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Ethics- A normative scienceof the conduct of human being living in a society. They are rules of conduct.

Police Ethics- A practicalscience that treats the principles ofhuman morality and duty as applied to law

Virtue- A habit thatinclines person to act in a way that harmonizes with his nature.

Moral Virtue- It concerns thoseactions pertaining to ones duties towards his neighbors and himself.

Conscience- It is a voice ofreason bending oneself to something right or avoids something wrong.

Command- It is an authority aperson lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of his rank or
assignmentor position.

Responsibility- The obligation toperform duties and functions and to the consequences of activities
under onescommand.

Command Responsibility- Thedoctrine the impose commensurate accountability to the one who is
vested withauthority to exercise management leadership functions.

Maximum Tolerance- Aconceptual policy laid down for observance of all law enforcement personnel
toexercise utmost restraint and self-control in the performance of their officialfunctions.



A. Prudence- An ability to govern and discipline oneself bemeans of reason and sound judgment. It is
a virtue that attracts the intellectto choose the most effective means of accomplishing what is morally
good andfor avoiding what is evil.

B. Temperance- Anability to moderate or avoid something. It is a virtue that regulates thecarnal

appetite for sensual pleasure

C. Fortitude- Firmnessof mind. It is the courage to endure without yielding. A virtue that
incitescourage. It is exercise by means of:

1) Patience- calmnessand composure in enduring something;

2) Perseverance- theability to go on despite of the obstacles and opposition; and
3) Endurance- it is theability to last.

D. Justice- Thevirtue that inclines the will to give to each one of his rights. There arethree (3) division
of justice, to wit:

1) Commutative- virtuethat regulates those actions that involve the rights that exist between
2) Distributive- itregulates those actions that involve the rights that an individual may claimform
society; and
3) Legal- virtuethat regulates those actions which society may justly require to the individualfor the
common good.



1. Foundations of PNP Ethical Doctrine

1. Divine and moral precepts

2. Section 1, Article XI, 1987 Constitution
3. Articles 203-245, Title VII(Crimes Committedby Public Officers) of the Revised Penal Code
4. Republic Act 6713- Code of Conduct andEthical Standards for Public Officials and Employees
5. Republic Act 3019- Anti-Graft and CorruptPractices Act
6. Republic Act 6975- DILG Law of 1991 asAmended
7. The Original Police Manual
8. Related Special Laws such as: RA7080-Anti-Plunder Act; RA9485-Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007, etc.
9. NAPOLCOM Resolution No. 92-4 (12 March 1992)- Approving the draft of the PNPCode of
Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards.
10. NAPOLCOMResolution No. 93-023-Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards ofPolicemen
11. PNP Code of Professional Conduct and EthicalStandards (COPCES)

1. Fundamental Police Principles

1. Prevention of Crime and Disorder

2. Community Approval
3. Willingness of the People to Assist
4. Use of Physical Force and Compulsion
5. Offering of Individual Service to PreservePublic Favor
6. Resort Minimum Degree of Physical Force whenNecessary
7. Police is the People and the People in thePolice
8. Refrain from Usurping the Power of Judiciary
9. Test of Police Efficiency
10. Test of Law Enforcement Integrity
11.Constant Development of Police Education andTraining
12. Stability on the Republic and the Strength ofDemocracy
13. MagnificentPrinciple: Love God; Honor the Government; and Respect the People.
14. People-Peacemaker, Police- Peacekeeper, LGU-Peace observer

1. Canons of Police Ethics

1. Primordial Police Responsibility

2. Limitation of Police Authority
3. Knowledge of the Law and otherResponsibilities
4. Use of Proper Means to Obtain Proper Ends
5. Cooperation with Public Officials
6. Proper Conduct and Behavior
7. Conduct Towards the Community
8. Conduct in Arresting Law violators
9. Firmness in Refusing Gifts
10. Impartial presentation of Evidence
11. Attitude Towards Police Profession
1. Purposes of the COPCES

1. Foster individual efficiency, behavioraldiscipline and organizational effectiveness, as well as respect

forconstitutional and human rights of citizens, democratic principles and idealsand the supremacy of
civilian authority over the military;
2. Set the moral tone and norms of professionalconduct in the police service;
3. Provide moral and ethical guidance to all PNPmembers; and
4. Enlighten members of the police service ofwhat behavior is really acceptable- to define what is
permitted and what isprohibited.

