Aitsl Table

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Section 1: AITSL My goals for this Actions to develop my Indicators of success:

Graduate Standard aspect: capability:

Short Term Goals (end of semester)
Professional Practice Gain a general Observe different Ability to identify,
Standard 5: Assess, understanding of what is moderation processes and describe and/or
provide feedback and involved in the internal practices utilised by mentor implement a range of
report on student moderation process and teacher and colleagues. moderation processes
learning practices at my practicum and strategies.
5.3 Demonstrate Collect a range of Ask mentor teacher and/or Accumulate a range of
understanding of moderation resources colleagues questions about resources for moderation
assessment moderation and sample rubrics. the moderation process to utilise in future
and its application to and specific practice.
support consistent and tools/resources they use.
comparable judgments Save copies or source
of student learning these.
Professional Practice Understand general Ask mentor teacher what Ability to identify what is
Standard 5: Assess, reporting processes and assessments/recordings necessary in order to
provide feedback and practices. are necessary/utilised in report on student
report on student the reporting process. learning.
learning Observe what reporting
format is utilised by the
5.5 demonstrate school.
understanding of a Recognise methods used Observe mentor teachers Ability to implement a
range of strategies for to record student learning use of methods and variety of record-keeping
reporting the students in the classroom. strategies in recording strategies.
and parents/carers and student learning in class
the purpose of keeping activities and assessment.
accurate and reliable Observe how my mentor Observe how student Ability to implement a
records of student teacher communicates learning is discussed, and variety of communication
achievement. with students and if there are strategies.
parents/caregivers routines/strategies in place
throughout my practicum. before, after or during
school hours.
Accumulate a variety of Save copies or locate Accumulate a range of
record-keeping resources/tools used by record-keeping
tools/templates/resources mentor teacher to record resources/tools/templates
from my mentor teacher. student learning. for future practice.
Long Term Goals (internship/early career)
Professional Practice Trial a variety of Experiment by Positive feedback from
Standard 5: Assess, approaches to implementing a range of mentors, supervisors
provide feedback and moderation to determine approaches to moderation and/or colleges regarding
report on student the most effective and in the classroom, making how the evaluation is
learning suiting. observations, reflecting executed in a way which
and evaluating which were enables consistent and
5.3 Demonstrate most successful in comparable judgements
understanding of particular contexts. to be made of student
assessment moderation learning.
and its application to
support consistent and
comparable judgments
of student learning
Professional Practice Collaborate with Expand on existing Expanding record-
Standard 5: Assess, colleagues to share and recording-keeping, keeping/reporting
provide feedback and continue developing reporting, and resource collection and
report on student reporting skills and communication resources demonstration of a wide
learning practices. and strategies (particularly range of strategies for
those aligned with the recording, reporting and
5.5 demonstrate schools specific reporting communicating student
understanding of a process). achievement.
range of strategies for Trial a range of reporting Experiment by Positive feedback from
reporting the students processes to determine implementing a range of mentors, supervisors
and parents/carers and the most effective and record-keeping methods and/or colleges regarding
the purpose of keeping appropriate for the and parent-teacher/parent- how strategies for
accurate and reliable particular class/school. student-teacher recording and reporting
records of student communication strategies, express accurate and
achievement. making observations, reliable representations
reflecting and evaluating of student learning.
which were most
successful in the particular

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