Explain in Your Own Words The Process of Sense Control by Krishna Consciousness With Ref To Verses

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Sangeeta Biswas

Explain in your own words the process of sense control by Krishna

Consciousness with ref to verses, purports, analogies & examples
from BG 2.54 – 68 and 3.4 – 8. How is this relevant for :
1) Arjuna’s situation on the battle field of Kurukshetra
2) Your own practice of Krishna Consciousness.

Ans – Controlling senses is a great challenge for everyone as a result we see concentrating on any
matter for a long time is difficult at times. Uncontrolled mind and senses is also hindrance in one’s
spiritual life too. Almost everyone of us is struggling with our senses. The senses are compared to a
venomous serpents. If there is no restriction they act loosely. A devotee or a self-realized soul must
act like a snake charmer and must not allow the senses to act independently. One who is able to
control his senses can be fixed in Krishna Consciouness as Krishna Consciouness is the only way one
can control his/her senses, otherwise most of us are servants of our senses.

If we see a tortoise it can at any moment wind up or exhibit its senses at anytime for particular
purposes. Similarly the senses of a devotee of the Lord are used only for some particular purpose –
in the service of the Lord and are withdrawn otherwise. Unless one is transcendentally situated one
cannot cease from sense enjoyment. It is like restricting a diseased person from certain eatables
even though he might not like such restrictions. But such restrictions are for one’s good only
because when one is actually in Krishna Consciouness he loses taste for pale things.

Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that one who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best friends,
but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.

We have seen many examples of exalted sages like Visvamitra due to agitated mind has fallen victim
to material sense enjoyment inspite of endeavouring for sense control with severe types of penance
& yoga practice. Therefore it is highly difficult to control the mind and senses without being fully
Krishna Consciouss. Krishna Conciousness is such a a transcendentally nice thing that automatically
material enjoyment becomes distasteful - its like a hungry man fed with nutritious food. Another
perfect example was Ambarish Maharaj whose mind was engaged in Krishna Consciousness hence
he could conquer great yogi Durvasa Muni. His words describing the abode of the Lord, his hands
cleaning the temple, his ears engaged in hearing the passtimes of the Lord, his eyes being engaged in
seeing the form of the Lord, his body touching the body of devotees, his nose smelling the flowers
which has been offered to the Lord, his tongue tasting Prasadam, his legs travelling to Holy places
where Lord’s temples are situated, his head by offering obeisances unto Lord, and his desires by
fulfilling the desires of the Lord. Hence the senses can be completely controlled only by the strength
of devotional service to Krishna. Among various yoga systems given in Bhagavad Gita for the spiritual
practices easiest of all is Bhakti Yoga In which one needs to devote his mind & thoughts in
remembering the name, form, qualities, passtimes and glories of the Lord – this eventually helps in
purifying our mind when the senses are used in the service of the Lord. Hence the material covering
from our intelligence will be eroded ; which will make it receptive to receive the wisdom from
Eternal Soul (who is guided by Parmatama). Hence the best way to erode material covering is to
chant Holy Names – Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Sangeeta Biswas

1) On Arjuna’s thought that the way to control his senses, he can give up his duty as a Kshatriya
– leave the battlefield and become a renunciate was the best way out which was completely
rejected by Krishna because renunciation doesn’t mean giving up one’s material duty of
fighting. As per Krishna one cannot live without working in this world and to maintain one’s
physical body you have to work. One may externally give up one’s duty but his mind and
senses will keep on dwelling on it. Arjuna may give up his Kshatriya duty of fighting, but in
his mind he will keep thinking about his enemies and will remain disturbed. Hence Krishna’s
advised Arjuna to follow his nature and do his prescribed duty as per the scriptures. Krishna
told Arjuna to practice Karma Yoga (in Krsna Consciousness) without attachment. It will help
him to engage his mind and senses positively in the service of the Lord.
2) As per my practice of Krishna Consciousness I try to sincerely follow the words of my Guru
Maharaj, my Siksha Guru - HG Vallabh Chaitanya Das who always stresses on following the 4
reguative principles, attentive japa of 16 rounds, and to engage more and more in the seva/
service of Krishna because he being the master of the senses (Hrsikesa) helps us to control
our senses easily. Though I am still struggling to control my mind and senses but yet many
things which use to easily agitate me in the past has now helped me to be calm in many
situation. This little bit control which I have managed to do is all because of the books of our
Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupada.

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