1. Policies and Principles the Guide the PNP Towards Professionalized and Dedicated
Law Enforcers (Section 2, Chapter 1-Declaration of Policy)

1. Public office is a public trust

2. All public servants must at all times beaccountable to the people
3. Serve with utmost responsibility, integrity,morality, loyalty and efficiency
4. Respect to human rights and dignity as ahallmark of a democratic society
5. Bear faithful allegiance to the legitimategovernment
6. Support and uphold the Constitution
7. Respect the duly constituted authority and beloyal to the police service

1. Basic Police Values (Sec. 1, Chap. II- Police Officers Creed and Stand on Basic Issues)

1. Love of God
2. Respect to authority
3. Selfless love and service for people
4. Respect for women and sanctity for marriage
5. Responsible dominion and stewardship overmaterial things
6. Truthfulness

1. Police Officers Creed (Sec. 2, Chap. II)

1. I believe in God, The Supreme Being, A GreatProvider, and the Creator of all men and
everything dear to me.

Inreturn, I can do less than love Him above all by obeying His word, seek Hisguidance in the
performance of my sworn duties and honor Him at all times.

2. I believe that respect for authority is aduty.

a) I respect and uphold the Constitution, thelaws of the land and the applicable rules and regulations.
b) I recognize the legitimacy and authority ofthe leadership; and obey legal orders of my superior

3. I believe in selfless love and service topeople.

Towardsthis end, I commit myself to the service of my fellowmen over and above mypersonal

4. I believe in the sanctity of marriage andrespect for women.

Ishall set the example of decency and morality and shall have high regard forfamily life and
value of marital fidelity.

5. I believe in the responsible dominion andstewardship over material things.

a) I shall inhibit myself from extravagance andostentatious display of material things;

b) I shall help protect the environment andconserve nature to maintain ecological balance; and
c) I shall respect private and public propertiesand prevent others from destroying it

6. I believe in the wisdom of truthfulness.

Imust be trustworthy and I shall speak the truth at all times.

1. PNP Stand on Basic Issues (Sec. 3, Chap II)

1. PNP Image
AllPNP members should conduct themselves in a manner the would not place the PNPin the bad light.
Instead they must live in accordance with the PNP core valuesand possess the following virtues:

a) Honor;
b) Integrity;
c) Valor;
d) Justice;
e) Honesty;
f) Humility;
g) Charity; and
h) Loyalty to the service

2. Career Management
ThePNP shall formulate and implement policies and human resources developmentsystem for all
personnel, from recruitment to retirement.

3. Police Management Leadership

Theprimary basis in the selection of personnel for employment and deployment shallbe the individuals
capabilities and competent leadership.

4. Equality in the Service

Thereshall be judicious and equitable distribution of opportunity to prove onesworth in the PNP service
and it shall strictly adhere to the rule of merit and fitness system .

5. Delicadeza
PNPmembers must have moral courage to sacrifice self-interest.

6. Police Lifestyle
PoliceOfficer must be free from greed, corruption and exploitation. The publicexpects a police officer to
live a simple, credible and dignified life.

