White Bird: Peace River Audubon Society
White Bird: Peace River Audubon Society
White Bird: Peace River Audubon Society
White Bird
President Paul Holmes ‘07 833-3337
Vice President Frank Walker ‘07 639-3879
Secretary Mary Ann Hughes ‘06 637-7855
Treasurer Walt Williams ‘07 235-3352
December 2, 2006 Volume 30, Issue 3 Additional Phyllis Cady ‘06 575-4009
Directors: Gregg Klowden ’08 613-6753
Eleanor Marr ‘07 624-4182
Cathy Olson, Editor George Ruby ’08 571-8046
Dan Artman, Dispatcher www.PeaceRiverAudubon.org Jan Walker ‘07 639-3879
December 5 walkabout:
107th Christmas Bird Count
By Tony Licata, CBC Coordinator Ollie’s Pond
Join PRAS members and Charlotte County Parks,
Recreation and Cultural Resources staff on a walk-
On Saturday, December 16, 2006 PRAS volunteers will
about around Ollie’s Pond. Come join us on a tour of
join over 50,000 individuals from all 50 states, Canada
this water retention area located within Port Charlotte.
and parts of Central and South America to count and
This pond is named in memory of Ollie Hewitt, one of
record every bird seen within their count areas. Last
PRAS’s beloved former members. We will likely see
year, over 61 million birds, representing 652 species,
birds typical of pine flatwoods as well as water and
were counted. These data show the winter distribution
wading birds. We hope to see pine, palm and yellow-
of birds which is vital in the monitoring of migratory
rumped warblers, gray catbirds, eastern towhees, east-
and resident birds in the Western Hemisphere.
ern phoebes, American kestrels, downy woodpeckers,
northern flickers, moorhens, mottled ducks, snowy
In 2005, 51 PRAS members saw 40,173 birds of 127
egrets, little blue herons, and more.
species. We saw record numbers of northern cardinals,
gray catbirds, mourning doves, cooper’s hawks, great-
crested flycatchers, brown pelicans, Bachman’s
sparrows, Eastern towhees, willets,
and red-bellied woodpeckers.
President’s Message
by Paul Holmes, PRAS President
Unfortunately, we did not observe
any least bitterns, indigo buntings, Here are a few of the items that have passed over my desk
purple gallinules, American gold- during the last few weeks.
finches, broad-winged hawks,
eastern kingbirds, limpkins or orioles as we have in past One lady called me for advice on getting rid of muscovy
years. Your effort is needed to help find all the birds ducks. Her neighbor feeds a large flock of 30 of these
within our count area. ducks every morning, then goes off to work, leaving the
well fed ducks to be a nuisance for the rest of the day. I did
Please contact me at 941 505-9775 or via email at some research: An adult muscovy duck creates 1/3 lb of
‘Bird Poop,’ every day. A flock of thirty ducks therefore
[email protected] to volunteer. Please remember there
distributes 10 lbs of ‘poop’ per day. When the ducks
is a $5 fee per person that goes to the National Audubon learn to associate people with food, this results in small
Society to compile and analyze the data we collect. children being chased by these large ducks looking for a
handout. They also nest in the most inappropriate places.
Please note there is a change with the
Remember, they are not a Florida native, and have very
February and March field trips (see page 3). few predators, so please don't encourage them.
If you would like to see it, I will show it at the January members The two Girl Scout "Introduction to Birding" sessions have been
meeting after the ‘Christmas Bird Count’ slide show. scheduled and have girls enrolled. Thank you to Bill and Eleanor
Marr, Cathy Olson, Gregg Klowden, and Joan and Chuck Froman
Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year. for volunteering to help with the girl scouts.
December 2006
White Bird
The Peace River Audubon Society is a 501 ( c )(3) non-profit organization. Our Federal tax ID number is 59-2190872. We do not engage a professional solicitor and 100% of the
funds generated by this request will be used to support our Chapter programs. Our registration number with the FDA Division of Consumer Services is SC-040701.
Electronic White Bird: If you would like to receive the White Bird via e-mail, please send a request to : [email protected]
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