IWCF Surf. Equip Supv. 01

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NO. 1.
Name: ---------------------------------------

Date: ---------------------------------------

Start time: ---------------------------------------

Finish time: ---------------------------------------

Mark: ---------------------------------------

Percentage Mark: ---------------------------------------

Training Centre Name: ---------------------------------------

Invigilator Name: ---------------------------------------

Invigilator Signature: ---------------------------------------

Duration: One hour (1 hour)

Total paper value: 188 marks

All questions require only ONE answer unless otherwise stated.

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 1

1. Figure below Alert 007 shows a Mud Gas Separator (poor-boy degasser) which of the
following dimensions limits the capacity of the separator. That is before the liquid seal is

a. The height of the main body (H1).

b. The total height of the vent line (H2).

c. The length of the dip-tube (H3).

d. The maximum mud level in the trip tank (H4).

Alert 007

5 marks

2. In figure Alert 007 on page 2 which of the following dimensions determines the pressure
build-up in the Mud Gas Separator.

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 2

a. The height (H2) and diameter of the vent line (D1).

b. The length and ID of the inlet pipe from the choke manifold.

c. The inner diameter of the main body.

d. The length of the dip-tube (H3).

5 marks

3. From the data given in figure Alert 007 on page 2, calculate at which operating pressure gas
blow through may occur?

H1: 31 ft.
H2: 158 ft.
H3: 28 ft.
H4: 50 ft.
Mud density: 10.9 ppg.


5 marks

4. From the data given in figure Alert 007 on page 2, calculate the height of the liquid seal
required to support a backpressure within the MGS of up to 19 psi. Mud weight: 12.4 ppg.

Place the answer in the relevant box.





5 marks

5. Two types of valves may be used in the drill string:

Type A: Non-return valve. Type B: Full opening safety valve.

Mark the type in the corresponding box with an X.

Type A Type B
IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 3
a. Requires the use of a key to close
b. Must not be run in the hole in the closed position
c. Has to be pumped open to read "shut in drill pipe pressure"
d. Will not allow wireline to be run inside the drill string
e. Has potential to leak through the open/close key
f. Easier to stab if strong flow is encountered up the drill string

1 mark for each correct answer

6. Mark the following statements with an "A" (if it is an advantage) or a "D" (if it is a
disadvantage) of using a non-ported float valve in the drill string.

a. For shut in drill pipe pressure reading.

b. For back flow while tripping.

c. For reducing surge pressure.

d. For reverse circulation.

e. For reducing the collapse potential of the drillpipe.

f. For reducing tripping speeds.

1 mark for each correct answer

7. Which of the following functions is operated by Manifold Pressure?

a: Shear rams only.

b: Pipe rams only.

c: Annular only.

d: All BOP functions.

e: Rams and HCR valves.

2 marks

8: Match the items listed to the number on the following diagram, Alert 099.

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 4

Alert 099

Opening Hydraulic Ports. Closing Side of Piston.

Donut. Pusher Plate.

Packer. Operating Piston.

Vent. Quick Release Top

1 mark for each correct answer

9. According to API RP 53, which of the following is a recommendation for BOP pressure
THREE answers required.

a: After setting casing.

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 5

b: After BOP repairs.

c: After circulating out a gas kick.

d: No less than once every two months.

e: Every 500 ft drilled.

f: Prior to drilling into a transition zone.

2 marks

10. According to API RP 16 E, what is the recommended maximum closing time for annulars
smaller than 183/4?

a: 30 seconds or less.

b: 45 seconds or less.

c: 60 seconds or less.

2 marks

11. A 95/8 cup tester is used to test a 10,000-psi BOP to maximum pressure using 5 drillpipe.
The area of the cup tester under pressure is 42.5 sq. Ins.

What is the grade of drillpipe that must be used for the BOP test?

a: Grade E drill pipe. Tensile strength of 311200 lbs.

b: Grade X 95 drill pipe. Tensile strength of 394200 lbs.

c: Grade S 135 drill pipe. Tensile strength of 560100 lbs.

d: Any of the above grades of drill pipe.

2 marks

12. What is meant by a 71/16 x 10,000 flange?

a: The flange requires a RX type ring gasket.

b: The flange has a 10,000-psi test pressure and 5,000-psi working pressure.

c: The flange has 10,000-psi working pressure and an ID of 71/16.

d: The flange has 10,000-psi working pressure and an OD of 71/16.

3 marks
IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 6
13. Where are the micro-switches (sensors) positioned for activating the open/close lights on
the Drillers pneumatic remote panel?

a: In the back of the remote panel.

b: Inside the BOP ram cavities.

c: On the accumulator unit.

d: On the remote panel operating handles.