7. Political Patronage
AllPNP members must inhibit himself solicitingpolitical patronage on matters pertaining to assignment,
awards, trainings andpromotion.
8. Human Rights
AllPNP members must respect and protect human dignity and mans inalienable rightsto life, liberty and

9. Setting Example
AllPNP members shall set good example to their subordinates and follow goodexample from their

1. Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards (Sec. 1-3, Chap. III)

Standard of Police Professionalism- All PNPmembers shall perform their duties with excellence,
competence, integrity,intelligence and expertise in the application of specialized skill andtechnical
Police Professional Conduct

1. Commitment to Democracy
PNPpersonnel must commit themselves to the democratic way of life and values;maintain the principles
of public accountability, uphold the Constitution atall times and be loyal to the country, people and the

2. Commitment to Public Interest

PNPpersonnel must always uphold public interest over and above personal interest.They shall use public
resources and properties economically and judiciously toavoid wastage of public funds.

3. Non- Partisanship
PNPmembers shall provide services to everyone without discrimination.

4. Physical Fitness and Health

PNPmembers shall strive to be physically and mentally fit and in good health atall times.

5. Secrecy Discipline
PNPmembers shall guard the confidentiality of classified information againstunauthorized disclosure.

6. Social Awareness
AllPNP personnel and their immediate family members shall be encouraged toactively get involved in the
religious, social and civic activities to enhancethe image of the organization but without affecting their
official duties.

7. Non-Solicitation of Patronage
PNPmembers shall seek self-improvement through career development and shall notdirectly or indirectly
solicit influence or recommendation from politician,government officials, prominent citizens, person
affiliated with civic orreligious organization with regards to promotion, assignments, transfer etc.

8. Proper Care and Use of Public Property

PNPmembers shall be responsible for the security, proper care and use of publicproperty issued to them
or deposited under their custody.

9. Respect for Human Rights

PNPmembers shall respect and protect human dignity and uphold the human rights ofall persons.

10. Devotion to Duty

PNPmembers shall perform their duties with dedication, thoroughness, efficiency,enthusiasm,
determination, and manifest concern for public welfare.
11. Conservation of Natural Resources
PNPmembers shall help in the development and conservation of the natural resourcesfor ecological
balance and posterity.

12. Discipline
PNPmembers shall conduct themselves properly at all times in keeping with therules and regulations of
the organization.

13. Loyalty
Above all, PNPmembers must be loyal to the Constitution and the police service as manifestedby their
loyalty to their superiors, peers and subordinates.

14. Obedience to Superiors

AllPNP members shall obey lawful orders and be courteous to superior officers andother appropriate
authorities within the chain of command.

15. Command Responsibility

Immediatecommanders shall be responsible for the effective supervision, control anddirection of their

Ethical Standards

Referto established and generally accepted moral values and ethical acts

1. Morality
PNPmembers must adhere to high standard of morality and decency and shall set goodexamples for
others. During their term of office they should not be involved asowners, operators or investors of any
house of ill refute or activities thatpromote vices. They should be likewise faithful to their lawfully

2. Judicious Use of Authority

PNPmembers shall exercise proper and legitimate use of authority in theperformance of duty.

3. Integrity
PNPmembers shall not allow themselves to be victims of corruption and dishonestpractices.

4. Justice
PNPmembers shall strive constantly to respect rights of others.

5. Humility
PNPmembers must perform their duties without arrogance. They should recognizetheir own inadequacies,
inabilities and limitations as individuals and performtheir duties without attracting attention or expecting
the applause of others.

6. Orderliness
AllPNP members shall follow logical procedures in accomplishing task assigned tothem to minimize waste
in the use of time money and effort.

7. Perseverance
Oncea decision is made, all PNP members shall take legitimate means to achieve thegoal even in the face
of internal and external difficulties and despiteanything, which might weaken their resolve in the course
of time.
1. Police Customs and Traditions


1. Customs-established usage or social practices carried on by tradition that haveobtained the force of

2. Traditions- bodies ofbelief , stories , and customs usages banded prom the generation to
generationwith the effect of unwritten law.

