sustained by the victim disprove a plea of self-defense.[26]

Furthermore, Dannys actuation in not reporting the incident immediately to the authorities
cannot take out his case within the ambit of the Courts jurisprudential doctrine that the
flight of an accused discloses a guilty conscience. The justifying circumstance of self-
defense may not survive in the face of appellants flight from the scene of the crime coupled
with his failure to promptly inform the authorities about the incident.[27]

Indeed, appellants conviction was principally anchored on the testimony of Lester as an

eyewitness. Like the courts below, we too find Lesters testimony consistent, credible and
trustworthy. We have reviewed his declaration in court as contained in the pertinent
transcript of stenographic notes and we discern nothing therein that casts doubt on his
credibility. His testimony is clear, positive in its vital points and full of details substantiating
the circumstances of how, where and when the offense charged happened including the
identity of the knife wielder, Danny. It is most unlikely that he could narrate all the details
of the crime with clarity and lucidity unless he was personally present at
the situs criminis before and during the incident. The testimony of a witness, giving details
of a startling incident that cannot easily be fabricated, deserves credence and full probative
weight for it indicates sincerity and truthfulness in the narration of events.[28] Findings of
fact of the trial court, particularly when affirmed by the CA, are binding upon this
Court.[29]Though there are recognized exceptions to this rule, none is present in this
case. We are bound by the trial courts assessment, as affirmed by the appellate court, that
the stabbing of Romeo took place in the manner proven by the prosecution, that is, in front
of the store of Lester and not elsewhere, at the time the victim was buying cigarette and

Treachery attended the killing of the victim

The trial court, in convicting appellants of murder, ruled that the killing was qualified by
We agree.

There is treachery when the offender commits any of the crimes against persons,
employing means, methods or forms in the execution thereof which tend directly and
specifically to ensure the execution of the crime without risk to himself arising from the
defense which the offended party might make.[30] To establish treachery, two elements
must concur: (a) that at the time of the attack, the victim was not in a position to defend
himself; and, (b) that the offender consciously adopted the particular means of attack
In this case, it is at once evident that Dannys attack on the victim was sudden and deliberate
as testified by eyewitness Lester. The attack was unexpected and without the slightest
provocation on the part of the unarmed Romeo considering that he was casually talking to
Lester after buying something from the store with no inkling that an attack was
forthcoming. The attack was executed in a manner that Romeo was rendered defenseless
and unable to retaliate.The severity of the lone stab wound forestalled any possibility of
resisting the attack. Danny without doubt took advantage of this situation. As correctly held
by the trial court, the act of Danny in positioning himself in a place where Romeo could
not see him and then suddenly and deliberately inflicting a fatal wound are clear indications
that he employed means and methods which tended directly and specifically to ensure the
successful execution of the offense.[32]

Conspiracy adequately established

Notably, a relevant portion of the appellants brief was focused on the discussion of the
conspiracy angle in the commission of the crime. The defense challenges the trial courts
finding of conspiracy, arguing that Bingkys mere presence at the scene of the crime does
not prove the existence of conspiracy.

Appellants argument is untenable.

Conspiracy is said to exist where two or more persons come to an agreement concerning
the commission of a felony and decide to commit it.[33] Direct proof is not essential to prove
conspiracy [for] it may be deduced [from] the acts of the accused before, during and after
the commission of the crime charged, from which it may be indicated that there is a
common purpose to commit the crime.[34]
Indeed, mere presence at the scene of the incident, by itself, is not a sufficient ground to
hold a person liable as a conspirator. However, conspiracy may be inferred from proof of
facts and circumstances which when taken together indicate that they are parts of the
scheme to commit the crime. In the present case, Bingkys presence at the scene of the crime
at the time of its commission as testified to by prosecution eyewitness Lester was never
rebutted.According to Lester, Danny arrived first at the scene of the crime followed by
Bingky. During the stabbing incident, Bingky was around three meters away from
Danny. Immediately after the incident, both appellants scampered away.[35] To the mind of
the Court, Bingkys presence at the scene of the crime at the time of its commission was not
just a chance encounter with Danny. His overt act of keeping himself around served no
other purpose than to lend moral support by ensuring that no one could give succor to the
victim. His presence at the scene has no doubt, encouraged Danny and increased the odds
against the victim. One who participates in the material execution of the crime by standing
guard or lending moral support to the actual perpetration thereof is criminally responsible
to the same extent as the actual perpetrator.[36] Moreover, the record is bereft of any hint
that Bingky endeavored to avert the stabbing of the victim despite the particular distance
between them. Under the circumstances, we can hardly accept that Bingky has nothing to
do with the killing. No conclusion can be drawn from the acts of Bingky except that he
consented and approved the acts of his co-accused in stabbing the victim. Once conspiracy
is established, the act of one is deemed the act of all. It matters not who among the accused
actually killed the victim. Thus, the trial court did not err in its ruling that conspiracy existed
between appellants in the commission of the crime charged.

The Proper Penalty

Treachery qualifies the killing to murder.[37] Under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code
(RPC), the penalty for murder is reclusion perpetua to death.The two penalties being both
indivisible and there being no mitigating nor aggravating circumstance to consider, the
lesser of the two penalties which is reclusion perpetua should be imposed pursuant to the
second paragraph of Article 63[38] of the RPC. Hence the penalty of reclusion
perpetua imposed by the trial court and affirmed by the appellate court is proper.

As to Damages
The trial court likewise correctly awarded civil indemnity and moral damages to the heirs
of the victim. However, in line with prevailing jurisprudence the award of civil indemnity
shall be increased from P50,000.00 to P75,000.00. This amount is granted to the heirs of
the victim without need of proof other than the commission of the crime. We retain the
award of P50,000.00 as moral damages. Moral damages are awarded despite the absence
of proof of mental and emotional suffering of the victims heirs.

Significantly, both lower courts failed to award exemplary and actual damages to the heirs
of the victim. Exemplary damages should be awarded in accordance with Article
2230[39] of the Civil Code given the presence of treachery which qualified the killing to
murder. We therefore award the amount of P30,000.00 as exemplary damages to the heirs
of the victim.[40]

Settled is the rule that only duly receipted expenses can be the basis of actual
damages. Dominic Abad, son of the victim testified that the family spent P65,000.00 for
the hospitalization of the victim, P45,000.00 for the coffin and P35,000.00 for the wake
but failed to present receipts to prove these expenses.[41] However, notwithstanding the
absence of receipts to prove actual damages, we find it imperative to award the amount
of P25,000.00 as temperate damages in lieu of actual damages. Under Article 2224 of the
Civil Code, temperate damages may be recovered as it cannot be denied that the heirs of
the victim suffered pecuniary loss although the exact amount was not proved.[42]

In addition, and in conformity with current policy, we also impose on all the monetary
awards for damages an interest at the legal rate of 6% from date of finality of this Decision
until fully paid.

WHEREFORE, the appealed judgment is AFFIRMED with the

MODIFICATIONS that appellants Bingky Campos and Danny Boy Acabo are ordered
to jointly and severally pay the heirs of the victim Romeo Abad, the amount of P75,000.00
as civil indemnity; P30,000.00 as exemplary damages; P25,000.00 as temperate damages,
all in addition to the P50,000.00 moral damages which is retained, as well as interest on all
these damages assessed at the legal rate of 6% from date of finality of this Decision until
fully paid.


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