Full Participation of Students With Disability 2

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Lesson Plan

School: Sunshine college North Campus

Year Group 8 Date: 04.05.16
Focus Area Learning Intentions Australian curriculum
By the end of the lesson, students will familiarise Modify rules and scoring systems to allow for fair play,
Vision impaired soccer themselves with the audible soccer ball in safety and inclusive participation (VCHPEM141).
preparation for a blindfolded soccer match.

POLT The principles of learning and teaching. Organisation / Student Groups Special Considerations

Students are challenged and supported to Whole class The surroundings of the gymnasium to avoid
develop deep levels of thinking and application any collisions with objects or furniture.
4.1 Teaching sequences promote sustained
learning that builds over time &
emphasises connections between ideas

Key Vocabulary Focus Questions References / Sources / Materials / Resources and

Linked to Learning Intentions Equipment
Visually impaired
Communication How does this improve your Scarves x10
communication skills? Pieces of cloth x 10
Does this activity improve your orientation Audible balls x 20
and mobility?
Heighten your spatial awareness and echo

Lesson Plan Template

Establishing prior knowledge. Tuning in activity. Guiding Inquiry and Practise Sharing, Explaining and Reviewing Inquiry
Focus questioning Share time. Student reflection. What do they now
Assessment Criteria: Assessment AS Learning know?
Assessment criteria: Assessment FOR learning
Assessment Criteria: Assessment OF Learning
Warm up: To allow to students familiarize
themselves with audible ball (which makes a rattling Soccer game: 30 minutes Debrief about todays lesson and then allow students to
noise), each student will be each be given an audible Similar rules to a game of soccer but there are get changed. (10 Minutes)
to play around with. important exceptions:
10 minutes All players are blindfolded expect for the How does this improve your communication
Progression to Relays with the audible ball: goalkeeper. skills?
Play with audible ball (which makes Does this activity improve your orientation and
Students are divided into 3 different groups. rattling noise). mobility?
They are to race each other up and back whilst Players are required to say go, voy or
dribbling the ball around each cone. However, something similar when going for the
the dribbler will be blindfolded but they will have ball: this alerts the other players about
a peer who will guide them through the cones. their position.
Rotate positions regularly.
A guide position outside the field of play,
provides instructions to the players.

10 minutes

Lesson Plan Template

Pre-service Teacher Reflection Mentor Teacher Feedback
Did students achieve the Learning Intentions? Strengths / Areas for Improvement
Success Criteria How will we work to improve them?
What were the successful strategies?
How did you the teacher get them to the end result?
Where to from here? Whats next?

Pre-service Teacher Name ________________________________________ Mentor Teacher Name___________________________________________

Signature________________________________ Date ___________________ Signature________________________________ Date __________________

Lesson Plan Template

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