3. Courtesy- amanifestation or expression of consideration and respect for others.

4. Ceremony- a formalacts established by customs or authority as proper to special occasion.

5. SocialDecorum-a set of norms or standard practiced by members during social and otherfunctions.

1. Police Customs on Courtesy

1. Salute- the usualgreeting rendered by uniformed members upon meeting and recognizing
personentitled to salute.

2. Salute tothe National Color and Standard- members stand at attention and salutethe national
color and standard as it pass by them or lowered duringceremonies.

3. Address/Title-juniorin rank address senior members who are entitled to salute with word Sir

1. Police Customs and Courtesy Calls

1. CourtesyCall of Newly Assigned/ Appointed Members - PNP members who arenewly

appointed or assigned in a unit or command call on the chief of the unitor command and to other key
personnel for accounting, orientation and otherpurposes.

2. ChristmasCall- PNPmembers pay a Christmas call on their local executive in their respective areaof

3. New YearsCall-PNP members pay a new years call on their superiors or key officials on
theirrespective area of responsibility.

4. PromotionCall newly appointed PNP members call on their unit heads. On this occasion, theyare
usually given due recognition and congratulations by their peers for suchdeserved accomplishment.

5. Exit Call PNP members pay anexit call in their superior in their command when relieved or
reassigned out ofthe said unit or command.

6. Courtesyof the Post the host unit extends hospitality to visiting personnelwho pays respect to
the command or unit.

7. Rank-Has-It-OwnPrivilege (RHIP) PNP members recognize the practice thatdifferent ranks

carry with them corresponding privileges.
1. Police Customs on Ceremonies

1. FlagRaising Ceremony The PNP members honor the flag by raising itand singing the National
Anthem before the start of official days work.

2. FlagRetreat Ceremony At the end of the official days work, thePNP members pause for the
moment to salute the lowering of the flag.

3. Half-Mast Theflag is raised at half-mast in deference to deceased uniformed members of


4. FuneralService and Honors Departed uniformed members, retirees, warveterans, PC/INP

members are given vigil, necrological services, and gravesidehonors as a gesture of farewell.

5. CeremoniesTendered to Retirees In recognition to their long and faithful andhonorable service

to the PNP, a testimonial activity is rendered to theirhonor.

6. Honor ofCeremony Arrival and Departure honor ceremonies are tendered tovisiting dignitaries.
VIPs, PNP officer with the grade of Chief Superintendentand above and AFP officers with the equivalent
grade , unless waived.

7. Turn-overCeremony- Therelinquishment and assumption of command or key position of command

ispublicity announced in a turn-over ceremony by the outgoing and incomingofficer in the presence of the
immediate supervisor or his representative.

8. WeddingCeremonies- During marriage of PNP members , a ceremony is conductedwith participant

in uniform and swords drawn.

9. Anniversary- The birthor institutional establishment of the command or unit is commemorated in

ananniversary ceremony.

1. Police Customs on Social Decorum

1. ProperAttire PNPmembers always wear appropriate and proper attire in conformity with

2. TableManners PNPmembers always observe table etiquettes at all times.

3. SocialGraces PNPmembers should conduct themselves properly in dealing with people during

4. Uniform/Appearancethe public looks upon the PNP members as distinctively a man among men.
It is awelcome sight when the PNP members wear their uniform wherever they may be,since disciplined
PNP members are the best exemplified by those who are in neatappearance and wearing the prescribed
uniform, they must therefore observe thefollowing, to wit;

4.1.Wearing of prescribed uniform;

4.2 . Wearing as part of the uniform, awards, anddecorations earned in accordancewith the
prescribed rules and regulations.
4.3.Adherence to haircut prescribed by rules andregulations.

5. Manner ofWalking EveryPNP member is expected to walk with pride and dignity.
1. Other Police Customs

1. Visitingthe Sick PNP members who are sick in the hospital, their residence or any place
ofconfinement are visited by their immediate commanders or other availableofficers of the unit in order
that their needs are attended to.

2. SurvivorAssistance to Heirs of Deceased Members When PNP members die,a survivor officer
is designated to render maximum assistance to theirlegitimate bereaved family until all benefits due shall
have been received.