3 marks

14. While drilling ahead what position should the 3 position valves on the accumulator be set

a: The block position.

b: Open on all functions.

c: Closed on all functions.

d: Open or closed depending on the BOP function.

4 marks

15. According to API RP 53, what should be the minimum diameter for the choke manifold
by-pass line, (bleed line, vent line) ?

a: An equal diameter to the other choke manifold lines.

b: 2 inch nominal.

c: At least equal to the choke line.

d: 5 inch nominal.

2 marks
16. According to API RP 53, with the accumulators isolated from service, the triplex pump
should be capable of closing an annular preventer on the size of drill pipe in use at the time

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 7

of operation, open an HCR valve and obtain a minimum of 200 psi above the pre-charge
pressure of the accumulator system within:

a: 1 minute or less.

b: 2 minutes or less.

c: 3 minutes or less.

2 marks
17. According to API RP 16 E, what is the recommended minimum closing time for annulars of
135/8 diameter?

a: 30 seconds or less.

b: 45 seconds or less.

c: 60 seconds or less.

2 marks
18. According to API RP 16E, what is the recommended maximum closing time for a 29
ram type BOPs?

a: 30 seconds or less.

b: 45 seconds or less.

c: 60 seconds or less.

2 marks

19. What is the purpose of Glycol or Methanol injection on a choke manifold system?

a: To reduce the effect of hot dry desert environments.

b: To help prevent Hydrate formation during a kick.

c: To assist well fluids to flow during testing operations.

d: This is only an addition to Swaco Super Chokes.

3 marks

20. The use of Hydraulic Ram Locking Devices is for what purpose?

a: To lock the ram in the closed position during well control or hang-off

b: Hold the ram open under pressure.

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 8

c: Stop the ram from closing during normal drilling operations.

d: Stop ram creep during stripping operations.

3 marks

21. According to API-RP 16E, Diverters with a bore of 20 or less should be capable of
closing the packing element around the pipe or open hole and operating the vent line
and flow line valves if any, within :

a. 30 seconds.

b. 45 seconds.

c. 55 seconds.

d. 90 seconds.

3 marks

22. According to API-RP 16E, the Diverter control system should be designed to
automatically restart the pumps when the pressure decreases to not more than :

a. 2750 psi.

b. 1500 psi.

c. 90 % of the charging pressure.

d. 75 % of the charging pressure.

3 marks

23. Vacuum degassers are normally used when,

a. As the influx is circulated through the choke.

b. During drilling operations when there is gas-cut mud.

c. During tripping operations to degas the mud prior to arriving back on bottom.

d. After the transfer of gas-cut mud to another pit.

3 marks

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 9

24. The term, Total Accumulator Volume, refers to which of the following:

a. The total volume of usable fluid stored in the accumulator bottles.

b. The total volume of fluid stored in the closing unit reservoir.

c. The total volume of nitrogen and hydraulic fluid stored in the accumulator bottles.

3 marks

25. Are all pipe rams designed to be closed against their full rated working pressure?

3 marks

26. Are all pipe rams designed to be opened against their full rated working pressure?

3 marks

27. Match the indicated items on the Hydril ram, Alert 077, to the list below:

Alert 077

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 10

Ram Body. Bonnet.

Emergency Mud Seal. Bonnet Seal.

Piston Rod Mud Seal. Weephole.

Ram Assembly. Operating Cylinder.

Hinge Pin. Side Outlet.

1 mark for each correct answer

28. For a BOP system, API RP 53 requirements for charge pumps are that they should be
capable of charging the accumulator bank from pre-charge to maximum rated working
pressure within:

a. Less than 12 minutes.

b. Less than 15 minutes.

c. Less than 24 minutes.

d. Less than 18 minutes.

2 marks

29. " Blow-Down" lines are normally used to:

a. Assist in venting pressure if the choke plugs.

b. To prevent overloading the MGS.

c. To reduce the liquid seal pressure of a MGS.

d. To help clear the shakers.

3 marks

30. The liquid in a MGS is used to determine:

a. The maximum operating pressure within the MGS.

b. The minimum pressure

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 11

3 marks

31. Why are variable bore rams not used exclusively in place of positive bore rams on BOP

a. Hang-off is not possible with variable rams.

b. It is not recommended to strip through variable rams.

c. Variable rams must be replace after each well.

d. Variable rams have serious temperature limitations.

