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Graduate Standard (SMART goals Specific, (Be specific about what actions you will you/others see if your
Measurable, Accurate, Relevant, intend to undertake and the support goal is achieved?
and Time bound) and professional learning you will
Short Term Goals (that can be achieved within this semester)
Standard 5.1 I believe it is important to -Use a wide range of assessment - Positive feedback from mentor
make consistent and rubrics; teacher and parents
Demonstrate comparable judgements of - evidence of understanding is
understanding of student learning. In order to shown through ongoing lessons
assessment strategies, achieve this on my 3rd year -Student assessment folders
including informal and prac I will use assessment outline each students learning
formal, diagnostic, rubrics to determine levels of style and preference for different
formative and student learning. Therefore, -Create a resource folder assessments
summative this new knowledge of
- Self-reflection
approaches to assess moderation can be used to
student learning. effectively track students - Caters for all types of learners
process against the lessons
success criteria as a means of
responsive, ongoing
Standard 6.2 By the end of this year it is my -Ensure to attend all - Positive feedback from mentor
goal to create a folder of my meetings/professional development teacher and other staff members
Understand the professional learning days whilst on prac - Behaviour will change in the
relevant and experiences. After every classroom
-Attend staff meetings, excursions
appropriate sources of experience I will complete a -More positive and self-confident
and carnivals
professional learning self-reflection identifying within my teaching career
for teachers. strengths and weaknesses and -Participate in professional - Teacher portfolio contains
areas for improvement. This development seminars through more certificates and
folder will become a keepsake Curtin University; achievements
to my teaching career.
Long Term Goals (those that can are more likely to be achieved beyond this semester)
The use of technology requires -Observation notes include a range of -Curriculum support materials
3.4 Demonstrate a higher order of thinking, thus different resources used by the are found throughout lessons
knowledge of a range becomes an effective resource mentor teacher -Teacher confidence
of resources, including for teachers to build in the -Personal lesson plans show a range - Can appropriately identify
ICT, that engage classroom. Using a wide range of resources when to use technology in the
students in their of resources enables students classroom
-Resources in the classroom are
learning. to develop their skills. As a - Student history becomes on
easily accessible to students
future educator, a resource task, rather than unrelated
bank will be created through - Build a google drive for resources; topics
the use of google Teachers pay teachers -Students seemed more
drive/portfolios. motivated and engaged
- Monitor progress; what resources
are more engaging to the students
Building new relationships Importantly, I would like to build -Getting to know colleagues and - Participating within school and
effective collegial relationships. students; asking about interests, community activities
To do this I will strive to spend hobbies and families.
-Photos displayed around the
extra time in the staff room
- Participate in organising team school
talking to others. My goal is to
always be friendly and offer -Positive feedback/responses
others a welcoming hand. This -Ensure time to have from students, staff or parents
can be achieved by taking the conversations with school
-Sharing strategies
opportunity for incidental leaders, teaching assistants,
conversations such as waiting for support staff etc. -Whilst seeking advice there are
the photocopier or being out on more people to confine in when
-Avoiding negative influences
yard duty. needed
- Keep classroom door open to
- More students begin to confine
others after class open door
and ask for support
- Makes a conscience effort to
engage in conversation with
parents before/after class
-Demonstrates participation in
community events
Personal Wellbeing In my 3rd year practicum I strive -Ensure a correct amount of sleep - Self-reflection, is my mental
to keep my personal health and health reflecting on the students?
- Pack a healthy recess and lunch
wellbeing a priority. Challenges in
-Emotional and physical strength
the past have caused neglect due - Strive for 30 minutes of exercise
shown throughout lessons
to becoming immersed in tasks every day
that arise. During my prac I would -Understanding and supportive of
-Ensure rest or study breaks
like my positive whereabouts to students mental health and well
during completion of organising
reflect the students. Thus, being
the next day
achieving a nurturing and
- Demonstrate forms of self
accepting work environment. -Demonstrate confidence, optisim
calming through yoga, breathing
and persistence in all tasks
-Monitor stress levels
-Displayed posters in the
-Stay in contact with friends and classroom about a balanced life
family style
-Drink water!
Long Term Goals (those that can are more likely to be achieved beyond this semester)
Maintaining support networks Throughout completing my -Sending regular texts or making -Exchange personal email
degree my friends and family phone calls to friends and family addresses with previous prac
members have been my biggest mentors
-Checking in on social media
supporters. Therefore I strive to
-Pinterest board of positive and
remain connected with these - Ensuring time for friends and
inspiring stories
people in my life. Before
completing my degree, I would family on the weekends -Keep documents of shared
like to accomplish a balanced life teaching strategies and lesson
- Let loved ones know when your
style. This balanced life style plans
stressed or under pressure at
contains enjoying time with
work - Use of Facebook groups;
friends and families. However,
Primary Education Group
maintaining a professional work - Keep up hobbies; netball
ethic and standard. -Using dairy and journals
- Plan ahead!
-Increase of time management
- Using online tools
and organisation skills
-Beware of venting through
social media