3. Visitingthe Religious Leader PNP officers visits religious leaders intheir area of assignment to
establish or maintain rapport or cooperationbetween the different religious leaders and the PNP.

4. AthleticsAll PNP members indulge in physical fitness activities to insure that theirproper physical
appearance and bearing are maintained with waistlinemeasurement always smaller that the size of his
chest and in conformity in thestandard set forth by the organization.

5. HappyHours Usually on Friday or any other day suitable for the occasion, PNP membersgathered
together at their PNP club for light hearted jesting or airing ofminor gripes.

1. Police Traditions

1. SpiritualBeliefs ThePNP members are traditionally religious and God-loving person. They
attendreligious services together with the members of their family.

2. Valor Historyattest that the Filipino law enforcers have exemplified the traditions of valorin
defending the country from aggression and oppression. They sacrificed theirlimbs and lives for the sake
of their countrymen whom they have pledged toserve.

3. PatriotismThe PNP members are traditionally patriotic by nature. They manifest their loveof
country with a pledge of allegiance to the flag and a vow to defend theconstitution.

4. Disciplinethe discipline of the PNP members are manifested by instinctive obedience tolawful
orders and through spontaneous action towards attainment oforganizational objectives guided by moral,
ethical, and legal norms.

5. Gentlemanlinessthe PNP members are upright in character, polite in manners, dignified

inappearance, and sincere in their concern to their fellowman.

6. Word ofHonor the PNP members word is their bonds. They stand by and commit to uphold it.

7. Duty the PNPmembers have historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public servantswho
perform their tasks with deep sense of responsibility and self-sacrifice.

8. Loyalty thepolicemen are traditionally loyal to the organization, country, or people, asborne by
history and practice.

9. Camaraderiethe binding spirit that enhances the teamwork and cooperation in the
policeorganization, extending to the people they serve, is manifested by the PNPmembers deep
commitment and concern to one another.

Q. The Law Enforcement Code of Ethics

As a law enforcementofficer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard life andproperty; to
protect the innocent against deception; the weak againstoppression or intimidation; and the peaceful
against violence or disorder; andto respect the Constitutional right of all men, to liberty, equality,

Iwill keep my private life unsullied as an example to all, maintain courageous calm in the face
ofdanger, scorn or ridicule, develop self-restraint and be constantly mindful ofthe welfare of others.
Honest in thought and in deed in my both personal andofficial life, I will be the exemplary in obeying the
laws of the land andregulations of my organization. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential natureor that
is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secretunless revelation is necessary in the
performance of my duty.

Iwill never act officiously or permit personal feelings , prejudices,animosities or friendships to

influence my decision. With no compromise forcrime and with relentless prosecution of criminal, I will
enforce the lawcourteously and appropriately, without fear or favor, malice or ill-will, neveremploying
unnecessary force or violence and never accepting gratuities inreturn.

Irecognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith and I accept itas public trust to be
held so long as Iam true to the ethics of the police service. I will never engage in the acts ofcorruption,
or bribery, nor will I condone such acts by other police officers.I will cooperate with all legally authorized
agencies and their representativesin the pursuit of justice.

Iknow that I alone, am responsible for my own standard of professionalperformance and will
take every reasonable opportunity to enhance and improvemy level of knowledge and competence. I will
constantly strive to achieve theseobjectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my
chosenprofessionlaw enforcement.

1. Police Officers Pledge

1. I will love and serve God, my country andpeople;

2. I will uphold the Constitution and obey legalorders of the duly constituted authorities;
3. I will oblige myself to maintain a highstandard of morality and professionalism;
4. I will respect the customs and traditions ofthe police service; and
5. I will live a decent and virtuous life toserve as an example to others.