3 marks

32. From the list below select the main components of a 291/2 Diverter System?
TWO answers required.

a. A low pressure annular preventer with a large internal diameter.

b. A vent line of sufficient diameter to permit safe venting using

the mud/gas separator.

c. A high pressure ram type preventer with a large internal diameter.

d. A vent line with a manually operated full opening valve.

d e. A vent line of sufficient diameter to permit safe venting and proper disposal
e of flow from the well.
5 marks

33. When a ram BOP on a surface stack is closed, what happens to the operating fluid displaced
from the opening chamber?

a. The fluid drains into the well bore.

b. The fluid is used to assist closing pressure.

c. The fluid vents overboard.

d. The fluid is returned to the reservoir.

1 mark

34. Most front packer elements fitted on BOP rams are enclosed between steel plates. What are
the reasons for this.
TWO answers required.

a. To protect the ram rubber from fluid passage.

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 12

b. To support the weight of the drill string during hang-off.

c. To prevent damage to the rubber between the pipe and ram blocks when wellbore
pressure is applied.

d. To extrude elastomer into sealing contact with the pipe when the sealing face
becomes worn.

e. To prevent any swelling when in use during high temperature operations.

5 marks

35. On a BOP accumulator control unit manifold for a BOP a number of Manipulator
valves are installed.
From the list below, which is the correct description of a Manipulator, valve?

a. A manipulator valve is a 3 position - 4 way directional control valve

that has the pressure inlet port blocked and the operator ports vented when in the
centre (or block) position.

b. A manipulator valve is a 3 position - 4-way directional control valve that has all
ports blocked when in the centre (or block) position.

c. A manipulator valve has two or more supply pressure ports and only one outlet port.
When fluid is flowing through one of the supply ports the internal shuttle seals off
the other inlet port and allows flow to the outlet port only.

d. A manipulator valve is an electrically operated valve that controls a hydraulic or

pneumatic pilot signal or function.
4 marks

36. What is the primary function of a weep hole (drain hole, vent hole) on a ram type BOP?

a. To show that the ram body rubbers are leaking

b. To show that the closing chamber operating pressure is too high.

c. To show that the mud seal on the piston rod is leaking.

d. To show that the bonnet seals are leaking.

3 marks

37. When annular BOPs are pressure tested, it often happens that the test pressure cannot be
held constant but has to be re-pressurised several times before a constant value is obtained.
Select the correct answer from the list below.

a. Annular BOPs always leak until the packing unit finds its new shape.
This can take several minutes.

b. The compressibility of the hydraulic fluid from the accumulator unit below the
closing piston effects the test pressure to drop.
IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 13
c. The packing unit rubber is forming a new shape. As well as being effected by
hydraulic pressure. Test pressure also effects the deformation of the packing unit
and results in a decrease in pressure.

5 marks

38. On a Drillers electric BOP panel, for a surface BOP stack, a ram close function was
activated and the following was observed:

Green light went out.

Red light came on.
Annular pressure did not change.
Manifold pressure did not change.
Accumulator pressure did not change.

Identify the problem.

a. The electric triplex pump is malfunctioning.

b. The electric pressure switch is malfunctioning.

c. There is a blockage in the hydraulic line between the BOP and the accumulator unit.

d. The selector valve (3-position/4-way valve) is stuck in open position.

e. There is leak in the hydraulic line between the BOP and the accumulator unit.

2 marks

39. Given the data for a surface ram BOP.

Nominal size: 135/8

Maximum rated working pressure: 15,000 psi
Closing Ratio: 10.6 : 1
The hydraulic fluid required for this ram BOP: 165 gallons.

The data for a accumulator bottle is:

Bottle capacity (Nitrogen & Fluid): 10 gallons.

Pre-charge pressure: 1,000 psi.
Maximum operating pressure for the BOP control unit: 3,000 psi.
Minimum operating pressure for the BOP control unit: 200 psi above pre-charge

Calculate the minimum number of accumulator bottles required on the accumulator bank to
enable the closing of the ram on rated working pressure.

Answer Bottles

5 marks
IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 14
40. Below are three types of valves that would be found in BOP systems, identify the type of
valve that is located on the accumulator control unit.

a. MANIPULATOR VALVE. (manually or pneumatically operated).

Alert 069
b. SELECTOR VALVE. (manually operated).

Alert 070
c. SPM VALVE. (sub-plate mounted).

Alert 071
3 marks
IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 15
41. Refer to the figure Alert 069 on the previous page, select the correct statements from the list
below. THREE answers required.

a. The valve has 4 active connections.

b. The valve can be put into 4 different positions.

c. The valve is hydraulically operated.

d. Cycle 1 and 2 are vented in the block position.

e. The valve can be operated manually.

f. The actuator is spring loaded.

