Isopanishad Final Test

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ISO MT-2017

Sri Isopanishad Module test

A.For the below excerpts from Srila Prabhupada Purports , fill in the blanks.
Each blank carries one mark.

1.You may call the Vedas Hindu, but "Hindu" is a foreign name. We are not Hindus. Our real
identification is ____________. [Intro]

2.The words spoken by the Lord are called _________________, which indicates that they are
not delivered by any mundane person.[mantra 1]

3.When altruistic activities are executed in the spirit of r opaniad, they become a form of
__________ . Such activities are recommended in the Bhagavad-gt for they guarantee their
executor protection from the danger of ___________________________________. [mantra 2]

4.How one can execute God-centred activities is elaborately explained in the

_________________ , by Srila __________.[ mantra 2]

5.In the Rg Veda it is stated that the Suras always aim at________________________
and act accordingly. Their ways are as illuminated as .[Mantra 3]
6.Although fixed in His abode, the Personality of Godhead is swifter than the and can
overcome all others . The powerful demigods cannot approach Him. Although in
one place, He controls those who supply and . He surpasses all in
excellence.[mantra 4]
7.The individual sparks of the supreme whole (the Lord) possess almost of the
known qualities of the whole, but they are not quantitatively equal to the Supreme Lord. If the
individual living being were equal to the Supreme Lord both qualitatively and quantitatively,
there would be no question of his being under the influence of . Therefore
does not mean that a living being is equal in all respects to the Supreme Lord. It does, however,
indicate that in a broader sense there is one .[mantra 7]

8.For a devotee, the modes of passion and ignorance are removed by the grace of the Lord. In
this way the devotee becomes situated in the quality of , the sign of a perfect_____.
Anyone can qualify as a brhmaa if he follows the path of devotional service under the
guidance of a .
ISO MT-2017

When one attains brahminical qualifications, he becomes to render devotional

service to the Lord. Automatically the science of God is unveiled before him. By knowing the
science of God, one gradually becomes freed from , and one's doubtful mind
becomes by the grace of the Lord. One who attains this stage is a_________and
can see the Lord in every step of life. This is the perfection of , as described in
this mantra of r opaniad. [mantra 13]

9.In this mantra 14, r opaniad teaches that one must perfectly know both and
_________, side by side. [Mantra 14]

10.The Paramtm feature of the Personality of Godhead is one of three plenary expansions,
or viu-tattvas,collectively known as the purua-avatras. One of these viu-tattvas who is
within the universe is known as _____________Viu. He is the Viu among the three principal
deitiesBrahm, Viu and ivaand He is the all-pervading Paramtm in each and every
individual living entity. The second viu-tattva within the universe is _____________Viu, the
collective Supersoul of all living entities. Beyond these two is _____________Viu, who lies in
the Causal Ocean. He is the creator of all universes. The yoga system teaches the serious student
to meet the viu-tattvas after going beyond the twenty-four material elements of the cosmic
creation.[verse 15]
11.According to Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, a conditioned soul has to act for double functions
namely______________________ and ______________________.(Mantra 17)

B. Match the Sanskrit and English names of various qualities of Lord as given in Mantra 8
[10 Marks]
a) Sukram 1. Without veins
b) Akayam 2. Antiseptic
c) Avranam 3. Philosopher
d) Asnaviram 4. Without reproach
e) Suddham 5. Greatest of all
f) apapa-viddham 6. Prophylactic
g) Kavih 7. Omnipotent
h) Manisi 8. Self-sufficient
i) Paribhuh 9. Omniscient
j) Svayambhuh 10. Unembodied
ISO MT-2017

C. Answer the following 25 questions. Maximum Marks given against the question.
1.What are the four defects of conditioned soul? [2]
2.What are the two systems of knowledge in the material world?[2]
3. Describe the three features of Absolute Truth.[3]
4.Give Examples from nature of accepting one's own quota.[2]
5. Define karma, vikarma and akarma [3]
6. Srila Prabhupada says, In the lower stages of life one cannot immediately adopt the activities
of devotional service, nor can one completely stop fruitive work. In that case, what is one
expected to do according to mantra 2 purport?[2]
7. What is the example given by Srila Prabhupada to show that the better facility for comfortable
life given to human beings as compared to animals is meant for performing higher duties.[2]
8. What is the fate of the person who sincerely tried but failed to complete the process of
realizing his relationship with God in this lifetime?[2]
9. Explain the term Anupasyati[2]
10. Whom does the Bhagavad Gita (16.17-18) rebuke by calling them Atma sambhavita and
why are they called so?[3]
11. Briefly explain the Nirguna platform?[2]
12. Explain the terms Suddham and Apapa-viddham in relation to the Supreme Lord.[4]
13. What examples are given to show that the Supreme Lord is self-sufficient?[4]
14. Based on Srila Prabhupadas purport , write a note on the pseudo-religionists?[4]
15. Write down any 6 items of knowledge as per BG 13.8-12.[6]
16. Briefly describe some of the consequences of the culture of nescience in the field of
university education, nationalism, defense etc..?[5]
17. Elaborate on the expression Making the best use of a bad bargain as given in mantra 11.
18. What is the meaning of Sambhuta according to Vedanta Sutra? What is the nature of
sambhuta according to Srimad Bhagavatam?[2]
19. What is the way to worship the Supreme Lord in this age of disturbance?[1]
20. What is the relative position of the karmi, jnani, yogi, and bhakta according to BG 6.46-47.
What is the definition of the topmost Yogi according to Krishna?[3]
ISO MT-2017

21. Explain the meaning of the term Bhagavan , as given by Srila Jiva Goswami?[4]
22. Give the cycle of evolution of the human form of the living entity beginning from the
aquatic form?[3]
23. List the nine processes of Devotional service and the names of the devotees who perfected
these 9 processes.[6]
24. Give the sloka and translation of the Invocation[5]
25. Give the sloka and translation of mantra 1. [5]

D.ESSAY type question. Attempt all.

1. Based on Isopanishad verses and Srila Prabhupadas purports, write an essay on

Arca-Vigraha seva Vs Idol worship.[ 10 marks]

2. Give a summary of Srila Prabhupadas purport to mantra 18 by mentioning

a) the general arrangements made by the Lord to facilitate the journey of all living entities back
to His Lotus feet and
b) the special mercy available to His devotees to attain Him and overcome hindrances on the
path. [10 marks]

3. Write an essay on the topic Vedic knowledge is infallible based on the Introductory text by
Srila Prabhupada. [10 marks]

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