1. Background on Police-Community Relations

Section 2of the RA 6975 reads:

Sec. 2.DECLARATION OF POLICY it is hereby declared to be the policy of the State topromote peace
and order, ensure public safety and further strengthen local government capability aimedtowards the
effective delivery of the basic services to the citizenry throughthe establishment of a highly efficient and
competent police force that isnational in scope and civilian in character. Towards this end, the state
shallbolster a system of coordination and cooperation among the citizenry, localexecutives
and the integrated law enforcement and public safety agencies createdunder this act.

Saidprovision was later amended by RA 8551, which reads:

Sec 2.DECLARATION OF POLICY AND PRINCIPLES it is hereby declared the policy of thestate to
establish a highly efficient and competent police force which isnational in scope and civilian in character
administered and controlled by aNational Police Commission.
ThePhilippine National Police (PNP) shall be a community and service
orientedagency responsiblefor the maintenance of peace and order and public safety.

Themen and women of the PNP is committed to a vision of a professional, dynamicand highly motivated
Philippine National Police working in partnership with a responsive community towards
theattainment of a safe place to live, work, invest and do business with.
Toenforce the law, to prevent and control crimes, to maintain peace and order,and to ensure public
safety and internal security with the active support of the community.


- A group of persons established, maintainedand organized for keeping order, safety, protection of
lives and property, andfor the prevention and detection of crimes.

- Refers to the civilian populace or the publicin general, and shall be used interchangeably with the
terms, public,citizenry, society and private sectors.
- A body of people organized into political,municipal or social unity or a body of persons living in the
same locality.
- Derived from the Latin word communis which means common and tatis which means

- The sum total of the dealings between thepolice and the people it serves, and whose goodwill and
cooperation it craves,for the greatest possible efficiency in the service.
- Refers to the reciprocal attitudes of thepolice and the community

- The act of bringing about betterunderstanding, confidence and acceptance for an individual or an


- The continuing process by which endeavors aremade to obtain the goodwill and cooperation of
the public for effectiveenforcement of the law and accomplishment of the police purposes.

- Consists of the fundamental rules both moraland legal, which govern the relationship of men in all
aspects of life.

- The channels through which information isdisseminated to the public.
- May be in form of television, movies, radioor newspaper, and the like.

- The planned use of mass communication forpublic purposes.
- Refers to how people in the communityperceive or regard the police.


Thefoundation of community relations is EFFICIENTSERVICE.


1. Sincerity in serving the public;

2. Full knowledge of the job;
3. Deep conviction in the mobility of his workas a necessary service to promote individual or national
4. Sound police ethics; and
5. High standards of management and operations.


1. Community Service
- Activities that provide service to thecommunity may be in form of medical-dental mission, sports
clinic, feedingprograms, seminars, etc.
2. Community Participation
- Involvement of the community in the varioussocial projects, particularly, in the area of crime
- Awareness of the community of their role incrime prevention.
3. Public Relations
- Activities directed at creating andmaintaining favorable impressions to the public.
- Projection of the police public image to thepeople to gain their support and cooperation


1. To maintain and develop the goodwill andconfidence of the community for the police;
2. To obtain cooperation and assistance;
3. To develop public understanding and support,and appreciation for the service of the police;
4. To create broader understanding and sympathywith the problems and needs of the police;
5. To facilitate law enforcement and compliance;
6. To build public opinion in favor of thepolice; and
7. To achieve the police purposes of preservingthe peace, protection of life and property, and the
prevention of crime.


1. Community support must be maintained.
2. Community resentment must be avoided.
3. Community goodwill must be developed.
4. Community must be kept informed.


1. Externally-OrientedApproach
- Directed towards the general public orvarious enclaves within the society.
2. Youth-OrientedApproach
- Directed the majority of police effortstowards the youth of the community

3. Service-OrientedApproach
- Emphasis is given to the alleviation ofsocial problems as the basic objective of the program.

4. Internally-OrientedApproach
- Essential characteristics is the realizationthat the officer on beat creates community relations
because Every officer ofthe organization, is a police-community relations officer

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