4 marks

42. You close a ram on the Driller's Air Operated Remote BOP control panel. The close light for
that function illuminates but you notice that the manifold pressure gauge remains static.
What has happened?

a. Air supply has been lost to the Driller's panel.

b. 4-way ram valve on accumulator unit has failed to shift.

c. Blockage in line between accumulator unit and BOP stack.

d. You forgot to hold down the master control valve for 5 seconds as instructed.

3 marks

43. The BOP stack function has taken place when the indicator light has illuminated on the
remote control panel

True False

1 marks

44. On the Air Operated Remote Panel the Hi-Low bypass control allows you to put full
accumulator pressure to which of the following.

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 16

a. Rams only.

b. Annular only.

c. All functions.

d. Rams and H.C.R. valves only.

2 marks

45. The Lower Kelly Cock, Upper Kelly Cock, Full Opening Safety Valve and IBOP are tools
used to prevent flow from inside the drill string. To what pressure should these tools be
tested to?

a. Twice the rated working pressure of the tool used (up to 5,000 psi)

b. 150% of the rated working pressure of the BOP.

c. One and a half times the rated working pressure of the tool used.

d. Always use a pressure value equal to 10,000 psi.

e. At least equal to 70% of the rated internal pressure at minimum yield strength for
new drill pipe of the size and grade used in the upper part of the drillstring, but
limited to the maximum rated working pressure of the Blow Out Preventer up to a
maximum of (10,000 psi for a 10K stack).

3 marks

46. A BOP stack is made up from the wellhead as follows:

Three ram BOPs, Cameron type U, 135/8 10,000psi rated working pressure.
One annular BOP, Hydril type GK, 135/8 , 5,000psi rated working pressure.

After taking a kick the well is closed in on 5 pipe using the annular BOP, the stabilised
closed in pressures on the casing gauge reads 1,000psi.
IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 17
To what hydraulic pressure should the annular closing pressure be adjusted to meet the
manufacturers recommendations.

Answer psi.

5 marks

47. Figure Alert 086 below shows an API example of a Diverter with an Insert-Type Packer.
Match the numbers to the items listed below.

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 18

Alert 086

Diverter Lockdown Dogs. Closing Port.

Insert Packer. Insert Packer

Lockdown Dogs.

Support Housing. Standard Packer.

1 mark for each correct answer

48. Identify the parts of the Cameron Blind/Shear ram in Figure Alert 040 shown below.

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 19

Alert 040

Lower Ram Assembly Blade Packer Top Seal

Upper Ram Assembly Side Packers Upper Ram Body

1 mark for each correct answer

49. What position are the 4 way valves in on the BOP master control panel while drilling?

a. Open.

b. Close.
IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 20
c. Block.

d. Open or Close.

2 marks

50. According to API RP 53 what type of ring gasket is required for a 135/8 inch bore, 10,000
psi flange?

a. RX 54 Ring Gasket.

b. BX 159 Ring Gasket.

c. R 53 Ring Gasket.

d. RX 65 Ring Gasket.

3 marks

51. The "unit/remote" switch on the accumulator allows the Driller to perform which of the
following when "unit" is selected:
TWO answers required.

a. Adjust the annular regulator from the remote panel.

b. Adjust the manifold regulator from the accumulator.

c. Adjust the manifold regulators from the remote panel.

d. Adjust the annular regulator from the accumulator.

e. Operate no functions from the remote panel.

f. Operate all functions from the remote panel.

3 marks

52. List the numbers of all the valves and the choke(s) which must be open to kill the well
safely and monitor the operation, while circulating from mud pump 1 through the drill
string, remote choke 1 and the mud/gas separator.

4 5 GAUGE 26

14 12 R1 13
IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 21
15 M1 16

2 24
17 18

19 M2 20
7 8 9 10 11



1: Lower Pipe Ram
2: Drilling Spool.
3: Blind/Shear Ram.
4: Upper Pipe Ram.
5: Annular.
M.1. Manual Choke
R.1. Remote Choke

3 marks

53. Two types of valves may be used in the drill string:

Non-return valve (Gray Valve IBOP).

Full opening safety valve (TIW Valve).

A kick was taken on a trip out of the hole for a bit change. The well was secured and it was
decided to use the Volumetric Stripping Technique to return the bit to bottom. From the list
below select the correct answer for the position in the drill string of each of the above

a. Non-return valve on top closed, full opening safety valve below closed.

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 22

b. Full opening safety valve on top open, non-return valve below closed.

c. Non-return valve on top open, full opening safety valve below open.

d. Non-return valve on top closed, full opening safety valve below open.

3 marks

IWCF Surf. Supv..Equip. Sept. 05 23

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